002811 (SFD) Compaction Report',Buena w�gneers, hco AN EARTH SYSTEMS, INC. COMPANY 1731-A WALTER STREET March 18, 1987 VENTURA, CALIFORNIA 93003 RECEIVED APR (805) 642-6727 B -17052-P1 87-3-757 Starr Construction 655 N. Palm Canyon. Palm Springs, CA 92262 Project: 53-755 & 53-775 Avenida Alverado, 52-641 & 52-661 Avenida Bermudas, 54-025 & 54-045 Avenida Carranza 54-225 &'54-245 Avenida Herrera, 54=365 & 52.;E605' Aven ird:a R:am freT , La Quinti, CA Subject: Report of Field Densities House' Pads Between January 12, through January 23, 1.987, a representative of our firm performed density tests on the various residential building pads on the above referenced project. Tests were performed at random locations in accordance with ASTM' D 2922. 8.1 and ASTM D 3017-78 'Nuclear Density Test Procedure. Tests were performed as per authorization of Starr Construction. The estimated locations of the tests are presented on the attached plan with their results.being.summarized on the attached test report sheet. A total of twenty-one (21) density tests were performed. Tests results indicate that a .rn;inimurn of ninety percent (90 )-relative :compaction has been obtained within -the .areas tested, with the ekeptiont'.of test No, 17.' The maximum . dens ity-opti"mum moisture were determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM D 1557-78, Method A or C. Test results are as follows: Soil Description USCS Maximum Density -Optimum Moisture Tan fine to med].um sand SM 1 10.4 pcf 12.60 Light brown fiiie,10 coarse sand with gravel• SP/SM 1 123.3 pcf 10.1 0 Light brown fine>':to coarse sand with gravel and stonesSP/SM 128.7 pcf- 11.0% VENTURA LANCASTER (805)`642-6727 (805) 948-7538 BAKERSFIELD SANTA BARBARA. PALM SPRINGS SAN LUIS OBISPO (805)327-5150 (806)9664912 (619)328-9131 (805)544-6187 ;c 4 187 . March 18, 1987 J M 5 :V.,.-�".. -2- B-17052-P1 87-s-757 The house `pads. are located at, various lQcations in the City of La Quinta, CA. Pq- o'r to our arrival at the sites, they were brought to grade and compacted.,. The contractor was informed by the City of La Quinta that the: building pad .at 54-225 Avenida Herrera was not required to have compaction test. On January 27., 1987 this information was passed onto Buena Engineers, Inc, therefore we di'd:not retest No. 17 ('54-225 Avenida_ Herrera). The purpose of testing was to observe compliance with the minimum requirements of the City of La Quinta, CA. The test results summarized in -this report present the moisture and density ^nly at the legations end denths1psted..on the specified dates. The sui-nr-nai-ized field.,and laboratory tests were performed in accordance with engineering principa-es general].y.' accepted at this time and location. No opinion..is expressed as.,.to the -uniformity of the material,. compaction, nor adequacy of the inat'eria] to perform Its intended function. No guarantee. or warranty of the contractor's work.i.s. made or implied. If there are any, questions., please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully submitted, BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. 6�/'azcl f Brett L. -Anderson BLA/JRV/th Copies: 2- Starr Construction 2- City of La Quinta, h 2- PS File 2 - VTA File. Reviewed and Appr Joseph R. Venuti Civil Engineer BUENA EN.G.1NEERS, INC. oQRpF ESSI 01 RpN Doz" ` F� CIO CD No. C 041210 r� Exp. 3 - 31-11 �9TF .OF Cp�1F�� CONTRACTOR: - --ADDRESS: -- -' - - Into- REPORT nc: REPORT OF RELAT:I,VE'COMPACTION$ Job No. B -17052-P 1 DATE: Mach 1'8, 1987 Report No. 87-3-757 JOB &,LOCATION: . --- i a ril 1;k+ -a r n TEST NO. DATE TESTED - DESCRIPTION tit MtOISTURE IN PLACE DRY DENSITY IN PLACE .RELATIVE COMPACTION MAXIMUM DENSITY 52-641 & 52=661- Aveni'da.;Bermudas- 1 1-12-87 Per Plan 10 BFG 16.8 105.9 96 110.4 2 1-12-8.7 Per Plan FG 12.5 102.0 92 110.4 3 1-12787 Per Plan 0.5 BFG 7.0 103.3 95 110.4 4 1-12-87 Per Plan FG 17.3 107.9 98. 110.4 53-755 & 53=775 Avenida Almerado . 5 1-13-87 Per Plan ' 0 S BFG 1 f.,9 100.1 91 110.4 6 1-13-87 Per Plan )'.:0 BFG 12.4 100.3 95 110.4 7 1-13-87 Per.Plan 0,5. BFG 5:5 108.0 98 110.4 8 1-13-87 Per -Plan 10 6FG 1 1.1° 102.3 93 110.4 54-025 &-54-045 Avenida- Carranza 9 1-14-87 Per Plan' FG 17.6; 100.8 91 110.4 10 1-14-87 Per Plan 0.5 BFG 12.84 101.7 92 110.4 11 1-14-87 Per Plan FG 16.5` 100.6 91 110.4 12 1-14-87 Per Plan 0:5 BFG 17.91 101.5 92' 110.4 54765. Aven.�daRami:r�e 13 1-21-87 Per Plan O S BFG 4.9. 125.1 97 128.7 14 1-21-87 Per Plan FG 6.0` 126.1 98 128.7 ..54-365'Avenida.Ramirez,', ` 15 1-21-87 Per Plan .',FG 16.1 100.5 91 110.4 16 1-21-87 Per Plan : O.S BFG 13.8 105.6 96 110.4 WE CERTIFY THAT THESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH COPIES: CALLS R0 m Z II IL1 3 m N O s 0 c =� c o OD W C kl .r m -� m � o rn o m � 3 W N - N C') -o