0205-100 (RR)I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with S-ection 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, arid my License is in full force and effect. License Lic. Class Exp. Date Ly ,6 a t el Signature of Contractor 4_4 OWNER -BUILDER DE&L'AR4THiN I hereby affirm under penalty of 'perjury that I'am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the.following reason: I,' as owner of the property, or.my employees with wages as their sole •compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended -dr.off Bred for sale (Sec. 7044, Business• &' Professionals Code). 1, as owner of thiiprop&ty, aiii.-exclusively contracting With, licensed o ' contractrs. to const I ruct the -project Sec. 704. . 4;"Business .&--P'rofessionals Code). (J I am exempt under -Se'c'tion for this. reason - of Date Signatulre';� Owner WORKERS ,COMPENSATION .,DECLARATION;-. -.1 hereoq affiA­ _u*rider,-_'pe'nalty­ 'of- ;p'p'!j"ury"q•n�e'-,,,'of the following- declarations: I have and w'i I I maintain ia certifk'ateo.xtconsent,to sel-insure for 'W,brkers' compensation, as provided for by Section3700 of the Labor ode, f6r* the performance'of theworkfor,which, this permit,is issued.,i., I have and wi maintainvorkers compensation - insurance, as. required by Sebfion'3760 of the Lab6r, Code for the performance of the Work Jor: which; this permit is"issd6d..:My ! Workers' compen§ition insurance' 'earner & p6licy,no are' P6` I IC 0: Carrier (This sectiomne6d,not be completed if,the perirnit val6ation'is for $100:00 or iesi). 116ertiiy that in the 1p'drforr� a -A :ce ofith e`w6rk for -which this permit is issued, J shall not,employ any pL-rsbn:ih any manner soyas to becorne Subject t6the 'k� ' Yhsh66ld bec' '-' workers.' `compensation .,laws: of, California �,,,andl'ag re -e' :t at'i orne 'subject . ... .1.1... , . I I � w�l ,_to1he'work'e'rs compensation, provisions of Section .3700 of'the ,Labor !Code l.sha'li46rih %_Oh comply "with those provisions. EBtBAnnlirA-), :'- ­" n -t -1 ' and - Warnini: Failure: to s'dc'ijre.-Worki--rs!;Compensation-co�6rage is'unlawiu'l shalFSubj_e'c't"a6_n employer;to criminal pena - Ities and civil fines up to $100,000 ,,'in. pdditi8r�t6lk6,6osf -of com'"pens-atiok, 6am�ges asprovided for in . Secti6n 3706' of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fee's. IMPORTANT A00kcation is herebymia'Je to thetiirector of,Buiilding and Safety' Jor.a,p ir!�tsubC , e t _tp.- the. conditions. and:,'restrictions -set-,,forth oni his' - .. .. •� �r .- application. .1. Each'per ' son 'upon whose behalf this application is made & each:pefson' at ,;�hose'reiquesiand for'whose benefit work is performed under hder or pursuant to any permit issued as a res ' ult of this applicaton agrees to, &'shall, indemnify & hold harmle'96 , the City of La Quinta, iis.officers', agents:and employees. -.- 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becorne§*nJull and void if work is -'rot commenced within 180 days'fromdate of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for .180 days will. subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the /above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature (Owner/Agent) f DaW BUILDING PERMIT JILHMI I o DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT JOB SITE ADDRESS ✓ APN OWNER CONTRACTOR DESIGNER EN (NEER 0�NHi I'Ai'kVW USE OF PERMIT )A i'tf .4 4 �:_..___ fi P I CITY nf­ - - FIM 7t Ir 7.i1 )! A N1) RECEIPT DATE BY BY IDAWI$L IN' TPET OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS I Set Backs. i Underground Ducts Forms & Footings 0!Uv. Tes' Ducts Firizi — -- Slab Grade —j Return Air ; ' PLUM8 Steel _ -- Combustion Air Ga, T<<_: ---►______-__.. _! Roof Deck O.K. to Wrap —_' Exhaust Fans F.A.U. :Nasta Lines Framing Compressor : �•: i� ; i Insulation Vents j Fireplace P.L. P;crroing Top Gt,j PantK_r.± Grills Fireplace T.O. I Fans & Controls Pa,t� Wall Insulation ; Condensate Lines i �rv:.er L rt+.ra! j Party Wall Firewall Sewer onnesi'ton Exterior Lath !- fir• >nsu;� — -- _ ___. - .__.- --- — Gas Piping Drywa!I - W. Lath __ _ _ BLOCKWALi. APPROVA- S FOOLS SPAS, Se! Backs _-� �- 1 Electric Ecnd i Bond Beam; ! — 1 ,Aayr: ,')ve; i— �— ---- I U;werercur;d Eiecu,c i 0!Uv. Tes' ---� _ - ---- - -- 1 Firizi — -- j —j Ga: Pion ' PLUM8 NG APPROVALS{ _ -- Ga, T<<_: ---►______-__.. _! — —_' ` :Nasta Lines �.__ : �•: i� ; i Water P;crroing Top Gt,j PantK_r.± �4 J`:'!E•' i �rv:.er L rt+.ra! Sewer onnesi'ton !- fir• >nsu;� — -- _ ___. - .__.- --- — Gas Piping _ _ __ _ _ ! f% Test— - ---- -- -; CL,IME i s 1 �SflBf � s �Uilf?;, Nc.bce (Gas) ± E'LEC TRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pale EUnderground Ccndu R•�t:gh Whin - -- �{I -T--------- � • rMain S3ivice I Sub Panels�_— Exti erior Receptacles C F.I. ,Smoke Det,:: tars Temp., us: of Power Wility Notice (Perm) -- --