GC Construction Inspection ManagementGC Construction Inspection. Mgmt.
P.O. Box 1247
La Quinta, CA 92247
September 1, 2019
Subject: Construction Inspection Services
Engineering Department:
I am pleased to submit this Statement of Qualifications for Professional Consultant
Services. We are offering experience, quick response, and exceptional team effort to
assist your Engineering Department.
I would like to be considered for the following categories: Inspection/Supervision of
Public Works projects, or Concrete Deputy, Post -tension Concrete Slabs, Footings and
Steel Certification. Myself and the team are experienced with Civil and Private projects.
We are Registered and Certified in The Green Book and ICC 318 concrete and steel
Building Codes.
We are proficient with computers, I Phones and I Pads. We are ADA trained and are
equipped with Smart Levels to ensure ADA compliance regulations are in place. We are
licensed, insured and bonded. We are centrally located in the Coachella Valley in La
Quinta, California
My employment experience, education and skills are listed on the attached Resume.
I believe that the experience gained in my previous positions would be quite useful in
your Public Department.
Gregory Curdes, Public
Works RCI Division
IV Inspector
RCI Division III Concrete & Steel Inspector
Gregory A. Cordes
GC Profile:
Gregory A. Curdes has 30 years of local experience with Riverside County Building and
Safety, and 16 years performing Public Works Construction Inspector,., materials testing
and construction management for projects with multiple contractors , complex traffic con-
trol and community relations with property owners, residents, businesses, and govern-
ment agencies. Mr. Curdes has experience coordinating multiple underground utilities,
geotechnical testing and surveying, and has coordinated work for small and large cities,
CALTRANS, on military bases with private contractors and state prisons. Mr. Curdes
has worked on projects involving Federal and State funding and local assistance
programs. Mr. Curdes has provided outstanding service for public works projects with
multiple contractors.
Gregory A. Curdes serves as the Project Director and Lead Inspector, providing project
and staff oversight, as well as coordination with the local cities. Services include daily
inspections, photographic documentation, project management, and reports for construc-
tion activities, attendance at all job related and project meetings, and thorough review of
all contractor pay requests and contract change order requests, as needed, prior to
submittal to the City.
GC has staffing and construction management experience.
As part of the inspection services team, I would see that all members are provided with
cell phones to ensure accessibility and quick response. Field team leaders are proficient
with computers and email and equipped with a Smart Level to ensure ADA compliance
for grade requirements.
GC is PM-10 Certified for the Coachella Valley through the South Coast Ail' Quality
Management District, and is experienced in dust control mitigation procedures.
Mr. Curdes is familiar, with the many requirements for complex projects and different
types of inspection needed by the Engineering Department. We are flexible and can pro-
vide varying levels of training, dependent on the needs of the Engineering Department.
We have a proven track record and this Statement of Qualifications builds this success.
We offer hands-on, experienced management and oversight for these services that could
be required depending on the project: Daily reports for all inspection activities, permit
record keeping, field work, attendance to all job -related and project meetings, and
coordination with the engineering management and staff.
Project and permit documentation, photographic documentation and data collection will
be an ongoing process for each task. Inspection project files and red -lined drawings
will be kept accurate, and will continue to update and complete. Inspection services
are done pro -actively to identify and resolve issues. Project close-out is completed
with all files, reports, documents, photographic records, and red -line drawings delivered
to client agency in good order at the completion of each project. Because Mr. Curdes
has been providing inspection services to many clients on an as needed basis for
several years, Greg has the level of inspector expertise, client experience and flexibility
to meet the varying levels of staffing needs by the Engineering Department.
In summary, I purpose to provide inspection and management services for your
Engineering Department, and we are the best choice for this service because we are
Charter members of American Construction inspectors Association. We are Certified
and Registered Licensed Inspectors, with continued education.
EXPERIENCED: GC provides experienced and knowledgeable Professional
Inspection Management Services
RESPONSIVE: GC is responsive to City needs and requirements
LOCAL: GC is local in La Quinta, sensitive to needs of the
communities within Riverside County
FLEXIBLE: GC is flexible and can provide varying levels of highly
skilled professional experience.
A Statement of Qualifications is attached to this submittal.
GC looks forward to providing inspection services and/or construction management
services to the Riverside County's TLMA Department, CA
GC has provided services and/or completed the following projects while employed by
other companies.
Cathedral City - Cove Improvement, District Phase I, Sanitary Sewer, Streets,
Drainage, and Water Lines
Cathedral City - 17 acre Soccer Park
Cathedral City - Dream Homes Assessment District Asphalt Paving
Cathedral City- Whispering Palms -Shifting Sands Sidewalk Proj ect
Cathedral City - Ventura Blow Sand Mitigation Project
Cathedral City - Varner Road Transportation Project Asphalt Paving
Cathedral City - Eagle Mountain State Prison Code Improvements
Santa Barbara- National Guard Federal Project
Palm Desert - Caltrans, Apartment Projects
Palm Desert - Emerald Apartments Project
CVWD - Water and Sewer Projects
City of La Quinta - CIP Projects, Commercial Projects and Street Improvements
Mr. Curdes is a Certified Registered Construction Inspector with the American Construc-
tion Inspectors Association (ACIA), Registration Number 6011, and Division IV
Public Works (Green Book), and a (ICC) Certified Registered Division 111 Concrete
and Steel Inspector.
Mr. Curdes has also completed the SCAQMD PM-IO Fugitive Dust Class, and is
certified and highly experienced in PM-IO dust control mitigation for construction pro -
jests in the Coachella Valley.
A Registered Construction Inspector in Public Works includes inspection of the place-
ment, installation, construction, erection, and connection of discreet and unrelated
components of projects such as earthworks, grading, trench and structural excavation, —
backfill, all appurtenant shoring and bracing, rigid and flexible pavements and appurte-
nances, structures, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, piles, pile driving, pipelines,
erosion control, protective coating, concrete work, false work, structural metals and
connections, street lighting, traffic signal construction, field sampling and testing.
Gregory A. Curdes
53905 Avenida Bermudas
La Q.iinta, CA 92253
(760) 485-7775
Emtloyment Experience
2014 - 2018 CITY OF LA QUINTA
Psomas: Inspector Contract
Public Worlds Inspection for City of La Quinta, CA
Coachella Valley Water District Projects Inspector
Public Works Projects, CA
Supervising Inspector and Manager
Coachella, CA
General Superintendent!Supervisor/Management
Palm Desert, CA
Superintendent. All aspects of construction
Indio, Blyth, Hemet, Temecula, Riverside, CA
Combination Senior Building Inspector
40 years continuing education on Building Codes and Construction Management.
30 years using Building Codes and Cowtruction Management practices.
ACIA Certified Registered Public Works Division IV Construction Inspector
RCI NO 6011 Division I I I - Concrete. ICC Inspector
PM 10 Certified for Coachella Valley through South Coast Air Quality
SCAQMD 30+ experience in Dust Control. Management District
Traffic Signal Construction Mitigation procedures
Certified iu Cal: OSHA, SWEPS, CPR
Certified in Earthwork, Grading, Trench, Structural Excavation, Backfill, Appurtenant
Shoring & Bracing, Pavements & Appurtenances, Structures, Curbs, Gutters,
Sidewalks, Driveways, Piles, Pile Driving, Pipelines, Erosion Control, Protective
Coating, Concrete Work, False Work, Structural Metals & Connections, Street
Lighting, Field Sampling & Testing_
gmm of Qualifications & Special Skills
Over 40 years of experience in the construction industry, as a Building Inspector,
Superintendent, a Certified Public Works Inspector, and a Certified Division III -
Concrete, ICC Inspector_ Proficient in managing and supervising construction projects,
coordinating and overseeing sub -contractors, prepare designs, TRACKIT and
Microsoft scheduling and cost estimates_ Strengths include interpersonal skills, com -
munication, leadership and organizational skills. Have effective management skills in
the areas of requirements management, staffing, task estimating and client interaction.
(ACIA) American. Construction Inspectors Association Certified Member for 15
James % Peters, City of La Quinta, Public Works,Construction Inspector/ Management
Leonard R. St Sauver, Public Works Construction Manager
Timothy R_ Jonasson, P-E_ City of La Quinta Public Works Director City Engineer
Daniel Rubio, ACIA Executive Director
Ruben Tolentino, Construction Manager So Cal PSOMAS
Public Works, Redevelopment Agency
or other Services
Staffing Position:
Lead Public Works Inspector
Hourly Rate:
1. This Fee Schedule assumes that all Public Works inspection is performed during
regular business hours, an 8 hour work day.
2. There is a 4 hour minimum per day.
3. Additional charges will apply as follows for overtime, weekends, extended evening
and holiday Public Works inspection services:
Overtime Rate: Normal (first 4 hours) $175.00
Extended (after 4 hours) $140.00
Saturday $175.00
Sunday and Holidays $190.00
4. These rates are fortime charged onthe project and include any travel, mileage,
vehicle costs required to complete a project.