TUP 1996-12478-495 CALLE TA'M0.ICb LA- OUNTA, August 2, 1996 A Mr. Scott Dalecio, General Manager La Quinta Resort & Club V. PO Box 69 La Quinta, CA 92253. WLLJL11 � 6an CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 777-7000 Cf"061,9) 777-7101 1IN7-A -AUG -2 REC-0 'BUILDING .-j1.,, Y SUBJECT: MINOR TEWORARYeOUT6OOR.EVENT.96-124. REF: MARIACHI FESTIVAL-( -(LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB) Dear Mr. Dalecio: This is to report that the, Community Development Department has approved your request to have the 6th Anniuial Mariachi Festival at- the. Tennis Club on Avenida Obregon, subject to the following Conditions: 1. The event shall be -allowed from 5,--0 . 0. P.M. to I 0:00P.M. on,,Sept6mber 1, 1996. No outdoor gues music is permitted, after l0.:00'P.- All, : s, s M, t ha_l leave. this area by 10:30 P.M and all removed 11:00 P.M r be left for pick up on the r the.F�s 61 b equipment used for tival's e rem by 0. following day (to reducee"noise impacts)',!'after the event. , , " �S pec -/ OA 2. A building permit is required for any tents. and temporary electric -power. - Please apply to the Building and SafetyDepartmehfflbra permit. Thefeeis$100.00. 3. Permits for outdoor temporar,y ictures (tents, etc. or any open flame devices shall be obtained stru from the Riverside County Fite De0dftm6tb6fbre installation and use. Ifyou have any questions, c is- "6-, nir.6 Safety Spec is t- 863-9886. please contact Mr. Tom Hut'hi iai t;, a 4. All activities and equipment associiied.with'this event'shallbe contained within the La Quinta Resort & Club:` The applicant shall place no signs. or other- equipment within the public right of way without first obtaining an: encroachffienf permit from. the Public Works Department (770- 7075). No. temporw'y-parkingsallowed "o'rrAVe4ida Fernando.. -.Temporary "No Parking" signs .i. shall be set in place by 1:00'P.M. noti6in�g ` patronsof this event that parking is restricted along . Avenida Fernando during the Festivil. 5. Trash receptacles shall be provided. The.�site shall be left clean of any litter at the close of the event. 6. All outdoor activities shall be confined to the existing Tennis Club, as shown on the site plan. - 7. Before any cranes and forklifts (or other aerial equipment) are. -raised, please check for overhead MTOE124-a MAILING 9 '.1 . ... �2NX 30� 3Z SrA 11� 4 1,;,or, ADDRESS P.O. BOX '15o4 LA QLINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 r 9.11 0. �Q/7DDFCa./C A1T A/�'�H7/l ]►/D COI/1 REGULATIONS 3:. Adequate pedestrian access -shall be.maintain'ed around merchandise or displays placed on a sidewalk or malkway. 4. Adequate vehicle' access shall be maintained around merchandise, displays, or temporary structures placed mparking areas. 5. A cashbond or other guarantee shall be posted for:removaLbf the temporary use and cleanup and restoration of.the activity site within seven days of the.conclusion- of the event. 6. The application shall be reviewed) by the Fire Marshal and'the ,event shall comply with fire prevention standards and; emergency access requirements as approved and enforced by the Fire Marshal. ` 7. Temporary signs maybe permitted subject to the provisions. of Section 9:160.060(Permitted Temporary Signs). 9.100.140 Temporary 0utdoor•Events.. Temporary outdoor events include. but are,not limited to pageants, fairs, carnivals, large athletic, religious or entertainment events,:'and .large neighborhood or communityk gatherings in temporary facilities. Such activities maybe.-permitted,in compliance with the following provisions: 1. A temporary use permit shall be approved by the Community Development Director for gather- ings of 50 to 300 people. The temporary use permit .,.shall be approved by the Planning Commission as a.business=item for gatherings of 300 people -or more (Number of persons shall include'spectators .and=participants.) 2. Applications' for permits or certificates iequired..by ..this Section' shall be referred by the Community Development Director to other affected -:City departments or -other public agencies for review;and comment: 3. The following',findings_shall be made by-therdecision-making authority in conjunction with approval ofa temporary use permit: a. The event will not be. detrimental"to1he'health,''safety and general.' welfare of the community in the area of the.proposed event: b. There is adequate area to conduct.the:event and to accommodate the anticipated attendance. c. Sufficient parking will be provided for the anticipated attendance. 100-13 9. 100: SUPPLEMENTAL NONRESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS d. Food service operations, medical facilities; solid waste facilities, sewage disposal methods and potable water service have been .'provided' (Approval` by' -the Health officer may be required) e. Fire protection:plans : and facilities have been provided to the'.satisfaction of the Fire Marshal. f. Security plans and facilities have been provided -0 theaatisfaction of.the Sheriff. g. Public roadways providing access to the event are capable, of accommodating the anticipated traffic volumes in afeasonable and safelmanner with minimal disruption to local traffic circulation. 4. Activities conducted on property owned by or leased:to the city and= 9.100r-SUPPLEL=NONRESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS f. Other signs. and advertising devices, such'- S pennanis,.flags, A -frame signs, are prohibited. 9.100.150 Outdoor Lighting. A. Purpose. This Section is intended'to provide staiidards -for< outdoor lighting which allow adequate energy efficient lighting for public safety'while mimimizing;adverse effects of lighting, such as lighting which: 4. Has a detrimental effect onastronomical observations; and/or 2. Inefficiently utilizesscarce'electhcal energy; and/or 3. Creates a public nuisance or safety hazard. B. Applicability. All "outdoor artificial-illumindting devices..shall ,be installed and operated in conformance with the provisions of this Section, plus any Uniform Building Codes presently or subsequently administered or adopted by':the;City Any-language`eontamed therein which may conflict with this Section shall'be:construed as consistent with this Section: C. Parking Lot Lighting:: Parking 'lot 1igl t rig shall conform to --this Section and to Section 9.150.080 (Parking Facility Design standards)..' D. Alternate Materials and Metho& p f -Installation. Theprovisions of this Section are not intended to prevent the -use of any. material or method of installation. not. specifically ,prescribed by this Section provided.any such'alternate'has-been approved:aThe building official may approve any such alternate provided°that f ndings.can be made"that the proposed design; material'or method: 1. Provides approximate-equivalencd'to.:those specific requirements of this Section; or 2. Is otherwise satisfactory and complies vvrth the intent of•this Section. E. Definitions. For the purposes of this 'Section; certain Germs are defined as follows: 1. Individual means any. ,private individual, `tenant; lessee, owner, or any commercial entity including, but not limrted°to, companies, partnerships, joint ventures or corporations. .a 2. Installed means 'the initial installation of outdoor light fixtures defined in this Section following the effective date of-this=Zoning::Code. 3. Outdoor lightfixtures. means outdoor:artifi"cial illuminatingpdevices, outdoor fixtures, lamps an&O' ther devices„permanent or portable, used 1for,illuminationonadvertisement. Such devices shall include; but are not limit ed:to; search, spot, or flood” lights for: 100-15 JOB A.SSIG"NMENTS Radio Needs 1 A Mortensen, Maury Event Supervisor.- In Cart.in Lots & Mariachi Event Yes 1 B Wheeler, Brad Event Co -Supervisor= -parking lot .& traffic'mgmt Yes 2 Merthie, James Dispatcher - hotel responsibilities Yes 3 Mayer,,,Steve Hotel Patrol Officer Yes 4 Haynes, Charles Hotel Patrol Officer Yes 5 Juarez, Rudy EMT Station at .PGA,West Tennis Clubhouse Yes 6 Chaloux, Todd EMT;Patrol/Relief to'Station 5 Yes 7 Ramirez, Alberto Rover Patrol =Sunken Tennis Court &.Bar Areas Yes 8 Stuart, Scott Main Entry to Fitness Center Yes 9 Terrones, David . PGAW Parking Lot Coord; fill a lot, move to next Yes 10 Ramos, Cesar PGAW'. Parking Lot Coord;_ fill a. lot;.move to next Yes 11 Rojas, Sergio, General Admission Lot Coord; fill a lot, move'to ne Yes Hamilton, Bobby --General"Admission Lot Coord; fill -a lot, drove to next Rios, Juan General' -Admission Lot Coord;,fill p lot, move to next '[As -lots fill,relieve others, release some, close] 12 A Pavia, Robert Relief Parking Across the Street Yes 12 B Oakes, Michael Relief Parking Across, the Street Yes .13 Wood, James Tennis'Area'Patrol at Mariachi Yes 14 Rosales, Edna Between N.W._ Barricade Point &'S.W. Barricade Yes 15 Cove Security #;1 N';W 'Barricade Point btwn Parking& -,Retail Sales Yes 16 Cove Security .#'2 'Between N.W ,B'arricad'e Point"&-S_W. Barricade Yes 17, Cove Security #`3 S.W. Barricade Point behind''singr.16'tennis court Yes 18 Cove Security- # 4 . S.E. Barricade Point by Entertainers Costume Tent Yes 19 Cove Security;.. # 5 Between N E: 'Barricade Point'& S E: 'Barricade. Yes 20 Cove Security # 6 N.E. Barricade Point,,„L'oadingDock. Drive,Gate Yes 21 Cove.Security # 7 PGA West Private Parking -Assist In -House L.P. Yes 22 Cove Security # 8 PGA:West Private Parking - Assist : In -House L.P. Yes rat)' qio 23 Sheriff Deputy, #1 "PGA West, BIGd Entry�Southbound into Parking No 24 Sheriff Deputy #-2 PGA West.Blvd'Ent y Northboun'd out -of Area No 25 Sheriff Deputy # 3 PGAWest =Fitness Center Main Entry Yes Seniors - Law. Enforcement Volunteer # 1 Direct Traffic at Lot No Seniors -.Law Enforcement Volunteer #2 Direct Traffic at Lot No Seniors - Law: Enforcement Volunteer # 3, Direct Traffic at :Lot No Seniors -Law Enforcement Volunteer # 4',:Direct Traffic at Lot No Seniors - Law -Enforcement Volunteer # 5 ­.Direct Traffic at Lot No Seniors - Law. Enforcement Volunteer # 6' Direct Traffic at`Lot No .yr.. Seniors - Law Enforcement Volunteer # 7 Direct Trafficat'Lot No 26 Houston, Ron Assist Claude Brock - Banker/Script Supervisor Yes ryi�ly�ff7�.,aa�I��y�r+ts's7.,�16��..�f.,,�,.+vr. v-�*!c"r_'f_'jt'Sa'�"'.?,.G,�yF�� �.�v' �� :pe•'�: :fir{_ ai. � '�']7'L 1 �j/�j 1�.. I ,,,� 1 e - _+� 7�-• • i '� '�r!' ���� r- r r, u!?• Yi - - '4Vry��Y� Jc� •e.. yY,-._'. �+ ����j � ` - - t oil AYr`r 21 2w '.� ?+ �. 'ai'-' i= J �Lr_--• _ .eYr` 'fir': �i ,►•� • � tir-� • �y�� f 0 zi-0 elf T1 - _ - �,� � _ -:=I=mo - � - - - ~I _ -'� �":� - r-_-�� I ' �, • k� _ '" - ^� S ft VOW v "-� r• �i : - =�•'ys .F jar _a+ r;i_v` "- --.G ~+- ..�iY: - _ J. _ 1 _ �_ S' •a..ti' i - _ T VIV - - 4-'lYyy, � ,G�''�=s- r': r,.,} �•+�. s :!-,.�.1: mar_=� _""�'-r:F �Y� �•'�.=K��-^�=C.� syr _ _ - �;�•• _ - - .�=� ='ti = __ - � n Iz _ - _ __ --�-- may:, LL _-y�(- .nom, ; _= .c_=:-._".'�'i,�= _� ?;� - _.� • - - - �c' - - fir- .- {rL1�{ - - r� - %��'VJ n.�'s �•-.r---�" Lis:'- - - - .k i=� ->t��� l� - - - _ _ '!' Y �'i^ 4 V .................. •:moi . i•= ,. _ :=J - V+ - -=�'-`��• .-i ��. ' 'L- - _ _ - ��.- _��-� fir.'' __�= • - - - - - _ - - __ , 7 _ _—li•-.ice - - _ '+c�=` - _ l•.-mei _� ;lf'-'�• i /. I�H� q- _ i a =r i W4 ... . ......... -?)ii Y,�S.:d IN'. • "� _ r F. } ; _ •moi _ _ \J , : � _ - �. }. _._1 91V 'd 7 WIN `. i'• - .'ex,; - � � .'in�.i�. .,:�i �,;�-�,j C�Ili7d ,�,n ry �?.�,y;� .s7i ={•t, WIE 7-6 ry L 912 vwTc S7 1 9/3;j Go�,F C-pgt- •571, p V\ `RESORT & CLUB August 21, 1997 Mr. Tom Hutchison .Fire Safety Specialist Riverside County Fire Department 46-205 Oasis Street Indio, CA 92201 Dear Mr. Hutchison, KSL Desert Resorts, Inca will be celebrating it's 7th Annual Mariachi : Festival this Labor Day Weekend, August 31,1997 at PGA West Private Fitness &.Tennis Club. We filed our plan with the City of La QuintaJoe a.Minor Temporary Outdoor Event, number 96-124. We received our. "..aubject t6 -the following conditions:" letter shortly -thereafter. We have sub- . mitted our plan to the Building Department, and' I have been working to get:fnal plans for your office. Some bulletin points are noted below which ltelieveyouu want [if you need other infor- mation, please let me know]. • Security - KSL Desert Resorts will schedule up to twelve in-house officers, ten contract officers through Cove Security, - ty, and°three uniformed: Riverside County - Sheriffs Deputies for.traffic and entry control Selected individuals would leave.designated posts to assist with' -an emergency * Parking Lots will fuse Telescoping Flood lights10 allow good visibility -,for attendees. • The purchasing"mad to the Fitness Center facilities will have a Cove Security Guard at the Gate. No parking. is allowed, this is for the exclusive.use of Emergency Vehicles to the Tennis Area [fire truck and/or ambulance]. " There will, bean. EMT Station within the Tennis Area for anyone suffering minor injuries. Five in-house Supervisors are certified. EMTs. We will keep ,Gatocade`available, as well as Oxy- gen and Ice Packs to address heat exhaustion: incidents. We'll also have Banana's to help replace needed vitamins. * There is a map attached of the Tennis/Fitness area. There is one'tent located "kitty*corner" to the main stage this is:for Entertainer Costume Changes. It -has sides'and will have the fire extinguishers.needed. The tent is actually four- 20' k 20' and the provideris C.S.S. Services a,local company: 398-2000 .. There will b,e two cooking stations with the LPG 5# -Tanks and about.thirty.stations using Ster- no Cans as the heat source. All cooking stations will have ABC"Fire"ExtinguQshers. We have designated, 40 Handicap Parking `Stails, hear Ithe front ofahe Fitness Center. An area has been designated for Wheelchair patrons inside. the tennis area. Grandstands are being erected by`"Mike Brown Grandstands, Inc..Sppcifi6,,plans were sub- mitted to the'Building .Department. Their ,number°is:. 909-593-1444. • There will be a food preparation.staging area. The map says `tent, but there will not be one. * VIPS will eat dinner in the PGA.West Private Clubhouse. Mexicamfood selections are avail- able surrounding the entertainment area of the Tennis Courts;for the'General Admission at- tendees. In -House Loss Prevention Officers are certified -by the American Red Cross in CPR•&First Aid. Many will assist in parking details,and move to the. tennis irea'after the concert begins; others will stay to patrol'the parking lot in Golf Carts. Mr. Hutchison, if you have any. questions, please let me know. 'F J 49-499 Eisenhower Drive, Post Office Bos 69, La Quinta, California 92253, Tel. 619.564.4111, Fax 619.564.7656 J' �FpA, Qt4