BWFE2015-0016Btn.# Cltj/ of LQ Quirtta Buildtrlg ar Safety Division P.O. Box 1504,78-493 Calle Tampico La.Qdnta, CA 92253 -:(760) 7777012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # Projed.Addces" ture at 6-1.40 PGA West Owner'sName:. CalWest Communities A. P. Number. �i Address:5927 Priestly Drive, Suite 110 Legal Description: TTM 36537 City, ST, Zip: Carlsbad, CA 92008 Contractor: CalWest Communities' Telephone: 760-918-6768 Project Description: Address: Same as above City, ST, Zip: Telephone: 64 Qnstruct6aii of Combinatonn State Lia # : 11e City Lic. #; On File. Walls Arch., Engr., Designer- esigner�- Address: Address: Prima Contact: Liz Belloso Cary, ST, zip: Cell: 760-710-9912 ' Telephone: Construction Type:. Occupancy: State Lia #: Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Name of contact Person: Alt: Ulrich Sauerbrey Sq. Ft: #Stories: # Unit,s ` Telephone # of Contact Person: 760-6.10-9410 Estimated Value of Project: $50.000 APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE # Submittal Req'd Recd TRACMG PERM r FEES Plan Sets Pian Cheek submitted Item Amount Structural Cala. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit. . Truss Caics. Called Contact Person Pian Cheek Balance Title 24 Calcs. Plana picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted.'. echanical Grading plea 2'i Review, ready for correctious/lssue 4.Electrical Sabcontector last Called ContactPerson lumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN SOUSE:- '^' Review; ready for correctionsrwuc Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called contact Person A.LP.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit Issue School Fees i Per JAN-" 8 2015 val CITY of v COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .