0205-102 (RR)L-1 k. "14 Zor-Lo toVi4 I MA#.; I Un LjA;%.,LAriAi 1UN I; hereby ' ' penalty * ' ' '­­ d,Under provisions 6f��; m*.,undbt�penaty-,'of:'p-eg-urh j:amlicense T,t at of466-Busineiss andA J-1-Pr6fessionals C-6cle-,"and, my '06en4'is�,Irilull for6biiid'iffect. , 1 , C b6ensi# E Date X124573:' 41 Signature ,of -1 xll OWNEREIUI LDER DEC ON exempt from the Contractor's 41 Kereby.Oirm- under r'pebalty of,perjury that am exam L er�Ise�L& i6rj66`.f6IIi5wIng- reason:,.' Ic w kees�With wages as their sole 1,-,is"ovi�ei.-6i,the"pioperty, or,.'my employ , . ~,;compensation; . will do the mork, and the structure is not intended or offered for *sale ( eca7044461siness &,Professionals Code).',, am 'eec�xclu7sively contracting r with licensed contracto S to, .644, Business &,Prof essibrials - - S' 'k U ­j dfthe project ( p M LW exempt underSections,' B&P.C.for -this reason C\11' Dlate�,. "1 �1 Signature ofx Owner cli WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION Z jECLARATI Nz I, ereby,,,'Affirinilly. of folloWing-d6clarations:: ?�O I have and will ,ft]inderl. penalty' A ' ' " " " �,OTVperjury),one �Cohj'e�tLto 6IAti(na'Ce'rtifi&ate",Of self -insure for 'workers' .14 ,c,o,Tpenc;atione,-�-aslprovidodfor bi,,Si;cti6n"3760 of the Gabor Cod6,.'for the "M a qoraqncpe,of the Work for Whi 1h ifilis'ppirmitis issued ve andwill t maintain w6rkers'. compensation . insurance, as required by, on.3700of:the Labo�, ddethe performance of ihe,work for which this it I U Y'Workers', corno-ensation. insurance camer.&'poficy no. are:, 'tr_ 0 0 CY N Policy 5 4g� (This sec�ion need not be completed if the permit valuation is f6r $100.00'or,ldss Ofl certify that in the work f --which this permit is issui�d,-' performance of the or 4:11 - shall .,not:erni I r in any manner so-as.16 become subject to the if I -.-,wor erstcom ; I- 1�1 . ns i, California and agr66 th4t6ecorne',', U , , compensation _p_r'6visions of, Section 3700 of"th Labor 6W!Vshall forthwith'compIYwith those 'EDatappIc. Am it ibjfiii6s_66 to.$100 000 : 'ect_ajn',empIoy0 in Mo'tlia ot,of',"compensat'io'n',,,'8a ffii a_g'BSa­'s`pro_'vIded for in Section 3706 abor Codejflhtdr6ifand'­ attorneys 'fees ..... - -4. UNT Applicatlori)S hereby 'made't67-the —bire-"c-t-or-'bf,B6ilding and Safety 36rmittsuibject _to1.:th6 +conditlofiS"-7and -,restii6tions'. set' forth on his , tion' ch,,jpeF66n%0ohMho" behalf this.6pplication'is made & each person at e.requeswand forwhose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to. )dhnIt issued asthis ap , resultpf plic-aton agrees to, &'SKAII, Indemnify .0;1 Wiernle"s's"41hi �'Clty 'of l_i,:Qu'Inta,-.Its officers, agents and employees. becomes null and void If is�notj,comme=6d w ro Within'180 180 + days f ' m- datei'bf issuance of such , it, 6r,cessation :of - work 'f*o-c',180'days will subject permit to cancellation. that]',hav6lbad this application arid state that thbove information Is a I . ,greetb.comp� ;. -,ly,w�1.ift all City,,arid State la 's. relatin`g -to the building * we�ik ctlon;t.`and . hereby ,,a`i,uth6 rize representatives * of this City to enter upon ve-mentioned property for inspection pdrpose'.. 7!- .V 7=7�77 • rjAgent) ire, (Owne Date PERMIT # UIEDINGRERMITV, DATE'A T'IVALUATION'��;j' i"' JQ LOT X JOB SITE ADDRESS APN OWNER CONTRACTOR DESIGNER ENGINEERJif.4- d K"Vy"117 RMIDERf LAW 1HODOMMRS i"At"R, MA OTC P, V• -.mix -I wo 67-555 Xh,�TPAL4 C'ANY0N,:DR1Vr% 1.A (Wffi-TA CAIVURDRAL MY . t X (70)325^91.11. MLO 4611 USE OF PERMIT GENERALHIJILDINO :R&Ft(XW.Wn'H CLASS A MA'VHRW�S� BLID0. 8: 54491, r14--432154 'VALUMON 101-CM419-M . $:30.1W MAY CITY0FLAQUINTA FINANCE DEPT-' 31,T&TOTA1, CONSTRUCTWN AM PLAIq ClIECK 1.188 PRE-PA113 RAM IWAR, PF.RAIXT YFAS A QW 4 RECEIPT DATE Z-2 BY INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air j) Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck -0 O.K to Wrap Exhaust Fans F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party all Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVA S Steel POOLS - SPAS Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover _ Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fbdures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: '