2017 SilverRock MOA Project Laborers Agrmt (PLA) Public & Private WorksExecution Version SILVERROCK DEVELOPfuIENT COMPANY, LLC Robert Green SOUTHERN CALIFORN?I.A DISTRTCT OF l6' This MoA may be signed in counterparrs, sueh lhat signarures appear on sspararssignature pages' A copy or originar of rhis documcnt witrr a, signature pagcs appc.dc'd together shar be dccmed a fury execute.d Agreanent. copies, pd[ orfacsimiles of signarures arc thc equivalent of original signatures. By Arnrando Sspatza,Manager Jon P. Preciado,Secretary By Michael S. Dated: Aq ,tn-, NO. 1t84 Manager Business Managcr By B),: 6 I Dated: a/ rt /r: - Ex€qt on va.don and the same document, and any signarue pagee may be assembled to fonn a single original document 10. TERMOFAGREEMENT I 0. I This AgreemeDt shall commence on the date indicated below as the date of execution, and shall continue in effect '"til the Completion of All Covered Work on the Project pursuant to Article 2. Upon Complaion of All Covcred Worlq tb6 Union shall provide Owner/Develqrcr or Primary Employo with written conlhmatior that the Age€metrt is no longer in effoct. 10.2 Prior to C.ompletion of All Covered Work, upon t€quest fiom Owuer or Primary Emplopr, the Union shall conlirrr, h writia& the cunent status of the Agreerneag to include certificatioa tLat dre Agreancnt has qot beeo modified and is in firll folce and effect, that there are oo known defarlts und€r the Agre€m€Dt, and such othq sirnilar certifications as reasonably requested by Owner or Primary Emplo)€r. IN WITNESS WIIERIO| the Partie,s have caused this Agreement to be executed and effective as of , 2017 (the Eftotive Darc'). [Project Manag€r/General Contactor]SOI]THERN CALIFORNL{ DISTRICT OFI/,BORERS h,&- [Sielstuc, Title] [hiat Name of Person Signing] Date: [Signahne, Tide] Date: INTERNATIONAL UNION OF 1184 ,4 16 Date: =- E (Ga[lion Vcltbn and the same document, and any signature pagoE may be assembled to fonn a single original docrrment 10. IERM Or AGREEMET{.7 10.1 This Agreement shall commence oo the date indicatedbelow as &e datE of execution, and shall continue in effect until the Cornplaion of All Cover,ed Work on tre Project pursuaut to Article 2. Upon Complaion of All Coverd lvodq the Uaion strall provide Owner/Dwelqrer or PrimaryEmployer with unittcu confimration that the Agreernent is no loqger in elfest. 10.2 Prior to Complaion of All Covered Work, rryou request from Owuer or Primary Employer, the Union shall confirrr, in writing the qrrent statrs of the Agreaaenq to iuclude certification &at &e Agreenrent has not bem modifid and is in firll force aod effect, fiat thcre are no knounr defaults rmderfte Agreemmt, md such other similar certifications as reasonablyrequestodby Owner or himary Employer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agre€iln€tf to be executsd and effective as of_, 2017 (the Effeotive Daten). [Project Manager/Gemral Contactor]SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT OF I,ABORERS [Signature, TitleJ [Print Name of Person Si$ing] Date: [Signanre, Title] =fF' INTERNATIONAL I,'NION OF I184 l6 Date: Executbn Versbn and the same documelrt, and any signature pages may be assembled to form a sitrglc original document 10. T,ERM OF AGREEMENT 10.1 This Agroement shall commence on the date indicatodbelow as the date of execution, and shall coatinue in effect rmtil fte Completion of All Covered Wort on the koject pursuant to Article 2. Upon Conpletion of AII Covered Wod(, the Uaion shall provide Orrner/Dweloper or PrimaryEmployerwith written conlimrationtbat &e Agreement is no longer in effect lO.2 Prior rc Completion of Atl Covered Work, upon request from Ocm€r or Primary Emplolar, the Union shatl confrrr, in writiug, ltre current status of the Agreemenq b inctude certification &at tre Agraemeirt has not boen modified and is in full force and effect, that there are no known defarlts under the Agrcemeirt, md strch oths simila certifications as reasonably requestod by Owner or Primary Employer. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, ihe Parties have caussd this Agreement to be exesuted aad effegtive as of , 2017 (the Effective Date'). [Projecr lvlanag€riGeneral ConEactod SOUTIIERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT OF LABORERS f+-'.) lSiepature Titlel 7.-r. [hint Name of Person Siging] Dde: [Signature, Title] Date: INTERNATIONAL I,JNION OF 1184 A?'/y' ' tSisratue*ldlql-a sfir{_fru. l6 Date: Erec[tloh Vardorr aad the sarne docunent, and any signature pages may be assemblcd to form a single original document. IO. TERMOFAGREEMENT 1O.l This Agpement shall commcncc on the date indioated below as the date of exeotrioq and slrall coatinue in sffect until tre Completion of All Coveted Wotk on the Projoct Pursuaot to Artisle 2. Upon Complaion of All Covcred Worlq the Union shall provide Owner/Developer or Primary Employer with written confimration lhat the AgreemeDt is no longer in effect 10.2 Prior m Completion of AII Covered Work, upon r€qucst frofll Owuer or Primary Emplopr, the Union shall confirm, in writing the surr€nt staos of the Agresrnent, to include certificarion that the Agrean€nt h'( not been modified and is in frrll force and effect, thal thcr€ are ro knowa defaults under the Agreemenq and such other similar certifications as reasoaably requested by Owner or Primary Enrployet. IN WmNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have causod this Agreernent to be executed and effectivc as of ,2017 (thc Effcotive Date"). [Project Manag€r/General Contractoi]SO1ITTIERN CALIFORNI,A DISTRICT co OF AlrS-' [Signature, Title]6 ISignrble, S [Print Name of Poson Signing] Date:.fe lsignature, Tidel Date: LABORERS INTERNATIONAL UNION OF NORTI{ AMERICA LOCAL I 1 84 [Signsure' Title] Date: l6 2. 3. ErqtbnVrdon ATTACEMENT A AGREEMENT TO BE BOUND PRIYATE WORI(S PR.OIECT LABOR. AGREE}TENT SILVENROCK RESOR.T PN,OJECT Theundcrsigred hereby certifi* and agrees that: l. ft i8 an Euployer as that ta:D r's dcfaod in Soction I.5 of thc SilvcrRock Resst hivatc Works hojoct tabor Agrccmcnt ("Agreeorcnt') bccnuc it hes bcar, or will bc, rwrdod r oootrlct or suboontsact to assigr" award or subcontrct Covcscd Wsrk on tbo Projcct (as dcfucd in Scaioar 12.2 ad 2,1 of thc ASrccocat), or to arthoriac aaother party io assigE, swatd or subcontrart Covcred Worlq or to pcrfonn Covc,rod Wulc Itt cousideration of thc award of such contmct or subcontract, pursrra[t to Scction 8(D of the National l-abor Relations Act, ard in firther considcrration of thc promiscs made in thc Agrecmcnt and any attachmerts ttcrrfo (a copy of rrhich qras rcccivod and is hcrcby acknowlcdgcd), it Bcccpts and agws to be bound by tbe tems and conditione of the Agrerocut, together with any and all aEcEdmcDE and supplcmcnts now existing or which are later madc thcreto. If it pcrforrns Covcrod Wodq it sill be bouad by ttre lcgally cstablished trust agruaDcnts dcsignatcd in Laborcrs Union's Mastcr Agrecmc,nt, and hcrcby authorizcs thc parties to such Tnrst Agrccmeats to appoiDt trustecs 8nd successor trustoe to administa tre tust firads, and hencby ntifics and acccpts the trustees so appointcd as if ruade by 0rc urdersifnod. It has no commitrrcnts or sgrenents that would preclude its full and conplac complirncc with &c tenas and corditions of thc Agrecan€mt ard &c assignmcot of all Covcrcd Work to the Laborers Uaion" It will socure a duly cxecutcd Agrccunent To Bc Bouo4 in form identical to this documeng from any Employds) at sny ticr or tias with which it con&acts o assign, awm4 or sgbcontract Corrercd Wortg or to authorize anothsr party to asSign, award or subcontact Covered Wor*, or to perfora Correred Wort. &.,'.rlen* ?o Bax qLq- (Addr6s) 4. 5 oarso,rylq l11 NarneorEmproyer S,,nrrf * Gnlg COnS*nt' hon , Lt-Jc fAuthorizod' ?.--s 17