003082 (SFD) Address Change_ --- - - — -------- TM � [ / T Y O � — ^ 60C 0,64 ^/ - --`-`~.-~--_-__-_-,--....... ............. —7— La __' � �^ � �� ������ ����� ���'�w�� /*a'/vm`~rmmm'nnme TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ~ The property located at the southwest corner of Calle Monterey and Avenida Ramirez in La Ouinta, A.P.N. #774-081-�013 and formerly addressed as 58-255 ~` Avenida Ramirez has been re -addressed and is now 77-555 Calle Monterey' If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me' 4 ml Sincerely, � � !- BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Tom Har�ung ^^ Director of Building and Safety /lec r .�� ^!� ' ~�* ' d�` ' city ufLoQubnu � v� PostOffice Box 1504 * 78-105 Calle Esmdo 'LaOuima. C���nb�%2If ^�. 'Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 o�p^'==°"Ma^Pal-met n=w~*��o�2 .4- MHY 11—Je 10-18 WSHK &-HSSUCIHIL5 s. CLIMCK AM) ASSOCtATES Calle Egadc. 42D Stiles: (619) 564-5522 P.O. pox JUS Mainteti4kc-e: (619) 564.4410 FAX: (619) 664-5652 Tom. Hartung;Hartung; Builcltng A Safety t7�iector Cr Y ` LA r -O. Box 150 La Qidlita atValeLa Quinta 0 unit21 SA -6. 0 Rn. corner of Cille Monterey and e� lot lokhtv. At e Thi subject property front door hdi.i 53-255 Avenida ,i 'tfi the 110U�t has 116 OttahC6 On the Avenida O Of tht hd0s I On �ss�jr­ . thi� house Amiiirft VeAiid6 ehifant6 to tile jk4e. �10.kt pebpl " t e"k has a ("Mii.*Mcrey whin in P'W it Ai- d: oj. It is especially confusing At night bccaus6 160 iid le ib'tA'Ied on the C'alle Monterey fiontate" :f A for futtlte guests, deliverymen, 2nd emergency #' this Co I services, Y respectfully in otdei W 61111i,11A -in ess to this piopeity, ii64 Yba t6 assign a Uld Mo terey �.ddr tfl� r6kay t 1h 6s&&-' I Ani jjjj�-jhg thit request on btbalf. of the future owner. pssible so the ddr6g could be assigned as soon M possible 0 It would b� nldst' appri.el if the h b- -*'d with the new address.conveyaht6 dbNiffi6fits.itan e pre"p� S 0