04-4143 (SFD) Address Change787495 CALLE TAMPICO (.760) 7.77-7012 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7011. December 28, 2004 To -Whom. It May'Concerm Please be advised of an address change for the following structure. The structure formerVaddressed as 51-200 Calle Quito, APN: 770-143-008, Lot 108, Desert' Club Tract Unit No. 5, and for which building permit- numbers- and 04w.- 7234 4-7234 were issued, is now addressed as: 51-225 Calle Quito. Please note this .change and contact me directly. at (760) 777-7084 if I maybe of further assistance. Yours truly, Kay Hensel Office Assistant