0205-099 (RR)I, hefeby affirm under penalty of perjurythat -I am -licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencingwith Section 7600) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date ,."Date I Signature of Contractor /.1. OWNEWBUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under -penalty of perjury that'Jim exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 1, as :owner of the property, or, my' employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work,, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, _Business & Profess&A Code). 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed ,contractors -to construct the project, (Seca 7044,* Business &,Professionals Code)-',",. O Viimexiiimpt under,Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Sig,hature of Owner WORKER!S-COMPIEkSAil'ON'-DECLA,RATION I :hereby affirm 6 n8e r.'p.6 n a I ty, of , pe rj u ry one of th e -fo 1160 n 6 declarations: O k6vel and 4illmaintain a Certificate of Consent to self -insure for workers' compensa ion_ -pr6vided for by Section 37o6,, of the Labor Code; for the , " ­ -47 h - i ­�; 'this . h -4 11 1 issued ' ' ­ . performance o I e Work for which t is permit is Issued.. .1, " ', ­' ' _;01 maintain workers' 6�perisatio�.insurance, as�re (*171 have and quired�by. 'S, ection- 3700 of the", , bbr�',Code, 6'r th—e..p,;r(o-rin'a6cL-6f.'the; work for wfiicK'this permit.,JS Jssued. ywprkem''compensation insurance *carner,& policy no. are: . yry. ..Policy No, (This section need not, be completed if' the 0,6kii valuation is for $10 - 0 00 or ,l S). 1�certify . th,at in the'p',erfo­rmanc.i-oiithe w. oIdOor whi6h this"permit is,-issu. ed, -,_ 1shall not employ anyperson,in any manner,soaSto-become subject to the workers' -compensation laysof California, aAd'agree that if 1sh6uld become ,subject -to the'work"rs 66npe66ati6n Drovision6,of SectioA 3706 of the. Labor rihall forthwith comply witff those provisions', - XV ,DateAppIicant Wbrining: Failur;e to secure WorkersCompe�iafi . 6'fil/ erage-is unlawful and , : 'criminal' - ­.. 1. , Cir, *Pl _. I . $100,000, *, ZShal1l'S6'bj,Erct,.an ei'mployer.-to criminal * pehaltiei. and. c, i�'a nes' up to in, addition, t6 thd_.coiii Of compensation, dimages as provided cled f6r in, - Section 3706 -.of the Labor. Code,, i M46611. and. 6tt6rney!s ees. sr ,.,..Imp,QRTANT_,App,!ic4tion.,is_hereby,Mp�iq tq-the - pirector of Butiloing,andSafety. for a permit ,subject t6 the.-cDnditibns� 'and restrictions 'set forth oh his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this a"41icatio'nIs - made & each person at pp whose request.and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, &'shall, indemnify & hold hiarmless the City of Ea Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued.as a.result of this application becomes null and void if :work' :is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with All City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for. inspection purposes. Signature (Owner/Agent) Date •—) PERMIT # BUILDING PERMIT DATE LOT TRACT .14ALuAT16N JOB SITE ADDRESS '8LJ.XV' ;S OAK 033,;.i APN OWNER CONTRACTOR I DESIGNER EN (NEER .1110A 1VIOST RERM(SN11M, Iff-W.F.OWNFPS 41-J"n": TIII' T >A-0. F4111JET.1) OF(Wll MIA, IW(',. P.O. YXXX )(360 EAE;TYALM CAJAON 1,1110VE LA (7(ANTA L 'i'V f,.1;k 91])611, USE OF PERMIT PKIM14111 IFY It, 1,;V PANKRY Sl!,93 !(.M tSN' 11W-PA10 felt'.A�:8' t) till 'AL 1V 0' (,� NONV 1 — W Of ............ �RECEIPT DATE-- BY DATE F1 3ROM9 IN S, WCO OPERATION DATE —� INSPECTOR i OPERATION ATION SrPC 0 BUILDING APS R' VALE WCL; ANICAk��►:�:�':�L Set Backs I ; Underar; and Ducts Forms & Footings — ; Ducts �r Slab Grade �^ Re urn Air Steel Roof Deck ! Comcust{or, Air F must 'raps 0. K. to Wrap I i — A.D. Framing j ! Compress„- I I' Insulation - t - Vents Fireplace F.L. ! i Grills F repiace T.G. Fasts & Controls i I -any W --all Insulation � Condensate Lines I — — I Warty Wall Firerr!I � cyterior Lath -- Drywall - int. Lata Final �+.. POOLS I--- JL:a�•stLYY�1S � fit` t`r'2�'1�f��� � -- ------- - I steel Se: Backs --=---� - c.,evtr;c Bond , — — f Footincs rBon:' Beamf f j j �� K13in Drain --��.,-�rc,•al is Unca;cround 4iectnc UnLlerr.;c, ndP! q. ,est � I _—_ PLrJ°r' eNG APPROVALS -� Gas es, — �----- I E:actric F; tai VVaste Li.^•es t 4�f_ei ipno-- Plumi?ing Top OLP � er Pans F—seraer Lateral iGas Piping— I as Test —_� i � —_ — - '----- — _—•r�_—___.. ...,._......_.._....._.�__..—.... —.�_.�. _ _`.—i ��_._.—_.- _–.—_{ ry.e+ •w.•�: t'' S p i 4.. f �' f Vii. Fi ELECTRICAL RICAN. APF'ROVALS ; Vie.;,p. Power Pole '-�nferground Conduit _ i { ttyph Wiring P'{ � ii i Low Voltage Wiring � Fixtures ! I Main Sere: a --- { Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles -6-- ---- — f — � — Smoke Detectors I Temp. Use of Power Fietat -..— i Utility Notice (Perm)