BRES2019-0235 Revision 1ta Qa�&(v CALIFORNIA PERMIT # 8 . GQ PLAN LOCATION: Project Address: 7?76` Project Description: APN #: IS �GN �G c�✓I� -- rr � ♦1 Applicant Name: �,�►� G. /..%`eN1. Address: 7Y7 4 City, ST, Zip: Telephon : Email: Project Valuation $ Contractor Name: Cw C-X L New Construction: Address: Conditioned Space SF City, St, Zip Garage SF Telephone: Patio/Porch SF Email: Fire Sprinklers SF State Lic: City Bus Lic: Architect/Engineer Name: Construction Occupancy: Address: Grading: City, St, Zip Telephone: Bedrooms: Stories: # Units: Email: State Lic: City Bus Lic: Property Owner's Name: New Commercial / Tenant Improvements: Address: Total Building SF City, ST, Zip Construction Type: Occupancy: Telephone: Email: 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 760-777-7000 Buildinq App updated 3-1_1-19 OFFICE USE ONLY # Submittal Required Received Plan Sets f + Structural Calcs Truss Calcs Title 24 Calcs CVWD Fire Flow Letter Soils Report Grading Plan (PM10) Landscape Plan Subcontractor List Grant Deed HOA Approval School Fees Burrtec Debris Plan Planning approval Public Works approval Fire approval City Business License MUILUiNG ENERGY ANALYSIS REPORT ELLE-NZ fzE-sjDENC,E 79769 INDEPENDENCE DAY LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Project Designer: CONTRERAS DESIGN ASSOCIATES 74- dy suit # 3 Perm Desert¢ Ca 92260 760 851.0562 Q::S�-N CITY OF LA GIUINTA BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DATE-i r=''JL40 IsftZsZoli UP 02 • �� 44890 SEELEY I -A QUWTA,,CA 92253 760 278.1840 Job Number: 19-GDA-012 Date: 9/20/2019 ❑;I W s C%4 r- CO W N U Q. W �1 �o 2M authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential 2016 Building Energy Ef�oiencyStandaroRd ds, �s This program deveTopedby EnergySaTt8ottware — www.energysolt.com. TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page Table of Contents Form CF-1 R-PRF-01-E Certificate of Compliance Form RMS-I ResideTdi,ai-measures Summary HVAC System Heating and Cooling Loads Summary 1 2 3 Iq 12 16 MRTIOICATk_ OF COMI�L NEE - OJESID NT! -PPPtoject-Namp.-EL-LE-NZ-R ECSIL7ENr-4 CWculdtion OescrIptionl Title _k4 Anolysis CaIcGllXi#WDa-t—eMff a 2i3 i ep2 , 20t 9 Page 1 of 7 Input File Dame: 1 R - 412 49769 INDEOEND�NCIa WAYrrlbd1 dx {ENE( L INFORMATION ^^ 01 Pr Ject Name LLENZ RE9IDEN E 02 R:alcullttlon bescri ion Title 2� AnalIs 03 Projapt Lo tion 79769.4NDEFENDEkE DAY 04 06 City Zlp ode O A QUINTA 2253 y M1 05 07 A Standards Varsion Com lianch Manager Version Corn(lance 2017 BEM,tmpM r 2010.3.1 (1149} 08 � J Climate one PZ15 - - 09 Soft*are V�rslon - ltlon CBE�C-Re€r 2016r3.1 (1 19] •- 10 8011ding ype PIngle f amlly �� a 11 ! es.: ront + � rien (tglCatdlnal) .j 0 12 - PrOJect S ope lAdd€clop andli7r Alteration 13 IOUMbO of D*eliing Units . y 1 14 Total Conp. riabr Are (ft2) 1703 15 Number of Hones 1 16 Sllab Are (ft) 1703 17 frumOr of Stories 1 18 Addltldn Conti. Floor Are (ft2) r--' 19 NatUral Gas Av2.11able `� Yes 20 Addltlan $Idb Are (ft2) 21 Glazing Percentage (°Ia) 18.8`% C4]MPL�ANCE REStILiS i01 1$ullding Carrlplles rNlth C mpu* Perm rmafte 02 fhls b►(Hding Incor orate leatu ea.thllt re fleki tastfpg.andlor.veriflcatF.bn by a.certi ied.H RS rates: unl►ar the supelvfsion of a CIEC-appraveH HER prop dar �— -— - — 03 his bqj lding Incor' ratell one dir morn Spedial Fe4tures khown below ENERGY USE SUMMARY 04 Q 06 07 Ot T �-nerg . Use (kTDV412-yr) StJandard Desigin y Proposed Dt+sign Compliance Marglp Perclont lmi roveMent S�ace Peatind 6.64 7.91 -1.07 S tace doolin o 244.07 243.05 1.82 0.1% - — JAQ Veniliatiodi 0.[j0 0,00 0.00 Vlater kaatln� Ph9 ovoit'ic-Off$et :ompF Ilanc$ l netgll Total �� 15,57 s- 267.28 15.57 0.00 266.53 0.00 0,00 0.75 u 0,.°/9-- P.Mul ED OECIAi6 FEA%I1RES _ �—r Tile folldwing are features th0t mush be installed ss condition fOr maeling that modeled enbrgy performance for this 64nputdr analysis. Win dpw ovarhangibanOr fins • ExpoOad slab fioo In cotdltlofied xoite �- RhgistraMion Nymber: 219-P.t)10204'108A-000-000-p0000040000 Registratioh DateMme: 2.b19-09-.20 20:29:24 HERS Providef: deICER1S Inc. CA Building Energy E#iicien4 Standards - 2016 kesideittial Compliance Report Vertion - CH R-06232018-1149 R9port C4eneraled at: 2019-09-20 2):22:50 C�RTACATt OF dOMO IANtE. FIES.ln hil'Al PEOMIRMANO.E compwmr�M CE1)R4211t.01 Rtvjeat--Nam4:-EELENZ-KESit E} tc ' "` Calcolatich Date/rime: 2U:2 , Fri,:Sep 20, 2019 - Pp e 2 of 7 - g Ciglculqtlon oescriptlon! Title 4 AhOlysis Input File 14ame: 1 R - 012 - P9769'INDE0END.tNCt WAY.flbd10x H IRS P� TU , E SU Tt1e following id a summary a the f$aturad that ri'ust berfieid-vbrified by a cZlified'4RS eRater:ls a condition for meeting the modeled ehergy I:serrornIance fbr this bompuIer andlysis. Additional detail is pravldeq In the building combonen$ tabloo bela BtrildlnQ-level Verlfidatlone; -Non' Cboiing System Veri1(icatioos: • VeriflFld EER • Verlfl4d SEdR HVIAC Distribution S stem Verifications; • Duct I ealing requ.red If a duct systeip component, plenum, or air handiing unit M alterdd Domes ; Hot Water System Veri}Icatioirls: BUILDING - F ATURIES INIPORMATIQN ' - ��" r. 1 ••. 01 d2 03 04 06 Number of bwaillog I�umbet' of Ve)rtilatldn Umber ►�f Water Pro)4ct Namme Con �ltione l Flpop Area (it) Unity Number of Be roomy Numbei of Zo ies Cooling Sy9t�� i-te ting �ysterlts �� - Ei.LENZ RESIilE 1703 1 3 1 0 1 ZbNE I FOR ATIOI Ui — 0 1.. - — 3 y 04 05 t 0607 Zon# Floor' Area Aug. CeilingZone Name Zone Type HVAC System dame {ftx) Heighter #tea ing stem1Vtl�ater Haafing Systedrr 2 A Conditioned HAVC11703 DHVV Sys 1 n/a OPAQU SUR ACE �� of�` 02 0r3 t{.4 05 1 06 - 07 08 lF9 Gross area Windhw & door Verified Narkta Zone �:onstiuction Azijnuth Oriintatiob 2 Tilt VS1all Existing (ft ). Area {#tz} (deg) Exchption 5tetus Condgtian N - 8 A Defi Wall friar to'78 0 Front 268. 65 90 iila Exiiting Ny E - 109 A Det` Wall rior to '78 130 Left 309- 30 90 0la Exiting No S - 417 A Dafi Wa11 F1r[or to'78 180 Fuck 417 1 5.990 90 iala Exir ting NO W -01 A Daf` Wall Prior to �70 Right _ - n 9� �9.999 _90 _-- _-- flla ExiMng_ -- _ Np -- iSef�Wall P ia�rto�� 91 - 342 0 f11a Exid,ting NO A Def Roof I rior to'78 1703 0/a Exidtinn h[r� Rogistraoon Nyrnber: 219-POI0204f08A-000-000-000000QF0000 Registration Datet ime: 2019-0940 20:26:24 HERS Piovidei_; dalCERTS inc. CA Building Enbrgy Efficiency Standards - 2016 Residential Cumpliarice Repbrt Version - 6'F1R-66232018-1148 Report (lenerafed at:.2019-09-20 20:22:60 P,oject-Namcr: E-Lt+--NZ-FIESIDENC , a c atiorp DatelTime, 20:22, Fri, Sep 20, 2019 Page 3 of 7 Calculation bescription: Title 24 Analysis Input File fume: 1 R - 012 - 79769 INDEOENDtNC6 WAY. fibd1ox ATTIC � - - 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 00 09 10 `lame Cbristruction Typo Roglf Rise Roof ROflectapce Roof Emittance RaOlant Barrier Cool Rdof 4tatus Verlfldd Exldting Cdhditioh Attic A Attic RoofA Ventilated 4 r-- 0.1 0.85 No Np Existing No FENESTRATION / Gt,AitNgl 01 0u 03 04 05 06 -.07 08 09 10 11 Name Sui:'Pace (Orientotion-A.Wmutn) Vfidth (A) H.Efkght (ft) Mpltipliar Afea (ft$) U-factor SHGO Exterior ShOding Otatus Verifidd �xkatl�g dondition 5350 - 7 N • 268 (Front-0) 5.0 5.0 1 25.0 C.71 0.6C ldsect Screen JdefauiO Existin No 2050 - 9 N • 268 (Front-C) 2.0 5.0 1 10.0 G.71 0.60 Id -sect Screen (defaulF) F_adstin- No 2060 -1 N = 268 (Front-0) 2.0 5.0 1 10.0 G.71 0.66 bisect S.t;reen (def�aull) istin ' No 6(i50 - 1• E 309 (Left-90) 6.0 5.0 1 30.0 C.71 0.6a Insect Screen defaul) t.1n No 068 - 1 S -417 (Bidck-180) 6.0 6.7 0.995 40.0 C.43 0.20. bisect Screen (defaul) Altered n/a 4d16 -1:1 S - 417 (Back-1 V) 4.0.. 1.5 ^1 6.0 C.35 0.35 l2ect Screen Jdefaul#) Altered n/a 6040 - 2 S - •117 (Back-180) 6.0 4.0 . 1 24.0 C.65 0.61 Insect St:reen de* fauii) Itered n/a . 9080 - S - 417.(8�ck-180) 9.5 ` 8.0 1 76.0 C-.42 0 3 Irysect St reen defaul}) Altered n/a 6066 -1• W - 601 (Right--270) 6.0 6.7 0:995 40.0 C.43 0.3� bisect 5oreerr defaul) altered n/a 2050 - 5 W - 50 1 (Right-270) 2.0 5.0 1 10.0 C.71 0.60 Insect $Green idefauli) Existing No 5050 - 6 W -.501 (Right-27,0) 5.0 5.0 1 25.0 C.71 0.66 Irisect Screen defaulV) 61stind No 5050 - 8 W - 501 (Right-270) 5.0 5.0 1 25.0 C'.71 0.64 Insect S reen jdefauli) Existing No OPAOU: DOORS 0) 02 03 04 05 Ofi Natne Side of Building A#ea (0) U-fa or Status Verified Existing Coilditiori 3008 ,V - 268 20.0 0.56 Existing No Registration Number: 219-P010204708A-000-000-0000000-0000 Registration Datenme: 2019-09-30 20:29:24 HERS Pfovidee dalCERTS inc. CA Building Energy Efficieripy Standards - 2016 Residential Compliar-•ce Report VerAlon - OF1 R-06232048-1140 Report Oeneralled at; 2019-09-20 20:22:50 FroJect NamEa EL.EN"MSI[ ENCE: Calculation Vescrkptlon: Title 24 Amlysis -- Calcc latloil DatejTlme2U:24, Fri, Sep 20. 20T§ Input File Name: 1 R - 012 : V69 INDEIPENDf NCE WAY:riW6x Rage 4of7 OVERHANGS::AND FINS 01. 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 • 09 10 11 12 13 = 4 Overhang Lqft Fin R1ght FIt1 Depth Dist ..Vp Left Exterit Right Ex� teM Flap HL. Depth, Top Up OlstL BQt Up Dejfth Top Up Dist R Bot Up _Window 5050:.7 5 0.1 5 5 0 0 0 0 •0 0 0 0 a 2050?' 9 2 0.1. 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 .0 2050 - 10 2 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :6050 - 11 2 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 6068'., 1 2 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4016-11 2 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6040 •2 2 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9680 -- 3 2 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6068 -.- 4 2 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 2050:5 2 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5050 r 6 2 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5050 8 2 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0. 0�T 0 0 0 0 OPAQUrE SURFACE ZONSTRUC111ONS GI1 02 03 04 05 06 �7 Total Cavity Winter Design Construction Mime Surface Type Constructi.dn Typo Framing Rrvalue U-f actor Assembly Layers Cavity! Frame: no irrsul. / 2x4 ToFi Chrd ZA Top -Chord of Roof, Truss @ 24 Roof Deck. Wood &,,ding/sbeathing/decking Attic"RoofA Attic Roofs Wood Frame d Ceiling in, O.C. {tone 0.044 Roofing: Light' Roof {Asphalt Shinille) • Inside tlnish: Gypsgm Boded Ceilings (beloW Cavityl Frame: R-9.7 /2x4 Del' Roof Prior fd '78 attic) Wood f ramed Ceiling 2M @ 16 in. O.C. R 11 O;Q83 Over Ceiling Joists: 'R-1.9 I-isui. �- fnsidaFinish: Gypsrm Board • Cavity / Framv no insul. / 2x4 Del' Wall :prior to '78 Exterior Wells Wood Fram9d Wall 2x4 @ 16 In. O.C. hone 0.061 j7xterlcr Finish: 3 Coat Stuoco - -- - f - -- a_nnslrrs lntsh-Gypsu -sow Cavity/ Frame: no Insul.12x4 _ Dei" Wall Prior to '781 Interior WaILg Wood Fram>bd Wall 20 @ 16 in. O.C. hone 0: 77 tither fide Finish: Gypsum Board Ritgistra•don Number: 219-Pp10204108A-OtYo-00a000000(E0000 Registration Dateiriime: 2019-096,20 20:29:24 HMS Provider, CeICERTS inc. CA Building En.Brgy Efficiency Standards - 2016 Residential Cctmpliar.•ce Report Version - GF1 R-06232018-1149 Report Generated at:.2019-09-20 20:22:59 C RTIFICATI, OF COMFLIANOM - Ii. -- F�oJeet�damo--ELLENZ FkESIBENC-E�-- CalNlat157f I]ateMme�, Fri, ep 2D, 2019 --- - -- Page 5 of 7 CJticulaltion lyescoption; Tltle24 Anitlysis Input File Name: 1 R - 612 - 797691NDEWENDkNCE WAY.t1bd16x km F-LOORj - - 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Verified Perimeter Carpeted Pxistino Naine Zono Area (ft? (ft) Edge lhaul. Revalue Fractioit Heated Status Condition 17.32 ^ A 1703. . 0.1 None 0 No Existing No B.(11LDIN ENVELOPE NVELOPE - HE RS VFRfFICATiON 01 02 _ Oj 04 Quality Inaylatlor! Installation (QII) C1.uality InstallptJon of Spray Foarh Insu(atlon Building gnveloroe Aiul-eakage CFM54 `•Not Required Not kequirdd Not RoOjred - n/a WATER HEATING Sl STEM$ [)1 02 y13 04 05 Of} 07 08 Soler Number of Fraction Na;m� a System Type Dlatrlbultl0n T p8 Water Heab)r Hoaters (0/1) Verified Exlsling Status Coitdltion DHW Sys 1 DMW Standard DHW:Heater 1 1 1 0 1 Existing No HATER HEATERS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 09 10 11 12 Input Rating 1 Tink Standby Heater Tank Unjform Energy Pilot / InsOation Loss / First Hi}ur Tank Locaf;ion Element Number M)lume Fa0tor / Pnergy Thermal R-value Recovery Rating I NEEA Heat Rump or Amblept h1ame Tye -- Tank Tyke of Units Igal) Factor / Efficiency I fflcler;cy (InUExt) Eff Flow Rite Brartd /Model 6 Ctfnditldh DHW Heater 1 Gt�s Small 5tarsge 1 50 0.52 5 EF <- B4u/hr 75 k 0 n/a n/a nla n/a SPACE CONDITIONING SYSTEMi3~�— W 02 Oj 04 05 06 07 08 DIsk1butlon Verlfieq Existing SC Sys Name System Type Healting Upit Naive Cooling Unit Name Fan Name Name Status Condition HAVC1 Other Heating arse Cooling Heating Component 1 Pooling Component 1 HVAC Fah 1 Air DiBtributibn Altered No :system Sy.3tem 1 01 02 03 Q4 Nt,me Sys m 7ype Nun? bar c f Units 4— Efficiency Heating Component 1 R4gistraiion Number: 219-PO10204.708A-000-000-000000q-0000 Registratio.1 Date,Tme: 2019-09-20 20:29:24 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2016 Residential Ctlmpliarice Report Version - C;F1 R-06232018-1140 80 AFUE HERS Ptovider: CalCERTS inc. Report C}enera:ted at: 2019-09-20 20:22:59 ,' ------"Je�ct--Nam13:-ELLENZ-RE-Sit3ENCE: C`alb�r latiari }TateiTimei r: ep 2�]: flig Calculation pescrlotlon: Title4 Analysis Input File Name: 1 R - 012 - 79769 (NDEI?END�NCE WAX, Ibd16X H'lIAC -COOLING UNIT TYPES 411 02 43 0, O`, 06 07 08 Efficlancy Name Syrltem Type Dumber of Urills EEIR SEEiR Zoneily CoAl trolled Com, ressrgr Type, HERS Verificatloiz Cooling Component 1 Sp}itAirCdnd 1 125 16 Not Zonal Single Speed Cooling Cotpponei)t •}-hers-fool HVAC COOLING - HEIRS VEIRIFICMON 01 02 1-3 04 (15 06 Name Verit(ed Airflow Airflow Torgf t Verified Refr(gerant Verified LEER Veriflett SEER Charo Cooling Companen: 1-her;i-coei Not Required We Iequired Required Not Requ)red 14VAC - DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Insulation Supply Duct Returtl Duct Verlfled Existing HERS Name T py a Duct Lead age F— Itrvalul Lc -cation Location Bypass J)uct Sitatus Canditldn Vtriflcaton Ducts located in attic Air Distribution (Ventilpted acid Existing:(not: System ` Unve:ttllatedj apecif[ed) 2.1 Attie Attic N❑no Etisting No We HVAC .'PAN SYSTEMS & HERS 1(ERIFt; ATIOFI 01 42 611 04 - Name+ T pe Fan Power (WattsiCFM) HER, Verification HVAC Fan 1 Single Speed PSC Fumece Fran 0.tS8 — V;Q (Incloor Air Qua%) FANS 01 02 03 04 05 06 Dwelling Unit IAQ.PFM IAQ WBItts1CFAt IAQ Recovery IAQ Flan Type Effecilivenegs(%) HERS Verlflcatiorq 3Fam I.AQVer:tRpt 0 025 D.6fault 0 Not Required —ALL PROPOSED INPUT CiATA USED IN THIS CALCULATION WAS PROVIDERS BY 711E PLANS FREPAI.ER.. ANY ALTE"TION OR DFIVIATT.(]N FROM THIS CA( CULIATION WILL IOE GONERAL CO•NTRAIMR IRESPONSA13ILTTY. — LOPID CALCULATIONS AND AC SIZING E$�UIPMEeNT SHALL 13E VEkIFIEI) BY TOE AC CONTRACTOR PRIOR 70 PLACEMENT OF ITS ORDER -- AC EQUIPMEN7?S EFF.ICENGY SHALL BlS EQUAL (OIL BET7ER) THAN REQUIRED BY THIS REPORT. RogistraHon Number. 219-Pb10204:)OBA-000.000.0000000-0000 Registration DaterTme: 2019-09-20 2020:24 HERS P,tovider: CHICERTS inc. CA Building Enargy Efficiency Standards - 2016 Residential Compliance Repprt Version - R-06232018-1149 Report Qeneraied at: 2019-09-20 20:22:59 _ •01 F'�DjeuNamA; EI VMZ ESIDENC "'" Calc«Iatiorj Date fTime� 20:2:2, Fri, :Sep 20, 2019 Plige 7 of 7 CAlculaitlon aescriotlon: We k4 AnAlysis Input File Dame: 1 R 412 - 79769 INDEPENDENCE WAKrlbdl6x AJJTHOk'S DEICLARA-nON STATtMENt 1. I certify that Dbcumehtation Auth& Namd: Cbmpany: 'ITLE 24 OF THt Address; ;4800 shiri4y #6� of C6'npllan,�e docurnenWtion is accurate and complote. BALM DESIERT, CA 92260 STATEMRNT Documentation, Authdr Signature Signatu,v Date: 2019.309-20 20:27:53 CEAIHERS Certification Identification (If applicable): IrI.A. Phone: 760-2278-1840 I certify the following finder pbnalty of perjury, under the laws cf the State of •Caiiforhia: 1. I am eligible r.hder Clvision 3 of tht Business arld Prof@ssions Code to acoept responsibility for the building design ydentifi4d on this Certificate of Corn pliance. I certify that ttte enet0v fealbres aild peribrrnanCe spei:lfications ideiltifled on this.Certificate of Compi ante conform to the requimments of Titlt3 24, Part t a )d Par! 6 of the California Oode of kegulacons. a. -the building design �eatureb or sybtem design feature$ identiPed on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, pans add speoiffcati� ohs subi'nitted to the ftnfaresment agency, for apirroval.with th13 bulUpg permit appIIcation. Responsible Ddsignei Name: Respon able D@signet Signature: . orge,A Colder s CIMas Cbmpany: Date Stoned: Contri?ras gesigi & Associates 2019.09-20 20:2-9:24 Mdress License; M-818 Velie Wad #3 F /State/Zi Y p: - Phone: Balm besei"'t, CA 92260 760-238-7,574 Digitally aligned by CaIdERTS. This d'gital sibnatuM is provided ig order.to sectire the oontent of this registered d4urnenl, and hAno way implios Registration Noviderfesponkibilityfor the accuracy of the infoftation., Registration Number: 219-Pt)10204.-t08A-Odo-000-40o000(t-00o0 Registration Datel7ime: 2019-OR-2020:29:24 HERS Provider: G9ICERTS inc. CA Building Energy EO!ciency Standards - 2016 IResideiltial Compliance Report Verdion - C:F1 R-C6232018-1140 Report Generated at:;2019-09-20 29:22:59 RESIDENTIAL MEASURES SUMMARY i RMS-1 Project Name ELLENZ RESIDENCE Builaing Type I _� Single Family 7 ❑ Addition Alone ❑ Multi Family Ea Existing+ Addition/Altera�on 10912012019 ate Project Address 79769 INDEPENDENCE DAY LA QUIN California Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zane 15 Total Cond. Floor Area 1,703 Adlition I!) # of Units 1 INSULATION Cconns ruction pa �.avi� Area is %oeda', Fea ui-60— , Statu's Slab Unheated Slab -on -Grade Roof Wood Framed Attic - no insulation R11 1,703 Perim = 0' i Existing 1,703 Existing :4u1! il, ^d 3.•r�d ::at;c., ± 4 Door Opaque Door - no insulation 20 I Existing FENESTRATION Orientation Area(ft2I j Total Area: U-Fac 3211 Glazing Percentage: 18.8%J New/Altered Average U-Farr. SHGC Overhang Sidefins Exterior Shades 0•45 Status Front (N) 20.0 0.710 0.60 2.0 none Bug Screen Existing I Left (E) 30.0 0.710 0.60 2.0 none Bug Screen _ Existing I Rear (S) 40.0 0.430 0.22 2.0 none Bug Screen Altered Rear (S) 6.0 0.350 0.35 2.0 none Bug Screen i Altered Rear (S) 24.0 0.63ii 0.61 2.0 none dug Screen Altered Rear (S) 76.0 0.420 0.32 2.0 none Bug Screen Altered Right (W) 40.0 0.430 0.32 2.0 none Bug Screen Altered stir,-t. (ip, u�.l�i v.'1 v 0.60 20 I -V/ IY Buy v^ oa.; iI I VNov iTnSS AC SYSTEMS Heating Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostalt Status 1 Central Furnace 80% AFUE Split Air Conditioner 16.0 SEER Setback Altered � I HV'AC WSTMSUMNI Location Heatinc_ Coolinq Duct Location Duct i R Valui Status HAVC Ducted Ducted Attic 4.0 Existing WATER HEATING t/ T�/ A r lln+c 6ACn CEff U.S 1 Q*ef. c I I I I D -.. I ra `e f'i (i7 it VAGI : 1 Yuil)ubi: CVfrrtl f �: I - VU r O S I 2016 Low -Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary MOTE., Low-rise residential buildings subject to the Energy Standards must comply with all applicable mandate measures, regardless of ce a roach 9 1 �'Y P Y PP ►Y �n PP used. Review the respective section for more information. 'Exceptions may apply, (Original 00016) Building Envelope Measures: J§ 110.6(a)l: Air Leakage. Manufactured fenestration, exterior doors, and exterior pet doors must limit air leakage to 0.3 cfm/ft' or le§s when tested per NFRC-400 or ASTM E283 or AAMANVDMA/CSA 101 /I.S.2/A440-2011. I§ 110.6(a)5: Labeling. Fenestration products must have a label meeting the requirements of § 10-111(a). I Fiar.f faLiriCfetcr� ax►erinr dno- mnl far+aaFraFt�n rPV.[1 -ur!ts midst Lose L I -formic i 0 enlar leaf lain rngf c1eer¢ (18HGQ v9IISes fmm TARLE C 110.E-A and 110.6$ for com lianee and must be caulked andlorweatherstri ed.' Air Leakage. All joints, penetrations, and other openings in the building envelope that are potential sources of air laakb le must be caulked, asketed or weather stripped. § 110.8(a): Insulation Certification by Manufacturers. Insulation specified or installed must meet Standards for Insulating Material. § 110.8(g): Insulation Requirements for Heated Slab Floors. Heated slab floors must be insulated per the requirements of § 1110(g), I j§ 110'8('): t"eell a pred.-Petz 50!er Reffects"ce and T1 e"-_r Em!ttance. The therms! crliltOnM Znd aged sndar ref!ectsne dbese of t�e focrfl...lna I f` material must meet the requirements of § 110.8(o when the installation of a cool roof is specified on the CF1 R. ! 11 rt Rt 1; �� �' R,-irliant Rgrner. ,A radiant hairier mist have an emiHance of Q �5 nr lace and tic certified to the ED rfTant of f r�ne+a � Affairs .. _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ ,. _ ter_ _ .. ,...-. Ceiflng and Rafter Roos Insulation. Minimum R-22 insulation in wood -frame ceiling; or the weighted average U-far4or must not exceed 0.043. Miniml!m R-14 nr waicwhtal ?vgraga I I-f2rtgr of (j Qrjd pr IgSc in after roof gltpra$nn Atfir, ar..rpSs rfnn midst t]ayR n.• .-a..ngnitu atfac}ipcl § 150.0(a): insulation using adhesive or mechanical fasteners. The attic access must be gasketed to prevent air leakage. Insulation must be installed in 1 direct contact with a continuous roof or ceiling which is sealed to limit infiltration and exfiltration as specified in § 110.7i but not limited including to plade insulation either above or helow the roof deck or on top of a d rywall ceilin . § 150.0(b): Loose -fill Insulation. Loose fill insulation must meet the manufacturer's required density for the labeled R-value. I Wall Insulation. Minimum R-13 insulation in 2x4 inch wood framing wall or have a U-factor of 0.102 or less (R-19 in 2A or U-Faetor of 0.074 or § 150.0(c): less). Opaque non -framed assemblies must have an overall assembly U-factor not exceeding 0.102, equivalent to an it alied value of R-13 in a woos tramed assembly.- 150.0(d): Raised -floor Insulation. Minimum R-19 insulation in raised wood framed floor or 0.037 maximum U-factor.' 150.0 ft Slab Edge Insulation. Slab edge insulation must meet all of the following: have a water absorption rate, for the insulatiopn material alone without facings, no greater than 0.3%; have a water vapor perrneance no greater than 2.0 permfinch; be protected from physicil damage and UV light deiedioraiiois; and, when insiaued as pari or' a heaied siao iroor, meei it le re uireirsenis of - i 10.8( '. Vapor Retarder. In Climate Zones 1-16, the earth floor of unvented crawl space must be covered with a Class I or C 11 vapor retarder. This 150.0(9)1: r-c-q.:irc Em, Z:k= 3pp.licc 10 =d ""wcc f.v lad'din c w t ,,,ir vjlth the w,ce cn to ,: 150nrd . Vapor Retarder. In Climate Zones 14 and 16, a Class I or Class 11 vapor retarder must be installed on the conditioned pace side of all 0(g)2: insulation in all exterior walls.vented attics. and umrented affirs with air -permeable insulation. F§15500. Fenestration Products. Fenestration, including skylights, separating conditioned space from unconditioned space or 6btdoors must have a 0 (q)' maximum U-factor of 0,58; or the weighted average U4actor of all fenestration must not exceed 0.58. Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances, and Gas Log Measures: 150.0( )1 A. CI , ;sidle `~ . ,ro .1 y J 5, :I� �pl �. v r l e I .o g L` anti pa i `�N fi ozmz.1. ascrl or factor ,:,.i l !=s , to c a C-.Sb!e RI twl r' .1:,: dczr ccss;ir raw rg' c r. cx Combustion Intake. Masonry or factory -built fireplaces must have a combustion outside air intake, which is at least si square inches in area 150.0 e 1 B: ()and is equipped -Mth a =dipy ac=ible, a mb!e, =d t' ht f'ttin dsm er cr Mmbustien e,r ^.p^trc! dc': ice ' § 150.0(e)l C: Flue Damper. Masonry or factory -built fireplaces must have a flue damper with a readily accessible control. refit ILIgn'c. i.uilurllruus vuitliriy Nilui dy"flw ailtl ific use vl nl" air fur uitiiiriy a fi7cuuii jeCAbi, 'tin ioii u18t iailviii 3ii Is eiii"irk i1i iii8 t7iiiSiiic of § 150.0(e)2: the building, are prclhibited. Cfirir6i4iohi►rg, ricieP ii•ieaiiiri�, eidd r?iUi�uiit'r� Sji5ieiri mrra5ureis: Certification. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, water heaters, showerheads, faucets, and Al other regulated 110.0-§ 110.3: a lanceb musi tie cesiiiied by the maeuiaciurer is ire EMNY %ommission: �§ 110.2(a): HVAC Efficiency. Equipment must meet the applicable efficiency requirements in TABLE 110.2 A through TABLE 110 4C: Controls for Heat Pumps with Supplementary Electric Resistance Heaters. Heat pumps with supplementary ele resistance heaters I must have controls that prevent supplementary heater operation when the heating load can be met by the heat pump a one; and in which the I § 110 2(b): -a{.� for � turig :5 L,:_L-_ lL�� lL_ a i a Lam, sup 1_-.,,... � 1 ll as ..paiatur 1-_ a.[it'illl tdiitFrclaturi: liiilliF11�CJJIVn Ilesulllly IS IIIy11G1 Mall U10 Giiitin LGrFIarOiurG 1V1 auFiFilcitlwil7rj iloatiilg, al:+d'tha,'vll alillltlCleauld 1.,1 compression healing is higher than the cut-off temperature for supplementary heating. lgrmr�ctata All Unitary hating Or cm- cvetamg ru>t r�nfr�llgd by a rpntral energy rnana_n?riiP.nt rrntrnl systemrF1r Si musthayg a i1u.2(c): setback thermostat' Water Heating Recirculation Loops Serving Multiple Dwelling Units. Water heating recirculation loops serving multiple dwelfing units must § 110.3(c)5: meet the air release valve• baddlow prevention, pump priming, pump isolation valve, and recirculation loop connections' quirements of § 110.3(c)5. § 110.3(c)7: isoiauon Vaives. instantaneous water heaters with an input rating greater than 6.6 kB i Ufnr (2 i(W) must have isoiatio' vaives wish hose oiaos or other fittin s on both cold water and hot water lines of water heating systems to allow for water tank flushinq when valves are dosed. 11 rilrt Liihts. Continuou ;,; burning pilot !ig`;w cm p. o! d tar ; c,ur; gas: fen typo c: u! 5 muc ;; hlcucct o:d ccok*>a sNp: c ;;u; ; apses without an electrical supply valta a connection with pilot lights that consume less than 150 Btuihr are exam ' sod pool andspa heaters: Building Conline. and Haatinn Loads. HPafinn anrilnr i;rrnlinn InpAs, arp mdrulaterf in arrnrrianrP with A4WRlil= Handffxx+k, Fndlinmf±nt 150.0(h)l: Volume, Applications Volume, and Fundamentals Volume; Sli Residential Comfort System Installation Standards Manual; or ACCA I§ Manual,] using des conditions specified in § 150.0(h)2. � J 2016 Low -Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summa ., r!IPanrlca.0 hnstalled air conditioner ari heat nI I ntsfrfrynr rnrl�iPRSIn^y !!rljte try ict have a rlearar�rc 0t gt loagt .r+. f P„�,t frra{!� fF�e MIHPt /1F'rinV § 1b0.0(h)3A: - - _ _ _._. dryer vent y 150.0(li)3E: Liquid Line Dder. Installed air conditioner and heat pump systems must be equipped with liquid line litter driers if rouired, as specified by manufacturer's instructions. § 5� 01jtl • Storage Tank Insulation. Unfired hot water tanks, such as storage tanks and backup storage tanks for solar water -Beating systems, must have RA 2 extemal insulation or R-16 internal insulation where tie intemai insulation R-value is indicated on the exterior o%the tank. Water piping and cooling system line insulation. For domestic hot water system piping, whether buried orunburie all of the following must 1 L J .,.� LT�f'II C ,�1/1 �1 A•,LL, G G f--. t L,.�F-J _�I L_.. f�• y1, .yam 1� 11 11. U�. i11SI.I1a Lg.0 dWUl Uiill� to tie rCl�Uii Clil�i111J vl 1%1LJLL ICV.3-n. )lie Ilrst 5 faet 111 I IVL aiw WId water �Pes fl= to st, ge I�1�n; Gn � 21 pji ng wlui a § 150.00)2A: nominal diameter of 3/4 inch or larger, all piping associated with a domestic hot water recirculation system regardless of the pipe diameter; pinino from the heating source to storage tank or betwr-an tanks; piping buried below grade; and all hot water pipes f the heating source to kitchen fixtures. - Water piping and cooling system line insulation. All domestic hot water pipes that are buried below grade must b installed in a water proof and non -crushable casing or sleeve: s 150-A jl2_C: Water piping and cooling system line insulation. Pipe for cooling system lines must be insulated as specified in 50.00)2A. Distribution i pin g for steam and h dronic head sysiems or nomaiera siems must meet the req uiremenis in TABLE 1120.3-A.' L§1 .00)3: Insulation Protection. Insulation must be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipmetrf maintenance, and wind. Insulation Protection. Insulation exposed to weather must be installed with a cover suitable for outdoor service. F� example, protected by r I § 150.00)3A aluminum, sheet metal, painted canvas, or plastic cover. The cover must be water retardant and provide shielding frdM' solar radiation that can I Cause d1''iadai oprI of U'a ii,ais iai. i k 150.06)3B: Insulation Protection, Insulation covering chilled water piping and refrigerant suction piping located outside the con6lboned space must have ja rYaec I or C:raca 11 valrnr rp±arder Gas or Propane Systems. Systems using gas or propane water heaters to serve individual dwelling units must indue all of the following: a 120V electrical receptacle within 3 feet of the water heater, a Category III or IV vent, or a Type B vent with straight pipe between the outside 3 I ,u'utll)1' termination and the space where the water heater is installed; a condensate drain that is no more than 2 inehas highegg- than the base of the water heater, and allows natural d rai ni ng without pump assistance; and a gas su pply line with a capacity of at least 2140,000 Btulhr. § 150.0(n)2: Recirculating Loops. Recirculating loops serving multiple dwelling units must meet the requirements of § 110.3(c)5. I I 3150.0(n)3: Solar Water- heating Systems. Solar water -heating systems and collectors must be cefified and rated by the Solar Rating and Certification Ca ration SRCC or by a listing agency1hat is approved U the Executive Director, Ducts and Fans Measures: § 110.8(d)3: Ducts. Insulation installed on an existing space -conditioning duct must comply with § 604.0 of the California Mechanical Code (CMC). If a contractor installs the insulation, the contractor must certify to the customer, in writing, that the insulation meets this re ulrement. CMC Compliance. All air4stribution system ducts and plenums must be installed, sealed, and insulated to meet the. 1 quiremertts of CMC §§ 601.0, 602.0, 603.0, 604.0, 605.0 and ANSIISMACNA-006-2006 HVAC Duct Construction Standards Metal: and Flealble 3rd Edition. Portions of supply -air and retum-air ducts and plenums must be insulated to a minimum instaned level of R-6.0 (or higher ii re6ired by CMC § 605.0) or a minimum installed level of R-4.2 when entirely in conditioned space as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing I /� � b 1_J .. '•F IQ A!1 •J ., \ !�.• tiros_/._ 2 I J ._,•. and 1.nne-... a ..[Qa .:yl_ ,J its T • 11.. fastened. § 150.0(m)1: t'"''''''4"''8�' `""11Oi'"`�n"" ""`a' "r""� tlllu Ilul�l WIG v1 IIC�LIIn6 riuuW r{IiiSl t%6 Ytl�Cha'111�A11y ftlblCllad. il'/�11111�J sY L�.]l kI& yealGV �uI mastic, tape, or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181A, or UL 181B or erosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tane is used to seal openings greater than Y, inch, the comtunatinn of astir. and either mesh or tape be Building must used. cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums designed or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct must not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms must not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross -sectional area of the ducts: Factory -Fabricated Duct Systems. Factory -fabricated duct systems must comply with applicable requirements for duet construction, 9150.0(m)2: runr!ecftiuns, at id fiusures; jitinis and seams or uuci sysieirrs and their curnpurients must not be sealed with ciotii idc ruisaier adfiesive duct. tapes unless such to is used in Combination with mastic and draw bands. Cin111S�lyri nle� riuct Sys!erna Fie!d-Lbricated rrlur+v;e!ems must Ccrnpl.y Aglh anp'.Laab!e ronSiraments for. ^ra�vl l'jy-�n �c lo.o ianoc mastics, sealants, and other requirements specified for duct construction. ,5Backdraft Dampers. AA fan systems that exchange air between the conditioned space and the outside of the building s ! "0.''"(mt bust have backdran or automatic dampers. § 150.0(m)8: Gravity Ventilation Dampers, Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space must have either automatic or readily accessible, manual) g elated dampers in all openings to the outside, except combustion inlet and outlet air openings and elevatoll shaft vents. Protection of Insulation. Insulation must be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipmeltt maintenance, and I § 150.0(m)9: Wind. ;nSU auufr exix:*ed i0 weather must ust be 8u;WU';6 %i f tiutUWr- senile;. Foi exavvli e. PwLeL6d by aluffflhuifl; Me-&1 plastic cover. Cellular foam insulation must be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and iI I�In1, i1Gl1IlCU (GII�GS, � I � rovides shielding from solar r, diction , i § 150.0(m)10: Porous Inner Core Flex Duct. Porous inner core flex duct must have a non -porous layer between the inner core and I4uter vapor barrier. n s e _l.. r�w1 r T ,�� SnF. ynn n•n rr..nJ -4 -1 f,. w Yririv- �ij.aW k11 M.:u.i�~y and L,.a..agr.' i.r li..V 4�Gi.1i K.iMnYulllil� �yvL\imJ Uvu Iuwu uIr 1•ul.. ay:aiLIIN tG -U pf § 150.0(m)l l: occupiable space, the ducts must be sealed and duct leakage tested, as confirmed through field verification and diag !/: n r :. •� u. •�.Il ,C4 uu • , �'c testing, in I accordance with § 150.ofm111and Reference ResidentialAnDendix RA3. Air Filtration. Mechanical systems that supply air to an occupiable space through ductwork exceeding 10 feet in leg § 150.0(m)12: conditioning component, except evaporative coolers, must be provided with air filter devices that meet the design, in5ltfalon, " and through a thermal efficiency, ressure drop, and la beling reg uirements of 150.0 m 12. 2016 Low -Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summa f1i1!+ Syafpm Ci7inn n d Ai! Eflt?r rjrirlo _Si7inn Snarw mnr�oninrg systems that 1 ise forrud air dI lets to Slurp':? rfvainrg to an nryaijniehle space must have a hole for the placement of a static pressure probe (HSPP), or a permanently installed static.pressure I probe (PSPP) in the § 150.0(m)13: supply plenum. The space conditioning system must also demonstrate airflow > 350 CFM per ton of nominal cooling capacity through the return grilles, and an air -handling unit fan efficacy <_ 0.58 WICFM as confirmed by field verification and diagnostic testing, in accordance I with Reference Residential Appendix RAU. This applies to both single zone central forced air systems and every zone foi zonally controlled central forced airsystems.' ; i Ventilation for Indoor Air Quality. All dwelling units must meet the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.2. Neiihe�window operation nor (r11 v nr� tin �..c �t er, a 1 r. nd .: r me : r+.n..dl re nc_ 1 + t 'vii��!u:.i ci 50.01 n U YV gp ut on cf c nt a for- Y1, ;J Y..Y.e, med In centre, fun integl �.ed '. en syJtel l lu ary pp ^� b e c z c. ! w'�+. �c f providing whole-buildInn ventilation. i § i5u.u(o)1A Field Verificatlon and Dlannostic Testina. Whole -building ventilation airflow must be confirmed throughfteld vedfl ;,on and diagnostic testing, in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RAV. Pool and Spa Systems and Equipment Measures: Certification by Manufacturers. Any pool or spa heating system or equipment must be certified to have all of the fd.kw'ng: a thermal efficiency i ithat Complies with the Annhan� Efficiency Regulations; an on -off switch mnUnted outside of the heater that allowg § ii.4 (a)' _ ing nff, the heater without adjusting the thermostat setting; a permanent weatherproof plate or card with operating instructions; and must not use electric resistance heating.' § 110.4(b)1: Piping. Any pool or spa heating equipment must be installed with at least 36 inches of pipe between the filter and the greater, or dedicated suction and return lines, or built-in or built-up connections to allow for future solar heating. j § 110.4(b)2: Covers. Outdoor pools or spas that have a heat pump or gas heater must have a cover. j Directional inlets and time switches for pools. Pools must have directional Inlets that adequately mix the pool water, and a time switch that ' will allow all pumps to be set or programmed to run only during off-peak electric demand periods. § 110.5: Pilot Light. Natural gas pool and spa heaters must not have a continuously burning pilot light. § 150.0(p): Pool Systems and Equipment Installation. Residential pool systems or equipment must meet the specified requi ants for pump sizing, flow rate, pi in , filters, and valves.' j Lighting Measures: Liohfinq. Controls and Components. All liahtina control devices and systems. ballasts, and luminaires must meet the aoolicable reouirements of § 110.9: 1 J t 1m Q(e): JA8 High Efficacy Light Sources. To qualify as a JAB high efficacy light source for compliance with § 150.0(k), a residential light source must 11 be certified to the 1: nergy [:ommission according to Keterence Joint Appendix JAB. i § 150.0(k)1A: Luminadre Efficacy. AN installed luminaires must be high efficacy in accordance with TABLE 150.0-A. Blank Electrical Boxes, The number of electrical boxes that are more than 5 feet above the finished floor and do not contain a luminaire or § 150.0(k)1 B: other device must be no greater than the number of bedrooms. These electrical boxes must be served by a dimmer, vacancy sensor control, or I fans 0 conirai. Recessed Downlight Luminaires in Ceilings. Luminaires recessed into ceilings must meet all of the requirements foi: insulation contact (IC) yAC n 1 v: 1 I' ; plr l L 1' n • .1 nn k •and IIgh' ,roe n don R 15 n Y)IC R ` C C 11 t nn rctd for IJO.J(kr1 ..ite.iny, :.11 �a„age ..sang; mairlten:a,�:, .:,w JJc� e....,,, nyllL �cla,.., a.. J,.:,cl;th.d in � ,.,.....(.,� JAB 01Y L .I�IhL:.J;:,w .a elevated tern erature must be installed b final' ins 'on in all recessed dowel ht luminaires in ceilings. § i 50.0(k)'i D: Electronic Ballasts. Ballasts for fhiorescent lamns rated 13 watts or greater must he electronic and must have an outrdut freguencv no lass than 20 kHz. i Night Lights. Permanently installed night lights and night lights integral to installed luminaires or exhaust fans must lie rated to consume no § 150.0(k)1 E: more than 5 watts of power per luminaire or exhaust fan as determined in accordance with § 130.0(c). Night fights do m It need to be controlled by vacancy sensors. `§ 150.0(k)1 F: Lighting iniegrai to ii xhausi hates. Lighdrig ihiegrai io exhausi fans (except When insiaiied by ire manufaCturef in kit' hen exhaust hoods) must meet the applicable requirements of § 150.0(k).' I l + SZ T bceM+', ^ ! ci s. Sere' : b=cd lurr nc;ms muct nett be r�sccd dog.vnlight !uminairss in-j!jngs and must it :in ?a^ t-" Co- y I § 150.0(k)1 G: with Reference Joint Appendix JA8. Installed lamps must be marked with "JA8-2016" or "JA8-2016-E" as specified in Joint Appendix I JA8: § 15/0�.0(k)��1HL: Enclosed Luminaires, Light sources installed in enclosed luminaires must be JAB compliant and must be marked vMj-JA8-2016-E." S 1 vU,.ni R1rJ-i. :ntaft S ,.{ 1. d * {.. 'm 1111 fo rd ha n..A D Ile i u n n1 !y wr � G ni ( � r�iWiiii'.s �lii"VVIii�1 YLV. i'LI NI YIUIV phase �JVa �1•i�i�i111tIM.r li�Gd Y�th LI_U,lyhL ihlYreG:i 1114.st wll��,y i/itll ��L�il 6vL 7,1 i'.. § 150.0(k)2B: Interior Switches and Controls. Exhaust fans must be switched separately from lighting systems. § 150.0(k)2C: Interior Switches and Controls. Luminaires must be switched with readily accessible controls that permit the luminalres to be manually switched ON and OFF. I 9 i50.11(k)[O: interior Switches and Controls. Controls and equipment must be installed in accordance with manufacturer's instru4ns. f 6150 0(k12E: Interior Switches and Controls. No control must bypass a dimmer or vacancy sensor function if the control is installed 'ii to comply with Ij i50. . I § 150.0(k)2F: Interior Switches and Controls. Lighting controls must comply with the applicable requirements of § 110.9. i Interior Switches and Controls. An energy management control system (EMCS) may be used to comply with dimmer requirements 'rf it § 150.0(k)2G: functions as a dimmer according to § 110.9; meets the Installation Certificate requirements of § 130.4; meets the EMC. requirements of § L]U.j-I GIiG IIICe;l5 dlr lJOlef ra UlrCrr'IClll$ 111 n e.71i.V R t. Interior Switches and Controls. An EMCS may be used to comply with vacancy sensor requirements in § 150.0(k) ififil meets all of the 1rjQ �(ir)2t d_ fn!Irowinrg: it functions as a Vacancy sensor 9/ rYlrriirx? to � t tfI Q• tft9 Installation f erFtFra+a rcSLiremonts of s 1 Z_fl 4 ►lrelEM!'S r?��rir4monM of § 130.5 ; and all other requiremern in § 160.0(k)2. Interior Switches and Controls. A multiscene programmable controller may be used to comply with dimmer require Iris in § 150.0(k) if it provides the functionality of a dimmer according to § 110.9, and complies with all other applicable requirements in § 156.0 i 2016 Low -Rise Residential Mandato Measures Summi 1 W.G k LJ Irtterr�r fiunlrhasg a�!j aT'nelhvTlc in hafhrnnmg �+?r?ncc laundry rnn arid i I W ..•_-..- 5_ ,. ..f!..N:,.fCIS,_n_L.ti.i- Mnm-s atleaainnoniminalwif3P?I!'tl�ftheSs_±c �rPcmgc ()` . I p_. ...__t be controlled b a vacarl sensor, F51'50.'0(k)'2L-.' 0(k,1KInterior Switches and Controls. Dimmers or vacancy sensors must control all luminaires required to have light soukes compliant with Reference Joint Appendix JAB, except luminaires in closets less than 70 square Feet and luminaires in hallwa .' Interior Switches and Controls. Undercabinet lighting must be switched separately from other lighting systems. Residential Outdoor Lighting. Forsingle-family residential buildings, outdoor lighting permanently mounted to a residential building, orto other buildings on the same lot, must meet the requirement in item § 150.0(k)3At (ON and OFF switch) and the requiremt its in either item § 150.0(k)3Aii (photocell and motion sensor) or item § 150.0(k)3Aiii (photo control and automatic time switch control, astronomical time dodo, or EMCs). Ii Re sideiitiai Ouidwr Lighdifig, FUt iu*-iIse muilliiarmiy resweri& i bulldlrllgs, owi600r iighting for plrivaie patios, e:rlt[i IGe5, baiconie,, § 150.0(k)3B: and porches; and outdoor lighting for residential parking lots and residential carports with less than eight vehicles pets site must nies, with either 5 1 ;0 fJ[41�b or u1th The 3n Grnl•ylo rangy �irnmanTc in t;�, ! n p 14n n 3r1 ? 130 A 140 7 and f 1 !1 r§1 .0(k)X Residential Outdoor Lighting. For low-rise residential buldings with four or more dwelling units, outdoor lighting not regulated by 150.0(k)36 or § 150.0401) must comply with the aoolicable requirements in §4110.9.130.0, 130.2, '130A,140.7 And 141.0. § 150.0(k)3D: Residential Outdoor Lighting. Outdoor lighting for residential parking lots and residential carports with a total of eight or more vehicles pr site must ca mply with the applicable req uirements in §§ 110.9. 130.0,130.2, 130.4 140.7, and 141.0. : I § 150.0(k)4: Internally illuminated address signs. Internally illuminated address signs must comply with § 140.8; or mast consu' a no more than 5 wafts of Power as determined accordto 130.0 c . § 150.0(k)5: Riaidersd3i GaiageS iot Eighi O Aioir'Vehie;ina, Ligiluiig fur reswerwai I a-Wrig garages iui' eight of [flute lfuh Li" Iflusi (;UffIFiiy Wiii1 iifc a icable requirements for nonresidential garages in 110.9,130,0, 130.1, 130.4. 140.6, and 141.0. 11#-Anor cellm xr Areas. of Low-rise Multi-F3mily 17nrci�ienii�l Ewildln^,c. In 3 1r�xu_riSo mL,! ig2mih, �EErJnntial htdLj'n3 where Th !p e }cT?I inferior § 150.0(k)6A: common area in a single building equals 20 percent or less of the floor area, permanently installed lighting for the int II or common areas in that f buildinq must be high efficacy luminaires and controlled by an occupant sensor. I Interior Common Areas of Low-rise Multi -Family Residential Buildings. In a low-rise multifamily residential building where the total interior common area in a single building equals more than 20 percent of the floor area, permanently installed lighting In that. wilding must: § 150.0(k)66: I. Comply with the applicable requirements in §§ 11u.9,13u.0,1'30.1, 140.6 and 141.0; ana I ii. Lighting installed in corridors and stairwells must be controlled by occupant sensors that reduce the lighting powerit i each space by at least 50 7hc .., tin ........I.r� r c... :.... u�...:iZ1, li' ��. -rii •'": i" ricd pafJ� of In ,, .....��� •'� w„t. G :CU""itt u�:iii:ii � ili.4�...., w, n. ,{ � fu • Cn and Gff .,.,� any Solar Ready Buildings: 1 Single Family Residences. Single family residences located in subdivisions with ten or more single family residencei! and where the § 110.10(a)l: application for a tentative subdivision map for the residences has been deemed complete by the enforcement agency must comply with the mg a arh-,a lty ul n � 1 u.1 V N) Zh uLi it r 11v.1 V+C). § 110.10(a)2: Low-rise Multi -family Buildings. Low-rise multi family buildings must comply with the requirements of § 110.10(b) t4ough § I I0.10(d). I Minimum Area, The solar zone must have a minimum total area as described below, i he solar zone must comply w4access, pamway, smoke I ventilation, and spacing requirements as specified in Title 24, Part 9 or other Parts of Title 24 or in any requirements adopted by a local jiiri: i u'gtl. The 3dar zon- iota! area must be c0m.p ;Zed cf amms that have nc GJiiM811.3i= != y r. 5 feet and,ar a nor -" than 9.,.�, sq....-la swt each for buildings with roof areas less than or equal to 10,000 square feet or no less than 160 square feet each for bdildings with roof areas S 110.10(b)l: greater than 10,000 square feet. For single family residences the solar zone must be located on the roof or overhang of the building and have a total area no less than 250 square feet. For low-rise multj-family buildings the solar zone must be located on the roof or overhang of the building, iflr on the roof or overhang of another structure located within 250 feet of the building, or on covered parking installed with the building project, ant have a total area no less than 15 percent of the total roof area of the building excluding a ny s i ht area.' § 11U.10(b)2: Orientation. All sections of the solar zone located on steep -sloped roots must be oriented between 110 degrees and �7U degrees of true north. § 1101171(b►3A: Shading, The solar zone must not contain any obstructions, includiui ment. ng but not limited to: vents, c 1 - eys, architectural �reatures, and roof mounted Shading. Any obstruction located on the roof or any other part of the building that projects above a solar zone must bed located at least twice the §"10.1G(%)313: di __' I : ht �:�----- i. ' ftL� i r � ufS'tnfii;E, TZaaiii od iii lilc � IOiiLGlltai Niaiic, GI u lc I lily. It WsiCl Cih:i: riCt�%Bcn the I IIyY lc`$L p�lt ll GI it ie' Gli&ti �%ti Vn oiid u l �: � lui i'cGiiini NiujiYi,uu% GI the nearest point of the solar zone, measured in the vertical lane.' III Ft7fir#nril DeRi.Mn L nWIC ?Sl r finntrfiml inn poriimnnts For araac of the rnof lie-si�natnrl aS -solar 7nne, fhP Btr.ICt,lrii� rloSign Iparlc fpr rgpf 110.1 U(b )4: dead load and roof live load must be clearly indicated on the construction documents. Interconnection Pathways. The construction documents must indicate: a location for inverters and metering equipment and a pathway for § 110.10(c): routing of conduit from the solar zone to the point of interconnection with the electrical service (for single family resided es the point of interconnection will be the main service panel); and a pathway for routing of plumblinghm the solar zone to the water:.-heatistem. § 110.10(d): Uocumeniation. A copy of the construction cocuments or a oomparabie document indicating the information from § VI .10(b) tnrougn 110.10 c must be provided to the occupant. g 'i i0.i0(e)1: [main Eieciricai Service rlanei. Tne main elecuiUh service panei muss have a rninirnurn busber rating of 200 amps. Main Electrical Service Panel. The main electrical service panel must have a reserved space to a9ow for the installati`c`m of a double pole circuit 110.10(G)2: bleaker of a fUluie so;al elecbic Iiisiaiiatioil. The i-esefve11 space rfiust be: posi lUlllld ill ale uppwiie (ludo) gild I`IUrfl ul�e Ilipui i�.f'l. 1@I' il/(.auGYI or main circuit location; and permanently marked as "For Future Solar Electric'. : I 111VAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY Project Name ELLENZ RESIDENCE System Name HAVC ENGINEERING CHECKS SYSTEM LOAD rana+cQ"itiiraice3 1, r +■ w p, ♦! I w I 56, Total Output 13tuh) 56,500 1 otal W- u�ut Tons 4 7 Total ou ut Btuh/ ft 33.2 Total ut s on 361.7 Date 9/20/2019 Floor Area 1,703 rY A— .1 =1 .11 s. �,P%K CFM I Sensible I Latent CFM Sensible Total Room Loads L2.2�+I 37,833 1,9.7�4t 1,228 33,816 Return Vented 1 ightinc Return Air Ducts 0 3,306 I 2,473 R eturn Fan u 0 Ventilation ❑ 0 f ❑ Supply Fan 0 i! 0 Suppi'y' Air Ducts L i i 2,473, TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD I 44,4451 1 GFM per System HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION Airflow cfln 2,0001 AC 5TON 80 AFUE 16/12.50 SEER/EER 40,907 *rflo w /ref► l.gnft) 1.17 Airflow chn/Ton 424.8 Outside Air 96 �•0ie Total Adjusted System Output 4u,3i,7 Outside Air (ef n1sgft) 0.00 (Adjusted for Peak Design conditions) Note: values above alven at ARI conditions I TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK 26 OF Outside Air I; 0 rhn I 67 OF STEM PSYCFIROUFTRICS; fAirst.rQBm Tamrwrahlrwe mt Tim A 0; IiA�ttnrr pa;; 67 OF 67 OF 95 OF 1 r Supply Fan Heating Coil 2,000 cfm w ICOOLING SYSTEM PSYCH ROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Cooling Peak I 111 / 78 OF 77 / 63 OF 77164 OF 57 / 56 OF I Outside Air 0 Cirri 1 T II C„Ppph Fan Cooling Coil 2,000 cfrri v1 V�I3 77/63OF I Aug 3 38,762 60,000 Jan 1 AMI I i I 94 OF ROOM 68 OF 59 / 57 OF 75163 OF 7- , u`y &-mr y3G,-, VS&T iviii7lCiC% 2064i iu: iy - CDA - 0 "2 1 pay& 18 of 16