002812 (SFD) Compaction Report, BLW�ii E,ngine0r%hridm RECEIVED APR AN EARTH SYSTEMS, INC: COMPANY. 1731-A WALTER STREET VENTURA;.CALIFORNIA 93003, (605) 642-6727 M�Vv arch 18, .1987 8=17052-P I 87-37757 Starr Construction 655 N. Palm`4Canyon Palm Springs, CA 92262, Project: 53-755 & 53-775.,Ayenida Alverado 52-641 & 52-661 �4 Avenida5, Bermudas,�=025 &54 045 Avenida'Carranza, 154-225 &wa Herrera,0_45.5, -5 5,4-765 54- 45 Avenida L8 Quinta,'C.A Subject: Report of -_Fi6ld, Densfties .Hou'se Pads. Betw.een..JaNary 12 through 'January 23) 1987, a, representative of our f i rm perf orm*ed -density-tests: dh the"' various residential, building pads on the above referenced pro j et.t. -Tests. were.oe�,f.ormed at random locations in- accordance,- with ASTM'D 2922=81 'and. D 3017-78 Nuclear Density .Test Procedure. -Tests were o.efformed,.as per authorization of Starr Construction. The estimated locaUons of the,tests are presented *,o.nthe attached plan with their'rOsult-s being, summarized --on the attached test report sheet. A total of twenty-one`, (2]1) density: test's were p&form0d. Tests results indicz)te that a rhin'imum -ofnln.6.,ty peFtent, (902) rela.tWe compaction has been obtaln.eo.wfthin the areas tested,' with the exception of test No. 17, The rna_x�im_u'm density -optimum, moisture. were determined in the laboratory 'it). accorda'hce with ASTM "cD-1.557-78, Method A or C. Test results are :as.f o I I owis, SoilDescriDtion. UKS °_Maximum Densjt.y=Qptimum Moisture Tan fine-.tomedium,sand SM 1'], 0. 4- pcf- 12.60 Light brown f Ine.fo. coarse sand. with;giravel -SP/SH, 123.3 pcf 10.1 ' 07 0 Light brown fine 1:0--.' coarse sand.>with gravel .and stones SP/SM- 128.7 pcf 11.0% VENTURA. LANCASTER bASTER @05) 642,67-27 (865)'b464538 ''BAKERSFiELD SANTA BARBARA (805)327=5150 (805).966-9912 PALM.PPRINGS SAN LUIS OBISPO (61.9)'328-9131 (805) 544-6187 4 19L 1: March 1.8, 1987 Y . - 2 - B -17052-P 1 87-s-757 .1. The house:=pads are locatedl at, :various. i'Attons in the City of La Quinta; 'CA 2. Prior to, our arrival `at the sites, they we're, brought to grade and compacted: ` J. The contrktor:was informed by the City*of•La,Quinta that the building pad at 54=:225 Avenida Herrera was not,*required -to have compaction test. 4. On January 27; 198.7 , hJ-5 information was passed onto Buena Engineers, Inc. therefore;-we."did not retest No. l 7" (s4-225 Avenida Herrera); ti 5. The purpose of ,test -1 ng waS to observe compliance with the minimum requirements of. the City of La'Quinta, CA... The test res01ts,:• summarized'.:in this report pr=esent the .moisture and ,JPnsit:y o lv,.:,it the c -;rJons. nd dP the tested;;on the specified dates. The SUFI rfiat- izedl:fieId-and Iaboratory'tests•were performed in accordance with engineering .principles generate ed. at,rthis time and location. No opinion is expressed -as the acceptun�formity, of the rnate,rial, compaction, nor adequacy of the rn.ater1al.101perform its intended function, No guarantee or'warranty ;of the contractor's�work is made or Tnipl ied. If there are any questions, please do'not.hesi.tate to contact this office. Respectfully subm'i•tted, ow0VESS/pN9� BUENA ENGINEERS,. INC. .Reviewedand Ap Brett L. Anderson, o Joseph.R. _Venuti Civil Engineer BLA/JR, /`th Copies: 2. Starr Constructlonz .2..- Cit hof La, .Quinta 27 Pa! 1e ; 2- VTA Fi?l:e:. BUENA `ENG'iWEE,R,S;.1NC. RpN Doti ` F� 1 No. C 041210' i °C Exp• 3 - 31-11 civic �Q F CA1. UU�t1q Engineerslnc:= .. M'REPORT OF.REL;ATIVE COMPACTIONS. '. p Job No. 6-17052-P 1 CONTRACTOR: DATE:- March, 1,8, 1,987 Report No. 87-3-757 ADDRESS: _._ JOB & LOC/4TION:.- . TEST NO. DATE TESTED D_ E S C RIP.TI ON: `1i MOISTURE IN PLACE DRY DENSITY IN PLACE RELATIVE COMPACTION MAXIMUM DENSITY 52-641 &52-66] Avenida `Bermudas 1 1-12-87 Per Plan 1.0,6F6 16.8 105.9 96 110.4 2 1-12-87 Per Plan FG 12.5102.0 92 1 10.4 3 1-12-87 Per Plan 0.5 BFG 7.0 103.3 95 110.4 4 1-12-87 Per Plan FG 17.3 107.9 98 110.4 53 755: &-53=775.Aven :da Al.verado 5 1-13-87 Per.'Plan-.. 0.5`BFG 11.9 100.1 91 110.4 6 1-13-87 Per Plan 11.0 BFG 12.4 100.3 95 110.4 7 1-13-87 Per' Plan 0.5 BFG 5.5 108.0 98 110.4 8 1-13=87 Per Plan 1:OBFG 1.1.1 102.3 93 110.4 54=025 & 5:4-045 Avenida Carranza 9 1-14-87 Per Plan FG 17.6 100.8 91 110.4 10 1-14-87 Per Plan O.S BFG 12.8 101.7 92 110.4 11 1-14-87 Per Plan FG 16.5 100.6 91 110.4 12 1-14-87 Per"Plan 0.5 BFG 17.9 101.5 .92 110.4 54=765 Avenida Ramirez:. 13 1-21-87 Per Plan.. 0.5 BFG 4.9. 125.1 97 128.7 14 1-21-87. Per P -tan _ F6 6.0 126.1 98 128.7 5436 Aven;�tla Rarn�re 15 1-21-87 Per Plan °. FG 16.11 100.5 91 110.4 16 1-21-87 Per Plan" 05"BFG 13.8' 105.6 96 110.4 WE CERTIFY THAT THESE'.TESTS 'W,ERE PE-RFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH -k: COPIES: BUENA ENGINEERS. INC. hUc-Qrofl kkm 1 pEZ Q T615 -r LOCATWW,