00 SRR Venue Site - Plans 2019PRESENTED BY: If you build it, they will come. WHO WILL THIS SERVE •Families •Students •Festivals •Artists •Musicians •Speakers •Visitors •People Watchers WHO WILL THIS SERVE ARRIVAL EXPERIENCE ARRIVAL –MATERIALS / TEXTURES ARRIVAL -INTERACTION EXISTING SITE CASE STUDY –CIVIC CENTER PARK •310,000 SF -Includes: Lawn, Planter Space and Walkways •24,500 SF -Water Feature •3,100 LF -Walkways CONCEPTUAL PLAN SENSE OF SCALE ENHANCED PLAN •Art Walk •Butterfly Garden •Water Feature •Rolling grass and open space •Parking Lot and Park Lighting •Event Building with Restrooms •New Pump/Filter/Canal Water Conversion •Event lawn with 18” Concrete Platform •Parking/Entry Drive Vehicular Drop Off Area –Pavers •Walkways •Trees •Desert Landscape •Sleeving and Pull Boxes for Future Needs AMENITIES ART WALK ART WALK -EXPERIENCE ART WALK -EXPERIENCE ART WALK –KINETIC SCULPTURES ART WALK –INTERACTIVE LED ART WALK –PLAYFUL LANDFORMS EVENT LAWN –OPPORTUNITIES EVENT LAWN –OPPORTUNITIES EVENT LAWN –OPPORTUNITIES EVENT BUILDING AMENITIES AMENITIES –WATER FEATURE AMENITIES –WATER FEATURE AMENITIES –WATER FEATURE LIGHTING SLOPE / LANDSCAPE AREAS –SHADE TREES Tipuana Tipu Arizona Ash Willow acacia Dalbergia sissoo SLOPE / LANDSCAPE AREAS –DESERT ACCENT TREES Thornless mesquite Palo Verde Palo Brea SLOPE / LANDSCAPE AREAS –PALM TREES Washingtoniahybrid Washingtoniafilifera Washingtoniarobusta SLOPE / LANDSCAPE AREAS –PLANT MATERIALS •Shade Structure over concrete platform •Terrace walls, steps. walks •Back wall to platform •Steel screening for platform •Restroom •Storage Building •Shade Canopies (3) custom •Landscape –12 Date Palms and (40) 36” box trees •Irrigation FUTURE AMENITIES (ADD ALTERNATES TO BID) FUTURE AMENITIES-SHADE AND TERRACED WALLS FUTURE AMENITIES –SHADE FOR PARK FUTURE AMENITIES –ADDITIONAL TREES PHASE I ENHANCED -PERSPECTIVE RENDERING PHASE I ENHANCED -PERSPECTIVE RENDERING •SITE PREPARATION –MASS GRADING DONE WITH PARK $ 488,350 •SITE CONSTRUCTION AND AMENITIES $ 1,936,100 •Lighting, Restroom, Water Feature, Paver Entry Drive & Drop Off •Fencing at Basin •Additional Trees and Planting •SITE ELECTRICAL $ 524,000 •LANDSCAPE $ 428,400 •IRRIGATION $ 565,000 •MAINTENANCE ESTABLISHMENT $ 18,000 •GENERAL CONDITIONS –ESTIMATED AT 15%$ 593,978 •Mobilization, Bonds, Insurance, General Contractor Fee Temporary Fencing, Cleanup, Recycling, Overhead •SOFT COSTS •Consulting Fees 9.50%$ 432,614 •Inspection/Testing/Survey 9.75%$ 443,998 •Contingency 10.00%$ 543,044 TOTAL PHASE I $ 5,973,483 MASTERPLAN BUDGET •SITE CONSTRUCTION AND AMENITIES •Shade Structure over Concrete Platform $ 275,000 •Terrace walls/Steps/Walks $ 70,000 •Wall for Platform $ 25,000 •Steel Screening for Platform $ 50,000 •Restroom $ 300,000 •Storage Building $ 120,000 •SITE SHADE STRUCTURES (3) –500 SF CUSTOM $ 135,000 •LANDSCAPE $ 67,600 •12 Date Palms •40 36” Box shade trees •IRRIGATION $ 10,400 •GENERAL CONDITIONS –ESTIMATED AT 15%$ 151,200 •Mobilization, Bonds, Insurance, General Contractor Fee Temporary Fencing, Cleanup, Recycling, Overhead •SOFT COSTS •Consulting Fees 9.50%$ 110,124 •Inspection and Testing 9.75%$ 113,022 •Contingency 10.00%$ 138,235 TOTAL ADD ALTERNATES $ 1,520,581 ADDITIVE ALTERNATES •Bid Documents Complete November 30, 2018 •Bidding Period/Award Contract January 2019 •Construction Start March 2019 •Grassing Start July 2019 •Construction Complete September 2019 •Over-seeding October 2019 •Project Final Acceptance December 2019 •LQ Arts Festival March 2020 PROJECT SCHEDULE PRESENTED BY: CLOSING COMMENTS?