0205-101 (RR)��—__—� ......-...... —�.^..,,..°m I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of ~ with _~~,-7000) �~~~,sid..~.the Busine~and ~ pmmvommu/oCode, vnumvuoonoommbmmumand effect. '. uoommx '_ ' ' 'uv. Class Exp.oam'�t' .".1/4,V7 uam � /� � ^/ of Contractor | hereby affirm under penalt y of,perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the.following reason: ( ) 1, as owner of the property, or my employees.with wages as their sole compensation, will.do.the w6rk, and the structure is not intended or offered for 1,'as owner 6f thE.­,property: am. exclusively contracting with licensed contrac . tors to' construct. th e proj . ect (S�c. 7044, Business & .-Profession . als I am, exempt under -Section B&P.C. for this reason Date —7-4$ignature..of Owner V hereby_ affirm under p6halty of pqrju`r� �oqe,: Of t , he�following I declarations: er �prmanc which this permit is.is§ued,- work . ers, compensation Iaiwsof.`C'aIitomia, and agree t,hat,i,,f I should becom6 Codej sh 11 forth ith comply with those provisions. -Date* Applicant Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Comp'e'n'-siatio ov6rage is unla�iu'l -and of the Labor Code, interest �ndktiorney's fbes. IMPORTANT, Applic.ation..is.-hereby made,to the Director of Building and Safety 4gr 'a. pqrmit,�SubjoCt JO the 1-corfdiiions, and restrictions set fortK,onhis application. a ll.tacl�persori' upon whose behalf.this application is made & each person at whose �equest and for whose benefit w6rk is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harinless the City of Ca Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a reiult of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced Within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or'cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. / certify that | have read this application and state that the above information is nv,evt. | agree tocomply with on City, and State laws relating mthe building onnstmction, anuxooaoyavmonco mpnomanmtivov of thio/Qty to enter upon the above-mentioned pmpenyoo,inspection purposes./ | (Owner/Agent)` oa�� BUILDING PERMIT DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT JOB SITE APN OWNER CONTRACTOR DESIGNER / EN61NEER ITY USE OF PERMIT 41 uI) ........ CITY 'OF LA QUIM-A RECEIPT DATE BY AT rINSPE�V INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE } INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS � MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs ' - Underground Ducts Forms & Footings - `— ----�" Duets Slab Grade — Return Air Steel ------_ - _; .. ( Combustion Air j Roof Deck �Q Exhaust Fan= j O.K. to Wrap _ - - - ---`- _— Smoke Detectors ,army 1 Insulation Fireplace P.L. j l Ull'p;ub:su' bents GrOI= - I ! Fireplace T.O. j Fans E Controls - Parry Wali Insulation ! Condensate Lines ' - Party Wall Firewa ; - `— ----�" Exterior Lath-- — Drvwall - Int. Lath ; "--`— ------ ------_ - _; .. Final I BLOCKWALL APPROVAL Set Backs ! _ nc Footings ' -t.ia n'^ � - - -- - -- - - - -- -- -- -- ---, Eond Bear -- - - - - ---- ---- - - Fina' !- PLUMBING. APPROVALS - - ---- - ( Waste Lines Water Pipin, Plumbing Top Out, _— Shovrer Pans 1 --__._—_.� _ -- =, • -- -- _ . --- -- f Sevier Laic,ui Sewer _ _ .S • i Gas Gas Teat -- - - - -- - -- --- - Appliances' i _ _ --,- --- --- - - --_------+ I Uti,;y Notice (Gas). -- - ` -- -- ----- - r ELECTRICAL APPROVALS ,_-amp. Gower Pole - Underground Conduit ~Rough Wiring ( Low Vckage Wiring Fixtures - ---�---� M,am Service Sub Panels j Exterior Receatacles G.F.I. -�-- -r-------. ---' - - ---`- _— Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power --�— Final — Utility Notice (Perm) —