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09-0746 (AR) Revision 1 Truss Calcs
• ��' ' P V ' to (a,°c `�d ca .�oN `� cF� \C� y.A o � Ne �r o(• �,a • . �.a a4 ��e �(e\a \�s r�� coy` ° �o�a a co ���a( a e Go\� S���Ea��� Q c o�Qa� �G .�'' L .i - i•.r S r � (,Jlf •� �•, •-` �} •F ,•,• c = ,oma` 4 .L Fr i Hou, S T 0 N • r # : LUMBER COMPANY "Lumbermen Since .188.4 » A O U I NTA - ♦ CITY OF ' a ` ,' • 83-490 Indio Blvd. ' BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. •" i_ _ ..Indio, CA 92201 t .�, p�PP OVER .1(760)347 -8320LFOR CONSTRUCTION y I }. Fax' (760) 347-8515 -�- '. ' DATE �� `BY Contractor' Cherokee Homes JUL 2 9:2009 Job Name: Tom Mitchell 9 By Date: a 7/17/2009 u The A.C. Houston Lumber Company's Truss Warranty Project Name: Mitchell Date of Issue: 07-17-2009 This document shall be considered an express warranty by The A.C. -iouston Lumber Company for trusses we designed and manufactured for the above - referenced project. This warranty shall supercede all other warranties whether expressed or implied, -written or. verbal. 4 Warranties: The A.C. Houston Lumber Company herein warrants for a period of ONE YEAR from the date of delivery that the manufactured trusses shall be of fair and average quality in the trade and within the description of the contract and the project's documents as produced by the registered professional engineer for the project, hereinafter referred to as the "Engineer -of -Record". This warranty is for truss design and, manufacturing only and specifically excludes installation and damage to the trusses when the trusses are out of our immediate control. This warranty.also specifically excludes work performed by the Eng ineer-af-Record including, but not limited to, structural design of the �structure, structural drawings and construction design documents. Upon written notice, The A.C. Houston Lumber Company herein reserves the right to inspect, repair, or replace trusses that are not in conformity tc contract documents, the Engineer -of -Record's project documents, improperly designed, • or defectively manufactured trusses. All remedies and damages are strictly limited to repair or replacement of the non -conforming truss or trusses. Such replacement or repair necessity shall be determined at the sole discretion of The A.C. Houston Lumber Company. Replacement or repairs shall be .performed within a reasonable period of time and The A.C. Houston Lumber Company shall not be responsible for project delay damages or repair and replacement of other 40 `.trades' work. This warranty shall be considered void if the truss or integral truss structure is affected by adverse influences including, but not limited to, moisture, temperature, corrosive chemicals, gases, cuts, damage caused by on • contributed to by another trade, improper installation, improper or insubstantial bracing, improper field storage and handling, or additional dead or live loads beyond that stated in the truss engineering attributable to: roof, floor,•partitions, mechanical, fire sprinkler systems, attic, storage, wind, snow drift, seismic or - other acts of nature. The foregoing warranties are exclusive, and are in lieu of all other warranties, whether written, oral, or implied, including any warranties regarding the merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose not 'specified herein. Revised 02-03 AC HOUSTON LUMBER COMPANY lurovmm Sae tew• t - 80.191 Gro[uII ROOD. bEb.0 j]60) ]0.]-01M Fua: 1180) Ja]-0818 ewwsdmusmMwOe,.m GemkaoNamo. -' Z•�.••^�+vM�..�...r.,.... At1]Et: � oenaNB: rom nAcroo y i PU.V.: ELEV: N.T SL'.fl6: S. I ABY: 116406008 J AC HOUSTON LUMBER COMPANY lurovmm Sae tew• t - 80.191 Gro[uII ROOD. bEb.0 j]60) ]0.]-01M Fua: 1180) Ja]-0818 ewwsdmusmMwOe,.m GemkaoNamo. -' Z•�.••^�+vM�..�...r.,.... At1]Et: � oenaNB: rom nAcroo na]e: omtaam OP(lOnS: • PU.V.: ELEV: N.T SL'.fl6: S. I ABY: 116406008 J MiTek POWER M PERFORM.' " MiTek Industries, Inc. 7777 Grec-nback Lane Suite 109 ' "Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Telephone 916/676-1900 Re: bid Fax 916/6'6-1909 Jw Mitchell IT09-06006 The truss drawing(s) referenced below have been prepared by MiTek Industries, Inc. under my direct supervision based on the parameters provided by A.C. Houston Lumber-Indio, CA. Pages or sheets covered by this seal: R30461717 thm R30461724 ' My license renewal date for the state of California is March 31, 2011. p �OQROFESS/pN9 • ER S. CO `� P�� mLUrn - G 4 C 046 EX - 1 r FOFC July 15;2009 Tingey, Palmer The seal on these drawings indicate acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the , truss components shown. The suitability and use of this component for any particular building is the responsibility of the building designer, per ANSLITPI-2002 Chapter 2. L n LA Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply JW Mitchelll_It09-06006 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 • 1 t R30461693 L n LA Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply JW Mitchelll_It09-06006 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.16 R30461693 DESIGNS A01 ROOFTRUSS� 1 1 Jobe A.C. Houston Lumber Co., Indio, CA 92201 sao 58-0 NO TOP CHORD NOTCHING IS ALLOWED WITHIN 24" OF THE HEEL JOINTS. t ' 0x8 II 4.00 (12 2 /Abu s Jan ZZ ZUUB MI I eK Irlausines, Inc. wea Jul To uw:I o:zz zuu® rage 7 111-0 i 54.0 Y Sole =1:21.1 Lj v- + s 214 II 3x8 = • 214 II . ' SJ411 I a.— 5&0 2-7-8 341,8 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-M - CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.16 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 MT20 185/144 ' TCDL 20.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.07 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Ina YES' WB 0.07 Horz(TL) 0.00 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2006/TPI2002 (Matrix) Weight: 27 lb , LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-}0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/STDMiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be induring truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 6=125/5-3-0.4=125/5-3-0,5=246/5-3-0 Max Horz5=12(LC 3) • Max Uplift6=28(LC 5), 4=28(LC 6), 5=20(LC 5) Max Grav6=301(LC 13), 4=301 (LC 15), 5=355(LC 14) r FORCES (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. WEBS 2-5=-318/47,1-6=-282137, 3-4=-282/37 NOTES (8) .. k 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-05; 95mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=4.8psf; h=25ft; Cat. ll; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (low-rise) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. a 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) » This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit ' between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2006 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 7) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 240.Olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 8) Per ANSI/TPI 1-2002, Cq=1.0 for plates on wide face & Cq=1.11 for plates on narrow edge of lumber. LOAD CASE(S) Standard ` ^ r • July 15,2009 A WA JONG • Verify design Pamaxders aad READ NOTES ON 791S AND INCLUDEDWrEK REFERENCE PAGE 61U-7473 •ca. 10-'08 BEFORE US& Oeilgn valid far use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown- and is for an individual building component. Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer- not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stabTtyduring coristwcfion is the respom bllity of the WOW erector. Additional pennonent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication- quality control, storage. delivery- erection and bracing consult ANSI/TPII Quo Cdlerla, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lane, Suite 109 Safely Information available from Truss. Plate Institute, 281 N. Lee Seet. Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 - m July 15,2009 A WA JONG • Verify design Pamaxders aad READ NOTES ON 791S AND INCLUDEDWrEK REFERENCE PAGE 61U-7473 •ca. 10-'08 BEFORE US& Oeilgn valid far use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown- and is for an individual building component. Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer- not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stabTtyduring coristwcfion is the respom bllity of the WOW erector. Additional pennonent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication- quality control, storage. delivery- erection and bracing consult ANSI/TPII Quo Cdlerla, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lane, Suite 109 Safely Information available from Truss. Plate Institute, 281 N. Lee Seet. Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 - r Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply JW Mitchell1_lt09-06,)06 830461694 • DESIGNS A01A ROOF TRUSS 1 1 Job e e ' o 'o A.C. Houston Lumber Co., Indio, CA 92201 7.060 s Jan 22 2009 MTek Induscies, Inc. Wed Jul 15 09:15:23 2009 Page 1 134-0 200 5-8-0 5_" 200 ! SwIe 1:24.4 r 3 r 1 - • - 8 214 11 3110 II ' 144 104.4 4 4x8 I 1M1. Ji 114-0 . . ' Tit? • 108 0-3-4 ea9 0.344 108 Plate Offsets (X,Y): 12:0-3-8,Edgel. 14:0-2-12,0-1-141 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) - I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP' TCLL . 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.80 Vert(LL) -0.03 2-6 >999 240 MT20 185/144 • TCDL 20.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.40 Vert(TL) -0.05 2-6 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Ina YES WB 0.10 Horz(TL) 0.01 4 ' n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2006/TPI2002 (Matrix) Weight: 33 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-3-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/STD MiTek recommends that Stabilizes and required cross bracing be WEDGE installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Left: 2 X 4 SPF No.2, Right: 2 X 4 SPF No.2 Installatjoii guide. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=697/G-6-7, 4=727/0-6-7 Max Horz2=-54(LC 4) Max Uplift2=-231(LC 5), 4=245(LC 6) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. — + TOP CHORD 2-7=-666/0, 3-7=627/23, 3-8=-631/30, 4-8=-672/3 BOT CHORD 2-6=0/583, 4-6=0/583 • NOTES (7) ' 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. . 2) Wind: ASCE 7-05; 95mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=4.8psf; h=25ft; Cat. II; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (low-rise) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4)' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2006 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 6) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 240.Olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. ' 7) Per ANSI/TPI 1-2002, Cq=1.0 for plates on wide face 8 Cq=1.11 for plates on narrow edge of lumber. t LOAD CASE(S) Standard Q�OFESS/p^, G) a 004 m EXP. • u(y 15,2009 Symbols Numbering System ,. ® General Safety Notes PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION Center plate on joint unless x, y Failure to Follow Could Cause Property offsets are indicated. 6-4-8 dimensions shown in ft -in -sixteenths Damage or Personal Injury Dimensions are in ft -in -sixteenths. (Drawings not to scale) Apply plates to both sides of truss 1. Additional stability bracing for truss system, e.g. and fully embed teeth. diagonal or X-brocin g g, is always required. See BCSI. 0-1/' 2. Truss bracing must be designed by an engineer. For Q, T 1 2 3 TOP CHORDS - - CIQ C2-3 wide truss spacing, individual lateral braces themselves may require bracing, or alternative T, I, or Eliminator bracing should be considered. K WEBS Sao 4 3. Never exceed the design loading shown and never stack materials on inadequately braced trusses. O > ; �y� 3 O= 4. Provide copies of this truss design to the building For 4 x 2 orientation, locate U designer, erection supervisor, property owner and plates 0 -'Ag' from Outside a s' U all other interested parties. edge of truss.. O O 5. Cut members to bear tightly against each other. C7-13 C6-7css • BOTTOM CHORDS 6. Place plates on each face of truss at each This symbol indicates the 8 7 6 5 joint and embed fully. Knots and wane at joint required direction of slots in locations are regulated by ANSI/TPI 1. connector plates: 7. Design assumes trusses will be suitably protected from • the environment in accord with ANSI/TPI 1. Plate location details available In MiTek 20/20 software or upon request. - 8. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of lumber JOINTS ARE GENERALLY NUMBERED/LETTERED CLOCKWISE shall not exceed 19% at time of fabrication. AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE JOINT FARTHEST TO PLATE SIZE THE LEFT. 9. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant, preservative treated, or green lumber. The first dimension is the plate CHORDS AND WEBS ARE IDENTIFIED BY END JOINT NUMBERS/LETTERS. 10. Camber is anon -structural consideration and is the width measured perpendicular 4 x 4 responsibility of truss fabricator. General practice is to to slots. Second dimension is camber for dead load deflection. the length parallel to slots. 11. Plate type, size, orientation and location dimensions - PRODUCT CODE APPROVALS indicated are minimum plating requirements. LATERAL BRACING LOCATION ICC -ES Reports: 12. Lumber used shall be of the species and size, and p in all respects, equal to or better than that specified. Indicated by symbol shown and/or ESR -131.1, ESR -1352, ER -5243, 9604B, by text in the bracing section of the 95-43, 96-31, 9667A 13. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins provided at output. Use T, I or Eliminator bracing NER-487, NER-561 spacing indicated on design. if indicated. 95110, 84-32, 96-67, ER -3907, 9432A 14. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 ft. spacing, BEARING � ' or less, if n6 ceiling is installed, unless otherwise noted. 15. Connections not shown are the responsibility of others. Indicates location where bearings ,16. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior (supports) occur. Icons vary but © 2006 MiTek® All Rights Reserved approval of an engineer. reaction section indicates joint number where bearings occur. 17. Install and load vertically unless indicated otherwise. 18. Use of green or treated lumber may pose unacceptable environmental, health or performance risks. Consult with Industry Standards: project engineer before use. ANSI/TPI1: National Design Specification for Metal 19. Review all portions of this design (front, back, words Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction.' and pictures) before use. Reviewing pictures alone DSB-89: Design Standard for Bracing. M!Tek is not sufficient. BCSI: Building Component Safety Information, 20. Design assumes manufacture in accordance with Guide to Good Practice for Handling, POWER 'TO PERFORM." ANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria. Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. MiTek Engineering Reference Sheet: Mll-7473 rev. -10-'08 ` WdRNFNO - Verify design panonreters =dREAD NOTES ON 1H1S AMi !]YCLUDED iff7ElC RbPBRENCB Pd0& NL•7473 rea. 20•108 6bi'OR6 U5& Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is bused only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Appricablity of design poramenters and proper incorporation of component's responsibility of building designer- not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members any. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsbilfity, of the MiTek' erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quarry control, storage, derivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/71`11 pualBy Criteria, DSB•89 and BCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lene, Suite 109 Safety Information available from Tens Plate Institute. 281 N. Lee Sheet. Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. •- Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Ply " r 1 Job Truss Truss Type Qty ROOF TRUSS 1 1 0 * , Job Reference A.C. Houston Lumber Co., Indio, CA 92201' -2-0-0 - sao 7.060 s Jan 22 2009 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Jul 15 09:17:00 2009 Page 1 s1 -0-o 13-0-0 I. I I 1 Bole • 1:24.7 NO TOP CHORD NOTCHING IS ALLOWED WITHIN 24" OF THE HEEL JOINTS. 4Xe li • 4 • 010%, 12 13 4.00 12 • 3.4 '3 4X10 rr - 3x4 3 � 11 2 14 ` 8 = I I II = 7 1 3x4 08 08 3.4 2x4 II 3x8 = b4 II . , • .• SM I 8-3-8 2.7.8 3-0-8 , Plate Offsets KY): 12:0-3-8,Edgel. [2:0-4-12. Edge], 16:0-3-8.Edgel, f6:0-4-12,Edgel LOADING(pso SPACING 2-0-0 CSI 'DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25, TC 0.36 Vert(LL) -0.02 6-7 n/r 120 MT20 185/144 • TCDL' 20.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.21 Vert(TL) -0.08 6-7 n/r 90 BCLL 0.0 • , Rep Stress Incr • YES WB 0.34 Horz(rL) 0.00 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2006rrP12002 (Matrix) , Weight: 51 Ib LUMBER r BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 10-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-1-14 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/STD • MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installationuide. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 9=355/5-3-0, 10=553/5-3-0.8=553/5-3-0 Max Horz9=659(LC 15), 10=1223(LC 15), 8=1223(LC 19) Max Uplift9=-63(LC 5), 10=350(LC 3), 8=-350(LC 4) Max Grav9=396(LC 17), 10=687(LC 15), 8=687(LC 19) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. + TOP CHORD 2-11=-596/1284, 3-11=-583/1302, 3-12=-230/729, 4-12=-221/780, 4-13=-22V780, 5-13=-230(729, 5-14=-582/1302,6-14=-596/1284 BOT CHORD '2-10=-1223/630, 6-8=-1223/630 WEBS 4-9=523/150, 3-10=-606/329, 5-8=-606/329, 3-9=-327/621, 5-9=-327/620 • NOTES (8) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-05; 95mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=4.8psf; h=25ft; Cat. Il; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (low-rise) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. ' 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Non Standard bearing condition. Review required. 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2006 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 1�OFESS/0 7) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 240.01b live located at all mid panels and at all Chord, panel points along the Top QP N9� S. nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4� `^�R 8) Per ANSI/TPI 1-2002, Cq=1.0 for plates on wide face & Cq=1.11 for plates on narrow edge of lumber. C� i LOAD CASE(S) Standard Q in } U C 6433 T * - AV 0 p11 July 15,2009 - WdRNFNO - Verify design panonreters =dREAD NOTES ON 1H1S AMi !]YCLUDED iff7ElC RbPBRENCB Pd0& NL•7473 rea. 20•108 6bi'OR6 U5& Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is bused only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Appricablity of design poramenters and proper incorporation of component's responsibility of building designer- not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members any. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsbilfity, of the MiTek' erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quarry control, storage, derivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/71`11 pualBy Criteria, DSB•89 and BCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lene, Suite 109 Safety Information available from Tens Plate Institute. 281 N. Lee Sheet. Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. •- Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Ply JW Mitchell_IT09-06006 830461717 BID • A01 ROOF TRUSS 1 1 0 - Job Truss Truss Type City ply JW Mitchell_IT09-06006 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI • DEFL in (lac) I/defl L/d • R30461718 BID A01A ROOF TRUSS . 1 1 MT20 185/144 • TCDL 20.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.66 Vert(TL) ' -0.09 2-6 >999 180 Job Reference ( A.C. Houston Lumber Co., Indio, CA 922010 - . 2ao I 20 r.ubu s clan zz zuua MI I eK mausnes, mc. vvea Jut i o uan cuz zuua rage 1 548-0 I 114.0 I 134-0 541.0 - - - 54.0 200 . - - _ sorra • 1 z4.a 3 - • ® WARNMO - Verifg design panuorete and PEAD NOTES ON 7W S dtM LNCLUDEV An7EK REPBRENCB PAUB MU -7473 amu. 20-V8 MiFOR6 US& �• Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - nottuns designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsbllityof the ' M(Tek' erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, qualty control. storage, delivery, erection aril bracin consult ANSI/TPII 0ua1i1y CMeda, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lane, Suite 109 Safety into rma8on available from Truss Plate Institute. 281 N. Lee Sheet, Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314. 7 Citrus Heights, CA, 95810 .108 0.34 80 9 - 6:-0 18 0 ` Plate Offsets (X,Y): f2:0-4-2.0-0-21,(2:0-0-4,Edae]f4:0-4-2.0-0-21, [4:0-0-4 Edge] LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI • DEFL in (lac) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.55 Vert(LL) -0.04 4-6 >999 240 MT20 185/144 • TCDL 20.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.66 Vert(TL) ' -0.09 2-6 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Ina YES WB 0.13 Horz(TL) 0.02 4. n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2006/TPI2002 (Matrix) Weight: 35 lb - LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural woad sheathing directly.applied or 5-5-14 oc purlins. " BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/STD MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing bi�-j WEDGE Left: 2 X 4 SPF No.2, Right: 2 X 4 SPF No.2+ installed during truss_ erection, inaccordance with Stabilizer ; r Installatio13 guide. . REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=725/0-6-7, 4=725/0-6-7 Max. Horz 2=-54(LC 4) . Max Uplift2=209(1-C 5), 4=-209(LC 6) Nl FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./ax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-7=-889!75, 3-7=-853/90:3-8=-853/90, 4-8=-889/74 BOT CHORD 2-0=-23/804, 4-6=-23/804 • ` NOTES (7) - 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. • 2) Wind: ASCE 7-05; 95mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=4.8psf; h=25ft; Cat. ll; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (low-rise) gable end zone; cantilever left I- R and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. r 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chard and any other members.. 5) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2006 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 6) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 240.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 7) Per ANSI/TPI 1-2002, Cq=1.0 for plates on wide face & Cq=1.11 for plates on narrow edge of lumber. ` LOAD CASE(S)`Standard F Qt�OFES$/�� S• 46433 M XP 1-11 yt a • . F0 au • ® WARNMO - Verifg design panuorete and PEAD NOTES ON 7W S dtM LNCLUDEV An7EK REPBRENCB PAUB MU -7473 amu. 20-V8 MiFOR6 US& �• Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - nottuns designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsbllityof the ' M(Tek' erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, qualty control. storage, delivery, erection aril bracin consult ANSI/TPII 0ua1i1y CMeda, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lane, Suite 109 Safety into rma8on available from Truss Plate Institute. 281 N. Lee Sheet, Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314. 7 Citrus Heights, CA, 95810 t • Job . Truss Truss Type Qty PlyJW Mitchell_IT09-06006 ' LOADING (psf) , SPACING 2-0-0 . CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d R30461719 BID A018 ROOF TRUSS 2 1 0(ootionall A.C. Houston Lumber Co., Indio, CA 92201 zaa I 2-0-0 t.ubu s Jan zz ZUU9 MI I ek mousmes, Inc. vvea Jul 1b ug:l /:u3 zuu9 rage 7 543-0 I 11-0 i Sae 5433 acme =,:21.2 s.a - 3 4 f 54311 t 11 J.f1 •I 543-0 ! Plate Offsets (X,Y): f2:0-3-12.0-1-81.[4:0-3-12.0-1-81 ' LOADING (psf) , SPACING 2-0-0 . CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP ; TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.50 Vert(LL) -0.05 4-5 >999 240 MT20 185/144 ' • , TCDL 20.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.47 Vert(TL) -0.14 4-5, >983 180 ` BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.14 Horz(TL) 0.02 4' n/a n/a ' BCDL 10.0 Code IBC20061TP12002 (Matrix) Weight: 31 Ib . LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-4 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 100.0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/STD , MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, ini accordance with Stabilizer Installation uide REACTIONS (Ib/size) 4=539/Mechanical, 2=749/03-8 Max Horz2=71(LC 3) , Max Up1ift4=-87(LC 6), 2=-206(LC 5). - Max Grav4=565(LC 15), 2=749(LC 1) FORCES (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All farces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-0-1034/128, 3-6=944/156, 3-7=-955/143, 4-7-1027/127 BOT CHORD 2-5=771911,4-5=47/9111 WEBS 3-5=0/259 ; NOTES (8) - • .1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. • 2) Wind: ASCE 7-05; 95mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=4.8psf; h=25ft; Cat. II; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (low-rise) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 6) This truss is designed in accordancewith the 2006 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 7) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 240.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 8) Per ANSI/TPI 1-2002, Cq=1.0 far face 8 Cq=1.11 OQ��FESS11 9� S. . plates on wide for plates on narrow edge of lumber. .. ��� `A�R LOAD CASE(S) Standard ' LUM C0 Or X DE July 15,2009 ® WARN7N'O • Vtrify loci t patru wft -d RSAD.NO.TES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MT EK REP8RENCE PAGE M-7473 r . 10•'08 BEFORS US& Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown. and is for on individual building component. Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of Whitting designer- not truss designer. Bracing shown ' is for Werol support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction's the responsibllty of the WOW - erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabricatiom quality control. storage, delivery. erection and bracing, consult ANSI/rPtt Quality Cdfeda, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lane, Suite 109 Safety Information available from Tnns Pate Institute. 281 N. Lee Sheet. Suite 312, Alexandra. VA 22314. Citrus Heights, CA, 95810 r • 1 4 • 0 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply JW Mitchell_IT09-06006 R30461720 BID 002 ' GABLE 1 1 - , e e 'o a A.C. Houston Lumber Co., Indio, CA 92201 ' 7.060 s Jan 22 2009 MTek Indusries, Inc. Wed Jul 15 09:17:04 2009 Page 1 I sa-0 I r to." I . 24)-0 • Stade - 1:21.8 NO TOP CHORD NOTCHING IS ALLOWED * WITHIN 24" OF THE HEEL JOINTS. 4 as.a tasB Plate Offsets (X,Y): f2:0-4-12,Edgei [2:03-8.Edael, 16:0-38,Edgel LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-M CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1,25 TC 0.36 Vert(LL) 0.00 1 n/r 120 MT20 185/144 • TCDL 20.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.12 Vert(TL) -0.03 1 n/r 90 , BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Ina YES WB 0.09 Horz(TL) 0.00 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2006rrP12002 (Matrix) Weight: 43 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-6-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/STD MiTek recommends that Stabiliz3rs and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, ir accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide, • REACTIONS All bearings 10-9-8. (lb) - Max Horz2=68(LC 3) Max Uplift All uplift 100 Ib or less at joint(s) 6, 9, 7 except 2=-168(LC 5), 8=-166(LC 11) Max Grav All reactions 250 Ib or less at joint(s) 8 except 6=332(LC 19), 2=453(LC 15), 9=500(LC 11), 7=488(LC 14) FORCES (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. WEBS 3-9=-398/80, 5-7=-390/117 M NOTES' (11) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-05; 95mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=4.8psf; h=25ft; Cat. Il; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (low-rise) gable end zone; cantilever left • and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33 3) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/rPI 1-2002. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) Gable studs spaced at 14-0 oc. 6) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 7) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. ) 8) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord at joint(s) 6. OQ�OFESSIO 9) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2006 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/rPI 1. 9 10) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 240.0Ib live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 11) Per ANSIrrPI 1-2002, Cq=1.0 for,plates on wide face8 Cq=1.11 for plates on narrow edge of lumber. LOAD CASE(S) Standardw Y `' 04 M * EXP. 0 my 15,2009 A WARNING- Ver j/y design Pa meters and READ NO.48S ON THIS AND MCLUDED kff7Y'K REPERENCE PAOE.NU-7473 rvn. 20-108 BEFORE US& �' Dei n valid for use o with MTek connectors. This design is based on u r9 M' 9 N Pon Parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. _ Applicability, of design poromenters and proper incorporation of component's responsibility of building designer- not truss designer. Bracing shown ' is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction B the responsibility of the _ WOW . erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding -.o ".r,tonra• fabrication, quafity control, storage. defivery. erection and bracing consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lane, Suite 109 Safety Informa8on available from Truss Plate Institute. 281 N. Lee Sheet Suite 312. Alexandria, VA 22314. Citrus Heights, CA, 95810 • A.C. Houston Lumber Co., Indio, CA 92201 .2-0-0 2-0.0 • Job Truss Truss Type Qty PlyJW Mitchell_IT09-06006 CSI. DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP 830461721 BID A02A ROOF TRUSS 14 1 - Job Reference SA -0 s.6 = 3 t.ubu s Jan zz zuuu MI,I eK InausineS, Inc. vvea Jul la u8a r:uo zuup rage 1 ,t-sa 5•,-B smle -1:20A I, Plate Offsets (X,Y): 12:0-2-12,0-1-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.46 Vert(LL) -0.05 2-5 >999 240 MT20 185/144 • TCDL 20.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.41 Vert(TL) -0.10 2-5 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr ' YES WB 0.13 Horz(TL) 0.02 4 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2006/TPI2002 (Matrix) Weight: 30 lb 1 LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directlyapplied or 5-4-10 oc pur ins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10=0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/STDrilrnstallation iTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be stalled during truss erection, irbaccordance with Stabilizer 1 guide." REACTIONS (Ib/size) 4=50710-3-8, 2=719/0-3-8 • ' Max Horz2=71(LC 3) Max Uplift4=-80(LC 6), 2=-204(LC 5) Max Grav4=546(LC 15), 2=719(LC 1) FORCES (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP'CHORD 2-6=-923/110, 35=-856/137, 3-7=-862/124, 4-7=-924/108 BOT CHORD 25=-58/810, 4-5=58/810, NOTES (7) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. • 2) Wind: ASCE 7-05; 95mpli; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=4.8psf; h=25ft; Cat. ll; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (low-rise) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit , between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2006 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 6) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 240.Olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 7) Per ANSI/TPI 1-2002, Cq=1.0 for plates on wide face & Cq=1.11 for plates on narrow edge of lumber. • LOAD CASE(S) Standard 0 a O9*,OFESS/p�,9 S. 0433 Wvlor_0va'2��® July 15,2009 .A WARNM - Ve Hfg design pw meta and RPM NOTES ON 1N1S AND INCLUDED An7EK REFERENCE PAGE MY 7473 ror, 10.08 BEFORE Us& Design vorid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only, upon parameters shown, and is for on individual building component. Applicabgity of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component's responsibility of building designer- not tens designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members any. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction's the responsbillity, of the MiTek^ ' erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsbirity, of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery. erection and brat -ug consult ANSI/TPII QualBy Criteria, OSB -89 and SCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lane, Suite 109 Safety Information available from Tens Plate Institute. 281 N. Lee Street. Suite 312. Alexandria, VA 22314. - Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply�j'whRefei'r'n6ce"( Mc_IT09-06006 LOADING (psf) ' CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud 830461722 BID A03 ROOF TRUSS 1 1 oo 'oa A.G. riouslon LUI11Der GO., mato, GA uzzul -200 I 2d-12 2-0-0 2.4-12 L t.vov s Jan ZZ Zuu'J MI I eK Inauslnes, Inc. VVea Jul 10 U9:I t:Ub ZUU9 rage 1 3.411 '4-ae t am 24.12 2-0-0 . Stale = 1:14.3 Ll LM 0 ;. . July 15,2009 ® WARNFN0 - Verify design pruvowfers and READ NOYES ON 7711S AND NVCLAMED kf rEK REFERENCE PAGE 1111-7473 ler. 10-108 BEFORE LIS& Design valid for use only with MTek connectors. This design B based only upon parameters shown, and is for an indviduol building component. Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of bulling designer- not truss designer. Bracing shown (L A )Te k' B for literal support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction k the responsba6ty of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding M fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery. erection and bracing consult ANSI/TPII Quo CrIterIa. DSO -89 and BCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lane, Suite 109 Safely Information available from Tens Plate Institute, 281 N. Lee Sbeet, Suite 312. Alexandria, VA 22314. Citrus Heigtl6, CA, 95610 2 .12 I 4AA 24-12 24-12 ' Plate Offsets (X,Y): f2:0-3.8.Edgel, f2:0-5-12,Edgel, f4:0-3-8.Edgel, f4i0-5-0,0-341 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.36 Vert(LL) 0.00 4 n/r 120 MT20 197/144 • TCDL 20.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.26 Vert(TL) •-0.04 5 n/r 90 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Ina YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 4 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC20061TP12002 (Matrix) • Weight: 20 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-9-8 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 104)-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation auide. • REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=40314-9-8,4=403/4-9-8 Max Horz2=36(LC 3) Max Uplift2=-156(LC 5), 4=-156(LC 6) Max Grav2=466(LC 13), 4=466(LC 15) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-6=514/0, 3-6=501/8, 3-7=-501/8, 4-7=-514/0 BOT CHORD 2-4=0/473 NOTES (9) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. • 2) Wind: ASCE 7-05; 95mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=4.8psf; h=25ft; Cat. 11; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (low-rise) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 4) This truss has been designed fora 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord at joint(s) 4. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2006 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 240.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 9) Per ANSVTPI 1-2002, Cq=1.0 for plates on wide face & Cq=1.11 for plates on narrow edge of lumber. OQ�OFESS/pN q S. • LOAD CASE(S) Standard c 46433 . XP_ -11 LM 0 ;. . July 15,2009 ® WARNFN0 - Verify design pruvowfers and READ NOYES ON 7711S AND NVCLAMED kf rEK REFERENCE PAGE 1111-7473 ler. 10-108 BEFORE LIS& Design valid for use only with MTek connectors. This design B based only upon parameters shown, and is for an indviduol building component. Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of bulling designer- not truss designer. Bracing shown (L A )Te k' B for literal support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction k the responsba6ty of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding M fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery. erection and bracing consult ANSI/TPII Quo CrIterIa. DSO -89 and BCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lane, Suite 109 Safely Information available from Tens Plate Institute, 281 N. Lee Sbeet, Suite 312. Alexandria, VA 22314. Citrus Heigtl6, CA, 95610 0 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply JW Mitchell_IT09-06006 R30461723 BID A03A ROOF TRUSS = 1 1 • ., 4xJob 4Reference o A.C. Houston Lumber Co., Indio, CA 92201x. 7.060 s Jan 22 2009 MiTek Indussies, Inc. Wed Jul 15 09:17:07 2009 Page 1 2 • 4 ' • 24-12 1 4-9-8 i 24-12 - 2d-12 sails S - 1:9.0 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-M CSI DEFL in (loc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.34 Vert(LL) -0.01• 4 >999 240 MT20 185/144 TCDL 20.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.15 Vert(TL) -0.01 4 >999 180 • BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Ina YES WB 0.05 Horz(TL) 0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0. Code IBC2006/TPI2002 (Matrix) Weight: 12 lb LUMBER ° BRACING ' - TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-9-8 oc purlins. x BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/STD' MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=22510-3-8'3=225/0-3-8 Max Horz1=12(LC 3) • Max Upliftl=-36(LC 5), 3=-36(LC 6) Max Grav1=375(LC 13), 3=375(LC 15) FORCES (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. j TOP CHORD 1-5=-536/36, 2-5=-523/41, 2-6=-523/41, 3-6=-536/36 BOT CHORD 1-4=-20/491, 3-4=-20/491 w NOTES (7) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-05; 95mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=4.Bpsf; h=25ft; Cat. 11; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (low-rise) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chard live load nonooncurrent with any other live loads. - . 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-&0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2006 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIIrPI 1. r ' 6) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 240.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top . Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 7) Per ANSI/TPI 1-2002, Cq=1.0 for plates on wide face & Cq=1.11 for plates on narrow edge of lumber. LOAD CASE(S) Standard QROFESSI/ • � Q 'L m r_ C04 3 T >4 E -11 0 July -15,2009 ®WARMG-Visl%design Pa soles and READ. NOM ON TRIS AND MCLMED kIITEKREPERENCE PADS 617E7473r .30-`SBUORSUS& Design valid far use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. ' Appricablity, of design paramenten and proper incorporation of component Is responsibility of building designer - not tens designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction is the responsbllty, of the MiTek' erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication. quality control, storage. delivery. erection and bracing consult ANSVTP11 Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and SCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lane, Suite 109 Safety Information available from Truss Plate institute. 281 N. Lee Sheet. Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. - Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Job Truss Truss Type qty Ply JW Mitchell_IT09-060116 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud R30461724 BID G01 ROOF TRUSS 1 2 MT20 197/144 • TCDL 20.0 a4 = BC 0.14 Vert(TL) -0.02 4 >999 180 A.G. NOus10n LUmDer GO., India, GA tIZZUI s lu z z4 -1z . .2.4-1z e o ' 7.060 s Jan 22 2009 MiTek Indusries, Inc. Wed Jul 15 09:17:08 2009 Page 1 a-sa t 24-12 S®le " 19.0 A WARNM - Ve,% design pa peters =d READ NOTES ON TEIS AND INCLUDED 1ff7LK REFERENCE PAOB 61U-7473 r•w. 10 -VS BEFORE US& Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design's based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual buldng component. Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer- not tans designer. Bracingshown is for lateral support of inolvidual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to [mum stability during construction is the responsbllty, of the MiTek erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bac'v1g consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and SCSI Bundling Component 7777 Greenback Lane, Sufte 109 Safely IntormaBon available from Tnns Plate Institute, 281 N. Lee SireeI. Suite 312. Alexandria, VA 22314. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 y 24-12 , -2-4-12 Plate Offsets MY): [1:0-3-6.0-0-101,13:0-3-6.0-0-101 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL- 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.20 Vert(LL) -0.01 4 >999 240 MT20 197/144 • TCDL 20.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.14 Vert(TL) -0.02 4 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.06 Horz(TL) 0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2006/TPI2002 (Matrix) Weight: 30 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-9-8 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10F0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF No.2 • REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=771/0-3-8,3=771/0-3-8 Max Horz1=11(LC 3) Max Upliftl=-132(LC 5), 3=-132(LC 6) Max Grav1=921(LC 13), 3=921 (LC 15) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. e TOP CHORD 1-5=-1332/182, 2-5=-1321/187, 2-6=-1321/186, 3-6=-1332/182 , BOT CHORD 1-0=-160/1254, 3.4=160/1254 WEBS 2-0=-69/552 NOTES (10) 1) 2 -ply truss to be connected together with I Od (0.131"x3") nails as follows: • Top chords connected as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Y Bottom chords connected as follows: 2 X 6 - 2 rows at 0-9-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply , connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. 3), Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 4) Wind: ASCE 7-05; 95mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=4.8psf; h=25ft; Cat. 11; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (low-rise) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live toad nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom in 36-0 tall by 2-0.0 fit SFE$$ 0 chord all areas where a rectangle wide will between the bottom chord and any other members. �Q �� • 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2006 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced ANSIrrPI 1. R S. T standard 8) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 240.0Ib live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Q Chord, noncencurrent with any other live loads. 9) Girder carries tie-in span(s): 12-0-0 from 0-0-0 to 4-9-8 fur /+ n q 10) Per ANSIrrPI 1-2002, Cq=1.0 for plates on wide face & Cq=1.11 for plates on narrow edge of lumber.. 1, V' LOAD CASE(S) Standard * EXP. 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) C Vert: 1-2=80, 2-3=80, 1-3=263(F=243) AL`F Uly A WARNM - Ve,% design pa peters =d READ NOTES ON TEIS AND INCLUDED 1ff7LK REFERENCE PAOB 61U-7473 r•w. 10 -VS BEFORE US& Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design's based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual buldng component. Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer- not tans designer. Bracingshown is for lateral support of inolvidual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to [mum stability during construction is the responsbllty, of the MiTek erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bac'v1g consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and SCSI Bundling Component 7777 Greenback Lane, Sufte 109 Safely IntormaBon available from Tnns Plate Institute, 281 N. Lee SireeI. Suite 312. Alexandria, VA 22314. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Symbols t► Numbering System, General Safety Notes PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION Y Center plate on joint unless x, y Failure to Follow Could Cause Property offsets are indicated..-6-4-8 Dimensions are in ft-in-sixtenths. dimensions shown in ft-in-sixteenths (Drawings not to scale) Damage or Personal Injury Apply plates to both Sides Of truss and fully embed teeth. J� 1. Additional stability bracing for truss system, e.g. diagonal or X-bracing, is always required. See BCSI. 0 x/16 2. Truss bracing must be designed by an engineer. For T 1 2 3 TOP CHORDS Cl-2 C2.3 wide truss spacing, individual lateral braces themselves may require bracing, or alternative T, I, or Eliminator bracing should be considered. - WEBS' c3a 4 3. Never exceed the design loading shown and never stack materials on inadequately braced trusses. For 4 2 locate O 3 04 O= 4. Provide copies of this truss design to the building - x orientation, U 19 designer, erection supervisor, property owner and plates 0-'n6' from outside a_ 4X u U all other interested parties. edge Of truss. 5. Cut members to bear tightly against each other. cr-s C&7 cs a O BOTTOM CHORDS 6. Place plates on each face of truss at each. This symbol indicates the 8 7 65 joint and embed fully. Knots and wane at joint required direction Of slots In locations are regulated by ANSI/TPI 1. - connector plates. 7. Design assumes trusses will be suitably protected from the environment in accord with ANSI/TPI 1. ' Plate location details available in MITek 20/20 software or upon request. 8. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of lumber JOINTS ARE GENERALLY NUMBERED/LETTERED CLOCKWISE shall not exceed 19% at time of fabrication. AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE JOINT FARTHEST TO PLATE SIZE THE LEFT. 9. Unless expressly noted, this design isnot applicable for use with fire retardant, preservative treated, or green lumber. _ The first dimension is the plate A width measured perpendicular CHORDS AND WEBS ARE IDENTIFIED BY END JOINT NUMBERS/LETTERS. 10. Camber is a non-structural consideration and is the X� .4 `'t �'F to slots. Second dimension is responsibility of truss fabricator. General practice is to camber for dead load deflection. the length parallel to. Slots. • 11. Plate type, size, orientation and location dimensions PRODUCT CODE APPROVALS indicated are minimum plating requirements. LATERAL BRACING LOCATION ICC-ES Reports: 12. Lumber used shall be of the species and size, and Indicated by symbol shown and/or ESR-131 1, ESR-1352, ER-5243, 9604B, in all respects, equal to or better than that specified. by text in the bracing section of the 95-43, 96-31, 9667A 13. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins provided at output. Use T, I or Eliminator bracing NER-487, NER-561 spacing indicated on design. if indicated. 95110, 84-32, 96-67, ER-3907, 9432A 14. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 ft. spacing, BEARING or less, if no ceiling is installed, unless otherwise noted. 15. Connections not shown are the responsibility of others. Indicates location where bearings 16. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior (supports) occur. Icons vary but © 2006 MiTek® All Rights Reserved approval of an engineer. reaction section indicates joint number where bearings occur. 17. Install and load vertically unless indicated otherwise. 18. Use of green or treated lumber may pose unacceptable environmental, health or performance risks. Consult with Industry Standards: project engineer before use. ANSIITP11: National Design Specification for Metal 19. Review all portions of this design (front, back, words Plate Connected Wood Trusf Construction.■ and pictures) before use. Reviewing pictures alone DSB-89: Design Standard for Bracing. '�� is not sufficient. BCSI: Building Component Safety Information, 20. Design assumes manufacture in accordance with Guide to Good Practice for Handling, POWER TO PERFORM.- ANSI/TPI 1 Quality Criteria. Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. MiTek Engineering Reference Sheet: Mll-7473 rev, 10208 LES' I '. CA' Ari LL i fi , , _ q, _IL • : I �. Tnr62ee w m xP •. 4+ _ t vt - ,. z -• TOdse up ro m'y 170e15 _ Trm Span . " Top WN TemW rarT IaIDrN Rabaint (1C1L0.) SP+[SnB WWII,tl de T m Wami ro del Arrlotoo T nl de b Garda Su i - -. wmsP io maa. ..Nmam ke:10 ms#aro Ia w s• a mID 1 _ I,' FjTC '[< I < •meg •, a PM1.«U' /o°b' a s.,la•. ' xofi: u• 6• ,3'9' 17 „rt•. a•- Y,rs• 'nn. LYe ,yNa,. ,: Mbs 'W9Re N- P' L^.ta _ _ t I Ruses amen 10 p4,I Trusse hasmmpies pars eg -msmm r. r d , tgla• r'.. Vya' x9x : . �NOISTING OF SINGLE TRUSSES- LEVANTAMIENTO DE TRUSSES INDIVIOUALES - - �6 ICONSTRUrnON x a)p • HANDLING :5,1: - n.. a:,:n-::..1?_.+,,,. _ - ::. ry. •.. r.,...s .. -.+' ... .. I�rd :s K aR.:'Jai k t :. en: b:..Y r. {a^-ip n. L'wa.,.r ..r:.�,^' .t _ 'et rr_. ..66 - "rO a EO b:n8binq'� _ LOADING. I �,G t`atn.l-M TARGA DE CONSTRUCCION,aa r9:uaB aB bmd.•_...amt slogill ' GENERAL`NOTES NOTAS ENERAL NOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TIIVSS BUN `' • G ES ° ; STEPS TO SETTING TRUSSES'. - - . I RFS)RAIMTABRACINGFOR3aIANDO#1PARALLEL OIORD" VSBFS TlviMs arc w'mrw in am ay Id RECONENDACIONES PARA LEVAMTAR PAQUEIES BE TRUSSES.: 'I'La, Bs TRI.6.Y. EL ARRIOSTRE PARA TRUSSES BE CUERDAS PARALEL5 Sb2 Y 4e2.'•;•: ar binBN u, btaftl ro'eAan maloml a ntyrm moa tw l : _ LAS MEDIDAS DE LA INSTALIACIbN DELOS TRUSSES _ ,. D' mhemand dbec aWMg.Fc1baryleterd cebu d.QcM aobte0lxNnamRm6:ibmd 0L q[ T 109dP rgond0 10 - restrabn and digolNl bta200. FWo« the r a:neebe dxOmW Dinpaa)s Ux IPariS -� NLRa 0b01w BiE[+p . mtpmnettlaPmm for Mvlanq, 4db,0np NiE a^mNp, traRbd&, mce td6n ranbOe NTpmNdeNI. !ew buv." 9 Rv . to 6 Oli:dk ( h $ % j 2 m w - H /9') ''ri'GOIZ:1.4 ��.•-rte [nry a uuti #M[u 11P) IenOoraryn -V aed brbdn0 f busses. In m.'s56. V. d knew SCSI fu'vt tr Ruev Pradsea f j. ',n., y k' S I Y' h A fa{ I r t L - bw-.RV AA''h:l!IL �C Rtler ro a cl f.�s.:nL f _ gae_Irw Ivr v� N- •-.'- IM*:n+xn P ••r••+- vAnLnne Iva lT. l L1 .! W of eh: I 'J, .i 4+1 `p t - a N�wBBOB.JostoelbP.Be tlNmAB[;IGp.RL mmn forcLWmm� w=a de.esUP• I - !vlc,:at ww t2s. u2at:rs w 4 r +:eta. T:'' ''' p r v . V' •fib ux t'u v. w D c , cx. tta�.L•u; L t I ! I ! Mtalo-Cer«n bedTn,.«w•••Im pMaRamxD6n mss deldaa. - i N'Rvz' Otto M m%L. i' L9 '� gm'^• ' - 1. I 1 lib I - b more defalbd blWnNtbM1 o, I vi• L h I [ V I( t J !{ ^d I I .Im dbu)odeNWode btiuses DuetrnesP�eua Os a ^Le:lli r'sea2h - 4`.: :. ,k D✓ 24 L? I .;A.,a U q d u••<:. -�„j I I (' l Rtm Deslpl Orlwbps mey ape[Its•lomtlon,af,..b¢4tadMCC[r6bimd^NIeMPomamTt[otGWID r+:t+4: '' YwtK16)t1.dt {t..' 1 I 1 n.. 'Ya E.ak• h M1'Q`I � Bs31$J2,*lkB. pP9B'6zWmIBNfAC per^Nlmd bbesal rcvabtm rtlNmOY,lUit fm-' enbsmMA:mb@.i4tubdnouII.WaHM)armlTm - I.tt n M. YSOC tr i x". .Ut 19 L kro1' t 'c.t > vawt rIXB[LSW Oem f E", 't^ S ..tt h%ld" Dta rtrmOLns. ReM b me 86L:, B61g - EeNmSnIAMeNe Am«rmm tr R = - Ie sP' 0 t y+'!# 1 e C ✓ os < a__f6.L Tr,!ttdBl - OT"yly " _ _ F �' EbtY 4 11: A. k l'{x L tl t 2! }•kf b tl D k A. '[a # r'�iyDs'@,:� NOb and L W vy 'M IJRMRNbi'NS R, e. acct = Pmm, mnt R..+.aMtl yam••• Fate nasi "de,kit-6n. D I ;�y,p,DDal••RB2, RC'•dCm -. I±4:[d ObMYlo Dleltl, - - , BfRDm nr Gmda A Wea NnmbNs•'• im note mp 4 M dfdd D m %W delS pemataro'1 brOrmtBorl. M cher penna^aml ,tt�. t 4�t A+•Y . . ft t.4±9 o Ored+N deslG^ rtspgsebOEad dd Ohdadar4 Eddio.•" 'PNY NY ., :Ad Irc i1 •r.. In .. - .. •Ioi[AON k^Wnry 4tul RmDaha s9alN dal ba -0tlM nlRSonYbdO.2 WlM Bu00in0 OtSDne[. ... •A :.-r,LL:. it as M Da: :,9'3'' dr .'X.Lh '.. QS QC„:'-d..[:/[._i.Y.ti: YL iNA1k.1C_SL7 _CnGf..Sb'Ui1.:CNY.Y,R.••la IPax mu lvtlal MONS MIS 4n1i0 [lurm. INSTALLING INSTALACION°mm^: m Ile, M b p•'.A rcBm[ Sy{, .. x: t F I.�c.>Y.. t - W m S .L .1dL14:G LdL. •I:ts�f.aL•tL^ GJ.^ 9rtl'• r i _ d 6:8, a rrcttr set, elfin «h•�w cit ..0 fi. it a,.. tk- .•'4• t:N d•4Sar-.ia "'{v. At am'at�6•. T tP:� I.r ,s.Y Jt cN#:",.. t - xOid viPbmb] Mv. ,b ucf ia' �'` f ✓�La :r .m 1. pltz. ,' .-+ (t • RESTRAINTBRACING FOR ALL PLANES OF TRUSSES +- .Be. Ln9i^ U vu0.rch dic. mane'rrc an-.L^A)$ a, rs«r INSTALLATION OF SINGLE TRUSSES ElY HAND EL 0.ESMtCCION/ARRIOS'ME EN TODD S PWNOS DE TRUSSES I ✓ _ ��' f DnP Daha YP IxS' d:6t141:idry w -s1 Y m .b mea �, INSTAIA[[UN FOR IA HAND DETRUSSES M INDDUALFS - § 0 . Ne• . C Mb[eM eat n.(ec_F:• 9a ';t 2 L e.Lis hin, nnem tb hd. vN wLva. L n 4 I se.) i. q^n'^ .-� .1IITOP CHORD -CVEROASUPERIOR . .0 u` Lr' T-. ttR' ter - ', ` un. h 4 - _ pt•e sWs t aEc21 , aC. rAuer drr: • - L 4 ental r. a - • '>. - wlaa I '. CA' Ari LL i fi , , _ q, _IL • : I �. Tnr62ee w m xP •. 4+ _ t vt - ,. z -• TOdse up ro m'y 170e15 _ Trm Span . " Top WN TemW rarT IaIDrN Rabaint (1C1L0.) SP+[SnB WWII,tl de T m Wami ro del Arrlotoo T nl de b Garda Su i - -. wmsP io maa. ..Nmam ke:10 ms#aro Ia w s• a mID 1 _ I,' FjTC '[< I < •meg •, a PM1.«U' /o°b' a s.,la•. ' xofi: u• 6• ,3'9' 17 „rt•. a•- Y,rs• 'nn. LYe ,yNa,. ,: Mbs 'W9Re N- P' L^.ta _ _ • I Ruses amen 10 p4,I Trusse hasmmpies pars eg -msmm r. r d °:SD:m• tgla• r'.. Vya' x9x : . �NOISTING OF SINGLE TRUSSES- LEVANTAMIENTO DE TRUSSES INDIVIOUALES - - �6 ICONSTRUrnON x a)p • HANDLING :5,1: - n.. a:,:n-::..1?_.+,,,. _ - ::. ry. •.. r.,...s .. -.+' ... .. I�rd :s K aR.:'Jai k t :. en: b:..Y r. {a^-ip n. L'wa.,.r ..r:.�,^' .t _ 'et rr_. ..66 - "rO a EO b:n8binq'� _ LOADING. I �,G t`atn.l-M TARGA DE CONSTRUCCION,aa r9:uaB aB bmd.•_...amt M N: 'COMM A P.1-brW fth,- la busses l..W tha e0' -; _`. s.F„ ,U ,5 y (.. I .. �' 4 COMWb b un k5e^I PD'a DunP3 a ren de 60 pb iM G sad 6 tsU IN. L I lem:,e ' _ M.gryl t Ln xbG t. f • ..G•'n" i ...ItS( '1 >. 1 1 m m "ti IH N JP •7t A at ft N,iA 1 Y Nwav tlm:a Z b f L ) El dr 6:,,'k. t l' d Av. Gnrpa a do" r•x:, . Gt3G LI IrJiL -' :� B ..... .. 1ILp_df N b'..fic 4 4 M t;rmvn' Cmv,ly 9 � - SDreadeibar ..... • . � : �" .. e r - [- t � �� 'aa wrN, P.. nR+ far Buss a ,HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SINGLE TRUSSES ')( 0'.rM •,t .uryJ.PUrt 4N _ ' v {' I RECOMENDACIONESPALALEYANTARTRUSSES i : D Mn LRti +%:r v OE TM F r.ln#-q Lr! NiU aM L fnp tb: me.e, .. O O INOIV[DWLES M EF. '- :`> •mk' sR yb :. ' L. �'L/\I�«I�I�jGiy�ENyyl�O - nt'I hbsF. - avam.�a �'- IRY.)' Grouts brulM not efgwn br,tlonty D.a 7-� rro J: yvNis .c,aki' 1L71J�1 (�I t kT rc. .1 r RYIGxi l Jlk r,,• n2 LL' .it.r 9 i0.. -r I, P aO..JI1�� L ..,, __ T .n:Pr hh' •::>,L nw r. ..vera 1��3 I^• I :.,srsu -I N' � -PUNo�eLo _. uos jt.. i,rL a:La..., Ln :<rx� r„ _. ,.z's ,rc ..al:,,•r.," - _ �I) WE MEMBER PIANS S NIEMB0.055ECUMDA w s P i aP 7 y 9 b h b ba T LATERAL RESTRAINT ' s erN#nP I'. E:.:L 4 DIAGONAL BRACING w, 2/ ARE VERY IMPORTANT =�.� ALTERATIONS ALTERACIONES •'r RI am..lL'h:2lIl'ttiRa:c'...).aD....11!''I..• %'" 6Pm m9.tbm (IA RESTRICCION _ m r:On ��\ • Cx I . f%, OS DY . , sktLic4o- nkAt n t�Ms dr L E`iti�" LATERAL Y EL - \ \` 'D a a-ifi "d e4 txU 4 i:br bf J.L.. t.e' 1nemcd h! UP av r + Lk<IPg rBD'al«.q' I2.r:at:.. , ... ... .. � •. �nusu ,a).•m...eP , -' '.ARRIOSTRE •\\ Onr,^;..r,re -. us0. DIAGONAL •;a TEMPORARY & BRI RESTRICCION Y ARRIOSTRE TEMPORAL SON Mur �IMPORTANTES! p Pw/o Mlaarete e m m b .. !:_hr n ea w r'r m.W. 'L.a.. rop clm:e rm.P'Ady e:. Ode' L IFP tl •1 ly b11. M ;Reh mg"L,ra,,l2 Goat-csa - `^ ` Q _ ,:e'a'3'•- bun nixes tzP ma.a m r ,R•Pt malt xa l,c r .�}pe;]•.y. d•. O>:: 0.u0"',n"5t.:rt OTI ...IG -.2L ,2atar:_C,Ua (P"'...i4"' .� Q IP-ISm¢v: Same R2arA0m / _ 1kN_1b id ot[ L LeDM RaVNrJ:. 1 ITN t botbm tlnrd Is4ra rai PeAlnt ..S-acaad.r (ICRRI Mwb rd wen membrn R mA h ytne�d• tla:mte b h W: b hs ddO.Aexiw -. rx •k.a:.k^ ,1 Tr f ° See C tr GLSLAt fi30SIA..L .. � ". •; � ° rot aaarM. •'-., �p 1 tai ie t tu±,indlr A:n o lEleur.b l rcssUa N:i:wr : a,n taa.. . haw" gt.W :n my - y •t{::P2'dLr tiNt'.L4 bi , �3)BOTTOM CHORD- CUERDA INFEROR__ w:«v[mrnmmrt.m. mers:evmwb:swmmWt,rmhvb:W[vaem rvraWvm �, (�t K V IhrYUS -B: �' v.Nr:'JN Rm NnA ma.:nt s,6n.n« WWmymNa,. .. - 'l tateRstralnis=LalY. �� won:e«..e v,m Peyv«b vn ve eO sr O.xae.meot eaMSA,w _Y. I i .. E 4 n2JCn .ra r. 'M i LL) L. .r 7 . L 'i+>•' . 'rrcEYrm.�«.W,n.Rn auaW W tivauro Pa w)uve ¢mam bfemanam , C9. Y •CR 6 L... - ?°.,. I •T' 9rmtcr UPpd mmltwo tMc - `m'�+�e��ii4�.a v.aa.�, wam.w: mvnww emm.a+uav . >xi h 4 d ': e9P r;l `•.•� ;i+ �,, �,••wwc';m:oo..sus :!•1 I d2 L des b nm n>a nva�i.y �LU irA tY2 4-_ I lr .b r✓: M 'ABp�:n en+cMew4[.ammaeET w.RmawKaemnevmce.maanbed+4«a2#vnw,fe,. e. Pe«mi �.�:u.:::'nzne.- U^m r.-naW'i fl mA«.tuPem._.a•m.envsm.So,+p,Primevv.v.«9 ruroavw mronm>.ramumwsme� K I am tR Ova avti waurlur r#t, [.its •r^ s -a 1 .�-smneM lMbm (• ` ,I°. Y, ' «m nwm=.-w�a.....'ea,u v[.h..s a.�: �:w�: eP.«.m� s _ Yu (* i!r, �•,.. P a 'r r ."j�:7,» 1 t r f G'[ �onmmamv, � •' /�C.,".'s I .w �O OPr�m.:me:`m:n�'.m..nw� .emnmon �..na..a[n m.:row Lk SeV!.iL} 1.... JiS ' ) 1•'L1A, [ � � i � ( � NBo Y &am9 [very', I � - : - ' L,'_ TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE A :3 u * .- i _ -.:l t.:rta#S ••.y 6220 [robPtle LLx• rn Sl),9 211 eL 1m 244.2,2•b U] 'tor, fRdafMNi 4 •EV IS - Sam. 'she., ,lSON artlw b mbvrs ✓aeavn mo.«wt•muq ` •• ho ,ror cu".,u - muemma l aYd ♦s �. .M~ 6m/11RHM9•..w.mddrmrrmn".. >W6eYl . i ,. ter' j` r r • I 5 sry`STEPSTRUSSES 3TO,SETTING TR _ 4't R PASOS PARA EL MONTAIE DE TRUSSES Establish Ground. Bracing Prottdure: ExRrf(ir or Interior '� xl � � �' • `Estnblrsra of Preceeintiento de Arriostrc de Tlem.: Exterior o [nterlor ' FOR TRUSSES UP TO 2'-0", ON -CENTER AND 80'-0" IN LENGTH PARA TRUSSES HASTA 2 PIES EN CENTROY HASTAi80 PIES,DE LONGITUD Q' -Spans over.60' require more complex Temporary tnstailatlon Restralnt Bradng.'`"`'" Consult Professional Engineer, r ,_,,.� . - �-Vanos orris rte:6d pies regareren Instalarrdn Temporaf rfe. RrsYriccifin/,� - _ " Arriustre orris compte.Ju. CunsuRL an Ingrnera Prote;siurinJ, v coma.,. i" ;rrsthncoy of ;etiss�mchm'inraliaClnn raiderG.mpnl: a c� i r 1 c. a.vii3o .: s_ 3 rctltiJ,(' r ,:.! d ) ent ('(! }I)Y.> iri U sial rw<�- _ __ - tl. ) ,rti.�- r fi•.. s - .. .a _ 1 ✓ M :.t.Y.tiRr f1 stakrc,61: ti u.L>£..'. :•. 1 s.:JI RLSU I( : rwr uJe.lu t vtwJ' J._...nul Bl 3hn <:,,- ,: �..: � - �,5'ra7�imwm Neorocrcr rnP,eeann, ,: .•I ur/IITb„:+� r , - - Detemilm the loratlan's for SCTLR and Ground Brace Verticals ' i , . „ ,, ,. a :c:.i, r ., ;)�. ;,3.. ,..., _ • +` _ _ : • - a ' Deteemine las uDicaciones'para TCTLR y las Vertru'rtes de Artiostre de TFeira .j .r -� �T(.TLR' .3 MAXIMUM SPACING FOR TOP CHORD TEMPORARY LATERAL RESTRAINT TCTLR - Atednwn Tao CA:id;Tzmc:rary LafoatR6tra w�ut4 ` t! > a n er m, i - , ESPACIAMIENTO MAXIMo PAPA'ARRIOSTRE LATERAL TEMPORAL DE LA CUERDA SUPERIOR (TCTLR) ”" ) it, s c a,ra L: a e m- corn 6prn - IDo Carat @m an 4rtnf i T - ' 9 _ - - 'The gnichir. at teR IN -s the maximum on -center spA�nq ,<ee.-� at ,:I 7 - m a I eK r KmWnt ((t 1 S I g - _ . . left) of R71.11 hased on truss span form the table. In Step 2 or. page 2 ... � -�:.. '�3P "'•"a,,, Gmurd u acrrg not ho vr• fcr cyidtY. , :: .:.: < : <:' .i':.. r 4 s. ap. Jr . , L•Inlcaner rax. nim I ' � r- 3 +,. s i,Y v r„ -3v. s •. AVPb D!ugmral Cr acini ar Saixtu a! Sheathing h u. dla .. or r • a">`,n�^'ti v: ” -� -a.. v spans over GC' app1Wng 5mxVini 5 can ing in.mw a Y Is dr_ prefer •L•m_E. hek� s+3G-0'sutr Mai>L . )..m EP. - _ , „ '• � '� � : + ' L'Tdj:ty'JJJJ:lji::Cr'J ftafSlru ei ESJ.ai.rJ iLZ .rO fWN IM. aY•fw[t4'aL -. ••tr:h .nnrcii?n; C�JrA4 ae tlw tt1i 51!+." { (V sr a JJ qu!erda) rle 'L'T'tR baWdo'en bs YJ•^PS do ms-seY d^ to •/+ ' } - } ,-. .: `.n ham•. \ L \ tmk, r,. el Paso <e 'I >39....'1>: i h. or:�!I«ori "n. ) iF.....- �� Fh se mua•;va e! arl"sue Cei tk;ra para dandau �`s'' �<+w w`�._ s• *ar''x�,: �� 4 "<e6._: r Ap1q.e inmed!atanente An?.'Oo Diagonal u Emabtado Estruct!•al r3 � I. ' t °j�m e.m '; `e r,7a'K pea, r.. ; • ••._.ItnMargl shaaduncJT. peri s�'ma m a de Lo pies el.nr?lotlP Pn.re.nrlo i j((I�..,, w . nWd� nmediatamente: P-1 enta a .. '.CHECK THESE ITEMS BEFORE STARTING ERECTION/ INSTALLATION AND. CORRECT AS NEEDED' "' - '+ REVISE ESTOS PUNTOS ANTES DE EMPEZAR LA' ERECCION/INSTAL4CION. Y CORRIJA COMO fS NECESSARIO {�j _. la'• =3!--3 T' !i - +A. 't:. [t t rr ,.. 1,,..)m„Y1„ L.u..... h ®.. .u::. -tt he ear. el,.:_>, '.. .: :f.ple r a[ 1 r '' �r.. e - 4 ) . I Itn �.: qq!Y�: re Y :r.7.tn,;:, . X v 1.: r,N ..: r,• <:.. :: - 4"i. .r ( I_c:..i :..>It4 Y,3 -.M la A i YX el'l's:. J 3:N n n 4' S V....Yn.:, ...: r...r•.e., f'n..,Si l � ' r` ,J. S : —1,. tuI 1 f..,r: [>. 1 a n', a::L.., Ht 3 r c..in > > y yer i -r r vl]] .,dr. df c a .. <_, ..,ir .: o �f r' .,.. a.: ” - -- Set Frst Truss and Fasten Securely to Ground Brace Verticals. - _ v.,.,.:,: c ... . , ..::,: f..-ca;;ut;Sn.:..;. .......:e, .�r.•.>:x)c;:!ir� .ca a_. r,tss'via:., i,..ur ...:: cii..'L.::;�:.,rs.� `.: �•. .:':��.'Col ueGPrim rTrn Fi! u n t V + { _ x ' ,.., re.:_•o:.n, eC::F-: ;: sn:) :::)+':e�,ra; r ..+era .:,.. a n' s:...,.:.>... - j' _- aq ss Y JC Ag r8 de Werra e o me h a os ert rales de Amerstrn „ f _ r -e.. -,. c,:.n>. :.-.. a t <:. d I: .,dn i matenolr - ... sin•; .[ ra )z a c h..i s�•r.::. d,' :!J. T .^r+ I la:..a.e c r i e. Lt �nEd + ,. S. _., .;r >a:: uYd. ew � -. '. : '� 'Y-:uit R:r.!�r.: 1.:: • _ hyt frt � ✓ f st xr _a. ,..'i a 3a.:,.u.._ .it•:;xna :!.!:^c..rr. )Irc•�.m.,, i.. e*.•..,.., ... _'snd.nu-corn r,P.nm i3e:., .. _ ..: .... r+sc r. e,- ,' - - •� ..c le!:�: 'v r sst! i� "':;; ; Yirst truss must I>c. attorhed xcurely at each Ircann.j and to cul Ground Brice VUAJcah prior to rerhoving ti, hoislings'uDDorG 1 Y.p' `:.. - .. -. © .._.✓,.,i. ss'o r-o.r«. .r ,:_ rr. .,.. ... .- .s ;•.. '3w fi.,.o-Y a 'El p irver buss bene quo serf.Ljowd. segwa, enta codatsapartn.y i'aemslas VRerthW Anfosrre de ftcrra,antes de quitarlos - ' sapurhs da fr!vnnf r - :a `J �,.. X 7 • � r. J� F. b i r i F -v (: C vs of�f+J.. 5 iCt c .. v �:.. ........ y'. tiGMN io •.--p> $ :, µu?aitFY `�ruc�4thlp•FUVxiia ..,hk aiF'P.i� °�E: >i + .• - _ ate • Yr._ s,..a s rcv u' .. x ... 111 mj c..,h J 4c.:lrz ,t t Opha 1 Updn 2 I ".Uptloo3 • . -h(.,'M2mlx( T<mlmnir, L+ t I pr tram ..Int. IILV U Rihnn MPn.DYJ :(. Itp: Y> Y le L ?I :,t_,. P_.[ t !Y:(Ik[i < RVIiYi<' rWIJi Retb. I Pm0(x._t':. �' t• 'To0 uf?1mec. 9etwe, TwsY. '•. " U dbn 3 '�.rh r a"x _t ill v ] i a, C 1[, F ��- ♦ _ Opdd.J Opdunl. t „ R:Y.UI•1..5 R p dP a•t4.IJ y{.,�>L(! �. 1ti i- "J i '!ii 4 A J \ K 1 r7Pt.n(^A•r.11 YU. vM1 C l3 A4'^:u,"S Cdt2s Ire$E•(l•C L "4w Tn>tpmf h C)] Mi :`Ytts Cafii' .: .. iKCSC,Y 1uYL+ Yc` rGR't : r t../..r.M:J ° - ` d, 7ru.. I,SL(Ird. T( Tre " - , �Mr < _ .,s" cd Mrornw`C at rr a. puce h pc(i�u Lr0.n1 ; t r L 7 J t }[' • •. �_"e: '. .'� 1,M 1LLn1 • � � ��� � �► TfS :Ia/ 1piC M'tUt: /th y�l ].y •� M <31 �..1Jn(p , .: /htn n,PL Jlr 1+lWl. tGG 5(Y _ . F J <.' M.',,• ' pJty,�> resoaTn[a.•C: ecdan. � (:J-v:rnve r !hr r•Th ,vrd 7 6cf " , u JT+°nf:tai rs K i y t i tls • G1ie.THr m.rond J ltNi 'r>+ (L`:a+ Y tmX I.;n d-Awdus ,ndtir . rr b l F wv -f 21A�5 fJ C.s4n _ ', pvUn. •. .,. .,JKl^!� rat"Il rt` n £ eR'� eJUr3 �Lal:xr4 1 bt]hv5 r :, —_• _nl _ - - Install Web Member Diagonal Braying- ,a,.],a:3ra - • Instate el Arriostre Diagonal de Miembros Secundanas .r::$•. v.. I `' ,�7.a{it 3 iI )(S °ti?nguU;:4n ::i>: j1'. 7 rut. T 1 .c s 5 grht t inv.Ai Nin, p u t'LI 1 L I J ...t. s. ` y °.•� \\ I �:t ..'c3N L t E s it u J JI 1 i 3 1 I1,L." "1 'M i , '•',9 ♦ ...."© iMDORT..'.ANT SAptT'WARN[NG!®." . ''! e..ra7 'ice �, E'arh truss muse be attarhed socuroly at each bearing and 111 Top Chord Tcloporary Lateral Reshaints insb,lled before rempving the . ho!s my supports', Y ' 1 a '&iAOVERTENCTAiNPOHTANTF UBSEGDRIUAD30 c"da truss Nene 4ue ser sY ' eado v o, Cada sa/as . x t r , • :. qurareente e M rwrtc,Y rurGis hrs R tricci[nas lateruu"s T mpurahs de J rs Caartfav .- ..... :: ' . ,�•A4, ` - . • `�:::::'::;::::,� .=` • r Superfo;-es instalada5 antes de rpmW'RY 10.45Op0/ta4 de IeLantaY• { �. Ynpat'U nt {F V J"nenr !PI .nem In< .1 Ia IrU1S - . r .: < - �'.. •. - t. < Rsqnkh. .,r +t st.:hJ on nts D';n_:> mm DIng. . ... )UMI a I f 'K':'.4J nl rit _ i JO V ...••'�•; +•,`"y1 .. �: ♦ ._r .: .. ".... ._. _.. [ d'_ t:h tt" .":n •r.:r x.%C WTERAtURESTRAINT.BRAC[NGIMATERIAt'AND CONNECTIONS .:. - _!J., ' t ^• 7,. hJ, tcemc(nm- KK ,,..m .. � ... _ r 1 „ s. ..a., ,t,;r..,r„At .T,,a K,>L nX,Jr•. CONNECIONES:Y:MA7ERIAlES:DE'RESTRICCIGN .. -. ,7rr un r+ L uuc>.,r >• s < ' ..' :”: 1 :: ..._ ' .7 ...: •... .:. .:. ,> ,.: > 1? e. .n.. I. ..E. `7J5...:.0 :.>......S .r;?' P.I .C<,.. na. $ \` x n h• I s•, r sl _ to gal rc+v,. dr ..: (d t(rW MI " e .:. ccs. T tt rht ry •e rn rrq.'N. u J.?G� ].x , u c : _. - IG , p- R - E:;, A:;:C>Tr•.`F" J E'! ra' ,CJL '•• ,.•. ". .-. .._ is .. ,. `.', ...:. ,., .. ,,. .i n.� ..lemr(Gt m'vst e¢Sfnr .t Sa.0 _rr•Ut nFJ;n ' :,.,, v n'>R•'• �,� IxJr� r rY.,. 1i Y.a wa. r a.^•�.^r•:. 4+rztn r�c..�. 't i .a- Js ,x.r t.aw S•- >rr_.::. �. ...:::...... t.. •.. _ a • :Y::::s Lai snreahAy, ., , , J 1 �a:.:J r;. •7'.'., Y 4 3..=fir, „Y c ra 1 . - • , •' i.' ..�...xl �w..0 .u., vac La: _:n.fJ ., Y... :'{ 15+..,1 :l:u I. :.. eu ' -' ��• ..t:.`a J -�_. t .... hsYli_.1a,R6 -} �,: ....:au t .:_S'. VI•I�i/bf111iVVV11x1V.1,.vi'J 1 ..•.,i..,,•.m:;- -�=,:.'.:, .,y {: � � �'` a"��-. : � ' ' � `' Ti.f ( L i JS, L,-..1: !:iY r " (.,et, L i. Y:N L•- �: S:n:v }f 3 >4 v7 t T iliTe. YY,S r✓''! 1„y / X.." :. � . ,: .. >: '" - � . a' .: x ::»,,..'x., aaa.a,'r.(trrxc!x.: ,..x+risfJP„r•r�•� :,4:•t+� s [ a ,,,iM.:;,i � - � ...� .:.:.. ... :. - :'— --... _=•' Mona'. t_h uu.>st_:.....J flea : ,,-_.>1t _.I:.. o.R:.r:a_�o t .>ur,-., 1.1. dc[r, ..tr1-:.Jso' - • .. _ "e .:: , ., ,-t• :^' �� I.:. .f.Yr. .... _.;a - .. 'r¢.ztur..t.:mt_IJriLR'f:,lkr.a.r.,nttnlC.u:a,,.r:i,t..a.lig.^.•:It or:,-..a.brrnl(JrrJr!rtlrc .. ; ,. �.:. ..- .... t ,i r t .Jt:" ^'J S � JOd. Q:126x3 ` � :.... ::: .: , • ._,_ ' '::.k � '".._ tieeµ:.nal,af !iia trtr-5.• t " :: i" - t :^•r i s9its>•a v u Lei: J�xl L, rr...� ,rr....Ta4: ::: "{ ... ..; ! ... .: .3iJ - • n a ..:: .... - .:, ., , :,: .. :. ... ::- • t u5sc� Ckr und.i.^r2 J37rv!!i. . i>%....d c, , MT):1r r:s r Jr•C<;:•tt�Pef[ C!Llit...xn '. �.'st,L Y, •J y t lase, �-JS^'}[ J`S�'aL U? U'y::«r { �. �� -: +{'.Y, yy .Xt: L'na l .lJ[,,.,.. Ia.:tJ tJ.a...ufCraf) Rey?itiGt:.. ta.a.a a.•n q7[7 :! , .r SCL 4Xcr.:.J. Cfr tOS '! tt ms5':Y. .i[A> . G( Jj.M.>L , rrtr'a mu.Ti.- t , • ',�. _ a kw Y ' r ta. ., t? � �h r _ ., t , • - s r -• .-...: /0 ''", Sat Trussrs.2, 3, 4& 5 with TCTLR (n Llne withGiround-Brads g 4 r a Install t - Chord Diagonal Bracin g' • . Co1ilas Trusses 3, 3, 4 T S Con TCTLR.en Linea con las Arriastres de Tierra -- -• instate Arriostre Diagotial en /a Cuerda -v (: C vs of�f+J.. 5 iCt c .. v �:.. ........ y'. tiGMN io •.--p> $ :, µu?aitFY `�ruc�4thlp•FUVxiia ..,hk aiF'P.i� °�E: >i + .• - _ ate • Yr._ s,..a s rcv u' .. x ... 111 mj c..,h J 4c.:lrz ,t t Opha 1 Updn 2 I ".Uptloo3 • . -h(.,'M2mlx( T<mlmnir, L+ t I pr tram ..Int. IILV U Rihnn MPn.DYJ :(. Itp: Y> Y le L ?I :,t_,. P_.[ t !Y:(Ik[i < RVIiYi<' rWIJi Retb. I Pm0(x._t':. �' t• 'To0 uf?1mec. 9etwe, TwsY. '•. " U dbn 3 '�.rh r a"x _t ill v ] i a, C 1[, F ��- ♦ _ Opdd.J Opdunl. t „ R:Y.UI•1..5 R p dP a•t4.IJ y{.,�>L(! �. 1ti i- "J i '!ii 4 A J \ K 1 r7Pt.n(^A•r.11 YU. vM1 C l3 A4'^:u,"S Cdt2s Ire$E•(l•C L "4w Tn>tpmf h C)] Mi :`Ytts Cafii' .: .. iKCSC,Y 1uYL+ Yc` rGR't : r t../..r.M:J ° - ` d, 7ru.. I,SL(Ird. T( Tre " - , �Mr < _ .,s" cd Mrornw`C at rr a. puce h pc(i�u Lr0.n1 ; t r L 7 J t }[' • •. �_"e: '. .'� 1,M 1LLn1 • � � ��� � �► TfS :Ia/ 1piC M'tUt: /th y�l ].y •� M <31 �..1Jn(p , .: /htn n,PL Jlr 1+lWl. tGG 5(Y _ . F J <.' M.',,• ' pJty,�> resoaTn[a.•C: ecdan. � (:J-v:rnve r !hr r•Th ,vrd 7 6cf " , u JT+°nf:tai rs K i y t i tls • G1ie.THr m.rond J ltNi 'r>+ (L`:a+ Y tmX I.;n d-Awdus ,ndtir . rr b l F wv -f 21A�5 fJ C.s4n _ ', pvUn. •. .,. .,JKl^!� rat"Il rt` n £ eR'� eJUr3 �Lal:xr4 1 bt]hv5 r :, —_• _nl _ - - Install Web Member Diagonal Braying- ,a,.],a:3ra - • Instate el Arriostre Diagonal de Miembros Secundanas .r::$•. v.. I `' ,�7.a{it 3 iI )(S °ti?nguU;:4n ::i>: j1'. 7 rut. T 1 .c s 5 grht t inv.Ai Nin, p u t'LI 1 L I J ...t. s. ` y °.•� \\ I �:t ..'c3N L t E s it u J JI 1 i 3 1 I1,L." "1 'M i , '•',9 ♦ ...."© iMDORT..'.ANT SAptT'WARN[NG!®." . ''! e..ra7 'ice �, E'arh truss muse be attarhed socuroly at each bearing and 111 Top Chord Tcloporary Lateral Reshaints insb,lled before rempving the . ho!s my supports', Y ' 1 a '&iAOVERTENCTAiNPOHTANTF UBSEGDRIUAD30 c"da truss Nene 4ue ser sY ' eado v o, Cada sa/as . x t r , • :. qurareente e M rwrtc,Y rurGis hrs R tricci[nas lateruu"s T mpurahs de J rs Caartfav .- ..... :: ' . ,�•A4, ` - . • `�:::::'::;::::,� .=` • r Superfo;-es instalada5 antes de rpmW'RY 10.45Op0/ta4 de IeLantaY• { �. Ynpat'U nt {F V J"nenr !PI .nem In< .1 Ia IrU1S - . r .: < - �'.. •. - t. < Rsqnkh. .,r +t st.:hJ on nts D';n_:> mm DIng. . ... )UMI a I f 'K':'.4J nl rit _ i JO V ...••'�•; +•,`"y1 .. �: ♦ ._r .: .. ".... ._. _.. [ d'_ t:h tt" .":n •r.:r x.%C WTERAtURESTRAINT.BRAC[NGIMATERIAt'AND CONNECTIONS .:. - _!J., ' t ^• 7,. hJ, tcemc(nm- KK ,,..m .. � ... _ r 1 „ s. ..a., ,t,;r..,r„At .T,,a K,>L nX,Jr•. CONNECIONES:Y:MA7ERIAlES:DE'RESTRICCIGN .. -. ,7rr un r+ L uuc>.,r >• s < ' ..' :”: 1 :: ..._ ' .7 ...: •... .:. .:. ,> ,.: > 1? e. .n.. I. ..E. `7J5...:.0 :.>......S .r;?' P.I .C<,.. na. $ \` x n h• I s•, r sl _ to gal rc+v,. dr ..: (d t(rW MI " e .:. ccs. T tt rht ry •e rn rrq.'N. u J.?G� ].x , u c : _. - IG , p- R - E:;, A:;:C>Tr•.`F" J E'! ra' ,CJL '•• ,.•. ". .-. .._ is .. ,. `.', ...:. ,., .. ,,. .i n.� ..lemr(Gt m'vst e¢Sfnr .t Sa.0 _rr•Ut nFJ;n ' :,.,, v n'>R•'• �,� IxJr� r rY.,. 1i Y.a wa. r a.^•�.^r•:. 4+rztn r�c..�. 't i .a- Js ,x.r t.aw S•- >rr_.::. �. ...:::...... t.. •.. _ a • :Y::::s Lai snreahAy, ., , , J 1 �a:.:J r;. •7'.'., Y 4 3..=fir, „Y c ra 1 . - • , •' i.' ..�...xl �w..0 .u., vac La: _:n.fJ ., Y... :'{ 15+..,1 :l:u I. :.. eu ' -' ��• ..t:.`a J -�_. t .... hsYli_.1a,R6 -} �,: ....:au t .:_S'. VI•I�i/bf111iVVV11x1V.1,.vi'J 1 ..•.,i..,,•.m:;- -�=,:.'.:, .,y {: � � �'` a"��-. : � ' ' � `' Ti.f ( L i JS, L,-..1: !:iY r " (.,et, L i. Y:N L•- �: S:n:v }f 3 >4 v7 t T iliTe. YY,S r✓''! 1„y / X.." :. � . ,: .. >: '" - � . a' .: x ::»,,..'x., aaa.a,'r.(trrxc!x.: ,..x+risfJP„r•r�•� :,4:•t+� s [ a ,,,iM.:;,i � - � ...� .:.:.. ... :. - :'— --... _=•' Mona'. t_h uu.>st_:.....J flea : ,,-_.>1t _.I:.. o.R:.r:a_�o t .>ur,-., 1.1. dc[r, ..tr1-:.Jso' - • .. _ "e .:: , ., ,-t• :^' �� I.:. .f.Yr. .... _.;a - .. 'r¢.ztur..t.:mt_IJriLR'f:,lkr.a.r.,nttnlC.u:a,,.r:i,t..a.lig.^.•:It or:,-..a.brrnl(JrrJr!rtlrc .. ; ,. �.:. ..- .... t ,i r t .Jt:" ^'J S � JOd. Q:126x3 ` � :.... ::: .: , • ._,_ ' '::.k � '".._ tieeµ:.nal,af !iia trtr-5.• t " :: i" - t :^•r i s9its>•a v u Lei: J�xl L, rr...� ,rr....Ta4: ::: "{ ... ..; ! ... .: .3iJ - • n a ..:: .... - .:, ., , :,: .. :. ... ::- • t u5sc� Ckr und.i.^r2 J37rv!!i. . i>%....d c, , MT):1r r:s r Jr•C<;:•tt�Pef[ C!Llit...xn '. �.'st,L Y, •J y t lase, �-JS^'}[ J`S�'aL U? U'y::«r { �. �� -: +{'.Y, yy .Xt: L'na l .lJ[,,.,.. Ia.:tJ tJ.a...ufCraf) Rey?itiGt:.. ta.a.a a.•n q7[7 :! , .r SCL 4Xcr.:.J. Cfr tOS '! tt ms5':Y. .i[A> . G( Jj.M.>L , rrtr'a mu.Ti.- t , • ',�. _ a kw Y ' r ta. ., t? � �h r _ A. Install Bottom Chord Lateral Restraint end.Olagonal Bracing' - - ALTERNATE INSTALLATION METHOD: BUILD IT ON THE GROUND AND LIFT IT INTO PLACE • Instale la Restricddn Lateral y el Arniastre Diagonal de la Cuerda In/erlor NETODO ALTERNO DE INSTALACION: CONSTRUIRLO ENLAI . TIERRA Y LEVANTARLO EN LUGAR- Ti` (]. F.nsaln Ir..ei txrar!r -...L ±x:, t.1 . Nii:ntr a:aspu: rry iast!air, ). .. I'— t:. .,f .., s c.:> o the :^rl {,l ua 1. .:rur. L!ft'rni F s ".fist :.! d n— Sal an,c!no'i:;fa': '::•: : , ",•. -: <: • ,\. : .. i ll s ) >:. , f, r (. nY ..ft{i.!. II<. L d'i : , t' rin- m"44110 -.:.. - :nvJ4 on n:::.> n •.. - ,", ^ ` ....f: , i n l ,la 1. A : .. .. ,..> p!', y)u -n,i i.:h� 4rt;;w:;;:.. \'♦♦ 'MGcf-r<.!' ♦aTi.2:.: ti, ,,.1 .fi .�.. .." : r.., :!C ( t' S Pa '. { a .f,: ,rfr r., i. tai - rC; �:�' .: ti^,: „`ti;:'•;' _ ✓ S. i !,.'i �fi r:e7 (ni eel :h!t.I.1Y...,LL 41G. :. ..) �n : L - _ l ,, `•r-'a...:'� .. Y- Gt ll 1 / tXf Y .: t.r w -.. Ft «:`tL Ill ddir...t Rr,:`... •� : ::., Y x ,. ; ♦ ✓ -.:5..! :(..).:fx..F .1 Ln .i t.i„ 1 ..!t m :te o :..o...,i (, o . u'., .. i .... ,. 6,! c.rrt .. z w .F..:.;,:yz, > ..ai :.:. .;.r :.t'!:>:.Ya.� .';. ,�- :. -,-w .J✓ __ _ "`.�` .. v t. Y !' l l Y ) !. ( 1 •. r. ,� Y 7:.' '� � ,.5.:..0 {f 'S f .i.i �ty t _h :i.'. � K fT Y�ryc!"HK 1 .i.(: J'i ...., t ,` , � .:roll r-!vr .._Urmi lU.•t, ...... :^"t t tZ ..T..- 3II ..:>. _,I l{la.. .1 .., � ` ��•� >. t_. ..),..:, �dSK _ : .- u..if.s'::!•ff�k•n�rtr,,. •it: .::. ...._::, .. v:::d:: ,, ,f::...:;.;,.� .: ,:.;,.: ,:- -', • ,... F , .. --v 4 •.,.:. ., a...,i .a,._f. t...nt. a i,.ref. 1.�.;.! I<.x_.>x ,. L c..r Ja: ... t. s t. (. (.: a..io.<. .:.ix:., txc i i z I: t rivlit, at (If 7 x nn • :A.K M .. r -4 - ®IMPORTANT SAfLTY WARNING! 0 - - /• ' •HIP SET ASSEMBLY.&BRACING mauUlath ,AW /,\ . � " -- Do not remove round brad until all top chord, bottom chord and web Lateral Restraint and Bracing Is InsWRed on At least the fitab - rose renwon to - B : B-ENSAMBLAIEYARRIOSTRE DEL GRUPO DE CADERAA. rax tg o+u;r trimsem. ©IADVERTL'NCIA INPORTANTI' DE SEGURIDAli'© _ .r Pe3mnnently mnnerting to end atxs to Ne end wall and gadrr, a. eiriy`- �: "- - No mrnueva el arifastre de derr'a hasty ue rade la Reshirrida Lateral ' Arrlashr do la cueida su ° he. in tallat on Drwrs s5 !e dremath-ally inceee ns the stabf.0 rf q Y perio la ci erda fah-dar y rob y �.w hip girder and "x! su. "y of the Stm ore. r .,N t. lerabrui sec—dants eahi" i wealados en por 1. -coos its pri-eros dory trust:e -- __ is yalas •r•'ernas• a h3 pdcd err r' r 'RepLwt Slaps Four Through Scwen on Groups of Four Trusses Using Option A or B _. . i ,' trres fks tan ter c.,a:to ea a prore o de xtstaact6, —.v d ds'ka—le a cmb Jud dJ tray wile ire caroms ±rtp ir''derY- '. Repita, to l isos Cuatro a Siete en Grupos de Cuatro Tmrs Usando la Opdo" A.o la Opddn B - s.. ..a Fi.seg.f, fie is estr,"ftu:a. ,... :' : - . .. . : - :.... a �. v a::n a: m r- r ; r Opti.. Ai Install Intg-!argC::nnt4rWfa lacca1 lF_. a�A.t on eadt P fasts at,.na! U':>drq 4 aH f:ouP o Co ! t i .as do L .e oleo 3t w th • _ ` 9'9vL• M lour GuaY`° trot td tan, sit vA(h S'ho't loin r Tu,aor:ey i• try Temp airy I.im3'at F'.f'ae:nt qtr SR i F . 3HO-. 1 139trA J Iaie,ul R:^i'i.IrV lis cu.' 4 an e! tM 3 InsWi ou g nN art-- e.,rrtr C. OlL',S: a n.1 •:�DS,'n• Vit, -I G".a "rrvq`Ge 0..,'9 oL—i �.� Y� � �•`d. ! ! `"Q� - - ,p _ �' , �' , 'y�:." ♦ , m::g'r.:m:. R'a:tdu :Dn FestaTia Latera/ Ta ;p- ) de MiC !anti CJNtet l- of P= 4tll is pig- 3 ' ` ;i T, �; j :>°" I ' _ " ••" .� f, e' IrSta" A+r!: Kr.Sn Ea ,Tal Ca. nr:a3 dr ioq•r.9I mo tY.:. 'r• {'vt Fg1 r"ca mL•Pn. cr astto Ausses Gf:a hon z'a c>.cad:.a ar R - ` , �• 'fe:Y}ti i, . , Sbtp J Install all tlx «rtla ref -ea lacks with an peon r -:: u.n uss ta• esfitcS». ' WARN[NGI�ARPr Bfe Ioitlitl Silt: Uf RVP. tIi1SFNLSdrP. 7nutalteaf and br»rxd .` �`y. ?+, t t:enirora+de kientC:lf ,roS,.xs :! It 4 M li oq-J., [,utak (Le.. Lateral Restraint and Diagonal Bracing), DO NOT set more thanr�l..r,'' a, bearing —nectwnt (eg ria: gut and tle dot s) ' "ref Prgftwb ra:H,g pp! "}.cro:. , - tour inittses wl eo using Shot Member Temporary Lateral Restraint r 1 ' : ° •'- narn .9 i:!staie tut!(u ku gr[s uir,.mtos}' gyrus ere -a;n cvn :,revs , before you STOP, and Dinganalty Brace as shown. This approach Mil f � j; e ( ' coruAxi[xles pea' er!e:rtts Ce trussasej.,n (Ef. Ctilgi. NDT went without Diagonal Bracing applied early and (dten. ,!i Lt�' dit5fw��F a s ,ra sgxvt3 de rrnn r,_x.y erran6 iADYER'TENCIAI Duspuea de que e) primer gropa'de cinco trusses sea :,''x r- ».. u r _ .SIeD A±rstuit the nett hip t t� wlit: 2x4 Short Member Teirporan Lateral ,iso d : euu "-t.¢?"" - Restraints at to a m nimum of 32° tong..htwch each Short _ rr� M insGdadu y.Art(oSrtrA<lo (CJ, Revtdctden Literal y Arriustro Diagonal), - '` x,;giK Memhes l@m oral tate.ml R&stmirt to tl!e l'o Choid of Ifw_ hi T ,' `}` �, _rh-; •• r,f'r .anGni. NO fOingUe ln&t de coats trusses coaled. !w use' Restrrff:ian lawal - If'Y.t n p ' y h'1` -a ,v t IV: 1 ii' l r f : ":i J. Pbl p - .. _ t y L and ad)ac:ot fr., • i o w, a .a i y. J b Temporal de fall Miumbroa.Cortos .nuts que PARA, yYtrfidstrelo ' - 1). the ttlloMng.xgL'F,Yr.: - Short Herntb.'1 T ^Urary Lateral R> UW -rd o Ilp Dif>'14 and ssaa. _..r . stag metlrnente coma mosttmdo, Esq en}oque'NO Pondonal'a sin optica} el Anidstre Diagonal temprano y can frecaenda, -fi x.. Ia "guienle s jaq'7a —riling m the guttfW Te.3 ofit, docutmtnt - +r iL?ts Ny�4t� ,. : ; S;eP t b -:Jen dx hip girder w: the bearing walls at the spa -1 'd reef wall PYiru 0 54ie eJ orcyr ;n tress de raCLra can h9 Rtsi'acories ,>ethaf* and permanently a::arh I.n uppolts. '°'eiro2i 5 Wwafei para A,l rttvDs Ca'ios, con fdas a 32 Pulgida; V a 1'v p,,.&5vtl de ✓Z� . •` ,. A' " ', '4.... ` ..PaSi* fl Ao5 Une. e! ✓n -e ah. de w lee e., iss rge N) r1 nin r Stile, Pada Resmccon Latex'di Tarn,>~rrai del f>Ar Yh- GL V.'nrat ai - ;„ ;J..:`••• •• ✓ov: 's' . r �� \ - ,m2txk°de:al:a;nY ext oto e'Pis'+ftn°da vstieteaios sr)ac. te`. - .r.c:....:;: tr ss ie wdera tw. i aim <vn t N.3ro a Carts elnr— Ptse -Y, '•:•;•:. ;q (� p` s`•> �: ••✓ c r - T ...... PLr.^.anc:.ie+nL .te. -. Pesftx—t Literati Te:A;waf dd s!x r4ru Q)rfb a rdtU2:3 Ct .uc'era WARNING!Whan—, Paseihle,, carate. multiply Gird., i'russea I, 'haj ruraJ.t,'yesea Yon scgfin ra; Gr. �rtr:sde este Uuontw lP ,� togetherandnstall ithe end jack !>an ers (it'required) prior to ecrctidn/ineta11a01an. f ".t , > d �J. "'L aAt wsy .iarq. sear. « ••.,,,I I ) i L e 1 � . • ' ' iADVFRTENCTAh Slempra qua sea Rosible;.caneda los trusses a - L Hodvriaa=capaijuntea adoKnlde de[raVlb- tt.+y.. gate extreme (si rCgaCrida) An1pS dB la erCCttan/II1StblAdan, �. N'i;,i It yA:i i - •> I .Not": All PiS'Srot a mdid�bir ySrA¢r c a i be atUJxeU Gc m_ Pasn:ninn •. _ sUrlul • an -too TCD'ounm atlad:i..J a ry uam:agr.:t xeL. or ap; i .. my leads.. .. p, yENSURE THAT ALL TRUSSES ARE PROPERLY DIAGONALLY BRACED - Nota: Ta:as tapas de crate fiw de .,.dos tapas su e:a:ln r—el , -., - :Sicp s nsv.l telnulni ,g wp tresses. Fur the nat portion of each hip Trus, (Apply Structural Sheathing early and often: DO NOT wait until all trusses are set fn r y(t r est : sq\ s L: , • rr^: p de , Jar 6 Dia ;b t- dd 01 de Tnass a"tcs d, sgw1t r a:gun::s I uu Shore MCmher T,mponi v Loterai Res !nts that are at len e. ' apply Structural Sheathing.:, : -q -.: r , - "- �. ., ... :n:Lm•a.a' o d4 L'p±<a+ gurascargas' -.. �..- daub the le!yntl+df the ft!5t set of S a:a Membr Ter!porary ASEGURESE QUE TODOS LOS TRUSSES ESTEN ARRIOSTRADOS DIAGONALMENTE .^ " T `o' - Step 2 In ....:i rl:p Jacks: anal End Jactc a IU cn Lena' "I'au` crane, t ire v krsaalnr (ser Elgale un next pixie) W '- fr_:I lei , APROPIADAMFNTE. " '* L - e o tiruet to Ira(, gilder m pla(x. > M of ;he Iruss45, InstYi!i Shoot MLrW.r Temporary Lateral Re;bah is ' - , ,/. - , - d a, y` L. y i? .:•:. . o • acrrfdiny to oni of Vie mr •e op oh,pupu 3. - Apliq ao Entablado EaMtetural tempn< no y can frecounela, NO ESPERE ha sta qua '- >:.. f<: _ € u7lrslsic [mfs'a .0 p. dn_itvrir ` : - ......_""" , Pitt': ! Iv40e EJ rt•520 de IUs Ira - a- eadaa: p9 a L! : codas los trusses est, cotocadas para opllcar Entablado Estnrctural. - "'^ - c. eros lJcru c,.r a .r,• t•_'+fL '('la z5sr.a e+x 'uyar. ✓~ t F'bna e ,y . .. � cad. mus de cadLr4 tine 4 s)r( -b'ws U0 ---les TLrrpor k . ".. •b `1�.: . ". Note: Art jaft lrsses to tee O:vnl and liallom ileo f C :Jer T u� . da atkmlx,^.s Cfsms gue sen pi. is mw.:Ls rbn.r+ (a'fv:gP,L•d t © WARNING. gemovL. Doty as much top chord TempY>rary tat,.. u1 glstrmnt mvf Diagonal Braanq ns if: neressnry t . f 1 driven ih :'' ` Mi OarvtcYtkan at Ne top Is i!nponart w d helps N W' ilea U,e'fep Cnerd r ' next sheet of Structural Sheathing, DO NOTEXCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION LOADS: (SEE BCSL-R4)'_ - .,.. - - ne+e+ocr y'4xa Resai;rarrs l:crtvat's rats as a^ - y r1 •nlbr(t"v CMD 1 l t :y Ur 3 clic la pr&ur4 x. P ,. 4 WPP., Para tos - .• i LAiAD fRTENCIA! Qu te.so o fariha Rc!eh+cri(in Lahuaf Tenfpnn. y Arridslrt Oiagan:N de I{i euerdu.surieri<u rurnn s::a furetnriP para , r Not„: Sy et_ [,user's J 11 f1.G s (s NL. (Ss ^vitricv y u c' -da frihnrr ilei 4td:s'Pureic rtL•s de las Irusxs. l.,s(s t RL�[mn,;r,es tete 54"s _ claw”. i3 s'lgulonta hojp de Entablado ESKntetvral.,NO.EXCEDA LA CARGA DEDt5EAD DE TRUSS CON CARGAS DE CONSTPUCCTON. k,. Jhiss de 9rs "sitlo. Ls: emwt66n pa mn,ra ,s Ir,ri!a rw d rr. ali:al a 'ray:. aI K de d k:nGr;ts Con;,s scy::n une (t las v,- opv':nc's en (VEA ae'SI•BJ)"- - - a�tt a,+axbi:,'rar.i Caeida SYr•u'ri dei t2twta:y'x: - . let a3. "3y+r. , s A' t t F ' it it "- f � ,k a .� �. i•' . :. .i �' t'a F ?i • 0.1 } -- _ •o E i ,vi., € e }7- m ,� 7�F .v. •• f 3, - � .! p f' a. -"R L b . ii .. 1.0 CCS 1 isWm .� ry •nf9a'• sit Vw _ - 1 'r r.>, tG' yg' F ?.mP m.�i•' Ea: P000. I ng 6 v+ I 'is 5 Eton-• u j m IBM .. HIM p.m b°° d13� i ^i5 E �t � � wz`M p�� N is 1 LQ s -2 w o -- :pzW Z 2tP. ° SAJ . p ,,�" .�$.� NOR -g... HIM u In E. .? f - " r, WEN! sx `5 ss Wit - ;.r �.\ r 5 Ad -igj P a l t- c%wg9, F e a 11 EI rj)( v '- L ' 2.E i� 'U ° g V �, ' t }0 - " ,V MARS .�i ;.g.. -Mw R. a1 1 `W r e + rtz ±rL..., l..12 AA p o AU „ W + 914 • r:�• h _ " Ez,4 -9 y 2 i h . it R-2 q myls via 04 �. ; c r."3v 1 y 2. R .f, % i Y C t •� - "4' S apqt G ' .. ~ i 21 J 6 Z aim" L{ i eta N. q,agln ami- Ev r" u�, ,z•:.�2 S� �x•' ,��•{., A 9.1 i k 1'01 C v r ti3 MI cgs ps xC� ? z ! fivay �3z�il F2r�c .SW�'z ? r e. WA b.5 ° qq Gt. ,z� t7pa lit, 1 Ty, Y� ^r ..lls e.... � wti g (5 ♦Y F f 5 N r 414� � C ## t• :.p _ eG$ 2 ._yygy� eb _ P ,xs tj.- 49 -itf4 1P ' • tis -- .k,�p oITIN a'"•�{I FW. J qhs. v Lg S 'Am W. . 'SAft °z5 a•a� ftK € oE :JI s s. a d n, s �' S } '.by g g m.p a % YP£SZ €r+' t- L. y'g $� Y.' # Y.s � a `�RRg �5 y � s x� .. x zSaxe f } ..3..b 8b"th 411010 H 2s3.� gg P v I o€ r$ -s.8 l5# py ez rb F5�'9'i _l,, 9+.}yot7`drslit Jt Vol RZ nor ✓F ,�.�� A S 55 qq Will , oy g >j gq R pgEE Atoll INS r�-��5. a 43l ..� il ' t?'t E44� P gi a i a�:. } iii s ' Pw"W a@b $. �'laRk z s q a : t�4y Ns Naw i i t 5 ®. .,,._tea nq-: t _s:_''.sr a, a sr •` ,. .• ism; �4 t Sett 3 1 tONf lEW is..';�u'jI�: call 4 t s. • ..J @ E,s Nits. 6 o' 17 Lill Zk s� r 1, E �Zd y � qV 4 UI ELI J j et �$ :8 ce �Si .? P 'ce$t{} ., - - } ,t-�� R is �r �a z `H e� t% - s 1 sa r t z3a gjai 'A Al } NNo I 4 r C �'Ss E ••�jl' l / r !lr rjx :. 3Wm' b= t U a tY 6 q nulglir g, �,'� - f �•,• t - � sag U Hil= g , 12 UPS -s s ry-mss j r C �� �g �gb2 LF = } eY N,-1 1 �. afi IM a .a W& _$ -E ; pif: 9Iggg9 }K �+�^Y.a _ a :fit ;Warta `^ ".iSfig $$E EE€tlrgt . # r v�-Will t�> E:', \ _ j 7s fi P J3 L <ge di g 11 p x x t o 3 r?Y A Y,3 ae�G:rrL '. PP�d F�.,2 s..� ' �' �. $ .Fspt f..iP a WEN pvt "& _ L�P CW i- i.a i ;. y '} t. byf.. itA p9 �n t VIM �.. u s S h 9 a aha z 3 8 E,, ? ,._f}r -�IiI.`` o W.:f[ aC� u 2 q 3 '3 9 �,gyq, .E iii. 7fN e 1 S 3 Io ,� v2 C.f<aTy p E= eee r� 22 4 .�: _a} _' i;G ry �' ,7.#> i zOE t I -Y ib P u Z� pXb i W �¢. 11 ii {S pc HI .rMaA B s.F.K" M ,} Pz -�{a Q.. 1 �a}i$s�o U11�S$. 4�Y (•r= a - OR=! MONOMER M • CONTENTS . PAGE EXPLANATION OF ENGINEERED DRAWING ....................................':. 2-5 SOLID BLOCKING BETWEEN TRUSSES ........................................:..... 6 TRUSSES WITH STAPLED NON-STRUCTURAL GABLE STUDS ........ 7-9 • STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL ........%................................. •................... 10,,11 - • STANDARD DROP TOP CHORD DETAIL .............................................. 12 PURLIN GABLE DETAIL ............................... FALSE BOTTOM DETAIL .................................................... :...... ............... 14 CORNER JACK DETAIL .................................... .. VALLEY TRUSS DETAIL...........'.....................:..............................°........... 17 • INTERIOR BEARING OFFSET DETAIL .................................................. 18 - + WEB BRACING -RECOMMENDATIONS ................. .................................. 19 r LATERAL AND ALTERNATE BRACE DETAIL ........................................ 20 -FLOOR TRUSS REPAIR - T.C. DRILLED, CUT OR'NOTCHED ............. 21 'SNCMA LETTER REGARDING•TRUSS OVERLOADING..-: ..................... 22 PIGGYBACK ATTACHMENT DETAIL .....:..:............................................ 23 3 'BEARING BLOCK DETAIL...........................:.....:.................:...................... 24 .. LATERAL BRACING RECOMMENDATIONS .....:°............, ::...:.......,....:..... 25 • ♦ SHEET AC HOUSTON CUSTOMER r NOIES: WALL TYPE LEGEND . a•momuamoo[o.a LUMBER COMPANY 18N` 'Lurtm.rmin Sl.as l9el• OVIIOIYS: Ml1 o.OYRarG I eEV610n5: - a u •o»Omainrmioo manA nor.ta.a •un.c _ .�''''"�] 0/ nula mn.+. II 111 PL.: E7F/: iP9wu4o�+n rfproq lD•o PMarc- . �•: VPe aur rr: uae =,..I i'u If amma.ouauamvl wrmion .a..u.oewuw— — 26 met. ORA" er. • 41 - --u wa ...... . . .......... ................ ... ................ . - Ir R :X7 >t � r .t f a ��� ` �! � Ytt� � 8 5, . •! l * ' ,.;,,� .,� r, r � s.^ ,< � `�`� s� :' �•''T •y.. °+ ' ( :�,tg ${�� + ,v`'2`5�,+' . i ' � Via 4 4x6 Wp xi i ILPP�—U*o— fA og P" T� wl 7 LOADIlual'o -Ap4calirl ►ImID .0 CST lln'i EMW$ :da V QV.rf. MA W.k' 'Ar ik ki i1i -4.4 i 12'1) �lrvl 815 I'm 4,gl I",), It 1641 )kl I h livu 974 - Roskmo 1,91 ."'T4 !z,% 'U.0 0.4 i ilf. MrA 440 - t cwv to� wwmt'wz'g ff"60 w � . ........... ........... t)ojj, *!t4�40 '4f V.. V. �Vl'fti Napo qiA-q 4�."Wj 4.r.9kul vs 10 -1 t-mito. 4� fJ4., ,j) . W.. Vaft$o-jWNk" tA*A <I;A�o f C -b) Ke2mmunwal ate' a 111 tit P, a e, 10.11 W"Dt ;jtt� 'p, -A wl fir, ti �mpmwl a fvf 5'R t'W '#A edcl-;J�l -k�r*m, -.0;'�4-1por..'131 `Cp. "h0paw �w 1 10.41.6 M? Im Vj d P�� 4". tjd A U&C40. it hill t'A W" W"Wwm pw 0-i lmt� ewt il'vss k4wsvhn t-ium li &Wun W <'twln I 4 irl m iw�%Ww ra UA-ux' P. mu V4 bab. iw* Umw A �u vv:i AM 6. 4 kef i v - SAMPLE: s yid NOT FOR PRODUCTION %4 -3 AA') Ur Z fV e Jo . russ _ •.Truss ype ty ly DISPLAY ROOF1 - - I: COMMON • + 1 1 1 -� 000 e -Feb 6 X03 foi k industries, nc. on Ms 1. 14: 9 Mage 1 A2.0-0 5 4 5 10-2-315-0-0 19.9-13 24.7-11 JO 0 0 32-0-0 2-0-0 5-4-5 4-9-13 4.9-17 4-9-13 4-9-13 5.4-5 2-0-0 • 4x4 = .. 6 *. ' ..11 C 6.00 12' 1x41x4 ` 3x4 5 7 3.4- - , . E -b 1.4 N i 71x410 •,S'- 3.6 =\J 14 13 yi 12 e _ t . 3.8 = 3.6 = 3x0 = - .. G . A •10-2.3 19-9-13 30-0-0 B 10-2-3 - 9-7-1-1 _ 10-2-3 " Plate Offsets IX.Y):4-(2:0-3-0.0-1-4),(10:0-3-0.0-1-41H LOADING (psf) ) SPACING 2-0.0 . J M CSI N DEFL in (locl Well P PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15lli TC 0.29 VertILL) 0.09 14 >999 M1120 249/190 TCOL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 K BC 0.83 VertTL) -0.39 12.14 >907 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.36 HorZITLI 0 ;07 10 n/a 0 BCDL 10.0 Code SOCA/ANS195 L 1st LC LL Min I/deft = 240 Weight: 198 Ib LUMBER - BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4aSYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-2-1 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 1 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-6-' 1 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3' -R S REACTIONS Ilb/size) 2 = 1 31 7/0-3-8, 10 = t 317/0-3-8 - _ - Max Horz 2=-17511oad case 51 , Max Uplitt2=-341(load case 4), 10=-341(load case 51 V FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=26, 2.3=-2024, 3-4=-1722, 4-5=-1722, 5.6=-1722, 6-7=•1722, 7.8=-1722. 8-9=-1722. 9-10=-2024, 10-11=26 BOT CHORD 2-14=1794. 13-14=1140, 12-13=1140, 10-12=1794 • - _ . WEBS 5-14=•294. 7-12=-294; 3-14=-288, 6-14=742, 6-12=742, 9-12=-283 c / _ yry '- •. NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per BOCA/ANSI95; 90mph: h=25ft; TCDL=5.0psf: BCDL=5.0ps1; occupancy category It: exposure C: enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lurnber DOL= 1 .33, plate grip DOL = 1.33. 3) Provide mechanical connection [by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 341 Tb uplift at joint 2 and 341 lb uplift at joint 10. A CumUlative Dirnensiuns M TC, 6C, and V•ieb Maximurm C'ombired Si ess Indices LOAD CASE(S) Standard = 8 Panel Length (feet - inches - sixteenths) N Deflectier,3 (inches! and Span to Deflection Ratio ` C Slope O Input Span to Deflection: Ratio r O Pete Size and Orientation P A•iiTek Plate Allowables (PSE E Overall Height O Lumber P.aquirernen13 a F Bearing Loca`on R Reaction, ',pounds) G Trus Span (feet - inches - sixteenthsi S Minimum tearing Required Inches! H Plate Offsets Tr Maximum Uplift andror Hcr'<onta! Reaction if F..rjicsb!e - I Design Loading ;PSF) U Required HemF,er Sraciny • ' J Spacing G.C. ;feet -inches • sixteenths) V Member Axial For! -.es for Load Casa 1 R Durance cf Load for Plate and Lu;; -,ter Design 'Al Notes - L Code _ X Additional Loads;Load Cases 1 1 T 4 • s .Ls 1 _ i•IlTvax <7 a Type #� •r C1LV Ply_ , HiTak W.1,Site. ,� •r E i. 1. fT-Ol^- R. , �FIOOR J •.. , 1 ��- .1 -3 reanlig Flu.. Tmxa .ti - • . )ep RD(q{gnrg ......................... ...:................... .....�.:............. .. .. .... ` .. ... ( 3 ... ..�....-.. 1 - .+ 5.701 s tun 2B 2003 Mlfek Industries, Inc., Sun lul 27 05 59:00 21103 page L So 7ry1 �... 11 - ,r 1.1•S,. Ito 0 ...Y-41. ..)DD .T4'V." ^ •�' +. .. fit � - • . ' ri.le.i:il.7 ~ • ♦ 4!1'1 -t- , 1•J y. 1 1 < r1 't Zvi F ,r "i. V li,e t•t : v •vi - ) 1 1. ,. i 0 f. L V ! Y ti .-'ll 1• .1 i j • 1 YI. a 4- �' '.. - r . .. .. ............... -.. .... �.�.......i::..�............. .. .... .... ...... .,.0'5.1.. w:.. .... -, 1 .. � J. �` � � a4. �•1 3. . S,I . 4 Y.1 . 1.0 lul:�w lV ad 1 Y:d N1:7 J1 •.0 J �A' ,I ;i.t'1 / ! LS , t,a ' 11.E N114P1 :� J -W4 6.....3.P . ... ................. ... ...t:1.W................:.__..............0.9'1..................1s.-0R..Ic.4 Q. ...........lo'llli ... .. ]t-7-il. 3_{40. 71: a.V ..... ... .: lu.o-9 ..:.... .. �... 1 lffpcl0 ('x,Y) (I B 7 l),�pgg) U A-3 O�tl3PL.[N Edg41 CP;4-?: �L fzi44-d.Edge) - - :a. �. . Hopsn SPACING / 2-0 0 CSI DEFL in (loci lPocff Ud PLATES -:GRIP .10.0 Plates Increase L00 .Q1' TC 0.y7 " Vprt(I.L) •O.gOAC-AF .589 360 1;1 249)1.30 219)190 )0.0 Lumber increase 1.00. BC 0,9e� - vert(TL)-0.62AE-AF tr382 � 2.10 ' t41120H 1871143 ' .0.0 Rep Stress fncr YE5 %" 0.02.. Honffli 0.07 AA We m/a 5.0 - Coda BOCA/TPI2002 (Matrix), . , Weight: 178 N F,' • 1 BRACING ..... ..1 - Mn 4 X 2 SYP fin.2 w r ' ;TOP Ct1ORO StluChlral wood Sheathing i irecNY apillied or 2-2-0 OC: -TORO •4.X 2 SYP M0. L IEx:.4; - purlins, excepl' end veideals. r ' .ill 4 X 2 SYP r•10.2 , - BOT CHORD Rigid ceding dirLetly applied or 6-0-0 CC Grating. 4 X 2 SYP Na.3 • , ' , s .9 X 4 SYP Stud.. - f vi- i 'Y , 1 x - • , flONS(Ibjsr4e) AM -937/0-3-11, AA 2066/0.3.6, 11•.259/0.3-8-... ; r Max UpllltU+�-ld0(load case 2) ' - - - r k. • .F' _ ' aiax.Grav AM-9S6(lond case 2), AA-.2066(lood case 1.), U-431.(load case 3) �� - - '. - •N, ES (lb) - Maximum Compresclon/Ptaximum Tension •10140 - U -AL -•36/0, 1' -AL --36/U: A -B=•1879/0, 0•C=-1075,10, C -D=-1075/0, 0-e--3.199/,0,' - - c E-F--3449/n,-F-G=-3449!0, G•h=•:710!0, H-l�•2664J0, I-.I�-1444/0; 1•K 752/250, , ' K,L=0122%1, L -M-012270, I.1•r1=0%1792, N-0=•370/1203, 0.11=•373/138,1, P -Q=-750/864, ti • Q-11 -75'9/004, R-5"••7161374. S :Tm..2/G, A-AMm-9561.0 110Rn A)-AKn OJO, AI -AI -012936, All -Al -0/3355, AG -AH -013355, AF -AG -013340, AE -AF -0/1844, I AD -AE -0!1844, AC-ADDU/1814, AB -AC --1177/0. AA,A.B--1164/0, 2 -AA-- 27610, - Y.2 -1724!0, :C -Y-1065,1562. Y!•X..1065/582, V•y!=-620/950. 11-VLL-1661553 , I-AE1•4'41/0, )-f0a0/749, WAA<.-1022/0, P -X=013, A -M-0/2036, C-Aj=•237!0, t O•A3••-117311, D-AI.111566, E•AI-258/!), G-AL^0/179, G•AF+•789/0. h-AF-•52410,� t-7,Fo0/1566, s:-AA--14adl(i, K-AC-011604,.)•AC>-206810, S.u��6?1/20.3, S -V-261/2%3, ' R -V--2771.310, FLAY•, -449j0, P -14n0/'1-10, 0•Y:.-11.6;34, 11.1-635,10, PI.2=0/907, -Y-01J023, P Y---L91J0 . . .' "5 6•$Y` 1811n. 1 Boor lik"t 10645 RAVE Ooilo WAf10dr8n for rrim nirly . 1 pp, - plates are MIf20 plate! unless Odiervdse Indicated. -` L- - �• •G'i ••mow. t• r •-•J., ' w k 't' i�Yir`71 5'r ht N'e7;°z •<z 'Lc tr r - r, `3)'1 -hie truss requires plate Inspection per the'looth Count 1-lerhod when this truss Is chosen roc qtI3 lily iz; 3 �''''+<'�S' assurance Inspection. c (ormula, M'iTE yl ``•;.y�, • •. # G 1 i a .: _ .4) Beefing at fornt(1:) AM conslders parallel to grain value uslnq ANSI/YPI 1-.1995 angle to grain :.a '• 1iT,eC� ITdustr, es I e� ! . " R. (Wilding designer shodl8 WRY Capacity of healing Surtnce. ' J•• • d' ;• t g�, -TSiS: ;, �-`G ''>"' n r - • 5) one RT7115P Connectors 1'"onlinenden to Conndtt bruits lo'beanng V:alft. abe to uplift at jt(i) ll' .fro/ $pppp l - �.. :6) Design assumes 462 (flat orientaUpn) pwilns at OC spacing indleatea, raslened to !rues TC wl 2•'1Oil noila. %).Re:commend 2xd >Itpngbackp, on rdgt+. 9pete0 at IU -0.0 ac and laetennd to each trues with 3•1691 nuiU, -Y J�O.. ^ - • • ' _ ". Y. _ s k`. ,uaa ,? •..axFz.� a- - Z' ,� Strangbacks to be attached to walls a( Weir outer end: or r'esttrAlned by other fileMls. , . t SAMPLE: ssii E i� l:S)CAt/TfON, Du nut prpn (rues bpckirar.l NOT FOR PRODUCTION ;LOAD'CASE(S)"5rendero ......... .. . , ' ".Y 's c Y O 2•. r � •x,,.0 »ars 1 a .7,:x.0 ai. _.. , , ,. - w 1 c i r . � �. r � it k, 4 r it Y .. �� ^ s, • R -mar .. , �'"" ' . 1 � • r 7 i,. .. ,ya, k . w � 4 •- } es . J , • b _ .ter Y • - ..>,` � •, c _t f!.'*-•, � . Y •! + _ _ - r s ' sA runs •/pa tY V - - DISPLAY -. FLOORI FLOOR 1 I •. , Job Reference (optional) - - . 0 s Feb if6TMr ek Industries. Inc. hu Nlar 1 T��-7 23�6��Page 1 1.3-0 1.3 11 D 3e. FP= 1x3 II 1x3 = 3.4 = 3.3 = 3i3 = 1x3 II 1x7 II 3x3 = 3.3 = - 4x4 = 7x3 11 7x4 = 3x3 = 1x3 11 3x3 = '-x3 = 7x7 = lx] 1 2 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ' 14 15 16 17 i6 35, 33 32 31 30 29 28 • 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 t 3.6 = 7x4 = 34 = .3x3 _ 34 = 3x3 = 4.4 = 3x6 FP = ]xd = 34 = lx] II ]zJ = 3x3_ 3x6 = 3.6= • G A i0 7-9-0 9-4-8 11-10-8 14-8 17-0-0 19-7-8 22.1-8 23-6-0 24-9-01. 2--3-0 3"-0 2-9-0 5-3-0 6-F -4 B 30.0-0 LOADING fps"uu SPACING 2-0-0 I L CSI - r1j, DEFL in floc) Well O PLATES GRIP TCLL : 40.0 � 1 Plates Increase 1,00 I TC 0.71 Vert LL) -0.18 30-31 >999 M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.00 ) BC 0.75 VertfTLI -0.24 30-31 >829 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES K W8 0.46 {�' Horz(TLI 0.04 26 . n/a Min I/dell 360 Weight: 1 Soo'lb BCDL 5.0 Code SOCA/AN5195 IMatrix) I V i st LC LL = LUMBER BRACING , 1 TOP CHORD4 X 2 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end venicals. BOT CHORD' 4 X 2 SYP No.2 P 80T CHORD - Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 4 X 2 SYP No.3 Q R REACTIONS 'IID/sizel 33=774/0-3.8. 19=508/0-3-8, 26=1978/0-3-8 S Max Grav 33 = 803(load case 2), 19=610(load case 3), 26=1978(load case 1) U FORCES Pbf First Load Case Only . TOP CHORD 33-34=•37, 1.34=-37, 19.35=-43. 18-35=•43. 1.2=-2. 2-3=-1353, 3-4=-2098, 4-5=-2186, 5-6=-2186, 6-7=-2186,7.8=-2186.8.9=-1264,'9-10=63.10-11=2035, 11-12=2035. 12-13=467, 13-14=-732, 14-15=-732, 15-16=-951, 16-17=-784, 17-18=-2 BOT CHORD 32-33=626, 31-32=1859, 30-31 =2282. 29-30-2186. 28-29=1785. 27-28=743, 26-27=-894, 25-26=-1091, 24-25=-1091, 23.24=183. 22-23=732, 21.22=732. 20-21=1032, 19-20=517 WEBS 11-26=-100, 2-33=-1097, 2.32=734, 3-32=-704, 3-31 =332, 4-31 =-256. 4.30=-130, 5-30=27, 10-26=-1519, 10-27=1157, 9.27=-1121, 9-28=725, 8-28=-724, 8-29=546, 6-29=-271, 12-26=-1257, 12-24=867, 13-24=-904, 13-23=747, 14-23=-299. 17-19=-685, 17.20=371, 16-20=•346, 16.21 =-113, 15-21 = 298, 15-22 =-234 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks, on edge, spaced at 10-0.0 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-16d nails. Suongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. " 31 CAUTION, Do not erect truss backwards. 4 LOAD CASE(S). Standard W ,- A Curin;lative Dimensions M De:`lectiuns (inches( and Spm- to De'fler-tion Ratio • B Panel Length (feet inches-,sixteenthsi N Input Span to Deflection Rano C Chord Splice Face Plate - 0 MiTek Plate AI(owables (PS.J D Plate Size and, Orientation. P Lumber Requirements E Truss Depth O Reacrrr.lpoundsl r , F Bearing Lora -ion P. Mu,imum Bearing`P,equired triches: G Truss Span (feet - inches - sixteentnsi S K-1-minum Uplift and/or Horizontal Reaction if App:, able H, Design Loading IPSF! - T Required MemiAe: Bracing Y I Spacino O.C. (feet - inches - sixteenths) U IAerslber Axia Farces for Load Case 1 J Duration of Load for, Plate and Lumbr:r Oes:cn - V Notes X Cede Vr' Additicral Loads/Load :ase: L TC, BC, Web FAaxirr:um Combined Stress Indices Job r Truss �v IMM -k Industries, Inc. - - 7777 GREENBACK CANE SUITE 109 CITRUS HEIGHTS CA 95610 USA MiTek FAX (916: 676 1909 TELEPHONE (916) 676 1900 August 19, 2003 A.C. Houston Truss Company 2912 East Lamadre Way North Las Vegas, NV 89031 RE: Solid blocking between trusses To Whom'It May Concern: Solid blocking provided between trusses usually serves two purposes. First, it is provided during the construction phase to help position the truss in place and keep the truss plumb. Second, solid blocking is provided in a lateral force. resisting system, through proper nailing to transfer the horizontal force. If the trusses have been erected in plumb condition, and all the lateral force resisding • elements have been installed to form a system, solid blocking maybe omitted without causing any problem to the structural system. Project engineer approval on this issue is required. If you have any questions, please contact me at 800-772-5351. Sincere 7, �. T9 FRpFESSfp� • 0 9—E0.- !G �p ���„Or�� y A Redon EXP '�-50-04 Chief Eng D. 1QQ?5 • Western Divisio OF CAufca`� RY/rd • in 0 P.O. Bos 335005 North Las Vegas, NV 89033 - t1S5 I1�11 e 1T19..IQQM .. �. A .. G�GINEEq NO.: C056743 a ' Exp.'.' 61301.20051 ;! j4ovember 3, 1999 MICHAEL A. C ° ' A.C. Houston Lumber Company �pw M LETT m f A 1.0 u 2912 East La Madre Way lAJ�! i 18 003North Las Vegas, NV 39031 �' �a(' F dc. /CIVIL Re: Trusses with.non-structural gable s ud // No. CO, 743 Exp. &-V I 0 3 i99� ~ To Nnom It May Concern:'' • r This letter is in response to your recent in �(ulion of staples rather than metal gusset plates that are shown on'the truss engineering drawings for non-structural gable studs. The trusses in r question must meet all of the following criteria for this detail to -be valid. ffi ;..� ' n_15 " The trusses must have been designed by this office using ANSLTPI 1-1995 and _JBC-97 criteria sp with and inerense of 25% for lumber and plates, 24" O.C. spacing, 16 fo 20 PS; top chord live W� ;•:..:. ��f load :Tto 14 PSF top chord' dead load, 7 to 10 PSF bottom chord dead load, design wind speed is fl. m 1. 75.NJPH maximu, and be single ply trusses ordy. cz ,>*�=�. .' '°< °• ' r:`�""2 :r Tfie�usses must be structural trusses and be approved by the building designer ror the intended lication prior to fabrication- All parties involved in the project must accept their . c f7 �%,•.'-.`'J oy Sig`- ri'��.:. ... r res onsibilities and perform their work as specified in A`ISI/TPI 1-1995 and WTCrs, 1-1995. out -looker .notches are to be installed in the top chord of the truss, they must be -' ddressed specifically in the truss design -drawings _ Out that extend longer than 12" eyond the end of the gable truss are not allowed. There must be no out-Iookers vithin 24" from the, end of the truss, or in'any top chord overhang. No plates may be damaged or cut. 4. The trusses must be handled and installed properly in accordance with HIB -9f criteria. If trusses have been handled improperly, consult professionals before proceeding with installation.. • All persons involved in installing should read and understand HIB -91 befog- attempting to handle trusses.It is recommended that the truss installer should consult OS. -1A if there are questions about jobsite safety concerning trusses. The fabrication, installation, and handling of 4 trusses is outside the scope of responsibility of the truss designer. „ 5. Never sit or stand on trusses laid flat_ Never stack construction materials on t usses'laid flat; Never lift truss using non-structural members as connection points. Trusses are not intended to resist lateral loads perpendicular to the trusses This is true for all truss members, but is especially true for all non-structural gable studs. They are called "non-strLctural" because they are not specifically designed to support loads. The structural member Df the truss are adequate to support all of the loads applied in the plane ofdbe truss. 6. The trusses must be adequately braced. The truss designer specifies only the location of the bracing • that is required. for individual truss 'members to prevent out of plane buckling of that member. Additional bracing is always required and is always the responsibility of the building. ' _, .. ....:['�:;.::E:1:'-;;':9;:::-:;.':•"F%!Y%.::::7::r<:;"_';: y5::>�� �: :�' ..yT6i.=[_%::i, nor. _. _.itis:;.:ti . :i .uli;,:y+';.;r �• ,'a::; 'i r..: �:r is :•:..: a '1 t?sem::: '": r. �.�..:.•.... p.....y, r - u _L. ge •ZLSS:•IJESf�]'i'QT.CjR �...QIT;�;s:::`r"::fis;�:.">:>:::": • °���'Facusc;�LTon' FYood Ti .:..::!w • • i.:.n':: ';G. i:. is iv::;::: j f • ' 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 November 3, 1999 Pave i designer. The building designer should provide the contractor with a bracing plan for the building. This plan may be included in the contract documents or may need tc be specifically requested by the'contractor. . Refer to V/TCA 1-1995 for questions regariing scope for responsibility. TYPICAL GABLE END BRACING DETAIL. 7 E`• .� ti A�" l W / ' -4 s_ 0.IL055743 1 m +� Exp..'613012005/ If the truss design drawings specify CONSULT BUILOWC OESIGNEN FOR SPECIFIC )ETAIL. seismic or wind load had been applied, it is applied in directions that are BLOCKING - ,parallel with the plane of the truss. ROOF SHEATHING Trusses which are exposed to wind GABLE END acting perpendicular to the face of TRUSS.\ / the truss must be braced to resist 1 the lateral forces due to wind load ! 'acting on the face of the truss.. The building designer should perform lateral calculations to determine where P4 braces are required. H[P,-91 should be consulted for general guidance with WIND regards to bracing. of trusses. An I N OUT .OF / � ;SC . / publication entitled additional p PLANE "Commentary -for Permanent Bracing DIRECTION t of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses" written by John E. Meeks, / i P.E. is available from WTCA (Wood LATERAL / `\ Truss Council of America). In this GIiAGONAL WIND BRACE publication on pages 8 and 9, the MACE BY bracing of gable end frames are / BrUILDING DESIGNER. discussed_ It is recommended that the +� building designer read this i� I , publication. Also consult the "Mitek Standard Gable End Detail" for additional information. All of these 'BLOCKING publications specifically recommend a detail similar to the sketch to the right WALL TO GABLE TRUSS CONNECTION DESIGNED AND DETAILED. BY BUILDING in many situations. END WALL DESIGNER. All connections must be applied in conformance with A -NL SI/TPI 1-1995, carrent.accepted, NDS, and/or NES National Evaluation Rgport(s). The trusses must be fabricated properly with no gaps at stud connections except as allowed in A.NL SUTPI 1-1995. If the above conditions are meet, then (3)-16ga z 2" power driven staples may bE substituted for the specified metal gusset plates. This connection is intended to hold the non-structural gable studs in place during delivery and installation. These studs are intended to provide nailing surface for drywall and/or sheathing and transfer vertical loads from sheathing into the truss. If these'non-structural gable studs must resist lateral loads as noted above in note 6, additional nails or connections may be required and must be specified by the building desi€ner.. Plated connections are recommended at all hip over -framing, Dutch hips with _etbacks greater than 2'-0", all girder trusses, piggyback, and valley trusses. Plated connections are also recommended in any situation where a ledger is to be applied to the truss (Ledgers and their connections are by others.) This letter applies only to 16" or 24" O.C. spa=d• vertical non- November. 3, 1999, Fade 3 structural members and not to diagonal or horizontal members except at vent locations. If there is any question about the applicability of this letter to the intended situation, please fee: free to contact • this office. This letter may be used.to address this issue subject to the conditions until informed otherwise by this office, or until accepted codes or specifications change. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please let me !:now when I am in your office-or write me at the above address. I can also be reached by telephone at (702)-232-0099. • Sincerely, IN EER_ � ST G O�F MICHA.EL A. ° " Michael A. Mallett, P.E. If,, z T Professional Civil Engineer U1 ��LL 1 � m :!/ y • C053 3 „ • Q :�7 Exp. 51301 .05 -�; CIVIL �° ?ROFESSlpF 4 A. t 0. 7 033 i C yrt No. C05874J • . Exp. b/?0/2001, (' CIF CALIV • • STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL PAGEs1 of 2 . *DIAGONAL OR L -BRACING 9/5/21)O2 ARIES D COM. 1 2 4x4 = RUSS� ncrcn iv 1r0 2 2X4 NO.2 OR BTR DF -L 1X4 OR 2X3 (TYP) onc^ I r-Hillu 1 1/2" '(BY OTHERS) 3 1/2" 24" MAIC \ NOTCH AT 24" O.C. (MIN.) \ 2X4 LATERAL BRACING TOP CHORD AS REQUIRED PER NOTCH DETAIL TABLE BELOW. ' 0 LU \ 3x5 = DNT BR6 1 .4SPAN. TO MATCH COMMON TRUSS " !I • VERTICAL STUD TYPICAL 2x4 L -BRACE NAILED TO 2x4 VERTICALS W18d NAILS SPACED AT 8" O.C. SFCTI0bj A -A 24" O.C. it END.! WALL IGID CEILING " MATERIAL DETAIL A LOADINQpso SPACING 2-0-0 TCLL 50.0 Plates.lncrease 1.15 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr -YES e BCDL 10.0 Code . UBC97/ANS195 0 LUMBER, TOP CHORD 2 X 4 'HF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF 165OF 1.5E OTHERS ' 2 X 4 HF - STUD/STD LATERAL BRACING NAILING SCHEDULE VERT. HEIGHT # OF NAILS AT END UP TO -71-011 2 - 1-011 -sif OVER 8'-611 4 16d MAXIMUM VERTICAL STUD HEIGHT SPACING OF VERTICALS WITHOUT BRACE WITH LATERAL BRACE 12 INCH O.C. 6-8-0- 13-4-0 16 INCH O.C. WITH L - e • NOTES 1) VERT. STUDS HAVE BEEN CHECKED FOR 80 MPH WIND, EXP. B, HEIGHT 25 FT 2) CONNECTION BETWEEN BOTTOM CHORD OF GABLE END TRUSS AND WALL TO BE PROVIDED BY PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCEITECT. 3) FURNISH COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO CONTRACTOR FOR BRACING INSTALLATION. 4) BRACING SHOWN IS FOR INDIVIDUAL TRUSS ONLY. CONSULT BLDG. ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER FOR TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT BRACING OF ROOF SYSTEM. 5) DETAIL A (SHOWN ABOVE) APPLIES TO STRUCTURAL GABLE ENDS AND TO GABLE ENDS WITH A MAX VERT. STUD HEIGHT OF E'-6-. TOP CHORD NOTCHING NOTES 1) THE GABLE MUST BE FULLY SHEATHED W/RIGID MATERIAL ON ONE FACE BEFORE NOTCHING IF STUDS ARE TO BE SPACED AT 24" O.C. ATTACH SCAB (EQUAL OR GREATER TO THE TRUSS T.C.) TO ONE FACE OF THE TOP CHORD WITH 100 NAILS SPACED AT 8" O.0 IF STUDS ARE SPACED AT 24" O.C. AND FACE OF TRUSS IS NOT FULLY SHEATHED. 2) NO LUMBER DEFECTS ALLOWED AT OR ABOUT NOTCHES. 3) LUMBER MUST MEET OR EXCEED VISUAL GRADE #2 LUMBER AFTER NOTCHING. 4) NO NOTCHING -IS PERMITTED WITHIN ZX THE OVERHANG LENGTH. / CQ tr�OAL. Continued on page 2 JA 20113 -STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL PaGEs2 OF2 7/17/00 4 10d NAILS MIN. ;PLYWODD SHEATHING • TO 2X4 STD. DF-L BLOCK 2- 10d —.. (TYP) � 2X4 BLOCK l SIMPSON A34 OR EQUIVALENT 2X4 S D OR BTR SFACED @ 5'-0'` O.C. • SHAL E PROVIDED,AT EACH END OF LEDGER---'.'BRAC EXCEPT FOR BRACE EXTENDED I' ` STROM BACK INTO E CHORDS & CONNECTED TO CHOF QS W/ 4- 10d NAILS. MAX. NGTH =7.011 GABLE END ! STANDARD TRUSSES SPACED @ 24" O.C. NOTES 1)2X4 NO.2 OR BTR. FOR LEDGER AND STRONGBACK NAILED TOGETHER WITH 100 NAILS @ 6".O.C. 2)2X4 LEDGER NAILED TO EACH STUD WITH 4- 10d NAILS. 3)2X4 STRONGBACK TO BE CONNECTED TO EACH VERT. STUD WITH 2- 10d TOE NAILS 4)THE 10d NAILS SPECIFIED FOR LEDGER AND STRONGBACK-ARE 10d BOX NAILS (0.131" DIA-. X 3.0" LGT) • THIS DETAIL IS APPLICABLE TO STRUCTURAL GABLE END F THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET: AU61 2003 I. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF TRUSS= 8'-6" 2. MAXIMUM PANEL LENGTH ON TOP AND BOT. CHORDS'= T-0" 3: THE HORIZONTAL TIE MEMBER AT THE VENT OPENING SHALL BE BRACED @ 4'-0" O.C. MAX. C1� RAV • I. PLEASE CONTACT TRUSS ENGINEER IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS. Ne u l?ROFrfSSIpN ,�� +:iL �lp l� Q Yf 0 h �. 0 ; V, NO. C "199' 9EXP p -� 1V lL .�►r � \ • s, crvl� - �vFCAj1 - MITEK INDUSTRIES, INC.v CA . 4 x4 L s To� U AUG� 2003 . 1_M67. 01 N. �z ��21 �� 1 6 r OTU I I h �� • "rr •, � 4gII o,c . ,6br,� An�� • , 2� LU:m p�►Z • �QIR FE NQ ~ a A 7C- P�S C.l V > fit' (/�-�.op o NO. CG,aV919 a EXP 9-30=04 Jq CIVIL- a�P L I OF CAO 41 r o C��_ To I ►� hi l'I �,�e�. • -r�eu,5�. �d ���1 �jle L.u�n��e � - G/� V r l I 1f ro 1 I Y 4 EER -s Qom. '� a042 �x (o . IS on 0,c - �X 2�a� -1 lhl YbG-f2• nFDONG n� _ IV �. 1002Tq .. ' h Handling 6 Eroclion lll.rall•neou. Inlormdlon Br.cIna Inlorm•don Connector li•rdW.r. lumber Mnk Induyri 3. Inc. C.•Im. I,—,, dmrrtarrr..AJ Ga0 rill 7M u . d Nb mnponml .A.1 b }..,IIW b/ IM d..lyur d IMry /r W.. Y b kV -P"6d b b Cawm plan .rn nuM.nud 'n l.nEu nu+m+• Vd• 7140 Cdd Cun Ur. 91.0 r..,Pn.r„ .W Prrrw.. ,bainy Iv IaltirV rtpa�n. mrTlu•Vr.n�. b.rLp 1re.lvY ..n m.rbn .J .md✓w . p pmC un b reJury 4ruY larm JW Ir duier�d rd Ool.in YI noea+s.ryry cod. mnp YYca, gsp.b ud iwrnbv bom marMnu Wl. • Pun Md en Pnb Ier Yepwur p.w.. N n.m .... Naneln Cormrti CA 95670 ��� I rJbsY��rW IW4W� Ih. w. G.ervdrM ov.pe. YrWu. Wu. m�ormpnrun. W.L br+. .As.rdrm u d w lnon.lb lwn bh+bm�. Md A..4. Yd .p.dor (400)773.5]51 FAX (91161 l-1223 .lu •"�•V• r. mnWl.. 1 IM dorpn ai. l01 hr. nu. —1 hAilq md. M KN�1 rP..d. 9..b uOA. N ma u d l W..7'.q. rd Ysn rd r�Wr n n b.e.Is Ar ro un...1..1 h.d. awr r dmpn h+d. M .i7� n r.q.:mm., nor ufi ills CE•lol. 0—m.rbr... nv..d n t. r.P.olr rn.n. u.., Iniad• rp.rlrm CopTrl1111 (Cl 1991 d.. uvry'aln.. vl�N tlm dr.wp b .yn.d .b uJod,. VRJ MuM, Yrc b W.r.lr I.d 4 r..dIYO. Wr IM A..o Tr.o. jin J • n ner• CIIMiTEH .610CM C.• n...I d ..ucb.d b h.J rvR„n.r. ,: prapv ypai oN, IM Yr JVY d.. ID, In. .Iwn m u.. wr d d.. pntua[rirn m..ub. e.o. la aal:vin. d k+n Iryn�.d .rvn la.lf>t: vq Pn... ^�. -.•d. W, .n. p.n.al♦ prod. N•d ./ pw1iJ 0. u.. ca u.r r.a Jwnw N+arwL.O. R..rrr. J b JC ..d W. r {'sllm W� Zvi.. h r r� m��Qn ....u.w ldu.f. .N.6n.l tlOq h N. J �n YJ�.barl j�Y.. b�.0 W✓ n/. .Wu.a .n Y. Pyr kud •CI' IMPICI I+.I•%r.L+r b In. I.bY+rkn, hrvYy, ry+mr• ud • o�b.r ddr ov.{w.• - AnC .J 1PI • • t r t .w • • t r 1 PURLIN GABLE DETAIL ST-HIP01 -. APRIL 23, 1998 ,. - SHEET OF =1= L) • D oo s MiTek Industries, Inc, STUD SPACING ON PURLIN GABLE 70 BE LESS THAN OR EOUAL TO THE LEAST TOP CHORD -URLIN SPACING 1 ON THE GIRDER OR.HIP TRUSS. 5x5- FIRST COMMON' • PURLIN GABLE H04 m•Plull ' H03 • 4 3x5 ALL PLATES TO BE 2x4 UM -ESS OTHERWISE NOTED 3x5 - TYPICALi'IPURLIN GABLE" - - , REFER TO ENGINEERED TRUSS DRAWING FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL TRUSS ~ SEE DETAIL #3 �JG R.sr THE PURLIN GABLE -TO BE LAID ON TOP OF THE RED NG HIP TRUSSES AND` GPS 1 t p . ATTACHED WHERE IT HAS ��,� n i� -n CONTACT WITH THE.. TRUSSES BELOW. F SEE,DETAIL # Z J p ^� 1 Q.�2 ,. ` SEE DETAIL'# 2 - ' O 0FESSIONAQ ONG k, IN or CD CD JACKS CD U- C�aC,g19 SEE SHEET 2OF2� EX?9'30 d FOR ALL DETAILS \ - • _ r ��°� OF CA'�E h AUG 1 9' ��73 PURLIN GABLE DETAIL MII/SAC - 12 3/31/2004 PAGE 2OF2 0 16d NAILS 6" O.C: • f01 I eK Ina Ustrles, Inc. Western Division' THE TOP OF THE HIP GIRDER TRUSS AT THE BASE OF THE PURLIN GABLE IS DROPPED LESS THEN ALL THE OTHER HIP 16d NAILS / TRUSSES. THE BOTTOM EDGE. 6" O.C. OF THE PURLIN GABLE ALIGNS WITH THE LE FACE OF THIS TRUSS AND BEARS ON TOP. QrP / Al TFRNATF r1FTAII I O N�OQi q; DETAIL #1 CONNECTION JACK I TO HIP GIRDER TO BE ATTACH 2x LEDGER TO FLAT TOP CHORD DESIGNED BY OTHERS i I' WITH 2 ROWS OF 10d NAILS (.131" DIAM. x 3") SPACED 9" O.C. HIP GIRDER ALEX Q JQ� STEPDOWN HIP TRUSSES /� ON ROOF SLOPES OF 2/12 TO 6/12 ATTACH PURLIN GABLE WITH (2) 10d / - RING SHANK OR 16d COMMON WIRE J�� Z NAILS. THESE NAILS MUST ACHIEVE A Q 2 INCH MINIMUM PENETRATION INTO / THE TRUSS TOP CHORD. IF THE ROOF a o SLOPE IS GREATER THAN 6/12 THEN USE = rnCn v A USP RT3 FRAMING ANCHOR U) U)cr ' OR EQUIVALENT. g F ALL NAILING SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE TO APPLICABLE CODES ' AND STANDARD BUILDING PRACTICES. DETAIL #3 . DETAIL #2 THE PURLIN GABLE DOES NOT IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL CONNECTION NAILING SHALL ALIGN WITH THE END OF NOT SPLIT ANY LUMBER THE F T TOP CHORD ��ROOF SECTION. SHEATHING NG gZ \ PURLIN GABLE Q O FLAT TOP CHORD PORTION OF THE LOWER TRUSS �OS}Si)IOA � TRUSS TOP CHORD 0 cVVIL DETAIL #4 APR 2 7 0 MARMNa • Verify design paiometcm and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED W7ZX REFERENCE ➢AGE AM -74r3 BEYORE USE. 77777 Greenback Lane Oe ' n void far use on vvilh MDek-conneciars. rhis design 4 based on upon parameters shown, and is far an individual building component. Sure 109 ei srg N 9 H P P g „ IWs Heights. CA, 0561 Applicability of design parameniers and proper Incorporallan of component Is responsibiily of budding designer - not buss designer. Braking shown _ is for lolerol support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during camtruclion is the responsibility of the erector. Addillonal permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responnbil ly of the budding designer. far general guidance regarding fabricallamrn. quadly control. storage, delivery. erection and bracing, consult ANSI/r111 Quality Cdlerla, DSB-B9 and BCSI1 Building Component - � ��. Safely Intoraon available from Truss Ptale Institute, SB3 O'Onafdo Orive. Machan. WI 57719. " General Truss Details and Information - Page 17 I STANDARD REPAIR FOR AGOING ST-REP1 O. A FALSE 80TiOM CHORD - OO C) MiTek Indus Tries, Inc. Chesterfield, MO. O oo MAIN TRUSS (SPACING = 24' O.C.) aMAIN TRUSS MANUFACTURED WITHOUT FALSE 80TTOM CHORD BRACE (T'(P.) @ 10'- 0' D.C. (MAX.-) FOR SINGLE TENSION s BOTTOM CHORD WHERE RIGID CEILING IS NOT APPLIE DIRECTLY TO THE MAIN TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD. BRACE AS SPECIFIED FOR BOTTOM CHORD IN COMPRESSION OR MULTIPLE PLY MAIN TRUSS. ` _ r VERTICAL STUDS @ 48- O.C. ATTACHED WITH TWO - 1 O (.143- OIA. X 3-) COMMON • WIRE NAILS AT EACH ENO OF VERTICAL ' L \ 2X 4 STD. (OR BETTER) SPF, HF, 2X 4 N0.2 (OR BETTER) SPF, HF, OF OR SYP VERTICAL WEBS OF, OR SYP BOTTOM CHORD FALSE BOTTOM TRUSS SPAN - t -^X '�� +•y,^ �'=+tet;.' _ . . L. JuNa se.!3V"!A CIVIL ,:da NOTES: _ I. LOADING: \¢ LIVE LOAD DEAD LOAD • �r TOP CHORD: (REFER. TO THE MAIN TRUSS DESIGN FOR TOP CHORD LOA.DING). \ _' BOTTOM CHORD: 0 PSF 10 PSF �``` ._:Liv 2 REFER. TO THE MAIN TRUSS DESIGN FOR LUMBER ANO PLATING REQUIREMENTS 3. MAXIMUM BOTTOM CHORD PITCH = 6112 • 4. THE ENO DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH A WARNING - VeriiN design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. �® Design vofid for use only with MlTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown. and is for on individual building component -to be ELM Is Installed and loaded vertically. Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer . not truss -- designer. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of Individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance ® regarding fabrication. quality control, storage. delivery. eiection and bracing. consult QST -88 Quality Standard, DSB-89 Bracing Specification, and HIB -91 A /� ��^�••'� Handling Installing and Bracing Recommendation available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D-Onotdo Drive. Madison. WI 53719. � i/ � .job ' Truss Truss Type Qty Ply Typical End / Comer Jack _ - General Details , All come: jacks and end jacks , ALL JACK MONO TRUSS 1 1 meeting requirements lisle•? below. - •- Job Reference (optional) A.C. Houston Lumber Company 5.200 s Sep 30 2003 MiTek Industries, Inc. Fri Mar 19 09:16:01 2004 Page 1 • . .. ` -2-0.0 8-0-0 ar, - 2-0-0 8-0-0 a 2x4 11 Scale: 313"=1' ' r - _ - 3 - Slope may vary from 3:12 to 8:12 { cc ui 8.00 12 - .. max. v any be ommitted per Note 4. CL 0 d ♦ _ > y 2 dl ;2 ICI •- 4 M my be supported by girder truss joined 2x4'= 1 2x4 �\ w`€h Simpson LU24 or USP JI -24. Alternate plate positioning 2x4 I I V1.ien end vertical is ommitted (note 4)• Simpson A35, USP MP34, or 3-10d toe • - 8-0-0 Max. nals (per 1997 NDS) may be used. Plate Offsets X Y : [2:0-2-0,0-3-21 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI , DEFL in (loc) Vdefl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.70 Vert(LL) -0.20 2-4 >468 360 M1120 1851144 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.44 Vert(TL) 0.45 1 >59 240` z 8CLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 4 n/a n/a BCDL 8.0 Cade IBC2000/ANSI95' (Matrix) Weight: 29 lb LUMBER' r BRACING ' TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1550F 1.5E TOP CHORD - Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, exCE.pt end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-3-0 oc bracing. WEBS„ 2 X 4 HF Stud REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=497/0-3-8.4=30210-3-8 ` ? Max Harz 2=177(load case 4) Max Uplift 2=-63(load case 5), 4=30(load case 5) r FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2--O/i8.2-3=161/106,3-4=240/67 BOT CHORD 2-4=-33/51 NOTES 1) Wnd: ASCE 7-98; 90mph; h=25ft; TCDL=8.4psf• BCDL=4.8psf; Category. ll; Exp B; enclosed; MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33. r. 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per Table 1607.1 of n IBC -00. ' 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 63 Ib uplift at joint 2 and 30 Ib uplift at' joint 4. , 4) End vertical may be ommitted on jack trusses less than 7-10-0; provided that bearing is added at JT -3. Connection by others or utilize Simpson A35, USP MP34, or 3-10d toe nails (per 1997 NDS). LOAD CASE(S) Standard AGI N EER. PROFESS/O ' Also valid for UBC 97 and IBC 2003 \f>M T. N M T. cn � 0 B30LDOLD UC O � � ' U Exp. 12/31/06 Z ' � C 34229 m O nCIVI c .. EXP 6/30/07- ;0O Al, 1629 dd �9 CIVIL OFCALIF`0�� Mar. 2E, 2004 • ;. _ 15 F Job ItNSS I ype - ty P y TYPICAL B -M SETBACK COF:NER GIRDER a60y GENERAL DETAIL - ALL CORNER GIRDER TRUSSES ALL, CGI MONO TRUSS + 1 1 MEE-1NG REQUIREMENTS LISTED (apllonal) BELCW. A.C.ouston Lurn8er Company, North Las Vegas. NV 89031 4.201 ` 1 s Sep 1 20 01di ek ndrslnes, Inc. Tue eprl B :4 4 2001 age 1 2.104 MAX _ e_aa I 11A17 MAX 7-10.0 o -1a - s.2.a - .• Sc71e .1:76. SLOPE MAY VARY FROM 283112 TO 5.866/12 2x4 @I 4 _ • 3s4 a SEE NOTE #S. 3x4 Wa H � SUPPORT REQUIRED AT. 1 7 JTA WHEN TRUSS LENGTH IS LESS THAN 3-0-0. 1.4 11 . 3:4 CONNECTIONS BY OTHERS EXCEPT AS NOTED r MAXIMU 610 SMS ( , M. 2-" CSI DEFL In lac Udell, PLATES - GRIP LOADING (psi) SPACING ( ) ` TCU. 2(.0 Plates Increase 125 TC '0-fl2 Vert(LL) -0.07 7 -999, MII20 1851144 TCOL - `15.0 •. Lsunberincraase 125 BC 0.49 Veri(TL) 0.16 1-2 >232 BOLL 40 Rep Stress Ince NO •W8 0.61 Harz(TL) 0.02 8 Na , SCOL 10.0 Code UBC971ANSISS - ..13t LC LLMin Udell ? 360 Weight: 41,b LUMBER ` - BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E , TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 cc purlins, except end v •rtkaL+. + BOT CHORD. 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.SE - BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied lir 10-0-0 ac bocin% WEBS 2 X 4 HF Stud r - • - REACTIONS ' (lbhlze) •2=67SM-3-0; 6=92E/0-2-4 . Max Hort 2=210(load case 4) - _ • - FORCES (lb) - Frit Load Case Only - - - • ' TOP CHORD 1-2=28, 2-3=1041, 3-4=10, 4.5=x, 4.652 r . BOT CHORD 2-7=1009, 6-7=1009 WEBS 3-7=143.3-i=1077 NOTES. . (15-4) + . 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 00 mph winds at 25 rt above ground (evel, using 15.0 psf lop chard dead load and 10.0 psf bottom =hard dead load, In the gable and roof zone on an occupancy ralegarill, condition I errJosed building• with exposura'C ASCE 7-95 per USC971ANSI95 If end -verticals ar=itilevers exist } they are exposed to wind. It parches existthey are not exposed to wind The lumber DOL increase Is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 - 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord five load ncncnncrurent with any other live loads par Table No. 16-8, UBC -97. 3) Provide mechanical rannectian (by others) of truss to bearing plate at Joint(s) 0. - 1 4) This Wss has been designed with ANSVTPI 1-1995 criteria- 4 Y 51 Webs 3-0 and 3-7 may be ommitted when and jade arm 543-0 or lass In length. , 6) All 6onnedlons must be per 1997 NOS requ remenU. LOAD CASES) Standard - 1) Regular: Lumber Increase -1.25. Plate Increase=1.25 ; Uniform Loads (plt) _ Vert 1-2=70.0 - Trapezoidal Loads (pll) Vert 2--6.044,-6=45.3, 2=4.5-10-4=189.4, 4=189.410.5-194.7 - r EER, OjES�� AEk ETT ' W I.L.A rn - ec No. CO_ =F Exp. 61301200S CIVIL d ; •I 9T C7 V 1 FOF rat 25 2001 r,uILS nl cE - I-FROVIDE LATERAL SUPPORT FOR TOP' MAX. SLOPE/GRADE fOh BEVELED . -r-InI COM"OII _ COuuoN CHGRD WITH SHEATHING (BY OTHERS) _ HOTL.FOH CONNLCT1011 BOTTOM CHORD h. I IIIusSLS . IItuSSE5 Of VALLEY TRUSS IO. - j I •rf Z(OC '- 1'-9 5'WI LENGTH WITHOUT BR}.CE II +Y ' I J n 1'-9- WITH BRACE 12'-0'. COu,lOu 1nuSi '-LE 2'1 110.2 DF -L i— —r OI TAIL_ 6'OH1:' 12/12 li—h l - - )-THIS DEiIGN CHECKED FOR 120 N.P.H. Y II , NI ND LOAD. 2.6 )10.2 DF -L (DET.D) .I2 /I'L Y / VA ILLLt`Y SLI •y E -Al L' PLATES AAC TO BE N1TEK-20'S VALLEY t�� nlrhL2 moi, IKul 5— DLIAIL•D _ '1 I I I. I S•RE.'EL VALLEY TRUSSES FOR PLACEHEIIT I,, VALLCY "T - J-• I L - ON CU,'WLt: TRUSS, OR USE DET.'A" ;rl TIlu55— USE 2-IGd NAILS II CINp[p 1nu57 1 rwEucL rlAllLu �I uKA. IIO u.Y.I1. wIn01 I I 6=FOR COIIIIECTIIIG VALLEY TRUSSES ToTWUSSw/Z- r - 11 TO CGr-YON TRUSS, USE DET. •6' On 'C" 104 nAILs 1 I ]-IF TOP CHORD LATERAL SRACltlG A II .REQUIRED 15 LESS THAN $PACING OF , I VALLEY TRUSSES$ I2{" 0. C.) THEN lurClluHD Uf COUW IUGE ADOITIOHAL I-{ BRACING 1S REQUIRED. �C Tnu:.a 1'{ PAHTI AI. HOOF LAYOUT 0-I.F,TERIL BRACING SHA1_L BE NAILED �t7nlL�a �— H HIN'- 2-10 NA1 LS. DETAIL- U t IU I.: F . VA, r L Y -- - / AUG 1 9 2003-Inu15 I ]'S 2'] _ ]•5 vNEEI�.H'UnRICA IE CLIP . --- -- RFDOMG UYU O UETAIL-C II' -0 1011'-0' A' -n ) Exp: 06/30/0�� m j . { 4. 4 - 12 Or I. SFLIEL Cpl. : Civi — f- 7 '3 I U1JLIl-U •----------- Q—STu61,A000lE ALLEY TRUSS DETAIL J'{ '+{ J'S ' °-UAIC. 17 /p4�S5J0C 2 aa4¢OpU- ' J �, ti%{tn IT��; 11•C',�1R1(� -._. IO,"u.TO.1e�D_e.� . Tn ku NO 20�a �, 10 n. o[�r�r S •cl In+ ,ncau, Yuum,l.un Dl.cn luo,nulion ColrI"lu Hud..,re LumG.Y MiTek Induslries, Inc, —� . a.•L. I.� �. ` . ... r.J v •_,1 q e...,- u , I. w _..�Y-.J.., A v C" rrn . n�-✓w�.... . •_. r ... ......� _... ' 'r_J,� •�.-®.. . m.V+rte .a++ '. v ti. �w r L.�r y..r.� . J...y. _ n_r�.r .J I,... n.n w F. nM{....n .•l_. pJ R-1,-C—s—, CA 15110. , q� m r_w..y.l.,pw• (loalTll.f]SI FAX (116)U1.1?2! moi ulMi4�0 n o C am r r...r gcb yc vn o-etif W]acil11e4 C•pJ,lhl(nlHl 1 r a1J .•• • p.,� ran....q oa . - ..a 1 4 v. ' p" Dcr,on L)ncr rury I. lin w c-� r.... e. .�.a a n� mrm-r. • ,.p u .... _., e, ,_ i. rd n e.. ..r'oc�yn.—d a., a }. ,.-. .a CnU1I Efl uD.OEfl v.v o ..�. _ .. .. rw-•r e. �, e_a r sq r_w._..r.-.r..nw... a.-ry' w'Pn _I d .. �.. b�h7 ..a ,... rzrru.. IlW r. y... - Y• - r�.�� . ra .� .,I.. y✓y L r. rl'�w''� .u.l� r, u -+r r i.. _ ... �WD-S5 V NIC N Irl M n IF A L I T. . A h A I I KI nT W I KJ I,, • • 0, 0 • • • , r,uILS nl cE - I-FROVIDE LATERAL SUPPORT FOR TOP' MAX. SLOPE/GRADE fOh BEVELED . -r-InI COM"OII _ COuuoN CHGRD WITH SHEATHING (BY OTHERS) _ HOTL.FOH CONNLCT1011 BOTTOM CHORD h. I IIIusSLS . IItuSSE5 Of VALLEY TRUSS IO. - j I •rf Z(OC '- 1'-9 5'WI LENGTH WITHOUT BR}.CE II +Y ' I J n 1'-9- WITH BRACE 12'-0'. COu,lOu 1nuSi '-LE 2'1 110.2 DF -L i— —r OI TAIL_ 6'OH1:' 12/12 li—h l - - )-THIS DEiIGN CHECKED FOR 120 N.P.H. Y II , NI ND LOAD. 2.6 )10.2 DF -L (DET.D) .I2 /I'L Y / VA ILLLt`Y SLI •y E -Al L' PLATES AAC TO BE N1TEK-20'S VALLEY t�� nlrhL2 moi, IKul 5— DLIAIL•D _ '1 I I I. I S•RE.'EL VALLEY TRUSSES FOR PLACEHEIIT I,, VALLCY "T - J-• I L - ON CU,'WLt: TRUSS, OR USE DET.'A" ;rl TIlu55— USE 2-IGd NAILS II CINp[p 1nu57 1 rwEucL rlAllLu �I uKA. IIO u.Y.I1. wIn01 I I 6=FOR COIIIIECTIIIG VALLEY TRUSSES ToTWUSSw/Z- r - 11 TO CGr-YON TRUSS, USE DET. •6' On 'C" 104 nAILs 1 I ]-IF TOP CHORD LATERAL SRACltlG A II .REQUIRED 15 LESS THAN $PACING OF , I VALLEY TRUSSES$ I2{" 0. C.) THEN lurClluHD Uf COUW IUGE ADOITIOHAL I-{ BRACING 1S REQUIRED. �C Tnu:.a 1'{ PAHTI AI. HOOF LAYOUT 0-I.F,TERIL BRACING SHA1_L BE NAILED �t7nlL�a �— H HIN'- 2-10 NA1 LS. DETAIL- U t IU I.: F . VA, r L Y -- - / AUG 1 9 2003-Inu15 I ]'S 2'] _ ]•5 vNEEI�.H'UnRICA IE CLIP . --- -- RFDOMG UYU O UETAIL-C II' -0 1011'-0' A' -n ) Exp: 06/30/0�� m j . { 4. 4 - 12 Or I. SFLIEL Cpl. : Civi — f- 7 '3 I U1JLIl-U •----------- Q—STu61,A000lE ALLEY TRUSS DETAIL J'{ '+{ J'S ' °-UAIC. 17 /p4�S5J0C 2 aa4¢OpU- ' J �, ti%{tn IT��; 11•C',�1R1(� -._. IO,"u.TO.1e�D_e.� . Tn ku NO 20�a �, 10 n. o[�r�r S •cl In+ ,ncau, Yuum,l.un Dl.cn luo,nulion ColrI"lu Hud..,re LumG.Y MiTek Induslries, Inc, —� . a.•L. I.� �. ` . ... r.J v •_,1 q e...,- u , I. w _..�Y-.J.., A v C" rrn . n�-✓w�.... . •_. r ... ......� _... ' 'r_J,� •�.-®.. . m.V+rte .a++ '. v ti. �w r L.�r y..r.� . J...y. _ n_r�.r .J I,... n.n w F. nM{....n .•l_. pJ R-1,-C—s—, CA 15110. , q� m r_w..y.l.,pw• (loalTll.f]SI FAX (116)U1.1?2! moi ulMi4�0 n o C am r r...r gcb yc vn o-etif W]acil11e4 C•pJ,lhl(nlHl 1 r a1J .•• • p.,� ran....q oa . - ..a 1 4 v. ' p" Dcr,on L)ncr rury I. lin w c-� r.... e. .�.a a n� mrm-r. • ,.p u .... _., e, ,_ i. rd n e.. ..r'oc�yn.—d a., a }. ,.-. .a CnU1I Efl uD.OEfl v.v o ..�. _ .. .. rw-•r e. �, e_a r sq r_w._..r.-.r..nw... a.-ry' w'Pn _I d .. �.. b�h7 ..a ,... rzrru.. IlW r. y... - Y• - r�.�� . ra .� .,I.. y✓y L r. rl'�w''� .u.l� r, u -+r r i.. _ ... �WD-S5 V NIC N Irl M n IF A L I T. . A h A I I KI nT W I KJ I,, 2 JULY 2003- INTERIOR BEARING OFFSET DETAIL 0 00 Q=R 'MiTek Industries, Inc. Hd NOTE: INTERIOR BEARINGS MAY SHIFT TO THE • LEFT OR RIGHT A DISTANCE EQUAL TO THE DEPTH OF THE BOTTOM (d). (7 1/2" MAX) BOTTOM CHORD PITCH MAY VARY DOUBLE WEB JOINT SINGLE WEB JOINT • 1 '' _ / T d rt t . d eJOJ It - TRIPLE WEB JOINT �_� REO, �C o 0. .. i �� ,� •�RpfESSlp,�,I . r a Q: u N. d IE "EXP a-30.04 CL , crilt OF CALtFO� • NOV 13, 2001 1 WEB BRACING RECOMMENDATIONS • • • • • • 0 IMitek Industries, Inc. S I-V,/CS�f�/�1L/C X -BRACE SAY SIZE BRACING MATERIALS GENERAL NOTES MAXIMUM WEE FORCE (lbs.) 1. x-8RACWG IS REOUIREO TO TRANSFER THE CUMULATIVE LATERAL GRACE FORCI INTO THE 24"OAC• 49"O.C. �2" O.C. BRACING MATEP,IAL TYPE A 8 C 0 BRACING MATERIAL TYPE A 8 C D BRACING h.,4TERIAL TYPE C 0 10'-0" 3Ei30 4600 1 X 4 92 SRB (DF, HF, SPF) 4600 6900 ' 1734 4600 4600 6900 4034 6382 17-0" 3153 7942 1, CONNECT LATERAL BRACE TO EACH TRUSS WITH TWO 16d COMMON -IRE MAILS' (THREE 16d 3942 5914 1344 3942 3942 5914 ' 3942 14 59 " 14'-0" 2750 3450 3450 5175 1344 3450 3450 " 5175 " 3450 5775 • 76-0" 2453 3056 058.89 TEMPORARY GRACING OF METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES ARD HiG 91 3056 4600 1343 3056 " 3056 4600 7066 4600 ' 18'-0" 220P 2760 2760 4140 1344 2760 2760 4140 • 2760 4740 ' 201-0 2007. 2509 2509 3763 ' 1,344 2509 ' 2509 7763 � '2509 3 16 ' x L.Ury 1 r,ULLCU GY GUNNECTION TYPE BRACING MATERIALS GENERAL NOTES - 1. x-8RACWG IS REOUIREO TO TRANSFER THE CUMULATIVE LATERAL GRACE FORCI INTO THE ROOF ANOIOR CEILING DIAPHRAGM. THE DIAPHRAGM IS TO eE DESIGNED BY A Ol'r.UFIED 1 X d IND. 4S SYP PROFESSIONAL. 2, THESE CALCULATIONS EASED ON LATERAL BRACE CARRYING 2% of THE wee FORCE. A: -OR- 3. X-8RACWG MATERIAL MUST BE SAME SIZE AND GRADE OR BETTER, AS THE LATERAL BRACE 1 X 4 92 SRB (DF, HF, SPF) MATERIAL. AND SHALL BE INSTALLED W SUCH A MANNER THAT IT INTERSECTS WI B .EMBERS ATAPPROX. 45 DEGREES AND S)-uLL BE HAILED AT EACH ENO AND EACH INTER TRUSS INITIS 2-160 COMMON WINE NAILS, p -16d NAILS FOR 2X6 MATERIALI 1, CONNECT LATERAL BRACE TO EACH TRUSS WITH TWO 16d COMMON -IRE MAILS' (THREE 16d B 2 X 3 03, STO, CONST (SPF, OF, HF, OR SYP) NAILS FOR 2X6 LATERAL BRACES) 5. LATERAL BRACE SHOULO BE CONFWuouS AND SHOULD OVERLAP AT LEAST ONE.TRUSS FOR CONTINUITY. SPACE C 6. FOO AOOITIONAL GUIDANCE REGARDING DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF BRACINC. CONSULT 2 X 4 N3, STO, CONST (SPF, OF, HF, OR SYP) 058.89 TEMPORARY GRACING OF METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES ARD HiG 91 FVNOLING INSTALLING AND BRACING FORRECOMMENDATIONSFROM TRUSS PVWE INSTTnTE, 583 O'ONOFRIO OR IVE. MADISON. WI. 52719. D 2 X 6 !r3 OR BETTER (SPF, OF, HF, OR SYP) 7. SEE SEPERATE TRUSS ENGINEERING FOR DESIGN of WEB MEMBER. ' 6. THE 16d NAILS SPECIFIED SHOULD BE 3.5- LONG AND 0.1aT IN DIAMETER, IN ACCIIROANCE WITH NOS 1991, NOTE: FOR A SPACING OF ZY- O.C. ONLY, MITEK STABILIZER TRUSS BRACING SYSTEMS CAN BE SUB^.TITUTEO FOR TYPE A B, C ANO 0 BRACING MATERIAL CROSS BRACING FOR STABL4-ERS ARE t0 BE PROVWEO AT BAY SIZE INDICATED ABOVE WHERE DIAPHRAGM 8RACWG IS REOUIREO AT PITCH BREAKS. -STABILIZERS MAY BE REPLACED WITH WOOD BLOCKING. SEE STABILIZER TRUSS GRACING WSTALLATION CUM AND PRODUCT SPECOTCAnot1. X -BRACING MATERIAL �D (One leg of X -bracing shown dashed for drawing Clarity. This leg will require horizontal blocl:in.J next to the lop and bottom chard so it attaches to the brace plane.) TRUSS WEB MEMBERS Hori-zontal Blocking •��.:. _-r - AAAA y . Y� •.t r•i ✓, � �i�i L /tti - - �Xi mid i F_XF !UNL= 33, 2004 A .r: CfVIL r t ?� OFESSIO;<\\ I C 46901 :L ` EXP. 031:20107 ® WARNING - Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON TRIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MfTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown. and is for an individual building Component to be Installed and loaded vertically. ApplIcability of design parameters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not trLss - - designer. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of indh4dual web members only Addtlonol temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance ®'f/ �/ WI regarding fabrication, quality control storage. delivery, erection and.brocing, consult QST -BB Quality Standard. DSB-89 Bracing Specification, and HIB -^1 M UT� i� Handling Installing and Bracing Recommendation available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofdo Drive. Mocllsor, 53719. 11110 t WEA (IZ �2�� 1�RP�GE WITH • IOD LG o. G.. tTP. W�� IQN NOTE �Rf�GE HUST t' ,E D0 % THE: LENG., N OE • TulS DETAIL 15 TO �,E USED Ab AN pLT. %0RAt. �RAGE. = REEDON � fit^ • p Yu O P- u, �.� �� 2 4 0. G. Ti u �r.�: 4 r 0.1 •`-� OR 2X� LATER • ��o�t.•sron ' �RkGE PIR P%R WEA TYP- N 0 T E EXP 9-31?-oa • Rfhb END 0P t;,Rk� F ��� 0 —0 ` INTEp-VA1,5. - REFER To SUHHkFLY SNEEt FOR .ERE&0HHENDAT10H • OF THE TRUtl'S PLkTE..INSTUTI AUO 11.9 2003 20 9 FFOL50'0. ���_ 1 1 GENERAL DETAIL 6720 - _ _.- .-.___...__1111:.,. , „ "" — ua:ua'4r eUUO__Pra 2-54 MAX. 41 T.C. CUT, DRILLED OR NOTCHED IN 1ST PANEL AT EITHER END MIN. 15" FROM END OF T.C. MAX. s°ala= r SPAN AND HEIGHT AS SHOWN IN CHART BELOW, NO OTHER EXISTING DAMAGE TO TRUSS. NOT DISTURBED NOT DISTURBED 4-0-0 1x3 II 1x6 FP= 4-0-0 lA II 1 ADD ON 4x8 = tx3 ° 3a4 _ lx].IF 3x4 = 1z3 II 4x8 = I = 1 z 7 a � • .. _ rr= 7x4 =3x4 = MAX LENGTH OF DAMAGE TO BE NO MORE THAN 5" AND PLATES ARE NOT DISTURBED. t 21-0-0 21-0-0 4x10= 46= 19 MIN. LUMBER SIZE AND GRADE: IMAX LOADING: (PSF) T.C. = 4X2 SPF 165OF 1.5E SPACING = 24. O.C. B.C.= 02 SPF 1650F 1.5E LOAD CASE(S) STANDARD WEB = 4X2 HF STUD 0 41 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 17=1239/0-3-8.11=1239/0-3-8 FORCES -0b) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 17-18=101, 1-18=-101, 11-19=101, 10-19=101, 1-2=5.2-3=3528 3-4=-3528.4-5=-4726.5-6=-4726,6-7=-4725,7-8: BOT CHORD 16-17=2049, 15-16=4366, 14-15=1366, 13-14=4726, 12-13=4366, 11-12=2049 WEBS 9-11=2320, 2-17=2320, 9-12=1688, 2-16=1688, 8-12=-237, 3-16=237, 7-12=956, 4-16=956, 7-13=411, 4-14=411, 5. NOTES 1 This truss has been checked far unbalanced loading cancollars. 2 All plates era M20 plates unless atherNlse indicated. 3 This truss has been designed with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 criteria. 4 Recommend 2x6 strangbacks, on edga,.spaced at 10-0-0 an center and fastened to each truss with 3-16d nails. Strongbacks to restrained by other means. LOAD CAS li-` E151 Standard :.max ItL4,.;;�'ira„all 3.5' 6 5' 5' MITEK PLATES NOT DISTURBED NOTCH OR General Repair Notes: CUT AND REMOVED OR DRILLED HOLE 6720 • This repair is for cutting, drilling or notching T.C. in I” panel at either end as shown, 6" of T.C. at either end and plating must not be disturbed. All other lumber and plates are intact and undisturbed. • THIS REPAIR IS FOR FLOOR TRUSSES WITH SPAN AND HEIGHT SPECIFICATIONS AS SHOWN ON ENGINEERING. Truss must be hvo point B.C. bearing, have webs from B.C. (bearing) to T.C.in first panel, truss symmetry... may vary and chase location must stay within center 1/3 of truss— see original truss engineering. Truss may' have no other existing damage. • Shore truss to original geometry prior to repair. • Attach 2x4 SPF 165OF 1.5E add ons as shown nailed to each face of truss w/(Od gun nails (0.131" die By 3" long) 1 row(s) rr 3" o.c. chords and webs. Nails to be placed with sufficient edge distances and end distances as to prevent splitting of wood members. Attach bracing and sheathing to repair. Add on tb one face may be used in lieu of add on to -both faces where conditions allow only one face to be repaired. Do not damage repair. • if vertical load at end of truss exceeds 1000 Ibs. and no blocking panel MIN. TRUSS MAX. TRUSS MAX. TRUSS exists, vertical blocking (by others) is recommended. HEIGHT HEIGHT - SPAN • Mechanical, if in the way, is to be relocated to accommodate repair. Do not use below 1-4-0. This repair was designed using a description of existing conditions as' 1-4-0 1 -5 -IS 13-0-0 provided by others. 1-6-0 1-11-15 21-0-0 The truss designer performs no field inspection of trusses.2-0-0 2-0-0 - 26-0-0 / Do not use above 2-0-0. 'AUG 19.2003 LOA01NG(01 TCLL SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Udell PLATES GRIP 40.0 TCOL 10.0 Plates Increase Lumber Increase 1.00 1.00 TC 0.51 Sc 0.99 Vert LL -0.41 1 >604 Vertf TLj -0.63 14-16 >394 M20 18 BC LL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB .0.73 Harz(TL) 0.12 11 n/a M16 15/144 27/82 SCOL 10.0 Code UBC971ANS195(Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/deo = 360 Weight: 64 Ib • LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 4 X 2 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 4 X 2 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Shealhed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. VEBS 4 X 2 HF Stud BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. 0 41 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 17=1239/0-3-8.11=1239/0-3-8 FORCES -0b) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 17-18=101, 1-18=-101, 11-19=101, 10-19=101, 1-2=5.2-3=3528 3-4=-3528.4-5=-4726.5-6=-4726,6-7=-4725,7-8: BOT CHORD 16-17=2049, 15-16=4366, 14-15=1366, 13-14=4726, 12-13=4366, 11-12=2049 WEBS 9-11=2320, 2-17=2320, 9-12=1688, 2-16=1688, 8-12=-237, 3-16=237, 7-12=956, 4-16=956, 7-13=411, 4-14=411, 5. NOTES 1 This truss has been checked far unbalanced loading cancollars. 2 All plates era M20 plates unless atherNlse indicated. 3 This truss has been designed with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 criteria. 4 Recommend 2x6 strangbacks, on edga,.spaced at 10-0-0 an center and fastened to each truss with 3-16d nails. Strongbacks to restrained by other means. LOAD CAS li-` E151 Standard :.max ItL4,.;;�'ira„all 3.5' 6 5' 5' MITEK PLATES NOT DISTURBED NOTCH OR General Repair Notes: CUT AND REMOVED OR DRILLED HOLE 6720 • This repair is for cutting, drilling or notching T.C. in I” panel at either end as shown, 6" of T.C. at either end and plating must not be disturbed. All other lumber and plates are intact and undisturbed. • THIS REPAIR IS FOR FLOOR TRUSSES WITH SPAN AND HEIGHT SPECIFICATIONS AS SHOWN ON ENGINEERING. Truss must be hvo point B.C. bearing, have webs from B.C. (bearing) to T.C.in first panel, truss symmetry... may vary and chase location must stay within center 1/3 of truss— see original truss engineering. Truss may' have no other existing damage. • Shore truss to original geometry prior to repair. • Attach 2x4 SPF 165OF 1.5E add ons as shown nailed to each face of truss w/(Od gun nails (0.131" die By 3" long) 1 row(s) rr 3" o.c. chords and webs. Nails to be placed with sufficient edge distances and end distances as to prevent splitting of wood members. Attach bracing and sheathing to repair. Add on tb one face may be used in lieu of add on to -both faces where conditions allow only one face to be repaired. Do not damage repair. • if vertical load at end of truss exceeds 1000 Ibs. and no blocking panel MIN. TRUSS MAX. TRUSS MAX. TRUSS exists, vertical blocking (by others) is recommended. HEIGHT HEIGHT - SPAN • Mechanical, if in the way, is to be relocated to accommodate repair. Do not use below 1-4-0. This repair was designed using a description of existing conditions as' 1-4-0 1 -5 -IS 13-0-0 provided by others. 1-6-0 1-11-15 21-0-0 The truss designer performs no field inspection of trusses.2-0-0 2-0-0 - 26-0-0 / Do not use above 2-0-0. 'AUG 19.2003 • SOUTHERN NEVADA SNCMA COMPONENT. SNCI" A MANUFACTURER'S ASSOCIATION a 10/20/00 To Whom It May Concern: Re: Floor and Roof Truss Overloads The members of the Southern Nevada Component Manufacturer's Association will NOT • warrant any products that have been overloaded during construction by "stacking' of gypsum wallboard, plywood or other types of sheathing or'various building materials. The amount of materials that may supported without overloading is the roo- or floor truss design live load. As an example, 20 sheets of material weighing 2 lbs./sq. ft. will total 40 psf, tle typical • residential floor design live load; and the entire floor area may be loaded with stacks of 20 sheets or less. Typical residential floor trusses will support 20 sheets of 1/2" gypsum *wallboard. 16 .sheets of 5/8". wallboard or 16 sheets of 3/4" structural sheathing. • Typical residential roof trusses will support 10 sheets of i/z" structural sheathing. . Additional materials maybe stored if: ✓ The trusses. are adequately shored (prior to "stacking" materials) through tc the'slab below. • Shoring is in place before the loading occurs. ✓ Shoring placed at the bottom chord of the truss will not prevent overloading. Shoring is located at the underside of the roof or floor sheathing, or is loca°ed at the - underside to the truss top chord. Care should be taken to avoid crushing o- the truss member. • ✓ Shoring is properly designed, supported.and installed by others. Repair of trusses that have been overloaded is not feasible. "Trussed that havE been overloaded must be replaced or all warranty is voided. Please refer to each mamber's proposal and contract for specific warranty provisions. SOUTHERN NEVADA COMPONENT MANUFACTURER'S ASSOCIATION 491 N. Berg Street • North Las Vegas, Nevada 39031 22 PIGGYBACK TRUSS, REFER TO SEALED ENGINEERING DRAWING. BASETRUSS, REFER TO SEALED ENGINEERING. ' • PROVIDE ADEQUATE CONNECTION TO TRANSFER OUT -OF -PLANE LOADS FROM PIGGY13ACKTO MAIN TRUSS. ' FOR PITCHED > 13112 ATTACH A 10•-0" LONG 2X4 92 H.F. OR BTR SCAB TO ONE FACE OF TRUSS WITH 2-13OWS OF 10d�OMMON WIRE NAILS SPACED AT 6 O.C. w • • ` - 30 � �, O � Itit tv(I M V n'1 ... Lf w w `\\����;� 2X4 CONTINUOUS PURLINS. ATTACH WITH 2-10D B -XB -X1(1• CDX PLYWOOD, ATTACHED TO EACH NAILS INTO EACH MEMBER. FOR SPACING REFER FACE WITH 4-8D NAILS INTO EACH FACE OF EACH -TO TOP CHORD BRACING'REQUIREMENT ON 4 MEMBER BASE TRUSS ENGINEERING (48' O.C. MAX) —OR— _ 6'X4' 20GA NAIL ON PLATE ATTACHED TO EACH FACE WITH THREE 1-1R' LONG 11GA NAILS INTO THIS TRUSS IS DESIGNED TO SUPPORT VERTICAL LOADS AS DETERMINED EACH FACE OF EACH MEMBER —OR— BY OTHERS. VERIFICATION OF LOADING, DEFLECTION LIMITATIONS, FRAMING METHODS, WIND BRACING OR OTHER LATERAL BRACING 1 -PAIR OF SIMPSON H2.5 (OR EQUAL), ONE THAT IS ALWAYS REQUIRED, IS RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROJECT CONNECTING PURLIN TO PIGGYBACK TRUSS AND ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER.ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT ONE CONNECTING THE PURLIN TO THE BASE BRACING FOR STABILITY' DURING AND AFTER INSTALLATION THAT IS 4TRUSS (48- O.C. MAXIMUM) ALWAYS RECOMMENDED, IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROJECT"PLYWOOD GUSSETS O.C. SPACING AT REQUIRED. ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER (FOR GENERAL GUIDANCE SEE HIB -91 FROM TPI). TIC BRACING FOR BASE TRUSS (4B"MAAX.)• STANDA D PIGGYBACK CQNNECTION DETAIL AUG 1LT.E_..EA�FI .Phi2 of P��%_�Ju��rtEER �oFtisslon p,W11 1 [AA,/ uv i i l lb C4loh uP. P tiro -* gni; (AL for -cam. ., REDON%'1Na ' U) Yu dUl Exp: 000/04,�. 0 0 CIVIL W- F C -FC - • • • • • • • EB. 1, X000 BEARING BLOCK DETAIL — ST-ELCK1 A WARNING - Ver(A design parameter and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SE IDE BEFORUSE. _.. page 1 of 1 REFER TO INDIVIDUAL TRUSS- DE_SIGN ® ' slimly[ QFOR PLATE SIZES AND LUMBER GRADES DIMPORTANT --- designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is tie This detail to be used only with one ply trusses with a D.O.L. lumber increase of 1.15 or higher. /� Trusses not fitting these criteria should be examined. individually. �1/ ��� MiTek Industries, Inc. 3-3 ACTUAL BEARING SIZE OTTOM CHORD SIZE LUMBER ALLOWABLE BEARING BLOCK h WOOD BEARING ALkOWABLE LOADS REACTION BEARING BLOCK . NO AILING PATTERN GRADE ALLOWABLE LOADS Ilbl : ALLOWABLE LOAD Ilb) TOTAL EQUIVALENT BEARING LENGTH SYP 2966 929 3,995 0-4-9 r4 BOTTOM CHORD ROWS @ 3- O.C. of 3281 855 4136 0-4-6 TOTAL NAILS) HF 2126 736 2862 _ D-4--11 SPF 2231 726 2957 0-4.10 SYP 2966 1393 4359 0-5-2 OF 3281 1282 4563 0-4-13 x6 BOTTOM CHORD ROWS @ 3. O.C. HF 2126 1104 3230 0-5-5 12 TOTAL NAILS) SPF 2231 1089 3320 0-5-3 SYP 2966 1858 4824 0-5-11 OF 3281 1710 4991 - 0-5-5 <8 BOTTOM CHORD ROWS @ 3- O.C. 6 TOTAL NAILS) HF 2126 1472 3598 0-5-14. • SPF 2231 1452 3683 0-5-12 CASE 2 MINIMUM i • 11131 rte. . { ! _L HEIGHT /\ Lr,� - �• :�- f rnz;J;• BRG BLOCY, TO BE SAME C1V•� '-1•j�'••.,•_•• 12- BLOCr, SIZE, GRADE. L SPECIES AS EXISTING BOTTOM CHORD. 12' BLOCr `^_ •,. -dL� O.013W APPLY TO ONE FACE OF TRUSS. _ •f' - TES: USE LOWER OF TOP PLATE OR TRUSS WOOD SPECIES. THE END DISTANCE. EDGE DISTANCE. AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL 8E SUCH , AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. NAILS OESIGNATED ARE 10d (.131- OIAM, x 37 FOR BEARINGS NOT NEARER THAN 3- TO THE ENO OF A MEMBER (CASE 2), THESE VALUES 1v(AY BE 4'e'oi: -:Ss" N N , r' i�D W` F• Z �P' MULTIPLIED BY A BEARING FACTOR OF 1.10 j%%. �' • .. fir, 2 C •.f 16j90 Ii rn LV/1UJ G/'1J CU VI`1 rv�wvvu.•.� r � r � r u.v•.��+�.+. / SYP =565 psi OF = 625 psi HF = 405 psi SPF = 425 psi OTE: VALUES DO NOT. INCLUDE MSR LUMBER WITH "E'• VALUES GREATER THAN 1,900,000 PSI OR NON -DENSE GRADE LUMBER. 0 A 24 — A WARNING - Ver(A design parameter and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SE IDE BEFORUSE. Design valid for use only with MITek connectors. This design Is based only upon parameters shown. and is for an individual building component to 'De ® ' slimly[ Installed and loaded vertically. Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporatlon of component is responsibility of building designer - not Ness --- designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is tie responslbillty of the erecta. Additional permanent bracing of the Overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication. quality control, storage. delivery, eiection and bracing. consult QST -88 Quality Standard, DSB-89 Bracing Specification, and HIS41 Handling /� Installing and Bracing Recommendation available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, WI 53719. �1/ ��� 0 A Eli 0 0 • 9 0 0 0 0 ST' STRGBCK LATERAL BRACING RECOMMENDATIONS AUG. 16, 2001 TO MINIMIZE VIBRATION COMMON TO ALL SHALLOWFRAMING SYSTEMS, 2x6 "STRONGBACK" LATERAL SUPPORTS SHOULD BE LOCATED EVERY 2 TO 10 FEET ALONG A FLOOR TRUSS. \ i STRONGBACK MAY BE POSITIONED DIRECTLY UNDER. THE TOP CHORD OR DIRECTLY ABOVE THE BOTTOM CHORD. SECURELY FASTEN TO THE TRUSS USING ANY OF THE METHODS ILLUSTRATED BELOW. USE METAL FRAMING ATTACH TO VERTICAL ANCHOR TO ATTACH WEB WITH (3) - 10d TO TOP CHORD\y COMMON WIRENAILS BLOCKING BEHIND THE .VERTICAL WEB IS RECOMMENDED WHILE ATTACH TO VERTICAL SCAB WITH (3) - 10d COMMON WIPE NAILS ATTACH 2x4 VERTICAL TO FACE OF TRUSS. FASTEN TO TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD WITH (2) - 10d INSERT SCREW THROUGH OUTSIDE EDGE OF CHORD INTO EDGE OF STRONG6ACK (00 NOT USE DRYWALL TYPE SCREWS),— iT E):B JUNE J0.2 %G: CIVIL Jam''• .......... 0. t) ATTACH TO CHORD r WITH TWO #12 x 3- Wonn sr.ppwS 1.216' DIAM.) Ubt Mt I AL t-H.AMING ANCHORTOATTACH TO BOTTOM CHORD TRUSSES ATTACH TO VERTICAL WEB WITH (3) - 10d COMMON WIRE NAILS ATTACH TO VERTICAL SCAB WITH (3) - 10d COMMON WIRE NAILS 4-0-0 (TYPICAL SPLICE) INSERT SCREW THROUGH OUTSIDE EDGE OF CHORD INTO EDGE OF STRONG BACK (00 NOT USE DRYWALL TYPE SCREWS) 2x6 AS REQUIRED / BLOCKING / SIDEWALL THE STRONGBACKS SHOULD EITHER, BE SECURED TO ADJACENT PARTITION WALLS OR ALTERNATE "X"-BP.IOGING SHOULD BE USED TO TERMINATE THE BRACING MEMBERS. IF SPLICING IS NECESSARY, USE A 4'-0" LONG SCAB CENTERED OVER THE SPLICE AND JOIN WITH (12) - 10d NAILS EQUALLY SPACED. ALTERNATE METHOD OF SPLICING: OVERLAP STRONGBACK MEMBERS A MINIMUM OF 4'-0- AND FASTEN WITH (12) - 10d COMMON WIRE NAILS STAGGERED AND EQUALLY SPACED. (TO BE USED ONLY WHEN STRONGBACK IS NOT ALIGNED WITH A VERTICAL) STRONGBACK BRACING ALSO SATISFIES THE LATERAL BRACING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BOTTOM CHORD OF THE TRUSS. �c^.OFcSS�pV C. r J �- �J C 46901 EYP. N '3010 /; A WARNING - Verify dcsign parnme[ers and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design vofld for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown. and is for an Individual building component, -W be installed and loaded vertically. Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporation of component is responsibillty of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during conshuction is the responsiblllly of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication• quality control storage. delivery, election and bracing. consult QST -88 Quality Standard. DSB-69 Bracing Specification. and HIB -91 Handling Installing and Bracing Recommendation available from TAM Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, WI 53719. Y 25 MiTeke