RFP - Addendum No. 1J
August 14, 2019
All Prospective Short -Term Vacation Rental Services RFP
Short -Term Vacation Rental Services RFP
The shall be considered as incorporated into the Request for Proposal (RFP)
for the above referenced services. Portions of RFP not specifically mentioned
in this Addendum remain in force.
The following are the City's responses to the questions received:
1. "Invoicing of all STVRP related fees" - is the vendor's service designed to
generate an invoice for the annual $200.00 registration fee, the $350.00
inspection fee, $5 technology fee only?
The vendor will provide invoicing for all related STVR fees -
this will include but not be limited to - reregistration fee,
business license fee, inspection fee, late and penalty fees for
both STVR and Business License, technology fees, and
Transient Occupancy Tax.
2. "TOT transmittal and submission of TOT transmittal receipts" - will the
vendor be providing the payment portal for TOT remittance? If so, what
payment methods will be supported? If credit card is supported, will you
allow a "convenience fee" to be added to the TOT that is incurred by the
STVRP operator, or will the contract fee proposed include the credit card
processing fees incurred by the vendor?
Yes, the vendor will be providing the payment portal for TOT
remittance. Credit card and ACH payment will be allowed.
Initially they City would incur the cost of credit cards until a
further fee study can be administered and then the fee would
be passed on to the consumer.
3. Will the City be open to escalated enforcement action for non -compliant
STVRP operators such as putting liens on properties, and issuing citations?
Currently we have an administrative citation process to address
Short Term Vacation Rentals as defined in our municipal code.
As far as putting liens on properties, currently we do not have a
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Cu Qaigra
process in place and would have to consult with City Council for
further action.
4. Does the 90% performance metric only apply to existing STVRP properties,
or does it apply to all STVRP properties? If it applies to all, will the City
consider a non -compliant operator after two formal notices, and two phone
contacts sufficient or insufficient?
The 90% performance metrics will apply to how effectively the
vendor will identify new properties for the program. Sufficient
compliance will be obtained by the vendor once 90% success
rate of those properties have been brought into compliance.
HUB Manager