0205-092 (RR). ­^LPA"°..vm I- hereby uffinn under penalty of perjury that | am | , provisions of Chapter �ith of Divisibin 3 o the Business and Professionals Code, and myLicense iomfull force and effect. uommw uc.o/ma Exp. Date �- /"°te--��f~�~�-- Signature of Contractor— OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION °'=^^OVVNER-BmLDERDECLARATION nemUy��affirm penalty y mmtho Contractor's License Law,fu,the following reason: ( ) | as,owner ofVm with their compensation, will do the -work, and the structure i's . n6t intended or offered for sale (Sec. 70.44, Business & Professionals Code). 1, as owner, of he.propdrty, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construc . t V We'project (Sec. 7044,� Business & Professionals Date Signature of Owner WORKEKS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under,06nalty of.perjury one of the' following declarations: compensation,` as. prbvi _r'Code, for the perfoiman*Ce of the 'work for which this Oermiris iss6ed. (-J-1-have andwill.JM'aintain w . orkers . ' compensation insurance, as required I by .(This se6ti�h nbe'd not. -be Completed if the permit valuation is for $10 , 0.0 , 0 or less)... I shall not _em�i6 y- any'� p�ri or:n':in any Tanner so as �to, become subject -to the workers' compensation laws of.Calif6rhia, and agree that if I should,become subject to the workers' comp6hsation,.p�qyjsions of, Section.'. 3,700 of 4he Labor Applicant of theiabbr Code, interest and attorney s4ees. for 'a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his 1: Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & 'each person at whose request and for whose benefit work mperformed under mpursuant m any permit issued ao� mouhofthis appnoumn agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold xa,m|ovumoCitymuuQuinm. its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit iuvuau as u ,voun o/this application »aoomwv nun and void if wm,x is not nvmmonoou within 180 days from date of issuance o, such permit, or cessation oxwork for 1aodays will subject permit to cancellation. |oortify that | have read this application and state that the ubo" information correct. | agree to m oop|ywitn CitCity,xa�and State laws relating mthe building oonutmohon, and hereby authorize representatives o/this City toenter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection Pu,Poopo. Signature (Owner/Agent) Date BUILDING PE MIT DATE ,VALUATION LOT JOB SITE ADDRESS APN OWNER CONTRACTOR DESIGNER EN61NEER USE OF PERMIT RECEIPT DATE-- BY DAT INsP b OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE I '.INSPECTOR i • BUILDING APPROVALS � MECHANICAL APPROVALS t Set Backs Underoround Ducts Forms & Footings Ductsy Slab GradeRetum Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans i v�O Q. K. to Wrap I F.A.U. I Framing , Compressor Insulation ! --' Vents rireplace P.L. Grills ! Fir solace T.O. Fans & Controls j Par',y Udall Insulation Condensate Linen ' Warty Wail Fire'rra!! , I Exterior Lath Dn vall - Int. Lath —_ --1—,— -- --� i 21 Final Eir+at j --- POOC_ o PAG BLOC'IVIVAL APPROVALS Se: sacks — Electric gond ; Foctings _ j Main Drain -- Bor.-4 Beam j ! Approval to Cove,- ! Fnuia:rent Location Und_e~_round ElectnnI— _ Under round Pibg. Test. PL{rIN��.'+'.01� �Ga..Test ones j Elecine F,ra![`.Gaste '-- Water Piping � _ —�- - i Piurribt^-, Final - 1 --r-- — Piumbinc Top Cu= s 7-- ! �g.,,cm;;n Enclosure I -- ---�— I Shower Palls:.!: rC--_— -� _ i`P'/!ei °,;' F;nish PI8£?E' — ----•-- `-- •' -------- --�— Lateral 1 + t'D(S; ..•ti4+Fr Cav/f3i CC.'.nGc:!Cri —_ •._.�-._ .__.,.-.- .-._- ___ _....—. _ :.�r••�i:!ailUSt .-_ 1 �._—; ._ --. y Piping as Final- I Utility Noti_e'Gas) I _J ELECTRICAL APPROVALS1 1 _ Temp. Powe; Pole 1-~' tr„ Conduit —�—( _! eraround r Rough ;^Bing _t ' Low pottage Wiring t Fixtures Main Sery-e Sub Panels -t- — — Exterior Receptacles--. — G.F.I. —� t Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of ?ower Final -- Utility I;otice (Perm) L. --'� - -