BSPN2019-002278-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 c&ty, 4 �P Qubt& DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Permit Type/Subtype: SPECIAL INSPECTION/ Application Number: BSPN2019-0022 Property Address: 49499 EISENHOWER DR APN: 658160057 Application Description: LA QUINTA RESORT TED TALK / 4500SF TENT Property Zoning: Application Valuation: Applicant: P LINDA JEKINS - TAMME INC. dba SIGNATURE PARTY RENTA Ln4 82309 MARKET ST. NOV 2 7 2019 VOICE (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 11/27/2019 Owner: KSL DESERT RESORT 1 POST OFFICE SQ STE 3100 BOSTON, MA 92253 Contractor: TAMME INC. dba SIGNATURE PARTY RENTALS DOUTSIDE CITY LIMITS LA QUINTA, CA 92253 CITY Q1FLA QUINTA DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (714)545-6780 Llc. No.::LIC-0101636 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that licensed under pro 'lions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 70001 of Division of a Business and P o essions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: License No.:: I - I 1�j 1 O1 Date: I �`�' I 1 Contractor: OWNER -BUILDER DEC TIO I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exemprTrom the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ, C.). Lender's Lender's Address: WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. _ I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Sectio 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performa ce of the work for which this permit is issue y workers' compensation insuranLlshoyp }olicy number are: Ca ri licy Number:` F rtify that in the performance ich this permit' slued, I sha aoy any person in any mannerubject to the kers' compensa laws ofCalifornia, and agreeb come subjec theworkers'compensation provisions of Sec 'ob r Code, I sh forthwith comply with those provisions. a - Date: ^� Applicant: If WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION CO ERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AYD CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS($100,000). INADEIMeNTOTHECOSTOF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance ofthis permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes I and void if work i of commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such p rm t, or cessation ofrk for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. x I certify that I have read this application and state that th ab a inf atian is rrect. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinan $ an st a law el Ling t wilding construction, and hereby authorize representative f city to nter pon eb t mentioned property for inspection purposes. �. d , Date: l I Signature (Applicant or Date: 11/27/2019 Application Number: BSPN2019-0022 Property Address: 49499 EISENHOWER DR APN: 658160057 Application Description: LA QUINTA RESORT TED TALK / 4500SF TENT Property Zoning: Application Valuation: Applicant: LINDA JEKINS - TAMME INC. dba SIGNATURE PARTY RENTALS 82309 MARKET ST. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Detail: 50 X 90 CANOPY TENT WITH 250-300 OCCUPANCY COUNT. Owner: KSL DESERT RESORT 1 POST OFFICE SQ STE 3100 BOSTON, MA 92253 Contractor: TAMME INC. dba SIGNATURE PARTY RENTALS OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS (714)545-6780 Llc. No.::LIC-0101636 DESCRIPTION FINANCIAL • • ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT SPECIAL INSPECTION 101-0000-42404 0 $80.50 Total Paid for COMPLIANCE SURVEY/SPECIAL INSPECTION: $80.50 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: TOTALS: $5.00 $85.50 t,o toQ�Kral — ",;'Na .Jth, nrersre r — PERMIT # PLAN LOCATION: Project Address: "T 6'I l 11 JlA�Blt.� Project Description: Pool, Remodel, Add't, Elect, Plumb, Mech APN #: 50)4 70 6aAA00 Applicant Name: L—1 vdLo- Address: S 9309 wr 4 City, ST, Zip: L. r u l IR L 04 qq,953 Telephone: 7(00 L1'(!j—i 9089 Email: I e, , j i S Jq axot Valuation of Project S 3 T U I V Contractor Name: _ �-� CAJC(� New SFD Construction: Address:&I I Ha + —5 + CBhklioned Space SF City, St, Zip w v4a 953 Garage SF Telephone: 766 1863 Patio/Porch SF Email: Lf �� Fire Sprinkler SF State Lic: CW Bus Lie: Arch/Eng Name: l Construction Type: Occupancy: — Address: i a iti��t�d Grading: City, St, Zip 4S2,1x 1 1 en 0 01a I [ 8 Telephone: OiO 3l 5/ 5O Bedrooms: Stories: # Units: Email: ,f a5 ag JawU t _ State L c: C� City Bus Lie: Property Owner's Name: (,L u[ —a (� New Commercial / Tenant Improvements: Address: qgqqcll Total Building SF City, ST, Zip 9, a Construction Type: Occupancy: Telephone: Email: .f� 78495 CALLE_ TAMPICO 1i1 > a-l1 � v"--� LA C�iJINTA, CA 92753 777-7001a eedL lutj PeCf 16V� L -ec 1P ai FR 710 SCD Fire Retardant for Interior/Exterior Wood — Class A rating FR 710 SCD is a translucent water -based, non -toxic fire retardant acrylic polymer coating that can be applied on interior/exterior surfaces such as wood, plastics, metal, vinyl and fiberglass, along with many unusual and normally untreatable surfaces. It has the ability to seal and protect surfaces against fire, natural and environmental conditions, such as UV and moisture conditions. Like all of Delta's products, FR 710 SCD is non -toxic and environmentally safe. Some of the uses for FR 710 SCD • Cabinets, Decorative wood items • Wood furniture/trim, Wicker Furniture • Hardboard panels • Parquet floors, Paper and textile wall coverings ■ Artificial plants • Sunbrella fabric • Bamboo, Thatching, Palapas, Rain Capes Application Instructions RECEIVED NOV 14 2019 CITY OF LA QUINTA DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Product can be brushed, sprayed, rolled or dipped on item to be treated. Surface of the substrate must be thoroughly dry. Surface must be clean and free of sawdust/dust. It is necessary to let first coat dry to a tacky finish before applying a second coat. Product dries to touch in 1 to 2 hours depending upon conditions. Fully cures in 72 hours contingent upon temperature, humidity and circulation of air in the area. Use in well -ventilated area. Coverage Expected coverage rate 200-250 SQ FT per gallon Features & Benefits ■ Translucent color - allows you to see the coverage but dries clear ■ Natural professional finish • Water -based for easy clean up with soap and water • Low VOC that will not harm the environment • Non -toxic — Does not require special handling Appreciate the ease of safety when working with, and storing this non-combustible product. You will have the benefit of a superior product that leaves a beautiful finish on all treated items and the added security of knowing those items are also Fire Resistant. Warranty Contact Delta Pacific Technologies, Inc. for more information Delta Pacific Technologies, Inc. T 714.634.3485 F 714.634.3615 601 N Poplar Street info@flamesgone.com Orange, CA 92868 www.flamesgone.com FLARES Ve RANDA CEMENT BLOCKS (22,000 LBS EACH) z I ® Z h cn D Lu o S 0>LL�z 2 - +. •- ® © 0 UCD 3 • LL Z �I ~ z ©o�` ow C. i>- 5 �� ILJLu �Sptl :.W9 - cort 1, = FIRE EXTINGUISHER = NO SMOKING SIGN C EVENT LOCATION LA QUINTA RESORT (FLORES PARKING LOT) 49-499 EISENHOWER DR. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: DATE: MIKE 11/06/19 _. Bur. _r. _ 1 1 1 - - LIGHTED EXIT SIGN (WITH BACKUP BATTERY) TED CONFRENCE 50' x 90' MAIN TENT FLOOR PLAN cliElli NAME: MEGAN @pTED CONFRENCES LLL) ORDER NUMBER: 146060 CLIENT PHONE: (778) 340-8�972 SALESPERSON: O LINDA JENKINS DBLIVt" DATE: EVENT DATE: 12/01 / 19 12/03/ 19 PICK-UP DATE: 12/05/19 = TENT WALL hu Qwlw r r.Lenu>rsv rc •w a M of PASC•biT,: AY THR rxlr.Lrncv! f5' C�.+H7FlrTLI' uvf5 PRCT4�-IrWY NF3CUA11uv • :a SrryNATu" PARTY RPNIALS MI irp;S F-Ef R AY: C(1JFpE'ICE ANp 1+ NVA, y40 ++OI RFCCMED. 4EARODUCED wdd E'JR H P�?r Ndr vs =n•aEN �s REY'F.4c3 R1 �r.r IJl.1�.K7p ro alNERa, sx�prta �cr iH: yECPI[ wara� �� 'n'MCH rt'n-� .�E.lvE�En -M[a'i' - Local w,4' ' = Staff 15' x 30' GARBO LANEWAY Cooler Trailer Emergency Vehicle Access woo TRUCKS 50' x 90' AACOM 4 EXH1- .R Kom �UL z olu4 �0 W0J M tiZWOM poi 0 5 It _ n Q SEA NG OR RESTORE f EVENTCA `OTION: 4 [ TED COPNFRENCE 50' x 90' OVERALL SITE PLAN LA QUINTA RESORT ALL DATA AND INFORMATION CONTANED (FLORES PARKING LOT) CLIENT NAME: ORDER NUMBER: 146060 CONFIINORASCOSFDAND YTHIS YOCU.MFMATIONOF l 49-499 EISENHOWER DR. MEGAN @TED CONFRENCES LLU SIGNATUS HELD INRE PARTY RENTALS ALL RIGHTS THERIN LAQUINTA.CA92253 CUFNTPHONE: �778)34O$H72 sALESPERsON: LINDAJENKINS OT5FCOCONFIDENCE D,REPRODUCEAND NTRUST, A' AD WILL IN PART, NOR RS CONTENTS REVEALED N ANY MANOR TO DRAWN BY: DATE: DELIVERY DATE: EVENT DATE: PICK-UPDATE: OTHERS, EXCEP110 MEET THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT'NAS DELNERED MIKE � 9/27/19 12/O1/19 12/03/19 12/05/19 1 of 21 31ALAWAY NGINEERING ER I N G PROJECT: LA QUINTA RESORT, 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, LA QUINTA, CA PROJECT #: 23661 CLIENT: SIGNATURE PARTY RENTALS 50' 0" 10815 RANCHO BERNARDO RD., SUITE 260 SAN DIEGO, CA 92198 PROJECTMANAGER@SULLAWAYENG.COM PHONE: 1-858-312-5150 FAX:1-858-777-3534 DATE: 10/31/19 ENGINEER: PS PAGES: SEE PGS. 2-7 - FOR MEMBER CALLOUTS 4" STL. WIRE .......... CONCRETE SURFACE 1 ELEVATION 0 1 90`-0" 15'-0" (TYP.)—,�— 10'-0" .k �� 15'-0" 2 SECTION RLE-CEIVED NOV 14 2019 C" OF LA QUINTA GENERAL NOTES DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1. DESIGN CODE: CBC 2016 2. DESIGN LOADS: ASCE 7-10 3. WIND VELOCITY V, = 60 MPH, VASD = 46 MPH EXPOSURE C 4. TENT TO BE REMOVED IF WIND APPROACHES 46 MPH 5. CONCRETE 2500 PSI MINIMUM 6. PIPE STEEL ASTM A53 GR. B Fy = 35 KSI MIN. 7. PROVIDE PROTECTION AGAINST DISSIMILAR METALS 8. ALUMINUM ELEMENTS 6061-T6 ED �# C LB i-IT �8 G zrnv 0� Z n V%O� 2of21 v rn n :D _ o 2E;c I r. p-n zM00 S �D n OEnC rn mzz 3nf21 MAXI TUBE OD 0 MC C7 'Do, ma0 In m oj2C OD z� 4 of 21 xi n 3E a r�r co 0 C mz ZM o -n5 M OCR �� C Envelope Only 5.1m- 5of21 n TUBES 0 a C) _M 0 G] m Z0 l m 0 GO C7 xQ 6 of 21 D OD C] m C o0 30M 11 d( m o t C �Q C 8 of 21 MecaWind Pro v2.2.8.2 per ASCE 7-10 .m Date 10/31/2019 Project No. JobNo CompaCly Name t True Designed By Engineer Address Address Description Description City : City Customer Name Customer State p State Proj Location Location Input Parameters: Directional Procedure All Heights Building (Ch 27 Part 1) Basic Wind Speed(V) 60.00 mph Structural Category = II Exposure Category = C Natural Frequency = N/A Flexible Structure No Importance Factor 1.00 Kd Directional Factor = 0.85 Alpha 9.50 Zg = 900.00 ft At = 0.11 Bt = 1.00 Am = 0.15 Bm = 0.65 Cc 0.20 1 = 500.00 ft Epsilon = 0.20 Zmin = 15.00 ft Pitch of Roof = 6 : 12 Slope of Roof(Theta) = 26.57 Deg h: Mean Roof Ht 14.25 ft Type of Roof = HIPPED RHt: Ridge Ht = 20.50 ft Eht: Eave Height = 8.00 ft OH: Roof Overhang at Eave= .00 ft Overhead Type = No Overhang Bldg Length Along Ridge = 90.00 ft Bldg Width Across Ridge= 50.00 It Length of Hipped Ridge = 40.00 ft Roof Slope on Hip End = 26.57 Deg Gust Factor Calculations Gust Factor Category I Rigid Structures - Simplified McLhod Gustl: For Rigid Structures (Nat. Freq.>1 Hz) use 0.85 = 0.85 Gust Factor Category I:1. Rigid Structures - Complete Analysis Zm: 0.6*Ht = 15.00 ft lzm: Cc*(33/Zm)^0.167 0.23 Lzm: 1*(Zm/33)^Epsilon = 427.06 ft Q: (1/(1+0.63*((B+Ht)/Lzm)^0.63))^0.5 0.92 Gust2: 0.925*((1+1.7*lzm*3.4*Q)/(1+1.7*3.4*lzm)) = 0.88 Gust Factor Summary Not a Flexible Structure use the Lessor of Gustl or Gust2 = 0.85 Table 26.11-1 Internal Pressure Coefficients for Buildings, GCpi GCPi : Internal Pressure Coefficient = +/-0.18 Wind Pressurs Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) - Ref Figure 27.4-1 Kh: 2.01*(Ht/Zg)^(2/Alpha) - 0.85 Kht: Topographic Factor (Figure 6-4) 1.00 Qh: .00256*(V)^2*I*Kh*Kht*Kd = 6.65 psf Cpww: Windward Wall Cp(Ref Fig 6-6) - 0.80 Roof Area - 5151.16 ft^2 Reduction Factor based on Roof Area = 0.80 MWFRS-Wall Pressures for Wind Normal to 90 ft Wall (Normal to Ridge) .. _--J_ _. Wall Cp Pressure Pressure +GCpi (psf) -GCpi (psf) Leeward Wall -0.50 -4.02 -1.63 Side Walls -0.70 -5.15 -2.76 Wall Elev Kz Kzt CP qz Press Press Total ft psf+GCpi -GCpi +/-GCpi ______-__ Windward 8.00 0.85 1.00 0.80 6.65 3.32 5.72 16.00 Roof Location Cp Pressure Pressure +GCpi(psf)-GCpi(psf) rr` Windward - Min Cp -0.21 -2 38 0.01 Windward - Max Cp 0.29 0.44 2.84 Leeward Norm to Ridge -0.60 -4.59 -2.19 Hipped End (.00 to 7.13 ft) -0.90 -6.28 -3.89 � r fT) ^ m `J �C� 0 To a c0mz`--n MY � C) t'iT Gil zm00 0 m OTC -Moz Z-4 9of21 Hipped End (7.13 to 14.25 ft) Hipped End (14.25 to 28.50 ft) Hipped End (28.50 to 50.00 ft) -0.90 -6.28 -3.89 -0.50 -4.02 -1.63 -0.30 -2.89 -0.50 Notes - Normal to Ridge Note (1) Per Fig 27.4-1 Note 7, Since Theta > 10 Deg base calcs on Mean Ht Note (2) Wall & Roof Pressures - Qh*(G*Cp - GCPi) Note (3) +GCpi = Positive Internal Bldg Press, -GCPi = Negative Internal Bldg Press Note (4) Total Pressure = Leeward Press + Windward Press (For + or - GCPi) Note (5) Per Sec 27.4.7 min pressure of 16 psf * 1 = 16.0 applies to Elev 8.00 ft Note (6) Hipped ends considered as parallel to ridge for all theta. Note (7) Ref Fig 27.4-1, Normal to Ridge (Theta>=10), Theta- 26.6 Deg, h/l= 0.16 Note (8) X= Along Building ridge, Y - Normal to Building Ridge, Z = Vertical Note (9) MIN = Minimum pressures on Walls = 16 psf and Roof - 8 psf Note (10) Area* = Area of the surface projected onto a vertical plane normal to wind. MWFRS-Wall Pressures for Wind Normal to 50 £t wall (Along Ridge) Al up ,o PT.-TG'.i I .,s i._; ,, w1 r:, a I ,tea . zct:. r. Wall Cp Pressure Pressure +GCpi (psf) -GCpi (psf) rr Leeward Wall -0.34 -3.12 -0 72 Side Walls -0.70 -5.15 -2.76 Wall Elev Kz Kzt Cp qz Press Press Total ft psf +GCpi -GCpi +/-GCpi --------------------------------------- Windward 20.50 0.91 1.00 0.80 7.10 3.63 6.03 16.00 Windward 8.00 0.85 1.00 0.80 6.65 3.32 5.72 16.00 Roof - Dist from Windward Edge Cp Pressure Pressure +GCpi(psf)-GCpi(psf) _` Roof: 0.0 ft to 7.1 ft -0.90 -6.28 -3.89 Roof: 7.1 ft to 14.3 ft -0.90 -6.28 -3.89 Roof: 14.3 ft to 28.5 ft -0.50 -4.02 -1.63 Roof: 28.5 ft to 90.0 ft -0.30 -2.89 -0.50 Notes - Along Ridge Note (1) Per Sec 27.4.7 min pressure of 16 psf * 1 = 16.0 applies to Elev 20.50 ft Note (2) Per Sec 27.4.7 min pressure of 16 psf * 1 = 16.0 applies to Elev 8.00 ft Note (3) Ref Fig 27.4-1, Parallel to Ridge (All), h/l= 0.16 Note (4) X= Along Building ridge, Y = Normal to Building Ridge, Z = Vertical Note (5) MIN = Minimum pressures on Walls = 16 psf and Roof = 8 psf Note (6) Area* = Area of the surface projected onto a vertical plane normal to wind. 10 of 21 S U L L AWAY ] 0815 Rancho Bernardo , CA g projectmanager@sullalawayeng com com E N G I N E E R I N G Phone:858-312-5150 Fax:858-777-3534 PROJECT: LA QUINTA RESORT DATE: 10/31/2019 PROJ. NO.: 23661 ENGINEER: PS CLIENT: SIGNATURE PARTY RENTALS units; pounds, feet unless noted otherwise Check concrete for uplift Uplift per block = Fy 0.90 k W req (for Uplift) = Fy = 0.90 k Weight of block = 0.9*(2000 lb) = 1.80 k 0.50 < 1 Check concrete for friction Lateral Load = sgrt(Fx"2+Fz^2) = 0.69 k W req (for Friction) _ (Lateral Load)/(0.4) = 1.73 k Weight of block = .9*(2000 lb) = 1.80 k 0.96 < 1 Check steel cable per AISC 19-10 iwrc, eips Galvanized wire rope ASTM A475 & A363 T„= 0.96 k Sd=min (Sn*Nf, Sn*Nd) Sn= 6.04 k Nom. Cable strength for 1/4" Stainless steel A316 cable Nf= 0.90 ASTM A475 & A363 zinc coated Nd= 0.75 Sd= Sn*Nd= 4.53 k 0.21 < 1 OK 11 of 21 Loads BLO2 VA Ei 11, Only $olulion m 0 me � 0 -0fl ymo©�, z� m �0z 12 of 21 wm. M C 1. Hi7 m W . n co OM zma< n O05 m 56 Z 13 of 21 Loads 9LO. WL3 Ep"I pr I]Mtr 5oUAm —�I r ) m W C o QF� 0 �� Zrn rnoo� m Tp sa C Mz� Co. c� m O Co � OG7 Zmo m 0 u' x0 ,I,M, H[C 6 V&A Iron owt �IuDcn 16 of 21 SULLAWAY Engineering Nov 1, 2019 Member Area Loads (BLC 2, WL9 In r4 A I....,4 D I-...► In I.. . n ni-.... l-- 1 N 9 N 6 2 N80 N73 P Two Way -2.38 62 N64 Two W -6.28 3 N62 N48 I N64 Perp Two Way -2.89 4 9 N73 I N 7 PerPerp Two Way -6.28 _ 5 N59 _ N48 _ N57 KIR9 N41 Two Way_ -2.89 4 N59 N41 _Per EeLLIw _ W 7 . N127 N1.27 N127 Per I Two Wav 4 -59 Member Area Loads (BLC - WL2 Ininl A In I..► CZ 1...,* r` 1-..4 rl n:-.. .- nr_ 1 F N59 T N62 N80 N73 Per 1 o Way _ix.l"44 RY_WM N�IJ 84 2 N62 N64 N80 I Pe Two W -3.89 3 N62 N48 N64 N57 P�i�. Perp _ Two WW_ _� Two Way _ -._5 -3.89 4 N59 N73 5 N59 N57 N41 I N41 Per Perp Two W3Y- Tw Way -_5 -2.19 6 _. N48 N6 NV 9 Member Area Loads (BLC 4: WL3) In nl ❑ In n* R M ..J r• 1..... R 1 7K59 N 7 3 N7 N41 ._ Perip Two Wad __. -3.89 -1.63 2 N7 _ Two W 3 4 N43 N44 N59 N -N41 I N59 N43 Pere_ Perp _ Two Wad ._ _ Two Way .� -1,63_`_ -1 63 5 N44 N48 N62 N60 Perip Two Way -.5 6 N 62 N8 N 6 Per . Two 7 N48 N80 N62 Per Two Way-.5 8 N5 N60 _ N76 _._N75.__ . _ Perp _. _ Two Way____ _ _ -1.63 . Member Area Loads (BLC 5: WL4) . Inint A Ininr R in.nf r, 1n ..+ r% n➢. .Ji.a n:..+.:1.. ..:.... 1 1 -N59--j N73 I N41 Per Per Two Way T-V W -628 _ _ -4.02 -4.02 -4. 2 2 N59 I N75 I N73 I 3 N43 N59 I N41 Pert - _ _ _Two Wa_y 44 N60 N59 Per Two 5 44 __ N48 N62 N6 Two Wav -2.89 -2.89 6 N60 N62 N80 N76 -Pero P Two W 7 N48 N80 N62 I Per'D Two Way -2.89 N59 N 76 I N75 Perp Two Way -4- 2 Envelope Joint Reactions Ininl V rL1 I Ya V n'l I 'Y f l I n 1 N33 )maxHE053E5 1.5 3 .07 3 0 0 l7i"0 N 1 I 7 1 p 7 1 2 i�min2 -. 91 5 - 1 3 N1 )na .052 1 5 2 .921 - 71 1 .075 -.003 3 0_ 7_ 0 1 0 7 1 0 7 4 _ D N 11 p .04 . 4 .239 5 39 1 0 7 0 7 0 7 6 Ja 2 - 49 ` 3 - 171 2 1 0 1 1 N32 044 5 493 1 .003 3 7 0 7 0 7 -.0 2 1 1 -,7 _ 2 1 9 N25 �-na. .036 4 .3 .495 1 -39!2 003 3_ 0 7 0 7 0 7 1 lmin -.031 - 5 2 0 1 0 1, 0 1 11 N92 tax 0 5 .001 11 .68 3 0 7 0 7 0 7 12 rnin Q 3 - 677 13 0. 1 0 1 .1 I 0 1 1 N85 Ina 0 ] 5 2 .001 1 1. -.67 13 79 3_ 7 1 0 7 1 p - tj 14 '+min 0 i 0 __ _.1 _ 0 1 RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 [EA ... \... \Sullaway - 21000 to 24999\23600\23661\23661 (10 bays).r3d] Page 2 17 of 21 SULLAWAY Engineering Nov 1, 2019 Envelope Joint Reactions Continued Joint X N LC Y [kj LC Z jk] LC M]C k( ftl LG MY jk-&i LC MZ kit L 15. 9 N6 �"W Imin .046 4 .217 5 02 1 -.095__-� 2 0 7 1 0 7 I..- 0 T p G 7 1 p 3 -.664 0 17 _ 18 N8 _ �a `Imin 044 5 .893 _.1 076 _ .. 3 -.002 5 0 7 0 7 0 7 -.0 3 3 -.65 0 1 T0 1 1 19 N5 !ma 048 5 .695 11 .036 1 0 7 0 7 0 7 20 min 0 12 -- 02 2 -.1721 2 0 1 0 1 21 N91 �ma .001 5 1 .001 1 1 .602 3 0 17 1 0 7 0 7 22 Imin -.6- 31 0 1 0i 0 1 23 _. N86 Ima p02 5 .001 1 .601 3 0 7 0 7 0 7 24 Imin 0 2 -.59 1 0 1 0 1 25 N3 ImaA 047 4 .191 15 .023 1 0 0 7 1 0 7 0 7 26 Imin 0 2 -.59 13 -.092 2 1 0 1 0 1 27 , 28 N90 mLA _001 5 .001 1 3 0 7 1 0 0 7 1 0 0 7 1 imin 0 3 -.563 13 :_565 0 29 N87 ma .002 5 .001 1 .564 0 7 0 7 0 7 30 min p 2 -,562 3 0 1 0 1 1 1 D 0 1 31 N89 ma .002 5 .001 1 .545 3 0 7 0 7 0 7 32 jmin _3 -.543 3 0 1 0 9 33 34 N88 _ma min 002 5 2 .001 -.542 1 31 .544 0 3 1 0 0 7Z 0 0 7 0 0 7 1 p 35 N 123 _;ma _ .002 5 .001 1 .538 I 3 0 7' 0 7 0 7 36 min 0 1 -_536 0 1 0 1 0 1 37 N4'max .049 5 i .78 1 .043 1 0 7 0 71 0 7 38 min p 3 -.5 6 12 -.168 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 39 N9 'ma .036 4p5 3 0 3 0 7 0 7 0 7 Imin 001 - 1 -,007 1 1 0 1 41 N36 'ma 049 5 97 3 .104 5 0 7 7 0 7 42 Imin 51 5 -.2 9 0 0 1 143 N40 na 044 5 $9 13 :071 0 7 0 7 0 7 44 imin 0 1 -.4 2 -.003 1 n! 1 Q 1 0 1 4 37 rnax �048 _ 1.305 13 -.38 i 5 __ 083__ -.2 I 5 0 7 0 7 0. 0 _ 1 46 min D 3 �� 0 1 47 N 16 4ma 044 5 .561 13 0 5 0 7 0 7 0 7 48 Imin -_01 3 -. 78 15 -.0 7 2 0 1 01 0 1 9 N2 Oa 047 5 .652 13 .052 1 4 0 41 7 0 7 0 7 50 Arnin -.001 3 - 369 2 - 2 D. 0 1 0 1 51 2 N7 ma nmin _ .047 p 5 .658 _.!. 3 - 366 2 .016 - 64 1 0 7 0 7 0 7 2 0 1 0 1 53 N24Tima ._046 4 1 .221 _l5 -.31 3 .038 3 0 7 0 7 0 54 -min -_ 0 i 0 1 0 1 1 0 1-0 1 55 N 17 +max .052 1 4 .109 2 .038 1 3 0 7 0 7 0 7 min --002 -.305 3 - 1 L. 1 1 0 0 1 57 N39 ;ma .047 .971 13 5 0 71 0 7 0 7 158 Imin Q 2 -.298 . -.1 0 0 1 0 1 59 N34 Ina _�__046 5 1 .985 13 -.228 1 5 -.015 - 38 7 0 0 1 1 0 0 7 1 1 0 0 7 6 ;min 0 3 1 61 N96 :'Max..00Z__i min 5 .001 11 0 -�_ 7 --139 5 1 0 7 0 7 0 74_ - 1 62 - 0 1 0 1 63 N95 �,max .002 5 D01 11 7 0 0 7 1 0 0 7 1 0 0 7 1 64 Imin 1 - 5 -.1 2 5 65 N124nax .002 5 .001 1 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 6 Amin p 1 -, 126 5 -.,127 0 1 0 1 Q 1 67 N97 max 002 1 5 .001 1 1 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 618 umin 0 1 1 -.11$ 5 -.118 1 5 0 1 a 1 69 N94 ma .002 5 .001 fl 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 70 jsmin 0 1 -.117 15 -118 5 0 1 0 0 1 71 N98 la .001 5 .001 1 0 7_ 0 7 0 1 0 _ 0 7 0 7 �1 0 0 7 1 7 7 Imin 1 -.Q91 -. 92 .5� _ 0 7 73 N99 rna .001 5 .001 11 1 7 0 RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 [EA ... \... \Sullaway - 21000 to 24999\23600\23661\23661 (10 bays).r3d] Page 3 18 of 21 SULLAWAY Engineering Nov 1, 2019 Envelope Joint Reactions Continued .1nin1 x rkl I f' Y N1 ! r 7 rlrl 11" AAV fb W i t nev M &I i t n47 M 41 1 r+ 74 1 min 1 1 --069 5 -.07 5 'I 0 1 0 1' 75 N35 ma Q49 1 4 1.007 3 1 .063 5 0 7 0 7 0 7 76 min 0 i 2 -.054 4 9 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 77 N93 ma 0 5 .001 1 1 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 78 jimin 0 1 - 4 - 5 0 0 0 1 _79 80 N100 ra 0 5 .001 - 0 1_ �0 _ -.016 7 0 7 0 _L 7_ 0 7 1 Imin 1- 5 5 0 1 0 1 0 81. 82 __N38 'ma irnin .,046 4 1.021 3 .041_ 5 0 .7 Q 7 0 7 1 .01 6 - 2 3 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 83 N111 fna ,046 4 1,25 13 . 83 5 Q 7 0 7 Q 7 84 min 0 6 .027 6 -.243 1 3 10 1 10 1 85 1 Totals: jrnaA 1.059 5 10.851 11 4.087 1 3 1 1 6 min 1 -7,7 7 2 0 1 Envelope RISC 15th 360-16 : LRFD Steel Code Checks 1 uc�]IrO M90_1 1/4" cable 039._ .0 7 Q 1 .005 Q 1 1 0 1.59-1 007 1" n .. up 2.381 H1-.. 91 114" ca 1 0 005 0 1 0 1 0 7 _.007 .007 2,382 H1-:. 3 M92 1/4" cable .065 0 5 .004 378.356 5 0 1.59 1 .007 .007 2.382 H1-.. 4 M93 14' cable .025 0 1 .005[378356 1 0 1.5 ' .007 . 7 2.381 H1-.. 5 M94 14' cable .307 0 3 •005,378.356 1 0 1.59 .007 .007 2,379 H1-.. 95 1 " gable_ _ 533 _ .559 21 _ O _ ,J 3. 0 _ 3 0 3 004 ,378.356 .004i378.356 005 78.3513 4 1_5-_ 007 1-.59 __007 . 1.59 07 .007 .007 -007 12 376 2.376 H1-.. H1-,. 7 M96 1/4" cable 5 _u 1 0 0 8 M97 1/4" cable 2.379 H1-.. 9 M145 M146 114"cable T063 0 - _ 5_-00051 0 3 0 •004:378.356 1 2 0 1.59 .007 .007 _0 7 2.382 12.375 H11, 1 --r- c 1/4" 596 0 1-59-.007 11 M165 1/4" cable I .604 135,765 3 .001 135,765 4 .002 1.59 _007 .007 12.039 12 M166 . 1 4" Cable .5 4 135,765 3 .001 135.765 3 002 1,59 ' .007 .O7 12.124 H1-., 13 M167 114" cab .502 135.765 3 .001 135.765 002 1.59 .007 .007 2.102 H1-.. 14 M1 114" cable_4 35.7 3 :001 135.765 .002 1 7 .007 112.147 N1--_ 15 16 M169 1 1/4" cable M170 114" cable 478 4 135,765 3 •001 .001 135.765 3 .002 2 _L59 1 59 007 .0 7 .007 2.151 H1-..1 1 -7 3 135.765 07 12.148 H1-.. 17 M171--' 1/4" cable M172 1/4" cable .503 135.7615 3 .001 135-765 3 .002 1.59 1- .007 .007 2.103 2.123 H1-.. IH1-., 18 135,765 3 .001 135.765 .0 ;p07 1 QO 19 2 M 17 1I_ 1.14"able M174 114" cable _604 135.765 135.765 3 1 .001 -001 135.765 135.765 5 4 .002 02 1.59 1 .007 J,52 .0 7 .007 2.038 IH1•.. .045 7 2-081 IH1-._ 21 M175 114" cable -105 135.765 1 5 .001 135.765 5 .002 1.59 .007 .007 2-101 IH1-_. 22 M176.. 114" oable .118 135.765 1 5 .001135.765 5 -002 J.59 007 007 2.0791H1•.. 23 M177 : 114" cable -124 35.765 1 5 .001 1135.765 5 .002 1-59 1 .00 .007 12.046 IH1-.. 24 M178 . 1/4" cable -113 135.76 .001 J135.765 5 .0021 1.59 1 ..QQ7 . 7 2.051 11H1-.. 25 M179- _- 1/4" cable .106 13 .765 5 .001 135.765 5 _002 1.59 007 .007 2.051 Hl- 26 M1K14" cable 135.7 .001 1135.7651 _ 5 .0021 _ 1.59 1 7 .007 2.078 IH1-., 2 le �063 M182 /4" cable 15 _135.765 135.7 5 5 -001 135.765 5 .002 1.59 I .007 .007 12.082 2.07 JH1­ 141-_ 28 5 .001 135.765 5 .002 .007 1,59 .007 29 M183 1/4" cable .097 0 1 1 .0081 0 1 0 1-59 .007 .0 7 12.381 H1-.. 30 M184 1 1/4" cable .1 4 .0081 1 0 1.59 7 2,381 H1-.. 31 M185 1 1/4" cable .115 0 1 .008 0 1 0 1.59 7 7 ,2.381 H1-.. 32 1 1/4" cable .104 0 .008] 0 1 1. 7 .007 123 811 H1 33 M187 1 114." cable .096 _ 0 �1 .008 600 1 0 1.5 .007 -007 2.381 H1-,. 34 M198:: J4"C $ 1 •008 1 7 7 2.381 H1-.. 35 M199 IM cable ..068_ 0 1 -008 0 1. 0 1.59 .007 .007 2-381 H1-.. EnveloAe AA ADM1-15: LRFD - Buildinci Aluminum Code Check Member ShWe _ Cade C e.Qk Locjin L Shear ... L in ir_LC phi"Pn... hi"Pn .. i' i"Vn._. h'"Ean 1 M79 Maxi Tu. .931 , 0.__1 5 .040 1 0 5 1 .485 52-554._1.325 4.Q87 16.942 6.478 12... 1-1 _ M142 2. WOOD .693 = jD9.282! 3 .002 K09.2821 1 2.514 !20.97� .9�43 L9A,3 6.293 8.293 r2 .3- RISA-31D Version 17.0.4 [EA ... \... \Sullaway - 21000 to 24999\23600\23661\23661 (10 bays).r3d] Page 4 19 of 21 SULLAWAY Engineering Nov 1, 2019 Envelope AA ADM1-15: LRFD - Building Aluminum Code Checks (Continued ..MernOe.r h2Re .4OCheGk. -49"-% 0].LC Shear��c(141 �r LC phi•Pn... p i'PP-L Phi"M�],...Rh'l'M�t_-p-h.I�Vn,:..p.hi•Vn... Cb Eqn 3 M67 _2z_0000�.. .66 39.282 3 .003 d99,282 312.514 20.976 .947 j 947 6.293 6.293 2. 13 4M68 2.00000.. 3 99.252I 003 99.282 2. 14 .97 46 6 293, _ 6-293.2.. 3- 5 M74 JIMAXI TUJ .617 0 2 .029 1_ D 2 .485 52.554 1 5 4.087 16-942.6,478 '2 -= !.1-1 6 M80 IV1AX1 T� .616 0 13 0 z 4 2. 4 1.325 3.924 16.94 478 7 RAI'aA IIMAYI TI I I Anti n 1 Q nnc I n Io -yen-- - 8 Ml 34A MAXI TU.. 443 0 15 0 3 .749 2 554 1. .8 4*186AM".1-1 6-47 1... .1-1 9 M187A MAXI Tu.. .420 18 5 .047 0 5 48.385 58.168 1.735 5.183 6.478 1... IH.1-11 10 M1 MAXI TU.. 1 1 5 .047 ' 0 8.385 58.16 1.7 5.1 11 M137 37 MAXI TU- 402 78 3_ .013 0 3 �2.923 1 923 58.168 8.1 1,735 17 5,183 .183 1-8.683i 1 .6 31 6.478 1..T .478 - - .1.1 -1 1 1 MAXI TU._ .394 3 _; .013 0 RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 [EA ... \... \Sullaway - 21000 to 24999\23600\23661\23661 (10 bays).r3d] Page 5 20 of 21 SULLAWAY Engineering Nov 1, 2019 Envelope AA ADM1-15: LRFD - Building Aluminum Code Checks Continued Member Shane rnde Chpnk I nnlinl I C:.rhi%w I nr-Iin1 17ir I (: nhi•Pn nhi•Pnt nhi*Mn nhi*Alin nhi•k►n nhAln rh Pmn 2 M1 1A MAXI Tu.. .253 _1_8^ 5 .031 0 1 v 54$.38 5 58A 1.735 5.183 18.683 6.47 63 M2 0 IMAXI TU-1 251 0 2 .039 1155,7.,1 z 2 3-241 j58.168 1.735 5.037 118.6831 6.478 .2...IH.1-1' M198A IMAXI TU... .24 0 2 .040 .155.7.,. 2 3-241158,158 .735 5.021 18.683 6.47 11.. 0.1-1 65 M195 IMAXI TU.. .249 1155 7..: 5 .049 0 1 z 313,241 158-16$ 1.735 5.076 18,683 6A78 2••.1H-1-1 6 M 90A IMAXI TU.., .24 .00 0 . z 4 12.923158.168 1.735i 5.183 18-683. 6.478 67 M144A IMAXI TU..,. TU-.[ .244 138.664 5 .033 18,6641 y 5 13 16.676:_58.�6$ 1.68515Z554 1.735_5.183 1.325 4.3 18.683 16.92 6.478 6.478 2••.-H•1-1 2••.IH•1-1 68 MJ8IMAXI 5 1 .028 1 0 z 69 M151 2.000OD.. .238 Q 3 .023 0 4 7.926 20.976 .963 .963 6.293 6.293 2... .3- _ID M1 IMAXI TU..1 .237 180 15 1 zL2L 1.685 52.554 1. 4. 4 1 .942 6.47 •2- flJ-t 71 M197 MAXI Tu.. .235 155.7,. 04g 0 z 3 3.241 '58.168 1.7 5 4.91 18.683 6.478 1•.. -1 1 72 M13Q 2-000oD-. 1 0 3 22 : 120 21 20.976 .924 24 6,2 16.2932 ... IH.3- 73 M11 MAXI TUA 233 0 2 .027 1 0 z 3 1.685 .52.554 1.325 4.237 16.9421 6-478 1-•• M25 MAXI TU.. .233 7 0 z 1 .1 7 t... .1-1 75 M116 :2.0000D.. 231 0 3 023 0 7 1 0 z 4 7.926 20.976 .963 963 6.293 6.293 12... 1H.3-3 11.--',H.1-1 7 9 IMAXI TU-. . 7 4 12.92 1.7 5.183 8.683 6.478 77 M115-2.o0ooD_, M152-A M77A -23Q -0� 3 .025• - 0 -• 14 .021 +38.664 � 5 .02 - j 01.2_, -y-1 5 .00 z. 7.926 .20.976 .962 .962- 6.293 6.293. z-•-IH•3-� 11 3 4 8 2 . .1-i' 16.942.,..6,478 1�1 1 _ 81 6-47 l...IH.1-1 7 79 MAXI TU... MAXI TU..l 22 1681Fi8a1 3 .222 1 D 5 16.67 1 8 1.348 152.554 8.531 .5$.16 1.735 1.325 4.166 80 M4 IMAXI Tu..' .222 96 14 1.7 .144 81 M2 IMAXI TU-1, -221 78 15 .007 0 z 4 12-923.58.168 1.7 5.183 18.683 6.478 1.•.IH.1-1 M36 IMAXI TU.., .221 7 5 .007 z 4 12. 23i 8. 68 1,73 .5.183 18.683 6.47 1 .• 1-t $3 M7 IMAXI TU.. .221 0 2 14 0 1 z . 2 1.685 :52.554 1.325 1 4.34 16.942 6A78 2•.-iH.1-1 84 M19 IMAXI Tu... .221 78 4 z 4 12.923'58.168 1 18.683 6.478 8 86 M23 M 2 IMAXI TU-., .219 IMAXI TU.., 217 96_14 9 ! , .007 1 0 007 0 z 4 z i 4 8.531 8.531 158.168 161168 1.735-1 1.735, 5,144 5,144 18.6831 6A78 18.683 6.478 11.31.1-1 87 M79A IMAXITU.. .21.4 '.213 1 120 13 Q09 110 z, 3 3.792 52.554 1.325 4,463 16.942, 6-47$ 2...H.11 88- M1 MAXI Tu., E39.504 3 .022 0 y. 3 3.241 58.1 .7 4,813 18. 83: 6.478 89 M81 IMAXI Tu.. .212 0 13 .009 0 z 3 3.792 52.554 1.325 4.438 16.9421 6-478 12• • .1-1 RO M143 IMAXI TU-.; -212 �)9-5041 3 .022 5 .241 1.5 .16 1.735 813 18.683! 6.47 91 M33 MAXI TU..1 .210 1 96 14 .007 0 z 4 8.531 5$.168 1.735 5-144 18.683 78 1_.. -1-1 1 MAXI TU.., .210 9 4 .0 7 z 4 1$ 168 1.735 44 1_ 47 1... .1.1 93 94 M136A MAXI TU.. .2p$ i g5 3 0�.0-_I 180 021 180 V 12 52.554 1.325 4. 11 16.942 6.478 1••-0.1-1 1...H-1-1 M140 MAXI TU-.1 .207 95 3 v j 5 _1,685 1.685 1.52.554 1-325 14.01716.942 6.47 95 96 M146A M2 MAXI TU. � =205 E38-664 MAXI TU-, 198 0 5 5 _ -026 016 138,664 0 5 16.676158.168 1.735 1-325 5.183 18.683 6 478 2 • IHA-1 z 5. 3.792152.554 4:516 16.942 647 2...iH.1-1 97 M17 MAXI TU..1 .197 120 5 .018 120 z 5 3.792 152.554 1.325 4.506 16.942; 6.478 12..IH 1-1 98 M21 MAXI TU.., 197 12 .018 110 Z13 3-792 152.554. 1.325 4.466 16.942, QA78 2-•- 1-1 99 M20 MAXI TU.. .196 1 0 15 .039 110 z 13 3-792 52.554 1.3251 4-442 16.942 6A7 2.. H.1-1 100 M8 MAXI TU..' .189 1 180 12 .011 180 : z : 3 1,6551-52-554 1 3251 4.438.16.9421 4 13..-IH.1-1 101 M155 MAXI TU.., _188 �99-504 2 .019 0 12 3.241 158.168 1.735 1 4-808 18-683'- 6.478 1... IH.1-1 102 M161 MAXI TU..; .188 a9,504 ___Qlg 0. V.2 3.241 1.73514.809 18.683 6.472 1• • .1-1 103 04 M157 M1 SA MAXI TU.. 187 9 504 2 3 .02Q 1 0 ;..y.- 2. • .018 138,664 v 3 3.24.1 :58.168 1.735 1.4.809 18.683' 6.478 1... .1-1 MAXI TU.. .186 38.66 1 _. 7 6 1.735 15.183 18.6 6 47 2... Tl-1 105 M150A MaXITu••1 .184 38.664 ; .181 5.918 3 _.022 38.664.-y- 3 .023 1 0 4 16.676i58,.168 926 '20 976 1.735 5.183 IM831 6.478.2--•iH-1 1 10 11712.0000D., 3 _ 1 .2 9 3IE2:9:j 1... .3- 107 M114 2.0000D.. 181 55-918 3 .022 1 0 4 7.926 ;20.976 -951 { .951 6.293 &293 1...' .3- 1 M10 MAXI TU..I .181 -03 0 z 3 3.792 52.554 1.325 4.526 16.942 7 2... .1-1 109 M42 MAXI TU.. .169 96 4 -006 0 z 4 8.531 i158.168 1.735 5.144 18.6831 6.47 1... .1-1 110 M6 MAX! Tu.. .1 10 z 792 '52.554 1.325 4.472 1 - 47 ;2...0 1.1-1 1.11 112 M44 IMAXI TU., .165 96 4 .005 1 0 lz 14 8_5331 `58,-168 1.735_!, 5.144 18.6831 1 6.478 78 .1... 1... .1-1 .1-1 153 IMAXI TU..J, .160 026 0 v 2 3.241 F58.1681 1.7351 4.82 113 M159 IMAXI TU..I 160 39,504 2 2 ...026 1 0 2 3.241 58.168 1.7351 4.82 1&683 6.478 11... .1-1 114 M201 MAXI Tu.. 1 0 ' .023 1 0 z 12 34.841158,168 1.735 1 5.183 18.683 6.478 11 1-1 115 M199A IMAXI TU.. .158 0 12 23 1 0 1 z 12 34.841 58.168 1-735 5.183 1168 .478 1-• 1H.1-1 116 M50 IMAXI TU..I 157 2 01 4_$41 8.1 8 1.73 1 1 .6 6.478 t--.' -1-1 117 M56 IMAXI TU-. .157 45.5 2 .012 45.5 2 34.841.58.168 1.735 5.183 18,6831 6.478 1$ M1 4 IMAXI Tu.., 157 03 45. _ 34, 411 8.1 1,735 83 18.683, 6 47 .1-.-H-1-1 119 M 102 IMAXI TU..i 152 1 0 .015 0 5 34-841158.168 1.735 5.183 18.683- 6.478 120 M12 IMAXI TU -, 149 180 2 _-_02..8 _ 180 _ z.-,3 . 1-,685 52 5541 1 -325-' 4 223 1 .942 6A78 RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 [EA ... \... \Sullaway - 21000 to 24999\23600\23661\23661 (10 bays).r3d] Page 6 21 of 21 SULLAWAY Engineering Nov 1, 2019 Envelope AA ADMI-15.- LRFD - Buildinci Aluminum Code Checks ( Q u G n Lin e d) Member Shane Cade Check 1. ned i n1 I r Q%hiftm r I nrlini pir I r' nhi*Pn nhi*Pnf nh!*Rfin nhi*AAn nhlHWn mhArn f%.K r- 121 122 M52 M54 MAXI IMAXI TU.. 148 .147 45,5 45,6 2 2 �008 - A-5-5 1 008 45-5 v . 2 34.841 58.16F 5 =.5 5 '18 3 '186831"6'.478 ' 1,.. H 34.841168.1U 1.7351 5.183 18,68316.478 1...IH.1- 123 12_4_ M138A _M 1 IMAXI Tu.. j .147 45. 4 2 -008 45.5 oz8­5-- 34.841158.168 1.735 5.183 1&683 6.478 '.2 00001D.., I--- .139 -Y- I - --4- . 7.926:20.9761 .964 293 125 M9 MAXI TU.. j .139 1 60 12 018 0 z 3 3.792 152.554 1.325 4.24 41 J.Q942 6.478dl... H.1-1� 126, M192 2.0000D-j .130 55.91813 024 4 7.926 120.976 _935 9375 67 UA 2 �T&29 127 M191 2-000OD-1 .139 0 5. .02 1 0 120.976 .963 .963 6.293 1123 M78 IMAXI TU..[ .137 201 2 -2 014 1 0 ly-2 1.348 52,554 1.325- 4.387 116.942 6.478 '3 - 129 M13 IMAXI TU..1 '136 0 2_91 5--i !-2Ll 1 0 z.. 3 3- V 12 3.792. 52.554 1.3251 4.518 16 - �942. 18-683'6-478 :2- H 130 M140A MAX] TU..j .128 10 2 .051 48.385158.168 1135 � 5.183 131 M103 IMAXI TUA - .127 �55--09181 L .011 -0-2--4- 0 v 13134.841 58.168 1,7351 5.18T 18.683 6,478.1 J.1-1-1. AJY M193 2. 0 60-0 D.. 1 L4 . P5 91812 155.9181 14 7-9�6:20.976 .962 1 �962 93. 6�293 2...H.1-1 133 M 5 ._IMAXI M118 TU.. .123 71-�2 �55�9181 f 0 12 -- -L .019 022 0 z 79252.55 .325 1 -- - -�-4,449 .954 954 --5,2 16 - a42 ' 6.293 2- .1.1 6A78 - 2- 6,293 1 1341 :2.0000D- 0 _av 4 7.92 -4, 20.9761 135 M121 :2.000013- .121 �155-918'2 02 4 7.926 120.976 .954 1 .9rA 6.293 6.293 136 M59 IMAXI Tu.. .119 10-2 .054 1 0 v 5 .-48.385i58.168 1.73� 5 183-18.6016,478 2-- -14 137 M87 MAXI Tu.. j _11_a 0 13 .053 1 1.0 V 15 48.385158.168 1.735 5.183 18-6831 (3.478 1 I _3 139 M60 M63 MAX I TU.A MAXI TU.. .110 .114 1 10 0 c -T3 1 12 .050 009 o4q 0 V 1 0 v lo v 2 5 12 -48.385158.168 :25.524 48,385 58.168 58,168 1.735 1-735!L5_183 - - 7 1.735 .18 5--l-I 15 18.1 B-6831 6,418 118.6831.6. - -5 �F�47 T6 -18.683 6.47B 2.- 1 2- 1-1 -1-1-1 1401 M144 MAXI TU.. J14 141 142 M16 MAXI TU., .113 .112 1 120 15 .030 120. z 3 3.792 52.554 1.325 4.453 16-942 6-478 18,683 6.478 2... 2- HA-1 H.1-1. MAXI TU... 1 0 '3 .048 10 1 v 2 48385 5U68 1,735 15.183 143 M64 IMAXI TU.. j .112 1 0 12 .007 55-51 V 13 25,524 58. 168 1.7351 5.183 186831 6-478 H. 1A, 144 M105 MAXITU.. 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J-1-1 &6831 6.478 11 1-4 1 1 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 [EA ... \ ... \Sullaway - 21000 to 24999\23600\23661 \23661 (10 bays).r3d] Page 7 Permit Number: BSPN2019-0022 Applied:11/14/2019 Approved: Issued: Finaled: Status: UNDER REVIEW Parent Permit: Parent Project: Details: 50 X 90 CANOPY TENT WITH 250-300 OCCUPANCY COUNT. Description: LA QUINTA RESORT TED TALK / 4500SF TENT Site Address: 49499 EISENHOWER DR City, State Zip Code: LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Applicant: LINDA JEKINS - TAMME INC. dba SIGNATURE PARTY RENTALS Owner: KSL DESERT RESORT Contractor: <NONE> SENT DATE RETURNF7 DATE LIST OF REVIEWS DUE DATE TYPE CONTACT STATUS REMARKS Review Group: ALL 1ST BLDG NS (1 WK) BUILDING BUCKET Notes: 1ST FIRE (1 WK) FIRE BUCKET Notes: Printed: Thursday, 14 November, 2019 1 of 1 0WW9V* Awl 1W