06693 (SFD) Truss Calcs6 8 L 6upoq puOBQIO •Pr043 luon0q 941 ;o dol 041 01 pal!eu '6u!ppnq 341 W 416u01 lint Papwuwoaw s! 41Bu0I ssnil 041 Buole slalua3 uO 1Ba; OL 01 toil; 9 ue41 a1828 ou to Bu!aejq Ielalel snonunuo:) 'pi043 wouoq Ma 30 weld 041 uo popumultiow s! Bu!awq Alwodwal 'p1040 wouoq 941 u0 Bw39ds wdad p104 01 lapto ul nwald PAO43 utouo8 'E '6upwq !euo6e!p 1no4111101 Paton s! 6upwma q Ielale! t! lo Am lays luDw8A01u !easel 941 salwltnil! (q)t, wn61 j :slagwaw qam Gill 110 Quaid, 841 u! BUM" Iau06e!p salwlsnll# (e)p ain6! j 'lean3eMw! n Bupatq 1-06e!p a394m sassnii .Ool; aoelq w peon aq osle Am 11*0 iuotls 9xZ 10 stool; •Bu!aeiq leuO6elp 841 ;o un1 leluozuo4 241 4*!Asl tC'180; OZ pnoxg lou Bulowq leuo6e!p;o seas uaaMlaq Blips s oµ11941 pepiouluo0ei so t! lnq Bu!pl!nq a4l;o 41Bu8l lint 941 +o; Alsno -nu!1uro urn oil Bu.m" IauO6e!p to; A+euaaeu Allenua6 lou s! 11 'faAnil MOI; lot sleAMil! 193; 9 pue sessnn ;Cot +o; 41Bu8I ssnq 041 Buole 218Aswu! 1041 81 u941 1e1ewB Ou le paced aq 1! 1041 Papuawu+oaai 91 1! 'Pa!Aaads s! euou ;1 •Bu!oeiq leiaiel snonunuw 6uu!nbai +squaw qpm 4aea 1e pappe aq 6u!aelq leuo(le!p 1941 Papuawwo3w s! 11 •Bupelq lu8uewed 041 ;O tied awoaaq Am pue 'Buioeiq luauewiad to; ueld leinlaal!431e 041 uo p8!;aads s0on2301 awes a41 to pa!leisu! .wau.ae.es u •/DobID 1•abB wm.a a.0 1>ar R nw n•Daw apnp DBI -L 9 (q)E 21n6!j 'Papuawwoaai osle ale 6u!pl!nq ilii ap!su! 'uo!laayp al!Wddo 641 u! 's93wq punodl Ieuo4rPPV 'aplonq at 1dµ sl 1! jo t ain6! j u! um04s se patioddns aq pino4s ;lass! a3wq puno8 a4l •pwo4oue Alainaas pue puna6 241 olul ueitup ajen a 01 p2ae/q aq 01 pio4a dol ssnil Isly 0411ol sl po4law A1o13e;sneS auo -p93eiq so ssnq ivy 941 pass Moo uo ivalxa leaiB e w spuadap walsAs 6upwq -oo- woo¢ w 4weenD w3 (q)a eznB!j Allensn s! 6upeiq s!yl •slagwow qam alio 10 aueld aµ1 u! 6u!owq Me+odwal pelsw 01 Alessaaau osle s! it 'aueid lagwe;y qoM 'Z Ig1E am6! j w um04s se sassnq lel; ;o pug 041 1e 6w3e1q of pol3anp s! u0nuane /elnallied -sassnit tell Ile fol papuawwo3ai s! waned 6upwq 1el!w!s a to asn 041 -wanq tool; 10 loci lel# 1o; p1043 dot bill to aueld 341 u! 6upwq genu! 01 1o13e11uw uo!uala to lapl!nq 341 +o; wenodw! Allenbe s! 11 'ssaawd 6uploep aµ1 6uunp uaAg Alalnaa P184 ua41 ale sassnit 841 •patdde s! Bloppap POOmAld a41 se paitowal aq 01 aite4 lou Him 1! leyl os p1O43 dol 341 ;O ap!slapun a41 uo p03eld aq pino4s pio4a dol 841 1o; 6uioelq 1e1aiel snonu4uoa a41 'alq!ssod 11 *sassnil alge6 fol PJ043 dol alit ;o aueld a41 w Bupwq Alelodwal sole11sn11! (e)E a1n6!j •sleuoBe!p uaamlaq sleitalu! +asop pue 6upwq leialel uaamlaq 6u!aeds i3sop almba/ Am speol A-34 10 sued: 6uo-I :31ON 'Pi043 dot 841 10 aueld a41 u! APIMels 101 pa1!nbal salBueul a41 w1ol 'sal6ue aal6ap Sul Alalew!xoldde 1e las pue 6ulawq Iwatel 341 uaamlaq paleaol 'sleuo6e!O 'lata; 9! Ol laal Zl of paseanu! aq Am sleialel uaamlaq 6upeds s!41 sassnil lagwaw algnop +oj •saitea a41 pue sassnil jell ;o au!I swum 10 sassnil lladols to auo 86p!1 041 uaamlaq slevalu! tag; Ol w lata; 9 Alaiew!xoldde le pue auo +aluaa +o awl a6pu ail ;o sa4Bu1 9 u141!m pallelsu! aq 6upwq Iwatel snonunuo3 le41 papuawwoaal S 841 sn41 'ssnil Is1!1 041 01 pan are sassnil a4jo Illi 'Alwn3as 6uipl!nq aµ1 ;o pug aµ1 le ssnil Ivy a4l aaeiq w lueuodwl Isow s! 11 'Olw84 x!puaddV a41 U! paiumid ale suonepuewwoaoi 8A!lelual !6u!ipus4 6uunp o6ewep luaitald w Alessaoau s! 'pa1!nbal wa4m 'siu!od dn.4o!d eidnlnw pue sleq lapealds to asn 041 6u!pnpw u a '6u!66dwd 'pa6ewep Alwr4onils Ion ale sassnil POOm a411e41 alnsse 01 suogneaaid alenbape ailel isnw lotawluw uO!lawa 10 lapl!nq aµ1 uo!1aw3 ssnll 6uunp :OA11 30V. S i u.a..w�.eloL .ONe• r• p•Re•. e Il Po wpD.a uuu.aww RURi \ a°. to ben •r�rmoo o. pvVw a>q RUOev!d as a w°e,o Dwnnx. to vquw..o!.o Dean rr p w R.vi w�i T"" 1812 21ne!d Vuw— c Ag—t —91) avD+n R.un •nenunuoe Deva as �1e •ro. m w!m ion v! Ana.y rwr tilrs.owme.reel .0. C 'au8!s 1p Bu!p!!nq a41 Aq pou!walap se susaw 18410 'E '((P)l QinB!jl vagwaw qpm;oaueld a41 u! 6u!3wq lmobelO 'y '(p) l o1n6! j) sllem Pug p!tos of 9fieto4ouV 'I :Aq pa4s!ldwoaae eq Aew 9!41 '(q) l a1n6! j u! umo4s se'0410601 91*" 01 Pua1 'panwq Os 'vagwaw ssnq lie pinogs luawaitow lealel luaneid 01 Paulwlsw w Pwoolaue aq w sl 6upeiq Ivalel s!41 moo Atlpeds isnw 1auBisap Bu!ppnq 841 vagwaw ssnn 43ea +o; pat!nbai m paypads sl 6upeiq Iwatel pue 'Bu4lpnq 1O3 p813943 ale vaquim ssnq lenpy4pul u6!soO ssnn pue usima 6u!ppn9 6win0 :3NO 30V.LS •s86ejs 9w41 is papdde aq isnw A+o841 s!4l •u6!sap u! t! 1o; pawrase uoplsod.0141 uo agluaw snit Anne ploy of ssnq 041 to aueld 041 01 8018ue 146!1 Is tiOddm lualay;nS Aldde o1 it 6upwq to A1oa41 aµ1 'wnlanln enlua 841;0 BuIPe01 1214181 Puen41!m 01 suo!uauuoa pue 6upeiq luap!Hra ABS Illm (teullsep ssnil a41 lou) au6!sap 6u!pl!nq 941 '8 •u6!sep u! 1! fol powrsse uon!sod a41 u! aquaw ssntt AAW p104 01 ssnn a41 ;o aueld 841 01 saBue 3µ6u to Bupe/q luop! Ons A;!cads II!m au6!sap 6u!ppnq 841 'wu6!s4p ssnn 341 Aq pal#laads 6upwq Iwatel 041 01 uO!uppe ul 'L 'lu!od a to pa!ldde ale speq Pgtequaauw Pug '12,0043 dot 841;o mold 041 01 lewtou pa!ldde 21st spool puna 'Alto!— tae speol aA!I to peep pmodw!+adnS •9 •sleAalu! +o suon -mal *!;pads 1e poulenset Apwwel we Lagwsw uo!ssaidwo:) •S 'semjls lumout 10 UOIl ♦quu0tap to; siu!ol to "waw p1O4a to Almunuw s! gayl 'p *Aluo saalol ta!xQ;O uonQulwJMW to; Auld Is pouu!d we vaquraw ssnn 'E 'Bupads uBISap 041 10 moo 4aaa of Iapeted pue 'luewaitow Iwatel luaAwd o1 paowq 'Allet!Um pelleau! 'sluauodww Iwnl*ntls aueld we sessntl Z •saniodwd ufi'mp u! wo;lun pue Voilass sso;lu sl u! uuon '148!wu Apw e!%!u! e saquaw ssnil -1 :sawmss M -!a uBlt4P Id! 41!m-uQPt000e uo sassnq pooh to u6!sap a41 aa..q R.a.n rnowv°oat (p)l 21n6!j 1*)l 21n6!j S! 11 •Pa41e04s JO pwe.q we Aagt aio;aq 6u!Illonq Iwatel of alq!ldaxm ale sptO4a dol ssnn 'pi043 dot a41 to aueld a4l u! Bulowq s! 1ol3wiuw wig3a.a 10 apl!nq 941 O3 1ueltodw! tsoyy •sl+old pi0V0 dol 'l •aueid (Bulltoo) pio42 wonoq .E pue'sessnn o1 telnlpuadlad aueld IanUaA 10 aueld 1agWm qam 'Z'aueld (6u!4teatls) pi043 dol .I :A1!l!gen amsu! 01 wanAs;oat 841 u! aauaa;w 10 saueld Mull Ol pa!ldde aq isnw 6ui3elq ssnn 'awll 5uOW 841 le paitowai it uoazoauuoo Aaµ a ;! alddol o1 sassnit asnel ueo , 6upeds 6ugsnlpe„ to tae S!41 *pa!ldde s! 6u!4leays se 6u!oeds isnlpe of 6upwq 6u!Aowai to aa!taeid snopieze4 041 P!OAe of Pepenw s! 6u!owq se pou!eiu!ew eq pino4s sossnil uaaMleq 6upeds 13¢x3 •P0418w aw!I-e•le-auo a41 oil aleu+alle elgetdaaae us so w!lgwosse se aueld olu! pal;B ua4l we 4314M sl!un pa:seiq Alleinlanils olu! 'punoi6 841 uo 'sassnq ;o sdnolB to Algwesse-wd vaquim paoeiq 041 41!m uoll3asialu! Anita to sl!eu p9l Pap894 algnOP 0mt 41!m pol!eu aq pinogs +agwnl Bu!owq Alwodwal '(416ua1 wnw!ww via; -9) 6u!aelq sn OOB4uw Ia6uol to ugielleisul blelpowwr +o; uopeledwd ul Aluwodwat pasn ssa!un 'popuawwoaal lois sl sassnq luaoe!pe uaamtaq iagwnl ;o seaa!d aaeds tio4s to asn 941 •Bu!lPue4 1o; lepnaejd se 6uol se aq pino4s pue lagwnl uo!sww!p yxZ unit seal lois aq pino4s Bupwq A+e+odwal'pallelsul aq ue* 6ulyte345 JO/Pug 'Bui)13ap'6waeiq luaus toad 841 Ipun uoll!puoYa;es a u! pue tuawu6pe u! 'gwnld sassnn 941 plo4 of 6u!awq Atwodwal wala!Hns Aldde isnw iwaenuoo uonowa 10 +apl!nq 841 'aaeld u! In we sassnil sV 'Bsdelloo lelol e Bu!molle sn4l '1no pnd 10 ;o )Ioaiq ue3 sgex M841 ssnit tsn; 341 aaeiq w 6u!pl!nq 041 to pub 041 04 sgex lieu 01 PapuawwOaai lou 9! 11 'IeMwp411M u! ton 'ABelalel p9Peol aq II!m sl!eu 041 'dn to eplonq o1 pual pino4s sassnil 941 to le41 os auop aq pinogs 6uneiq to Sup!m pV •a" sonnq bull dot of Bu!puai sal6u!4s loci m pOOMAId to salpunq se 43ns pool uonontnuw 10 owo; pu!m Aue 01 paPPe aq ua41 pinom sounil a41 30 14612m 041 "a'! 'ualsAs Bupeq a41 to suo!muuw IIB uo u!egs snopuawail a send 146!ls 1aA8Mo4 '1;ols s!4l •1;!4s of sessnn 841 mope pue sAemap!s puaq ueo ssnil ivy a41 ;o pio4a dol a41 'x!Aua41O '6u3oejq Iwatel snonu!luoa pio4a dot IM amu pe 41!M au!I u! AIMi!p paleaol aq pino4s sbaeiq punoiB a41 V '6upwq leuo6e!p a4l to uni leluozuo4 a4l aa!ml 10 '1001 OZ Pa03xe IOU 6upeds luan!wiaw! le41 papuawwoow $11! 'A it 04:uogdo s,au6!sap Buipl!nq a4l le ivall!walu! 10 snonupuoa aq Am 6waelq SRL '6uneiq Ivalel 6uu!nbai squaw awes a41 10 ap!s al!soddo gill m P343ene eq pinogs 6u!oelq leuo6e!O 'ooejq Iwatel 84101 albue aalBap Sp a Alalew!xoidde le papelsu! aq (lagwnl leu!wou 110!41 43w -Z wnw!u!.) 6uneiq 1eu06e!p le41 PaPuawwoaal s! 11 .•RA,. e. eu,...a a.wvnW aa. m io a��na.w nRui m°.oe .°q •e°nam w�n.� W �rgIv.u•1+.ronu�ruo) a.�ipm ail• w. •.ore (q)L 21n61j (a)l wn6!d 003.3 Rwn aunua+•.e.vyl w......-lu.-Ilan No P1 -"M IR°a�wD a.m°q AQ) •S•. ,a z 'uonlsOd u! ps oeld s! anti 42ea se pa!ldde aq Bupelq uo!laaa 1041 papuawwoaw s! 11 'veld Bulwell s,auB!sap Bu!ppnq 041 'Ol pal!w!l aq Apiess3*91) IOU lnq 'Moho; Am Bupwq uo!laaa /o A1wOdwal 'uonepelsu! ial;e pue '6uunp 'elo;aq luawu6ye u! Pau!wu!ew ate A941 1841 pue uo!lawa Buunp palleiuep Allaj=nlss lou ate sassnn POom 041 1941 straw isnw 9H •Bu!aetq Atetodwal adwd w; pue Bu1IPue4 soul POOm laded to; alq!suodsai 9! totaequoa uo!taaa to lappnq 041 voloeiluoo uo!loaa 10 mpl!nq 041 Aq PBP!Aad aq pino4s pue 'aftlaed ssnq poom 341 to tied se pa4s!wnl Apemn lou ate sle!aiew 6unet8 'sBu!mwp u6!sap 041 to tied se ueld 6u!wvl s,au8!sop 6uipl!nq,241 uo uma4s aq pino4s sl!elap uo!laauuoo pue Bu!aetq ssnn •ampnits WPM 041 to Ai!l!geis IIMAO 041 10; paP08u se 'vagwaw qam unit 041 01 lelna!puadiad pue splo4a woiloq a41 Aq pawio; sued 041 u! 'sP1o4a dol bull Aq pawo; auelda4l u! P3pumwO3a1 s! Bupetq ssnn 10 leuo6elO 'soaloi 9sa41 is!sa1 os papaeu se Bupetq leuolle!p 1o; suQ438uuw to po4tew pue 'uo!18301 'az!s au!walap pets OH van&sap 6u!pl!nq 341 Aq A!alete0as patap!suoo aq isnw sassnil poom 841 o1 suon3auuw tlagl pue sivawala a;sueq Pact J8410 JO -seem Mots -sw6et4de!p'6upwq a!ws!x '6upeiq le iod '6upvq pu!m se flans 'sluawaunbat u6!sap !epadS 'lummow sl! luaitald w 6u!3 wq leuo6e!p Ag pau!ensat to Pat043ue Alivapy;ra s! 6upwq s!µ1 le41 pue paltelsu! Aladoid s! 6wowq Iwatel pay!aads ail le41 u!etaxe isnw lolaadsul +o au6!sap Bu!ppnq 841 vol3enuw uonaala 10 appnq 041 Aq sbulmeip u6!sap ssnil a4i uo pay!3ads uone*ol 841 1e pallenu! Pue Peynads az!s 841 w pa!lddm aq of s! 6u!oetq Iwatel 'sOuemeip uSisop ssnil aqt uo pal;pads aq III* le41 6upwq Aluo gull so pue u6!sap ssnil PCOM 041 ;O tied a s! 'staquaw ssnil lenp!A!pu! ;0 41Bu9I 6uy)lmq oonpal of u6!sap Aq pennbai aq Am se 'Bu!owg Iea1e'l 'Aluo sluauodww Iwnl3nits se sassnq poom lenp!A!pu! ;o u6!sap bill +o; popuawwo3w we ..sassnil poom paloauuoD afield JUIDW 1461'1 1o; sUO!jM;!3adS uB!saO„ aun!fsul Bleld ssnn 041 ' all ;o ssol a u! llnsw pinco lsiom to gol4m pue'slelalew pue awn to not lenuelsgns a it lsaq is ga!4m 'ain"ntls bull to esdepw e w llnsw Am saauanbasuw 841 'patou6!;t •pajouBi to pall!llni 184l!a,8Je suo!ldwnsse u6!sap lueo!pUee: Alleai boll to. Aueut le41 uon3n isuw ;o BBB1S le31I!t3 9141 to s! 11-walsAs 1oot.+o;oat a;o 6upwq pue uo!taaa leuy 041 u! Willis 19 s! 9141 lie'paieo!tge; pue payBlsop we sassnil poom Alin;woo taAamOH L 'vol3etlu03 vopaaa Aq 10 siau6!sop 6uipl!nq Aq u!we4 p8u!eluw uo!tew101u! pue suonepuewwo39J 041 uO 8auellw 10 -u0n -m!ldde 'asn 041 wa; 6ulsue sabewep 1o; Al!pq!suodsat Aue sw!elx!p Alssaldxa ain1!nul eleld ssnn a41'sn4l'lolaenuw uo!lawa 10 'lapl!nq 'au6!sap 6ulpl!nq poy!lenb a to asn 941 1o; BpmB a se Aluo palumaid eq 'paiyoitw san!I!q!suOdsal ;o wnteu 841 o1 anp 'isnw lnq 'Ailsnpu! ssnq poom a41 uo lauuoved 1e3!u4381 6u!Peal ;o eouauadxa aA!mllc3 aql woil aleu!6uo sassnq poom 6upeiq 10; suo!lepuawwoaal 0841 'walsAs tool lalnanted e to; 6upwq 1q ufi!sap s,aau!Bua 10 s,laal!Wie up to nap u! pela;wd aq Aluessaaau p!nom 1¢41 piepuets a 10 of 1o!ladns se pwwdle ! aq suon -epuawwoaai esa41 pino4s 1803N •wassAs;ow It Bu!awq 1o; PO4tow Aluo 841 palap!suw aq A041 le41 PePualw lou s! 1! 'punos Apea!u43e4 we u!a1a4 paulesuw 6uneiq to; :uopepuawwoael a41 DINM •Suo4ePu3www8t aA!1e1ua1 BW41 uodn 861elua pue a4tin; Apnis 01 pauueld s! 11 'suo!1e11nsuO3 841 ;C llnsal PQU!P auo s! swnpaootd uo!13aia pue 6wlpue4 al!s.uo 10; suo!lepuawwww BAneluw 041 ;o uo!snpul 'smo; +adie4s a olu! swalgwd uo!laaa pue Suppuey play leap3etd'6uiBu!1q uo pwlnsai sell Ipunoo slaini3e;nueyy ltiouodwoo Idl 041 411m uonellnsuO3 'tiO;D s!µ1 of paloAap uaaq BA84 (uaau!Bua Bunlnsuw luapuadapu! pue 'A1!unwwoa a!wapeae 341 30 saA!leluas -aidal 'saiuedwo3 6uiini3elnuew eteld 1aquim to uaau!fiva lwntonils ta!43 a41 ;o d!4vagwaw a Bwslldluw) wiquowO'J A1os!ApV Ieo!ulpal Idl 841 Aq m0!w1 annwaq!lap pue Apnn pale4uaouo3 IenuetsgnS •suo!lepuaw -www M41 ;O uo!lwedald 841 ua>telapun set 'd!4sagwaw Ipunoo saml3e;nueyy tuat odwop ss! 41!m uonellmuw u! "Out 'alnlnsul aleld ssnil 041 'Alain a!lgnd;o Isamu! 041 w pue'6u!3wq alenbape Iletsu! Ol watim pue 'ua4m 'moo ;O e6Palmoull ;o 113111 luandde 041 'welsh low paoep Aliadwd a ;o Alain luaa4u! 041 10 uonluBOaw ul Nouon00VINt 9L61 '•ONI '31niuSNI 31V -1d SSf1H1 Oa 61LE5 IM 1uoSIMN SNOIIVOWNW0338 0HV A8VIONO3. I31nIIISNaid d ssnai 432081000M -SK13 08 1 Allensn s! 6upeiq s!yl •slagwow qam alio 10 aueld aµ1 u! 6u!owq Me+odwal pelsw 01 Alessaaau osle s! it 'aueid lagwe;y qoM 'Z Ig1E am6! j w um04s se sassnq lel; ;o pug 041 1e 6w3e1q of pol3anp s! u0nuane /elnallied -sassnit tell Ile fol papuawwo3ai s! waned 6upwq 1el!w!s a to asn 041 -wanq tool; 10 loci lel# 1o; p1043 dot bill to aueld 341 u! 6upwq genu! 01 1o13e11uw uo!uala to lapl!nq 341 +o; wenodw! Allenbe s! 11 'ssaawd 6uploep aµ1 6uunp uaAg Alalnaa P184 ua41 ale sassnit 841 •patdde s! Bloppap POOmAld a41 se paitowal aq 01 aite4 lou Him 1! leyl os p1O43 dol 341 ;O ap!slapun a41 uo p03eld aq pino4s pio4a dol 841 1o; 6uioelq 1e1aiel snonu4uoa a41 'alq!ssod 11 *sassnil alge6 fol PJ043 dol alit ;o aueld a41 w Bupwq Alelodwal sole11sn11! (e)E a1n6!j •sleuoBe!p uaamlaq sleitalu! +asop pue 6upwq leialel uaamlaq 6u!aeds i3sop almba/ Am speol A-34 10 sued: 6uo-I :31ON 'Pi043 dot 841 10 aueld a41 u! APIMels 101 pa1!nbal salBueul a41 w1ol 'sal6ue aal6ap Sul Alalew!xoldde 1e las pue 6ulawq Iwatel 341 uaamlaq paleaol 'sleuo6e!O 'lata; 9! Ol laal Zl of paseanu! aq Am sleialel uaamlaq 6upeds s!41 sassnil lagwaw algnop +oj •saitea a41 pue sassnil jell ;o au!I swum 10 sassnil lladols to auo 86p!1 041 uaamlaq slevalu! tag; Ol w lata; 9 Alaiew!xoldde le pue auo +aluaa +o awl a6pu ail ;o sa4Bu1 9 u141!m pallelsu! aq 6upwq Iwatel snonunuo3 le41 papuawwoaal S 841 sn41 'ssnil Is1!1 041 01 pan are sassnil a4jo Illi 'Alwn3as 6uipl!nq aµ1 ;o pug aµ1 le ssnil Ivy a4l aaeiq w lueuodwl Isow s! 11 'Olw84 x!puaddV a41 U! paiumid ale suonepuewwoaoi 8A!lelual !6u!ipus4 6uunp o6ewep luaitald w Alessaoau s! 'pa1!nbal wa4m 'siu!od dn.4o!d eidnlnw pue sleq lapealds to asn 041 6u!pnpw u a '6u!66dwd 'pa6ewep Alwr4onils Ion ale sassnil POOm a411e41 alnsse 01 suogneaaid alenbape ailel isnw lotawluw uO!lawa 10 lapl!nq aµ1 uo!1aw3 ssnll 6uunp :OA11 30V. S i u.a..w�.eloL .ONe• r• p•Re•. e Il Po wpD.a uuu.aww RURi \ a°. to ben •r�rmoo o. pvVw a>q RUOev!d as a w°e,o Dwnnx. to vquw..o!.o Dean rr p w R.vi w�i T"" 1812 21ne!d Vuw— c Ag—t —91) avD+n R.un •nenunuoe Deva as �1e •ro. m w!m ion v! Ana.y rwr tilrs.owme.reel .0. C 'au8!s 1p Bu!p!!nq a41 Aq pou!walap se susaw 18410 'E '((P)l QinB!jl vagwaw qpm;oaueld a41 u! 6u!3wq lmobelO 'y '(p) l o1n6! j) sllem Pug p!tos of 9fieto4ouV 'I :Aq pa4s!ldwoaae eq Aew 9!41 '(q) l a1n6! j u! umo4s se'0410601 91*" 01 Pua1 'panwq Os 'vagwaw ssnq lie pinogs luawaitow lealel luaneid 01 Paulwlsw w Pwoolaue aq w sl 6upeiq Ivalel s!41 moo Atlpeds isnw 1auBisap Bu!ppnq 841 vagwaw ssnn 43ea +o; pat!nbai m paypads sl 6upeiq Iwatel pue 'Bu4lpnq 1O3 p813943 ale vaquim ssnq lenpy4pul u6!soO ssnn pue usima 6u!ppn9 6win0 :3NO 30V.LS •s86ejs 9w41 is papdde aq isnw A+o841 s!4l •u6!sap u! t! 1o; pawrase uoplsod.0141 uo agluaw snit Anne ploy of ssnq 041 to aueld 041 01 8018ue 146!1 Is tiOddm lualay;nS Aldde o1 it 6upwq to A1oa41 aµ1 'wnlanln enlua 841;0 BuIPe01 1214181 Puen41!m 01 suo!uauuoa pue 6upeiq luap!Hra ABS Illm (teullsep ssnil a41 lou) au6!sap 6u!pl!nq 941 '8 •u6!sep u! 1! fol powrsse uon!sod a41 u! aquaw ssntt AAW p104 01 ssnn a41 ;o aueld 841 01 saBue 3µ6u to Bupe/q luop! Ons A;!cads II!m au6!sap 6u!ppnq 841 'wu6!s4p ssnn 341 Aq pal#laads 6upwq Iwatel 041 01 uO!uppe ul 'L 'lu!od a to pa!ldde ale speq Pgtequaauw Pug '12,0043 dot 841;o mold 041 01 lewtou pa!ldde 21st spool puna 'Alto!— tae speol aA!I to peep pmodw!+adnS •9 •sleAalu! +o suon -mal *!;pads 1e poulenset Apwwel we Lagwsw uo!ssaidwo:) •S 'semjls lumout 10 UOIl ♦quu0tap to; siu!ol to "waw p1O4a to Almunuw s! gayl 'p *Aluo saalol ta!xQ;O uonQulwJMW to; Auld Is pouu!d we vaquraw ssnn 'E 'Bupads uBISap 041 10 moo 4aaa of Iapeted pue 'luewaitow Iwatel luaAwd o1 paowq 'Allet!Um pelleau! 'sluauodww Iwnl*ntls aueld we sessntl Z •saniodwd ufi'mp u! wo;lun pue Voilass sso;lu sl u! uuon '148!wu Apw e!%!u! e saquaw ssnil -1 :sawmss M -!a uBlt4P Id! 41!m-uQPt000e uo sassnq pooh to u6!sap a41 aa..q R.a.n rnowv°oat (p)l 21n6!j 1*)l 21n6!j S! 11 •Pa41e04s JO pwe.q we Aagt aio;aq 6u!Illonq Iwatel of alq!ldaxm ale sptO4a dol ssnn 'pi043 dot a41 to aueld a4l u! Bulowq s! 1ol3wiuw wig3a.a 10 apl!nq 941 O3 1ueltodw! tsoyy •sl+old pi0V0 dol 'l •aueid (Bulltoo) pio42 wonoq .E pue'sessnn o1 telnlpuadlad aueld IanUaA 10 aueld 1agWm qam 'Z'aueld (6u!4teatls) pi043 dol .I :A1!l!gen amsu! 01 wanAs;oat 841 u! aauaa;w 10 saueld Mull Ol pa!ldde aq isnw 6ui3elq ssnn 'awll 5uOW 841 le paitowai it uoazoauuoo Aaµ a ;! alddol o1 sassnit asnel ueo , 6upeds 6ugsnlpe„ to tae S!41 *pa!ldde s! 6u!4leays se 6u!oeds isnlpe of 6upwq 6u!Aowai to aa!taeid snopieze4 041 P!OAe of Pepenw s! 6u!owq se pou!eiu!ew eq pino4s sossnil uaaMleq 6upeds 13¢x3 •P0418w aw!I-e•le-auo a41 oil aleu+alle elgetdaaae us so w!lgwosse se aueld olu! pal;B ua4l we 4314M sl!un pa:seiq Alleinlanils olu! 'punoi6 841 uo 'sassnq ;o sdnolB to Algwesse-wd vaquim paoeiq 041 41!m uoll3asialu! Anita to sl!eu p9l Pap894 algnOP 0mt 41!m pol!eu aq pinogs +agwnl Bu!owq Alwodwal '(416ua1 wnw!ww via; -9) 6u!aelq sn OOB4uw Ia6uol to ugielleisul blelpowwr +o; uopeledwd ul Aluwodwat pasn ssa!un 'popuawwoaal lois sl sassnq luaoe!pe uaamtaq iagwnl ;o seaa!d aaeds tio4s to asn 941 •Bu!lPue4 1o; lepnaejd se 6uol se aq pino4s pue lagwnl uo!sww!p yxZ unit seal lois aq pino4s Bupwq A+e+odwal'pallelsul aq ue* 6ulyte345 JO/Pug 'Bui)13ap'6waeiq luaus toad 841 Ipun uoll!puoYa;es a u! pue tuawu6pe u! 'gwnld sassnn 941 plo4 of 6u!awq Atwodwal wala!Hns Aldde isnw iwaenuoo uonowa 10 +apl!nq 841 'aaeld u! In we sassnil sV 'Bsdelloo lelol e Bu!molle sn4l '1no pnd 10 ;o )Ioaiq ue3 sgex M841 ssnit tsn; 341 aaeiq w 6u!pl!nq 041 to pub 041 04 sgex lieu 01 PapuawwOaai lou 9! 11 'IeMwp411M u! ton 'ABelalel p9Peol aq II!m sl!eu 041 'dn to eplonq o1 pual pino4s sassnil 941 to le41 os auop aq pinogs 6uneiq to Sup!m pV •a" sonnq bull dot of Bu!puai sal6u!4s loci m pOOMAId to salpunq se 43ns pool uonontnuw 10 owo; pu!m Aue 01 paPPe aq ua41 pinom sounil a41 30 14612m 041 "a'! 'ualsAs Bupeq a41 to suo!muuw IIB uo u!egs snopuawail a send 146!ls 1aA8Mo4 '1;ols s!4l •1;!4s of sessnn 841 mope pue sAemap!s puaq ueo ssnil ivy a41 ;o pio4a dol a41 'x!Aua41O '6u3oejq Iwatel snonu!luoa pio4a dot IM amu pe 41!M au!I u! AIMi!p paleaol aq pino4s sbaeiq punoiB a41 V '6upwq leuo6e!p a4l to uni leluozuo4 a4l aa!ml 10 '1001 OZ Pa03xe IOU 6upeds luan!wiaw! le41 papuawwoow $11! 'A it 04:uogdo s,au6!sap Buipl!nq a4l le ivall!walu! 10 snonupuoa aq Am 6waelq SRL '6uneiq Ivalel 6uu!nbai squaw awes a41 10 ap!s al!soddo gill m P343ene eq pinogs 6u!oelq leuo6e!O 'ooejq Iwatel 84101 albue aalBap Sp a Alalew!xoidde le papelsu! aq (lagwnl leu!wou 110!41 43w -Z wnw!u!.) 6uneiq 1eu06e!p le41 PaPuawwoaal s! 11 .•RA,. e. eu,...a a.wvnW aa. m io a��na.w nRui m°.oe .°q •e°nam w�n.� W �rgIv.u•1+.ronu�ruo) a.�ipm ail• w. •.ore (q)L 21n61j (a)l wn6!d 003.3 Rwn aunua+•.e.vyl w......-lu.-Ilan No P1 -"M IR°a�wD a.m°q AQ) •S•. ,a z 'uonlsOd u! ps oeld s! anti 42ea se pa!ldde aq Bupelq uo!laaa 1041 papuawwoaw s! 11 'veld Bulwell s,auB!sap Bu!ppnq 041 'Ol pal!w!l aq Apiess3*91) IOU lnq 'Moho; Am Bupwq uo!laaa /o A1wOdwal 'uonepelsu! ial;e pue '6uunp 'elo;aq luawu6ye u! Pau!wu!ew ate A941 1841 pue uo!lawa Buunp palleiuep Allaj=nlss lou ate sassnn POom 041 1941 straw isnw 9H •Bu!aetq Atetodwal adwd w; pue Bu1IPue4 soul POOm laded to; alq!suodsai 9! totaequoa uo!taaa to lappnq 041 voloeiluoo uo!loaa 10 mpl!nq 041 Aq PBP!Aad aq pino4s pue 'aftlaed ssnq poom 341 to tied se pa4s!wnl Apemn lou ate sle!aiew 6unet8 'sBu!mwp u6!sap 041 to tied se ueld 6u!wvl s,au8!sop 6uipl!nq,241 uo uma4s aq pino4s sl!elap uo!laauuoo pue Bu!aetq ssnn •ampnits WPM 041 to Ai!l!geis IIMAO 041 10; paP08u se 'vagwaw qam unit 041 01 lelna!puadiad pue splo4a woiloq a41 Aq pawio; sued 041 u! 'sP1o4a dol bull Aq pawo; auelda4l u! P3pumwO3a1 s! Bupetq ssnn 10 leuo6elO 'soaloi 9sa41 is!sa1 os papaeu se Bupetq leuolle!p 1o; suQ438uuw to po4tew pue 'uo!18301 'az!s au!walap pets OH van&sap 6u!pl!nq 341 Aq A!alete0as patap!suoo aq isnw sassnil poom 841 o1 suon3auuw tlagl pue sivawala a;sueq Pact J8410 JO -seem Mots -sw6et4de!p'6upwq a!ws!x '6upeiq le iod '6upvq pu!m se flans 'sluawaunbat u6!sap !epadS 'lummow sl! luaitald w 6u!3 wq leuo6e!p Ag pau!ensat to Pat043ue Alivapy;ra s! 6upwq s!µ1 le41 pue paltelsu! Aladoid s! 6wowq Iwatel pay!aads ail le41 u!etaxe isnw lolaadsul +o au6!sap Bu!ppnq 841 vol3enuw uonaala 10 appnq 041 Aq sbulmeip u6!sap ssnil a4i uo pay!3ads uone*ol 841 1e pallenu! Pue Peynads az!s 841 w pa!lddm aq of s! 6u!oetq Iwatel 'sOuemeip uSisop ssnil aqt uo pal;pads aq III* le41 6upwq Aluo gull so pue u6!sap ssnil PCOM 041 ;O tied a s! 'staquaw ssnil lenp!A!pu! ;0 41Bu9I 6uy)lmq oonpal of u6!sap Aq pennbai aq Am se 'Bu!owg Iea1e'l 'Aluo sluauodww Iwnl3nits se sassnq poom lenp!A!pu! ;o u6!sap bill +o; popuawwo3w we ..sassnil poom paloauuoD afield JUIDW 1461'1 1o; sUO!jM;!3adS uB!saO„ aun!fsul Bleld ssnn 041 ' all ;o ssol a u! llnsw pinco lsiom to gol4m pue'slelalew pue awn to not lenuelsgns a it lsaq is ga!4m 'ain"ntls bull to esdepw e w llnsw Am saauanbasuw 841 'patou6!;t •pajouBi to pall!llni 184l!a,8Je suo!ldwnsse u6!sap lueo!pUee: Alleai boll to. Aueut le41 uon3n isuw ;o BBB1S le31I!t3 9141 to s! 11-walsAs 1oot.+o;oat a;o 6upwq pue uo!taaa leuy 041 u! Willis 19 s! 9141 lie'paieo!tge; pue payBlsop we sassnil poom Alin;woo taAamOH L 'vol3etlu03 vopaaa Aq 10 siau6!sop 6uipl!nq Aq u!we4 p8u!eluw uo!tew101u! pue suonepuewwo39J 041 uO 8auellw 10 -u0n -m!ldde 'asn 041 wa; 6ulsue sabewep 1o; Al!pq!suodsat Aue sw!elx!p Alssaldxa ain1!nul eleld ssnn a41'sn4l'lolaenuw uo!lawa 10 'lapl!nq 'au6!sap 6ulpl!nq poy!lenb a to asn 941 1o; BpmB a se Aluo palumaid eq 'paiyoitw san!I!q!suOdsal ;o wnteu 841 o1 anp 'isnw lnq 'Ailsnpu! ssnq poom a41 uo lauuoved 1e3!u4381 6u!Peal ;o eouauadxa aA!mllc3 aql woil aleu!6uo sassnq poom 6upeiq 10; suo!lepuawwoaal 0841 'walsAs tool lalnanted e to; 6upwq 1q ufi!sap s,aau!Bua 10 s,laal!Wie up to nap u! pela;wd aq Aluessaaau p!nom 1¢41 piepuets a 10 of 1o!ladns se pwwdle ! aq suon -epuawwoaai esa41 pino4s 1803N •wassAs;ow It Bu!awq 1o; PO4tow Aluo 841 palap!suw aq A041 le41 PePualw lou s! 1! 'punos Apea!u43e4 we u!a1a4 paulesuw 6uneiq to; :uopepuawwoael a41 DINM •Suo4ePu3www8t aA!1e1ua1 BW41 uodn 861elua pue a4tin; Apnis 01 pauueld s! 11 'suo!1e11nsuO3 841 ;C llnsal PQU!P auo s! swnpaootd uo!13aia pue 6wlpue4 al!s.uo 10; suo!lepuawwww BAneluw 041 ;o uo!snpul 'smo; +adie4s a olu! swalgwd uo!laaa pue Suppuey play leap3etd'6uiBu!1q uo pwlnsai sell Ipunoo slaini3e;nueyy ltiouodwoo Idl 041 411m uonellnsuO3 'tiO;D s!µ1 of paloAap uaaq BA84 (uaau!Bua Bunlnsuw luapuadapu! pue 'A1!unwwoa a!wapeae 341 30 saA!leluas -aidal 'saiuedwo3 6uiini3elnuew eteld 1aquim to uaau!fiva lwntonils ta!43 a41 ;o d!4vagwaw a Bwslldluw) wiquowO'J A1os!ApV Ieo!ulpal Idl 841 Aq m0!w1 annwaq!lap pue Apnn pale4uaouo3 IenuetsgnS •suo!lepuaw -www M41 ;O uo!lwedald 841 ua>telapun set 'd!4sagwaw Ipunoo saml3e;nueyy tuat odwop ss! 41!m uonellmuw u! "Out 'alnlnsul aleld ssnil 041 'Alain a!lgnd;o Isamu! 041 w pue'6u!3wq alenbape Iletsu! Ol watim pue 'ua4m 'moo ;O e6Palmoull ;o 113111 luandde 041 'welsh low paoep Aliadwd a ;o Alain luaa4u! 041 10 uonluBOaw ul Nouon00VINt 9L61 '•ONI '31niuSNI 31V -1d SSf1H1 Oa 61LE5 IM 1uoSIMN SNOIIVOWNW0338 0HV A8VIONO3. I31nIIISNaid d ssnai 432081000M -SK13 08 Figure 4(a) �ro •eew eiepow bw,ro in tree D.em of IN web memMr., pMm.lmenl apse: 1217: tole bel on camn n-1 w,1a1ro Ip rook. apace: a 1w. on cenlm on- wueirp Ip crop.. Figure 4(b) between laterals placed at approximately 45 degrees is recommended for stability of the bottom chord. Diagonal bracing in the plane of the bottom chord is generally not required throughout the length of the building, but it is recommended that it be located at least at each end of the building. In most cases, temporary bracing in the plane of the bottom chord is installed at the locations specified on the architectural plan for permanent bracing, and is, therefore, left in place as permanent bracing. Figure 5 illustrates bracing in the plane of the bottom chord. Full bundles of plywood should not be placed on trusses. This construction load should be limited to 8 sheets of plywood on any pair of trusses and should be located adjacent to the supports. No excess concentration of any construction materials (such as gravel or shingles) 10 owow. roam bogie bar. Reoeel x1 lamb coq. W It 201w1 ,n1ervL.. oi.pow brwiro cob. w .kt, q. 01 cop mora pwreml Ie.erJ cope. e n1 0l cop R tpe.im Too more hap pun�m commv Figure 6(b) If purlins are usect spaced not to exceed the buckling length of the top chord, and adequately attached to the top chord, it is recom• mended that diagonal bracing be applied to the underside of the top chord to prevent lateral shifting of the purlins. Figure fi(a) illustrates the necessity for applying diagonal bracing in the plane of the top chord despite the use of closely spaced purlins. It is recommended that this diagonal bracing, as shown in Figure Bib), be installed on both sides of the ridge line in all end bays. If the building exceeds 60 feet in length, this bracing should be repeated at intervals no greater than 20 feet. 2. Web Member Plane. The purpose of this bracing is to hold the trusses in a vertical position and to maintain the design spacing. In addition, this lateral bracing may be required to shorten the buckling 13 Figure A11) rgim A suggested procedure for lifting trusses is illustrated in Figure All I if the truss span does not exceed 30 feet. 16 Figure 5 nam.._._. htmJ bwiro 10 la Iw1 . norepew ne cl lawn - should be placed on the trusses in any one area; they should be spread out evenly over a large area so as to avoid overloading any one truss. All mechanical equipment should be located only on the trusses specifically designed to support it. It should not be dropped or even set temporarily in any other area unless the trusses are adequately shored. All floor trusses should be adequately shored if pallets of masonry materials are to be stored temporarily until the next higher walls are finished. STAGE THREE: Permanent Bracing is designed and specified by the architect or engineer for the structural safety Of the building. It is the responsibility of the building designer to indicate size, location, and attachments for all permanent bracing as required by design analysis. In general, it is desirable to design and locate all bracing so that it may work together with other structural parts of the building (such as shear trolls, portal frames, bearing walls, columns, beams, etc.) to achieve total structural integrity. 11 length of a web member. As described earlier in the discussion of building design and truss design (STAGE ONE), diagonal bracing or end anchorage is essential to stabilize the lateral bracing. Diagonal bracing in the plane of the web members is also used to distribute unequal loading to adjacent trusses and to spread lateral forces to diaphragms or shear walls. Spacing of rows of diagonal bracing in the plane of the webs is a matter of judgment to be made by the building designer, and will depend upon the truss span, truss configura- tion, type of building, and the loading. Generally, for roof trusses, the spacing ranges from 12 feet to 16 feet depending upon how it relates to the bracing in the plane of the top chord. For floor trusses the cross bracing should be approximately 8 feet on centers. Lateral 2x6 strong -backs may also be used for some floor systems. Figure / and Figure 4 illustrate bracing in the plane of the webs. 3. Bottom Chord Plane. This bracing is required to maintain the truss design spacing and to provide lateral support to the bottom chord to resist buckling forces in the event of reversal of stress due to wind uplift or unequal roof or floor loadings. For multiple bearing trusses or cantilever conditions, portions of the bottom chord become compression members and should be braced laterally to resist buckling in the same manner as the top chord of simple span trusses. Bracing in the plane of the bottom chord is also designed to transfer lateral forces due to wind or seismic loads into side walls, shear walls or other resisting structural elements. Diagonals between continuous lateral bracing serve to stabilize the bottom chord. It is recommended that one complete bey of diagonal bracing be installed at each end of any building, and additional such bays be located at specified intervals not to exceed 20 feet. Figure 5 illustrates the use of bracing in the plane of the bottom chord. These recommendations for bracing wood trusses have been derived from the collective experience of leading technical personnel in the wood truss industry but must, due to the nature of responsibilities involved, be presented only as a guide for the use of a qualified building designer, builder, or erection contractor. 14 Figure 61a) w chm mceb to. n marc e.wow M. Permanent bracing must provide sufficient support at right angles to the plane of the truss to hold every truss member in the position assumed for it in design. In addition, permanent bracing must be designed to resist lateral forces.imposed on the completed building by wind or seismic forces. Permanent bracing may be subdivided into three logical compo- nents: 1. Top Chord Plans. This bracing is designed to resist lateral movement of the top chord. If plywood floor or roof sheathing is properly applied with staggered joints and adequate nailing, a continu ous diaphragm action is developed and additional bracing in the plane is generally not required. Some metal roofing materials may be depended upon to act as a diaphragm when properly lapped and nailed. Selection and use of these materials is at the discretion of the building designer. 12 APPENDIX It is intended that this appendix contain only tentative recon mendations that may be used as a guide for on-site handling anc erection until a more complete statement can be prepared. There may be some instances in which additional precautions will be necessary. UNLOADING. If possible, trusses shall be unloaded on relatively smooth ground. They shall not be unloaded on rough terrain that would cause undue lateral strain that might result in distortion of truss joints. Dumping of trusses ii an acceptable practice provided that the trusses are not damaged or excessively stressed in the act of dumping. The builder shall provide protection from damage that may be caused by on-site construction activity. STORAGE. Care shall be taken so as not to allow excessive bending o1 trusses or to allow tipping or toppling while the trusses are banded oo when the banding is removed. If trusses fabricated with fire retardant treated wood must be store. prior to erection, they should be stored in a vertical position to preven water containing chemicals leached from the wood from standing o theplates. A further precaution may be taken by providing a cover for the trusses that will prevent moisture from coming in direct conta. with the trusses and which can be ventilated to prevent condensatio ERECTING TRUSSES. The truss erector or builder shall take 0 necessary precautions to insure that handling and erection procedure do not reduce the load carrying capacity of the truss. Trusses shall be installed plumb, at specified spacing and in -plat (i.e., trusses will be properly aligned). 15 Tipi- For lifting trusses with spans in excess of 60 feet, it is recom- mended that a strong -back be used as illustrated in Figure AI3). The Figure AM • strong•back should be attached to the top chord and web members at intervals of approximately 10 feet. Further, the strong -backs should- be For truss spans between 30 feet and 60 feet a suggested lifting at or above the mid height of the truss so as to prevent overturning. The procedure is shown in Figure A(2). It should be noted that the lines strong -back can be of any material with sufficient strength to safely' from the ends of the spreader bar "toe -in." If these lines should carry the weight of the truss and sufficient rigidity to adequately resist "to&out," they will tend to cause buckling of the truss. bending of the truss. 17 18 5X6 45'18" 4X6 139.' 8" RBOUT 7X645'18" 5X5 34' 8" 5X4 38' 8" 8X12 45'18 6X8. 37'.3"! 7X8 45'18" 7X6 43' 6" 4X5.45'18" 3X5 136'`18" 3X4 38' _. 1" T ,• 00- .2.00 0.2.00 118 WEBS 2X4 03 HF, FL, OR 90:P --UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. ALSO SEE CLB CHART ATTACH X CLB CONT.LATERAL BRACE mn rhpu - Urn WTMU ! 7 1 On MI& TT Q' +t m ISLUE;K NUOU1it1W WREN PLATE' . PROJECTS MORE THAN ONE INCH. SEE DRWG# A138 POR PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION ON TYPICAL JOINTS. [1B] PROVIDE FOR HORI20NTAL MOVEMENT AT ONE SUPPORT LOCATE TOP CHORD INTER -PANEL SPLICE WITHIN 6".OF PANEL.1/4-POINT. C7 ] 4 EO.. TC PANELS 4 EQ. BC PANELS 1.5X4 143 45 18 34' 8" 3.58" 3X12 45'18" _ � . '' pf E3544Tp �.. MEASURED FROM INSIDE SCARFS IBHHCING YOM TRUSSES: COMENTHRY AND RECD111ENURTIUNS- *TPI).. SEE THIS DESIGN FOR 11001TIDNRL SWIRL BRACING REUUIREHENTS. UNLESS 011E1W1SE REO'D, TOP CHDiIO SfiRll �pQ Pp v � ao► ' 3X18 391 8" BE LATERALLY BRACED HIM PROPERLY AITRCHEO PLYW� SHERTHING. BOTTOM CIWO PITH RIGID CEILING OR URACING AT MRXIMfl OF 10 FEET 0. C. 00 NOT.IISC THIS DESIGN WIIH FI HE RE111CORNT TREATED LUIOIER. ` no 1367 3, '! 1? `+ 3X9 35' 8" 3X8 31' 9" 3X7 27' 9" MIN BRG SPAN 18-5X181 45' 18 8X18 135' 8 6X6 27' 6 "+ = BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 18 PSF WIPWE LWy� sW: R•'':1 �> s cw ♦o. aW NOV 2.2 192 Q .a�ttoa' fN Ie ITIUJ:u RAY amu. RLPINE.ENGINEERED PRODUCTSIINC. P.O..BOX 2225 P011HINO BERCH,FLORIOR 33061 :A 305=781-3333 DESIGN CRITERIA UBC TC LIVE LOAD 16.8 PSP TC DEAD. LOAD a 14.8 PSF t BC DEAD LOAD 5.8 PSP TOTAL 35.8 PSF . DUR.. FACTOR 1.25 SPACING 24.8" OC F T R OVERALL SPANS LARCH 2 X 6 TC 2X4 SC 2488E-2.BE 45' 19" 45' 18" 2258E -1.9E 44' 9" 44' 8" 2188E -1.8E 43' 8 41' 8" n 1958E -1.7E '42' 6 38'.11" G. R 1888F -1.6E 41' 2 36' 8" 1658E -.1.5E 39' 7' 33' 3" 1458E -1.3E 37' 1 29' 1- # 1 " #1 MC -15 38' 11 36' 3" .Y #1. 37' 9" 34' 3" 1 #2 MC -1'5 36' 8" 31' 5" G #2 35' 8'. 29' 18" LOADING SPACING 35.0/ . .5 2q.0 - LIVE LOAD ....�"•••"VL±/2X4 PLATE TYPE --REPINE _ � ®v�c�vi.amuram�"ecmo�¢ta in,�I�) ( lll���Dar� HO 3.58" 45'18" "+ = BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 18 PSF WIPWE LWy� sW: R•'':1 �> s cw ♦o. aW NOV 2.2 192 Q .a�ttoa' fN Ie ITIUJ:u RAY amu. RLPINE.ENGINEERED PRODUCTSIINC. P.O..BOX 2225 P011HINO BERCH,FLORIOR 33061 :A 305=781-3333 DESIGN CRITERIA UBC TC LIVE LOAD 16.8 PSP TC DEAD. LOAD a 14.8 PSF t BC DEAD LOAD 5.8 PSP TOTAL 35.8 PSF . DUR.. FACTOR 1.25 SPACING 24.8" OC F T R OVERALL SPANS LARCH 2 X 6 TC 2X4 SC 2488E-2.BE 45' 19" 45' 18" 2258E -1.9E 44' 9" 44' 8" 2188E -1.8E 43' 8 41' 8" n 1958E -1.7E '42' 6 38'.11" G. R 1888F -1.6E 41' 2 36' 8" 1658E -.1.5E 39' 7' 33' 3" 1458E -1.3E 37' 1 29' 1- # 1 " #1 MC -15 38' 11 36' 3" .Y #1. 37' 9" 34' 3" 1 #2 MC -1'5 36' 8" 31' 5" G #2 35' 8'. 29' 18" LOADING SPACING 35.0/ . .5 2q.0 - LIVE LOAD ....�"•••"VL±/2X4 PLATE TYPE --REPINE _ � ®v�c�vi.amuram�"ecmo�¢ta in,�I�) ( lll���Dar� HO PITCH 4.(Of2X0i/12 UNLESS THESE SPECIFICATIONS FOR'LUMOER FIND *�IMPORTRNTi*� fILPINE CU14ECIORS FIRE FOLLOWED AND 111E n TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CRRE.IN HIM ING, WARNING ERECTION AND URRCINL-. SEE -WIT-TS'- _ � . '' pf E3544Tp �.. TRUSSES Allll.T IN GANFDRnRNCE PITH-OURLITY CONTROL nRNUW-- DY ifPl, IFIEPE SIOWL HE NO IIItl2RRHIIES OF f111S OESICN, EXPRESS OR IIU'LIEO. PILPINL CUNNECI+)RS IYIE MllfA RCTUREU FROM 20 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL IBHHCING YOM TRUSSES: COMENTHRY AND RECD111ENURTIUNS- *TPI).. SEE THIS DESIGN FOR 11001TIDNRL SWIRL BRACING REUUIREHENTS. UNLESS 011E1W1SE REO'D, TOP CHDiIO SfiRll �pQ Pp v � ao► ' �]}�'Q SPANS TO 45' l O p 1P4,fSS OTHERWISE SI10WN, MEETING REDUIREMENTS OF RSTM R44G.GWIOE A. �iPI.Y CONNECTORS. 70.801H FACES AT EACH JOINT AND LOCATE AS SHINN. DEMINf. W1D116 RI4E V NU111191L L44LESS OTHERWISE SHUVN. DESIGN SiWAIRROS CONFON1 WI TN HPPLTCHOLE.PROVISIONS OF *NDS -77 ANO elPl- 781 BE LATERALLY BRACED HIM PROPERLY AITRCHEO PLYW� SHERTHING. BOTTOM CIWO PITH RIGID CEILING OR URACING AT MRXIMfl OF 10 FEET 0. C. 00 NOT.IISC THIS DESIGN WIIH FI HE RE111CORNT TREATED LUIOIER. ` no 1367 3, '! 1? `+ COPYRIGHT 1981 4828644 FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO ERECTION CONTRACTOR A -M6 -SCIS- 35/1.25-16+14+ 5- 24 ------------ JOBS-15416 SPA JR A&M. LOT-14&15 THIS DW4G. PREPARED FROM COMOTER INPUT (LOADS A 0I38£NSIONS) SUB14ITTED BY TRUSS NFR. TOP CHORD 2X6 Flit-LARCH -02 TC X-LOC L-Rr 0.29 9.6S 17.90 2S.2I n COT CHORD 2X4 .FIR-LARCH 02 :0 WEBS 2X4 RE11-FIR STAND., EXCEPT AS S11OVN BC X-LOC L-Rt 0.Z9 9.GS 17.00 25.21 C= to :*WI-2X5 FIR-LARCH, 02 sb2-2X4 FIR-LARCH STI90SINGLE CUT WES a.-6Cs3 ;2 EI=t!.S � tn. . -ONNECTOR PLATES MUST BE INSTALLED TO ACCORDAXCE WITH (Ul BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10 PSF.LIVE LOAD. OD.a2EQUIRENENTS OF I.C.8.0. RESEARCH REPORT *2969. 03 (A)1X4 43 HEN-FIR OR BETTER CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING TO. m, ALL .PLATES ARE TO BE CENTERED ON THE JOINT, LEFT-TO RIGHT AND BE EQUALLY SPACED. ATTACH VITH :23 6d HAILS. BRACING R3, TOP TO BOTTOM. 'EXCEPT WHEN LOCATED BY CIRCLE OR DIMENSION.MATERIAL TO BE. SUPPLIED AND ATTACNEO AT BOTH ENOS TO A O' SEE DRAWING 139 FOR •PLATE LOCATIONS ON TYPICAL JOINT'S.- SUITABLE SUPPORT BY ERECTION CONTRACTOR. � iD 5X4 - .. 4.Oif 3X5. 3X9 12' - r 3X6' 2-fid. 1.5X3 iz 2-00 2% w z .. 4- St Ted Eo 'a7-0-0 : 8-6-0 m —25-t-u OYER 2 r'N .r R'-8720w- 3_SD' r"i,.�4TE 7�E--M�'IB_ -=2 28 FiIMM B CWT:OF-.7NiS^M9Ytf'ai9:�iIQR, i lit oD =,�trnE eso�o . faOOIC1S; oc:..:. _,ate f9Qa8E �• OD o 0 0 cam. o v OIKTOD. far aEfa�eraiatF�a: f>er 1if�iNlA� m fs�a�. .afire (5[E�0 CRIT ., _ z 0 0 ,... '� o . a�tBIICS7 cm aoE ,sfmv&Rmw °cv wr twwcm-.' s_w� lm-w. ams � aa� f v . Et ' IS.O WE 1 l � TrtB Oft* (E7.L.QA lt�t lAa�; p IstpA Ili' IOWS � ml6IlIR1 lOD ry.� � , . . r" a o v . o . vltll nff . Rr'o®ns: ovum- or nl.. xErac als neral _ -TC DL : 1;i . fl.P9F tIR�. 8x909 C' o:: o � : I�1mTtm Iffm -ao GRM : 6aLt umm Std (MAW a a� twEsr �:� 5.'0 CR o- oIiSM�c Sa�el. MUM GMMS eS-OF tP M MW COW a: 11lNI. °.toP QteC.9e11LtE'f�t/.T a� C@tOf96 a ..; 01 :� v arelr ;ao MM MCI Ar OW Molal wo loaenE fS Y[III �eici : ax>sio� mmm stelae, 60 a E TtiT. iD_35.0 PSF avF�: EB�1, :25-6 r' 0Tom C= , cmac � fm P lnnUR mum 8t1�p1>g 9�: W"M COW a nd '6t GERM aR >� d • OFSM s mFYa+ Ctm oftlaQE filarnsera fS ssfrlm ® aQca>� ®aper tBE aos 'Il ��l OEM= a -I;� a�oo�r..l��la uea�::. t* a�Ra°`= MIRSFE. I .25 PITCR ' > 4.0/12 .--Isc- Ila�:wwae•a�rinaE eos-.Ulltb �maT�f�a.te� rvot:, i° .; Ty CI1ii�_ - JOB: 16486 SPA JR A&R LOT -142.15 THIS tiVG- PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS NFR. TOP CHORD 2X6 FIR—LARCff s2 BOi CHORD 2X4 FIR -LARCH *2 'WEBS 2X4 HE" -FIR STAND.. EXCEPT AS SHOWN :Vi -2X6 FIR -LARCH 02 N:ORRECTOR PLATES MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH aR£AUIRE"ENTS OF I.C.B_O. RESEARCH REPORT *2949_ ALL PLATES ARE TO BE CENTERED ON THE JOINT. LEFT TO -RIGHT AND TOP TO BOTTOM. EXCEPT WREN LOCATED BY CIRCLE 02 DIMENSION. SEE DRAWING 138 FOR `PLATE LOCATIONS 00 TVPICAL JOIIRTS.• TC X -LOC L -R: B_29 --9_65 17.99 28_21 t7 QD Sc X -LOC L -R= 8.29 9.6S 17.88 28.21 c SINGLE CUT {EB S-BC:3 ;2 ENDSs1.5 v tQ to 99) BOTTOM.CUMD CHECKED FOR 10 PSF LIVE LOAD. m 1!131X4 83 MEN -FIR OR BETTER CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING TO lu BE EQUALLY SPACED, ATTACH WITH 42.3 9d MAILS. BRACING N MATERIAL TO BE SUPPLIED AaD ATTACUEO AT BOTH ENDS TO A t7 SUITABLE SUPPORT BY ERECTDON CONTRACTOR. O tD ^W^ Jl=Z.OD i 12 17 cNn (stubbed to li-€D fB 3-6-0 .. 0 lNfJd 2 StPPt3R R-U39t Y 350' •- �Ei iW SIS MM �mm,r[�9:�14 � � r� , �r 14.2.9: �Fa l-"cr'.o =o o -v ygyg sova ,:mns,.tt� :-•., �r> +s•'� �3I�-1dI7OPW — i o'- Q a v �4 FPs$ s� era sE s atmE s+ae a� P(i�fG; F xis FGEF .. s REE. ItttS�7 6tr6'S -mm sm, WR'C'Fmnw .'Z.e., .+� eass oa Fit FeattgW io'�rus tt� tFtd3F, a FaF wo FFeFat2tF _ 4rF' f TC x: CS a a r; Q '.o <OIEr�D �+ 9FF 4 �. Q � (FFe.0iPi94ttm.';/iCPt_"c:�lDliLtC9�.iiSlii6R1Ei00� �i •r•`PSF.. O a'MUNWRRED FFCpt:.M-GRM MUMM 9 -HEEL li!'$ lE7F ammuimmar:-'fa,n,a FFlmt9E SFM- RiEFtFS FF GREW iFD OF FSFO RM r N: 9MR. ' W tF—Cl MC 1E OF EW" a �.. Q W�- i C LL�tS w mm go= w a= in" WO UME tt9F ; mmmu `wv6 /11mm 9eFIIQF4 - v . MMM amts FE � 4WML'FRffi a MMM 9lCQIL �toFtaF a�F/DA :atn CF3lCC a1 esrco�e dg ` MT&O. 0/H'�L.fllf_ 2�tQ-$-0-w SFS CMnM ani' FPRFCFME FFFa15m .FT es 9'6IF1® CR OESM L �Fm ucaE FNa�`+- P�-i ir[� ^"'_�T O/�2«� a:ti °ens �rn :;� FFF a1aFss FeFFFF"tt�Fim olnm� tn_o O rtrtlocil r:51'EOBF1Qi'[I�i FFFI.GBLO CQI�t[�SIIffi�(�p�i' CO FIS; 5Xq 3X4 L2 3X5 ;. 2-9-t .. . JAio 2X1 - '• 4 ^W^ Jl=Z.OD i 12 17 cNn (stubbed to li-€D fB 3-6-0 .. 0 lNfJd 2 StPPt3R R-U39t Y 350' •- �Ei iW SIS MM �mm,r[�9:�14 � � r� , �r 14.2.9: �Fa l-"cr'.o =o o -v ygyg sova ,:mns,.tt� :-•., �r> +s•'� �3I�-1dI7OPW — i o'- Q a v �4 FPs$ s� era sE s atmE s+ae a� P(i�fG; F xis FGEF .. s REE. ItttS�7 6tr6'S -mm sm, WR'C'Fmnw .'Z.e., .+� eass oa Fit FeattgW io'�rus tt� tFtd3F, a FaF wo FFeFat2tF _ 4rF' f TC x: CS a a r; Q '.o <OIEr�D �+ 9FF 4 �. Q � (FFe.0iPi94ttm.';/iCPt_"c:�lDliLtC9�.iiSlii6R1Ei00� �i •r•`PSF.. O a'MUNWRRED FFCpt:.M-GRM MUMM 9 -HEEL li!'$ lE7F ammuimmar:-'fa,n,a FFlmt9E SFM- RiEFtFS FF GREW iFD OF FSFO RM r N: 9MR. ' W tF—Cl MC 1E OF EW" a �.. Q W�- i C LL�tS w mm go= w a= in" WO UME tt9F ; mmmu `wv6 /11mm 9eFIIQF4 - v . MMM amts FE � 4WML'FRffi a MMM 9lCQIL �toFtaF a�F/DA :atn CF3lCC a1 esrco�e dg ` MT&O. 0/H'�L.fllf_ 2�tQ-$-0-w SFS CMnM ani' FPRFCFME FFFa15m .FT es 9'6IF1® CR OESM L �Fm ucaE FNa�`+- P�-i ir[� ^"'_�T O/�2«� a:ti °ens �rn :;� FFF a1aFss FeFFFF"tt�Fim olnm� tn_o O rtrtlocil r:51'EOBF1Qi'[I�i FFFI.GBLO CQI�t[�SIIffi�(�p�i' CO FIS; 3X4 2.5X4 36'' 7" 30.' 8" 3.50" mn�m,�c®.raa® 36' 7" 5X5 34'. 8" 5X4 34' 8" #2 MC -15 WEBS 2X4 #3 HF, FL, OR.SO.P--UNLESS A 0 0 0 0/ 0 0 0 ,31' 9"' & 5X6 36' 7" OTHERWISE SHOWN. ®0 o 0 0 0 0 0 TYPE--RLPINE 2X6/2X4 o: o .—STANDARD— 0 0 . PI• 4.0/12 SEE DRWGY.A130 FOR PLATE LOCATION o 0 0 q S BUILT 1N CONFORMRNCE WITH 'DURLIIY CONTROL. MR UFL-.BY +TPI, :[ORRCItZ VOW TRUSSES: COMMENTARY RLD RECOMMENDRTIONS- hp��uo431�_TS AND ORIENTATION ON TYPICAL o o o 0 SIYTLL SENO WRRRRNTIES OF THIS DESIGN, EXPRESS DR IMPLIED. MHNUFACIUREOFROM 20 GAUGE CRLVANIZEU STEEL isTPI).'SEE THIS DESIGN FOR .HOOIiTONWL SPECIAL BRACINGQCONNECTORS.RRE REQUIREMENTS. UNLESS OIHERWISE REWD, TDP CHORD SHRLLSPANST® JOINTS., _ o .oA�� o AM . LRTERRLLY BRACED 91111 PROPERLY. RTTRCHED'PLYYOGO Na .CONNf_C10RS LOCATE TOP CHORD INTER -PANEL SPLICE .o . � /'� .T { COPYRIGHT 1981 4080643RDS WITHIN 6" OF PANEL 1/4 -POINT. o 0 C=3. 0 o 0 0 � N �p •--TPI - TRUSS PLR1E INSTITUTE, NDS - NRTIONItL DESIGN SPECIFICATION FDR 9000 CONSTRUCTION� 1/13/81. A450,-133 OF CIU. sort RBOUT. o TRUSS. a o ALPINE ENGINEEREO'PROOUCTSNINC'. , 7x6 36' 7"1 P.O. BOX 2225 i.. POflPRNO BEACH FLORIOR 33061 ! 6X6., . 36' 7" FleAD5=7W-3333 . ,. 4° 0" 5X.5 34'. 5X{' 38!. 0". D) DESIGN. CRITERIA UBC . TC LIVE LOAD 16.0.Por 1.5X4 36' 7" TC DEAD LOAD 14.8`PSF 1.5X3 3{' 8" •+ BC .DEAD LOAD TOTAL me 35.0 PAF DUR. FACTOR 1.25 - SPACING . 2{.8". OC Zi .. FIR. OVERALL SPANS . OO LARCH 2X6 TC axe BC •2488F=2.813 36' 7" :36 7" 2250F-1.95 36' 7" 36° 7" `.. 4 EA TC PANELS 214OF-1 BE 36' 7` ..36' 7" 11 3X4 2.5X4 36'' 7" 30.' 8" 3.50" 5X6 36' 7" 5X5 34'. 8" 5X4 34' 8" 3 EQ. ' BC PANELS . 195,0E-VAE 36' 7" 36'. 7" _$' MEASURED FROM' R INSIDE'SCARFS 1808F -1.6E 36' 7" 35' 0": 3X5 36' 7". 1659F -1:5E 36' 7" 33' 1". 3X4 38' 8" .14 58fri.3E 36' 7" .30' :2•• SS 3 MIN BRG SPAN 3.50" 36' 7'" • i2 ,36 7 ,38. 6 #1 MC_ 15 NF1 36' 36' 7" 7" 35' 34' 8" 8" V 1: ; #2 MC -15 36' 7" . ,31' 9"' & • i2 ,36 7 ,38. 6 36' 7., LOADING. SPACING ; . .34' $" ++ - BOTTOM CHORD 38! $" CHECKED FOR g. 350t/1.25 ®3G' 7" MAXLIVESLOAD . TYPE--RLPINE 2X6/2X4 PITCH. PI• 4.0/12 PORTRNT*� UNLESS THESE SPECTFICATIONS FOR LUMBER RN0 RLPINE CONNECTORS FIRE FOLLOWED ' RNO THE. jBEfiliING TRUSSES REOUTRE EXTREME CRRE IN HFINOLING,' WARNING ERECTION RNO TiRRCING... SEE -1191-76' q S BUILT 1N CONFORMRNCE WITH 'DURLIIY CONTROL. MR UFL-.BY +TPI, :[ORRCItZ VOW TRUSSES: COMMENTARY RLD RECOMMENDRTIONS- hp��uo431�_TS 36' 7OTHERWISE SIYTLL SENO WRRRRNTIES OF THIS DESIGN, EXPRESS DR IMPLIED. MHNUFACIUREOFROM 20 GAUGE CRLVANIZEU STEEL isTPI).'SEE THIS DESIGN FOR .HOOIiTONWL SPECIAL BRACINGQCONNECTORS.RRE REQUIREMENTS. UNLESS OIHERWISE REWD, TDP CHORD SHRLLSPANST® SHOWN, MEETING REOUIREttENTS'OF FLIM Rg46 GRilDE R'' AM . LRTERRLLY BRACED 91111 PROPERLY. RTTRCHED'PLYYOGO Na .CONNf_C10RS 10 BOTH'FFiCES R1 ERLH JOINT RnD LOCRTE'R6 SHOWN.` G 910116 ARE ::4' NDMINRL UNLESS 01HERWLSE SHOWN.. -.DESIGN SHERTHING, BOT70h CHORD WITH RIGID CEILING 0R BRALINtG OF^:;10 -FEET 0. C. 00 NOT ISE THIS DESIGN � /'� .T COPYRIGHT 1981 4080643RDS CONFIORM WITH RPPLICROLE PROVISIONS OF .NDS -77 RN0 •TPI -711 .AT',MRXliTU; I WITH FIRE'RnfilRd NT TRERTEO LUMUER.. � N �p •--TPI - TRUSS PLR1E INSTITUTE, NDS - NRTIONItL DESIGN SPECIFICATION FDR 9000 CONSTRUCTION� 1/13/81. A450,-133 OF CIU. \' FURNISH A COPY OF -THIS DESIGN TO ERECTION CONTRACTOR. A-M6-COM14- 35/1.25-16+14+. 5- 24 a,. i. i -+ CONVEN'1ION1' IJ VAIA,BY. F111., .FOH, r .l'l 1'k;:7 FABRICA`1'OH ;. fi54.j5 MIDDLETON AVE. '1'f1(;RMAL,; C�1L'xk'. .'922'�R (71.4) 682 ROY G. PALMER Consulting Engineer, 58:5 Iowa Avenue,`R,averside,.Ca.1.i.E,. 92507 =.9025 Da to 79