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t hereby'affirm'under penaity'of perjury that I am licensed under;provisions of,. �. ,' BUILDING'
+i-` Chapter 9 (commencing with Section°7000) of Otvision 3 of the`Buslness and u '
OA v
N W' ; 'Professionals Code and my License is M full force and effect: ' ��
' t Wane # r
+ �. Lic'Class µ Fv Date
w�. .'�1�'%+•r� ° y.r e. ,'.•; . JOa S APDRESS'`f APN t
Z ti ate * Signature Of Contract ' PrAK
�.. _. P.O. BOIL 1I� 67aSSg � ` ��� CANYON )J►R�iY�
iUj LU I hereby affirm under. penalty of perjury that I am exempt from, the. Contractor's•
License Law foithe following reason. FAQ AI + (�A'i"I I B,�LCi'TY '%.A 9
`( as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole (�6QY.3Sd9111' G�[.f# �1]'
-compensatlorir,will do the work; and the stricture isnot intended or offered for
' 'sale (Sec. 7044; business & Professional's Code):: ' USE OF PERMrr r• I
)j- l as owner';of tfie property; am exclusively "contracting with licensed C.PRI�T RL i3�ID.�2Nf�
u i cohtractors to construct the'project (Sec'. 7044,'b6siness & Professionals r
t() Ibam exempt under�5ectlon i <` B&P G. or this reason a KR4Rl' CW �PY1�
CLASS A IullATl�ti.1L S SA-?3Sr S4M1,
eDa�e• a + Signature.of"Owner -
1;� 2 I hereby,"aff(rrii .under penalty of perjurysone of(the following ;declarations: '+
Q'' i have and,wlll'mafntain' a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' 21946100
X�.11l'O� compensatlonj,a§ provided for'by. Section 3700'66he,Labor Code, -for the
performance of the work for which th a permit is Issued. F
mrQ U, l have and will rriaintaln workers' compensatlon "Insurance, as required by
on 3700 of the Labor Code,'fothe perfornarlce of the work`tor which this
O �'I— ermif°-1s Issued: My workers' compensatlon,ln§urence caller & policy no. are:
00 ZZ iS'PA°� Fi Pollay N0' W8.117°-�� W [A iy &W OF M49MU(i�EON f :fi4i
FgRm ' FBS fiUA+Jt�I'my . -
(Thls-sectton nded not be•completed ff the-penmft valuation is for $100.00 or less),, `
�F� Y{kl-t�i}D+Il1 9F3tt.9t1
(-)j'l'certlfy,thatan'the performance of,the work.forwhich this permltis issued; s "
'I,shall;not employ any;person• In`any manner,so as to; become subject to the 4 ;.. • + _ �' , , '
W compensation'laws of eCalifomia, and agree.iiiat lul,should become,,'.; ; ,, ; ,` t R,• ; . ,
' 6ject to the` Woikers''compensation.provis
ns f Section 3700 of Me Labor
/ode;.l shill forttiwfth comply with `those s, T
�Daie:'S:EJDZ r Applicant c
K sWerningt Failure to secure Workers'' o'"i?� el syo o erage unlawful and ,i • r u t ,
t shall,subject an employe"r to criminal p allies and civil fines up to $1.00,000, in
r' addition to the grist of compensation, damages'as provided form SectI6 ,3706'
' of the -atior Code, Interest antl attorney's fees
:IMP,dR1"ANT; Application is hereby mile Wthe Director of,Bullding and S .^ety
.for a "permit:.subjeot ta: tI.e tonditl6ne -and restrictions: set forth -,on his
i application < t► A a` j "s. ,
1 1.:Eacfi arson Upon whose behalf this a Iicatlori is made :& each arson at" ' •
` P P. PP P O l�T 'AI. UC;1TOi'd AND PLAN ( i3 K 'ri"n30 00 '`
, whoserequ8st grid for whose benefit work'is performed under or pursuantto' :•; �. � ;�.; . • _
yany,permit Issued as a result of this appllcaton agrees to,•& shall; indemnify r fir. 1X;3& PiR1fI-PAID F $!•(IO
`r&,•hold ha'rmlese,the.City of, Duinta; its officers, agents and employees. ; iA'C•
2. Any perrnft'Issued 'as aresult of this application becomes null and void if'
1 ', worn is not, commencedzwithln ,180 deya-from ,date, of Issuance -of such , C�YOFj,p�QUIlYfA.;
` permit;' orFceseatl'on of .work for f 80 day8*will subject ;permit to cancellation:
• ;I certify that;I have reatl, tills application and state that the above Information Is' y
• correct. I agree to comply wiih all. City ,and Stateiawe relating_to the building
' .'conl tructlon, and hereby, authorize representatives;�df thlssClty�io enter. upon
' the above mentioned property for in ct purpose
IgnBtUre (Owner/Agent) h ` . -' •`Dflt�"�' y y rt.� �.yr y� . ''^.,r i1 ;ri
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Set Backs
v rowx! Duds
Forms & F
s : =..
Stab Grade
Retum Air
Combustion Air
Root Deck
Exhaust Fans
O.K to W
.,..., f.
ki wistion
Finiplace T.O.<..
Fans & Contrds
Wall Im"ation
Condensate tines
Party Wall Firewall
Exterior Lath
DrfAsl . Int. Lath
Set Badm
Electric Bond
Main Drain
Bond Beam
I to Cover
Equipment Location
U round Electric
Under round P". Test
Gas Piping
Gas Test
Elecfric Final
Waste Chas
Heater Final
Water Piping
Plumbing Final
Pkffnbmg Top Out
Equoment Enclosure
Shower Pans
O.K for Finish Plaster
Sewer lateral
Pod Cover
Sewer Connection
Gas Piping
Gas Test
UbTdy Notice (Gas)
Temp. Power Pole
Underground Conduit
Rough Wiring
Low Voltage Wiring
Main Service
Sub Panels
Exterior Receptacles
Smoke Detectors
Tamp. Use of Power
UtiUty Notice (Peron)
—.54eeU 4 , lou.
67-555 East Palm Canyon Drive, Suite F111
Cathedral City, CA 92234
(760) 321-9111
Contractor's License No. 511457
Executed at Cathedral City, California
Buyer: PGA West / Reconstruction project.
Address: La Quinta California 92253.
Telephone: 760-771-1234
Date: 03/05/02
Therm -O -Shield of California, Inc. proposes to install a urethane foam roofing system at the
above noted address in accordance with the following detailed specifications.
1. Obtain necessary permits.
2. Special care will used to reduce or minimize any damage during this roofing project.
Tarps and plastic will be used to cover and mask all surrounding areas. Special care
will be used around and under all equipment to prevent any fluid stains at this project.
Walking and equipment hose areas will be given special attention to reduce any
3. Clean surface of existing roof of all loose gravel, dirt and debris via the use of a
vacuum truck. After which the surface will be broomed and re vacuumed.
4. Replace damaged plywood as needed. ( $45.00 per sheet ).
5. Extend roof jacks as required to accommodate new urethane foam roof.
6. Replace all T top vents with at least a 4"rise on all new T tops.
7. Remove all roofing material down to substrate 6" around all scuppers and drains,
metal flange and plywood to be exposed.
8. Remove one row of tile on each side of all crickets to widen the water flow area.
9. Install new 24 gauge bonderized foam -stop metal were foam terminates at an edge.
10. Grind all z -bar metal to prepare for the application of the foam.
11. Prime entire roof deck at .33 to .50 gallons per 100 sq. ft.
12. Mask all areas not to receive the foam application ( walls, A/C's,etc. )
3/5/02 1:58 PM
page 1
-.5kW 4 &4&Owd4,
13. Spray apply 1.5" nominal of 3.0 Ib. nominal density foam to entire roof deck, sloping
down to 1 " of foam at metal edges and to S' at all water stops where the row of tile
will be removed to widen the crickets.
14. Add foam build up in low areas to improve severely ponding conditions and to
promote water to flow towards drainage systems.
15. Grind foam at drains / runoff areas to promote proper drainage.
16. Terminate foam near top of exposed Z -metal on roof to wall transitions.
17. Apply acrylic eiastomeric caulking at roof penetrations as a secondary sealant on top
of the foam application.
18. Apply basecoat @ 1.25 gallons per 100 sq. ft..
19. Apply an intermediate coat at a rate of 1.25 gallons per 100 sq. ft.
20. Apply a white / cream topcoat @ 1 %Z gallons per 100 sq. ft..
21. Cast #11 Granules into wet topcoat @ 50 lbs. per 100 sq. ft..
22. Remove all masking materials and over spray protection.
23. Remove all job related trash from job site.
24. Replace any broken tile with the tile that was removed from cricket areas.
25. Perform a final job walk with the Owner or Owner's representative.
EI! i -;; I v
wV -
This application carries a ten -year labor and material manufactures warranty.
Price and payment terms: 10% upon contract acceptance. Balance due on job completion.
3/5/02 1:58 PM
initial Page 2
beau - - 54ee& 4 , lac,
This proposal includes the use of material provided by
BASF foam and National Coatings for primer and all top coats
Granules will be provided by Lucas granules.
Total price for this work with a ten-year warranty
67-555 East Palm Canyon Drive, Suite F111
Cathedral City, CA 92234
Approved and Accepted by Owner:
Name (Owner)
$ 58,920.00
Date By, for Therm -O -Shield of California, Inc.
3/5/02 1:58 PM
initial page 3
Polyurethane Foam Roofing —Champions Reconstruction Phase 1 B
Addendum 1 Dated 4/1/02
1. Specifications attached: Polyurethane Roofing with Acrylic and Granules
Guideline Specifications.
2. The National Coatings Corporation literature and material data.
BASF Literature and Specifications.
This material is submitted and supplied by Thermoshield Of California, Inc.
for inclusion in the contract.
3. The intent is to have the contractor provide methods, details and
specification to provide a complete manufacturer approved, 10 -year full
service warranty roofing system using these specifications as a guideline.
Special attention to the method and details at tile transition areas and from
the flat and vertical surfaces. The contract re -roofing areas to match the
existing re -roofing performed on Oak Tree (55-020 through 55-100 Oak
Tree and 80-321 through 80-709 Oak Tree). The contractor has verified
the scope of work to match, and the area and boundary of the tile removal
and re -roofing to conform.
4. This contract will have roofing consultant participation as a representative
of the Homeowners Association.
5. Specification revisions:
A. Add to paragraph 3 page 1 — The existing roof also includes cap
sheet surfaces.
B. Revision to 1.1.1 — The roofing contractor is the prime contractor
C. Add to 3.Oh - .....as required on flat roofs
D. Revision to 3.0 — Change contractor to owner
E. Insert to 3.0 — writing prior to bidding
F. Delete 3.1
G. Revision to 5.1 — Change gray to white
H. Add to 8.1 — Contractor must remove equipment and material
inventory from jobsite daily. The area surrounding the work must
be cleaned up daily
6. The contractor is to prepare and coordinate the request and documents for
the energy rebate program.
7. All disturbed, broken and/or chipped tiles damaged during the work to be
8. This contract includes re -sealing any damaged roof jack seals damaged
during the work.
9. Project Close Out:
A. Preliminary: Prior to request for final 100% payments (less 10%
retention) for work in this section, please submit:
(1) Preliminary Record Documents for this work for review.
(1) Preliminary Guarantees and Certifications for this work as
described below.
a) Letter of Certification re: 100% completion of work
Polyurethane Foam Roofing — Champions Reconstruction Phase 1 B
Addendum 1 Dated 4/1/02
Page 1 of +
• Submit certification prior to and/or with pay
request requesting release of 100% of funds.
(1) Submit all preliminary documentation as stated above in
strict accordance with submittal requirements described
within each section.
B. Submit all preliminary documentation as stated above in strict
accordance within each section.
(1) Final: Prior to request for Retention Payment, make all
corrections requested:
a) Final Guarantee and Manufacturer's Warranty
10. Roofing System Testing and Inspection:
A. Prior to start of polyurethane foam/elastomeric coating roofing
installation, conduct a job site meeting attended by representatives
of the installing subcontractors, the contractors field
superintendent, the manufacturer, the owner's inspector, and the
architect, to agree upon procedures to be followed.
B. Prior to start of installation, the contractor shall verify that materials
at the job site comply with the specified standards, that the
subcontractor is informed as to procedures to be followed.
C. During installation at each stage of the work, the manufacturer's
representative and inspector shall verify that materials are installed
in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and
shall prepare a "Foam Roofing Inspection Report"
D. The manufacturer's representative shall make test cuts at
completion of work to verify conformance with the specified
requirements. The number of test cuts shall be as required.
11. Low areas: Fill with foam to provide drainage.
12. All vents, fans and other units which are flush with the existing roofline will
be raised and re -set on curbs as necessary.
13. All gutters, downspouts, and scuppers damaged during this work shall be
repaired and/or replaced.
14. Sweep up all loose granules after the roof work has cured to prevent
washing into the gutter and onto the ground.
15. All small conduits and gas piping must be raised off the roof. After the roof
has been foamed, the conduit shall be reset on wood blocks. The wood
blocks to be caulked to strips of walk pads, which are caulked, to the
granulated topcoat.
16. It is the responsibility of each bidder to examine all of the bid documents
and field conditions prior to bid time. All questions shall be submitted in
writing. Each bidder, by submitting their bid represents that they have
visited the site and familiarized themselves with all the conditions required
to perform and provide a complete 10 -year full service warranty roof
17. Safety Regulations:
Polyurethane Foam Roofing — Champions Reconstruction Phase 1 B
Addendum 1 Dated 4/1/02
Page 2 of 4
A. California — OSHA safety regulations shall form a part of the
B. Weekly safety meeting minutes are required to be submitted along
with the company safety program.
18. The contract requires the contractor to include all the provisions and
conditions as required by the foam and coating manufacturers.
19. The contract includes the following insurance requirements:
General Liability $2,000,000.00
Completed Operations $2,000,000.00
Automobile Liability $2,000,000.00
Workers Compensation $1,000,000.00 or as required by State Law
Umbrella Liability $2,000,000.00
Original certificates of insurance need to be provided naming the
Association as additional insured.
20. The contractor to provide a Gantt chart of proposed contract schedule.
21. The contract includes furnishing a minimum of 1-1/2" of the specified foam
in lieu of 1" of foam.
22. This contractor has investigated the project conditions and confirmed that
his proposal provides for a complete installation and 10 -year full service
23. The contract requires the contractor to maintain a clean and safe jobsite
and adjacent HOA common area. In the performance of the contract, the
contractor must not obstruct any of the HOA common areas.
24. This contract requires compliance with all state and federal safety
requirements. Safety meetings must occur weekly with minutes provided
weekly to the HOA. The contractors' safety plan shall be provided to the
HOA within 5 days of the contract date.
25. At the completion of the work all broken roof tiles must be replaced. The
building roofs will be free of broken tiles prior to starting this contract,
therefore all tiles broken or chipped during the contractor's scope of work
must be replaced.
26. This contract requires the replacement of all T -Tops, vents and flues
damaged during the performance of this work.
27. The contractor must expedite processing the energy rebate program.
Polyurethane Foam Roofing — Champions Reconstruction Phase 1 B
Addendum 1 Dated 4/1/02
Page -;.,of +
28. The Thermoshield of California, Inc. proposal dated 3/5/02 is made a part
of this contract. In the case of a conflict, the contract form and addendum
shall prevail. The Thermoshield Of California, Inc. letter dated 4/3/02 is
made a part of this contract.
Polyurethane Foam Roofing — Champions Reconstruction Phase 1 B
Addendum 1 Dated 4/1/02
Page 4. of +
67-555 East Palm Canyon Dr.
Suite F111
Cathedral City, CA 92234
April 3, 2002
(760) 771-5125
Michael L. Walker, General Manager
Steve Herthel, Reconstruction Manager
PGA West Residential Association, Inc.
54-321 Madison
P.O. Box 1060
La Quinta, CA 92253
Thanks for the courtesies expressed during my visit recently at your facility. The purpose of this
communication is to express our sincere desire pursuant to a long-term relationship.
We recognize and agree with your stringent performance standards, which motivated my
involvement. Consequently, kindly evaluate the following suggestions:
Thermoshield will assign and position a totally dedicated Project Manager to your
contracts. The Manager selected has more than thirty years construction experience.
Specifically, our candidate was a tenant improvement contractor in the Los Angeles area,
and more recently, worked with senior citizens by specializing in facilities for the
handicapped. May we recommend an interview with our prospective site representative?
We have re -visited the warranty and vendor credibility issues. Our local managers
believe Hydroseal Polymers Inc. will sustain their longevity promises. Therefore, we
recommend adopting the Hydroseal Polymers System, as it makes favorable economic
■ Our sales representative has estimated pricing on single -project awards. For your
important evaluation, we are receptive to a pricing negotiation if a commitment is
available for several sequential contracts. Further, we understand this commitment
would be contingent upon superior and acceptable performance.
760-321-9111 License #511457 Fax 760-321-2701
PGA West Residential Association, Inc.
April 3, 2002
Page 2
We invite you to thoroughly investigate our 20+ years of continuous service in the
Coachella Valley. We believe it is accurate to assert that:
a) There are not many vendors who have two decades of credibility in the
b) There are even fewer vendors who have a clear performance record with the
State Contractors License Board and the Better Business Bureau.
We look forward to the next step to a worthwhile mutual relationship. Kindly call me at your
convenience to address questions and/or details.
S. G. (Sam) Speranza
Chairman, Board of Directors