0205-105 (RR)& hereby affirm 'under penalty of perjury. that I am licensed. under provisions: of, . ,Chapter 9 (commencing with, Section 7606) of Divislo'n 3 of the Business and' full force and effect. Professionals Code and my License 1s In �s.h LIcense # ass Exp. Date., '457 Z" *4 ; I c 511 W.Date Signature of Contractor . WNER-9LIIL6ER'DE N G il hi0ebV?aff lhm Zinber oenalty�of perjury',that I am exem'ptfromlhe Contractoeg. 'LI66fise Law reason- is,owp&of:th6 property, orm � 'j:empl6yees With wages' as. their, S016 ' �pqmpensa, ion, zwill do:tfiw work, and the structure Is hot iftinded or offered for rsa s' * le,(Sec. - 7044,-B6sInes& Professionals Code): owne of the! property, .am exclusiv6ly�0ntracting'With licensed 4'd�6htractoij�t6l6iD'n'str6ct -Ahe., project (Seca 7044, business & Professionals ',66aer'•Se"c'tio'n. 6'&R'C. foe thig-reagon Signature, of Owner 7 WORKER'S COMPENSATION . DECLARATION. R IS Kereby''6ffi ir, - under-- penalty, of -perjury oneof the following declarations:11,' a1nd,WIWmaihiaiei ii'certi icate,o consent,to'selMnsure for workers' - id'f' JV-§ectl�h'VOO - " �compensatlon,` as'provide . or I of Labor Code, for the �pdrformance ofithework f6e4hlch ifiii permit isissbeil.` I have and .will ..:m6i6'ta:lh,workers' compensation: insurance, as required by '-C�de�. for the performance; , of 6 work for -which this 37 of Ah6,Laboi pe ce 8 ,;,perm P . •, 1 11. _� W�,w6rkersi',compehiabon, insurance carrier & po icy 1 no. are:. it, is issued. C 'No, �affldf,'. STATS �.,i Policy (W6.91-0095269 W." (((This section, need WthipermltvalUation is for $106.00 or. less).` I certify.theit. 'fi permit is Issued, In t woerformance o the work forwhich this -all not t em . ploy.'any,i,person , in a ny manner anner so I as'to become Subject to the Yworkers','c,ompeni6tion,idw6;,oi-,Callf6rnii,,�i6d"a6r6e 1hatif I'should become ject -to."th6 workers 66iiip'e-n,s,ation,p,-ro"visi,or,'Is of,,Section, 3700, of the Labor all comply withihosi-pr�.Visr p, Fallufbtoi,6666-4 W&kirk tion coveraga ls,Uhlawful.and i " fl ' )Ject an,drnployerto�crlmlnal p6naltels and civil nes.00to'$1100,000,16 t 6,t k 6cost 6 f compensation da6lagesas:pi6vlde.d for In Section 3706 iboF, 666,- lhiirdit and attorney's fees > rANT- 406il6ition-ls hereby"made to'the.Director of Building and Safety eimit forth on,. his :h,oet6bh�Ooon'Fwhoi6e'behailf,ih'ii%ippli'c'*a'ti'o"n"'Is'+'m'ad9'&"'e'i'cfi'per'd�ozn at f I i�equest.a or whose.benef t w6rk.ls performed under or pursuant to jrmit 1619_66d.as'ii result of. this -io.-pll'cat'on',aor'ees,.to*,.&. shaill, Indemnify I1h'armless the.Clry of ;La Qulnta is officers; agents and employees. 'and void If I S, not commencedM'Ithln� 180 days .',from,"-date Of .Issuance: of such Or cessation of.'work 'f6f­1`8d..days _will' subject permit to cancellation. 4 h9f I,.hiV6,'iea'd th'1'6,'iip"0'1'1'catl6h,ihd�i"t6ti th'd,t.the',above�.Infor�natloh Is I agree fd.:d6mpiy with i(lClty,-'and-'Sti'3te;;IaWs;relatln§,t6'thd building ,tion*i. a se arIdf hreb� y uth6rIie repi�q hiativei,of,thip iCity to enter Upon re-'mentionied property for lnspeq Ion purposes.. RECEIPT. DATE 'Al 'l ee '(Owindr/Ageht) bate' r PERMIT # s 1i MINGIPERMIT. # �JQt�7f. BUIL DATE LOT, "'TRACT - 14 t.L. 7-;,- -S 0" JOB SITE ADDRESS C)AX HUX J 3, OWNER CONTRACTOR I DESIGNER I ENC 4IN PER PGA W.E.8"r 91=MMAL ROME,0WIT08 TT_fl11RM_0_19M.D:6F CALMMIA"INCA' 'Rolwx 1060 EN9. 67 0JWY0HbRM I A QUMA RAL Ctry, CA;,�2w,2: USE OF PERMIT '0M4ENALDMLDW0- - M-RODY WITH CA..' ".A MATER.LAI, & M,00. It: 54-337, 54-1231. 54731 4,301. OAK H I ul� VAU)AT)ON La wrainu cbsa* (W con's—mucrion DU 24W Mri6v. mm - _L? 10L-000.418-0%) !J wA . XY. F LAQUINT, FINMICIEDEPT WR4WAL CONSWILYCTION AND PLAN CMCAC W 'PAWFM M I PRE- TOTA� MOW FEES DURIVOW Od 7W 1 INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION _ DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans - OX to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans 8 Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROV S POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond _ Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final - Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: / -