0306-326 (SFD) Geotechnical Investigation'd i:•3riF. ,a4i�73A •a�,tA r-�ShiY;(Q{YcG�"/ iii 4v.:�•er: �fr::Ptiganp if t'f�f�S�{h {' f 1 ypr• Y ( q.i, f..�.6: ^,. y,3, �., V . ;1NVP .i:i'.�i c T"�'�!1 jp�L'Y {[c{yp,{ , lt'jc?.i r 'i 1 !'�J !%:a..�:t i -t w lr �tl"i "7 ' L• °.: h';1 ROM" 1 4 I J(!?f f r . il..;^.'; . `•�'ti: 3y'.�i'ij _„3f.. 1::. 1.'� 1....?� :; it.,'3:.,#f � 7 1� �!•. F �.�'a, �.'F..SiUI Y �,�.'..:' G'li _ }a 4 T� <h.•.T•' 'i: '. v"”' 7. ' i i YY r ,Dw. ,:e ta. r���'i6>� .:. i.. C7•. Fr1.�.'Ift"`�' �.fi.t.-f" r,;..y• •d;r ..b( f s ..a.�'' 'f� '{ �1tr. ,,,>,t.; rti.i. ;•'s.�...ut� }' 1(. f viii I I.• +.� v i 7', ; ..:v"•: ff Irva{ fi ..:2 •ti;sr x9 . 7... .. !:wy!!" (.7 ;�i7 ' i�:'. ,i;. '. �.: d�;,J, t :o: i 1. .: �11r' .W?'' (IJ,i, f!%.. eM1.15 `�!;J ?:t- i� •+ M .. 1> Yf .P•" e'6°:.:�. 't.�)1.. ,:i4:. 'P i A � ..G � ,'�.u(.3 . `�'ti! .}.,S � �' :gy'1'f"r;'.p x• k. 1 ,::i.n :f 1� 1 .1.. 5-. Y �' y �:[ 4' V S.sl': 1. �. 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Attention: Mr. John. Shaw Project: Proposed Short Course Development The Quarry at La Quinta. La Quinta, California Subject: Geotechn'icallnvestigation ct x��,ai x , � a n vk! ug;;+�`•}'j� rcir kx•W ••, v1�t 'j 1 �"bye t� s�fI �,rt •.:1��.t ,�(���r II��'G ��rn, )t •d�tlt,�'i}�tZ�-r�y�f�tt�.,w r,..i;i�&4t�;�n�i sr��� r r 2�S is 321 (5152):8 4=4-2'l (714) 523-0952 Rix(714) 523-1369 rt, CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895 Project No. 544-2098 02-07-445. Presented herewith is the report of our Geoteehn+ica•I Investig .i%conducted. at the site of the proposed new short course and: surrounding residential 1°ots to be located Jgpt south and east of the existing Quarry at La.Qu.inta devel.optnent ire the City of La Quinta, California The investigation: was. performed in order to provide recommendations for site preparation and to assist in foundation design for the proposed residential structures. This report presents the results of our field investigation and laboratory testing along with conclusions and recommendations for foundation design and site preparation. This report completes our original scope of services as descr'i'bed in our proposal- dated June 14, 2002. We appreciate, the opportunity to provide service to you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this.report, please contact the undersigned Respectfully submitted, SLADDEN ENGINEERING Brett L. Anderson Principal Engineer SER/pc Copies: 6/Quarry Ranch, LLC Va(Men F_rrgineering I • ;•�::^'r, 4• i{i ,..,a kl i...,},i. �, V.1 i It `)': % : � ;,. tt:I ,iz.: .5., 4,i lam'=.t`f /it .. 1" ,�, .v: }. 1t•a ,p 'lY�lj�Q, •� � �f : `M M t t i It ' 9 ' !' .1 t1. .-:1 � �+.I,f t j v f. _7t' .ifs ft7 {11 �%,F..I�i� r. � i' 1 n' ty' ,tY L 'd ".�. s r a �,'� k ,(rr�,'.: :r9�y.�G ••�:,i�j� '�Y ! "I r`' ? "il 1.:, ,,. _ :}. �, tt. , `f;f$ r .1 1 v..,.: !, i�,�r�,st+ttlr.�1 r p1 �t�Y� _ .. }:.;Y.:i'••::i ivq 'T.:t(.C.: ..41v. �t rftgi_ - ..t^. �+�k':3, L;�i.C7_•..1+-,.�.•ly�. �•Y+4,•p Ivl,�i. �:S�;u.r;.�. �j;,,�� .s. f :_ F ,. ,fsi�r + 4r= t . ., r4 y �� t 4 1 /l; .. • Y 1: 1 , i' .. .. � • C,rEOT, C/111 xNV z: >'IoPOS 5�cRT Cov1I'"� t.: OPNtENT., ♦ TIDE Qt•r1�RYA L Q1 CNTA `. July 31, 20.02 TABLE OF CONTENTS Y • INT;ROD'UCTION ................ :. �. :....................... .......... 1 ` . 6-6k OF WORK; ...................... .... ! ................. "1 r x2OJECT .DrSCRIPTION :...... ................ '. :: T "s y> S§URFACCONDITIONS........... .:....... . ....... ... 1 ' -• ' ' CQkLUSIONS AND RECO`M'MENDAI' ONS 2 ...... ... r. g................................I.... Foundation"Desi n ....:............. 3 Settlements............................................ . :.........I....... ........................................ 13 ' ° Lateral Design':........: ................................................... .......... .................................... Retaining.Walls.......................................................M...•............................... 3 �.- Expansive Soils..,: ..................... .........- .......... 4' r ' Corierete Slabs -on -Grade -.................................:.... 4 Soluble Sulfates .........................................:. Shrinkage. and Subsidence ...... ............ .................................... •,..................... .::..:.................. 4 ' General Site Grading .......... .... ................................................................. 4. - w . 1. Cleating ariel Grubbing- ........................:. .. 4. . i......... :. 2. Preparation of Buildting Areas ............... .................................... 5 _ • 3:.Pteparat Preparation of Su aces to Receive Com.pacied .Fill , , .........:'................... ......'...... 5 4. Placement of Compacted Fill ..............:.......: ......... 5 . 5. Preparation of Slab and .Pavement Areas.................:................................................. 5 6. Testing and Inspection ............................. ............ 5 . GENERAL............................................................................................................... .... 6 - APPENDIX APPENDIX A - . Site Plan and .Boring Logs .; Field Exploration71 - APPENDIX B - Laboratory Testing ' Laboratory Test Results APPENDIX C 1997. 7 113 J t C Seismic Design Criteria', �- -- _ Sladden F.ngineer•ing- 3 IiNTR.Ori�'J`CTION •'s.��l 77i:• ...:. ' .:•.... : ':Mt1a'.t'.tr This report `p' s6h t:he result of o.irIihvestigatibn''pctfoiH ed in order t'o proV tic' recornmen#a ions for site pr pat ttott at�d to.'asstst • tt.,,th.e des.:i.gia and; construction of the residential lots surrounding the pro:poseel short;cottrsc, rhq. stte is located just south of and. easti of the existing Quarry at: La Quinta development in tlt.e, Q jt of La Qpin ' Calrforn_ia, The associated ianprovements will include paved roadways, concrete driveways, Coll creto walkways, various underground utilities, and landscape areas. <VVORIK The purpose of our iahvesttgati.oal was to detCr i, it -6, l-'ein 011gineering character<.istics of the near surface soils on the site in order to develop reeommendaiiotts for foundation design and site preparation. Our investigation included field explqratt.oit, labor to.�,yi,t�csting, engineering analysis and the preparation of this report. Evaluation of env:i.r"ontnei.tal isstre°o'liYdotts wastes was not within the scope of services provided. Our investigation was performed in accot'ditnce with contemporary geotechnical engineering principles and practice. We make no other warranty,up.ifiher express or implied. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is located just south and past of thel�$tti�g Quarry at La Qumta development in the City of La Quiihta, California. TI-ve :pt' l'ii =rtraty :j�latt5 t t 11 t that th;e project wili consist of a new par 3 golf course and surrounding resi:dentt I lots.: "It is our (ti fderstandi:ng that the proposed residential buildings will be of relatively liglatweighi wood.-fratnae cons r4,4,tt0!i and. will be supported by conventional shallow spread footings and concrete sl11a s on grade. The osociated site improvements will include, concrete walkways and driveways, paved, roadways, Ian. dscape°areas and various underground utilities. The project site is presently vacant and: the ground' sttr:face is covered with scattered desert brush, short grass, weeds and minor debris. The majority of the p_rojeet is relatively level throughout with an. overall downward slope to the north and cast. Two large lots are located oil the natural hillside just south of the existing Quarry at La Quinta Golf Course. The adjacent properties to the sough, and east are presently occupied by single family residences. Based upon our previous experience with lightweight wood-fi°ame structures, we expect that isolated column loads will be Less than. 30 kips and wall loading will be less than to 3.0 kips per Iinear foot. Grading is expected to include cuts and fil'Is to match .the nearby elevations and to construct level building pads. This does not include removal and/or recotr:paption of the primary foundation bearing soils within tike building areas. if the anticipated foundation Lording or site grading varies substantially from that assumed, the recommendations included in this report should be reevaluated. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS . The site is underlain primarily by fine to coarse grained alluvial sands with scattered gravel and cobbles. The alluvial sands were fairly uniform in composition except for gravel and cobble content. The alluvial sands typically contained less than ten percent fines (clay and silt sized particles). In general, the site soils appear somewhat loose near the surface but field blow counts indicate that density generally increases with depth. The site soils were found to be dry throughout the depth of our exploratory borings. Sladelen Engineering w.0 -07-445 Laboratoa:.;c.lassificatlons,te 1yla,l t 1idt; •1es��;�Gi;atlrthe .ear.suri ceµsgtl5 ool1stst pttmailly of I:,ineito coarse 1J � �a :i. i �i �3,`n'� 4 �11;!l,(1 i" f i � a'J � � „ .�. S:' �{J! . i,n RERE? ' Y. ', ?'ia'?ryle7 $ ;S �k ei' r,,."1�,!b ` graiiiealiiivial sands.'xpstnie'sftn;g ta>its tFi>t Elie sritiicr sc�s ate t4oii=e epar�srvc atitlal'wtthi.n the. .`very low" expansionratcg©ry i�1 aacoi:d'anee with the Unifopm Bu,ildiang•Code:.cl:assificati.on system. The somewhat loose and dry conditions suggest that the near surface soils may be susceptible to :detrimental settlements date to t t.e anti cipate..1 foundation loading. andthe introduction of water. Groundwater was not enooutStore�llwrthin gtlt�l�olAn;gs but is expected to be i.n excess o .2Q0 feet below the. existing ground sin faoe in U1 e =vteunrty o r � ar,,4ite. Groutndw•.atEr should not :lie a :factor in founcLat�otn design or construction: CdtN S1ONk*'i6RRCOM.MENDATIO1vS Based upon our field .and laboratory hlvestt;gation, it is our opinion that"the proposed residential - 'development is feasible from a soil mechani!c's. tat dj�bi;nt provided. that the recommendations included in " this report are considered in. building foundation design and site preparation. -Due to -tile somewhat loose and, potentially compressible condition of some of the near surface soils, remedial grading including watering and recompaction is recommended for the proposed building areas. We recommend that remedial grading within the proposed build.iai:gr.:eas..include extensive site watering and recompaction.of 'r the primary foundation beari11g.. soils in order to- provide a uniform mat of compacted soils beneath the building foundations.. Specrfic n•:co.rnmcnd'attons for site preparation are presented in the Site Grading" section of this report. ' ry '3 Groundwater was not encovutttt?ecl within ow,r: bormgs.and groundwater is expected to be in excess of 200 feet. below the existing gtou+t:eli surface in the vi:ci:n,ity of the site. Due to the depth to'groundwater,, ' specific liquefaction analysOs were not perfornm,W,.. Based upon the depth to groundwater, the potential for liquefaction and the related surficial affects of iquefaetion impacting the site are considered negligible. - _ The site is' located within ail..aptive. seismic area of Southern California within approxi.na'ately 015.0.. r - kilometers of the San Andreas fault. Strong ground motion resulting frorn earthquake activity along the nearby San Andreas or Safi -Jacinto fault systems is likely to impact the site during the anticipated lifetime of the structures. Structures shou.-Id be designed. by professionals familiar with the geologic and seismic setting of the site. As a miniin rn, structure design should"coliform with Uniform Building Code (UBC) requirements for Seismic Zone 4. "Pertinent seismic•design parameters as included within tine 1997 -UBC , are summarized in Appendix C' ; f i3 . Caving did occur within each -of our exploratory borings and the surface soils will be"susce'ptib,le to r caving within deeper excavations. All excavations should be constructed in accordance with the normal CalOSI-IA excavation criteria. On the basis of our observations of the materials encountered, we w ` anticipate that the subsoils will conform to those described by Ca1OSi-lA as Type C. Soil conditions should be verified in the field by a "Competent person" employed by the Contractor. ' The surface soils encountered during our investigation were found to be,non-expansive. Laboratory :testing indicated an Expansionindex of 0 which corresponds with the "very low" category in accordance with UBC Standard I8-2. if inn:ported soils are to be used during grading, they should have an Expansion Index of.less than -20: z ------------------------ SladrJcn Engineering • .. [y� i C, 1 ^tai k N, A i'b.! i h sf t o y 'Ftp y ykhg(j7�$e �s.�� i FFn �,(. t f, fill '� t �1� 11 �t�`'l� r .. .t.., .�.. vy�,k�`li ii..r,�'¢i'. ��'.:isJ.�fif.lRoty,_3�•j�� ,Tlxe foltlouwing,rec�ou a tX �P ens ink ; it ettailcd do i,,. crate is th have hoc? �� of pedMo i ba`si's of o'iai fie�d andI q t r ttnvcs i� tion': "' i Foundation Dost.; n.: The resu;l:ts.;.gf our investigation hid'icate that either conventional shallow continuous foot.nS ;or isolated Wed; footings, which are supported upon properly recompacted soils, may be eXpiot"d to provide: satisfactory support for the proposed residential structures. Recoirrpacttott,sh©'ullt be perfoiltieda dscri'bed in the Site Grading Soctioa of this report. Footings shotlli­6%t,0 'fh at least jnch:es beneath lowest adjacent rectangular fgotjrigrade Isolated squareuare oi- pf%ast 2 f et'$�ultz� e,rnay be designed usrng an allowable bearing pressure of 1800 pounds bF; �,tii > foot: CJoliUiat;itbus. footings at ica,st 12 inches wide itgy be €lesigned usuig an aliowable befit in"pr.ssure of 1150:0 po:iaiids per sqUare foot. Allowable incases of 200 psf for each additional 1 foot of width and:25.Q;psf for each additional 6 inches of depth may be utilized if desired. Th�o••na4.xiinurn: a-1loWSb'lo.::besrttl:g pressure should be 2500 psf. The allowable bearing pressures are for dead and frequently applied live loads and may be increased by 1/3 to resist wind, seismic or ober: transient loading. Care should be taken to see that.,..bo4iring soils are not allowed to become saturated from the ponding of raigwater or excessiv&� i,.rri$atiort. Drainage from the buildi:mg areas should be rapid and complete... The recomine .44, t0 t!s.:madc ii r: the' preceding paragraphs are based on the assumption that all footings wtJl be supported uponpto`p lly compacted soil. Akl grading steal( be performed under the testing and insjction of the Std."t.:ls-Engineer or his representative. Prior to the placement of concrete, we recoM3.111111end that the. f6oting excavations be inspected in order to verify that they extend into compacted. soil and are free of loose and disturbed materials. Settlements: Settlements may.rosplt-from the anticipated foundation load's. These estimated ultimate settlements are cal'culatadvi to: be a maximum of l inch when using the recommended bearing values. As a practical smatter, differential settlements between footings can be assumed as one-half of the total. settlement. Lateral Design: Resistance to lateral Toads can be provided by a combination of friction acting at the base of the slabs or foundations and passive earth pressure along the sides of the foundations. A coefficient of friction of 0.45 between soil and concrete may be used with dead load forces only. A passive earth pressure of 275 pounds per square foot, per foot of depth, may be used for the sides of footings which are poured against properly compacted native soils. Passive earth pressure should be ignored within the upper i foot except where confined (such as beneath a floor slab). When used its combination, either the passive resistance or the coefficient of fi•iction should be reduced by one-third. Retaining Walls: Retaining walls may be required to accomplish the proposed construction. Cantilever retaining walls may be desi,gncd using "active" pressures. Active pressures may be estimated using an equivalent fluid weight of 35 pcf for native backfill soils with level free - draining backfill conditions. S/addeii F_iagineerhig -itilsiPia{trHti}1h't iC W COi;rY u 'we r t �teft • , !#t ii, t d- recompa�tioti l f f •1 `� g a ouri''att t� are � :" The butildtug areae. should'.. ¢watered so that tAear opttnactm 1h� jg� ..'.content is attanxed to a depth.. oCat least 3 feet. below existing grades qr 4 feet bele; peel grade, whichever is deeper. The exposed sRtrfaee should then be%C with Gravy equipment so that a minut'itim of 90 percent relative compaction is eitained to it d" i.' of ;kt least 2 feet below extstlttgigiada,or feet bel.ow.pad grade, whichever is deep@ ' n1li.rnatcrial may then be pl `cec� as recon mended in Item 4 below. Qvei ex¢avatt�ti�f�fnd recompaction of the r r ;c sttrfa�e' sd9ds S; t 'coli mettded for transrtiO..n {otss tn¢ltidtii i 1� 2 1'ois located within the natut+ailAhirl�lstdE south ofthe;ax.1sting Quarry at �,a.Qu1ita°de�iY�'f5i�tiient. 3. Preparation of Surfaces to Receive Comvpact�.l Fill: Other :areas to receive compacted fill shpt.Ad':be brought to near optimum moisture:.content and 46 npacted to a minimum of 90 pe'j cQ�t re•tative'eom:paction. 4. Placement' of Cornpacted� Fill: Fill materials consisting of..o.n=s be soils or approved imported granular soils, should be spread in thin lifts, and-0 tiapteted at near optimum moisture content to a mi:nim.urn of 90 percent •relative comup Oicim. Imported material sliall li� e' an Expansion Index not exceediug,.2'.0. The cont iictor siall notify the Soils Eggtne6'r:-at least 48 hours in advance of k-ap., 'yting soils'inQrdet~-ta provide sufficient time f r5tlte ev'aluaiion of proposed import:mglt ials. The co>atraotor shall be responsible for d:eltvett.:iig material to tike sit• that complies with the pt o;j'eet specifications. Approval by the Soils Engineer =used upon material delivered�to the site and not: the preliminary evaluation of import sou-ces. Our observations of the material. encountered during ow.r investigation indicate that com:p:acti:on will be most readily obtained by means of heavy rw:bber-wheeled equipment and/or vibratory eompsetoi s. At the time of our investigatioi.i, Elie s�.tbsoi is were found to be very dry. A. more uniform and near optimum moisture con&nt s-iould be maintained during recompaction and fill placement. 5. Preparation of Slab and .Paving Areas: All surfaces to receive asphalt concrete paving or concrete slabs--on-grade, should be underlain by a mini.-mu.m.compacted fill thickness of 12 inches. This may be accomplished by a combination of scarification and recompaction of the surface soils and placement of the fill: material as controlled compacted fill. Compaction of the slab and pavement areas should be to a. minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. 6. Testing: and 1:111spection: During grading tests and observations should be performed by the Soils Engineer or his representative in order to verify that lie grading is being performed in accordance with the project specifications. Field density testing shall be performed in accordance with acceptable ASTM test methods. The minimum acceptable degree of cocn:paction should be 90 percent of the maxii-num dry dE„sity as obtained by the ASTM D1557-91 test method. Where testing indicates insufficient density, additional compactive effort shall be applied until retesthig indicates satisfactory compaction. Sladden Engineering 'sINK If°tt?i • :(fiy �Mfr ry N, g.;Sa �: ' .�l'�.1+' '!l ,3 p y�:�. }I r�•q•.•�1 Ixh ' °p +���j• pp, � �j'.kgS r �t ;+`. � 3? - •kd m„NIS \q V yq r 'itp -- .: •�.Y�;1f' r,� .rp:• .: tVt♦'I �{�.S �6iSt;:': �5�,�,j'1{,35''., 7�'({(j�j '('I.1' I f: - � 8p�1. :1 L�1}'l'♦a'I:F S{�2.�ggy7�;” � I. ��a r'�'. e;'S✓�. �;.t �y�G I,il� - �� 1 • �� ) Str y1�;�1y5rC�+j�}�♦ 1�;7A � �i a, :���t i� is 41Tr y� ±11 f'i � � 1ry/- 7 7Ar. F �I Y ;, r,:� 3� TI ,. h 111 � � z • t h � - �. Y'. - o �.ue 'Y' � �P �i4yil3, ! +il;,;� ,Q: � � �ll , ,,}. ,'j7�J ,i S I' 11��1 i? f ?: �A ,1 j 11�. .:St S: t : f � , .I �/1 tS 1•>IS �. 41 � }a t`k���•r,, { i �. t ,i. �' ; r{ '7 � `I{t�R� N! tl?I , I Ns .'��°. +�,'��"7�,r R^.IE41�S � .i:.r:•, 9 y,�� {�, a S � 1 � - ' I �4 .I u «�F .p4.: t `171' � � �{ I � . f ,ef �'+}�% �1�:. •�:R� 1 I, ,P r!);, :,H) �. ..jglj:,f yi . � �, a' { {.2�.:mlSt:7.`S �;rII .f4T�. 6�; t -t .:7.;:43 , 1 l��i� 1} k ;;�":f ,l) 9 � f ��r� :':di �i !`'�k1 R`- i:- t•:7Si l r7 I a1'pI ft,`{ ,,., �S1t P t f ! 4' 1J. i`n•:;..79 !mp it t, r•. �: .;,:. ; qq 1, p'� 11 n{ { . r S/, i a ' I '• ��1 .. •.:t 1. ,il#,. +. ).. ,711 •.,I. 'l.t,.f "�Sa 't�l).li.k.... iy. t - 1.; I,�.td�;'_ 1.�, r:. <,li�>r•,�:� � t4;, .�.�;f�+ � ; • 7f';�t��'•„if��I i Q f ' ,, : ,•, ,, 0 1:. `I:.. 7.. .11rr:>:'... i 1 gid. � I •�tl �P'.P.� f,' !�'�, <s 6 t {,�.)Ij(1;11•..n l ! ..�:,;1 . - I � �;It�.f. , . �,1,.:}. .,� ��.,. , �;.� Cil �. • ..�► �- ..,., 1. The fiind.iilgs and recommendations presented in .this report are blsed .upon aid:. inter po[ation of the soil conditions between the exploratory boring locations and cxtrapola.tion of tliese conditions throughout the proposed building area.. Should condi:.ti:ons oncoLintered. duri:n,g g)adirag aP 'pat' different, than those indicated in th-is'report, this office should be notified. This repot1i tst¢onsidercd to be:spplroable for use .by Quari;y �anclt, L ,C;£g tl1`e,:specific site and project { ` h described''herein:. The use of this report. by oilier partres. or for other' MR60t is not authorized:. The { reeomineatcl0k vi of this ro.poit ate co.nti-iigent >tpott si7pnitormg o atlse r lading operation by a re.p`rog6rit'�tiv di':Sladden Engi:ne0l1n;g. A t rccoinrri;enc� ticfil, a ¢ consi`d t`ecJ icy 6c tentkivc laei'iding our t ,a. review of tl%e grading operation and additional test.in if indicated. If others are -:employed to perform any soil testitig,•this office should be.notified prior to sg..4 . testing in order to coordinate any required site 'v.isits by our representative an:d to ass:ur..e i.ndern»iotygn;oCSladen Fttg;i�eeru,g. r, Our investigation was c6nducted prior to the eornp:letion of plans for the protect,. We recommend ihat a pre job conference be held on the site prior to the initiation of site grading The'purpose of this meeting''' will be to assure complete understanding of the recommendations,presented in -this report,a.s they apply to the actual grading performed. .. Y' � ,' �` .. i +• of f, � y, . �r - I' • - .,L 76, • � ;- __ ,.. --- --'--. -- - � Slaulden Engineering '. 7m-P LL j BoringLogs % 41 v .6 Ka&lemi Engineering,,, i . ,•°:'•,, "`' • ror:•°otirrterat'nvestrgat-tett,>�i e�cp'tot+axdTy�orttl1��h�r�;e�cava�:ea}o�ix��{u'ne�LU; Ll7:UL';U9111g'.alirt]C1C`1YlOLtnieq, `" ' �?y,«� :,. Mobt'le .B53 .dril.itrig rig �1td,,A� 011ow-:sterni atit ers Tl c apprpx!lnate plQratory borit4.g locations are ' indicated on the site piaii IdcLt7 din"this a a hdtx., l ort:n'g logs;.ar—i-nel: in this appendix. sRepresentative 'undisturbcd simples were 6!RAtt�ed within otn: borings t;y dr.tvtng;ia thin-walled"st:eci d Pone ration Test S'i'T sain Ier with 1 penetratign sampler (C1,�l�lh,i!fsliit's..pootl� ��)+o a Malt R .: , t t ( ) p IdWpound lianimerdt'gp �tfi p `Rfoc�tn5at ,? '�Q i�icYi s(yAS M 9 �,Si'6J .`l,hen intbEi o`fblowsrequired:to dt;tve the, samplers 1$ :Y1eYs"s`..t'ecod"d ij�ary 11r tn'creti�`�i1ts attd 'blovvcounts a're indicated on the boning logs. The California sam leis" ate 3 Q jtiche$ m dYaiiteter t � p ,;; tying bt ads satnpliv rt:ngs havnlg inner diameters of 2.5 inches. The standards pe4 -Ation san�p1, iv,j ne atticthss tfi dtain:etpr with an inner diameter of 1.5` inches. Undisturbed s'am "'. es st�et•e fell, :'t tail .' `at5 p1o1, end �5laop�r tti ino'isture sealed containers in• r �,� , order to .preserve the natatasl.tri:otstu:r .a »;t _, >ilk "'I .Were obtained from the excavation spoits and -samples were then..trarrs.ported to;our'1' hoar tory fot further observations. and testing. ' ,- t f �•t r ♦• � S�, e n r + .. 1 • Mr. ` r y y s • 'R' • � 1 f r r - ° ' ., ••fir'., p - _ ��• i � Iw •. .. •1 rpt' }, `r. x. ''�• wry �' •y�, , ;.. Slarlden Engineer rng rf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.777P7t. 4S A.-im -44IN 'OKAR f M 74 A) PI 0 ..0 r 0 Sao dt-ibwht T pwn- wi 1,0/13/15 101 1.0 Silty 7/11/12 �b wn flne -to, co04 1.0 ..9 O-W rattled. withise 15 - 7/1.2/1.6 Sand: Brown, 106 1.3 --- fine to coars.e,grainecl 20 SandOW .YSIU& n-, 7/121 14 1... 104 .0 B,'oWder-at 231 0 25 Silty Sand-.-'-B 9/18/15 fine to coarse:grained LUJ 108 1.6 MRccovered Sarnp. le Total).eprk = 26.5' No #edrock 30 No -0a -roi' ndwater 35 40 45 50 55 Note: The stratification lines represent the Approximate boundaries between the soil types; the transitions may be gradual. r , �71W , , , , N Depth V, o ° (in feet) Core m - co = V F+ - ft. Blows%00 i t S gO O. R _ -ED a -- o or O = 2 cli CD .. p Unit Dry Wt. N �4 p cn 00 �t =' ` - CoMRtr! n �: Al A ''n - R .;qtr` - CD 20 C-4 CD 0 iD N �- fY.i;ST' i Z II rr ; - r�'((mm } �,iz} ^ 1 1 f �IC j;i f N f �`, t3a "3 C i` St �{ ` ' 1 . I`9{ - ' ` � i rt '•ilfu !.d'T 1 � �Y,PIt.aFi: { �A�.. r ' F; , 1 1 ' ,&f.;a a,r�, ¢i. .� 3 2. N" �,� � P 't:7};i• tiT t % • 'i, S�j. .' �` ' 1 � �. TL(3r/f��'�5� �.`� �7�• 111"�ctij4'�. );1 �� tT'i � t � t > �''�� lf�'iNI � k?': 7 � a: �w}�t � I JIl � •. h r Af :f ;t �i.>: 'i °• z *� ' "�-yF. w: I cif! . .. .,, F s n tl`f"� r; i F�1,1 • ,1�� J I i` � 'f f lu 4t'! _A hbt4 ���. I � -y I ifi1.; F,_�I N I I i I t . .I{ ' 1 1�P f ?It I ,1,• t {{ ' 1 �-hv$-,. � 1 l��,��[til ,�.1�n�?� li, �d #1) ! � "tl4``f��tGtlblt`�Y '��f;].� ( •t Ift� r, f'if'` �St, � }i 1;1 ,'�„i�:, a!' t I �" tl���� i.... rcz �,� ` d �. � �< ,� ! �.��� � i•sl t 1 . � i a I�I1.�r�rlrl,}�°�le�rl��l ``���t t t I I _�il.} , �'-r}•.. ,' ' .pNfyy. �� -CiU '�� t u�G e.,; Rrg� hll >�% � - 17 1 �, t I �. � -, i e if,,. t7��^,3`ft� t� •. ., t No �t r. i - - ,. ..ob .544 ., ' .L ,•7. Q Q�.:Yp,...f) 4'•j1:7 44 ''�'�`i•!?r2�' rrh,.,,:�,� ��yyyyr 14Y'Ji�.L .Ikd tO1 ` itl fi •S�.$'r�' • G �7 '� 5 .. �h. , ,. of ! t 1f• % 7 $ �_ 1tit�ar ,,�tElUTARKS ,: V�.. ' o`Sand Btown, tune to coarse' SP' `` r _ gr�zned trace gravel :. . • _ - • - ._fit , r ; tt axe. ; �, � •1 �; `t•:�;- • :3::: � - � :. - , � 8/10/12. 1 Y - 10/ll/l2 `Sand $town;t S'P G gVain ed 0 Zto}�Coaese ewtltht�'$�tYve1, s 75 _ Sand-19-Mwln, fine to coarse SI' c 1.0/20/21 grained, trace gravel - O,9 • rI"�tan rdcnc � a tion q'tal`Dep _ No-Bedrrk 20, r NorGraurdw_ ater. _ 25 :35 +Y 40 •-r ' � - ; r N .. ♦ of r r.z� .. y . '; ` ' ^a5 ' 55 `' Note: The atratificatiou lines - - + r<;present tic approximate " 1 boundaries J,etween the soil types; tees; - the trwisiti,ns may be gradual. + 7��v�t'`t{�, i '1 �`'�Y r � �)�# �� � r1a Y61,'Sr�"r r4a ,�lr•. 1 t,�,,�rt � 67 { "i �•;1'�.,t���l'�� � f'if 1yJ rr�•� 11a4•"�},t q•j=i iai t�9t�1�'��',1( } .illi 'I SA� � �1 •.i � �" ' 4t ,d Ps tl � 1 u�,4�,� ;Y ; '�•� ' 'jj" ^�ia"* 1 g+ F `�i 4: �, E�i �t �? %'• lvi4 A� - �,. .s{� ;. �pV'• Y , , } . 'i 1 Ft�' v �,���3��i fssl� 1 •• j FIJI l � w �! ,t 1 ,!' e } q,� ••y+' i � f „ �. { , _ t r t • ,._leo il, > �.bL i � 26 02 p � i � 3 yin y '� a � .; � '' ` 98 iP'�jju�,'iJ}, f� .. \ �j 11 ii. iiiq•t�F'S�.:� { I v r iia}•. i}tte.:.� d°`'�SU�Ii 1+1.5 �? •:s t l�, RrE' KS - &T i, Q 0 ' - Sand:- Brown, SP/SM slightly silty, ' fin to coarse grained , , 21/31/39 .10 26/29/60 ` r 7.$ Sand Browny S('` ,a Y - 23/32/36 fineto.coarse rained --- '1.4 Standard Penetration 'TtStal Depth = 16.5` Sample N&Bedrock r 20 , No-Groundwatcr - 30 40, 45 ,.. �.. .. Y Note The st atlEicintii�n Imes 55--ctis` �' Y - ` represent the approximat.c • boundaries betwe'cu the soil types;' • transitions 1 d 1 the may be gradual. l 1 ' �, � i - ` r � i� -'�� S otd �t, u`': �} �r'!jt r.I t 6a'E 17xE A. 1 .r � � � � • 1 fit_ �p�i` ilt.y x ��y, (� ptz itl Jill 'N e a i tl tl fe ,M (1'yi t.a ,rr Lf s .>• rt N '' , . Job:'I�o 5�4-2098 Lv rb r (ri �- '1I to .f ffA?? U.��9i¢t r+ TOW, ji-t .r R , AT A` . ° "a Sand: Brown, SP/SM. Slightly silty, r , - - fn© to coatse'g 4ii ed: a .trace gravel'. r �.: ..Y sfi .. 5:' 12/16/19 Ir .1. �♦ it ", fit xo 17/20/23 Sand: Brown, i SP/SM 1.2 1 y` _ slightly siTty fine to coarse grained • . - .with gravel. ' .1 ' 20/2.4/26 " rr . , . „' . - 0.7 Standard Penetration`otal Depth Sample No. Bedrok _ 20 - = - No Groundwater ti 25 30. IVY 36 4:0 45 rY, _�;,... - *•moi. �. RM - �' `` • `_ t 50 c t'. Note: The stratification tinoS-, 65 _ represent tie approximate " - boundaries between the soil tyes; " the transiti_ans may be gradual. UY : : r�,� P'N.Ij IZ POW, W "N " F-4, 2.61 9 �TV 0 A, 01 Sand.:, Brown�' -P 4, rr S.7, -fille to coarse graftied; With gravel, ..k . 11/14/16 r A. 10 16/19/22 Sand: Brown, s,l,jgh;tly--Sj:ljy S"', fine to coarse .1.5 --21/23/25 "1 0.7 'Total Depth. =.16.5, Standard-Pen,'O'tration Sample. No Bedrock 20 • J, No Groundwater T w. .25 I 30 35 �O 45 4-- a 55 Note: The stratification lines r represent the aPProxiniate boundaries between the soil types; anlqitioils May be gradual. I ------------- .Y �U 8{� ������jj����^^ try fl�Il:,, y t��(l�{ y��{{� �� f� — 1�'Q�pY� R• ��j/�, 4!{ 1�{�1 N '•1 2 yw� 1 V:.�'�_TI•,�������� } r'. . �0��'.zie'f��.:il't�ftil�h�]������li /iF[:1 irA�'�'fi �'!�'i : T `�i�w :A at. i`�'� 111 f} ry 'v, Y r •r -f; l w1Y.` t ....ca J h �i�.i"l�-�. .. ,� µ7r r'ti14 ri ,�P Sti t be Job No JSP r y _ ..1 I .� r... ,•':. y1 ... �. {a 4s . '.�•1'. ,-� �', �„`✓ 1 }G ( r i 4! M ,7” rr:(..,•�•I,+lr ll� F`' +''MARKS 7:�da'.r: rCD ✓>1{tl " QQ,, yyam� - Sand B'i�owl, ,tie to ' 1 - .coatsE grained, trop grd.v61 all 7/12/14 1 9/14/16 r 1, Sand: Brown, fine -to coarse SP '` 11/18/22 grained, trace grayel Standard Penetration Total Depth = 16.5' Sample No Bedrock 20! s. No Groundwater . 2e 30 35 ' 40 } 45 i Note 7. be 4t.ratificati6n linea 55 rei�resent the appraxianale . boundaries, between the soil types; the transitions may be gradual. r. s t ( '!r • 3 t' s •� a• r i, 1 i•t i 4fldt 7 t+ 1S r t nx } { "I�;1 , r r.!I%� •it 'f%^`I"tr,i t �{%I �•IZ ,�' `� t IPS �h?:Fdd���gg�lii4. `` , It IX ��4i:,.�t JJppl.n�' ;.s..3•�f. i� rr-i �., �, '• U t. .t�i;<. l,i�., y. {�' 1�':' •tt;?+ �, �r. , I t „�(-,".' ,:7%...�: ;;.V,jq �rrys� �i� ,r`r�apq �, �,•� �. r.. R{�S, �°��. .��5. fid, ..r. . ti i. hi; �'��ri:.i.s. ��I old:.^.- .' .-% ..�:xE.�. '1�°�:�ii ri..:�i�.%mp SS 'i 1' t ', Ir��r' ii.L,lfj : � a• � �..�,�. �� ...I a� }� � �i�p�.. .r` ; ir{�. > d , 'ji � , („ •:.�.,� > ,� i .�r,. ,, .'li :!•'�"'r' �,,,i .r.� .C�. � r .�.....�N.}I�!. al � �M.: ��1�.4 �i..�.� •.�P::, i+.-, �,. „ti%: `': •x. �,. 1'. 1j,. f .�,�;�', '! •.IP . �: t�. ':I . " '%t"e �ggair`�'i�i.. "j`dt�,`i.li s'Sa �, ':; . .,0 �'�� �in. IX I Lb`ti'Ettoty Testing Ld.-orat'ary Test Results q!y 1,{!gr�.f. X(f i. 1�,.! q. 1 Pj gl�.It. J., ­RY4t ? .:._Repre$entative by 1; 'h sam, %,w ry p y �9�11§1910 p I tho fiie,16 and returned to o Lit, 4 � RMOC; e ur �� 41 ­ t, .. ---- U ­ It olr i ry OR i 0',' U.", I 11`i - 1, fit g. .4 P hases. The first phasp:p, C od of NOM -iii order to q fll:p conipaotion'.0fthe existing natural t U S d,".61 soil and the general - qii,ji'jbering' clas§j'pi pqfions of tli&, off, n .011ying t .:.. . . M. . h it This testing was c s performed in'4ae.1- tile engineering characteristics, -.of the soil and to `'serve as a -basis for. selecting samples for the li$p The second pjiase consisted. of soil =chanics testing. This testing hlclupdj�llg_ and expo"nsiqif. testing was performed in order to provide a means,o 1.,i., recomnwadaqqh,;s; based on tho-onealiAn:iQa1 proper'ties of the soil. MM COMPAMMUSTING Unit Weight and Molst,l `: 'C -nations: Eaeb undisturbed sarftp.le was weighed and measured in order SU.lA I fw�t; -A si-,.Pall portion of each sample was then subjected to ! testing in'order to deternii it's", t—no i Stu ra. oontem t. This was used in order to determine the dry density of the soil in its natural condo The results, o..f;..t.11;is testing are shown oil the Boring Logs. rk Maximum Den-sity-00,ti!Rq-M...Moistuile.j) te-mmi.Dati ns1; Repiesentative soil typos. were selected -for maximum density detetipj, ons. This -t-486qg was performed: in accordance wit4-.the ASTM Standard , 'T Ci D1557-91.; Test MqtIpQ_d X:ihe results jtjj ;.te, sting are presented graphically iq this appendix., The maximum densities d to of the,*soil'in order to determine the existing relative compaction ..toiLilo ,,,,*&., Boring Logs, and'is useful' in.estimating the strength - and'compressibility oftj.Ye-,-W,.� C1a§sification-Testi.qg?:Soil' Samples won e $gGected f�r classiiication testing. This testing consists of mechanical grain size an4lyses and.A.1torlierg Limits determinations. These provide inforrnatio'n for developing, classifications "for the soil . i ' 11 xic.pordance with; the Unified Classifizadon System. .'This classification system categorizes the so' it• jnto.., groups having shnilar,engineering characteristics." The results of this testing a-rvery e ve useful .iii% dptogiting variations*in the Soils'and in selecting sainple' for further testing. Soi-.L M.-E-C.H—ANIC'S TESTING. Direct Shear Testing:' One bulk sample, was'selected for Direct Shear Testing. This testing measures the shear strength of the soil under various normal pressures and is used in developing parameters for foundation design and lateral design. Testing- was perf6rilied using recompacted test specimens, which' were saturated prior, to testing., Testing was. performed USi(.1g El strain controlled test apparatus ­,,with normal pressures rangingTrorn 900 to 230.0-povilids per square foot. Expansion Testing': One bulk sample was selected, for Expansion testing. Explosion testing was ,performed in accordin ce with the UBC Standard' 1. 8-2. Tliistesting consists ofremolding 4-iiiclidiameter by'l-Inch fl -tick test specimens to a moisture content and dry density corresponding to approximately 50 percent saturation. The. san.ip Iles are sub.jeoted.to a SUI-Cllarge o1`144 Pounds per square foot and allowed- jo reach equilibrium. At that point tile specimens 'are inundated with, distilled water. Tlie­linear expansion is then nieasure'd. until complete. 'Shrulden Engineering 1��- wy; H A, I M m 'UT , I Ot 044-ZO98, � ON MA 4 1241, 1.23 122 t 12.1 120 77. 119. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 8.5. .9 7-0 1.0.5 r 1 J. 11-5 12- Motstiqre Content J METHOD OF Q j OMPACTION ASTM D-1557-91, METHOD A OR C BORIN AIM MA --UM UNIT WEIGHT 0.QFTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT @ 1.23 MM -M DENSIT MA U Y -OPTIMUM MOISTURE CURVE % °�>. nt: , ,r + +.4.. •rte Ili, I.f!,:�..iY�,.JIilO,�: ,:n. +. v .6,m9A'! FI.�%��i7.-dFF� Oil t '+' i�t:���,, i •• hy�}y� 1'i 1 �¢ 6� -� � `'1. q i!I ����I�}' 1 i'i' ft to .1 `.Y',T' 1�� � ! Y A•. 'i j 1� � H �' f ,I.l +. - t� .rr I t. t� ;' 1 u Ile: r•i f'kJ;Y� ° .t q i ���.. �I II 1��� � U H i rY ,IS�' { � �Y.� . ff •rt.,'ilr; vy F 4 u. .. n,n}Ji: t }. t }. ' B ' r { ��'' '.!: �. r,.Y. v f I X�,.;:' • 'i tu. �. tl •'I +fir . sP.7 NIj li}y. - = >;t• I±I,A?,% e,r6ld :F:Jrl'.��±if4'ti 4',' ,• ,1.11"'lj, li�rf. � Y' �,t !° +} �t J':� ! 1 '� IC �T�•`, `'i � .. .. .hr. y y 7• S I l• Y { R f � i' } i` 'Y..• I;,ty!r{ 5 d +� qj 1 . {fl i' .� ,!' ti �It SAS' �,j. Yal� •�'gg{�'¢!I ff• Q t ,j - 7T+ :t�„ ,, F.�:Y. `.`• t . 1' 3 �; �h�. ,lV1 f I .: !l'I+s.l ivt( i�iA1 Ys!rV44'Wii v(t. "r t�,j7fC.:rr. ;u..,.1 t.,.>YF�'Sd%+;'{';';' C.' t ,41h't..•,' _.. 141.2 l I. r ' F 4 ,1' �✓ 1 h I, 1 i. ' , .t �'. 1 I ' I q� Ir 1 0 I` 0 ' 2 4 6 8, . 1.0 1.2 1.4 1c6 1.8 ter, �.'NORMAL LOAD (K.IPS; / FOOT2) ` -' OV • f r rupuaea onort course . Tho Quarry. at La Qui.nt a : -r • . • _ ,.� .y t ., _ r , LaQuint:a, CtiIifornia`, Sl.adden' Engmeer:mg• DTL: 7-30 t1 02 JOB NO.:'544'=2098 4, • IL AX'! NIO • 1997 i. 8 • . + `_ � a ��'1• � r `• -� ��� �T�` 't tip � � '^* _�a a ,f _• • w � sladde, n Engineering �41941.Tile International Co forence Of Riji Iditcode -that wil;[ be re -levant t -of ti � —e contains _' ' contained in the t4in-a',rized' below. � based ' .. ~'.~~...^y uemaid*rod to be most — W. . ^T�pe ' ^' ' , ^ . � Based ..,� . ' !� �l/�(�Se��i����nm4 —within�~, ' ' ----- ' ~^~~~~�" s�«~� n:(�vunttooumm»c ° nnJoin�rvuooxt�c�Dm �@Mm�mdm,_i_ p�d�—�-- ^`—� — '^=` ' Nemr-0nom��''l . _ Seismic� , ~ Source Factor,. N,, Factor, N, Ca San Andreas 1.0 0.44N.O. 0.64N, San Jacinto 1.0 1'0 j4M 0.64N, ' . . L