RCTC/Measure A Funded CIP 14Zj / MEMORANDUM TO: �0ank J. Spevacek, City Manager FROM: Timothy R. Jonasson, Public Works Director/City Engineer DATE: May 6, 2014 RE: Submittal of Maintenance of Effort Certification to RCTC Attached for your signature are a cover letter and certification statement pertaining to the City's Measure A Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan. By signing the certification, the City agrees to use sales tax transportation funds in compliance with RCTC's Maintenance of Effort Guidelines in a base year amount of $937,007 for Fiscal Year 2014/2015. Please sign both documents and forward to the City Clerk. She will return to my department for mailing. > Thank you. $ 0 -_ -__ _-- s(7(�,� �- Susan Maysels From: Nick Nickerson <nnickerson@naiconsulting.com> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 10:41 AM To: Tim Jonasson; Frank Spevacek Cc: Susan Maysels; Wanda Wise -Latta Subject: RE: RCTC Maintenance of Effort cert - question from Frank attached Om RCTC's submittal deadline is May 12, 2014 for the City's 5 year Measure A CIP. We can always request an amendment if we do not win the CMAQ Projects and/or to shift funding to the Jefferson Street Interchange. Nick Nickerson, President NAI Consulting, Inc. p. 760-323-5344 m. 760-861-6401 e. nnickerson@naiconsulting.com From: Tim Jonasson [mailto titionasson(cbla-ouinta.orol Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 5:53 PM To: fsoevacek@la-quinta.oro Cc: nnickerson(@naiconsulting.com; SmayselsOla-quinta.org; wlattw1Ia-quinta.org Subject: RE: RCTC Maintenance of Effort cert - question from Frank attached Frank — I agree with Nick on this and recommend we send in the Measure A CIP as is for now. Bryan is following up with Allyn tomorrow to find out the details as to why CVAG's estimate changed but it will probably change again before the project is bid. So, if that's the case we can revise the Measure A CIP then but I think RCTC needs this year's Measure A CIP soon to avoid delaying our Measure A payment. From: Nick Nickerson [mailto:nnickersonCalnaiconsultino.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 4:04 PM To: Tim Jonasson Subject: RE: RCTC Maintenance of Effort cert - question from Frank attached We did not get a chance to talk about the CVAG letter increasing the costs for the Jefferson Street Interchange. My thoughts: CVAG has the actual contract costs for the design and right of way phases, they will have the engineer's estimate for the construction, actual bids will be available soon, and can estimate 15%for construction engineering. I think the City should request a detailed breakdown from CVAG to justify the revised overall $83 million dollar estimate. At this point, we have no real information to make CIP budget adjustments. With regards to Frank's question, we update the Measure A CIP every year. We can adjust for the Jefferson Street costs this time next year when we submit next. Adjusting the CIP now allocating $600,000 or more for Jefferson next fiscal year will wipe out all the local share for the CMAQ project we submitted to CVAG. Please call me to discuss. 78-495 CALLF TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 May 6, 2014 Grace Alvarez Programming and Planning Manager Riverside County Transportation Commission P.O. Box 12008 Riverside, CA 92502-2208 (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 FAX (760) 777-7101 Subject: City of La Quinta Measure A Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan and Maintenance of Effort Certification Dear Ms. Alvarez, The City of La Quinta respectfully submits its Measure A Capital Improvement Plan, Project Status Report and Maintenance of Effort Certification for the Commission's review and approval. The City of La Quinta is a full participant in the Coachella Valley Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) and the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Programs. Please do not hesitate to contact Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer, at (760) 777-7042 or Nick Nickerson, Project Manager, at (760) 323-5344 if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Frank City IV Enclosures FY 2014115 MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT CERTIFICATION STATEMENT The undersigned agrees and certifies for the city of La Quinta (the "Agency") that sales tax transportation funds received pursuant to Ordinance No. 02-001 of the Riverside County Transportation Commission ("Measure A") shall be used in compliance with the Commission's Maintenance of Effort Guidelines and a base year amount of $937,007, approved by the Commission at its June 12, 2013 meeting, and that the Agency shall not use such funds to replace discretionary local funds previously expended by the Agency for local transportation purposes. The Agency hereby acknowledges that the failure of the Agency to continue such local expenditure shall result in a reduction or loss of Measure A funds. Additionally, the Agency commits to expending Measure A Local Streets and Roads funds for projects listed in the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan as approved by Riverside County Transportation Commission. Dated: v 2014 FrankJ.Spevacek, City Manager �ity of La Quinta, California Susan Maysels, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY OF LA QUINTA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MEASURE A FUNDED IMPROVEMENT. Estimated Prior Year Measure A Balance: $ 48,000.00 Estimated H2014/2015 Measure A Allocation: $ 754,500.00 Estimated Measure A Available for FY 2014/2015: $ 802,500.00 MeasumAHalf CMAQGmnt Project#- Project Description Cent Sales Tax Request City of Indio Total 2OW2015 2015/2016 Maintenance Dune New 2016/2017 FY 2014/2015 SUBTOTAL: 802,500 1,159,313 27,873 1,989,686 Estimated Prior Year Measure A Balance: $ - Estimated FY2015/2016 Measure A Allocation: $ 777,000.00 Estimated Measure A Available for FY 2015/2016: $ 777,000.00 - FY 2015/2015 SUBTOTAL: 777,000 901,747 0 1,678,747 Estimated Prior Year Measure A Balance: $ - Estimated FY2036/2017 Measure A Allocation: $ 800,500.00 Estimated Measure A Available for FY 2D36/2017: $ 800,500.00 FY 2016/2017 SUBTOTAL: 800,500 0 0 800,600 Estimated Prior Year Measure A Balance: $ - Estimated FY 2017/2018 Measure A Allocation: $ 824,500.00 Estimated Measure A Available for FY 2017/2018: $ 824,500.00 2017/2018 Citywide Street and Traffic Signal Maintenance Program 235,000 235,000 Jefferson Street 1-10 Interchange 370,000 370,000 Dune Palms Road Improvements )Black Hawk Way to W hitewater Channel) 219,500 219,500 FY 2017/2018 SU13TOTAL: 824,500 0 0 824,500 Estimated Prior Year Measure A Balance: $ - Estimated FY.201812018 Measure A Allocation: $ 949,000.00 Estimated Measure A Available for FY 201812019: $ 849,000.00 2018/2019 Citywide Street and Traffic Signal Maintenance Program 235,000 235,000 Dune Palms Road Improvements (Black Hawk Way to Whitswater Channel) 614,000 614,000 FY 2018/2019 SUBTOTAL: 849,000 0 0 84%000 TOTAL FISCAL YEARS 2014/15 THROUGH 2018/19: 4,053,500 2,061,060 27,873 6,142,433 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE A LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2015 - 2019 Agency: City of La Quinta Pagel of 5 Prepared by: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., City Engineer Phone #: (760) 777-7042 Date: May 5, 2014 _ Estimated Prior Year Measure A Balance: $48,000 Estimated FY 2014-2016 Measure A Allocation: $754,500 Estimated Measure A Available for FY 2014.2015 Projects: $802,500 Item Total Cost Measure A No. Proiect Name I Limits Project Type Funds 2014-2015 Citywide Street and Traffic Signal Maintenance Program Street/Signal Maintenance 235,000 235,000 1 2 Avenue 52 at Jefferson Street Roundabout Modification Street Improvement 110,900 110,900 3 Citywide Traffic Signal Interconnect Signal Improvement 823,502 94,456 4 Fred Waring Drive Reconstruction (Washington to Adams) Street Improvement 613,940 334,271 5 New Roundabout Westward Ho at Roadrunner Street Improvement 486,013 27,873 TOTALS 802,600 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE A LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM 2015 - 2019 Agency: City of La Quinta Page 2 of 5 Prepared by: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., City Engineer Phone M (760) 777-7042 Date: May 5, 2014 Estimated Prior Year Measure A Balance: $0.00 Estimated FY 2015-2016 Measure A Allocation: $777,000.00 Estimated Measure A Available for FY 2015-2016 Projects: $777,000.00 Item Total Cost Measure A No. Project Name / Limits Project Type Funds 2015-2016 Citywide Street and Traffic Signal Maintenance Program Street/Signal Maintenance 235,000 235,000 1 2 Dune Palms Road Improvements (Black Hawk Way to Whitewater Channel Street Improvement 1,612,000 145,500 3 New Roundabout Madison Street at Avenue 58 Street Improvement 1,018,578 116,831 4 Fred Waring Drive Reconstruction (Washington to Adams) Street Improvement 613,940 279,669 TOTALS 777,000 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE A LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2015 - 2019 Agency: City of La Quints Page 3 of 5 Prepared by: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., City Engineer Phone#: (760)777-7042 Date: May 5, 2014 Estimated Prior Year Measure A Balance: $0 Estimated FY 2016-2017 Measure A Allocation: $800,500 Estimated Measure A Available for FY 2016-2017 Projects: $800,500 Item Measure No. Project Name / Limits Project Type Total Cost Funds 2016-2017 Citywide Street and Traffic Signal Maintenance Program Street/Signal Maintenance 235,000 235,000 1 2 Dune Palms Road Improvements (Black Hawk Way to Whitewater Channel Street Improvement 1,612,000 325,000 3 Jefferson Street Interchange Local Share Contribution 610,500 240,500 TOTALS 8001500 RIVERSIDE. COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE A LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2015 - 2019 Agency: City of La Quinta Page 4 of 5 Prepared by: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., City Engineer Phone #: (760) 777-7042 Date: May 5, 2014 Estimated Prior Year Measure A Balance: 0 Estimated FY 2017-2018 Measure A Allocation: 824500 Estimated Measure A Available for FY 2017-2018 Projects: 824,500 Item Total CostMeasure No. Proiect Name I Limits Project Type Funds 2017-2018 Citywide Street and Traffic Signal Maintenance Program Street/Signal Maintenance 235,000 235,000 1 2 Dune Palms Road Improvements (Black Hawk Way to Whitewater Channel Street Improvement 1,612,000 219,500 3 Jefferson Street Interchange Local Share Contribution 610,500 370,000 TOTALS 824,500 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASUREA LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2015 - 2019 Agency: City of La Quints Page 5 of 5 Prepared by: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., City Engineer Phone #: (760) 777-7042 Date: May 5, 2014 Estimated Prior Year Measure A Balance: $0 Estimated FY 2018-2019 Measure A Allocation: $849,000 Estimated Measure A Available for FY 2018-2019 Projects: $849,000 Item Total Cost Measure No. Prolect Name/Limits Project Type Funds 2018-2019 Citywide Street and Traffic Signal Maintenance Program Street/Signal Maintenance 235,000 235,000 1 2 Dune Palms Road Improvements (Black Hawk Way to Whitewater Channel Street Improvement 1,612,000 614,000 TOTALS 849,000 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE A LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT FY2013-2014 Agency: City of La Quints Page 1 of 1 Prepared by: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., City Engineer Phone A (760) 777-7042 Date: May 5, 2014 Vern No. Pro ect Name I Limits ProjectType Total Cost Measure A Funds Estimated Completion Status 1 Citywide Street and Traffic, Signal Maintenance Program StreeVSignal Maintenance 235,01M 235,000 30Jun-14 Annual Maintenance Dune Palms Road improvements(Black Hawk Way to Mulfi-Year Street 2 Whilewaler Channel Street Improvement 1,612,000 308,000 30-Jun-19 Improvement Adams Street Signal and Street Improvements (Highway111 Engineering Phase 3 to Whitewater Channel Street/Signal Improvement 721,000 261.000 30-Jun-15 75%Complete TOTALS 2,668,0001 8041,000 IMOU , April 15, 2015 Grace Alvarez Planning and Programming Manager Riverside County Transportation Commission 4080 Lemon Street, 3rd Floor Riverside, CA 92502-2208 Subject: City of La Quinta Request for Measure A Capital Improvement Plan Amendment for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Dear Ms. Alvarez: The City of La Quinta respectfully requests the Commission approve an Amendment to the City's Measure A Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Year 2014/2015. The following changes are requested and are depicted on the attached "redline" CIP sheet for Fiscal Year 2014/2015: Item No. 2 - Avenue 52 at Jefferson Street Roundabout Modification. The City requests the original program amount be increased from $1 10,900 to $376,000. This increase is due to an expansion of the project scope of work. Item No. 3 - Citywide Traffic Signal Interconnect. The City requests this project be removed from the list of Measure A funded projects during Fiscal 2014/2015. The project was not successful in obtaining funding during the last round of CMAQ funding. Item No. 4 - Fred Waring Drive Reconstruction (Washington to Adams). The City requests this project be removed from the list of Measure A funded projects during Fiscal 2014/2015. This project will be funded as part of the City's Pavement Management Program. Item No. 5 - New Roundabout Westward Ho at Roadrunner. The City requests this project be removed from the list of Measure A funded projects during Fiscal 2014/2015. The project was not successful in obtaining funding during the last round of CMAQ funding. 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta I California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta.org Page 2 of 2 The City requests the remaining $191,500 of Measure A funding available during Fiscal Year 2014/2015 be carried over for use during Fiscal Year 2015/2016. Please feel free to contact Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer at (760) 777-7042 if you have questions. Respectfully, Edie Hylton Deputy City Manager Attachment c: City Clerk 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta I California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta.org RIVER$jDBC*OUNT•YTRANSPORTATIQN OOM61ISSION WASURIr A 4QQ4 FUNPS PROGRAM FY2Q16 • 20.�8 ABencyl QUy of La Qulnla Pape 1 Qf 6 PrOpedsO by: TyRolhy R. Jorwsuon, P,E., 011yEnglnoof Phono is (760)777-704-2 Date: May8, 2014 E*Umakod Prior YAaf Mo4sum A 1301904e: $40,.000 Estimated FY 2014.2616 &rassur* A AUac4tlow - F754.000 EsUlrlaldd MQUA A Available for FY 2014.2016 PioN06: $602,600 1 Cliywiiia $Uoetpnd TratOc Slpnal Malntenpno� Pr00foln sll0uvSlgnal MaiRtOna0;auw °,76/ % 2 llvon:re 62 tU;1etlQrscn Stretrl Roundsboul�MoD10CsUoh Slydol Inlprovmnonl I!ol � >Y� I- _ IAU. - 1,M - -- io.. I.L...-- -- .Lu:u,u..... " � Py----' AS i1t4tRdet�o�4VazNtnrd#EURI•Itmndrtrnnar----�- iarree4•hanrovam�m 08;0F3-�--�--RT;Bia r a VL n i-n� f I C P I r, r i Wit ! TOTALS Bo�tia9 f 4080 Lemon Street, 3rd Floor • Riverside, CA 92501 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 12008 • Riverside, CA 92502-2208 (951) 787-7141 • Fax (951) 787-7920 • www.rctc.org Riverside County Transportation Commission April 23, 2015 Ms. Edie Hylton Deputy City Manager City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: Approval of Measure A Capital Improvement Plan Fiscal Year 2014/15 A-1 Dear Ms. Hylton: This letter serves as the Riverside County Transportation Commission's (Commission) approval of your request dated April 15, 2015, (received April 20, 2015), revising the city of La Quinta's FY 2014/15 Measure A Local Streets and Roads Capital Improvement Plan. The following summarizes the requested changes: • Item No. 2, Avenue 52 at Jefferson Street Roundabout Modification total project cost (TPC) increases from $110,900 to $376,000; Measure A contribution increases from $110,900 to $376,000. The cost increase is due to expansion of work to restripe all four legs and associated signage for the entire roundabout converting it from what is misunderstood as a two-lane roundabout to a single lane roundabout; • Remove Item No. 3, Citywide Traffic Signal Interconnect; • Remove item No. 4, Fred Waring Drive Reconstruction (Washington to Adams); and • Remove item No. 5, New Roundabout Westward Ho at Roadrunner. Approval of this revision does not impact the total Measure A in the city's plan approved by the Commission at its July 9, 2014, meeting. This revision is approved under the Commission's administrative amendment policy that delegates approval of minor changes to capital improvement plans to its executive director. Please contact Grace Alvarez at (951) 787-7141 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Anne Mayer Executive Director Enclosure: City of La Quinta's Amendment Request Dated April 15, 2015 Revised CIP FY 2014/15 c: Nick Nickerson, NAI Consulting T C � ,:- of ,. �� • 4F TNQO April 15, 2015 Grace Alvarez Planning and Programming Manager Riverside County Transportation Commission 4080 Lemon Street, 3rd Floor Riverside, CA 92502-2208 Subject: City of La Quinta Request for Measure A Capital Improvement Plan Amendment for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Dear Ms. Alvarez: The City of La Quinta respectfully requests the Commission approve an Amendment to the City's Measure A Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Year 2014/2015. The following changes are requested and are depicted on the attached "redline" CIP sheet for Fiscal Year 2014/2015: Item No. 2 - Avenue 52 at Jefferson Street Roundabout Modification. The City requests the original program amount be increased from $110,900 to $376,000. This increase is due to an expansion of the project scope of work. Item No. 3 - Citywide Traffic Signal Interconnect. The City requests this project be removed from the list of Measure A funded projects during Fiscal 2014/2015. The project was not successful in obtaining funding during the last round of CMAQ funding. Item No. 4 - Fred Waring Drive Reconstruction (Washington to Adams). The City requests this project be removed from the list of Measure A funded projects during Fiscal 2014/2015. This project will be funded as part of the City's Pavement Management Program. Item No. 5 - New Roundabout Westward Ho at Roadrunner. The City requests this project be removed from the list of Measure A funded projects during Fiscal 2014/2015. The project was not successful in obtaining funding during the last round of CMAQ funding. 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta I California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta.org Page 2 of 2 The City requests the remaining $191,500 of Measure A funding available during Fiscal Year 2014/2015 be carried over for use during Fiscal Year 2015/2016. Please feel free to contact Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer at (760) 777-7042 if you have questions. Respectfully, Edie Hylton Deputy City Manager Attachment c: City Clerk 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta I California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta.org R1VER$IDEC,OUNTYTRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MP,AS.URU AWC4 FUNPS PROQRAM, FYI* - 2o1B Aaarwyt Coy of La Qulnla Paga 1 Qf 6 P40i d by: TVmlhyR. Jonoiaon, P.E., OnyEnoinaof PhonOM (700)177-704-2 Otis: II8YQ 2014 EgUmat#d prtot Y1ar Me4aum A Belaeco: 540,000 " EatInUted FY 2014.2616 fdaacura A AllccaUoat-- mo � E%Ua%t4d MQrlt vto A Avolfabk forPY 2014.2016 P601401: $642,400 / It�,m Nu. Proloot Rome 1 LIgw - 'IAMIug1 mowurPn 241L-44i6 I CllywWe 4Vaaldnd Tra(Oc SVrel Malatononao Pr00NJn SlioouSlgnol MdlntOtwm 2yS,OQO 230,900 2 Avenue 62M Manion Poot Roundabout ModlBCailon Stroel l"wrovomont �37IV��a4d408 tio,9t?o- ••,. IdtQ@tjIQnUI {Iti0IO011NU' 01. - - -.. - IF1{ {111(NW.Nn - 04AII q....- (retli4MrHa64{v.�-1:unorreteveHerttWnoMnOfon GAl.040, -•-- 5- -Now HottndoboutVVO*twerdHo�l*Hoodmmner h tf c es f-C-Sy 1+ - n Iq►am M0ff: Curry ov4.rTOTALA 76� Grace Alvarez From: Nick Nickerson [nnickerson@naiconsulting.com] Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 2:47 PM To: Grace Alvarez Cc: 'Tim Jonasson'; 'Ed Wimmer' Subject: RE: Draft FY 2014/2015 MAF Amendment Request The original scope of work for the Avenue 52 at Jefferson Roundabout was limited to east and we, t proaches on Avenue 52. The project will now res Ai e and sign the entire roundabout converting it from what is misunderstood as two lane roundabout to a single lane roundabWt. All four legs will now be reconfigured with striping and signs. Do you need me to send this to you in a formal letter? Nick Nickerson, President NAI Consulting, Inc. p. 760-323-5344 m. 760-861-6401 e. nnickerson@naiconsulting.com From: Grace Alvarez [mailto:GAlvarez@rctc.org] Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 2:21 PM To: Nick Nickerson Subject: RE: Draft FY 2014/2015 MAF Amendment Request I should use your submittal as shining example of how the amendments are requested. Just one question, for Item No. 2 you state the cost increase is due to expansion of project scope. Can you please clarify what is being expanded and/or provide a project description before and after for comparison purposes? Thanks. From: Nick Nickerson[mailto:nnickersonCcOnaiconsulting.com] Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 1:59 PM To: Grace Alvarez Cc: 'Ed Wimmer'; 'Tim Jonasson' Subject: FW: Draft FY 2014/2015 MAF Amendment Request Hello Grace, Attached for your use is the City of La Quinta's Measure A Capital Improvement Plan Amendment Request for FY 2014/2015. The attached was placed in first class mail on April 15, 2015. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Nick Nickerson, President NAI Consulting, Inc. p. 760-323-5344 m. 760-861-6401 e. nnickerson@naiconsulting.com 1 ATTACHMENT 1 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE A PROGRAM ALLOCATION (PROJECTION) FY 2014/15 (Revised (1/14/15) Revenues $ 167,000,000 Less: Administration 2,900,000 APPORTIONMENT TO PROGRAMS $ 164,100,000 Western County Highway Improvements $ 37,613,000 New Corridors 13,644,000 Public Transit Commuter Rail 7,523,000 Intercity Bus 1,881,000 Specialized Transit -Operations 2,351,000 Specialized Transit-CTSA 783,000 Commuter Services 1,844,000 Regional Arterial 11,063,000 Local Streets & Roads 35,769,000 BANNING $ 530,000 BEAUMONT - CALIMESA 149,000 CANYON LAKE 169,000 CORONA 3,707,000 EASTVALE 1,088,000 HEMET 1,611,000 JURUPA VALLEY 1,802.000 LAKE ELSINORE 1,137,000 MENIFEE 1,438,000 MORENO VALLEY 3.586,000 MURRIETA 2,065,000 NORCO 599,000 PERRIS 1,353,000 RIVERSIDE 6,655,000 SAN JACINTO 718,000 TEMECULA 2.744,000 WILDOMAR 555.000 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 5,112,000 RCTC Regional Arterial 751,000 Bond Financing 9,956,000 Economic Development Projects 1,475,000 SUBTOTAL -Western County 123,902,000 Coachella Valley Highways & Regional Arterials 19,488,000 Local Street & Roads 13,642,000 CATHEDRAL CITY $ 1,401,000 COACHELLA 629,000 DESERT HOT SPRINGS 494,000 INDIAN WELLS 244,000 INDIO 1,716.000 LA QUINTA 1,509.000 X . PALM DESERT 2,718,000 PALM SPRINGS 2,048,000 RANCHO MIRAGE 876,000 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 2,007,000 CVAG - Specialized & Public Transit 5,846,000 SUBTOTAL -Coachella Valley 38,976,000 Palo Verde Valley Local Street & Roads 1,222,000 BLYTHE $ 973,000 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 249.000 SUBTOTAL -Palo Verde Valley 1,222,000 TOTAL $ 164,100,000 Mid -year revision reflects no change in revenue projection. Note: Estimate for Planning Purposes, subject to change and rounding differences. N:\MEASURES\Meas A FY15\2015 Measure A Revenue Projection Mid Year Revision.xlsx 24 Riverside County Transportation Commission April 23, 2015 Ms. Edie Hylton Deputy City Manager City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 4080 Lemon Street, 3rd Floor • Riverside, CA 92501 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 12008 • Riverside, CA 92502-2208 (951) 787-7141 • Fax (951) 787-7920 • www.rctc.org RECEIVED APR 3 0 2015 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Subject: Approval of Measure A Capital Improvement Plan Fiscal Year 2014/15 A-1 Dear Ms. Hylton: Depot) Ohl This letter serves as the Riverside County Transportation Commission's (Commission) approval of your request dated April 15, 2015, (received April 20, 2015), revising the city of La Quinta's FY 2014/15 Measure A Local Streets and Roads Capital Improvement Plan. The following summarizes the requested changes: • Item No. 2, Avenue 52 at Jefferson Street Roundabout Modification total project cost (TPC) increases from $110,900 to $376,000; Measure A contribution increases from $110,900 to $376,000. The cost increase is due to expansion of work to restripe all four legs and associated signage for the entire roundabout converting it from what is misunderstood as a two-lane roundabout to a single lane roundabout; • Remove Item No. 3, Citywide Traffic Signal Interconnect; • Remove item No. 4, Fred Waring Drive Reconstruction (Washington to Adams); and • Remove item No. 5, New Roundabout Westward Ho at Roadrunner. Approval of this revision does not impact the total Measure A in the city's plan approved by the Commission at its July 9, 2014, meeting. This revision is approved under the Commission's administrative amendment policy that delegates approval of minor changes to capital improvement plans to its executive director. Please contact Grace Alvarez at (951) 787-7141 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Anne Mayer Executive Director Enclosure: City of La Quinta's Amendment Request Dated April 15, 2015 Revised CIP FY 2014/15 c: Nick Nickerson, NAI Consulting