NV5PROPOSAL Submitted by NV5, Inc. 42-829 Cook Street, Suite 104, Palm Desert, CA 92211 City of La Quinta Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 September 9, 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Letter Statement of Qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01 PROPOSED TEAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01 PROJECT EXPERIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02 Project Understanding and Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 Scope of Work Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 APPENDIX Resumes Non-Collusion Affidavit Form Insurance Acknowledgment Proposed Agreement for Contract Services City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 42-829 Cook Street, Suite 104 | Palm Desert, CA 92211 | www.nv5.com | Office: 760.341.3101 | Fax: 760.469.4086 COMPANY INFORMATION/CONTACT Name: NV5, Inc. Address: 42-829 Cook Street, Suite 104, Palm Desert, CA 92211 Contact: Luanne Bean, PE Telephone Number: 951.377.1566 Email of Contact: luanne.bean@nv5.com September 9, 2019 Attn: Bryan McKinney, P.E., City Engineer City of La Quinta Design and Development 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 Dear Mr. McKinney, NV5, Inc. is excited to have the opportunity to provide Construction Management Services to the City of La Quinta (City) for its SilverRock Park Venue Site project. Our team has the knowledge and experience to ensure your project is completed on schedule and within budget. NV5’s strengths include the following: Current Partnerships and Commitment: NV5 is providing On-Call Survey Services to the City, and our experience and existing relationship with the City give us the ability to continue providing professional engineering services for your capital improvement projects. We operate with a working knowledge of your staff, processes and environment, enabling us to provide outstanding cost- and time-efficient services. NV5 has extensive experience in and around the area of Riverside County and is thoroughly familiar and knowledgeable in all applicable requirements, ordinances and methodologies required for your projects. Our team has provided Professional Engineering Services to various cities throughout the region, including: City of Coachella, City of Twentynine Palms, City of Indian Wells, City of Menifee, and City of Beaumont. Proposed Team: The team will be led by our Construction Manager, Luanne Bean, PE, who has more than 30 years of experience in design and management of water and wastewater systems and whose technical experience includes large- scale public works projects for capital improvement programs, including construction oversight, contract administration, document control, cost and schedule control, quality control, structural analysis, and design. Our inspector, Karl Kraft, has over 28 years of construction management experience, and he provides construction management and inspection services for various capital improvement projects. He has worked as an inspector in the construction division of several municipalities and utility districts. Accessibility and Responsiveness: Our professionals take pride in providing immediate response and personal attention to our clients’ needs. Additionally, each of our Construction Inspectors has been provided with an iPad and will be using our exclusive iPad application to prepare daily reports with photos. These reports are uploaded to our servers at the end of each day and can be made available to the City immediately, granting you convenient, full access to the current status and progress of your projects. Office Location: Our Palm Desert office is located at 42-829 Cook Street, Suite 104, approximately 8 miles from the project site, facilitating easy access to the worksite. We are also available to work at City Hall during construction. Statement: NV5 has reviewed the proposed Agreement for Contract Services. Upon selection, we would like the opportunity to discuss minor modifications to the contract at that time. As requested, our comments are included in the Appendix. Proposal Validity: This proposal will remain valid for a period of 180 days from the date of this submittal. NV5 looks forward to the opportunity to work with the City and help you achieve your goals and objectives. If you need further information, we may be reached by phone at (951) 377-1566, or electronically at luanne.bean@nv5.com and jeff.cooper@nv5.com. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, NV5 PN: P27019-0006300.00 Luanne Bean, PE Senior Construction Manager for Water/Wastewater Jeffrey M. Cooper, PE Director of Infrastructure (Authorized Signer) PROPOSED TEAM CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION Nhan Ly CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR Karl Kraft OFFICE ENGINEER David Maher, PE, QSD/QSP CONSTRUCTION MANAGER+QA/QC Luanne Bean, PE ORGANIZATION CHART Our team of experts brings direct, relevant, successful and current experience working on projects of similar scope and complexity. We are equipped with the resources to provide the City with the requested Construction Management services. Shown below are team roles and responsibilities. Resumes for team members are included in the Appendix. KEY STAFF QUALIFICATIONS Name Role Years Education, Certifications & Licenses Luanne Bean, PE Construction Manager + QA/QC 30 M.S. Civil Engineering B.S. Civil Engineering Civil Engineer (CA) No. 50129 FEMA OPS - I HAZMAT First Responder/Operations Level DOT Offers of Bulk and Non-Bulk HAZMAT Packages Nuclear Waste Safety for Workers Karl Kraft Construction Inspector 28 CWEA, Grade IV Collections System Maintenance CPR First Aid, CPR instructor AWWA, Grade I Water Use Efficiency David Maher, PE Office Engineer 14 B.S. Civil Engineering Civil Engineer (CA) No. 86136 Qualified SWPPP Developer Qualified SWPPP Practitioner Nhan Ly Construction Administration 5 B.S. Civil Engineering City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 1 PROJECT EXPERIENCE ON-CALL SURVEY SERVICES CITY OF LA QUINTA | LA QUINTA, CA NV5 is providing on-call services as requested by the Public Works Department. Work requested included: • Street Cross Sections on Monroe Street at Mountain View Lane • Topographic Survey of the La Quinta Library • Construction Staking Services for the West Parking Lot of La Quinta Library • Topographic Survey of the Art Park of the Desert at Avenida Montezuma • Construction Staking Services for Fritz Burns Park • Tie Out of Existing Monument at the Intersection of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street All services were completed as scheduled, and all information was provided to the city. REFERENCE: HONG WANG, PE, SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER, 310.253.5635, HONG.WANG@CULVERCITY.ORG BANKFIELD SEWAGE PUMP STATION CITY OF CULVER CITY | CULVER CITY, CA NV5 is providing construction management and inspection services for the construction of the Bankfield Sewage Pump Station. The new pump station will receive diverted flows from two existing pump stations once construction is complete, and possibly diverted flows from two more pump stations at a later date. The new pump station will have a 10-foot- by-20-foot sewage wet well that is 35 feet deep, constructed in groundwater with watertight shoring. There will be two submersible pumps, a flow meter vault, a valve vault, a bypass vault for the two force mains, and an emergency diesel- fueled backup electrical generator. There also will be a 25-foot-by-20-foot building to house instrumentation and SCADA systems, a bathroom and electrical components. REFERENCE: ANTENEH TESFAYE, 626.460.6393, ATESFAYE@SOUTHPASADENACA.GOV , 416 GARFIELD AVE., SOUTH PASADENA, CA 91030 GRAVES RESERVOIR REPLACEMENT CITY OF PASADENA | PASADENA, CA Our team is providing comprehensive construction management and inspection services on the demolition and construction of a new 1.2-mg partially buried cast-in-place reservoir sited in a residential neighborhood. There is an existing well that will be re-equipped as the source of groundwater for the reservoir. The existing well pump will be renovated and a new pumping station will be constructed with two 1,400-gpm VFD pumps that will pump from the reservoir to the City water system. A new sodium hypochlorite generation system, new pre-treatment with state-of-the-art GAC for PCE and CCI4 removal followed by a new ion exchange system for removal of nitrate as NO3, CIO4, and sulfate will be installed. The new pump house will be controlled by a PCIS system composed of approximately 80 new instruments with approximately 80 new I/Os. These new signals will be routed through the new PLCs, HMIs, and SCADA. NV5 Is providing full-service CMS, including construction management, inspection, lead and asbestos demolition oversight, public relations, SRF loan reimbursement management, biological monitoring, geotechnical and materials testing. City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 2 PROJECT EXPERIENCE REFERENCE: VERNON WEISMAN, DISTRICT ENGINEER, 951.739.4912, VERNON.WEISMAN@CORONACA.GOV ARANTINE HILLS SEWER AND WATER INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS CITY OF CORONA | CORONA, CA Our team provided construction management and inspection services for the $14.7M three-phase Arantine Hills sewer and water improvement projects to provide the necessary infrastructure for the Arantine Hills Development Project. The project involved the construction of a buried cast-in-place sewer lift station with above-grade controls. This was connected to a second project to construct the sewer force main with fused HDPE pipe via conventional open trench and trenchless jack-and-bore sewer construction along arterial streets and Caltrans ROW, forming 4 miles of pipeline. Relocation of 3,300 LF of potable water line also was required to install the new force mains. A third project managed simultaneously was the construction of the California Avenue Sewer at a depth of 25 feet below grade. All three projects had to be completed together for the final and finished sewer lift station to function. Once completed, the City planned to decommission its Water Reclamation Facility No. 3. Coordination with developers was required for the construction of the sewer lift station within their property and Caltrans was required along certain reaches of the pipeline construction for construction within their ROW. REFERENCE: KEN SEUMALO, PE, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR, 760.776.0237, KSEUMALO@INDIANWELLS.COM ON-CALL STAFF AUGMENTATION/ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION/ SURVEYING CITY OF INDIAN WELLS | INDIAN WELLS, CA NV5 is currently under contract with the City of Indian Wells to provide in-house review services for new projects within the city. NV5 serves as an extension of city staff to review projects involving grading, street and drainage improvements, encroachment permits and mapping documents for conformance with city standards, regional and state regulations and generally accepted engineering design practices. NV5 also has been providing stormwater management support for construction, MS4 and industrial permits as staff extension to the city as well as construction inspection services and on-call survey services. REFERENCE: AMER JAKHER, FORMER PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR BEAUMONT, NOW WITH THE CITY OF CHINO, 909.334.3265 PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION, SWPPP AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES CITY OF BEAUMONT | BEAUMONT, CA NV5 is providing review of development projects and public works inspection services to the city. NV5’s team of professionals reviews a variety of development applications — from several thousand lot, multi-phase, planned residential developments to proposed floodplain development and structural review of bridges. We review all plans and associated technical reports for clarity, format, completeness and conformance to the city’s grading and roadway criteria, industry- standard design procedures, permit requirements, and conditions of development. NV5 staff review projects, plans, and maps using previous project discretionary and environmental approvals and conditions. Reviews include improvement, grading and erosion control plans, sewer and storm drain plans, hydrology and hydraulic reports, water quality reports, geotechnical reports, structural calculations and cost estimates. NV5 also has been providing stormwater management support for construction, MS4, and industrial permits as staff extension to the city. We actively participated in assisting the city with a recent Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) audit. NV5 also has been instrumental in helping the city create templates and tracking logs to assist in enforcement efforts and regularly visits active construction sites to observe contractor compliance. NV5 has helped write stormwater guidance for developers and city staff to use as well as their Local Implementation Plan, which is submittal to the RWQCB each year. City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 3 PROJECT EXPERIENCE REFERENCE: KARYN IGAR, SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER, 949.631.1205 REDUNDANT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MONITORING AT RESERVOIR 1 AND RESERVOIR 2 PUMP STATIONS MESA WATER DISTRICT | COSTA MESA, CA NV5 is providing construction management and inspection services for the Redundant System Monitoring at Reservoir 1 and Reservoir 2 Pump Stations. The new system is designed to provide better level monitoring and SCADA control at the two reservoirs. The two reservoirs work together and operate on a single-pressure zone. The project involves tapping each of the 36-inch CMLC pipelines in the pump room of the reservoirs and installing a total of about 200 feet of conduit. These will enable the replacement of the existing pressure instrument with a new pressure-indicating transmitter. REFERENCE: STEVE KOOYMAN, FORMER CITY ENGINEER FOR BREA, NOW PROJECT ENGINEER AT INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP, 714.899.9039, SKOOYMAN@INTERWESTGRP.COM THE TRACKS AT BREA — SEGMENT NO. 4 CITY OF BREA | BREA, CA NV5 managed this federally funded $3.5M trail improvements project. Scope of work included contaminated soil remediation/removal, rough grading, construction of decomposed granite pedestrian path, construction of AC bike path, on-site and off-site utilities (water, sewer, and storm drain), lighting, landscaping, irrigation, and site furnishings. REFERENCE: MARK PELKA, SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER, 949.207.5451, MARKP@MESAWATER.ORG SANTA ANA STATION REFURBISHMENT MESA WATER DISTRICT | COSTA MESA, CA NV5 is providing construction management and inspection services for the Santa Ana Station Refurbishment project, which requires three 16-inch valves to be replaced. MWD is installing upgraded controls to plug valve actuators, changing out the controls to clay valves, and changing the pressure-relief system, which will put the valve outside to a new pre-fab overflow vault to replace the existing one. In addition, a new driveway approach and parking pad will be constructed and coordinated with the City of Costa Mesa. City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 4 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The La Quinta SilverRock Park Venue, City Project No. 2016-08, is located on the east side of the SilverRock entrance located at SilverRock Way and Avenue 52 in the City of La Quinta. The site is immediately south of the Citrus homes development and the Citrus Course, an 18-hole golf course. Immediately to the west of the site off of Washington is another single-family home development as well as the SilverRock Resort and golf course. The southern area contains the canal, and to the east are additional single-family residences and SilverRock Way. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND BID ITEMS There are the project plans with 114 sheets plus the bid amended sheets, specifications, and four contractors’ bid Addendums defining the construction activity. The specifications are general amendments to the GreenBook and the GreenBook along with the State Standard Specifications, and State Standard Plans are considered part of the project specifications. There are 78 bid items for 120 working days and a 90- day maintenance period with a $2,500/day liquidated damages clause. There are an additional three bid alternatives, including: • BID ALTERNATE 1 – Architectural Metal Screens • BID ALTERNATE 2 – Additional Terrace Walls Screens • BID ALTERNATE 3 – Floating Fountain The bid items as defined in Division 4 of the Technical Specifications for the work to be done include Site Construction & Amenities, which includes the hardscape, water/sewer/irrigation improvements, water feature and site amenities, including the restroom building, site electrical and lighting, landscape and irrigation. PERMIT REQUIREMENTS NV5 will make certain that the required SWPPP and NPDES permit requirements are followed by the contractor since the contractor will be utilizing the City’s Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan of the Standard Specifications, California Regional Water Quality Control Board Colorado River Basin Region Discharge Requirements (Order No. R7-2008-0001, MPDES No. CAS617002) and the City of La Quinta Standards, and these Special Provisions as required per the State of California General Permit for Storm Water Discharges (Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ, NPDES No. CAS000002) and the City of La Quinta MS4 discharge permit. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES The general construction activities will include site grading, landscaping and irrigation, utility construction, stream and lake construction, pumps and pump house for the lake, lighting, decomposed granite parking lot construction, concrete ADA parking space construction, concrete and decomposed walkways, construction of a stage, outlet structures, retaining walls, and an outdoor theater with seating area as a bid alternate. Rough site grading will be completed by others. The Contractor shall provide a traffic control plan, signed by a PE or TE, for acceptance by the City no later than five (5) working days after issuance of the Notice of Award based on Caltrans MUTCD. The City Engineer is Bryan McKinney, PE, with the project consultants of the Design Engineer, Chris Hermann Design Group; the Electrical Engineer is RTM Engineering Consultants; the Architect is McAuliffe and Co. Architects; the Civil Engineer is Michael Baker International; and the Water Feature is Patrell Engineering Group, Inc. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 5 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH PROJECT APPROACH In order to ensure the project is constructed to the requirements of the plans and specifications, the City is seeking a construction management firm with certified inspectors for the duration of the project to perform shop drawing review and approval, request for information resolution, daily construction observation while the Contractor is on-site in the field, coordination of special inspection for soils compaction and materials testing, and general construction management duties. These duties are explained in detail as follows: Common Goals: We understand that it is imperative to work closely with the City to ensure a successful project. The common goals of the Project’s construction communication are to: • Develop an integrated team with the City • Document the Contractor’s work • Maintain quality specified • Be accessible 24/7 • Resolve and document construction issues promptly • Keep the City proactively informed • Minimize or eliminate complaints from the public • Bring the project in on time and within budget • Mitigate foreseeable construction change orders and claims Team Integration: Regarding team integration, NV5’s goal is to have our entire staff from our Project Manager down to our on-site staff — including our Construction Manager, Construction Inspectors, and the City’s Special Inspectors — integrated members of the City’s staff with seamless and well-documented communication. We will work directly with the City in person or electronically to ensure that the City’s requests are addressed in a timely fashion followed by written documentation of critical decisions as necessary. Construction Manager and Project Management: NV5 follows a Construction Manager and Project Management approach that encompasses following basic principles: • Represent Your Best Interest: NV5 will represent the City’s best interest in all matters of every project. • Provide Leadership: NV5 lead personnel are selected and retained because of their leadership abilities. • Enforce Contract Requirements: NV5 will enforce the contract requirements of every project to make certain all provisions of the contract are met and the quality requirements of the project are not compromised. • Take Ownership of Project: NV5 CM Team members will take a “pride of ownership” approach to the construction of every project and will inspect the construction works as if they were building the project for their own personal use. • Deliver a High-Quality Project: The “pride of ownership” approach ensures NV5 will deliver a long- lasting, quality project. Meetings, Project Coordination, and Communication: Our approach to this project will be to establish from the kickoff meeting, continuing with the biweekly meetings with the City and the Contractor, the construction schedule, a line of communication, and a review of the Contractor’s work processes to be followed throughout the project duration. Additional meetings will be held outside of the regular meetings for final coordination before each line stop/shutdown to ensure that everyone involved understands what has to be done, what their duties are, and how these items are to be performed. NV5 will actively promote the cooperation of all involved parties through the use of formal and informal methods. Lines of Communication: During construction, a quick response to critical issues is one of the keys to a successful project. Our project communication starts at the top with our Project Manager, who will be responsible for formulating the scope of work and budget with the City’s Project Engineer. NV5’s staff has an open-door policy with our clients, and our staff can be reached at any time to openly discuss project issues via cellphone. Field staff must balance good working relationships with the Contractor’s superintendent with the appropriate written documentation. Noted corrections to the Contractor’s work by our staff will be directed to the Contractor’s on-site SIGNIFICANT FEATURES • Keeping the City informed proactively • Continued coordination with the City throughout the construction process • Documented compliance to plans and specifications through Inspector’s Daily Reports • Enforcing SWPPP, PM10, traffic control, USA and other agencies’ requirements • Proper implementation and upkeep of traffic control • Daily coordination with the City’s Project Manager • NV5’s project ownership • Site safety for the Contractor, City, and the Public City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 6 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH superintendent/foreman in responsible charge followed by written documentation in the form of Daily Logs, Corrective Action Notices, or other written documentation, which would also be copied to the City. This method of communication would serve to resolve conflicts in the field in a timely manner as well as to manage and ensure effective and documented internal and external communications. NV5 believes that proper coordination throughout the project duration facilitated through good organizational and documented communication will mitigate delays and mitigate increased construction costs. Pre-Construction Phase: Much of the key and critical work will be performed during the pre-construction phase. This work includes review and approval of shop drawings, answering RFIs, and the Contractors’ ordering of the materials, including the long lead valves and other critical path materials. During this time period, NV5 will work together with the City and the contractor through meetings, conference calls, emails and telephone calls to keep the City informed and in the loop on all project details. Field Verification, RFIs and Submittals: The Contractor must pothole to verify the connection pipeline sizes and configurations prior to submitting his shop drawings. NV5 understands the critical path of this project involves the submittal review and material procurement process and will work with the City to expedite those critical submittals. Accurate submittal review and RFI response in a timely fashion is the first step to ensuring project compliance, in accordance with the requirements of the plans and specifications. Our assigned Construction Manager will perform a thorough review of the Contractor’s submittals and inform the City of anything significant found in the review. Additionally, during this review, we may notice items that need to be addressed by the City, and we will work proactively to resolve this early with the City. Typically, our reviewers mark the submittal “No Exceptions Taken,” “Make Corrections Noted” for minor corrections, or “Amend and Resubmit” for major corrections required of the Contractor. Additionally, Contractors often try to fast-track substitutions through with a simple shop drawing, which would not be in accordance with the Specifications for each project and will not be tolerated. We will make certain the Contractor submits the appropriate formatted Request for Substitution. Inspection and the City’s Special Inspection, Biologist, Paleo and Cultural Monitors: This project will require inspection of the regular work performed by the Contractor plus special inspection and coordination and inspection by the City’s Biologist, Paleo and Cultural Monitors. The goal of our inspection is the same as the City’s, to fully document that the City has received the quality project as detailed in the plans and specifications. We do this by thoroughly checking the Contractor’s implementation of the work against the plans and specifications, noting concurrence in our daily report, or noting what elements the Contractor must correct prior to final acceptance. Reporting and iPad Daily Reports: Our proprietary iPad application is a user-friendly application designed to take some of the typical reporting work and simplify it, allowing our inspectors to proactively fill out daily reports during inspection. Our inspectors have been issued an iPad device to assist in their day-to-day on-site inspections and their reports will be forwarded daily to the City via Dropbox or SharePoint or other electronic methods. Features of NV5’s Application include: • Step-by-step guides to complete and fill out appropriate sections of the observation report (daily inspection report). • Automatic weather and site condition updates based on the device’s GPS location. • Daily photos will be attached to the observation report. • Basic, common information that can be carried over from the previous day’s report in order to save the inspector’s time of filling out a new report each day on a jobsite. • Drop-down menus for equipment and labor classifications that are built into the application to assist inspectors in fully completing and fully accounting for their site inspections. • Prompt feature notifications that alert the inspector when any portion of the report is not complete. • Automatic upload of a PDF version to the NV5 server once reports are completed, signed and saved. This feature will save time during project closeout. • QA/QC feature for every use. The supervisor approves and finalizes the report and can request corrections. This application is one of many ways NV5 is working to be innovative to get the most accurate and timely information to the City. Underground Service Alert (USA) and Potential Utility Conflicts: Utility conflicts may be present, and potholing of the underground utilities is critical. NV5 will make certain that the Contractor has appropriately undertaken USA notification and that all known utility agencies have responded to the USA notification. Should it become City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 7 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH known that a utility has not responded, NV5 will notify the City and the non-responsive utility agency of the need for further USA marking. Once marked, our on-site inspectors will make certain through continued field inspection protection in place of all known utilities marked by USA. Should a strike occur, NV5’s on-site inspectors will make certain that the Contractor’s on-site staff take immediate emergency action and additionally notify the utility and USA and the City of the strike. All known and marked utilities remain the Contractor’s responsibility for repair and reinstatement. Duration and Timing: This project has a duration of 120 working days and a 90-day maintenance period and includes shop drawing production, material procurement, and field installation of the work. Long lead time for the valves is included, and field time to perform the renovations is included. Also included are pre-construction notifications, video/photography, and potholing plus the full construction work, pond lining, pump house construction, architectural concrete and other items must be clearly detailed in the Contractor’s detailed CPM preliminary construction schedule. The plant maintenance period commences immediately after this via substantial completion or notice of completion by the City. Traffic Control Plan and Public Safety: NV5 will make certain that the Contractor pulls the required traffic control permits with the City. Furthermore, NV5 will evaluate the Contractor’s implementation of the traffic control on a daily basis for conformance with approved traffic control plans and enforce any required corrections to the approved plans. Construction Phase: Throughout the Construction phase, our on-site inspector will monitor the Contractor’s implementation of the plans and specifications for conformance. Any quality assurance activities not implemented appropriately by the Contractor will be immediately brought to the Contractor’s attention for correction, and a notification also will go to our Construction Manager and the City for their information and follow-up as necessary. For example, once the Contractor’s approved materials arrive on-site, our inspectors and Construction Manager will visit the Contractor’s storage areas and confirm that the newly manufactured valves, pipelines, spools, and other materials meet the approved shop drawings and specifications requirements. Once confirmed, the Contractor will receive a green light to place these materials into his work activities. Non-approved materials will be noted in writing for correction by the Contractor prior to incorporation into the work. In addition to our Daily Observers Reports, we can provide the City a summary email of the day’s work with a quick update on the activities, noting any deficiencies to be corrected or schedule slippages, from our on-site inspectors. Construction Manager, Inspectors and the City’s Special Inspectors: Our Construction Manager and Inspectors make up the core of NV5’s Construction Management Team. The service life of constructed projects depends on the construction workmanship and quality of materials used in the construction. NV5’s Construction Management Team will make certain materials used in the work comply with specifications and are installed with the workmanship as required from the Contract Documents. NV5’s on-site Inspector will perform inspection during construction. Trench wall stability, for example, for safety is of key importance, along with proper traffic control, compaction and workmanship. All transactions with the Contractor will be transparent to the City, coordinated with the City and documented in writing by NV5. Daily reports will be distributed to the City. SWPPP, PM10s NPDES, BMPs: We understand that we will be working underneath the City and the City’s NPDES permit. We will monitor and inspect the Contractor’s compliance with the City’s NPDES permit and provide pre- and post-storm Discharge Reports, as required. Our Discharge Report captures what is required from the permit and can include for example, the following information: • Name of discharger • Location of discharge • Date and Time of notification • Method of notification • Type of discharge • Reason of discharge • Discharge pathway • Receiving water • Date of discharge • Time of the beginning and end of discharge • Duration of the discharge, hours • Flow rate or velocity, gpm • Total number of gallons discharged • Types of sediment control used • pH of discharge • Type of volumetric and velocity controls used • Other BMPs that were implemented during the discharge • Field and laboratory monitoring data (pictures to show whether there is trash flowing into the gutter, turbidity, suspended solid, etc.) City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 8 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH Construction Safety and Public Safety: Safety in and around the construction planned for your projects will be of concern for project participants. NV5 will enforce the project plans and specifications that have detailed traffic control plans as well as the California Occupational Safety & Health Administration (Cal-OSHA) regulations. NV5 will attend the morning tailgate safety meetings and review the Contractor’s site-specific Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) and Jobsite Hazard Analysis (JHAs). Should NV5 observe an unsafe construction practice by a worker, NV5 will immediately notify the Contractor’s on-site supervisor of the unsafe practice, followed by a written warning and notification to the City. Our goal is “Zero Incidents” on every project, which is why all construction management personnel are OSHA-trained. Public Interaction: NV5 is the first line that the public sees on a day-to-day basis, and Ms. Bean is available to the City on a 24/7 basis. Often in construction, local residents and other members of the public stop by the jobsite asking questions, looking for answers, or wishing to express concerns. We will listen to the public’s concerns and provide them with the appropriate information, such as schedule duration and what the work involves. We also will be sure to pass on any information to the City whenever possible for follow-up. Since we are right there interacting directly with the public, it is imperative that NV5 represents the City’s interests and listens to and resolves any complaints about the project so that they do not escalate to City Hall. Written Documentation: Written documentation is essential to provide a clear record of the construction to any party who may wish to become informed of the project’s progress at any time. NV5 personnel will comply with the documentation procedures established by the City. Daily Observation Reports adequately describing the contractor’s accomplishments with photographic documentation will be completed and submitted on a weekly basis to the City. The reports will provide advance warning of potential problem areas and will document the Contractor’s progress made in the field, any issues and their resolution, supported by the plans and specifications. Claims Avoidance: Claims and change orders can be minimized with advance knowledge of potential problem areas. This is best accomplished by a thorough review of the plans and specifications together with field investigations as noted by our on-site staff. Minimizing claims leads to less cost, fewer schedule delays, and fewer problems. NV5 will assist with identifying potential claims and meet with the City to help resolve any problems. Cost Control: Cost control begins with our Notice to Proceed from the City. This is a feature that involves both our internal project costs and the construction costs from the Contractor, since both of these are separate contracts by the City that NV5 must monitor and control. To monitor our internal costs and schedules, specific control systems are established and updated regularly within NV5. To monitor the Contractor’s costs, NV5 will evaluate his Schedule of Values and Pay Requests as compared with the work completed and the Contractor’s schedule. Only work completed will be allowed to be submitted in the Contractor’s properly formatted Pay Request, complete with the required lean releases, schedule update, and certified payrolls. By monitoring the Contractor’s baseline schedule against the actual earned value of the schedule, it can be estimated if he is ahead of or behind in schedule, and therefore construction costs. NV5 will alert the City if the Contractor falls behind schedule, because often this means the Contractor is losing money and often will try and cut corners to catch up, which will not be tolerated by NV5. Resolving Issues: NV5 has a vast array of experience from other projects that readily applies to the City’s project. Our experienced on-site Construction Inspectors and Construction Manager will always be on the lookout to protect the City’s interest in the Contractor’s execution of construction of the work. Quick resolution of issues and keeping all parties informed will result in mitigating project time and cost impacts. Dust, Trash, and Noise Control: These are always sensitive issues on construction projects, and more so for this project because we will be working adjacent to private property and public businesses. It is extremely important for the Contractor to keep his construction site clean, as his activities directly impact private property and adjacent businesses. The Construction Inspector will be proactive in identifying potential problems in the areas of dust control, trash, and noise pollution. Our Construction Inspector will work with the Contractor to avoid public complaints. Photographic Documentation: Photos of the work will be performed by the NV5 Construction Management Team. Complete photographic documentation of all existing structures prior to the start of construction will be performed by NV5. Special attention to daily items will be paid to photographically document disputed work items, duplicated work, or defective work that has to be replaced or removed, completed work, extra work, permit requirements, and environmental issues, including City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 9 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH implementation BMPs. Digital photographic documentation will be provided to the City on a monthly basis, or more often if needed for City Council Meetings and public events. Contractor’s Schedule of Values and Pay Requests: The Contractor’s Schedule of Values and Pay Requests will be reviewed for accuracy by NV5 prior to making the appropriate payment recommendations to the City. We will recommend approval or disapproval to the City by comparison to known and monitored quantities of on- site materials and work completed. NV5 will ensure that the additional paperwork required within the Contract Documents, such as labor data and schedule updates, are included within the pay request. Project Completion, Final Phase: Upon completion of the project, the Contractor must replace the asphalt pavement within the working zone. We will coordinate with the City for the total area requiring asphalt repair. Repair also will include any traffic loops as well as striping, which may have been affected by construction. Final Project Documentation: NV5 will transmit our project files to the City and will include all project construction documentation from daily reports, RFIs, submittals, as-builts, etc., for their use and filing. The following scope of services details the process of a smoothly run and managed construction project and illustrates some of the various activities throughout the pre-construction, construction and project closeout phases. City of La Quinta’s Engineer-Furnished Services: NV5 assumes that the City’s design consultant (Engineer) will be available to answer questions during the project, especially with regard to those items that may have an extensive history or to those items that the City may have a strong preference for. NV5 assumes that the City will assist in coordinating and providing the existing project documentation prior to construction, and provide timely assistance during the construction process for items that require the City’s review or consent, such as substitutions or corrections of the Contractor’s defective work. NV5 will keep the City’s Engineer informed as the project progresses, paying particular attention to critical items, cost, and construction schedule. WHAT MAKES NV5 UNIQUELY QUALIFIED TO PROVIDE THESE SERVICES TO THE CITY? Strong Design Background + Relevant Experience Understanding + Delivering Upon the Need of the City Ability to Maintain Close Working Relationships with City Staff Able to Oversee, Manage + Control Schedules and Cost Dedicated + Qualified Professional Team Members City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 10 SCOPE OF WORK PROGRAM SCOPE OF SERVICES Services and products to be rendered in performing all work associated with this request may include, but may not be limited to: Construction Management Deliverables: Complete construction documentation, including meeting agenda and minutes, coordination of inspectors and monitors, Constructability Review Memo, coordination with City’s Biologist, Paleo and Cultural Monitors, preparation of reports and documents for the City’s review and action, record copy of contracts, drawings, specifications, addenda, change orders, shop drawings, RFIs, product data, samples, purchases, materials, equipment, applicable handbooks, maintenance and operating manuals and instructions, status reports, Construction Manager reports, change order documentation, and other related documents relevant to the contract work, review of the Contractor’s project schedule, Contractor’s pay requests, Summary Status Report, Contractor’s and subcontractor’s lien releases, as-built documentation. Records will be maintained in an electronic copy (Dropbox or SharePoint) available to the City for review at any time, and delivered to the City within 60 days of notice of completion. • NV5 has a local office at 42-829 Cook St., Suite 104, Palm Desert, CA 92211 that we will use for the duration of construction. • NV5 will perform a “third”-party constructability review of the project plans and specifications prior to the pre-construction conference and identify potential problems that may need attention before construction starts. • Schedule and attend a field walk with Inspector(s), Design Engineer, and City representatives. • Schedule and chair a kickoff meeting with the City to discuss the proposed work plan and special concerns to be presented at the pre-construction meeting and be present at the pre-construction meeting. • Provide a pre-construction agenda using the City’s format and provide to the City for concurrence, schedule a pre-construction meeting and notify attendees. It is envisioned that the pre-construction meeting will include all interested parties, including utilities, subcontractors, etc. • Coordinate the activities of on-site Inspectors and Administrators such that appropriate coverage of all Contractor activities is provided. • Coordinate with City’s Biologist and have them conduct nesting bird surveys as required. • Coordinate with City’s Paleo and Cultural Monitor and have them conduct monitors as required. • Prepare reports and documents, as necessary, for City review and action. • Maintain on a current basis: a record copy of all contracts, drawings, specifications, addenda, change orders, and other modifications, in good order and marked to record all changes made during construction; shop drawings, product data; samples; submittal; purchases; materials; equipment; applicable handbooks; maintenance and operating manuals and instructions; other related documents and revisions that are relevant to the contract work. • Provide weekly status reports to the City as required. • Prepare and send a Weekly Statement of Working Days, noting the controlling operations, to the contractor. • Prepare daily/weekly Construction Manager reports listing the type of work done, controlling operation, weather conditions, important discussions/ agreements with the Contractor, and any other important facts pertaining to the project that are not specifically covered elsewhere in the contract records. • Coordinate, monitor and document utility connections as necessary. • Administer the construction contract in conformance with the requirements set forth in the project plans and specifications, including applicable requirements from Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and the City. • Receive, log, and respond to contractor Request for Information. • Conduct weekly construction progress meetings with the Contractor, Sub-contractors, City Staff, Design Engineer, Subconsultants, affected outside agencies, etc., to discuss matters such as procedures, progress, problems and scheduling. Prepare and distribute meeting minutes. • Review and approve Subcontracting Request forms. • Coordinate and monitor all inspection activities. • Submit Requests for Information as required on any items that should be coordinated with the Design Engineer(s). • Receive, process, review and accept all shop drawings, project data, samples, and other submittals, including coordination with the Design Engineer for review as needed. Establish and implement procedures for expediting the processing and approval of submittal. City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 11 SCOPE OF WORK PROGRAM • Review and approve laboratory, shop, and mill test reports of materials and equipment. • Coordinate with the City Engineer and other City Departments. • Document all potential claims and maintain for account records. Provide all necessary documentation and support to the City in settling claims. • Verify that the Contractor’s dust control, stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP), and traffic control implementation is consistent with the approved Plans. Take contractually-stipulated action in the event of deviations from the approved Plan. • Coordinate construction surveying with the City’s or Contractor’s surveyor. • Coordinate required materials testing. • Review and analyze the Contractor’s schedule (weekly), including activity sequences and duration, schedule of submittal and schedule of delivery for products with long lead times. Review the Contractor’s weekly scheduled for compliance with project specifications. Note any contractual non-compliances and request remedial action plan from Contractor. Include contractor schedule as an agenda item at each weekly meeting. • Recommend necessary or desirable changes in the Construction Contractor’s scope of work to the City. Review and evaluate the Contractor’s request for changes. Negotiate with the Contractor and submit recommendations to the City supported by field data related to any additional work. If change orders are accepted by the City, prepare change orders for signature and authorization by the city. Maintain a log of change requests. • Review and acceptance of the Contractor’s Baseline and construction schedule updates, including the Contractor’s “As-Built” project schedule with Microsoft Project or equivalent program. • Review pay requests and provide recommendation for contractor payments. • Coordinate any training sessions required for City Staff. • Construction Closeout ○Administer and coordinate final inspections. ○Coordinate the correction and the completion of the work. ○Assist the City in determining when the project, or a designated portion thereof, is substantially complete. ○Prepare for the City, a summary of the status of the work of the Contractor, listing changes in the previously issued certificates of substantial completion of the work, and recommending the times within which the Contractor will complete uncompleted items on the certificate of substantial completion of the work. ○Calculate the amount of final payment due to the prime Contractor and prepare the proposed final estimate. ○Obtain evidence of certification of all lien releases after the City files the notice of completion. ○Secure from the contractor and transmit to the City required guarantees. ○Coordinate any startup requirements. ○Deliver all of the Contractor’s equipment manuals, special equipment, spare parts, catalogs, and other materials required by specifications. ○Collect all “As-Built” data from all Contractors and Consultants. ○Make recommendation for the release of retention. ○Provide construction management documents and records to the City within 60 days of the filing of the notice of completion. Inspection Deliverables: Inspector’s daily report and photographs and other inspection documentation uploaded to Dropbox or SharePoint access on a regular basis, maintain independent set of red-line plans to be compared with the Contractor’s red lines on a regular basis. • Review contract documents, plans and permits. • Attend field walks and kickoff meetings. • Attend the pre-construction meeting. • Monitor and enforce construction noticing requirements, including, but not limited to, PM-10 and SWPPP requirements. • Maintain field diary (NV5’s iPad application, uploaded to Dropbox or SharePoint access on a regular basis) during construction, including a cumulative record of quantities constructed, daily and weekly reports, working day reports, change order documentation, photographs and other documentation. Maintain a separate field diary for change order work. • Monitor the Contractor’s fugitive dust control plan and ensure that the Contractor uses approved haul routes and that they are kept clean. • Verify compliance with the construction contract by monitoring, evaluating, approving or rejecting the Contractor’s work in accordance with the approved City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 12 SCOPE OF WORK PROGRAM construction contract documents. • Determine that the Contractor’s work is being performed in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents. Endeavor to guard the City against defect and deficiencies in the work. • As appropriate, require special inspection or testing, or make recommendations to the City regarding special inspection or testing of work not in accordance with the provisions of the contract documents, whether or not such work is fabricated, installed, or completed. • Provide and maintain a digital photographic history of the progress of the project. Photos also will be taken of the following: ○Showing existing conditions prior to construction ○Disputed work items ○Work that has to be duplicated, replaced, or removed ○Completed work ○Extra work • Record the progress of the project (NV5’s iPad application, uploaded to Dropbox or SharePoint access on a regular basis). Maintain a daily log containing a record of weather, the Contractor and Subcontractors’ work on-site, the Contractor and Sub- contractors’ equipment on-site, number of workers, work accomplished, problems encountered, and other relevant data. Provide copies of daily logs to the City as requested. Include information on the Contractor and the entire project, showing percentages of completion. • During the course of construction, maintain one set of plans, with markings and dimensions in red ink, to denote field changes or other corrections. • Inspect for ADA compliance. • Maintain copies of all permits needed to construct the project and enforce special requirements of each. Quality Control Deliverables: NV5’s Quality Control Plan NV5 will have a Quality Control Plan in effect to assist quality assurance during the entire time work is in effect. NV5 has responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the calculations, related documents, and all other work furnished by NV5 and will meet that responsibility through the implementation of a Quality Control Plan. NV5’s Quality Control Plan will remain in effect throughout the entire Contract and, at a minimum, will ensure that all work is completed in accordance with good engineering practice and that it meets the standards set forth herein. Specifically: • The Quality Control Plan will establish a process whereby all work is independently checked, corrected and back- checked, in accordance with accepted practice, by a person qualified and appropriately registered in the State of California. All original drawings and calculations will be maintained for the duration of the Contract. • Coordination and checks will be performed to ensure that conflicts and misalignment do not occur between different design documents (i.e. plans coordinated with specifications). •Evidence the Quality Control Plan is functioning may be periodically confirmed by the City. CLIENT DELIVERABLEQUALITY CHECKQUALITY ASSURANCE City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 13 REFERENCES 9770 Culver Blvd. Culver City 310.253.5635 hong.wang@culvercity.org CITY OF CULVER CITY Hong Wang, PE Senior Civil Engineer Beaumont Civic Center 550 E. 6th St. Beaumont, CA 92223 909.334.3265 ajakher@cityofchino.org 44-950 Eldorado Drive Indian Wells, CA 92210 760.776.0237 kseumalo@indianwells.com CITY OF INDIAN WELLS Ken Seumalo, PE Public Works Director CITY OF BEAUMONT Amer Jakher Former Public Works Director (now Public Works Director for the City of Chino) REFERENCES Provided below are references of clients for whom Engineering Services have been performed in the last 3 years. City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 14 APPENDIX RESUMES Chevy Chase Reservoir CITY OF GLENDALE | GLENDALE, CA Senior Construction Manager. Ms. Bean was responsible for the construction of the replacement of the Chevy Chase 968 Reservoir and Booster Pump Station (BPS) with a new 14.5-mg buried cast-in-place reservoir and new booster pump station. The reservoir was sited on the historic Chevy Chase Golf Club and serves as a multi-use facility with the golf greens and fairways on top of the reservoir. The inlet of the existing pump station was rerouted during construction for continued service as a booster pump station during construction while the existing Chevy Chase Reservoir was taken offline and demolished and the new reservoir was constructed in its place with a new booster pump station. The site had limited access and laydown area for construction, so the layout of the new facility within the site constraints was critical. As the Senior Construction Manager, Ms. Bean oversaw critical issues on the project, such as time- sensitive change orders, public relations and the construction schedule. Graves Reservoir Replacement CITY OF SOUTH PASADENA | SOUTH PASADENA, CA Construction Manager. Ms. Bean is providing comprehensive construction management and inspection services on the demolition and construction of a new 1.2-mg partially buried cast-in-place reservoir sited in a residential neighborhood. There is an existing well that will be re-equipped as the source of groundwater for the reservoir. The existing well pump will be renovated and a new pumping station will be constructed with two 1,400-gpm VFD pumps that will pump from the reservoir to the City water system. A new sodium hypochlorite generation system, new pre-treatment with state-of-the-art GAC for PCE and CCI4 removal followed by a new ion exchange system for removal of nitrate as NO3, CIO4, and sulfate will be installed. The new pump house will be controlled by a PCIS system composed of approximately 80 new instruments with approximately 80 new I/Os. These new signals will be routed through the new PLCs, HMIs, and SCADA. The Contractor will be required to work with the City’s System Integrator subcontracted directly with the City in accordance with the Control Strategies of the Specifications. NV5 Is providing full-service CMS, including construction management, inspection, lead and asbestos demolition oversight, public relations, SRF loan reimbursement management, biological monitoring and geotechnical and materials testing for this comprehensive project. Project Experience LUANNE BEAN, PE Construction Manager + QA/QC Ms. Bean has more than 30 years of experience in the design and management of water and wastewater projects. Her technical skills include structural analysis and design, mechanical analysis, instrumentation and control, the preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates, as well as construction management. She has held various positions with many public agencies, including the Long Beach Water Department, Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority, Indio Water Authority, Metropolitan Water District, and FEMA. Ms. Bean’s technical experience includes large- scale public works projects for capital improvement programs, including construction oversight, contract administration, document control, cost and schedule control, quality control, structural analysis, and design. EXPERIENCE 30 years EDUCATION M.S. Civil Engineering B.S. Civil Engineering LICENSES Civil Engineer (CA) No. 50129 REGISTRATIONS FEMA OPS - I HAZMAT First Responder/ Operations Level DOT Offers of Bulk and Non-Bulk HAZMAT Packages Nuclear Waste Safety for Workers CONTACT INFO luanne.bean@nv5.com 949.585.0477 City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 1 RESUMES Bankfield Sewage Pump Station CITY OF CULVER CITY | CULVER CITY, CA Construction Manager. Ms. Bean is overseeing the construction management and inspection services for the construction of the Bankfield Sewage Pump Station. The new pump station will receive diverted flows from two existing pump stations once construction is complete, and possibly diverted flows from two more pump stations at a later date. The new pump station will have a 10-foot-by-20-foot sewage wet well that is 35 feet deep, constructed in groundwater with watertight shoring. There will be two submersible pumps, a flow meter vault, a valve vault, a bypass vault for the two force mains, and an emergency diesel-fueled backup electrical generator. There also will be a 25-foot-by-20-foot building to house instrumentation and SCADA systems, a bathroom and electrical components. Arantine Hills Sewer and Water Infrastructure Projects (Lift Station, Force Main, California Avenue Sewer Main, Potable Water Line) CITY OF CORONA | CORONA, CA Construction Manager. Ms. Bean oversaw the construction management and inspection services for the $14.7M, three- phase Arantine Hills sewer and water improvement projects to provide the necessary infrastructure for the Arantine Hills Development project. The project involved the construction of a buried cast-in-place sewer lift station with above-grade controls. This was connected to a second project to construct the sewer force main with fused HDPE pipe via conventional open trench and trenchless jack-and-bore sewer construction along arterial streets and Caltrans ROW, forming 4 miles of pipeline. Relocation of 3,300 LF of potable water line also was required to install the new force mains. A third project managed simultaneously was the construction of the California Avenue Sewer at a depth of 25 feet below grade. All three projects had to be completed together for the final and finished sewer lift station to function. Once completed, the City planned to decommission its Water Reclamation Facility No. 3. Coordination with developers was required for the construction of the sewer lift station within their property, and Caltrans was required along certain reaches of the pipeline construction for construction within their ROW. Terra Lago Pump Station and Pipeline CITY OF INDIO | INDIO, CA Construction Manager. Ms. Bean served as the construction manager for this project, which involved the construction inspection of the $2.2M Terra Lago Booster Pump Station. Ms. Bean’s role in this project initially was construction inspection of both the pump station and the influent and effluent pipelines. The design of this pump station and its associated 24-inch influent and 18-inch effluent lines were engineered prior to the start of construction by a different company; however, the client determined the need to increase the pump station capacity subsequent to the completion of the design. Due to this change, Ms. Bean became heavily involved in the quality control in review of the contractor’s suggested changes during construction to provide greater pump station capacity to ensure that IWA received an appropriately engineered and constructed booster pump station and influent/effluent pipelines. Because of this change by IWA, this project resembled a design-build project where Ms. Bean provided construction oversight and quality control. Brinton Reservoir and Pipeline CITY OF BANNING | BANNING, CA Project Manager/Construction Manager. Ms. Bean was responsible for overseeing construction of the Brinton Reservoir and Pipeline, which consisted of the design of an 8-mg buried, cast-in-place concrete tank, 5,400 LF of 30-inch transmission main, and construction of these facilities. Through careful engineering, she saved the client approximately $3M on the bid price, bringing in the bids for $10.2M. From the beginning stages of the RFP, she pointed out to the client multiple issues that were critical to the success of this project, foremost that the proposed elevation of the tanks within the RFP were incorrect. Through additional surveying performed of the San Gorgonio water distribution system, she was able to confirm her intuition, that an elevation change of the proposed high-water level of the tank was required in order for this tank to float within the San Gorgonio Distribution Zone. As the Construction Manager, Ms. Bean’s management ensured that the City was informed as to the project progress, and the contractor maintained schedule. This project was completed under Ms. Bean’s management with minimal contractor-initiated change orders and monetary issues to the project. City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 2 RESUMES Santa Anita Reservoir No. 4 CITY OF ARCADIA | ARCADIA, CA Construction Manager. Ms. Bean was responsible for the construction of this $3.2M Santa Anita Reservoir for the interim storage of 4.0 mg. This was a standard buried concrete reservoir set in the foothills of upper Arcadia and was tied into the district’s water system upon competition of construction. The construction site was tight, requiring the use of shoring and protection of existing systems in place. Additionally, the construction site was located in a sensitive neighborhood, requiring the Ms. Bean to monitor and watch the contractor for maintenance of B1v1Ps, oak tree protection, and other neighborhood and EIR issues. Ms. Bean oversaw all critical components of the construction from excavation, underdrains, cast-in-place foundation walls and roof placement, to disinfecting and hydrotesting, tie-in to the existing system, and, finally, backfilling of the reservoir. She oversaw the construction procedures and enforced the contract documents while resolving conflicts in a timely manner. She utilized her expertise in concrete, construction scheduling, and contractor management to ensure the project stayed on time and change orders were negligible. SGVMWD Interconnect and Site Improvements CITY OF AZUSA LIGHT AND WATER | AZUSA, CA Construction Manager. Ms. Bean is overseeing construction inspection services for the construction of an interconnection pipeline near the Hsu-Canyon Water Treatment Plant. The project includes installation of pipelines, complete with metering and pressure-reducing flow control; grading; site restoration; striping, street restoration; SCADA; SCADA integration for ALW and SGVMWD; and electrical work. The pipeline is approximately 22 LF of 18-inch Class 350 pipe and 14-inch and 18-inch schedule 40 cement mortar-lined and coated-steel pipe. J.W. Johnson Reservoir Facility Valve Replacements and Site Improvements Project LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT | COMPTON, CA Resident Engineer/Construction Manager. Ms. Bean was responsible for overseeing this project, which involved replacement of four underground water main valves, installation of five storm drain inlets, construction of a containment cell for an indoor above-ground chlorine tank, construction of a large concrete reinforced storage pad, trenching for the installation of electrical conduit, and repaving of surface areas to allow for proper drainage. Redundant Distribution System Monitoring at Reservoir 1 and Reservoir 2 Pump Stations MESA WATER DISTRICT | COSTA MESA, CA Construction Manager. Ms. Bean is overseeing the construction management and inspection services for the Redundant System Monitoring at Reservoir 1 and Reservoir 2 Pump Stations. The new system is designed to provide better level monitoring and SCADA control at the two reservoirs. The two reservoirs work together and operate on a single-pressure zone. The project involves tapping each of the 36-inch CMLC pipelines in the pump room of the reservoirs and installing a total of about 200 feet of conduit. These will enable the replacement of the existing pressure instrument with a new pressure-indicating transmitter. Sloan Pump Station and Lamb Pump Station SOUTHERN NEVADA WATER AUTHORITY | LAS VEGAS, NV Structural Analyst/Assistant Project Manager. Ms. Bean performed the structural analysis and design for these two massive pumping stations and forebays with a CMU building measuring more than 300 feet in length housing 10- 22,000 GPM horizontal split case pumps. Sloan Pump Station consists of a 2.8 MG forebay to support the 175-mgd ultimate capacity of the pumping station along with a Rate of Flow Control Station and two 3,000 psi surge tanks. Lamb Pump Station has a 4.5-mg forebay supporting its 175-mgd ultimate capacity pumping station. In construction, she was the Assistant Project Manager for both pump stations and served as the primary contact person for the Construction Managers and Contractors to resolve issues during design and then through construction and startup. This included review of Contractor’s change orders, schedules and milestones as well as review and maintaining the quality assurance/ quality control standards, and performing her work in a timely and cost-effective manner. Ms. Bean was involved from the inception of both of these projects and played a key role in developing and integrating the engineering for the design as well as the overall client and public presentation. City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 3 RESUMES On-Call Public Works Inspection and Plan Check Services CITY OF BEAUMONT | BEAUMONT, CA Project Inspector. Mr. Kraft provides public works inspection services and review of private development projects. NV5 provides on-site inspection services for a variety of projects during the construction phase. Widening of Victoria Avenue from 6th Street to Baseline CITY OF HIGHLAND | HIGHLAND, CA Public Works Inspector. Mr. Kraft provided construction inspection services for street widening from 2 to 4 lanes. The project included removal and replacement of asphalt, concrete drive approaches, relocation of fencing and landscape, forming and pouring of sidewalk, curb and gutter, bus pads and drain inlets. Coordination with the City’s Public Works Engineering staff and Southern California Edison was required to underground electric utility. Mr. Kraft kept daily logs of the work completed and coordinated with the City and subcontractor when difficulties in completing the work arose. Widening of Baseline from Palm Avenue to Highway 30 CITY OF HIGHLAND | HIGHLAND, CA Public Works Inspector. Mr. Kraft provided construction inspection services for street widening from 2 to 4 lanes, storm drainage improvements, two intersection signal light upgrades, street lighting, forming and pouring of curb and gutter, sidewalk, and bus pads. He ensured full-time access and traffic movement ingress and egress to public properties. He kept daily logs of the work completed and coordinated with the City and subcontractor when difficulties in completing the work arose. Installation of 2 Miles of 6 x 12 Box Culvert in Redlands Boulevard CITY OF REDLANDS | REDLANDS, CA Public Works Inspector. Mr. Kraft provided construction inspection services for the removal and replacement of a box culvert in the main thoroughfare. He coordinated all utility relocations associated with excavation for the box culvert. He ensured continuous traffic flow during project, kept daily logs of the work completed and coordinated with the City and subcontractor when difficulties in completing the work arose. 1-MG Pre-Stressed Concrete Underground Water Reservoir CITY OF LOMA LINDA | LOMA LINDA, CA Construction Inspector. Mr. Kraft provided construction inspection for the construction of a reservoir and a half mile of 24-inch cement-lined and coated steel transmission main and connection. He kept daily logs of the work completed and coordinated with the City and subcontractor when difficulties in completing the work arose. Project Experience Mr. Kraft is a public works inspector with over 28 years of construction management experience. He provides construction management and inspection services for various capital improvement projects. He has worked as an inspector in the construction division of several municipalities and utility districts. His daily tasks include ensuring quality and timely completion of each project task, creation of daily reports documenting the days’ events, preparing monthly project invoice statements, completing change orders, and reviewing labor compliance issues. EXPERIENCE 28 years REGISTRATIONS/ CERTIFICATIONS CWEA, Grade IV Collections System Maintenance CPR First Aid CPR instructor AWWA, Grade I Water Use Efficiency CONTACT INFO karl.kraft@nv5.com KARL KRAFT Construction Inspector City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 4 RESUMES DAVID MAHER, PE, QSD/QSP Office Engineer Graves Reservoir Replacement CITY OF SOUTH PASADENA | SOUTH PASADENA, CA Assistant Construction Manager. Mr. Maher is assisting the Construction Manager in overseeing the comprehensive construction management and inspection services on the demolition and construction of a new 1.2-mg partially buried cast-in-place reservoir sited in a residential neighborhood. There is an existing well that will be re-equipped as the source of groundwater for the reservoir. The existing well pump will be renovated, and a new pumping station will be constructed with two 1,400-gpm VFD pumps that will pump from the reservoir to the City water system. A new sodium hypochlorite generation system, new pre-treatment with state-of-the-art GAC for PCE and CCI4 removal followed by a new ion exchange system for removal of nitrate as NO3, CIO4, and sulfate, will be installed. The new pump house will be controlled by a PCIS system composed of approximately 80 new instruments with approximately 80 new I/Os. Arantine Hills Sewer Lift Station, Force Main and Infrastructure CITY OF CORONA | CORONA, CA Assistant Construction Manager. Mr. Maher assisted the Construction Manager with the project management tasks of the three-phase Arantine Hills sewer improvement projects. His role included reviewing submittals, responding to RFIs, reviewing change orders, and coordinating with the Engineer, the City and other agencies as needed. He also performed inspection services as needed. The project involved the construction of a buried cast-in-place sewer lift station with above-grade controls. A major rerouting of the City’s water distribution system for nearly a mile, including service connections, was part of this project. The sewer lift station pumps to a dual-fused HDPE force main 2 miles in length. Relocation of 3,300 LF of potable water line also was required to install the new force mains. Western Pump Station CITY OF GLENDALE DEPARTMENT OF WATER & POWER | GLENDALE, CA Project Engineer. Mr. Maher assisted with the preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimate for the electrical, control and mechanical improvements of the Western Pump Station. The Western Pump Station is an essential facility in the City’s water distribution system. It has been providing water service since 1928. The objective of the project is to replace aging electrical and pumping equipment with new pumps, valves, VFD, and 480V electrical equipment. He is currently providing construction support services on the project. Project Experience Mr. Maher has more than 14 years of experience with various capital improvement and utility projects. His qualifications include designing various water and wastewater projects, including mechanical, structural, civil elements utilizing CAD software, and project coordination. He has both design and construction management experience with projects, such as sewage treatment plants that included several types of buildings like above-ground and underground concrete tanks, precast concrete manholes, retaining walls, administration buildings, and tankers discharge facilities. He has extensive real-world knowledge in the fields of construction superintendent experience, project cost control, subcontracts management, scheduling and cost estimation, plan checking, and permit coordination. EXPERIENCE 14 years EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering LICENSES/CERTIFICATES Civil Engineer (CA) No. 86136 Qualified SWPPP Developer Qualified SWPPP Practitioner CONTACT INFO david.maher@nv5.com 949.585.0477 City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 5 Graves Reservoir Replacement CITY OF SOUTH PASADENA | SOUTH PASADENA, CA Construction Administration. Mr. Ly is assisting with construction administration for the demolition and construction of a new 1.2-mg partially buried cast-in-place reservoir sited in a residential neighborhood. There is an existing well that will be re-equipped as the source of groundwater for the reservoir. The existing well pump will be renovated and a new pumping station will be constructed with two 1,400-gpm VFD pumps that will pump from the reservoir to the City water system. A new sodium hypochlorite generation system, new pre-treatment with state-of-the-art GAC for PCE and CCI4 removal followed by a new ion exchange system for removal of nitrate as NO3, CIO4, and sulfate, will be installed. The new pump house will be controlled by a PCIS system composed of approximately 80 new instruments with approximately 80 new I/Os. These new signals will be routed through the new PLCs, HMIs, and SCADA. Bankfield Sewage Pump Station CITY OF CULVER CITY | CULVER CITY, CA Construction Administration. Mr. Ly is assisting with construction administration for the construction of the Bankfield Sewage Pump Station. The new pump station will receive diverted flows from two existing pump stations once construction is complete, and possibly diverted flows from two more pump stations at a later date. The new pump station will have a 10-foot-by-20-foot sewage wet well that is 35 feet deep, constructed in groundwater with watertight shoring. There will be two submersible pumps, a flow meter vault, a valve vault, a bypass vault for the two force mains, and an emergency diesel-fueled backup electrical generator. There also will be a 25-foot- by-20-foot building to house instrumentation and SCADA systems, a bathroom and electrical components. Arantine Hills Sewer and Water Infrastructure Projects CITY OF CORONA | CORONA, CA Construction Administration. Mr. Ly assisted with construction administration for the $14.7M, three-phase Arantine Hills sewer and water improvement projects to provide the necessary infrastructure for the Arantine Hills Development Project. The project involved the construction of a buried cast-in-place sewer lift station with above- grade controls. This was connected to a second project to construct the sewer force main with fused HDPE pipe via conventional open trench and trenchless jack-and- bore sewer construction along arterial streets and Caltrans ROW, forming 4 miles of pipeline. Relocation of 3,300 LF of potable water line was also required to install the new force mains. A third project managed simultaneously was the construction of the California Avenue Sewer at a depth of 25 feet below grade. All three projects had to be completed together for the final and finished sewer lift station to function. Project Experience Mr. Ly has more than five years of experience working on various civil/electrical engineering projects throughout California. His professional experience includes preparing construction plans, design services, and cost estimates for various projects. He is proficient in AutoCAD, MicroStations, GIS, Ed Web Viewer, FAA, FFE/EES, SAP, Osmose O-Calc, JPA, and ProjectWise technical software. Mr. Ly is also fluent in Vietnamese and possesses strong management and leadership skills. EXPERIENCE 5 years EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering AFFILIATIONS American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) California Land Surveyors Association (CLSA) CONTACT INFO nhan.ly@nv5.com 949.585.0477 NHAN LY Construction Administration RESUMES City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 6 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal I, __________________________________ (name) hereby declare as follows: I am ______________________________ of _________________________, (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ______________________________________ _______________________________________ Proposer Name: Proposer Title: Company Name: Address: _______________________________________ _____________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Jeffrey M. Cooper, PE Director of Infrastructure NV5, Inc. NV5, Inc. 163 Technology Drive, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 Jeffrey M. Cooper, PE Director of Infrastructure City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 7 INSURANCE ACKNOWLEDGMENT INSURANCE ACKNOWLEDGMENT © Cavignac &Associates –License No. 0A99520 1 Rev.071112 License No. 0A99520 450 B Street, Suite 1800 San Diego, CA 92101-8005 Tel. 619.234.6848 ● Fax 619.234.8601 ● Web www.cavignac.com September 4, 2019 La Quinta California Re:NV5, Inc.| Insurance Compliance Statement To Whom It May Concern: NV5, Inc. is able to comply with the insurance requirements listed in the solicitation for La Quinta California. NV5’s is able to comply with the minimum limits, all coverages and all insurance companies are admitted, or otherwise approved to write policies by the Department of Insurance and with an “A-VIII” or better rating from A.M. Best Company. If I can assist you further, please email or contact me at 619-744-0541. Sincerely, Jasmin Cortez Account Administrator jcortez@cavignac.com City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 8 PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES We are in general agreement with the Professional Services Agreement. If selected, we would like the opportunity to discuss minor modifications to the contract. Modifications are highlighted in red. Specifically, we request the following modifications: AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES 3. PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. If the Services not completed in accordance with the Schedule of Performance, as set forth in Section 3.2 and “Exhibit C”, it is understood that the City will suffer damage. Contracting Party acknowledges the importance to City of City’s project schedule and agrees to perform the services in a manner consistent with that schedule. City understands, however, that Contracting Party’s performance must be governed by sound practices. 6. INDEMNIFICATION. 6.1 Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City and any and all of its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers as set forth in “Exhibit F” (“Indemnification”) which is incorporated herein by this reference and expressly made a part hereof. 8. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT 8.8 Termination for Default of Contracting Party. If termination is due to the failure of Contracting Party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, Contracting Party shall vacate any City-owned property which Contracting Party is permitted to occupy hereunder and City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 8.2, take over the Services and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and Contracting Party shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the Services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any payments to Contracting Party for the purpose of setoff or partial payment of the amounts owed City. 8.9 Attorneys’ Fees. We respectfully request that this paragraph be removed. EXHIBIT A - ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT Re: Scope of Services 6. Liquidated Damages. We respectfully request removing the liquidated damages section. NV5 is not a contractor and has no control of the project schedule. EXHIBIT F - INDEMNIFICATION F.1 Indemnity for the Benefit of City. a. Indemnification for Professional Liability. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for Contracting Party’s Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees, and agents (“Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities of every kind, nature, and description, damages, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of Contracting Party or of any subcontractor), costs and expenses of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, attorneys’ fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, to the extent same are caused in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Contracting Party, its officers, agents, employees or subcontractors (or any entity or individual that Contracting Party shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this agreement. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Contracting Party shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Contracting Party. City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 9 PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES b. Indemnification for Other Than Professional Liability. Other than in the performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties from and against any liability (including liability for claims, suits, actions, arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses, expenses or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, attorneys’ fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses) incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by Contracting Party or by any individual or entity for which Contracting Party is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors of Contracting Party. c. Indemnity Provisions for Contracts Related to Construction (Limitation on Indemnity). Without affecting the rights of City under any provision of this agreement, Contracting Party shall not be required to indemnify and hold harmless City for liability attributable to the active negligence of City, provided such active negligence is determined by agreement between the parties or by the findings of a court of competent jurisdiction. In instances where City is shown to have been actively negligent and where City’s active negligence accounts for only a percentage of the liability involved, the obligation of Contracting Party will be for that entire portion or percentage of liability not attributable to the active negligence of City. d. Indemnification Provision for Design Professionals. 2. Scope of Indemnification. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for Contracting Party’s Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees, and agents (“Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all losses, liabilities of every kind, nature, and description, damages, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of Contracting Party or of any subcontractor), costs and expenses, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, reimbursement of attorneys’ fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, to the extent same are caused by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Contracting Party, its officers, agents, employees or subcontractors (or any entity or individual that Contracting Party shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this agreement. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Contracting Party shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Contracting Party. City of La Quinta — Construction Management Services SilverRock Park Venue Site, City Project: 2016-08 NV5 | 10