SFD-14-559 Soil Engineering ReportR -GE 0!m!1E-.T:.K.,A, "I"Nt. EsUNish6d'1965 Soil Engihee-,Fi'rig'An.d.-..G,eo:logy Material Tdstijn,g` arfcl,- Insp.,ep'ti.ons T39 N. Main Streeit, Oran§e, CA 92868 9' Phone (714) M 6911 s Emaifl: geo6tka@aol.com PRELIM ARY-.-* - C�7 FOUNDATION . -SOIL EXPLORATION I " AT 788I.S.Pina nt Ca.liftm ...92 16': -253 RECD\Vt� � 12014 FOR}J�JVR qT � \-N Q, cl 0DE\J�- Land 7M.-beveippment. 611 Lido F-..;Ork:Diiv-.e-'2C' e p Newpoit'13 - - h" Cali ornia 926.63 Ac7 CI 0j-Bqt-6­,Mreky�1-20-13 QL r� -0, BLJILDING'Jdb:No. F,11 1,4il -1 APpR SAFETY DEPT. FOR cOj VED Y O'j DING7at ob pp R �O 5 NNI s M 2 J4 _O SA�OE D PT C ED UCTION DATE ri TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No.: F-11410-14 PAGE NO. Scope......................................................................................................... 1 ProposedConstruction ................................................................................... 1 SiteCondition ............................................................................................... 1 Soil Condition ........................................................ ........ 2 Exploration.................................................................................................. 2 LaboratoryTesting ........................................................................................ 2 Conclusions................................................................................................. 3 Suitability of the Project ........................................................................ 3 Strength Characteristics ....................................................................... 3 ExpansionPotential ............................................................................. 4 ChemicalTest Data ............................................................................. 4 PlasticityIndex .................................................................................... 4 Seismic Parameters ............... .............................................................. 5 Recommendations........................................................................................ 5 FoundationDesign ......................................... I .................................... 5 BearingValues .................................................................................. 5 Settlement — Total Differential (static) ...................................................... 6 EarthPressure .................................................................................... 6 Slabon Grade .................................................................................... 6 SwimmingPool .................................................................................... 6 Demolition and Tree Removal (if needed) ...................................................... 8 Grading ........................................ .......... ......... 8 BUILD'i QUINTA -AP SAFEVY RCPT f -0R ppt iovEf) CONSTRUC110N DATE I GEO-ETKA INC. Job.No.: F-11410=14 DESCRIPTION PLATES Plot Plan "A" Boring Logs °B-1" through "B=3" Shear Curve "C" Consolidation Curves "D-1" through "Q73" Swimming Pool Design Criteria Detail "SPDCD" APPENDICES I Soil Classification and Sampler II Limitations REFERENCE Soil Engineering Report for 0.418 acr.e parcel. located at Avenue ;52 and Jefferson Street by Buena Engineers, Inc., Report. No:: B -1'6006-P1 dated. 02-25-86. crr BUILO; j� e SAFETYiJIr° TA DCF'T. 3 CONST RU LIj ' LDATEI::� BY } II .GEO-ETKA, INC. JohNo.: F=11410-14 Scope. This report . presents the results' of our Foundation -Soil`s 'Exploration of the site of the proposed construction.to:be located at 78815.Pina, La' Quint6;'California.92253. The physical. locatioln and. approximate: dimensions of, the -site are. shown on the attached Plot Plan, Plate "A". This plans. accuracy is' as good. as'was. submittedto our office, for dimension of the.property use plans by. surveyors or civil. engineers. An investigation wasauthorized to determine the.existing soil conditions at the site and to provide data and - specific recommendations relative to. the foundation design for the proposed structures) in accordanceith. our signed proposal dated402-28-14. Refer to Appendix II for an explanation of the limitations: inherent in the field. Proposed Construction Proposed plans are to construct a single farnily.,house with garages and a swimming pool. Driveways, planters and landscaping complete the: project. Wall and Column loads of"1500 to 2,500`p.l.f.' and 1016 25 kips, respectively, have been assumed and utilized in the preparation of this report. This preliminary report is issued for: the.. above. design..values. If the final project parameters, i.e. building size, building location; foundation loads. etc., vary significantly from those noted above this 'office. should be notified.. At -that -time, this report will be revised to comply with the new design values. This report is prepared for the client/owner, the_ project engineers and the governing agencies. Use of its contents, by third parties will be at'their own ri'sk:. Chemical .testing for -detection of hydrocarbons or other potential contaminants is beyond the scope of this report. Environmental'assessment-isnot a part -of the work undertaken. Site Condition The site of the proposed 'construction is a f, bounded .on the north by Pina, on ,the south by by residences. With. reference to the site inve: are at the same elevation as the subject,lot; whE CIS OF LA C�� INTA BUILDING & SAFE�l' DI=PT, A ��®h��n Ieve�Prectan'gi�la J�sFiapevd lot. It is golf course and on tie other 2 sides atalalJ._ 3 of-th%* \9ontiguous properties A light growth of grass and weeds forms the ground cover'. Drainage is down towards the south by sheet flow. GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No.: F-11410-14 Soil Condition The on site soil is composed of a layer of silty sand extending to the depth of the. boring's 15 feet. Note that soil :variations rn:rsoil type ,may occur between the borings. Ground water was not noted in any of the borings. The groundwater is at about 70 feet below the existing grade. Potential for liquefaction is minimal. For a detailed soil classification refer'to logs of the borings, Plates "B-1" through °13-3". Minor man.placed -fill `may have. been placed to provide a :level lot. All fill found irrespective of depth: or lateral extent must be removed to firm native soil and replaced as compacted soil tested to 90%.. Exploration The subsurface was.explored by drilling. 3 :borings, 6 inches in diameter, to a depth of 15 feet below the existing ground surface. The borings were placed in strategic locations where the major: structure is -to be, e constructed in a manner 4o'determine the subsurface conditions. Approximate locations of the borings are shown on the attached Plot Plan, Plate "A". All of the borings were..logged by our,soils technician. Samples of both undisturbed and disturbed soils encountered were obtained for laboratory testing and observation. Logs of the borings are -shown on Plates '"B-1" through "13-3". The soils are classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System described on an 'attached -Plate. This' Plate also shows the type of sampler used in obtaining undisturbed samples. Laboratory Testing The field moisture content and dry densities of the soils encountered were determined by performing tests on the undisturbed samples in accordance with ASTM Test Method D- 2216-05. Density and field moisture'information is useful as indicators of the nature and quality of the material. The results of `these tests are shown. on the logs of the borings, Plates "B-1" through "13-Y. Direct shear.tests were. performed on selected,- to elected;to determine the 'strengths and supporting 'c ASTM Test Method. D-3080-04,. .The method 'o sample, to extrude the sample into the test, app( to allow sufficient time .16 elapse to dissipate sample is then subjected to a .strain, -controlled applying. the normal and..'shearmg Toad. is sui volume without producing an associated chat stress -is measured at a constant rate. of strained i) undisturbed samples. of the soils in order apaei� hies f-�.the soi.ls3in .accordance with °Upe'rformmg�these.testsgi+ sigt Ito the R I hl .p, �, , -n V i l'4 9 A arat& .to apply4h&Lno�r%aj_II'dad,jand than e `any 1xcess hydrostatic pressure. The Vii,, JYJ­i singlaFplane,"O'dar. test The method of as,,.Ao allow-NY,'sar'riplb to `change in Eim the normal stress. The shearing .)proximately 05 -inches ped minute. GEO=ETKA,.INC. Job No.: F-11410-14 Laboratory Testina.1dont'd Selected samples . of soil .were tested at confining pressures similar to those of .the materials in-situ. Additional 'specimens from .the same, samples -were also tested at increased normal pressures in orderAo determine the: increase _ in shear strengths associated:. withincreased inter -granular -pressure. The test results are plotted graphically on Plate "C". The resulting values areas follows: Angle.,of Internal Cohesion Soil Type Friction (degrees)(p s.f.) Silty sand- 7 40 Silty sand 31 10 Silty sand 32 20 Consolidation tests were performed on -saturated specimens of the typical foundations soils in accordance with .ASTM Test; Method D-2435-04. .Consblid6mEiters are designed to receive the'undisturbed soil'samples and brass rings in.the field; condition. Porous, stones placed,at the topand bottom of each specimen permit free flow of water into or from the specimen .during the test. Successive load increments were applied; to the top of the specimen -and progressive and final settlements under each increment were `recorded'to an accuracy of 0.0001 inch. The final settlements so obtained are plotted to determine curves shown on Plates "D-1" through "D-3". CONCLUSIONS Suitability of the Proiect The site is suitable for its intended use, namely .a new single family home with a swimming pool. Thesite is not in;1the.liquefaction' zone. In designing the proposed structures, the criteria given. in the design. section should be 'adhered to. a) The construction of this project.will . not affect. the stability :of the surrounding structures, such as walls, electric',poles, etc., provided all precautions needed are followed., b) Th a latest applicable unified building, code is to c) This report is subject to approval by the govern Strength Characteristics The load bearing soils possess strength pa construction. 3 '-s e Y.UF LA QUINT i93age Jcie& & SAFE 'APppi , Y DcPT. FOR ED CONSTPUC ION rs adequate to support the pr SATE GEO-ETKA, INC. J266 N6.: F-1,1410-14 Expansion Potential Theon site surficial.soi ' I is. class'ified'as, non -expansive, with" an expansion index of 7 as per 2013 CBC/ASTWID4829-03. Chemical Test Data The on-site soi,l, at-anappeokimate depth. 6f 12 to. 18 inches Was,-test6d for the following chemical content. Surrimary"Qf Corrosion. Series Data SOLUBLE SULF'A'TES M(W RESISTIVITY pH Pert Per.,CA. 643 7.7 691 1,640 ohm -cm Based on the above _test data, . special cement,. con&et0*.,musf be: utilized. See L- - i , 2010CBC/ACI 318 15ection 43; Table, 4.3.1 and, S66tioh . 4.4 Table 4.4.1 for other applicable requirements. -Special pr6tectibon"i s re I gWr6d"for the underground utility pipes. Plasticity Index The liquid .limit, plastic limit, and -plasticity index (PI) of the! in' -situ. soils, in the upper 15 feet, were tested in.acc'o'rd*ance with ASTM Test -Method D431,8-05. The resulting PI values are presented below. Sample No. LL PL PI Represents Boring 1 @ 1, Non Plastic 01 - 51 Boring 1 @ 5' Non Plastic 5' - 10' Boring 1 3' Non Plastic. 10." - 15' CI Y.0� LA.QUINTA -BULD'NGr'&. .q 'r - Based on the above test data _A -t per-te.st method ASTV - *Q*4.3,1§_the !§oiffisPdoW�Igs A�-PROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE By .4 GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No':: F-11410-14 Seismic Parameters i Seismic hazard parameters for structural design were ,evaluated based upon CBC 2013 1013 CBC Seismic Design Parameters Site Latitude (decimal degrees) Site Longitude (decimal degrees) Site Class Definition (Table 1613.5.2) Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at 0.2s Period, S,.(Figure (1613.5(3)) Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at 1.0s Period, S, (Figure (.1613.5(4)) Short Period Site Coefficient at Us Period; Fa (Table 1613.5.3(1)) Long Period Site Coefficient at 1:0 s Period,, Fv (Table 1613.5:3(2)), Adjusted Spectral Response Acceleration at 0.2s Period, SMS (Eq. 16-37) Adjusted Spectral Response Acceleration at 1.0s Period,- SM, (Eq. 16-38) Design Spectral Response Acceleration at 0.2s .Period, SDS (Eq. 16-39) Design Spectral Response Acceleration at 1.0s Period, Sp; (Eq. 16-40) RECOMMENDATIONS Foundation Design 33.6780° N -116.29080 W D 1.500 g 0.644 g 1.000 g 1.500 g 1.500 g 0.966 g 1.000 g 0.644 g Continuous footings, isolated pad footings. or, a combination of both may be utilized for the design of the foundation to support th'e proposed.'structures :provided all footings are resting on firm compacted soil tested. t6-90%.- The project engineer must comply. with the City's minimum requirements when they -exceed any part of this report. Bearing Value A bearing value of ,1,500 p:s.f. may bei used. The wide and a minimum'of 8.1iriches below the IOWe must rest on properly compacted: soil that is at leap 90%. The above bearing values may .be increased or wind or seismic -forces; providing the resultant.. dead load and live .load only. 5 ,adjaceritofinish g iadeY ' he f6oitings 2.5 feet�rthickrtested to_ a minimum of FOR CONS RUCs® ON hti ri 1 when resisting loads causted by is -niot4ss than that obtained with GEO-E. INC. Job No.: F-11410-14 Settlement - Total -and' Differential (Static) eased on the design criteria,, "settlement should' not exceed 0.2 inch for the continuous footings and 0.5'inc hfor-the isolated pad. -footings. Overall differential settlement is expected to be 0.3* inch. Approximately .. of` the .settlement will' occur during the construction period. Once constructed','.th'e. differentia -settlement will be '/4 inch or less. The maximum differential settlerrient'should not exceed Y2",over a 20 feet span. Earth Pressures Lateral loads will be resisted. by the friction between _thelloor slab -and sub -grade as well as the passive resistance of the soils against footings. A ,coefficient of friction of 0.35 may be used between slabs, footings and sub -grade., The passive resistance of the.soil may be taken to be 280 p.c.f. of E.F.P. The active lateral soil pressure may be taken as, 40 pX.f. of E.F.P. 'Active- pressure must be adjusted for all surcharge loads. Slab on Grade It is recommended .,that all footings should be reinforced with at least 4 number 5 bars, 2 at the top a*nd,2 at the -bottom. The slabs Eon grade should ' be' at least :5 inches thick and be'reinforced with Number 4 bars at 12 inches on center. This should be underlain: by a moisture barrier. The moisture barrier should consist. of :2. inches of clean, medium to coarse sand placed above a 10 mil poly vinyl chloride sheet br co_mparable� impervious: material. All joints shall be made so as to preserve the impervious character. Swimming Pool Design .Criteria The swimming pool and spa excavation must. be it feet thick to support the, proposed poolFrom. a built at the location chosen if all of therdesign n0 and adhered to during design, construction: and. mE Additional recommendations for pool/spa M i -1J11 N17'Gt': .AFI- 1 V i1MnT 0 and considerations are incorpora itenance H0VED r5.CONSTRUCTION n are provided on Plate °SPDCD° DATE BY I t2 be GEO-ETKA, INC. Jbb'No.: F-11410-14 Swimming Pool Design Criteria (cont'd) All setbacks must be verified by theproject engineers or the, contractors as required by the city building department. Adequate provisions must be 'provided to drain all surface - water from washings, spills and clean outs. Water proofing and- monitoring of water leaks is considered essential for all hillside properties with expansive soils. To avoid localized saturation of soils, landscaping. of. the ,yard, area should be planned such that .no planter boxes - are located..:in the. -immediate 'vicinity of the pool and/or spa shell, or an underground moisture barrier and drainage should be pfovided or planters. The use of excavated. material . from .the pool and/or spa area to .build elevated planter poses and/or other structures � within the yard area :.imposes ,significant loads at the location. of these structures and induces.differential settlements.: This practice could jeopardize the integrity' of the pool "andor spa,- other yard. improvements, and/or the building. The owner, contractor, pool maintenance _crew. has, -full responsibility to notify. the Geotechnical consultants of any leaks- �or other distress to the.pool or its related structures so that the"problem arising from such water leaks can be'addressed. Ground water is not anticipated at.the: present time. However, perched.ground water may accumulate in the future. Swimming pool excaVations may -encounter water seepage*.and should be evaluated for temporary slope `stability and provisions made for pumping during construction, if necessary. Swimming pools/spas should -be proMed-withground moisture -pressure relief valves to help prevent damage to the.pool due to ground water. Geo-Etka, Inc. must observe all pooland footing excavations. This report is for design purposes only; prior to -placement of steep: and concrete a pool excavation observation report must be submitted to the'city_for�final approval. P, a v8 d Y OF: LA. QUINT & SAFETY DEPT. p ��OVED srRucr�o� LDA-rE" 7 GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No.: F-11410-14 Demolition and Tree* Removal O needed) The existing house and the existing swimming pool must- be demolished and the shell removed. Special note should be taken during the grading so as: to locate all underground items, e.g. pipe, conduit, storage, tanks, septic �tariks; cesspools or leach 'lines, water wells, irrigation pipe, etc. Any septic tank found should be removed from the -site: Any seepage pit or cesspool found shall be. pumped dry :and filled.wit h ,2=sack:. slurry concrete:. The top and sides should be broken and removed if they, are .with'in 5'.feet of finished grade. If a water -well is found it shall be cut off and capped, 5 feet below finished grade. Any metal pipe found shall- be excavated and cleared from th'e' site. Any vitrified clay leaching lines may be broken in place: Any tree that has to be removed, due.to ,the construction, should be' completely removed and the cavity backfilled as, described. in the,g`rading;section. Any root' found shall be excavated and cleared from :the site or mulched for future landscaping use. _ All cavities should be cutt in a''Y shape: so that compaction equipment will not bridge during grading which should be conducted in-the`.manner noted below. It is recommended "that .the demolition be observed:' -so as . to prevent debris from remaining on or. b'ei'ng .buried on site'. The .demolition :of .the 'below2.grade items such as pipes and tree root systems must be checked':by the soil en gineero his representative. Grading Prior to the controlled grading operations, the construction area should be stripped of all vegetation that'- is present -and • the 'de"ebris. removed from the site or stockpiled and mulched for later use in the planter areas., The proposed building ,pad extending• a. minimum of .5 feet beyond the footprint must be subexcavated to`ffirm soil such as to" proyide at least( f e f compacted soil tested to at least 90% of its maximum dry.density. This is reged�p mitigate tthfii;lsto and the disturbed soil from the demolition process. G. & S'gPETY DEPT. APPRD /fir The swimming pool shell and spa must be provided' withfa Cpoff.co�m�praeeteed soil Ithat is at least 2 feet thick -tested to 9.0%. ON DATE t� BY 8 GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No.: F-11410-14 Grading (cont'd) All loose, porous, soft .and fill soil found during grading must be removed to firm native soil and replaced as compacted soil at 90%. If soft, wet soil pumping occurs it is advisable to bridge the.b.ottom with a crushed or angular 1 -inch, rock' layer at least. 2 feet thick; Note that in no case should crushed miscellaneous base or washed rounded rock'be utilized. A sieve analysis must be run by this -office prior to .import. The densification of the rock should. be observed/probed and appr"oved,by a representative of this office; in such cases lightweight track equipment is recommended. The wet soil if utilized will have to be dried or cement treated. It is recommended that all.surface which is loose that will support patio, sidewalk slabs, or.asphalt concrete:.paving, and all surface which will receive fill or backfill, be scarified to a. depth of 8 inches, dried to= near Optimum Moisture Content and re -compacted to a minimum of 90%. Where fill or backfill is .required, it should ,be placed in a maximum of 6 -.inch loose layers and each layer compacted at near ''Optimum Moisture Content to at least 90% compaction. Clean- on site soils may be utilized as fill material Imported fill soil should be predominantly granular, non -expansive and -capable; of, develop.ing`-,the bearing strength required for the project. All import soil must be approved by this office prior to bringing to the site. All. retaining walls and utility trenches backfilled should be tested at a maximum of 2 feet in vertical height. Compaction Standard: A.S.T.M. D-1557-02. Water-soluble sulphate content will be determined at the, conclusion of the grading if requested by the client or required by disapproving agencies.. If required by the appro- yi_ng agency, Expansion Index Test (CBC 2010/ASTM D-4829-03) will be run at the time of rough grading. A 'grading and a foundation plan should be submitted grading. A pre -grade meeting is required in accordance.with th 6 to `th' s o ficeFprior�to starting-tl BUILDING '& S'gFETY p P°q City.of_4aCQ Rt �:gg ggcode. ON DATE _ BY GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No.: F-11410-14 Grading (cont'd) Geo-Etka, Inc. should be retained to observe all grading operations and the required testing for implementing the recommendations of this report. If a change in the consultants occur Geo-Etka, Inc., must be notified in writing and all liability will shift to the client and his consultants of record. If conditions are encountered during the design, approval by the governing agencies, and/or the construction period that appear to be contrary to the findings of this report, this office must be notified so thatproper modifications may be made. Respectfully submitted, Geo-Etka, Inc. Ghayas A. Khan, P. Civil Engineer, C-38344, Expires 3-31-15 Ahmed Ali, President MS, REA 10 P� ccC 038344 01 C1 -�Y OF LA QUIN `A BUILDING & SAP ETy DEPT. APPRo ORVED COWSTRUCTIO DArE BY I �I (E) RESIDENCE PLOT ENOTES AP P ROX. BORING LOCATION PLAN GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No.: F-11410-14 PLATE "A" REDUCED COPY � rn.ti 30'rar:r�iVrUl WI,X wnt(R iw,uvwE lEnIUR( F.ScisrrT (N89'S9'S1'W 100.00') BSvn TE♦ SPA F ' < "— F a ^ ♦ � � � � I �FNSf,F POOL _--_____________________1 COVERED PATIO I re� I I 74 -LF UttE,Upi f" ' h -T' —... n' rauH ro, I , tlEVn�Ors � i•.-':._. �L _ __.. _ - _ _ ` .:: �; a '*LF, IE I { o f ur R(v �2 i•Li) e ._ s../. _ . C :.F I t- Hi -47 (NB9'S9'57'W 100.00') DATE PINA BORING ONE Geo-Etka, Inc. Job No.: F-11410-14 PLATE "B-1" BORING PERCENT DRY DEPTH CLASSIFICATION MOISTURE DENSITY 11 5' 10' 15' SM LIGHT BROWN VERY FINE SILTY SAND DRY SLIGHTLY DENSE 2.7 SM BROWN VERY FINE MEDIUM SILTY SAND DRY DENSE SM BROWN VERY FINE SILTY SAND DRY SLIGHTLY DENSE EOB 15 FEET 3.5 97.6 2.1 92.3 2.2 95.2 3.2 ® Depth of bag sample Depth of undisturbed sample �� `4 ` Grounnd a er�9TA ❑ No recovery BULLI i;4O 8, SAFETY DEPT. EE 33 FOVe t•ZI Scale,TION �� ----- BY I Geo-Etka, Inc. Job No.: F-11410-14 BORING TWO PLATE "13-2" BORING PERCENT DRY DEPTH CLASSIFICATION MOISTURE DENSITY 0' SM LIGHT BROWN_VERY FINE SILTY SAND DRY SLIGHTLY DENSE 5 10 3.0 104.7 SM BROWN VERY FINE SILTY SAND'"DRY MEDIUM DENSE 4.0 101.3 SM BROWN VERY FINE SILTY SAND DRY DENSE 2.1 93.3 .i 15' EOB-15 FEET 4.3 ® Depth "of bag sample .Depth of •undisturbed sample Cit 0r'QU DIN T BL'L[7�N�' 1? C�/ r. A �PoO ❑ No -recovery GYoundw 1, - r. DEPT. RUCTION Vertical Scale , v = 3' DATE BORING THREE Geo-Etka, Inc. Job No.: F-11410-14 PLATE "13-3" BORING PERCENT DRY DEPTH CLASSIFICATION MOISTURE DENSITY 0' SM LIGHT BROWN VERY FINE SILTY SAND DRY MEDIUM DENSE'*..* 5' 10, SM' .BROWN VERY FINE SILTY SAND DRY SLIGHTLY DENSE SM BROWN VERY. FINE 'SILTY, SAND DRY MEDIUM DENSE 3.3 94.2 4.7 95.5 5.0 93.0 15' EOB 15 FEET 6.3 ® Depth of bag sample. Depth of;undisturbed-sample V-BUILPING&,SAFETy DEPT. ❑ No recovery IV F �roun. 6 11 � OR CONSTRUCTION Ln rtical-Scale 1 H O w w Q D O o: w a U) 0 z D O 2 H C� z w F- C� _z o: Q w 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 GEO'=ETKA', INC. ,Job'Nm:'F41410-14 PLATE "C" DIRECT:SHEAR TEST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o C.Co�,'So� 0ZZ 0 0 0 0 O N M 0 0 0 O0 a0 d) O N M ;?hCG (D OC:) 1- 00 �EpAr � BY SURCHARGE PRESSURE -- POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT r Boring 1 @ 4' ` Boring 2 @ 4' Boring.3 @ 3' O 1,1 3 �. 3-7 j IJ] � AP����vQ jj\[( & S'(1�L- C s:o_ —D4 � #1 nnT Lr1. ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o C.Co�,'So� 0ZZ 0 0 0 0 O N M 0 0 0 O0 a0 d) O N M ;?hCG (D OC:) 1- 00 �EpAr � BY SURCHARGE PRESSURE -- POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT r 0.0000 0.0120 0.0240 2 U z W w a 0.0360 w U z z _- 0.0480 z O Q D J 0 0.0600 CO z O U 0.0720 0.0840 c GEO-ETKA, INC. -Job kim. F-11410-14 PLATE "D-1" BORING ONE @ 4' .C.ONSOLIDATIO.N TEST DATA 0.0150 0.0300 2 U z 0: W d 0.0450 W U z z 0.0600 z O 0 0.0750 0 z O U 0.0900 0.1050 GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No.: F-.11410-14 PLATE "D-2" BORING TWO @ 2' CONSOLIDATION TEST DATA u, 0 r,u 0 0 ColpN o 0 o r; DAN =_ BY LOAD, (KIPS PER SQUARE WATER ADDED REBo ND B(IlLDIiiIC, 9 j OE Ap, p - LA Q1 a SAFET 1))0'' JINTA DEFT. ` u, 0 r,u 0 0 ColpN o 0 o r; DAN =_ BY LOAD, (KIPS PER SQUARE 0.0080 0.0160 U Z w W CL 0.0240 U LU U Z Z 0.0320 Z O H Q O 0.0400 O c Z O U 0.0480 0.0560 GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No.: F-11410-14 PLATE "D-3" BORING THREE @ 3' CONSOLIDATION TEST DATA LOAD, (KIPS PER o A�op --,�o� vEPT-D FOR GCUNv� VQED \O TION QUU ERE FOOT) WATER ADDED RFB� UD SIT )�= , LOAD, (KIPS PER o A�op --,�o� vEPT-D FOR GCUNv� VQED \O TION QUU ERE FOOT) G40-ETKA, INC. I A Job No:: F-1.1410•.14 PLATE "SPDCD" SWIMMING:'PI OL. DESIGN CRITERIA DETAIL r .PROPOSED POOL OR SPA Assuming, a total -loss of soil supp6d4orihis portion M Additionalyload'ng due to the building structure should be taken into :,consideration for design of this portion ofahe pool shell or the pool 'should be kept beyond the zone supporting building loads. }: it • Heavy-duty pipes and couplings should, be used for, the pool iplumbing system to minimize leasking which may produce additional local high pressures to the'pool shell. • Installatin of a moisture' pressure release valve system beneath the poor bottom may considered to release any potential water pressure accumalsledbenealfithe' pool'which may produceadditional pressure to the pod shell . • Observationrtestgfn should be performed by getechncial'consultenthepresentative druing pool excavation to verity that the exposed soil conditions are consistent with.the�deisng assumptions. • the pod contractore should provide'a sufficient 1e4el of inspection and control to assure that; the approved pod plans and specifications, are 'imptemented(duirig construction. y • Soil expansion forces should be taken in4Q consideration.for: the design ofthe, pool shell. An equivalent lateral fluid pressure of 125 pcf may be used for soils -having tvgli or pa very high exnsion potential. C • For a pool near a descending slope consisting of. soils having high or veryhigh expansion potentials• the pool shell should be deisgned assuming a total loss of dl support for the upper portion located within the creep zone or setback beyond the creep zone. • To reduce the potential for excessive crackingdue to expensive soilibrces,.pool deck concrie slabs shoul be a miniumum of .4 inches thick and provided wtth construction or.ewakened plane joints at frequent intervals (e.g. every 6 feet or -less). Slabs should be'undeilain by&,layer of crushed rock, gravel, or cleand sand having.a minimum thickness of 2 inches for low expans 6n pdentiat areas and.4 inches ;tor meftm, high, or very high expansion'potential. u6-0 ales."This,tayer is nol'regiived for very)ow expansion,potential subgrades. , Presoaking the subgrade.(with a, sprinkler system) to a minimum o1120 percent;of optimum . moisture content to afminimum depth of 12.it; Fhes,1,30 percent tq 18 inchesor 4 40,percerd to 24 inches for medium, hi or ver - gh, ' y high expansion potertiel§; respectively; is elso'recommended.;Foi very low or krry expansion potential subgrade water spraying thAesubgrade prior to pouruig concrete.is considered adequate. Presoaking should bi 64s er ve'd,,tested,'and accepted by a ge6technciej`consuttanthnt epreseative prior to pouring the concrete: Reinforcement of :•slabs may°elsb be considered to further `reduce:unsighl y cracking especially for high or very high expansion potential areas. - For swiming pool decks on subgrades having high or very highexpansion potentiel;.a subdrain system consisting of 4 -inch dimneter perforated pipes (PVC Schedule 4 . SDR 35 4rmoo'A2000 PV' orapproved equivalent)„wrapped wilh'fiRer fabric (Naafi 140N,.140NS, Supac 4NP,amoco`4545 ,Trervirar11�14to`rapproved1-- equivalent)- should be.provided within the: sand layer. One line of subdrain around heswimmmg pool ar�i : t f considered sufficient, The purpose of this subdrein is to drain potential accumulwed.wdter wdh�the sand 6 6 N A layer and outlet the water irfto„the area drain system mimimizingthis'accidulatibn from.substentially,percoleti1.r gE DC P down into the underlying sugrade sails. ` f ! 0 T• The above criteria may also be applied for spas. LDAA TE E��� BY � 1 "N, ;ONE SUPPORTING �. . BUILDING r FOOTING • Heavy-duty pipes and couplings should, be used for, the pool iplumbing system to minimize leasking which may produce additional local high pressures to the'pool shell. • Installatin of a moisture' pressure release valve system beneath the poor bottom may considered to release any potential water pressure accumalsledbenealfithe' pool'which may produceadditional pressure to the pod shell . • Observationrtestgfn should be performed by getechncial'consultenthepresentative druing pool excavation to verity that the exposed soil conditions are consistent with.the�deisng assumptions. • the pod contractore should provide'a sufficient 1e4el of inspection and control to assure that; the approved pod plans and specifications, are 'imptemented(duirig construction. y • Soil expansion forces should be taken in4Q consideration.for: the design ofthe, pool shell. An equivalent lateral fluid pressure of 125 pcf may be used for soils -having tvgli or pa very high exnsion potential. C • For a pool near a descending slope consisting of. soils having high or veryhigh expansion potentials• the pool shell should be deisgned assuming a total loss of dl support for the upper portion located within the creep zone or setback beyond the creep zone. • To reduce the potential for excessive crackingdue to expensive soilibrces,.pool deck concrie slabs shoul be a miniumum of .4 inches thick and provided wtth construction or.ewakened plane joints at frequent intervals (e.g. every 6 feet or -less). Slabs should be'undeilain by&,layer of crushed rock, gravel, or cleand sand having.a minimum thickness of 2 inches for low expans 6n pdentiat areas and.4 inches ;tor meftm, high, or very high expansion'potential. u6-0 ales."This,tayer is nol'regiived for very)ow expansion,potential subgrades. , Presoaking the subgrade.(with a, sprinkler system) to a minimum o1120 percent;of optimum . moisture content to afminimum depth of 12.it; Fhes,1,30 percent tq 18 inchesor 4 40,percerd to 24 inches for medium, hi or ver - gh, ' y high expansion potertiel§; respectively; is elso'recommended.;Foi very low or krry expansion potential subgrade water spraying thAesubgrade prior to pouruig concrete.is considered adequate. Presoaking should bi 64s er ve'd,,tested,'and accepted by a ge6technciej`consuttanthnt epreseative prior to pouring the concrete: Reinforcement of :•slabs may°elsb be considered to further `reduce:unsighl y cracking especially for high or very high expansion potential areas. - For swiming pool decks on subgrades having high or very highexpansion potentiel;.a subdrain system consisting of 4 -inch dimneter perforated pipes (PVC Schedule 4 . SDR 35 4rmoo'A2000 PV' orapproved equivalent)„wrapped wilh'fiRer fabric (Naafi 140N,.140NS, Supac 4NP,amoco`4545 ,Trervirar11�14to`rapproved1-- equivalent)- should be.provided within the: sand layer. One line of subdrain around heswimmmg pool ar�i : t f considered sufficient, The purpose of this subdrein is to drain potential accumulwed.wdter wdh�the sand 6 6 N A layer and outlet the water irfto„the area drain system mimimizingthis'accidulatibn from.substentially,percoleti1.r gE DC P down into the underlying sugrade sails. ` f ! 0 T• The above criteria may also be applied for spas. LDAA TE E��� BY GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No.: F-11410-14 SOIL CLASS IFICATION.CHART SOIL SAMPLER. FOR UNDISTURBED SAMPLING ONNECTING BRASS TUBING CUTTING LEEVE, 2.625 .I.NCHE$ I.7 EDGE C,� `� ��r E LDltVG 8 Q�I�l'A Aa �" E� DEPT FOR o ROVED .. ;,c. cr►ont DArE --���_ SY GRAPH LETTER TYPICAL MAJOR DIVISIONS :.SYM. SYm1. DESCRIPTION js A WELL GRADED GRAVEL CLEAN :♦ :' a GW GRAVEL AND SAND AND GRAVELS COARSE GRAVELLY -GP POORLY GRADED GRAINED SOILS SOILS LESS THAN GRAVELS GM SILTY GRAVELS 50% PASS #4 WITH FINES GC CLAYEY GRAVELS MORE THAN 50% SAND -AND SANDYPOORLY CLEAN SAND. SW WELL NO NO FINES GRADED LARGER SOILS SP SAND NO FINES THAN #200 MORE THAN .50% PASS SAND � SM, SILTY SANDS SIEVE #4 WITH SC ..'CLAYEY SANDS FINES FINE SILTS L.L. ML INORGANIC SILTS GRAINED AND LESS SOILS CLAYS THAN CL INORGANIC CLAYS 50 I OL ORGANIC SILTS MH INORGANIC SILTS MORE L. SILTS L.. THAN 50% AND GREATER PASSING CLAYS THAN CH INORGANIC CLAYS #200 50 ; SIEVE / / ( OH ORGANIC CLAYS / HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT PEAT, HUMUS SOIL SAMPLER. FOR UNDISTURBED SAMPLING ONNECTING BRASS TUBING CUTTING LEEVE, 2.625 .I.NCHE$ I.7 EDGE C,� `� ��r E LDltVG 8 Q�I�l'A Aa �" E� DEPT FOR o ROVED .. ;,c. cr►ont DArE --���_ SY GEq. ETKA, INC. Job No.: F-11410-14 LIMITATIONS 1. This Geotechnical Report is based*, upon data obtained by surface reconnaissance, limited soil test borings, laboratory .test; results, and preliminary engineering analysis.. No'iriference sh uild,-.be drawn from the language of the report that the scope of the investigation .was' any wider. It must be understood that although the observed and'report ed,bond itions are considered :representative, local variations of geologic and/or soil conditions' -may exist for which this firm cannot assume responsibility. This report .was prepared upon .our ,request for our services, and in accordancewith accepted' standards76fprofessional practice. The limitations of this report are also governed by1he contract amount agreed to be paid by the client. 2. This report is issued with the.understanding:.that, it is. the -responsibility of the owner or of- his representatives -to ensure that the- information and recommendations contained herein are -called- to the attention of -the developer, his architect, and engineers for thisproperty. so that `necessary, , steps :are taken to implement the recommendations of this report. Failure. to do so. relieves Geo-Etka, Inc. of all responsibility. 3. The findings of this report are -valid asof the, present date. However, changes in the conditions of a.,property can occur with .the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes -'or to the works ofman; on-this'or adjacent properties. In addition, changes: in..applicable or appropriate'standards-.occur, whether they result from legislation or ,the 'broadening of. knowledge,"or present -applicable CBC Code requirements. Accordingly,.. the -findings of Ahisreport may be invalidated, wholly or partially by changes outside of our control..Ther6fore,, this report is subject to review and should. not`be relied' upon'after}a period of one: (1) year. Note that some local jurisdictions havelesstime for the reports validity and reports are required to be updated at the expiration of such predetermined limits. 4. Unless the recommendations of this.report are completely incorporated into the design,. and.all=phases-:of geotechnicaLactivityare checked, tested, and reported by this office, Geo-Etka, Inc. will not be held liable by others. - Q_rr.0� L,q Q�1INT BUILDING & SAIFE A APPPI OfJ.CONST. ®��i® N DATE ��� BY