0205-103 (RR)eby C iqa� 1,e,,pena of*oendeyftt'I'ani,:Iioeht,,ed:undt,'�p!ovisionsof ho. ('ih Secfldn 7000) of DMsioiii 3 of the Busl�'ess and, N'(0 'Protessionali Code, and my Licinse Is In full force dk effect. - C-V,q, uc,nse # ,CLIC Class - I;ECxp. D., a te VS114 3 ,V 0 . 6VAER-6811JALDER =37RA-HoN 7 W ae Contractors affirm.tinder penalty of perjury that I.am exempt from the, CO)f 'r the following reason: Z 1. asIQ wh, 'ner' Of the property, o; my employees with wages as their sole; compensatfdh;;Will -do the'work, and the structure is not Intended or offered for sale, (Sec.,7044, Business 9 ProfessionalsCode). 1,, as owner of the, 'property, am exclusively contracting with licensed odintractors. to construct the project (866. 7044, Business i Professionals I "am' e'x'eTpt uhdeiv,Sedtlon B&RCAor this reason C Date SIghature o -Owher. of WORKER"S.COMPENSATION DECLARATION 2 Zj� OL a:' I hereby affirm 'un;er'pehaity perury one'of.the following declarations:'. 0 < I �have and Will mainialn a certificate of consent to self-iniur6 for workers', X Lij LLcompensaItton, : " as provided for 'by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the 0.-u �J performance of the work for which this permit is issued. CD -),I haviI,and Will mil'hta*in %�orkers!.6ompensauon Insurance; ai'required by', 4,on 3700 of the Labor CoI:16,,for the pertbrmanoe of the work fdr,which this a'� Z' permft:ls issued. ,WLW6rk�rs'1,bor*nssVon insurance carrier & policy no. are:,. Policy No., (this section -need not be completed If the'permft valuation Is for $100.00 or less). 1 certify that In'ther performance of the 'work for which this permit Is Issued, fshall h6t,employ ahy'perior! In any�manner so as to become subject to the :omoen6atlonji 0 workers'�c we of Callfomla; and ag�ee that if I should be 1 0 �t"t .9 'bor subjectio the w6rk6rs' c6iiiperigation provisions of Se 3 0 of;the comply _% those !ii;oVIs Code, f htylth — h,04VI mite. Annil lvlfirrilng-"FaIlure to secure Workers' Cbo�ffonorfcoverage is uniawful'and Shall 'subject an ernpI6yer,W criminal peniftids and civil fines up to $100,000, In additiodto ihi cost of comi5ematl6h, damages as provided for in Section 3706 6f thilabbrodde, In'teteii and itt6tn6j'i fees. IMPORTANT Application Is" hereby made tothe E)ir6dt6r of Building and Saf6ty for lei _. piermk. Subject'to, - the,-C­oi�dltl oni and; restrictions set forth on his application.' .1. Each Oers6n upon whose behalf this application Is made & each person at, whose rsquest and for whosebenefit work Is performed under or pursuant to any permit lisubd as a,resblf of thli aliplicaton agrees to, & shall, Indemnify .,.& hold harmless th6l :city of La 06inti,Ats'officers, agents and employees.-, 2. Any permit Issued as a result of this applicitl6n.becomei null and void If Work Isrno't-commenced wlihin 180,.days from'date of Issuance of such .permit, orcessation of iWorR for,180 days will subjiat permit to cancellatlon... ty I certify that I hava4dd this application and state that the iboVe information Is correct. i agree to comply.with all City, and State laws relating to the building' construction, and hereby authorlze'repiresentaflvep of, thj§ City to enter upon the sb6v'e:mentioned property.for InSpqPttion purpo0S-/,, r itl WILDINGTERMT., TMCT • JOB SITE 9 0AWJW4 ADDRESS APNt ,,, 'k OWNER 7 CONTRACTOR DESIGNER EN0INqFA 2 POA V= 10,11OUTM MMW%WW PA 130xioK, -555 F -CAWYOOMM 67 ASTPALtt • JA QUOM CA' 9222 q60025-9111.- mu# 4.611 USE OF PERMIT (IM91KRAL DUIMD40 - M1=FW1TJI CLASS A UAT1$aAL.3- OLDO. 54.491,, /* .4-409, -%117 OAKHIM- ',t "NALUATION 60 s ]KISTUdATM CQSr aF CONUKUMON 2,946M, PIRMU FEE 9[fARdARY ROR00F.FU 101-000-418-000 4 MAY .0 9 i(101. —. WYOFLAQUINTA FINMICEDEPT t X11 •T CONMUCTM AM PLMT CM= 130,00 - L= FPOPAW TomplampmVICIENOW RECEIPTBY 1: J ?FINA . . CMR . INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION - DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducks Form & Foo&W Ducts Slab Craft Return Air Steel Combuz.,em Air Roof Dec* Exhaust Fans O.K to Wmp FAU. Fm" Compressor , ulation veft _.mplam P.L Grills .46place T.O. Fans & Controls _Pwty Wall Ins"on Condensate Unes Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - K Lath Final FlnW POOLS -SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVAL t—' Steel Set Backs Electric Bond FoWW Main Drain Bond Beam AWovat to Cow Equipy*xd Location Underground Electric Underground Pbg. Test Final cft Pipft PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Unes Heater Final Water Pk" Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Paris O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Pq" Ga Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final UfiWy Notice (Gm) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough WirkV Low Voltage Wiring Fbdures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.J. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm)