BELC2019-008378-495 CALLE TAMPICO Titit 4 aCP Q94dL VOICE (760) 777-7125 LA. QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7011 DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Type/Subtype: ELECTRICAL/ Owner: Application Number: BELC2019-0083 THOMAS ROB & ROBIN Property Address: 54260 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 54260 AVENIDA RAMIREZ APN: 774244040 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Application Description: THOMAS / ELECTRICAF j PI MT fL• R Property Zoning: Application Valuation: $500.00 Applicant: JUL 2 3 2019 D Contractor: JOE W STEMMERJR JOE W STEMMERJR 42215 WASHINGTON ST#355 42215 WASHINGTON ST#355 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 CITY OF LAQUINTA PALM DESERT, CA 92211 DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (760)880-3525 Llc. No.: 605857 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 {commencing with Section 70001 of Division 3 of the Busine Moo d Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: B /License No.: 06 5857 UDate: �\ Contracto OWNER-BUIL DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: () I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). () I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). () I am exempt under Sec. B.&P.C. for this reason Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Lender's Add Date: 7/23/2019 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit Is Issue y workers' compensation Insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier EMPT Policy Number: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall t employ any person in any manner so as to become su '@ct to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should b t subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Sectlo 700 of tALo e, I shall forthwith comply with those rodisions- Date:. Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating o building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to nter u o t e above-meti0n property for inspection purposes. Date: yl Signature (Applicant or Agent)' Date: 7/23/2019 Application Number: BELC2019-0083 Property Address: 54260 AVENIDA RAMIREZ APN: 774244040 Application Description. THOMAS / ELECTRICAL FOR [4] PILASTERS AND GATE MOTOR Property Zoning: Application Valuation: $500.00 Applicant: JOE W STEMMER JR 42215 WASHINGTON ST#355 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Owner: THOMAS ROB & ROBIN 54260 AVENIDA RAM IREZ LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Contractor: JOE W STEMMER JR 42215 WASHINGTON ST #355 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760)880-3525 Llc. No.: 605857 Detail: ELECTRICAL RUN FOR [4] PILASTERS AND GATE MOTOR AT FRONT PL VyALL ENTRY GATES. PER 2016 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES DESCRIPTION FINANCIAL INFORMATION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA: $1.00 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT DEVICES, FIRST 20 101-0000-42403 0 $26.68 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT DEVICES, FIRST 20 PC 101-0000-42600 0 $26.68 Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $53.36 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $101.40 Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $101.40 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE 101-0000-42416 0 $10.00 Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE: $10.00 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 GENERAL NOTES: I - ALL HORK CALLPD FOR IN TIME R.F46 SAAL BE WUFED WITH AT13iE CVACi@T FpT r�lJri!Il;' " ip /Jn hVYfr IN all 11 4: ,Z PWE Nell IfE AWPID eZ*B AID IX MAIIII OF TIE ,A150C"GH IN 44C:r IT 15 9EF[9 CGGFBTrteTm, 2- AL- H]FK, 4iETIfR SSELIFIGALIT CA, -:LID ALR :JR WT 'JAL It C 1T4YiT{r.} VM TIE LAlr5T XTIGN L� ME LNIFOW WLPIN9 COGS A5 ADOPILV 6Y FFE LGGAL WN.;Y 3- All FX'MOR flAP-'fIK %AL: MOVE A i+,iS;�vF. 5LOFE "MI FROM "It MA01146 flK I. ) 4. 1H Ff7HLN (,AIIRti;!(R 9Rr1 ?bT1tlLT FANLWE311k"[If Lr%•r #.%FwLF rOTriKHTA+ NTN IN> (dETWGNLL H1' 9LVL NTQR ilTrT,CL¢frrY.L 'O M LSY9GL rAecR rc cOM9CVb NN ILa; 9aLn rHi C(i'1tlI9A� R✓E FAll1%f3E wry M,'A711 NE1i117816a&v RERM OHM M CIICWMAII AWMAL 9.7S76R:rr I' Fu79cIITp,uMer s. nC SRt3AL GARRALfcR 94N15ef. _ - uRE ,f 9W I 6 AT -WtFW= M9b; U.f mil W@5it;:7p•{EE,ZTpFrfle>t'•eN AIP 1,V4bL �=wIM ARX M (CQFlwpm 1l: Tt C'ALTw 1P1'Fi %XMINNF RE FM WINNW iCPM VAN OF 9}PTTTB7 9B55) 4GE1690 rrft-,. YL VI ADl..mr W&T1F!,CTETHCrd%e f e, INFRL2xRr 917E YIN t5 BY lw PF51 LER OR MINER IN I4 HAl 4ANI ATS TIE CWTRAL T.7 5 REgkA:a;ILI'Y IN RI TO 409E t-7. 11AAet SSAffr LR T47110,11 p94 1 ALL 51.!5�GGNTRACTC,PS 5HALL YEfT TIE 05 5TE YinIIN 14 1CAT5 PRIOR TO COMIEW-110 HXK it 5.9-C.GNTRACTOR *ALL DB MEPowst L Ft.R PEVI: t" REATM TRAD' 9,& 9MALE RFEPARATtM A!C% 5 AL RIPOPT / Nf 10N•LOINMANS OW-n-AWY To nE $34FAL CCNTF-V,l L E'2YliT,0N 4F I170C BY AHr SI.9+.r.TTIRALT(R N%CATES 'Cr`.if'rMYlP�1rArIS M►TP M Yt1P1_ TosLxo iN t4FE1L N.IPLN AM a9491D TIE Ft.SICAU' L WS LIFWI. 4 W A@ATGr ANY AV All LIASLITY, C.IA-W DALAAOE5 A,1r, GOSI'i Cf GEhSEt AHM5N6 on or RE fiMP4RT'' :aV2JG14lB04;,�TOR W391,oeff ALyRH �CTA�!�bSGFD ' TIC 5.- �A17f• tQT1.Y��1C11i drTTlpi LF •ICi PiA1B 7Lf14a R Af r•L'S171.245. 6 ITE+UX-aa*i+AFG as rAI Tit sAL•r RP ri[Xt9 iE P41BlC. QP Tt lSSE9FEJT � TT7,"t•.0l�f17(t fA'!•dViF! Ki.-�. . 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NATER U'f VARIC 2 II�S 91UL IdOi SE Flh4nS: IYRR. �G ll cF A SeRlt. yyF �o.11 hi, 9 - INAT AM { 5Y511i19ULL I'LAW7 OF ` A LR T S TNAT ARE PRLP_F.FYF',A *5TEH/LIKl IN rI IS IblIA4 AilATE)), AN' I' W SCSTTi15ILU1 ( AN AVTC11.Alk: nlet AN' 7[MD AS iCCC�5M1 A.- FROYVE 51L6 b IWC, AIM L> M SWP'A6 Ff* KrAAM WFrY,~ SQRIICLIN &-" YKl R 4 TALLL'1 •4v A' A6mv 9X.r1 } THAT T x NOT OlU • AY q6 AMKS PFo wL w5 Hal A6 dI &ND AI6 IVA - 9WF AND IlF1"e d" M.[E9'iAr• EE hw T A Ym T1F DUIGIR N 1 T» n Nm FFrAam 1LArr nem x Nc sat TNn ac TWr51►GF hW I- mS TV F11(:F"Aw Q x NCLAF. 5) - Rf}L' M AP"L Yi D "P VOYti 9�k_'if nE Sr+l H'N htl ARRWyD UCTdKAL A(1'YI. FTNTrl- N rTY. PATHt1AL ND FTALE 6"vm VMLY WH: PANBAGTIAt'RS V"WITOH • FOR F1AW G•IS PR5 N ND ARI1 C TIE STHi1LIZIll W 118.' Cf RA,g Mi4WOWD e*MT rID. ( F. M W( K PAY K M d: TMD`5LAR, AREAS IWG AI Wu €E FRWIVEr +I MILL LOJH+AE€ AR.'r.ATIL RKVJA.TIy 5YSTE4 ,v 1 t• FRP.1'Y.. M7 -Ilm iTC ftR ftvp HC@ PRffaRF EW "eO P.5) TFP 1, &^A7 SEPARATE PERMIT ITEM MAT FSEW)RE 93ARATE PEFMIT If APPLY) 5PA6 • P.LT ITWSA WAIL • LW ELCCA w, 5 `SYTIL TANK 6'5TE .. 5-0,r VVJ_L5, REWIRE PLA HIW APPP.,wX_ P"OK-4P95CD t.OGAT'4N5 A�G FtIFa7:?5 MOR TO 05TAIN NJILDINW PEftTA'1' Vf11'VAMT APPROACAi 9laWE-`&-El rTA OF PLEN V iYtR!"STH'ATrI>flIT' _ _- • L�,. to f iIl ate.. ��a �tyM.�11FW -YTnI� rnF. ' :N A1JA' I i Fb• ! 1.3• C GATE ELEVATION/DETAIL SCALE: I/A-a 1'0" . a....., vim, .....�... ...-..... �. ,.. ,...._�.... _. .- .., .,.... .. ... . .. ... ,,... + I 1+ 5 6A1, rFSAri 1G7F ItlF'1�T1 !1 / A LR DASTURON wm0 TIM, dA , tI f 1 y#MAIP.10�1 f F I r I S4A1_G5A1td10K H[b lTh f pk LANIAIrE�u1Yl5E�N a i� �, f3L+M:Y�'41d}MSPP.rJF11TY• -- - i �, 1 a U,1L N�s+A[nE PARVKAiA CTR 5!IP; 1B1155BAA GR cN�% '+' F/Y(lY. iTP. \l ■. a.- v,N. tIFJtY � •n lr ewu. usAn�sur Ts�LeR, I Ok �FGR gEyIIiNTflWA � ) .1 ILI 1 4 Vj( L r.� wlL��.AxlrxvsRsrF�i,� I h:TFrwZNt rL(/�MC 7/Ry!"+1 1 - IZ -0 0 :D��U A I u— 0 fir- CLC cr —1< ® D uj uj Z3m Nrrva`ivvow RE51gEk T _ • lr�r�, XNYD N.Yh C.tlITFU IN �R IK .• , N TA MAU/H NIRF • . . ' NTrsAL carAx¢ � ' : va" Aw ' �� ti [ �Y,1 ►GO i TCr (7) AVC-J V. 8 i* iAVENID AMIREZ � { ir4• - $•� l x.� SITE PLAN NW� T%� ' IIE DPIriGRR / EGTTIRwTCR f GifRE W :Y'KKTe1.E Fes. r A, n2 vEF.!LGAr.'AI OF E%"W5 On 19 A 0i IN SrA C:; Sl^ALLL' Ida". F.O' I fM11"+ Oi ']PIA LLT VRMT PAYSG IF IW' CJAW- D!5P Fk9" TBr L`L 3T �Kpy1tiC LRWOSGVS LATE I'NrIM to a KI:N I NiT? TN' 4E4 *,W; oE-a'itNEtr • r.w +F-.wm n ww rr..a+F�o. v s A" FM' &\Vl W.' i- v - - GF .M of,b, DES@•A/I PERMIT # E 1 —0L—, PLAN LOCATION: Project Address: O 4ve�--�s!\o 1, Project Description: Pool, Remodel, Add't, Elect, Plumb, Mech APN #: L `� .r o uJ� d��tL `i� �J��� lV L)s L,,, Applicant Name-. Address z l City, ST, Zip: I VA 1`1%Dat3,ZJ Ln Z Telephone: r I'.mail: J ; 't)yin ,� S �C, Qq� V 0 )V aluation of Projects Contractor Name: New SFD Construction: Address: Conditioned Space SF City, St, Zip Garage SF Telephone: Patio/Porch SF Email: Fire Sprinklers SF State Lic: (; 5 s City Bus Lic: � �. Arch/Eng Name: Construction Type: Occupancy: Address: Grading: City, St, Zip Telephone: Bedrooms: Stories: # Units: Email: State Lic: City Bus Lic: Property Owner's Name: 5 New Commercial / Tenant Improvements: Address: 2(�"ji 4 PC Total Building SF City, ST, _ip U L° -A Construction Type: Occupancy: Telephone: Email: IC5 i� �i C4 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 760-777-7000 OFFICE USE ONLY # Submittal Plan Sets Req'd Rec'd Structural Calcs Truss Calcs Title 24 Calcs Soils Report Grading Plan (PM10) Landscape Plan Subcontractor List Grant Deed HOA Approval School Fees Burrtec Debris Plan Planning approval Public Works approval Fire approval City Business License