0001-163 (SFD) Geotechnical Engineering Report• • Ll u • GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT THE ORCHARD TRACTS 26524 & 26525 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA THIS DOCUMENT WAS ISSUED PREVIOUSLY MAY NOT REFLECT CURRENT SITE CONDITAND IONS AND/OR STANDARDS OF GEOTECHNICAL PRACTICE. THE CONTENT OF THE DOCUMENT SHOULD NOT BE USED OR RELIED UPON WITHOUT A REVIEW BY QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS. Init_ (`Date�QV � 9 ZOQ6 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST PREPARED FOR STROTHER CONSTRUCTION 137-2823-P1 �I ��I C�►I� DECEMBER 18, 1990 • BUENA EN INEERS, INCb' 1; t.C&MK4FZe 21/ n u r- oBuena Engineers, Inc. Z*o FF AN EARTH SYSTEMS, INC COMPANY 79-811 B COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE • BERMUDA DUNES, CALIFORNIA 92201 • PHONE (619) 345-1588 • FAX (619) 345-7315 December 18, 1990 Strother Construction • 41-555 Cook Street Palm Desert, California 92260 Attention: Chuck Strother Project: The Orchard - Tracts 26524 & 26525 La Quinta, California 137-2823-P 1 90-12-786 Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Report Presented herewith is our Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared for the • proposed residential development to be located in the City of La Quinta, California. This report incorporates the tentative information supplied to our office and in accordance with the request, recommendations for general site development and foundation design are provided. This report was prepared to stand as a whole, and no part ;of the report should be excerpted or used to exclusion of any other part. This report completes our scope of services in accordcnce with our • agreement. Other services which may be required, such as pron _review and grading observation are additional services and will be billed according to the Fee Schedule in effect at the time services are provided. Please contact the undersigned if there are any questions concerning this report or the recommendations included herein. Respectfully submitted, BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. Reviewed and Approved, THIS DOCUMENT WAS ISSUED PREVIOUSLY AND �►+- W/x % MAY NOT REFLECT CU T 1 ON (TIONS AND/OR STANDARDS 0E. Hogan R. Wright THE CONTENT OF THE D�� E Staff Engineer USED OR RELIED UPO I Q ALIFIEDp,ROFESSIONALS. NOV R. �ayne pichins Staff Geologist^'t G� Date. • PC EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST o HD/SER * _ • Copies: 6 - Strother Construction 1 - P. S. File 1 - VTA File BERMUDA DUNES BEAUMONT BAKERSFIELD LANCASTER !6191345-I.W 171 Al AAr,_oRA� ianr,%'V37.91cn /OAC%^A01too VENTURA TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK.......................................................................1 SITEDESCRIPTION....................................................................................................2 FIELDEXPLORATION ........................ ......................................................... _............... 2 LABORATORYTESTING.............................................................................................3 SOILCONDITIONS....................................................................................._...............3 GROUNDWATER........................................................................................_...............4 REGIONALGEOLOGY..............................................................................................4 LOCALGEOLOGY.....................................................................................................4 GEOLOGICHAZARDS...............................................................................................5 Primary.................................................................................................................5 Secondary.........................................................................................................6 Non -Seismic ...................................................................................... _............... 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .. .................................. _............... 6 SITE DEVELOPMENT AND GRADING.....................................................................8 Site Development - Grading ...................................................... _............... 8 Site Development - General ...................................................... _............... 9 Excavations......................................................................................................10 TrafficAreas....................................................:..................................................11 UtilityTrenches..................................................................................................11 STRUCTURES..........:..................................................................................................11 Foundations......................................................................................_.............11 Slabson Grade..............................................................................._.............13 Settlement Considerations............................................................ _............ 13 Frictional and Lateral Coefficients. RetainingWalls...............................................................................................14 SlopeStability..................................................................................................15 Expansion.........................................................................................................15 AdditionalServices........................................................................................15 LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS...........................................15 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................17 APPENDIX A Site and Vicinity Map Logs of Borings THIS DOCUMENT WAS ISSUED PlEVIOUSLY AND APPENDIX B MAY NOT REFLECT CURRENT SITE CONDITIONS ANDIOR STANDARDS OF GEOTECHNICAL PRACTICE. Summary of Test Results THE CONTENT OF THE DOCUMENT SHOULD NOT BE Table 2 USED OR RELIED UPON WITHOUT A REVIEW BY QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS. APPENDIX C Init�.iG'�!—Dat���L-� �O6 Standard Grading Specificatie)MTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST RIIFNA FN(:INFFRc Mrl.. M December 18, 1990 -1- 137-2823-P1 90-12-786 INTRODUCTION This Geotechnical Engineering Report has been prepared for the two (2) ...._proposed residential tracts to be located in the City of La Quinta, California. A It is assumed that the structures will be of lightweight one or two story construction. It is assumed that the buildings will be supported by 0 normal continuous or pad footings. B. Structural considerations for building column loads of up to 20 kips and a maximum wall loading of 2.0 kips per linear foot were used as a basis for recommendations related to the construction of the residential buildings. IA C. These are estimated values since foundation plans were not available at the time of production of this report. If design loading is to exceed these assumed values, it will be necessary to reevaluate the given recommendations. D. All loading is assumed to be deadplus reasi�n P �i46 load. THIS DOCUMENT . WAS ISSUED PRE i0 MAY NOT REFLECT CURRENT CURRENT SITE CONDITIONS TX*A p� R6 Q ECHNIC W NOT BE USED OR RELIED UPON WITHOUT A REVIEW BY The purpose of ouPW6K MsP*WsEfi§I9*5t t SARA 9cNgitions, and to provide conclusions and recommer�=lcaW-o e -the" site and the proposed deveEllopTH SYSTEMS S8&%?� fork includes the following: A A general reconnaissance of the site. B. Shallow subsurface exploration by drilling. C. Laboratory testing of selected soil samples obtained from the exploratory borings drilled for this project. 0 D. Review of selected technical literature pertaining to the site. E. Evaluation of field and laboratory data relative to soil conditions. F. Engineering analysis of the data obtained from the exploration and testing programs. G. A summary of our findings and recommendations in written report. Contained In This Report Are: A Discussions on regional and local geologic and soil conditions. B. Graphic and/or tabulated results of laboratory tests and field studies. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. December 18, 1990 -2- B7 -2823-P1 90-12-786 C. Discussions and recommendations relative to allowable foundation bearing capacity, recommendations for foundation design, estimated total and differential settlements, lateral earth pressures, site grading criteria, geologic and seismic hazards. Not Contained In This Report: A Our scope of services did not include any env ronmental assessment or investigation to determine the presence of hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater or air, on, below or around this site. SITE DESCRIPTION The proposed project is located on the south side of Avenue 50, west of Jefferson Street in the City of La Quinta, California. A The majority of the site is in an existing citrus grove. B. The site is fairly level throughout with the exception of a large sand dune in the southeast corner of the site. C. Avenue 50 forms the northern edge of the site. D. There are under r underground irri s k§1*g�jke�lal s�Xr l S 50 and g gC� 6�LIgtf>hr�fifre SIT E CONDITIONS AND/OR STANDARDS OF GEOTECHNICAL PRACTICE. a`qp �,�I T SHO LD tyOT BE E. There are residentia V ,15 �� $���rAs p¢�� /long the south and west e WEN SSIONALS. InitCa-=—�QQ6 EAR ST Exploratory borings .were drilled for observing the soil profile and obtaining samples for further analysis. A Six (6) borings were drilled for soil profiling and sampling to a maximum depth of thirty-six (36) feet below the existing ground surface. The borings were drilled on November 20 and November. 21, 1990, using an eight (8) inch diameter hollow -stem auger powered by a CME 45-B drilling rig.. The approximate boring locations as indicated on the attached plan in Appendix A, were determined by pacing and sighting from existing sheets and topographic features. The boring locations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. B. Samples were secured within the borings with a two and one-half (2.5) inch inside diameter ring sampler (ASTM D 3550, shoe similar to ASTM D 1586). The samples were obtained by driving the sampler with a one hundred forty (140) pound hammer, dropping thirty (30) inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler one foot BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. December 18, 1990 -3- 1317-2823-P1 90-12-786 was recorded. Recovered soil samples were sealed in containers and returned to the laboratory for further classification and jesting. _ ___C....__Bulk...-disturbed.-samples_-of.-Ahe.__soils were obtained from cuttings developed during excavation of the test borings. The bulk samples were secured for classification purposes and represent a mixture of soils within the noted depths. D. The final logs represent our interpretation of the contents of the field logs, and the results of the laboratory observations and tests of the field samples. The final logs are included in the appendix A of this report. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between soil types although the transitions may be gradual. After a visual and tactile classification in the field, samples were returned to the laboratory, .classifications were checked, and a testing program was established. A Samples were reviewed along it ' �RWI61RStAe nine which would be furttvis T ��II s W%elT=nsldered as representative T �®p`1 campGs(FdA oTor used in grading and th 01VI 11Dft0 Tlgfle �� BY USED OR RELIED UPON WITH UT AIW B. In-situ moisture 00fdI6kP16RfUWMf0vei for the core' samples were developed in accordance withi Inez_ B� 2 9 2006 C. Settlement and 11&Ws I iq��iHpofiential was evaluated from the results of consolidation tests performed in accordance with ASTM 2435. .D. The relative strength characteristics of the subsurface soils were determined from the results of direct shear tests. Specimens were placed in contact with water at least twenty-four (24) hcurs before testing, and were then sheared under normal loads rangirg from 0.5 to 2.0 kips per square foot in general accordance with ASTM D 3080. E. Classification tests consisted of: Expansion Index (UBC Standard No. 29-2), Maximum Density -Optimum Moisture (ASTM D 1557) and Hydrometer Analysis (California Test Method 203). F. Refer to Appendix B for tabular and graphic representa-ion of the test results. IL CONDITION As determined by the borings, site soils were found to consist primarily of fine windblown sands with interbedded clay layers. The boring logs in Appendix A contain a more detailed description of the soils encountered. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. C 0 • December 18, 1990 in 137-2823-P1 90-12-786 A The soils were found to be fairly loose throughout with blow counts indicating relative compaction as low as seventy one (71) percent of maximum density. B. The soils were found to be moist throughout with the majority of the deeper clay layers being saturated. C. Clay and silt contents of the soils exhibit low plasticity. Expansion tests indicate the surface soils in the "very low" expansion category in accordance with Table 2 in Appendix B of this report. The clay layers were found to be in the "medium" expansion category. Refer to section B of the structures section for specific explanations and requirements dealing with expansive soil. D. Soils should be readily cut by normal grading equipmen ZkO11111MIEUE Free groundwater was not encountered in any of the borings. The depth to groundwater in tl r,�a � r�b�IIMOEgxq�;� I0Q*LhDVt'9D(40) feet. Fluctuations in groun "��' ip�pM ueTl® v��iflit�in rainfall, temperature and oth QIIMANDARDS OF GEOTECHNICAL PRACTICE. THE CONTENT OF THE DOCUMENT SHOULD NOT BE USE D,10UT A REVIEW BY QUA NOV 2 9 2006 The project site is located in the southeri IC-l"6--Vatl•ey- near the base of the Santa Ro ftk�y�s Jbg�j�ella Valley is. part of the tectonically active Sa on assn. his basin is a closed, internally draining trough that has been filled with a complex series of continental clastic materials during Pleistocene and Holocene time (Van de Camp, 1973). The San Andreas rift zone dominates the geology of the Coachella Valley. The Banning and Mission Creek faults, which are part -z, of the San Andreas system are responsible for earthquakes recently felt in the Coachella Valley, Other regional faults that have produced events felt in the Coachella Valley are the San Jacinto, Imperial and Elsinore faults (see figures 1 & 2). Based upon the historical and prehistorical record, the Coachella Valley segment of the San Andreas fault system is likely to generate a magnitude seven (7.0) or greater earthquake within the next fifty (50) years. The potential for a magnitude seven (7.0) earthquake within the next fifty (50) years is estimated by Seih (1985) as 'High' (50°/-90%). LOCAL GEOLOGY The project is in an area that has once been covered by Ancient Lake Coahuila. Lithologic units observed consist chiefly of Quaternary lake deposits. The boring logs in Appendix B contain specific descriptions of the soils encountered on site. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. 37• \� ` 'G Bratty o+e Pint 9c. \ C9p Tutors 2 �� s + e<"q 36• O Trono 7 babelo 1Crrno ►e << �pRLOCK Sostrshet0 Bawer Toll \{\7crncho + 35• N£ Soy Bors+o. BIG PI Lompoc0 1 Loncos+cr Amboy SANTA 1KE Casio 4 l\1 Sona Baraoro �4f' 9E4S Ven+ua c4BR/EL Sen $ernoran0 Tent,-N•ne owns + 3S• Sonia Rosa b�./+ Sonia Crut is. T LA + Po ->,o � �z ' R.rers•ee q PownCe y Strrigs Cent Long ocn Eis.nore `� Z ' 'C, - Soto 0 SITE Colo+ no ' Q is. p�;•� ocec^s•ae Bor*ego 4 r� i2i• �son {. �t•t'. i+ yO,Q + Brawl* 33• C 120• 1\kmen+e ! f its. 1 EI Cen+ra �L Y Son Diego Tocv*:a vft ..t i1L0 I d. S.l� �..� E crit aw . 1 + + 3z• 119• + EnsenoQ3 J. 0 SO 100 THIS DOC MENT WAS ISS PRET f SLi ICN c r ° SO 100 k^ MAY NOT REFLECT CURB CTIC Colit. AND/OR S DS OF GEO CHN t5• THE CON1'L14T OF THE DOCUMENT LD N USED OR RELIED UPON WITHOUT A REVIEW BY QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS. NOV 2 9 200- Init C4 Date___ EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST Base map of southern California region with major faults * From Hileman et al (1973) , rontisniec • • • r� r--I 6d L 0 0 1927 (6) \ Bishop \\ Lone Pine \ ° Tu/ore 1946 (6.3) j' °Chino Lak Bakers/ie/d, t 1952(7.7,6.4,6 1,6.1) /rf oio ve °Sonlo Moria 19j6 (6) cn —,�Son>o ortora—\Po/mda/e i971 (6,4) 1947 (6.2) _— N °Bars/ow\ ---.Los Ange 19 2 3 ( 6'/4) N 1918 (6.8 } 1933 (6.3) 1937( *BOA er 1948 (6.5) /ndi ° ASITE Oo THI CUME AS &SwI5ED2)PRSVVU MAY T REF w� S A OR STAND - 00.E P RATICG"�row/ey T NTE(JT OF TH U roZRI U R RELIED U N WI 1940(6.7) N QUA ED EIROFESSI1. 1 (6 4 6 m �dn Di��U -- ni U V Ed Ul7IFx�co/i Date____ EARTH SYSTEMS SOUT ST 1934 (5.5) 1934 (7.1 1915 (7.1) f 1335(6.0) 0 O /OO Mi/es Ensenodo 1956(6.8.6.f,6.3,6.4} �. O;o /00 ZOO Kms. • N-1, v—� 11954( 1966(( 63.E Earth Ouakes of magnitude 5.9 and greater in the Southern California Region, 1912 — 1972 (including the North Palm Springs Earthquake). From Hileman et al (1973) 0 December 18, 1990 -5- E7 -2823-P1 90-12-786 The project site is approximately six and eight tenths (6.8) miles southwest of the San Andreas fault system. Figure 3 shows the project site in relation to the local geology. • at __ 1.101060F. • • Primary seismic geologic hazards that may affect any property in the seismically active Southern California area include: 1. Fault Rupture: a. The project site is not located in any Alquist-Priclo special study zones. Nor are any faults mapped through or adjacent to the project area. At the time of zirilling no surface expression of faulting was observed. b. Fault, rupture would most likely occur along reviously established trac nn IE Rv`��rirfmd raPft fesk i " �ccur at other Ioc §z Rp �ud�cRiala 3p c . AND/OR STANDARDS OF GEO ECHNiCAL Pi,.ACTIC:E. 2. Ground ShakingiE CONTENT OF THE DOCUMENT SHOULL.NOT 3E USED OR RELIED UPON WITHOUT A REVIEW BY ..% IF ROFESSIONALS. ��11 a. Strong grc9A ri�gtPion Is the se isr V;j1a� mos�� .ikely to affect the site during the life. & mended structures. Using meto Mrzs � ®li and Idriss (982) and modified 33''` I�y (1988) the following t:ible was compiled for -anticipated accelerations which may be experienced during an earthquake at the project site. TABLE 1 * Richter Magnitude, Maximum Probable *" Ploessel & Slosson 1974 b. Because of the alluvial sedimentary nature of the soils on site,. ground shaking characteristics are expected to include low frequency vibration with relatively high amplitudes. Duration of shaking could be from fifteen (15) to thirty-six (36) seconds. The project area is snapped in Ground Shaking Zone III C as designated by tl-e County. of Riverside, California. Ground Shaking Zones are based on distance from causative faults and soil types. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. Estimated Maximum Maximum Repeatable Approximate Design' Acceleration Acceleration Ground" Distance to Fault Earthquake in Rock 'n it Accelerations P oject Site San Andreas 7.5 48g .37g .24g 6.8 mi. San Jacinto 6.5 .18g .15g 10g 18.5 mi. * Richter Magnitude, Maximum Probable *" Ploessel & Slosson 1974 b. Because of the alluvial sedimentary nature of the soils on site,. ground shaking characteristics are expected to include low frequency vibration with relatively high amplitudes. Duration of shaking could be from fifteen (15) to thirty-six (36) seconds. The project area is snapped in Ground Shaking Zone III C as designated by tl-e County. of Riverside, California. Ground Shaking Zones are based on distance from causative faults and soil types. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. E 0 December 18, 1990 c. The project Liquefaction observed in 1.1 E7 -2823-P1 90-12-786 is mapped near the Riverside County Study Zone, however, no groundwater was our borings. Secondary seismic geologic hazards that may affect the project site area include settlement, liquefaction and ground lurching. 1. Settlement, whether seismically related or not, is considered a potential hazard in this area. Historic records report significant episodes of settlement in the Coachella Valley area due to seismic forces and/or heavy rain fall and flooding. 2. Liquefaction is the loss of soil strength as a result of an increase in pore water pressure due to cyclic seismic loading. Conditions for liquefaction include relatively high water table (within 40' of surface), low relative densities of the saturated soils and susceptibility of the soil to liquefy based on grain size. No free groundwater was encountered in our exploratory borings. 3. Ground lurchi �o�b@9 *fti lJtYr ure and liquefaction. a At�R�ta�n�ecK��hTI�R� known "active" faults, P0�rlir8� cui�l�f� the site is considered Idi,� CONTENT OF TIS DOCUME USED OR RELIED UPON WITHOUT A REVIEW BY SIO LS. "I 4. Other secondd4��s�Fs�N�WS9i�oglc�azar hate t� �m an earthquake include tsunamis' sec es (waves oscilla�ing,r,��t} �����a, i.e., storage tanks, lakes). Base 41 " rfooject sites geologic locction and topography, it is our opinion that the probability of the above hazards affecting the property are negligible. C. Non -Seismic Hazards: Other geologic hazards that could affect the project site include landslides, flooding and erosion. 1. No evidence. of past landsliding was observed at the site nor are any known landslides mapped in or around the project site. The subject property is not at the immediate base of any steep .hills and is located on relatively flat ground. 2. Flooding and erosion are always a consideration in and regions. The properties flat topography suggests this is an area of deposition. No gullies or areas of active erosion were observed on site. Increased erosion, either fluvial or aeolian, may occur as a result of construction activity. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on a review of selected technical literature and the site investigation, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the intended development provided it is designed around the noted geologic BIJFNA FNrINFFR.q Mr, December 18, 1990 -7- B7-2823-P1 90-12-786 hazards. The following is a summary of our conclusions and professional opinions based on the data obtained. Recompaction of soil is recommended to limit settlement and improve bearing capacity. A The primary geologic hazard relative to site development is severe ground shaking from earthquakes originating on nearby faults. The site is located in Southern California which is an active seismic area. In our opinion, a major seismic event originating on the Sin Andreas fault zone would be the most likely cause of significant earthquake activity at the site within the estimated design life of the proposed development. B. Settlement due to seismic factors or flooding is a potential hazard in the Coachella Valley area. C. Areas of alluvial soils may be susceptible to erosion. Preventative measures to minimize seasonal flooding and erosion should be incorporated into site grading plans. D. Fluvial erosion may affect the site during construction. E. Other hazards includi-[iq W�n, lurching, landslides, tsunamis and seiches are cons e're N _ CU RENTD SITE CONDI AND AND/OR STANDARDS OF. G T TIONS F. It is our opinion that t rrtitcD"w� ��b AVU form or adequate support �'t7�t r RPV m�mf vs klPjprksl t the recommended sitM . P€l�k Base the pc enfiial for consolidation and to provide a more cif r apa firm bearing support for the pro ,. ctture9, we recomm nd' 4&06 recompacted soil mats"b99�`� W MUatlons and slabs -on - grade. G. The project site is in seismic Zone 4 as defined in Section 2312 (d) 2. of the Uniform Building Code. It is recommended that any permanent structure be designed according to the current addi-ions of the Uniform Building Code and Standards. H. It is further recommended that any permanent structure constructed on the site be designed to accommodate expected repeatable ground accelerations resulting from the predicted maximum probable earthquake as stated in Table 1 on page 5 of this report. I. Adherence to the following grading recommendations should limit potential settlement problems due to seismic forces, heavy rainfall, flooding and the weight of the intended structure. J. It is recommended that Buena' Engineers, Inc. be retained to provide Geotechnical Engineering services during site development; excavation, grading, and foundation construction phases of the work. This is to observe compliance witr the design concepts, specifications and recommendations, and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface condition=s differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. December 18, 1990 -8- 137-2823-P1 90-12-786 K. Plans and specifications should be provided to Buena Engineers, Inc. prior to grading. Plans should include the gracing plans, foundation plans, and foundation details. Preferably, structural loads should be shown on the foundation plans. SITE DEVELOPMENT AND GRADING Prior to any construction operations, areas to be graded should be cleaned of vegetation and other deleterious materials. Appendix C, "Standard Grading Specifications" contains specific suggestions for removal and disposal of deleterious substances and, as such, forms a part of these Site Development and Grading Recommendations. A. Site Development - Grading Site grading and the bottom of all excavations should be observed by a representative of Buena Engineers, Inc. prior to placement of fill. Local variations in soil conditions may warrant increasing. the depth of recompaction and/or overexcavation. 1. Because the majority of the site is in an existing ci-rus grove, proper clearing is very important. Prior to site grading any existing structures, stumps, roots, foundations, pavements, leachfields, uncompacted fill, trash piles, and any abandoned underground utilities should be removed from the proposed building and paving areas. The top surface should be stripped 'of all organic growth and non -complying fill which, along with other debris, should be removed from the site. 2. Depressior�fii§eiAbipgE flprojp*.(p§pjmrrtLWI(DudioLAdDhave debris and looswgoitia)emewedreCI&FbeTfigOd WMITJ9li tle fill soils compact6do/d§ 4"hit� � T AJ CO pacted fill should b sl�c�thy�lv�c� has been observed A MQD4air jilc. NC V 2 9 200F; 3. In order to help minimize problems associateg)(4%gWWgt qJ%q! on a non-uniforr-) thickness of compacted fill, Buena Engineers, Inc. should be consulted for site grading recommendations relative to backfilling large and/or deep depressions resulting from removal t-nder item one above. In general, all proposed construction should be supported by a uniform thickness of compacted soil. 4. Testing showed the surface soils are loose and susceptible to settlements due to the introduction of water and the additional loading of structures. In addition the inevitable presence of roots may dictate the actual depth of overexcavation deemed necessary. To control differential settlement and to produce a more uniform bearing condition we re--ommend that the structure be supported by a recompacted soil mat. Compaction is to be verified by testing. 5. Building areas should be overexcavated to a depth of two (2) feet below original grade or the bottom of footings whichever BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. N December 18, 1990 137-2623'-P1 90-12-786 is greater. The exposed surface should be scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted so that a minimum of ninety (90) percent of maximum density is obtained to a depth of one (1) foot. The previously removed soil and any .fill material should then be placed in eight (8) inch layers in a loose condition at a near optimum moisture and compacted to a minimum of ninety (90) percent of maximum density. The intent is to have at least three (3) feet of soil compacted to a minimum of ninety percent of maximum density compose the building pad beneath the footings. Compaction is to be verified by testing. 6. Due to the granular nature of the site soils in the area of the large sand dune, it may be possible to obtain compaction to a depth of three (3) or four (4) feet by watering and compacting from the surface. Regardless of the method used in the area, the recommended depth of compaction as indicated in item five should be attained. 7. These grading recommendations apply to building areas and at least five (5) feet beyond building limits. 8. Auxiliary structures including freestanding or retaining walls should have the existing soils beneath the structure processed as per items five (5) and six (6), above. The grading requirements apply to three (3) feet beyond the face of the walls. If plans for auxiliary structures and walls are provided for our review, these recommendations may be revised. 9. It is anticipated that during grading a loss of approximately one tenth (.1) of a foot due to stripping, and a shrinkage factor of about fifteen (15) to twenty (20) percent for the upper three (3) feet of soil, may be used for quantity calculations. This is based on compactive effort needed to produce an average degree of compaction of approximately ninety-three (93) to ninety-four (94) percent and may vary depending on contractor��Sl�e boUMEN$LA19 DispaafiroatladAbDtween one - tenths (.1)CONDITIONS AND/OR STANDARDS I F GEOTECHNICAL PRACTICE. TIE CO EN OF THE DOCUMENT SHOULD NOT BE Site Developmt,-,ersi, UPON WITHOUT A REVIEW BYNOV 6 � g 200E QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS. 1. The following general recom en a Delisted in this section are in addition to those listed in In sec Ion A above. .EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 2. All rocks larger than eight (8) inches in greatest dimension should be removed from fill or backfill material. 3. Import soil used to raise site grades should be equal to or better than on-site soil in strength, expansion, and compressibility characteristics. Import soil will not be prequalified by Buena Engineers, Inc. Comments on the characteristics of import will be given after the material is on the project, either in- place or in stockpiles of adequate quantity to complete the project. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. December 18, 1990 -10- 137-2823-P1 a0-12-786 4. Areas around the structures should be graded so that drainage is positive and away from the structures. Gutters and down ...._..spouts_should.h.e considered_as._a way to convey water out of the foundation area. Water should not be allowed tc pond on or near pavement sections. 5. Added moisture within previously compacted fill could result in a number of reactions at the surface depending upon the amount of moisture increase, the in-place density of the soil, in- situ moisture content and soil type. Although the sol could in reality be expanding, collapsing, moving laterally due to the phenomenon "creep", the result is usually movement and will most likely manifest itself visually in structural slabs cnd street areas as cracks, (horizontal, lateral or vertical displacement). 6. The apparent cure to the problem is to not introduce excess moisture into fill material once in place. To help minimize increased moisture into the fill material, site draimge and landscape is critical. Site drainage should be in the fo,, m of roof gutter, concrete brow ditcher, ribbon gutters and gutters, storm drain and other drainage devices. Landscaping should be such that water is not allowed to pond. Additionally, care should be taken so as not to over water landscaped areas. 7. The Recommended Grading Specifications included in Appendix C are general guidelines onl a Sao not be included dir tI 5 jEtp,EproP8tI i �f I� _ out first incorporating 1::w -ained in the Site Develop Q@two f tjVM6hapter 70 of the Unifo �i ��ei4<i� erations for grading an �, Lqjr�i agxVisof�V: genercq yu' illi : ,nit Date 8. It is recommended that Buena E��n�ag�iin_e rs, Inc., be retained to provide soil et EMk61&6s�+MA%g construction of the grading, excavation, and foundation phases of the work. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to start of construction. C. Excavations 1. All excavations should be made in . accordance with applicable regulations. From our site explora-ion and knowledge of the general area, we feel there is a potential for construction problems involving caving of relatively deep site excavations (i.e. utilities, etc.). Where such situations are encountered, lateral bracing or appropriate cut slopes should be provided. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. December 18, 1990 -11- 137-2823-P1 90-12-786 2. No surcharge loads should be allowed within a horizontal distance measured from the top of the excavation slope, equal to the depth of the excavation. D. Traffic Areas 1. Curbs and streets should be provided with one (1) foot of subgrade compacted to ninety (90) percent of maximum density. 2. On-site parking should be provided with one (1) foot of subgrade compacted to ninety (90) percent of maximum density. 3. Final preparation of subgrade will depend on paving section designs. 4. Sidewalks should be provided with one (1) foot of subgrade compacted to ninety (90) percent of maximum density. E. Utilily Trenches 1. Backfill of utilities within road right-of-way should be placed in strict conformance with the requirements of the governing agency (Water District, Road Department, etc.). 2. Utility trench bcq ilb) b- Rf-V I e aced in strict conformcmjOeNgi =f01110U I� ting to minimum co 0"TAMVMOrdSGEdTE(�I� mEvA�( Lce lines extending insilC F 6Uft1Jk1$lF�ULWiMT)Wive soils compacted t I WLffetc�PE& ftaximum density. �s. Init �� Date NOV 9 2006 3. Backfill operatLqR4-j4t9gj4and tested by Buena Engineers, Inc., to monitor compliance with these recommendations. STRUCTURES Based upon the results of this evaluation, it is our opinion that the structure foundation can be supported by compacted soils placed as recommended above. The recommendations that follow are based on "very low" expansion category soils. It is anticipated that foundations will be placed on firm compacted soils as recommended elsewhere in this report. The recommendations that follow are based on "very low° expansion category soils. 1. Table 2 gives specific recommendations for width, depth and reinforcing. Other structural considerations. may be more BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. 0 December 18, 1990 -12- stringent and would govern in any depth of twelve (12) inches below one (1) story structures and eighteen #could-be-fnaintained.------ - 2. Conventional Foundations: B? -2823-P1 90-12-786 case. A minimum footing lowest adjacent grade for (18) inches for two (2) story Estimated bearing values are given below for foundotions on recompacted soils, assuming import fill (if required) to be equal to or better than.site soils: a. Continuous foundations of .one (1) foot wide and twelve (12) inches below grade: i. 1300 psf for dead plus reasonable live loads. ii. 1700 psf for wind and seismic considerations. b:. Isolated pad foundations 2'x 2' and bottomed twelve (12) inches below grade: i. 1500 psf for dead plus reasonable live loads. ii. 2000 psf for wind and seismic consideratbns. 3. Allowable increasesrM W&Gmtpewmes%OEfcRW'OC)00ititMal footing width and 3@&ps0ToKRftW Sof footing depth may P9 will be 2000 psf. Th: � g R%VM 1. have been determined . LAAO E0PQ0FE�h¢ttga►r�ed aximum loads indicated in the "Introduction" sectionln f r� �x-F.NQ t ie 200fi indicated loading is exceeded then the owa Fir- earing values and the gradiAgTFeW &M15 to tYYF_5-e reevaluated by the soil engineer. 4. Although footing reinforcement may not be required per Table 2; nominal reinforcement should be considered to reduce the potential for cracking due to temperature and shrinkage stresses and in order to span surface imperfections. Other requirements that are more stringent due to structural loads will govern. 5. Soils beneath footings and slabs should be premoistened prior to placing concrete. 6. Lateral loads may be resisted by soil friction on floor slabs and foundations and by passive resistance of the soils acting on foundation stem walls. Lateral capacity is based partially on the assumption that any required backfill adjacent to foundations and grade beams is properly compacted. 7. Foundation excavations should be visually observed by the soil engineer .during excavation and prior to placement of reinforcing steel or concrete. Local variations in condRions may warrant deepening of footings. BUENA ENGINEERS. INC Sieve Size Percent Passing 3/4" 90-_100 No.4 0-10 THIS QW.L$ NT WAS ISSUED PFWV19USLY AND MAY NOT REFLECT CURRENT SITE CONDITIONS /OR STANDAR;W %1If a membri N�be used to help mitI9nk6RShEIn�WON amourould be covered witA IEM)'W;@§1 ift&nd help protect it during construction. The sand should b% i, hellitened just prior to placing the concrete. NOV a 9 200h EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 3. Reinforcement of .slab -on -grade is contingent upon the.. structural engineers recommendations and the expansion index of the supporting soil. Since the mixing of fill sol with native soil could change the expansion index, additional tests should be conducted during rough grading to determine the expansion index of the subgrade soil. Additional reinforcement due to the expansion index of the site soil should be provided as recommended in ' section G below. Additional reinforcement may also be required by the structural engineer. 4. It is recommended that the proposed perimeter slabs (sidewalks, patios, etc.) be designed relatively independent of foundation stems (free-floating) to help mitigate cmcking due to foundation settlement and/or expansion. C. Settlement Considerations 1. Estimated settlement, based on footings founded on firm soils as recommended, should be less than one (1) inch Differential settlement between exterior and interior bearing members should be less than one-half (1/2) inch. 2. The majority of settlement should occur during construction. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. December 18, 1990 -13- B7 -2823-P1 90-12-786 8. Allowable bearing values are net (weight of footing and soil surcharge may be neglected) and are applicable for dead plus reasonable live loads. B. Slabs -on -Grade 1. Concrete slabs -on -grade should be supported by compacted structural fill placed in accordance with applicable sections of this report. 2. In areas of moisture sensitive floor coverings, an appropriate vapor barrier should be installed in order to minimize vapor transmission from the subgrade soil to the slab. We would suggest that the floor slabs be underlain by a four (4) inch thick layer of gravel or by. an impermeable memtrane as a capillary break. A suggested gradation for the gravel layer would be as follows: Sieve Size Percent Passing 3/4" 90-_100 No.4 0-10 THIS QW.L$ NT WAS ISSUED PFWV19USLY AND MAY NOT REFLECT CURRENT SITE CONDITIONS /OR STANDAR;W %1If a membri N�be used to help mitI9nk6RShEIn�WON amourould be covered witA IEM)'W;@§1 ift&nd help protect it during construction. The sand should b% i, hellitened just prior to placing the concrete. NOV a 9 200h EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 3. Reinforcement of .slab -on -grade is contingent upon the.. structural engineers recommendations and the expansion index of the supporting soil. Since the mixing of fill sol with native soil could change the expansion index, additional tests should be conducted during rough grading to determine the expansion index of the subgrade soil. Additional reinforcement due to the expansion index of the site soil should be provided as recommended in ' section G below. Additional reinforcement may also be required by the structural engineer. 4. It is recommended that the proposed perimeter slabs (sidewalks, patios, etc.) be designed relatively independent of foundation stems (free-floating) to help mitigate cmcking due to foundation settlement and/or expansion. C. Settlement Considerations 1. Estimated settlement, based on footings founded on firm soils as recommended, should be less than one (1) inch Differential settlement between exterior and interior bearing members should be less than one-half (1/2) inch. 2. The majority of settlement should occur during construction. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. •1 December 18, 1990 -14- B7 -2823-P1 90-12-786 D. Frictional and Lateral Coefficients _ ..___.___1.. Res_istance_fo___l.at_e_ralJ.oa.ding._may. be provided by friction acting on the base of foundations, a coefficient of friction of .46 may be used for dead load forces. 2. Passive resistance acting on the sides of foundation stems equal to 300 pcf of equivalent fluid weight, may be included for resistance to lateral loading. 3. Passive resistance of soils against grade beams and the frictional resistance between the floor slabs and the supporting • soils may be combined in determining the total lateral resistance, however the friction factor should be reduced to' .33 of dead load forces. 4. A one-third (1/3) increase in the quoted passive value may be used for wind or seismic loads. j- •711TATIR 1. For cantileveFHRt9i D IEY��I�Al t�k. a11�d ftIMMMt ed native soils, it is re%ggnr n IREImitm u8y�e I I ressure of thirty-five (36)DipITfi1i9�Rf *PFf I` TYHAN Mo I backfill conditions. THE CONTENT OF THE D�CqU& USED OR RELIED UPON -WITHOUT A REVIE1 0p Y2 1006 Q LIFTED PROFESSIONALS. 2. The lateral ear�� pressure to be resist retaining walls or similar structuresshouldbe incrd�rsu�a M mor surcharge loads. The st g4)WgVSq@Mg(jo i0Wwmld include the loads from any structures or temporary loads that would influence the wall design. 3. A backdrain or an equivalent system of backfill drainage should be incorporated into the retaining wall design. Backfill immediately behind the retaining structure should be a 'fee - draining granular material. Alternately, the back of the wall could be lined with a geodrain system. 4. Compaction on the retained side of the wall within a horizontal distance equal to one (1) wall height should be performed by .hand -operated or other light weight compaction equipment. This is intended to reduce potential "locked -inn lateral pressures caused by compaction with heavy grading equipment. 5. Water should not be allowed to pond near the top of the wall. To accomplish this the final backfill site grade should be such that all water is diverted away from the retaining wall. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. December 18, 1990 -15- 137-2823-P1 90-12-786 F. Slope Stability Slope stability calculations were not performed due to the anticipated minimal slope height (less that 5'). If slopes exceed five (5) feet, engineering calculations should be performed to substantiate the stability of slopes steeper than 2 to 1. Fill slopes should be overfilled and trimmed back to competent material. The design of foundations should be based on the weighted expansion index (UBC Standard No. 29-2) of the soil. As stated in the soil properties section, the expansion index of the surface soil is in the very low (0-20) classification. During site preparation.,, if the soil is thoroughly mixed and additional fill is added, the expansion index may change. Therefore, the expansion index should be evaluated after the site preparation has been completed, and the final foundation design adjusted accordingly. H. Additional Services This report is based cm1Jhg0@�iDtl� t t an adequate program of client consultatiofWA, 'C* tria cnT P Ott MODvill be performed during thl ( MS ran�� A(� Wcheck compliance with thq� ddfl tJw411�vir ALT Engineers, Inc., as the n 4F S IitAU�e�gkHVMt ,end of the project will help assure con In n'f se ices. Construction monitoring and testing would be additie rvmi@s 00Wbe aPy our firm. The costs offAhaq% j n cluded Inou resent fee arrangements. The and observations include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: I. Consultation during the final design stages of the proiect. 2. Review of the building plans to observe that recommendations of our report have been properly implemented into the design. 3. Observation and testing during site preparation, grading and placement of engineered fill. 4. Consultation as required during construction. LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report cre based in part upon the data obtained from the six (6) borings performed on the site. The nature and extent of variations between the borings may not become evident until construction. If variations then appear evident, it will be necessary to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. Findings of this report are valid as of this date. However, changes in conditions of a property can occur with passage of time wether they be due to natural processes or works of man on this cr adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards occur whether they result from legislation or broadening of krowledge. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. L December 18, 1990 -16- 137-2823-P1 90-12-786 Accordingly, findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially 9 by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of eighteen (18) months. In the event that any changes in the nature, design or location of the building are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes • are reviewed and conclusions of this report modified or verified in writing. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to insure that the information and recommendations contained herein are called to the attention of the architect and engineers for the project and are incorporated into the plans and specifications for the project. It is also the owners responsibility, or his representative, to insure that the necessary steps are taken to see that the general contractor and all subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. It is further understood that the owner or his representative is responsible for submittal of this report to the appropriate governing agencies. Buena Engineers, Inc., has pre df§cD is fpW for the exclusive use of the client and authorized ag rifs N-MsRm aerpdi?qred in accordance with generally ac> pi Ts`b�I MC n110 practices. No other warranties,Q§ithe& ECI6 �•� the professional advice provi8Wdifled �y@Rigs and included in the report. IONALS. EVIEW By Inii It is recommended that BSER i�, c.,UU—pt 9t 6 opportunity for a general review of final de I��bW speclfcatio lin order that earthwork and foundation recommendations may be properly interpreted and implemented in the design and specifications. If Buena Engineers, Inc., is not accorded the privilege of making this recommended review, we can assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of our recommendations. Our scope of services did not include any environmental assessment or investigation to determine the presence of hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater or air, on, below or around this site. Prior to purchase or development of this site, we suggest that an environmental assessment be conducted which addresses environmental concerns. END OF TEXT Appendices RIJFNA FNMNEERS. INC December 18, 1990 -17- B7 -2823-P1 90-12-786 1. Envicom, Riverside County, 1976, Seismic Safety Element. 2. Greensfelder, Roger W., 1974, Maximum Credible Rock 0 Accelerations from Earthquakes in California, CDMG Map Sheet 23. 3. Krinitzsky, E.L., Chang, F.K., Magnitude -Related Earthquake Ground Motions, Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists Vol. XXV, No. 4, 1988, Pgs. 399-423. 4. Ploessel, M. R. and Slosson, J. E., "Repeatable High Ground Accelerations from Earthquakes", 1974 California Geology, Vol. 27, No. 9, Pgs. 195-199. 5. Seed, H. B. and Idriss, I. M1982 Ground Motio,)s and Soil S Do,� • Liquefaction During Earthquake�io7 I)R S ` =Uf=p PF—r-v c 6.' Seih,, Kerry, 1985, "Earthq ,�ke-QRgtet�tials - AIonc`` _ e�66. 10 rJ� psi Fault , Minutes of The Nc�onaParthqudke 13Ce, >vl�l Council, March 29-30, 1985, USG`s pen glg� rt;8�1l',: �Lv No.r s . S. A REVIEW E 8Y EARTN,SYSTEMS SO IngNOfv�V 4 920 uTHWEST �-- 06 Ll BUENA ENGINEERS, INC.