0205-104 (RR)If— hereby affirm 'uhdO oehaltybfpelury that'l am, licensed under pr sions'of- Chapter 9 (comini rcln`g with Secliori,7000j of Division .3 of the !Business andt',f, -Professionals Code, and my Ucense is In full force and effect,Ucense # uc:ciass 41E�ip. Dat • Signature of OWNER-BOILD!ikb� hereby affirm undei.'penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors License Law fo- the foll6wirig reason: fora O he thi property, or my employees with wages as their` sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure 16 not intended or offered for -sale (Sec. 7044,,,Business & Professionals Code). 1. as owner of the property, am - exclusively contracti , ngl with licensed Contractors to,bonstruct the project (Sec..7044, Business,& Professionals Code) ',(-)��41Rexotni 'ptur�eS6'oibn-b&R'ef)br'thfsreas-oh,,' Sign Date' * - �ature of, Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION -1 hereby affirm under, penalty of - perjury one of the following declarations: ),,,I hive And Will. maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, mpensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor for the performance of the work for which this permit is Issued. I 'V i w6rkers"6ompensation Insurance as required by . �, I have and will 'maintain I S on 3700 of the Lab&.Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is Issued., My workers'. comps'n'saVoin Insurance carrier & policy no. are:,,, Carries STATIPAIDPolicy No. 046=0-0403369 (This section need not be completed 0 the permit valuation Is for $100.00 or less). O I certify that In the pirformance of the work for which this permit Is Issued,, 1 shall not employ any person In any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I - shculd beco 61 subject to the workers' compensation provlsIons..9eCVpn 3700, r Code, I shall fort hwith,6orfiply with those provisl f?'Dite: Q -Z .'Applicant Oil i -Warning: Failure to secure ., Workers,' bd"=V�wera;ge is _un1aWu_r`­and-_ ,,,shall Subject an employer, penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in 'addition to the cost 6st of 6omoensatlon,ilimages as provided for 16 Section 3706-. iof the Labor code, 16ter6st and attomey's fees.' IMPORTANT, -A0 , plicIitlob is hi4bj made to the Directof of Building and Safety fora 'permit subject 6,ilh6, conditions and restrictions set . forth -,on- his:' application. Each pers6h.upoh whos;15e'half this application,is made&'each person at .whoreqti6it and foi'Whose b enefit Ark Is perfor'med under or pursuant to any permit issued aist result of this ipplicaton agrees to, & shall, Indemn Ity.. 4 hold, harmlessihi.City of La Qdlntaj� lts'offic6rs, agents and employees. ,2. Any, permit W686 as i result �of ihli application becomei null ind,vold If 'W&k'ls,n*0i C�m C niehb6d wlihWIIBO days from date of Issuance of such, ,00rmii,.orcesdbil6nbtw6rkior'i8ddijeW[Isubi6ctpormlttocincellation., I _CaAiiy.that 1-hve re6d,tliis'appilcailon-and state that the above'lnf6rmation Is correct-) ­ dg(ebi'tdcompl'i Mth'all Clty;.arid,State laiws,relatlrig to the bulldlhg. i- 4, orlstructioni,an I d Hereby aut.ho!rIz9­representaflvqs of thisjC!ty to enter upon. t0if abov6-mentlonid property forl 1 ecti U !;8 ec" =W_ 44 ��s' Innature (Owner/Agent) 1)8*11Z !,j T POT -,A ITMCT JOB SrTEN' ADDRESS .6 Vt OWNER.' CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/ENOINFER' PG1K%V=M=FNUAL110)-ft1".a= U1a"_0_8MD OE DIC fl 67-555 E=PAIMIAW 14 IA,QUIWP. CXMRAL�= CA .92262 060)32s.9111 awt 4611 USE OF PERIVIrr ,R"001.r WITH 7_-.%Xf,-14-34f OAK44111 a it V'"UAT1014 %946.00 LAI 181) coff OF COPMUMON - 2,946M PERMW F= HUWARY �" 830.110 m -41 8-M =001? e j 01 000 MAY 0 9 2 WYOFILAQUINTA FINMCEDE" . 0 TOM 1?13=, I= DIM XQW, RECEIPT sI DATE BY DATE FIN SPEC TQQ A L INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATjE ` = INSPECTOR OPERATION GATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs U Ducts FOrtns dL F i Duets Slab Grade Retwn Air %* Steel Combustion Air Rod Deck Etfaust Fans O.K to W . , t FA.U. F Insulation Vents P.L Grips Fhpbw T.O. Fans 3 Corrt►wls Party Wap Insulation Condensate LMes Party Wap Finw all Exterior Lath ogad - Int, lath Final Fina POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS Sim Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main grain Borrel Beam Approval to Cover EQuipmrtt Location UndergrwjW Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS GasTest Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water P Plu Final PkrmbbV Top Od Ew Endowm Shmw Parts O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pod Cover Sewer Connection Encapsu Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final Nam (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Under CondLd Rough Wiring Low Vobp Wiring Fbdures Main Service Sub Panda Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final U" Notice (Perm)