2019 Federal Emergency Management Acency (IPAWS) - Emergency Alert SystemRevised May 2017  M E M O R A N D U M TO: Jon McMillen, City Manager FROM: Zander Johnston, Sr. Emergency Services Coordinator DATE: July 7, 2019 RE: Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS) MOA Application Submittal The City of La Quinta meets the criteria to apply for a Memorandum of Agreement with the Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS). IPAWS will allow the City to contact residents and visitors in our City through the Emergency Alert System (EAS), Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) and NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) if necessary. These message dissemination pathways send warnings via broadcast, cable, satellite, wireline services, cell phone, mobile devices and a network of radio stations. Once the application has been submitted to the FEMA IPAWS MOA Coordinator, the MOA will be prepared and returned to the Primary Point of Contact, Sr. Emergency Services Coordinator, for signature by the City Manager. It will then be routed to the FEMA IPAWS-OPEN System Owner (Everbridge Inc. – Nixle 360). Once executed, a Collaborative Operating Group (COG) ID and digital certificate will be generated and implemented in IPAWS-OPEN. A copy of the executed MOA, COG ID, and digital certificate will be returned to the Primary Point of Contact. This is informational only. When the prepared MOA is received from Nixle a copy will submitted to the City Manager for signature. 1 V4.2, June 20, 2019 Memorandum of Agreement between the City of La Quinta and the Federal Emergency Management Agency Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) Program Management Office Regarding the use of: City of La Quinta Interoperable System(s) and IPAWS OPEN Platform for Emergency Networks (IPAWS-OPEN) Version 4.2 15 Jul 2019 WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid “need-to-know” without prior approval of the FEMA Integrated Public and Warning System and the FEMA Disclosure Offices. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY // CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION 2 V4.2, June 20, 2019 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT 1.0 SUPERSEDES: None 2.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this memorandum is to establish a management agreement between the City of La Quinta hereinafter referred to as the Collaborative Operating Group (COG), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) IPAWS Program regarding the utilization and security of City of La Quinta Interoperable System(s) (as shown in Appendix A), which interoperate with the IPAWS-Open Platform for Emergency Networks (IPAWS-OPEN). The expected benefit is to enable information interoperability across emergency response organizations and systems as intended by the FEMA IPAWS Program. This agreement will govern the relationship between the Collaborative Operating Group and FEMA, including designated managerial and technical staff and system users associated with the aforementioned COG. As indicated within the terms of this agreement, both parties agree to allow system interoperability through the use of SOAP over HTTPS via the public internet. Under this agreement, no direct or networked connection using VPN (or equivalent technology) between the systems named in Appendix A and IPAWS-OPEN is allowed. In the event a direct connection is required, an Interconnection Security Agreement must be executed. 3.0 AUTHORITY The authority for this agreement is based on the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (47 U.S.C § 606) and the implementation of regulation 47 C.F.R § 11 which establishes the statutory basis under which the FEMA IPAWS Program operates emergency alerting systems. In addition, Executive Order 13407 of June 26, 2006, Public Alert and Warning System Executive Order states, “It is the policy of the United States to have an effective, reliable, integrated, flexible, and comprehensive system to alert and warn the American people…establish or adopt, as appropriate, common alerting and warning protocols, standards, terminology, and operating procedures for the public alert and warning system to enable interoperability and the secure delivery of coordinated messages to the American people”. In response, FEMA established the IPAWS Program Management Office (PMO) in April 2007. 4.0 BACKGROUND It is the intent of both parties to this agreement to establish and utilize a standardized web based application interface (as defined by the IPAWS-OPEN Web Service Interface Design Guidance) between the information technology (IT) systems shown below to facilitate the exchange of emergency messages within the production environment. The testing of the interoperability of these systems has been performed through the use of FEMA's Test and Development environment to ensure the transference and receipt of emergency messages using approved messaging standards. The interoperability between these systems is supported by the use of SOAP over HTTPS via the public internet. 5.0 COMMUNICATIONS Frequent formal communications are essential to ensure the successful management and operation of system interoperability. Both parties agree to maintain open lines of communication between designated staff (as indicated in Appendix B) at both the managerial and technical levels. All communications described herein must be conducted in writing and may be disseminated by electronic means unless otherwise noted. The owners of the respective systems agree to designate and provide contact information for technical leads for their respective systems, and to facilitate direct contacts between technical leads to support the management and operation of system interoperability. To safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the systems and the data they store, process, and transmit, both parties agree to provide notice of specific events within the timeframes indicated below: • Security Incidents: Technical, administrative and/or help desk staff will immediately notify their designated counterparts by telephone or e-mail when a security incident(s) is detected and/or a violation of the Rules of Behavior (see Appendix C) has been identified. Both parties agree to make the appropriate technical and administrative individuals available for all necessary inquiries and/or investigations. Containment and/or FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY // CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION 3 V4.2, June 20, 2019 resolution procedures will be documented by the identifying party and after action reports generated and submitted to the system owner and/or designated security officials within five (5) business days after detection of the incident(s). • Disasters and Other Contingencies: The FEMA IPAWS Program Office will notify the COG by telephone, e- mail or other acceptable means in the event of a disaster or other contingency that disrupts the normal operation of IPAWS-OPEN. • System Interconnections: This MOA is intended for systems interoperating with IPAWS-OPEN using SOAP over HTTPS via the public Internet. If in the future, an interconnection (i.e. dedicated system-to-system connection) is required to IPAWS-OPEN, this MOA must be updated and an Interconnection Security Agreement (ISA) must be executed. If a change in status from interoperating to interconnected system is required, the initiating party will notify the other party at least 3 months before the planned interconnection is to be in place. • Discontinuation of Use: In the event the use of IPAWS-OPEN is no longer required, the COG agrees to immediately notify, in writing, the FEMA IPAWS Program Office at which time the COGID and associated access credentials will be deactivated. • Personnel Changes: Both parties agree to provide notification of changes to their respective system owner or technical lead. In addition, both parties will provide notification of any changes in the point of contact information provided in Appendix B. All relevant personnel changes and changes to contact information must be provided within 5 business days of the change. 6.0 TYPE OF INTERCONNECTIVITY Both parties agree that the COG will utilize only the assigned COGID, associated credentials and digital certificates provided by the FEMA IPAWS Program Office to support interoperability between the system(s) listed in Appendix A and IPAWS-OPEN. In addition, all interoperable systems must be configured to interface with IPAWS-OPEN over the public Internet using only approved web service standards and associated requirements. A listing of approved web service standards and supporting requirements can be obtained from the IPAWS-OPEN Web Service Interface Design Guidance document. In the event, a dedicated connection is required, both parties will agree to negotiate and execute an Interconnection Security Agreement (ISA) as required per Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policy which must be signed by all required parties before the interconnection is activated. Proposed changes to either system that affect system interoperability will be reviewed and evaluated to determine the potential impact. If the proposed changes impact the agreed upon terms, the MOA will be renegotiated and executed before changes are implemented. 7.0 SECURITY To ensure the joint security of the systems and the message data they store, process, and transmit, both parties agree to adhere to and enforce the Rules of Behavior (as specified in Appendix C). In addition, both parties agree to the following: • Ensure authorized users accessing the interoperable system(s) receive, agree to abide by and sign (electronically or in paper form) the IPAWS-OPEN Rules of Behavior as specified in Appendix C. Each jurisdiction is responsible for keeping the signed Rules of Behavior on file or stored electronically for each system user. • Utilize FEMA approved PKI certificates to digitally sign messages as they are transported over the public Internet. • Certify that its respective system is designed, managed and operated in compliance with all relevant federal laws, regulations, and policies. • Document and maintain jurisdictional and/or system specific security policies and procedures and produce such documentation in response to official inquiries and/or requests. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY // CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION 4 V4.2, June 20, 2019 • Provide physical security and system environmental safeguards for devices supporting system interoperability with IPAWS-OPEN. • Ensure physical and logical access to the respective systems as well as knowledge of the COGID and associated access criteria are only granted to properly vetted and approved entities or individuals. • Where applicable, ensure that only individuals who have successfully completed FEMA-required training can utilize the interoperable systems to issue alerts and warnings intended for distribution to the public. • Where applicable, document and maintain records of successful completion of FEMA-required training and produce such documentation in response to official inquiries and/or requests. 8.0 PROFICIENCY DEMONSTRATION Once enabled, each COG operating under this agreement must demonstrate their ability to compose and send a message through the IPAWS-OPEN system at regular intervals. Such demonstration must be performed on a monthly basis through generation of a message successfully sent through the IPAWS-OPEN Training and Demonstration environment. 9.0 ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS The COG will need to select a software package which will allow the COG to properly populate a Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) message which complies with both the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol Version 1.2 and the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol, v. 1.2 USA Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Profile Version 1.0. With respect to the software and the software vendor selected FEMA expects the selected software to provide the following minimum critical capabilities and services: • Permissions: o The ability to assign and manage user permissions; and o The ability to retrieve and view IPAWS Alerting Permissions • Proficiency: o The provision of vendor support, to include user training, and around the clock technical support; and o The ability to submit both live and test digital certificates, with clear, easily identifiable information that indicates the environment to which the software is pointed (Live or Test) • User Interface: o The provision of an intuitive user interface, to include help menus; and o The ability to notify the user of digital certificate expiration; and o The ability to constrain event types and geocodes to user permissions; and o The ability to send one alert to multiple channels; and o The provision of displays that show required fields based on selected channel; and o The ability to pre-populate fields to the greatest extent possible; and o The ability to support templates; and o The ability to create a polygon or circle, of less than 100 nodes; and o The ability to update or cancel an alert, without having to reenter all of the data; and o The ability to alert the end user if a software license has expired; and o Clear explanations if alert information is case sensitive when entered • Confirmation and Error Checking: o The ability to pre-check an alert message for errors, prior to sending; and o The ability to create free-form 90-character WEA text, while preventing prohibited characters; and FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY // CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION 5 V4.2, June 20, 2019 o The provision to IPAWS of alert status codes for any sent alert, with a clear definition of whether the codes are advice codes or error codes, along with the meaning of those codes; and o The provision of user confirmation of connectivity to IPAWS; and o The ability for users to see alert history and/or logs 10.0 COST CONSIDERATIONS This agreement does not authorize financial expenditures by the COG on behalf of FEMA. The FEMA IPAWS Program is responsible for the costs associated with developing, operating and maintaining the availability of the IPAWS-OPEN system. The COG is responsible for all costs related to providing their users with access to IPAWS- OPEN via the public Internet. These costs may include hardware, software, monthly Internet charges, completion of security awareness training and other related jurisdictional costs. 11.0 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Each Party agrees and acknowledges that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as giving a party any proprietary rights in or to the intellectual property of the other party. Each Party further agrees that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating or granting to a party any implied or express license in or to the intellectual property of the other party. 12.0 TIMELINE This agreement will remain in effect based on the life of the Authority to Operate (ATO) for IPAWS-OPEN or a maximum of three (3) years after the last date on either signature in the signature block below. Upon expiration of the IPAWS-OPEN ATO or after three (3) years (whichever comes first), this agreement will expire without further action and system access privileges will be revoked. If the parties wish to extend this agreement, they may do so by reviewing, updating, and reauthorizing this agreement. This agreement supersedes all earlier agreements, which should be referenced above by title and date. If one or both of the parties wish to terminate this agreement prematurely, they may do so upon 30 days' advanced notice or in the event of a security incident that necessitates an immediate response. This agreement may be suspended by FEMA for failure to perform the Proficiency Demonstration for two consecutive months. A suspended COG may be reinstated upon a completion of a successful Proficiency Demonstration. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY // CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION 7 V4.2, June 20, 2019 Appendix A Listing of Interoperable Systems The FEMA IPAWS Program recognizes that Emergency Management organizations may utilize multiple tools to facilitate the emergency management process. As a result, jurisdictions may need to interoperate with IPAWS-OPEN using more than one system. In order to comply with DHS policy, all systems interoperating with IPAWS-OPEN must be documented and supported by a Memorandum of Agreement. As a result this appendix must be completed to identify all systems associated with the COG and used for interoperating with IPAWS-OPEN. This Appendix must be amended as applicable systems are added or removed from operations. •IPAWS-OPEN Function: IPAWS-OPEN is the backbone system that structures the alert and distributes the message from one interoperating and/or interconnected system (message sender) to another interoperating and/or interconnected system (message recipient). Location: Bluemont, VA; Clarksville, VA Description of data, including sensitivity or classification level: Messaging data is considered Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information and does not contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Financial data, Law Enforcement Sensitive Information or classified information. Each message that flows through the IPAWS-OPEN system will be associated to a specifically assigned system User ID and COGID as captured within the message elements. This information will be retained in system logs. The systems listed below are managed and operated by the COG and are subject to the terms defined within the Memorandum of Agreement including the Rules of Behavior in Appendix C. Each interoperable system will be assigned unique authentication credentials, which must be protected by the COG. In the event these credentials are compromised, the COG is expected to immediately contact the FEMA IPAWS Program Management Office. The systems listed below are only allowed to interoperate with IPAWS-OPEN based on the criteria set forth within the IPAWS-OPEN Web Service Interface Design Guidance. •Everbridge Function: Everbridge MNS provides critical information to residents during emergencies by sending public alerts for major events for disseminations to WEA/CMAS, EAS, NWEM and Public Feed. Location: Burbank, CA; Denver, CO; Description of data, including sensitivity or classification level: Data is comprised of emergency public alert messages. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY // CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION 8 V4.2, June 20, 2019 Appendix B COG Point of Contact Information Designated COG Primary Point of Contact: Name: Zander Johnston Title: Sr. Emergency Management Coordinator Business Email Address: zjohnston@laquintaca.gov Primary Phone Number: 760-777-7044 Alternate Phone Number: 760-501-6221 Organization: City of La Quinta Mailing Address: 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA, 92253 Designated Alternate Point of Contact: Name: Kayli Alford Title: Administrative Assistant Business Email Address: kalford@laquintaca.gov Primary Phone Number: 760-777-7158 Alternate Phone Number: Organization: City of La Quinta Mailing Address: 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA, 92253 Designated Technical Point of Contact: Name: Zander Johnston Title: Sr. Emergency Management Coordinator Business Email Address: zjohnston@laquintaca.gov Primary Phone Number: 760-777-7044 Alternate Phone Number: 760-501-6221 Organization: City of La Quinta Mailing Address: 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA, 92253 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY // CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION 9 V4.2, June 20, 2019 FEMA: Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Open Platform for Emergency Networks (IPAWS-OPEN) Contact Name Contact Number Email Address Summary of System Responsibilities Lytwaive Hutchinson 202-212-2480 lytwaive.hutchinson@fema.dhs.gov Chief Information Officer, FEMA Togai Andrews 202-212-7332 togai.andrews@fema.dhs.gov Chief Information Security Officer Mark Lucero 202-646-1386 mark.lucero@fema.dhs.gov System Owner Gary Ham 703-899-6241 gary.ham@associates.fema.dhs.gov FEMA PMO - IPAWS - OPEN Gustavo Barbet 202-212-3586 gustavo.barbet@associates.fema.dhs.gov FEMA ISSO - IPAWS - OPEN Neil Bourgeois 703-732-6331 neil.bourgeois@associates.fema.dhs.gov FEMA-EADIS IPAWS- OPEN Tech Lead FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY // CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION 10 V4.2, June 20, 2019 Appendix C IPAWS -OPEN Rules of Behavior 1.0 INTRODUCTION The following rules of behavior apply to all persons with application access to City of La Quinta Interoperable System(s) and/or who have been issued a COGID with associated credentials for IPAWS-OPEN. These individuals shall be held accountable for their actions related to the information resources entrusted to them and must comply with the following rules or risk losing their access privileges. The Rules of Behavior apply to users on official travel as well as at their primary workplace (e.g., Emergency Operations Center – EOC) and at any alternative workplace (e.g., telecommuting from a remote or satellite site) using any electronic device including laptop computers and portable electronic devices (PED's). PED's include personal digital assistants (PDA's) (e.g. Palm Pilots), cell phones, text messaging systems (e.g., Blackberry), and plug-in and wireless peripherals that employ removable media (e.g. CDs, DVDs, etc.). PEDs also encompass USB flash memory (thumb) drives, external drives, and diskettes. These Rules of Behavior are consistent with existing DHS policies and DHS Information Technology (IT) Security directives and are intended to enhance the awareness of each user's responsibilities regarding accessing, storing, receiving and/or transmitting information using IPAWS-OPEN. 2.0 APPLICATION RULES 2.1 Official Use • IPAWS-OPEN is a Federal application to be used only in the performance of the user's official duties in support of public safety as described in the National Incident Management System (NIMS). • The use of the IPAWS-OPEN for unauthorized activities is prohibited and could result in verbal or written warning, loss of access rights, and/or criminal or civil prosecution. • By utilizing IPAWS-OPEN, the user of the interoperable system(s) consents to allow system monitoring to ensure appropriate usage for public safety is being observed. • City of La Quinta will be held accountable for safeguarding all configuration items and information entrusted to them by FEMA. City of La Quinta is expected to manage the relationship with supporting vendors, consultants and any other entities providing system support on their behalf. In addition, City of La Quinta will be held accountable in the event of a security breach or disclosure of sensitive configuration information such as digital certificates. City of La Quinta understands that the use of digital signatures, used on their behalf, is binding and City of La Quinta will be held accountable accordingly. In the event sensitive information is mishandled, utilization of IPAWS-OPEN may be immediately revoked by FEMA. • If software interoperating with IPAWS-OPEN enables users to geo-target public alert messages by means of geospatial polygons or circles, then the user shall restrict any such geospatial boundaries so as to remain within the geographical limits of their public warning authority (or as near as possible), as determined by applicable state and/or local laws and duly adopted operational plans. 2.2 Access Security • All Email addresses provided in connection with interoperable system(s) user accounts must be associated to an approved email account assigned by the user's emergency management organization. The use of personal email accounts to support emergency messaging through IPAWS-OPEN is prohibited. • Upon approval of the MOA by FEMA, a COG account with COGID and Digital Certificate will be created and issued to the designated technical representative. All individuals with knowledge of these credentials must not share or alter these authentication mechanisms without explicit approval from the FEMA IPAWS Program. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY // CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION 11 V4.2, June 20, 2019 • Every interoperable system user is responsible for remote access security as it relates to their use of IPAWS-OPEN and shall abide by these Rules of Behavior. 2.3 Interoperable System User Accounts and Passwords • All users must have a discrete user account ID which cannot be the user's social security number. To protect against unauthorized access, passwords linked to the user ID are used to identify and authenticate authorized users. • Accounts and passwords shall not be transferred or shared. The sharing of both a user ID and associated password with anyone (including administrators) is prohibited. • Accounts and passwords shall be protected from disclosure and writing passwords down or electronically storing them on a medium that is accessible by others is prohibited. • The selection of passwords must be complex and shall: o Be at least eight characters in length o Contain a combination of alphabetic, numeric and special characters o Not the same as any of the user's previous 8 passwords. • Passwords shall not contain any dictionary word. • Passwords shall not contain any proper noun or the name of any person, pet, child, or fictional character. Passwords shall not contain any employee serial number, Social Security number, birth date, phone number, or any information that could be readily guessed about the creator of the password. • Passwords shall not contain any simple pattern of letters or numbers, such as “qwerty” or “xyz123”. • Passwords shall not be any word, noun, or name spelled backwards or with a single digit appended, or with a two-digit “year” string, such as 98xyz123. • Pass phrases, if used in addition to or instead of passwords, should follow the same guidelines. • Passwords shall not be the same as the User ID. • Users shall either log off or lock their workstations when unattended. • Workstations shall be configured to either log off, or activate a password-protected lock, or password- protected screensaver within fifteen (15) minutes of user inactivity. • Locked sessions shall remain locked until the user re-authenticates. • Workstations shall be protected from theft. • A user's account shall be automatically locked after three consecutive failed logon attempts. • The automatic lockout period for accounts locked due to failed login attempts shall be set for a minimum of twenty (20) minutes. • A process shall exist for manually unlocking accounts prior to the expiration of the twenty (20) minute period, after sufficient user identification is established. • Sessions shall automatically be terminated after sixty (60) minutes of inactivity. • Users are required to change their passwords at least once every 90 days. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY // CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION 12 V4.2, June 20, 2019 • Passwords must be promptly changed whenever a compromise of a password is known or suspected. 2.4 Integrity Controls & Data Protection • All computer workstations accessing IPAWS-OPEN must be protected by up-to-date anti-virus software. Virus scans must be performed on a periodic basis and when notified by the anti-virus software. • Users accessing interoperable system(s) to utilize IPAWS-OPEN must: o Physically protect computing devices such as laptops, PEDs, blackberry devices, smartphones, etc; o Protect sensitive data sent to or received from IPAWS-OPEN; o Not use peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing, which can provide a mechanism for the spreading of viruses and put sensitive information at risk; o Not program computing devices with automatic sign-on sequences, passwords or access credentials when utilizing IPAWS-OPEN. Users may not provide personal or official IPAWS-OPEN information solicited by e-mail. If e-mail messages are received from any source requesting personal information or asking to verify accounts or other authentication credentials, immediately report this and provide the questionable e-mail to the Local System Administrator and/or the City of La Quinta Help Desk. • Only devices officially issued through or approved by DHS, FEMA and/or approved emergency management organizations are authorized for use to interoperate with IPAWS-OPEN and use of personal devices to access and/or store IPAWS-OPEN data and information is prohibited. • If a Blackberry, smartphone or other PED is used to access the interoperable system(s) to utilize IPAWS- OPEN, the device must be password protected and configured to timeout or lock after 10 minutes of inactivity. • If sensitive information is processed, stored, or transmitted on wireless devices, it must be encrypted using approved encryption methods. 2.5 System Access Agreement • I understand that I am given access to the interoperable system(s) and IPAWS-OPEN to perform my official duties. • I will not attempt to access data, information or applications I am not authorized to access nor bypass access control measures. • I will not provide or knowingly allow other individuals to use my account credentials to access the interoperable system(s) and IPAWS-OPEN. • To prevent and deter others from gaining unauthorized access to sensitive resources, I will log off or lock my computer workstation or will use a password-protected screensaver whenever I step away from my work area, even for a short time and I will log off when I leave for the day. • To prevent others from obtaining my password via “shoulder surfing”, I will shield my keyboard from view as I enter my password. • I will not engage in, encourage, or conceal any hacking or cracking, denial of service, unauthorized tampering, or unauthorized attempted use of (or deliberate disruption of) any data or component within the interoperable system(s) and IPAWS-OPEN. • I agree to inform my Local System Administrator when access to the interoperable system(s) and/or