06684 (SFD) Compaction ReportFitch :Engineers Inc. January 15, 1990 Mr. Dave Miller 1719 So. Tremont Oceanside, Ca. 92054 SUBJECT: Report -of In -Place Tests- 53 425 Avenida Ramirez, La Quinta, Ca,. '(Lot 9) Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, this report has beer prepared to present the results of the in-place tests performed on the fill material at the subject site. by Fitch Engineer's;; -Inc. These tests were performed on January 13, 1990. AVAILABLE PLANS To assist in determining the locations and elevations of our field density tests and to define the general extent of the site grading for this phase of work, we were provided with information by the builder. FIELD-TESTING Field density tests were performed by a representative'of Fitch Engineers, Inc.. upon completion of sitegrading: The density tests were taken according to A.._ S.T.M. Test D1556-8'2 and the location and.res:ults of those tests are shown onthe attached. plates. The locations and elevations of the in-situ tests were determined in accordance with their importance and the accuracy and proximity of the survey control provided by other than Fitch Engineers, Inc. representatives. Unless,otherwise noted, their locations, and. elevations were determined by pacing and hand level methods and should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the CIVIL ENGINEERING — PLANNING - SURVEYING —DESIGN P.O. BOX 455 I PALM -DESERT, CA 92261 (619) 345-7667, • -2- t. method used. LABORATORY TESTS A maximum dry density determination -was performed on a represents- tive sample of the soils used i•n the compacted fills, according to A.S.T.M. Test 1557-78, Method A. This method specifies that a fos.ir (4) inch diameter cylindrical mold of 1/30 cubic foot volume be used and that the soil tested be placed it, five (5) equal layers with each layer compacted by twenty-five (25) blows of a '10 pound hammer with a 18 inch drop.. The results of these tests as pre- 9ented on Plate No. 1 were used in conjunction with the field density tests to determine the percent of relative -compaction of j the, compacted fill. j This report covers onlythe work Our opinions performed on January 13, 1990. p presented herein are based on 'our observations and the relative compaction -tests results. Due to possible variations j in the uniformity of compacted EMS, we only warrant that our work was performed in accordance with the currently accepted standards of practice and in such a manner as to.have reasonable certainty that the mass grading complies with the job requirements. No ` other warranty, express or implied is given or .intended. If you should have any questions after reviewing taiis report, please do not hesitate to contact.this office. .� This opportunity to be of professional se=rvice is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, FITCII ENGINEERS INC. WM. 11. FITCII R.C.E. •12571 : JQU NAME 53 425 Avenida Ramirez L Q c�t9 > .�oa No. ' TEST NO. DATE ELEVATION EOCATION DEPIN OF Oft MOISTURE LEST •/. bRY DE 1-1. 165/cu-It. SOIL. TYPE REL. COM •/• 1/13/90 See Sketch -1.0' 5.3 112.6 123.1 91.4 , I... 2 " " -0.5' 9.9 121.2 123.1 98.4 13 F.G. 7.5 113.6 123.1 92.3 #1= 123.1 lbs. cu./ t. @ 10.5% Moisture 1 SOIL TYPI I .t 1 1 . J ___ _ Plata Nn -1 -A j Fitch Engineers Inc. January 15, 1990 Mr. Dave Miller 1719 So. Tremont Oceanside, Ca. 92054 F SUBJECT: Report of In -Place Tests- 53 430 Avenida C.arranza La_Quinta, Ca. (Lot 16) Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, this report -has been prepared to present the results of the in'place,tests performed on the fill material at the subject site by Fitch Engineers._, Inc. These tests"were performed on"January 13, 1990. AVAILABLE PLANS To -assist in determining the locations and elevations of our field density tests and to define the general extent of the site grading for this phase of work, -we were provided with information by the builder. FIELDTESTING Field density.tests were performed by a representative of Fitch Engineers, Inc. upon completion of site grading. The density. tests were. taken according to A.S.T.M. Test D1556-82 and the location.and results.of those -tests are shown on the attached plates. The locations and elevations of the in-situ tests were determined in accordance with their.impo.rtance and the accuracy and proximity of the survey control provided by other. than Fitch Engineers Inc. representatives. Unless otherwise noted, their ,locations and elevations were determined by pacing and hand level methods and should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the o CIVIL ENGINEERING - PLANNING — SURVEYING — DESIGN P.O. BOX 4551 PALM DESERT, CA 92261 . (619) 345-7667 e -2- method used. LABORATORY -TESTS A maximum dry density determination was perforined -on a rapresenta- tive Sample of the soils used i•n the compacted fillat according to A.S.T.H. Test 1557;78, Method A. This method specifies' that a fakir (4) inch diameter cylindrical mold of 1/30 cubic foot volume" be used and that the soil tested be placed in five (5) equal layers with each layer compacted by twenty-five.(25) blows of a 10 pound hammer with a 18 inch drop. The results of these tests as ppre- sented on Plate No. 1 were used in conjutictlon with the Eield density tests to determine the percent of relative compaction of the compacted fill. This report covers only the work performed on January 13,.1990. Our opinions presented herein are based on our ouservations and the relative compaction tests results. Due to -pose ible variations in the uniformity of compacted fills, we only warrant thnt our work was performed in accordance with the currently accepted standards of practice and in such a manner as to have reasonable certainty that the mass grading complies with the job requirements. No.. other warranty, express or implied is given or intended. If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, FITCII ENGINEERS INC. WM. If. FITCII R.C.E. 12571 NOTE: WE RECOMMEND THAT -AT LEAST ONE (1) #4 REBAR BE USED TOP AND BOTTOM IN THE FOUNDATION. �_ Plnto NT- i d , ' :.J013 NAME 53 430 Avenida Carranza, La Quinta, Ca (Lot 16) .10Q NO, ' TEST NO. DATE LOCATION DEF'TI'FIOF TEST MOISTUFtE Ibs Cu -ft SOIL RE 0 COM: I Ib5/cu.Ft• TYPE /.�� i 1 1/13/90 See Sketch -2' 8.7 113.3 125.9 90.0 I... 2 • t y�y 114.1 125.9 - 90.6 F.G. , 12.4 123.0 125.9 97.7 • 3 i SOIL TYPE #1= 125.9 lbs. cu./ t. @ 12.4% Moi ture. ' 'A • i �_ Plnto NT- i d , - • t y�y �_ Plnto NT- i d , �� - � e ' � T . - .. _ � � �.