MSA Consulting, Inc.MSA Consulting, Inc. 34200 Bob Hope Drive Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (760) 320 - 9811 mwitherspoon@msaconsultinginc.com August 20, 2019 Bryan McKinney, PE City Engineer City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Request for Proposals for On- Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services Work and Cost Proposal August 20, 2019 Mr. Bryan McKinney, P.E. City Engineer City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: Response to Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services Dear Mr. McKinney: In response to the Request for Proposals, MSA Consulting, Inc. is pleased to submit, on behalf of our team, our Work and Cost Proposal to provide On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services for various projects within the City of La Quinta. Having served the Coachella Valley since 1976, MSA has proudly participated in thousands of projects throughout the region, making us uniquely familiar with the issues unique to planning and environmental projects in our desert communities. Since MSA’s incorporation, we have enjoyed a very productive relationship with the City. Michelle Witherspoon, Director of Environmental Services will serve as primary point of contact for the City. She will be draw upon the resources of other key MSA staff including Jesús Herrera-Cortes and Scott Wieborg in the provision of responsive and thorough environmental services to the City. Our team brings the following key benefits to the City:  In-depth understanding of monitoring practices – For the past 10 years, MSA Consulting, Inc. has developed extensive expertise in inspection, recordkeeping, and reporting practices across various fields. MSA currently has a team of 8 environmental and utility service inspectors who conduct an average of 20 site visits per week throughout the Coachella Valley for a wide range of fields that include stormwater (NPDES) compliance, dust control (PM10) monitoring and recordkeeping, and utility coordination. In 2019, we are projected to perform over 1,040 inspections and site visits across the Coachella Valley. As such, MSA is uniquely positioned to adapt its staff to the City of La Quinta’s needed inspection services.  Industry Knowledge – Pertaining to NPDES compliance, MSA staff has served as the Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) or Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) for over 80 construction sites, ranging from 1 to 330 acres in size. Our weekly inspection services contract duration has ranged from 2 to 6 years, ensuring that the proper recordkeeping, communication, and compliance practices are achieved during the entire construction process. City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services  Local Knowledge – MSA has extensive knowledge of local environmental issues that affect the City through 40-years of experience in the Valley. Many MSA staff reside in La Quinta, making the provision of professional services a personal commitment to achieve a better community.  Long-term Satisfied Client – MSA prides itself on a high degree of Client loyalty arising from the strongly held commitment to professional service and Client satisfaction that undergirds all our work.  Full-Service Team – MSA offers a full complement of development professionals including planners, environmental experts, engineers, surveyors, landscape architects, and construction managers along with a trusted list of specialty consultants covering every major development and environmental discipline. MSA’s contract planning staff can tap into these resources for guidance when needed to develop integrated, implementable solutions to current and advanced planning challenges. If MSA is selected, Michelle will serve as primary point of contact with responsibility for contractual performance, project assignments and senior-level problem solving for ongoing municipal support services: Michelle Witherspoon, Director of Environmental Services mwitherspoon@msaconsultinginc.com MSA Consulting, Inc. 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760-320-9811 (office) This proposal has been prepared in compliance with the Request for Proposals (RFP) released May 14, 2019 and shall be valid for a period of 180 calendar days from the date of August 20, 2019. We acknowledge no Addendum has been released. After review of the City’s draft Professional Agreement provided in the Request for Proposals, MSA finds the provisions of the Agreement acceptable and to offer this proposal/qualification package to the City on behalf of MSA. We appreciate the opportunity to submit our proposal and qualifications for your consideration and look forward to continuing our professional relationship with the City. I, Julian A. De La Torre, by my signature below, do hereby attest that all information submitted herein is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Should you have any questions or require any further information please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, Julian A. De La Torre, P.E. President/Principal Engineer MSA Consulting, Inc. City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services TABLE OF CONTENTS WORK AND COST PROPOSAL Section A Qualifications, Related Experience and References 2 Firm Profile ...................................................................................... 2 References ...................................................................................... 3 Section B Proposed Staffing and Project Organization 4 Project Staffing Summary / Firm Administrator ................................ 4 Key Personnel ................................................................................. 5 Firm Organizational Chart ............................................................... 8 Section C Work Plan / Technical Approach 9 Project Understanding and Approach .............................................. 9 Project Management Tools Required from City ............................. 11 Project Management Tools ............................................................ 11 Section D Cost and Price 14 Hourly Rates Schedule .................................................................. 14 Appendix Staff Resumes Insurance Acknowledgement Signed Non-Collusion Affidavit Form City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services 2 Section A: Qualifications, Related Experience and References MSA Consulting, Inc. (MSA) is a multi-disciplinary Planning, Civil Engineering and Land Surveying firm providing professional services to public agencies, tribal interests and private development since 1976. MSA is the Coachella Valley’s largest locally owned, full- service consulting company, serving private and public Clients throughout Southern California and beyond. MSA became an employee-owned company with an ESOP Trust in 2016. In January 2019, MSA welcomed RGA Landscape Architects, Inc., the Coachella Valley’s leading Landscape Architecture firm, into the firm. MSA’s local presence in the Coachella Valley provides a large and diverse team with extensive knowledge relative to regional and local issues. The Environmental Department has historic knowledge of both the City and the Valley that is unique to the firm. The team has a vested interest in maintaining and enhancing the existing environment and systems of the City and the Coachella Valley. All employees are poised to respond immediately to any City needs. MSA staff has been deployed to over 120 individual sites to conduct the necessary reconnaissance, records search, and observations for the presence of p etroleum products, hazardous materials, and other recognized conditions of concern. MSA staff have been designated to perform daily fugitive dust control monitoring to projects totaling over 360 acres, conducting the proper field and office communication to keep the project developers and respective public agencies aware of the best management practices. MSA has applied Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to our inspection and monitoring practices, serving as the primary technology component to tracking these services. Recently, two MSA inspectors obtained their FAA certification to operate small unmanned aircraft (drones), increasing the inspection effectiveness and accuracy. Firm’s Complete Name MSA Consulting, Inc. Firm’s Date of Founding December 21, 1976 Firm’s Legal Form California Corporation Address of Corporate, and Only, Office 34200 Bob Hope Drive Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Number of Employees 65 Hours of Operation 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.; Monday through Friday City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services 3 As a result of maintaining high standards in work product, MSA has been consistently able to attract new and diverse projects from its solid Client core and their referrals. The firm provides a variety of knowledge and services that are applied to all projects. Included in the current staff of 65 are both AICP, LEED and QSD Accredited Professionals and Landscape Architects, as well as eight registered civil engineers and land surveyors. Equipped with state-of-the-art computer, color plotting, and surveying systems, MSA today continues to serve a broad range of repeat Clie ntele from small developers to the Federal government. Over the past 43 years, the firm has successfully completed over 2,500 projects and studies, involving the environmental analysis, planning, design, surveying or construction administration of public works, residential, institutional, resort, or commercial developments. MSA is actively involved in assisting local community groups through participation in organizations such as Urban Land Institute (ULI), Desert Valleys Builders Association (DVBA), American Planning Association (APA), Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP), U.S. Green Building Council, American Public Works Association (APWA), Desert Roundtable, California Land Surveyors Association, and American Society of Landscape Architects. MSA discloses no conditions (bankruptcy, pending litigation, planned office closures, mergers, etc.) or organizational conflicts of interest would affect MSA’s ability to perform the required duties. MSA is not debarred, suspended or otherwise declared ineligible to contract with any other federal, state or local public agency. We encourage the City to contact our client references to confirm our team’s performance. ▪ PM-10 and SWPPP Monitoring Private Development Contact: Bob Paradise Pulte Homes 27401 Los Altos Mission Viejo, CA 92692 951.258.6001 Bob.paradise@pultegroup.com ▪ SWPPP Monitoring Desert Community College District Contact: Ryan Lamb College of the Desert 43500 Monterey Avenue Palm Desert, CA 92260 760.776.7219 rlamb@bond.collegeofthedesert.edu City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services 4 ▪SWPPP Monitoring Affordable Housing Contact: Julie Bornstein, Executive Director Coachella Valley Housing Coalition 45-701 Monroe Street Plaza 1, Suite G Indio, CA 92201 760.347.3157 julie.bornstein@cvhc.org Section B: Proposed Staffing and Project Organization The MSA Team would be led by Michelle Wetherspoon, Director of Environmental Services, who will serve as Project Manager and the City’s primary contact. Her contact information follows: Ms. Michelle Witherspoon, Director of Planning Services 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760.320.9811 Mwitherspoon@msaconsultinginc.com Ms. Witherspoon will work closely with the City to ensure that project requirements are satisfied and share in the day-to-day responsibilities in his respective fields of expertise. MSA proposes to dedicate a staff of 8 for the implementation of this project with a variety of Licenses and Certifications including: 1 licensed engineer with expertise in stormwater, sewer design and site inspections; 3 QSD/QSP certified individuals for stormwater quality inspections; 2 Registered Environmental Property Assessors (REPA) for Hazardous Materials and 8 staff members experienced in site inspections. GIS hot spot map of project sites where MSA has recently performed routine monitoring and inspections City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services 5 Each assigned project team will take a hands -on approach to maintain in-depth and intimate knowledge of each project task. This approach improves overall project management and allows the team to provide timely and efficient services resulting in successful projects. All services will be performed in accordance with industry standard professional practices and in compliance with all City, County and State standards. Throughout the course of each project assignment, MSA will place emphasis on providing the most accurate and reasonable analysis of a project that also manages the City’s costs, eliminating the City’s exposure through good communication, problem solving and project monitoring. The uniform measure of a company’s competence is the ability to provide required services accurately, on-schedule and within budget. MSA personnel consider it his/her responsibility to follow the procedures set forth in MSA’s Quality Assurance program, as well as using common sense and good judgment during all facets of work. Resumes for the Key Personnel are in the Appendix. Julian A. De La Torre, P.E., President/Principal Engineer Mr. De La Torre, born and raised in the Coachella Valley, attended UCLA and graduated with an Engineering degree in 1983. He has been a Registered Civil Engineer since 1989. He joined MSA in 1995, serving as a Design Engineer and Senior Project Manager for a wide variety of public agency and private development projects. In 2007, Mr. De La Torre became the firm’s Vice President and Principal Engineer, serving as a key member of MSA’s management team, responsible for day-to-day management of multiple projects along with delivery of designs within time and budget. In April 2018, with over 35-years’ experience and a deep understanding of MSA, he became the firm’s President responsible for the firm’s overall vision, mission, values, and strategic goals. Michelle Witherspoon, Director of Environmental Services LEED AP BD+C, CPESC, WSD, REPA Certified Ms. Witherspoon joined the Planning Department of MSA Consulting in June of 2000. With a Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from CA State Polytechnic University, Pomona and a BS in Zoology from the University of Oklahoma, she enhances MSA’s ability to help Lead Agencies as well as Clients in identification of Environmental challenges and solutions that work. She was instrumental in the formation and management of Environmental Services in 2000 and GIS Services in 2005. She is responsible for all aspects of the firm’s environmental planning, including proposals, staffing and the technical integrity of completed documents. City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services 6 In addition, Ms. Witherspoon brings an understanding of the convergence of natural systems, technical research and planning. She is a LEED Accredited Professional, Registered Environmental Property Assessor, Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control, Qualified SWPPP Developer and holds a certification in Coachella Valley Fugitive Dust Control from South Coast Air Quality Management District and CALTRANS 24 Hour SWPPP Training. As Director of Environmental Services and a project manager for the firm, she oversees the preparation of the firm’s environmental documents/plans including CEQA Initial Studies and Environmental Impact Reports, NEPA Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements, PM-10 Fugitive Dust Mitigation Plans, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans, Water Quality Management Plans, Water Supply Assessments, Designated Waters Permitting and Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. In addition, she provides consultation for various Planning projects which have particularly challenging site assessment issues or environmental constraints. Ms. Witherspoon is an active member in the American Planning Association, the American Public Works Association, and the US Green Building Council. Jesús Herrera-Cortes, Senior Environmental Planner/GIS Analyst CPSWQ, QSD/QSP Certified Mr. Herrera-Cortes joined the Planning Department in April of 2008 as an Assistant Environmental Planner. Having received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from California State Polytechnic University in Pomona and his Minor in Geographic Information Systems, Mr. Herrera-Cortes provides our firm and our Clients with his expertise in Planning Law, Land Use and Transportation Planning, Urban Development, research methodology, and advanced GIS applications. His GIS Technology knowledge streamlines activities from planning and data collection to analysis, as-built surveying, and operations and maintenance. He has been recognized with numerous academic achievement awards. He is a member of the Inland Empire Section of the American Planning Association and a member of the Golden Key Honor Society. Scott Wieborg, Project Engineer Scott Wieborg joined MSA in 1995 after graduating from the University of California at Davis with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering. As a Project Engineer, he is experienced in various aspects of civil design, but primarily focuses on street design, grading and hydrology. He has worked on a variety of commercial, industrial, and residential civil engineering projects. He has been involved in such complex projects as the PSUSD District Operations Center, La Quinta Corporate Yard and Fire Station, Mountain Gate, the Palm Springs Convention Center, College of the Desert West Valley Campus and Carlos Ortega Villas. Mr. Wieborg is a Licensed Civil Engineer in the State of California, LEED AP BD+C, CPESC, and REPA. City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services 7 Asia Lee, Assistant Environmental Planner Ms. Lee joined MSA Consulting, Inc. as an Assistant Environmental Planner after earning her Bachelor of Arts degree in Earth and Environmental Science from the University of California, Irvine, with minors in Global Sustainability and Urban Planning Policy and Design. In addition to her academic successes, Asia enhanced her leadership abilities as a Director of Internal Philanthropy and Watchcare at UC Irvine along with her participation as Campus Affairs Commissioner for The Green Initiative Fund. Asia currently assists in the preparation and processing of the firm’s Environmental documents/plans including CEQA and NEPA Analyses, PM -10 Fugitive Dust Mitigation Plans, NPDES Construction and Management Permits, Designated Waters Permitting, Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and Specific Plans. Her strong leadership, technical knowledge and creative abilities provide inspiration and motivation to a well-rounded Environmental Team. Jonathan Reisfeld, Assistant Environmental Planner Mr. Reisfeld joined MSA Consulting, Inc. as an Assistant Environmental Planner after earning his Bachelor of Sciences degree in Environmental Studies from Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon and his GIS certification from California State University in Los Angeles. Jonathan assists in the preparation and processing of the firm’s Environmental documents/plans including CEQA and NEPA Analyses, PM-10 Fugitive Dust Mitigation Plans, NPDES Construction and Management Permits, Designated Waters Permitting, Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and Specific Plans. His writing skills and varied technical expertise, including his knowledge and application of all Microsoft Office programs and ArcGIS, strengthens the MSA Team. Gabe Rosales, Utilities Coordinator Mr. Rosales joined MSA in February of 2014 to assist the MSA Utility Department with utility research and coordination services along with varied CAD tasks. His responsibilities include preparation of electronci base plans, design coordination services, and utility conflict studies. In 2004, Mr. Rosales earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration from the California State University of Fullerton. To add to his technical skills, Mr. Rosales is fluent in Spanish and is a past recipient of the Viva Magazine “30 under 30” honoring top young entrepreneurs. Not only is he a member of the American Marketing Association and Business Inter-Club Council at the California State University of Fullerton, he has volunteered his time at the YMCA of the Desert in Palm Springs, CA and at Camp Titan Youth Sports Camp in Fullerton, CA for underprivileged children. City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services 8 Michael Schreiber, Utilities Coordinator Mr. Schreiber performs utility research, coordination and varied CAD related tasks on behalf of both private and public clientele. His responsibilities include preparation of electronic base plans, design coordination services, utility conflict studies and preparation of cost estimates. Michael earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from California State University of Fullerton and performed graduate work in the field of Restaurant Management at UCLA. To add to his technical skills and proficiency in AutoCAD, SketchUp, and Photo Top digital templating, Mr. Schreiber uses his knowledge and writing skills freelancing for Examiner.com. The following table reflects the key MSA Consulting, Inc. team members who may be involved in any of the City’s requests: Staff Member Title Description of Tasks Environmental / GIS Support / Monitoring Support Michelle Witherspoon Director of Environmental Services Environmental Documents; Plans Content and Compliance Jesus Herrera-Cortez Senior Environmental Planner / GIS Analyst Environmental Monitoring; GIS Scott Wieborg Project Engineer Environmental and Engineering Documents Asia Lee Assistant Environmental Planner Environmental Monitoring, Writing and Support Jonathan Reisfeld Assistant Environmental Planner Environmental Monitoring, Writing and Support Gabe Rosales Utilities Coordinator Site Inspections Michael Schreiber Utilities Coordinator Site Inspections Technical Support Julian A. De La Torre, P.E. President / Principal Engineer Senior Advisor; Engineering; Hydrology Mike Rowe, P.E. Vice President / Principal Engineer Senior Advisor; Engineering; Grading; Utilities Paul DePalatis, AICP Vice President / Director of Planning Services Project Manager; Senior Oversight City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services 9 Chuck Harris, RLS Survey and Mapping Director Senior Advisor; Survey and Mapping Derek Gallerani Environmental/Planning CADD Technician Environmental/Planning Graphics For a complete description of the entire MSA Team please visit our website at www.msaconsultinginc.com Section C: Work Plan / Technical Approach The City of La Quinta National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Sy stem (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program Requirements are defined in the Whitewater River Region Storm Water Management Program SWMP). MSA provides a menu of services to maintain compliance in an electronic system that is easily acc essed by the City for each of the program elements. In general, the City’s primary requirement under the MS4 program is to ensure that pollutants of concern are not discharged into the ground, groundwater or the Whitewater River/Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel. MSA Consulting utilizes a custom in- house GIS compliance program to assist our clients with permit implementation during the construction and post construction life of a project. Our existing system includes features such as mapped project boundaries, storm drainpipes and structures such as conventional curb catch basins, dry wells, Proprietary BMPs, infiltration swales and basins. MSA includes BMPs in the database that are part of Final Site and Sewer designs such as garbage enclosures, grease interceptors and water clarifiers. These components are also important in maintaining stormwater compliance. These facilities are converted from ACAD to GIS format following the approval of improvement plans. Baseline information is derived from MSA’s projects in the Coachella Valley since 1976. This data management program will enable City representatives, MSA staff or approved third parties to upload and link photos and documents associated with each program element on the online data management system. Documents include inspection sheets and data, action items, response dates and site contacts. This program includes a built - in ArcGIS Map Interface for use in the field or in the office. GIS representation of 494 registered food facilities within the City of La Quinta City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services 10 Program Elements and Associated Services/Tasks 1. Program Management: • Upload and Maintain documentation including Organization, implementation agreements, meeting agendas, and correspondence pertaining to project changes or input. 2. Commercial/Industrial/UST Program: • Add GPS Location of Projects to WebMap. • Maintain documentation associated with existing permits including inspections, enforcement, action items and site contacts. 3. Permittee Facilities and Operations: • Add Schematic GPS mapping of City owned and maintained Post construction BMPs at Maintenance Yards and other locations determined by City. 4. Water Quality Monitoring Report: • Maintain a Secure Website for City Management, input and reporting. 5. Annual Report. • Compile information in approved format for review and inclusion in the Annual Report submittal to RCFC Scope: Task 1: Meet with City Staff to compile all existing information, CAD files, scheduling, site contact information, etc. previously utilized for Site Management. Upload GPS location of Facilities and link documentation to WebMap/Database. Coordinate re: format of documents. (Proposal based upon an estimated number of facilities, coordination with City Staff, upload of existing information and preparation of WebMap/Database) Task 1.1: Create Electronic Inspection Forms based on the City’s Stormwater Compliance Survey forms format and add to inspection database. Task 1.2: Develop schedule of inspections, complying with the requirements of the Whitewater River Region NPDES MS4 Permit for all the food facilities and hazard ous materials/Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) facilities in the City that are permitted by Riverside County Department of Environmental Health (DEH). Task 2: Site Inspections. (Proposal based on number of inspection sites in City with two site visits per year). Task 2.1: Perform Inspections as required by the Whitewater River Region NPDES MS4 Permit using the converted Stormwater Compliance Survey forms and provide inspection forms to the City. Task 2.2: Facility inspections, schedules, inspection dates, action and response items will be uploaded immediately following completion, throughout the year. MSA will upload and link ongoing activity documents to the GPS locations on the WebMap/Database. City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services 11 Task 2.3: Coordinate with City’s Code Enforcement Division when violations occurs to ensure they have been corrected. Task 3: Conduct updates to WebMap/Database by coordination with the City’s Permit Center on new business licenses issued to food facilities and/or coordinate with DEH on new permitted food and hazardous materials facilities. Task 3.1: Consultation with City Staff for unanticipated site changes and revisions to the WebMap. Task 3.2: Compile information into Annual Report Format, provide to City for review and approval, for submittal to RCFC. Task 4: Miscellaneous consultation and assistance relative to Permit implementation and compliance issues, web mapping. MSA will require the City to provide the following: ▪ Desk and internet access (when Staff required to be present at City). ▪ Access to City forms and sample documents in electronic format. ▪ Access to City data files if GIS mapping is requested. ▪ Staff collaboration and direction as needed to facilitate project work. ▪ Authority to enter inspection sites. The set of techniques and methodologies used by MSA to manage projects are governed by the high level of complexity and low error tolerance on representative projects. To make sure that scopes for every project are completed in a timely and professional manner, MSA’s project management will include the following processes. ▪ Contract Administration Each individual agreement is reviewed in detail to ensure compliance with specific requirements. Special attention is given to City processes, project products, financial reporting and other requirements. ▪ Project Initiation Project Manager will hold a team kick-off meeting to coordinate contact information, communication protocols; chain of command within both the City staff and teams; anticipated project schedules; clarification of scope items, expectations of the City not expressed in the RFP; known public concerns to be addressed; data collection from City; identification of all products required, and other items as applicable. City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services 12 ▪ Project Timeline For each assigned project, identify project milestones and target dates. Microsoft Project software is available for use at project initiation if necessary, for complex projects. Tasks, resources, project interdependencies of events and tasks, and constraints are identified and updated as the project progresses. The resulting Gantt chart easily displays the critical path, project schedule and project status. ▪ Project Review MSA possesses Blubeam Revu Standard software that will be used for electronic review of plans and maps. ▪ Geographical Information Systems MSA’s Geographical Information Services (GIS) Group offers dynamic “state of the art” spatial technology to manage, visualize, and interpret data to better understand the physical environment and manage municipal land use and urban infrastructure systems. MSA has access to more than 125 thematic data layers, which equates to over 1,000 different information variables extending over thousands of square miles using data from reliable agencies such as the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of Interior, California Spatial Information Library and Riverside County GIS Department. Services offered: ▪ Exhibits and Mapping ▪ Data Management ▪ Site Inspections ▪ Utility Systems ▪ Environmental Constraints ▪ Custom Exhibits Project Spotlight: CVAG “CV Link” Project GIS Support The Parkway 1e11 project demonstrates the extent of MSA’s GIS mapping and data management capabilities. Parkway 1e11 is a regional multipurpose trail project that runs the length of the Coachella Valley, passing through all 9 valley cities. MSA has provided GIS support by collecting data and preparing baseline exhibits showing adjacent landowners and stakeholders, existing or proposed rights-of-way and easement constraints along the proposed route alignments. City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services 13 ▪ Coordination/Meetings Effective communication and coordination with City Staff is essential to properly manage the inspection and reporting program and minimize conflict and delay. This is achieved by close working relationships with key team members and regular tracking of progress in working toward upcoming milestones. Participation in meetings will occur as needed and MSA is centrally located in the Valley for prompt response to City meeting requests. ▪ Action Items Identify and communicate special property concerns and potential Action Items, if applicable. Ideally, potential impacts would be identified early, and Action Items addressed in a timely manner. ▪ Quality Assurance/Quality Control MSA has an established QA/QC program to ensure deliverables are complete, accurate and withstand internal peer review. This Program provides a strategy and framework for continuously improving performance across the full spectrum of services. MSA personnel consider it his/her responsibility to follow the procedures set forth in MSA’s Program, as well as using common sense and good judgment du ring all facets of work. ▪ Documentation MSA understands the value of accurate and reliable documentation. MSA documentation will be thorough including e-mail correspondence, contracts, sub- consultant contracts, agendas, meeting notes, schedules, plans, ins pection sheets and action item documentation. All documentation will be available in commonly accepted format. ▪ Financial MSA effectively works with project support staff to monitor and control projects to achieve financial targets. Team members will have the ability to effectively monitor the budget of each project using company software that will track the budget at a detailed task level. Project reports can be generated at any time to measure project performance against each individual project budget. ▪ Mentoring MSA mentors and coaches project team members and provides constructive feedback on team member performance. ▪ Relationships MSA maintains good relationships with City personnel, agency contacts, consultants, subconsultants, and project team members through continual communication and coordination. City of La Quinta – Request for Proposals for On-Call Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services 14 Section D: Cost and Price The following is a summary of costs to provide the services outlined in the Request for Proposal (RFP) for On-Stormwater Compliance Inspection Services a nd will be used as the basis for negotiating a Professional Services Ag reement (PSA): Environmental / GIS Support / Monitoring Support Hourly Rate Director of Environmental Services $185.00 Environmental Planner / GIS Specialist $140.00 Project Engineer $155.00 Assistant Environmental Planner $105.00 CADD Technician $115.00 Technical Support Principal Engineer $230.00 Director of Planning $220.00 Director of Survey and Mapping $220.00 Director of Design Services $220.00 CADD Technician $115.00 Reimbursables Cost per Unit B/W Print $0.10 Color Print $0.15 B/W Bond $0.50 per sq. ft. Color Bond $0.75 per sq. ft. Mylar $3.00 per sq. ft. Item Description Unit Unit Cost Food Establishment Inspection EA Site Visit $350 Hazardous Material / Underground Tank Facility Inspection EA Site Visit $350 Labor, materials and incidental expenses such as vehicle mileage, postage, and toll calls are included in the above referenced rates. Consultant may request a price adjustment not to exceed the Bureau of Labor Statistic's Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the LA/Riverside/Anaheim region for the prior 12 -month period effective on the anniversary date of the contract. Optional renewal years and any associated CPI increases are at the mutual consent of the City and Contractor. APPENDIX MSA CONSULTING, INC. Director of Environmental Services Michelle Witherspoon Ms. Witherspoon has over 20 years’ experience understanding the convergence of natural systems, technical research and planning for land development. She joined MSA Consulting, Inc. in 2000 as a member of the Planning Department and was instrumental in the formation and management of Environmental Services in 2001 and GIS Services in 2005. With a Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from CA State Polytechnic University, Pomona and a BS in Zoology from the University of Oklahoma, she enhances MSA’s ability to help Lead Agencies as well as clients in identification of Environmental challenges and solutions that work. As Director of Environmental Services and a project manager for the firm, she oversees the preparation of the firm’s environmental documents/plans including, but not limited to: CEQA Initial Studies, Environmental Impact Reports, NEPA Environmental Assessments, Environmental Impact Statements, Fugitive Dust Control Plans, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans, Water Quality Management Plans, Water Supply Assessments, Designated Waters Permitting and Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. In addition, she provides consultation for various projects which have particularly challenging site assessment issues or environmental constraints. EXPERIENCE Morongo Entertainment Center – NEPA EA, SWPPP Cabazon Imagine Schools – CEQA MND, Indio North City Extended SP – CEQA EIR, WSA, Annexation, Cathedral City Children’s Museum of the Desert- CEQA MND, QSD SWPPP, Rancho Mirage Coachella Valley Housing Coalition – CEQA MND, WQMP, QSD/QSP, Indio College of the Desert Campuses – QSD/QSP, Palm Desert Annenberg Center at Sunnylands – WQMP, QSD/QSP, Rancho Mirage DHS Boys and Girls Club – QSD SWPPP Indian Wells Tennis Garden – CEQA EIR Addendum, Indian Wells Rancho MIrage Section 19 – CEQA EIR Peer Review, Rancho Mirage Riverside Convention Center- WQMP, SWPPP, Riverside Van Horn Youth Center – QSD SWPPP, Riverside County CVLink – GIS, Coachella Valley Palm Springs Park – WQMP, SWPPP, Palm Springs On-Call Environmental Consultant – City of Palm Springs On-Call Environmental Consultant – City of Desert Hot Springs On-Call Environmental Consultant – City of La Quinta Michelle Witherspoon joined MSA enhance MSA’s ability to help Lead Agencies as well as clients in identification of Environmental challenges and solutions that work. EDUCATION M.A. Urban and Regional Planning, Cal Poly Pomona B.S. Zoology, University of Oklahoma EXPERIENCE 20+ years PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS • Coachella Valley Fugitive Dust Control Certification CV1502- 001721-1803 • Certified Professional In Erosion and Sediment Control #5971 • Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioner #20152 • LEED AP BD+C #10187135-AP-BD+C • Registered Environmental Property Assessor #897425 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS • American Planning Assn • APWA • US Green Building Council • Association of Environmental Professionals EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning; California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Minor in Geographic Information Systems; California State Polytechnic University, Pomona PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS • Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality #1173 • Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioner #20152 • Coachella Valley Fugitive Dust Control Certification CV1902- 007669-7714 EXPERIENCE 11 years SKILLS • Bilingual: English; Spanish • Advanced Analysis: ArcGIS Pro, ArcMap, ArcGIS Online, Survey 123, ArcGIS Collector, Web Mapping Applications • California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod) • Advanced spatial and statistical analysis using U.S. Census Bureau Data • Exceptional writing skills PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS • Member Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) MSA CONSULTING, INC. Senior Environmental Planner/GIS Analyst Jesús Herrera-Cortes Mr. Herrera-Cortes joined MSA in April of 2008 after graduating from Cal Poly Pomona’s College of Environmental Design with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Urban and Regional Planning and Summa Cum Laude honors. At Cal Poly Pomona, Jesus also earned a Minor in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with an emphasis on environmental and land use modeling applications. Jesus is a Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality (CPSWQ #1173) and a Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioner (QSD/QSP #26933). While at MSA, Mr. Herrera-Cortes has applied his analytical skills to develop expertise in various key areas of environmental planning and compliance. In over 11 years at MSA, Jesus has prepared a variety of environmental documents for complex projects, including Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs) in multiple regions, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), Fugitive Dust Control Plans, Air Quality Emissions Modeling, CEQA Initial Studies, NEPA Environmental Assessments, NPDES Permit Registration Documents, and collaborative CEQA EIR writing. Jesus has also helped manage NPDES compliance monitoring for over 40 construction projects, coordinating with agency representatives, project owners, and contractors to maintain compliance. Mr. Herrera-Cortes has also contributed expertise to GIS mapping projects that include farmland management, risk assessments, environmental resources visualizations, private land management, HOA mapping, and site suitability planning. He has also served as the GIS specialist for the CV Link Master Plan, the AQMD Mobile Home Paving Project for the Eastern Coachella Valley, and Coachella Stormwater Master Plan. EXPERIENCE Indio Water Authority; Ave 40 and Monroe Water Line Extension, Indio Vista Chino Bridge/CNS Engineering, Palm Springs Andalusia at Coral Mountain, La Quinta Valley Sanitary District Requa Interceptor, Indio The Palms at La Quinta Retirement Community, La Quinta Watermarke (Beazer Homes), La Quinta Villa Hermosa Apartments (Fred Young Farmworker Apartments), Indio Coral Mountain Apartments, La Quinta Signature at PGA West, La Quinta Trilogy at the Polo Club, Indio Griffin Ranch, La Quinta Desert Palisades, Palm Springs EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, University of California at Davis UCLA, Luskin School of Public Affairs Urban and Reginal Planning EXPERIENCE 24 years PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS • Professional Engineer in Civil Engineering No C 80375 • Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control No. 5903 • LEED AP BD+C No 10320898 • QSD/QSP Certificate No 24755 • REPA No 88696 • IGP CBPELSG • Member, Association of Environmental Professionals MSA CONSULTING, INC. Project Engineer Scott Wieborg As a Project Engineer, Mr. Wieborg has gained over 20 years’ experience with MSA; he is a Licensed Civil Engineer in the State of California, LEED AP BD+C, CPESC, and REPA. He is experienced in various aspects of civil design, but primarily focuses on street design, grading , hydrology and storm drain. Utilizing his credentials earned relating to environmental document preparation, Mr. Wieborg can assess each project on an engineering and environmental level. He has worked on a variety of commercial, industrial, and residential civil engineering projects. He has been involved in such complex projects as the PSUSD District Operations Center, La Quinta Corporate Yard and Fire Station, Mountain Gate, the Palm Springs Convention Center, College of the Desert West Valley Campus and Carlos Ortega Villas. EXPERIENCE District Operations Center, Palm Springs Unified School District Hi-Desert Medical Center, Joshua Tree, CA Griffin Ranch, La Quinta, CA Palm Springs Convention Center, Palm Springs, CA Hyatt Grand Champions Hotel, Indian Wells, CA The Gallery, Palm Desert, CA Castilla, La Quinta, CA Carlos Ortega Villas, Palm Desert, CA Riverside Convention Center, Riverside, CA Van Horn Youth Treatment and Education Center, Riverside, CA Palm Springs Aerial Tramway Hilltrac People Mover Feasibility EDUCATION B.A. Earth and Environmental Science, University of California, Irvine FIRM EXPERIENCE 2 years PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS Coachella Valley Fugitive Dust Control Certification CV1803- 006007-6065 MSA CONSULTING, INC. ASSISTANT ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER Asia Lee Ms. Lee joined MSA Consulting, Inc. with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Earth and Environmental Science from the University of California, Irvine , with minors in Global Sustainability and Urban Planning Policy and Design . As an Assistant Environmental Planner, Ms. Lee contributes organizational, technical writing, and interpersonal communications skills to the MSA team in developing environmental documents, submitting environmental packages, researching regulatory and environmental rules and interfacing with Clients, agency staff and governmental officials. In addition to the work she completes in the office, Asia also conducts routine Fugitive Dust (PM10) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) inspections at various construction sites throughout the Coachella Valley. EDUCATION B.S. Environmental Studies, Southern Oregon University, Ashland, Oregon Minor in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from California State University Los Angeles FIRM EXPERIENCE 2 years AFFILIATIONS Drone: DJI Mavic Pro American Planning Association Association of Environmental Professionals MSA CONSULTING, INC. ASSISTANT ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER Jonathan Reisfeld Mr. Reisfeld joined MSA Consulting, Inc. with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Studies from Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon . As an Assistant Environmental Planner, Mr. Reisfeld contributes organizational, technical writing, and interpersonal communications skills to the MSA team in developing environmental documents, submitting environmental packages, project environmental monitoring (Fugitive Dust Control Monitoring), researching regulatory and environmental rules and interfacing with Clients, agency staff and governmental officials , and GIS applications. In addition to document preparation, he utiliz es his FAA Remote Pilots Certification to analyze project sites during environmental monitoring procedures. EDUCATION B.A., Business Administration, California State University of Fullerton FIRM EXPERIENCE 5 years MSA CONSULTING, INC. Utilities Coordinator Gabe Rosales Mr. Rosales joined MSA in February of 2014 to assist the MSA Utility Department with utility research and coordination services along with varied CAD tasks. His responsibilities include preparation of electronic base plans, design coordination services, an d utility conflict studies. In 2004, Mr. Rosales earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration from the California State University of Fullerton. To add to his technical skills, Mr. Rosales is fluent in Spanish and is a past recipient of the Viva Magazine “30 under 30” honoring top young entrepreneurs. Not only is he a member of the American Marketing Association and Business Inter -Club Council at the California State University of Fullerton, he has volunteered his time at the YMCA of the De sert in Palm Springs, CA and at Camp Titan Youth Sports Camp in Fullerton, CA for underprivileged children . EXPERIENCE Westin Desert Willow Villas, Palm Desert Trilogy at La Quinta, Shea Homes, La Quinta Linea, Alta Verde Group, Palm Springs Villa Hermosa (Fred Young Farmworker Housing), CVHC, Indio SOL Palm Springs, Palm Springs Revelle, Rancho Mirage PS Modern Homes - Kaptur Court, Palm Springs The Palms at La Quinta, Retirement Residence, La Quinta The Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands, Rancho Mirage Griffin Ranch, La Quinta Trilogy at the Polo Club, Shea Homes, Indio 750 Lofts, Mixed Use Project, Palm Springs 18@Twin Palms, Palm Springs Modern, Palm Springs Villa Portofino, Palm Desert Indian Wells Crossing, Retail/Commercial Development, Indian Wells Desert Palisades, Palm Springs Carlos Ortega Villas, Palm Desert CVHC March Veterans Village, March Air Force Base, Riverside City of Palm Springs On-Call Engineering Services EDUCATION B.A. Political Science, California State University of Fullerton FIRM EXPERIENCE 2 years AFFILIATIONS 2019 Board Member – Desert Contractors’ Association MSA CONSULTING, INC. Utilities Coordinator Michael Schreiber Mr. Schreiber performs utility research, coordination and varied CAD related tasks on behalf of both private and public clientele. His responsibilities include preparation of electronic base plans, design coordination services, utility conflict studies and preparation of cost estimates. Michael earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from California State University of Fullerton and performed graduate work in th e field of Restaurant Management at UCLA. To add to his technical skills and proficiency in AutoCAD, SketchUp, and Photo Top digital templating, Mr. Schreiber uses his knowledge and writing skills freelancing for Examiner.com . EXPERIENCE Desert Princess Arroyos, Cathedral City Spotlight 29 Casino, Coachella College of the Desert – Well Site, Palm Desert 64 @ The Riv, Palm Springs Insurance Acknowledgement: After review of Exhibit E, Insurance Requirements in the City’s draft Professional Agreement, MSA acknowledges the requirements and can meet them should we be successful in our proposal efforts.