460 Gomez 2019 TerminationRecipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page SEE IN®TRUCT10NS ON REVERSE Statement covers pFrlod from _ 1/1/2019 through . 7/30/2019 1. Type of Recipient Committee: All Commlttoo,% - Complete Pelts 1, 113, and 4. ® �fihcshoider, Candidate Controlled Committee ® Primarily Foal@d ®allot Me aaure State Candidate Election Comniltlag Committee ® Recall ® Controll@d (AW dompbk Part b) ® Sponsored (Alan Cam*m NO 6) ®*floral Purpose Committee Sponsored Small Contributor Committe@ Political Parly/C@ntral Committ@@ ® Primarily Form@d Candidate/ Officeholder Committee (Ako CompW P&FI f) 3. Committee Information I:®, NUMBER 1410351 4. Go with Gomez 2018, LQ City Council ®TREET ADDRESS (N®P 6.. 90X) 78070 Via Melodic Of Y STATE ZIP CODE ARBA CODER-HdO € La Quinta CA 92253 714 474 9680 MA I G ADDREss (IF 5WEPIENT) NOS A 9 BTREET OR P, , ISOX Sam@ 9 rITT STATE Z P 99BE ANtACODEIPL) FAX 1 = RESS gowlthgomez2018®gmail,cofn I hav@ Wiled all reusonabl@ diligence in preparing and reviewing this stilt@m@nt and to the beat of my certify under penalty of p@rjury under th@ laws of the state of California that th@ foregololg—joy@ and Executed on 7/28/19 i 3 g!a Executed on 7/25/10 _ @i@ Executed on- �ty Executed on By By Data of election If aipplic (Month, Day, Year) November 8, 2018 Data Stamp RECEIVED JUL 25 2019 CITY OF LA OUINTA YCLERK DEPARTMENT 2. Type of Statement: ® Preelection statement ® Semi-annual statement ® Termination statement (Also file a Form 410 Termination) ® Amendment (Explain below) COVER PAGE Pape 1 of 3 For i0mclal use Only ® Quarterly Stilt@fil@flt ® special Odd=Y@ar Report Treasurer(@) F THE ®ante Gomez G ADDR 78070 Via Melodle STA ODE AREA C09EI�MUN€ 1.0 Quinta _ CA 92253 714 474 9880 NAMC DFASSISrrAgNrfP,LASURER, NIA G ADDR t T STATE ODE ARFA COD EUP H ON h- OPTWNAL: FAX I WATFADDRESS the information contained heroin and in the atteched achedulea 1® trW@ and complete, I GF At By SignmillF@ Ef F +iiir411ing F 1F1 @i, L aPld taste, 51®i@ [�rJF ropvnenl By Sigra4FJf5 Lf LElftllplling 0FfieEl'I3 d@{. @Fltlidete, St6 (? �@@SIJF@ Proponent FPE€ form 460 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advlcm advice90foo€:€a:ftov 1866/275.17721