MUP 99-139roe, l-'g cne..pe►�TA MAY 14 RfCp s w SL%ILD tt�U - 78-495 ZALLE TAMPICO —` LA OUINTA., CALIFORNIA' 92.253 - (760) 7.7x7-7000 „ FAX (760) 777-7101 - TDD. (760).777-1227 .May 13, 1999... . Mr: Dwayne.Borg Turpin.Constructio'n - 78420 Ca11e Estado, Suite#206 La Quints,: California 92253 SUBJECT MINOR`USE PERNIT99=-139 Dear Mr. Borg: The Community=Development;Department has approved your request to'estabhsh a temporary office trailer (8' by-12,')� during construction of 'a new house at '78=633 Peerless Place, subject to the following conditions: 1. Obtain a building permit. 2. Provide restroom facilities io•accommodate on site construction- workers.`` 3. Mounted on the exterior :of the-frailer `close to the front:: door shall be a written notice providing'emergencypersonnel your 24,hour emergency. phone. number they can call in case problems arise that'rieed your prompt attention�(i; minimum F' high,lefters). 4. Install: one 2Al0BC •fire extinguisher'insidethe trailer:by-the, front exit:door. 5. No temporary, signs are permitted- unless`separately approved by this Department. 6. Removal of the temporary'frailer, is'required,.on November 15,.1999, unless a time extension is applied for and granted by this Department: The Community Development Director may r. extend the pernuf forlanotl er six-,month period if construction- activities are still occurring. No fee is,charged`to;extend this permit. 7. Dust control .measures shall>be implemented to reduce and control blowing sand. 8. The City may elect toad&Conditions'to'this, applicati6wrequest to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein: MUP99-13943 MAILING ,ADDRESS P.O..BOX` 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 rJ J. 'Out RECEIVED ;-_71999 Q [Com'nibmt-V Dey'elopment,DeDaftment ;..78495 Calle Tainpica;., 1, La Winta; Cdfi,bmi�,-a 9� 25 3 i ,777-7:125FAX: (760) APPLICAT16'NtOR. MlNlQR,,USETERMlT APPROVAL ABNOR USE PERAHT applications are reviewed and approved dty Development Director pursuant `.� by.th6Commur to Section 9.210.020, of the ZoPimg-,.Code. The purpose bf he review is toensure that land uses requiring the permit tSL do not have an adveVs�"' ' impact- onsurroundin9 resideh 'propiqies, or businesses.' -.4 APPLICANT Turpin Constructlon' (Print), MAILINGADDRESS 78-1,20 Calle Est:Ad6,,.. Suite,,,206, 77`7'=761 T.: ,CITY, STATE, ZT. La'Quinta, _CK'�,92283,.- Fix No. ( 760) 777-7613 'PROPERTY OWNER, (If different):' D6d _g DeC pees (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: 1601 Dove. Street,.,,Sdite '110Pfibne No (949) 252-1271- CITY, STATE, ZIP:. Newport Beach, CA,. '92260 'Fax PNo. (9 49) 252-1458 PROJECT LOCATION:-. 78-633 Peer le s S.4P.1 efce (The Traditip.ps PROPOSED USE-,AND/OR CONSTRUCTION .(Including -,Operati6ngiI ififormat'i6n).- Temporary use of 8X,12 skid. mount 'con:,tructidft offi6e.by "Commercial Moble S'ys tew.11..' -electrical and telephone. Other utilities' prdi d4d as, temporary ..services to site. Est.. 12, months.,'' (attach sheets if needed1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT -& 'TRACT OR. A. P. Lot 34, Tract .2,8,47.0-1 my 0? 1999 A I Minor Use Permit I )"OF LAMINT-A t: SUBMISSIONAEOUIREMENTS: ❑. Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans. (as determined by Community. Development staff. Five (5) sets of plans on' 8'/z", x'l�'l'.'P sheet or. folded down to 8'/r'.'- x' 11". ❑ Filing fee. for. Muior Use Permit. If fiLng multiple applications, the most expensive, application will be charged full, fee,- .,kithremaining related applieattons;discounted 50W or each. This discount.'does not .apply to Environmental Iriforriiation form. NAME OF APPLICANT . Turpin '.Cons,trudt:ion �. ;'(Please.Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ' w DATE 5/5/99 NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER. Doua DeCitces (Please Print) ,. SIGNATURE_OF PROPERTY OWNER(S)-.: . IF NOT SAME AS' APPLICANT :DATE (Signature pra►�rdes consentfor., pplicant to use site for proposed activity). G'r//T- DATE 5/5/99 (Separate weitten;authority by owner to submit application maybe provided) NOTE: FALSE, OR°MISLEADING INFO;RMATI`ON GNEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE .. GROUNDS FOR.,DENYING APPLICATION. A18\Minor Use Permit . 1'P-iR—c J-1777 11 - 44 rRUI•I Uel. 1•nces • rropert i•eS I u 1 (00 (Y ( (b1J r.V. tsox 7g0- U 3/ l 5/ 9 9 PjvW8 de, CA 92502-0790 (°Q9) 7W2500 cxuru4m PKW w r:nonCOMMERCIAL'MOBILE SY$TEMStreinatter aled"foideration of the,conditipns and spuitoaeaste of :edescbed below b: ris'hereinafter Set PO -Sox 790 1601.` vove:_ s -t e¢.t. Sui.ta, .175 CA 92502 AND .909-788-2500 Haat AQ: ton Neapo4-t. Se ach, CQ 92660 FAX: 909-788-5050 94.9-252-1271: Ja4a G"ma:m FAX: Hereinafter referred to a$'the'"OWNER" WHEREBY I7 IS I1CiREEp',gS FpLlpyyg He reteired to as the "LESSEE" The Owner leases to ft- Losse anQyths Lessee mrstrt rents bora the 001insr the E of merit descrl alterations. additions or Imprwemerlts ltow or hereafter affixed hereto (the' 4 P. bed below toge(her.with any parts and accessories. cot merming on the "Start Date" and su "Egtlrpment'7 for the minimum number of manMs set out below (the "Urrns'7 continue to Kase the equipment desi8nated h�reitl aftt er hem cot►ii�llona set outln tiffs Lease incltldlrjg'thioee Printed on the back of this page. Lessee may expiration dela; under he tertne Of Paragraph 11,Ieverse sid9.;A written notice of termination Leasee thi 30 d onto termination date;is' red on all 1pps bv D"C�p on: .8 x 12 Sh t.d AMSl 0� S �t i,.c= * 99!r2659 7<8 6 3 3 P �✓vL8:Q P4Qce M' s -AKD """"CIL C 0 : r« W.a».. LCL QILt /1.ZrQ, r CCL i $ d, OJppj I ACCE SORMS SUPPLIED WrfH EQUIPMENT SPECL L TEPJ5., AND CONDI CINS QJSIRiJ(."! la�yg . THE TERMS AND COND1170NS SET FORTH:, Lesm shail be liable for any damages k) hwnh uPm returnof the equtpnpnt. N Immicable, amountto be ash af.flitfe r Condition al ".Of acceptance and releaee;by Lessee must also torovlde a Cert ' Authorized Agerij - - WHITE — COMMERCIAL MOBILE SYSTEMS. WITH AND FORM PART OF THIS LEASE.. 16 fdr•.eeoh unit not retun* in clean condition, to be paid —• '•'� Date/:/ Title CN•lARy --ACCOUNTING PINK — CUSTOMER Y., nlHrt—c:i-1777 I r • LJ rmulli Uet-InceS rropert les zBPI n , Irthv.L1IV14 uvILr tL'vc ® fOli.704.G?70 U7/U7ILi Y7 IL: 17 Ly :UIlUI NU: 4:)D i - ..-- --- 1 = - 1 1.. 1 , 1 ` �.11r a '1 , (` ,- I ' • � I1 , C � t IIII. 11 ' 1 s •^ ' _ . pyo F.r ;1• E a::';.1" 1 _ 1 -9601 1 tam 40 It Mwrr YM4�tlY0M ' 1.1 1 p Y 1• 1 ._E 11 1 �l� Y - 1 1, i 0 Y 41 O;0 Y 1 As 1 �ww" Oil am It t 3 \ \ r =fflo 0 V� ^ 9 4