001177 (SFD) Compaction ReportC., RECEIVED 011985 CITY OF. LA QUINTA COMMUNIT4 DEVELOPMENT DEPT TESTING INSPECTION 173.1-A WALTER STREET VENTURA, CALI"FORNIA 93003 PHONE (805) 642-6727 January 25, 1985 Job"No.B-..14989-P1 85-1-223 Pomona Valley Equipment P.O. Box 457 La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: 53-300,,53-320, 53-340"Ave. Ramirez La Quinta, CA Compaction Report Gentlemen:. On January 21, 1985 a representative of our firm performed-den- sity erformed density tests on the"fill"placed in the building area on the above- re-ferenced'-project. Tests were performed at random -locations in ac- cordance with'ASTM 2922-78 and ASTM 3017-78 Nuclear Density Test Procedure. Tests.performed as -per authorization of Bob Mc Callum. The estimated locations of the tests are presented ori the attach- ed plan with their.results being summarized on the attached.test re- port"sheet. A total of six (6) density tests were performed. Test results indicate that a minimum of ninty percent :90%) of rela- tive compaction has been obtained within the areas tested. The maximum density -optimum -moisture was determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM D 1557-78, Method A, five (5) layer curve., Classification Maximum Density-Opt_mum Moisture Light brown silty fine sand 108.9 14.2 VENTURA LANCASTER (805) 642.6727 (805) 948.7538" THOUSAND OAKS BAKERSFIELD SANTA BARBARA PALM SPRINGS (805) 495.8484 (805) 327.5150 (805) 966-9912 (714) 328.9131 SAN LUIS OBISPO (805) 5446187 January 25, 1985 Job No. B -14989-P1 85-1-223 LIMITATIONS The backfilling and compacting operations were completed.'at the time.our personnel were called to the site. The test results summa- rized in.this'report represent the moisture and density only at the location and depth tested on the specified date. The summarized. -field and.'labor"atory tests were performed in accordance with engineering principles generally.accepted at this time and location. No opinion is expressed as.to the uniformity of the material, compaction nor the adequacy of the material.to perform its intended function. No quar- antee or warranty of,the contractors work''is made or implied. Respectfully submitted, BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. Reviewed and Approved Norman G. Jac son, Raymo d E.'Brannen NGJ/REB/ kls C.E. 28966 Copies: 4- Bob McCallum 27- City of La Quinta 1- P.. S. file' 1- Vta. file 0 W h W W LL uj LLJ m. � M w � Q 0 C„ �31j31V0tV X73 V7 BUENA, ENGINEERS,. INC. 'illaa?ter`StrW - ' ' VENTURA, °CAUFORINIA 93003 - - { S42-8727 THE .FOLLOWING WAS • NOTED :• , .. d• • .r� a «. „ ` ] •. - � a4 _•• , - a . { a } .. -• ." _ _ ^- a +I, +COPfEStiTO `� SIGNED:. ifs , RECE ED 4S. -CO APR 1 9'1985 . CTy COMMUNITY OF DEPT S O U T H E R N C A L i F 1 R N I A S I L A N D T E S T I N G, I N C 6280 RIVERDALE ST. SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 . TELE 280-4321 P.O. BOX 20627 SAN DIEGO. CALIF.92120 74-831 VELIE WAY PALM DES ER. T, CALIF. 92260 TE,L E- 346-107IS 6 7 B E N T E R P R I S E S T. E 5 C O N D I D 0,. , C A L I F. 9 2 0 2 5 T E L E 7 4 6- 4 5 4 4 - February 28, 1985 SCS&T 8531002 Report. No. 1 Mr. Rick Johnson P. 0. Box 2288E° ED APER i's 10485 Indio, California 92202 ����' Attention: Mr. Rick Johnson SUBJECT: Report of In -Place Density Tests, Proposed Bob Monroe Residences, Lots 20 thru'22, Ramirez Avenue, LaQuinta, California. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, 'this report has:been prepared to present..the results of the in -place -density tests performed on -the fill material at the subject sites by Southern Californ to Soil & Test in'g:; Inc. These tests were per- formed-on erformed on January 15, 1985. AVAILABLE PLANS Grading plans' were not made available to us to indicate.the elevations of our • field density tests and to define the general extent of the site grading. There- fore,.we have provided a hand sketch indicating the graded areas -and the-lo.cations of our tests. SITE PREPARATION Upon arrival at the job sites, a representative of Southern Calil-ornia Soil and Testing, Inc. noted that up to three (3.) feet of fill material had"been placed ' on the lots. -It was observed that both.the natural soil and-theupper foot of S❑' U T H E R N C A L I F R N I •A S O I L A N D T -E S T I N G; I N C. SCS&T 8531002 February 28,"1985 Patige Two Report No. 1 fill material had not been properly moisture conditioned. FIELD TESTING Field density tests were performed by a representative of Southern California Soil & Testing, -Inc. following compaction operations., The density tests were taken according to.A.S.T.-M. Test 1556=74 and the location and results of those tests are shown on the attached plates. The locations and elevations of the i in -site tests were.determinedin accordance.with their importance and the ac- curacy and proximity of the survey control'provided by other than Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. representatives. Unless otherwise noted, their locations and.elevations were determined by pacing and hand level methods and should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the.method'used. LABORATORY TESTS Maximum dry dens.ity determinations were.performed on representative samples -of the soils used in the compacted fills according to A.S.T:M. Test.1557-78,Method A. This method specifies that a -four (4) inch diameter -cylindrical -mold of 1/30 cubic foot volume.be.used and that the soil tested by.,place din five (5) equal layers .with each,.layer compacted by twenty-five (25) blows..of a l0 pound hammer with a 18 -inch drop. The results of these tests, as presented`.on Plate,Number 2, were used in conjunction.with the field density tests to deternine the per- cent of relative compaction of the compacted fill. CONCLUSIONS The results of'our.field density tests -indica.te that the natural soil on each lot tested.did not meet the standard requirements of 90% -relative: compaction. S O U T H E R N C A L I F O, R N I A S O I L. ANO T E S T I M.G.. I N: C. SCS&T 8531002 February 28, 1985 Pace Three Report. No. 1 Our client 'informed'us that..the grading contractor requested another testing laboratory be assigned to the project. As a result, no retests were taken by our firm. This report.covers only the work performed on -January 15, 1985. Our opinions presented herein are based on our observations and -the relative compaction tests results. Due -to possible variations in the.uniformity.of compacted fills, we only warrant that our work. was performed in accordance with the currently accepted standards of:practice. No. other warranty, -express or, 'implied is given or intended. If you should have any questions after reviewing this report,. please•do not hesitate to'contact this office. This opportunity to be°of-professional service is sincerely apprEciated. .Respectfully submitted; SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & .TESTI4-,1G,, INC. Robert R. Russell, R:C.E. 7#321.42 RRR:GSF:fp cc: (3) Submitted (1) SCS&T, Palm Desert (1) City of LaQuinta . S U T: H E RN C A L I F 0 R N b A S 1 L A N D T: E. S T I N G. I N C.. TOP OF MAILBOX -100 ASSUMED LEGEND: F G. IN PLACE DENSITY TEST LOCATION O UO SCALE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOB•MONROE RESIDENCE •1WC.BY: LP -85S®IL TESTING 116oo > JOB NUMBER%8531002 PlFte No. 1 g _g .7 LOT 20 60.0 LOT 21 3 ®�� LOT. 22 5 TOP OF MAILBOX -100 ASSUMED LEGEND: F G. IN PLACE DENSITY TEST LOCATION O UO SCALE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOB•MONROE RESIDENCE •1WC.BY: LP -85S®IL TESTING 116oo > JOB NUMBER%8531002 PlFte No. 1 SCS&T 8531002 Report No. 1 February 28, 1985 FIELD DENSITY TESTS REPORT TEST NO. LOCATION SEE PLOT PLAN ELEV. OF TEST .(FEET) MOISTURE ( PERCENT ) DRY UNIT WEIGHT ( LBS. /CU. FT.) SOIL TYPE RELATIVE COMPACTION ( PERCENT) DATE OF TEST 1 Lot 22 North Center 93.5 6.0 111.4 2. 86.2* 1-15-85 . 2 Lot 22 North Center 94.5 8.2 109.8. 1 97:0 1-15-85 3 Lot 22 North Center 95.5 4.2'. 108.2 1 9506 1-15-85 4 Lot'21 North Center. 91.5 5.7 108,0, 2 8306* 1-15=85 5 Lot 21 North Center 92.5 4.1 105.6 1 93.3 1-15-85 6 Lot 21, North Center 93.5 4,4 •111.7 1 96,7 1-15-85 7 Lot 20 Center 89.5 3.3 110.8 2 85.8* 1-15-85 8 Lot 20 Center 90.5 10.1 110.0 1 97.2' 1-15-85 9 Lot 20 Center 91.5 5,8 107.3,. 1 - 94.8 1-15-85 Note: * Indicates that the natural soil did not meet 90% relative compaction and the areas were.not�retested. SOIL TYPE OPTIMUM MOISTURE MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA . (PERCENT) ( LBS. /CU. FT) SOIL & TESTING , INC. SQSO RIVERDALE STREET 1 Sm Silty Sand SAN 0IE00, CALIFORNIA 92120 2 Sm/SP Poorly 12.6 ded sil sand .9,7 129.2