MUP 2019-0009 Caddyshack (10.24.2019) October 24, 2019 Mr. Tim Martin Caddyshack P.O. Box 1183 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2019-0009: 78-130 CALLE TAMPICO ESTABLISHMENT OF A GOLF CART SALES BUSINESS Dear Mr. Martin: The Design and Development Department has reviewed your request to establish a golf cart sales business located at 78-130 Calle Tampico. Approval of this application is subject to the attached exhibits, the following Findings and Conditions of Approval: FINDINGS 1. Consistency with the General Plan: The land use is consistent with the general plan. The proposal does not alter the approved land use for the property or affect land use on surrounding similar properties. 2. Consistency with the Zoning Code: The use is consistent with the provisions of this zoning code and the underlying Village Commercial (VC) zone it is located in. The requested use will comply with all other development standards as required under said Zoning Code. 3. Compliance with CEQA: Processing of this minor use permit complies with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. The Community Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Sections 15301 (Existing Facilities). 4. Surrounding Uses: Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. The operation of the facility does not impact any residents or other persons in the vicinity of the use. CONDITIONS 1. The applicant/property owner agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the “City”), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, or litigation arising out of the City’s approval of this project. This indemnification shall include any award toward attorney’s fees. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. The City of La Quinta shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Per La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC) Section 9.200.130, the use permit may be modified or revoked by the Design and Development Director, City Council, or Planning Commission, should they determine that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare, or materially injurious to property, or improvements in the vicinity, or if the property is operated or maintained, so as to constitute a public nuisance. 3. Operations of the business shall be consistent with the statement of operations provided by the applicant and on file with the Design and Development Department. Any expansion of this use or substantial modification that results in a change of use shall require an amendment of this minor use permit. Minor modifications to this permit shall be considered by the Design and Development Director in accordance with LQMC 9.200.090 and may require notification of surrounding property owners prior to such approval. All other amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.080. MISCELLANEOUS 7. No signage is included in this Minor Use Permit approval. A separate Sign Permit is required through the Design and Development Department if the applicant proposes signs for the business. 8. Hours of operation shall occur only on the days and times specified in the Statement of Operations provided to the City by the applicant and on file. Changes to these hours that do not conflict with normal business hours may be approved by the Design and Development Director. 9. The City of La Quinta reserves the right to review and monitor the operation of this facility and modify Conditions of Approval regarding hours of operation, occupancy, and other operational conditions. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by any party who submits the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $1,526.00 to this office within 15 days of the date of approval of this permit. Should you have any questions please contact me at (760) 777- 7086 or via email at sfernandez@laquintaca.gov. Sincerely, Sijifredo Fernandez Associate Planner Attachments: 1) Statement of Operations 2) Site Plan 3) Floor Plan