05335 (SFD) Compaction Report,g. •LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Consultants August 30, 1989 Project No., 5890609=01 " To: Chazan Construction Co. 72-757 Fred Waring Drive _ PalmDesert, California 92260 Subject: Report of Compaction Test Results, Building Pads'; 46-381, 46-415,' 46=441•9 46-515, 46-541. and 46-440 Roudel Lane, La Quinta,•California At your request, • we. have performed thirty compaction tests on' the near surface soils at the subject sites. The,test results and approximate test locations are detailed on the attached.sheets (Figures'l and 2). The maximum density and optimum moisture were determined as per ASTM Test•Method D1557-82.• The, field density tests were performed with a nuclear, densometer in accordance with ASTM Test Method D2922-82 and.a sandcone in accordance with'ASTM Test Hethod D1556-82. The scope of .our work was to perform compaction tests only and no. to provide soil foundation engineering recommendations. Our services were performed after the bu'ilding.pads were•completed. The scope of our work did not include observing the grading operation during:placement of fills to check•.#or uniformity of materials used, construction methods, etc. •' Therefore, we cannot make any statement about conditi'ons.below'or beyond our test locations. s Should you have any•questions regarding this report, please contact us. Respectfully submitted; :. LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES,.INC. Douglas. E. Stephenson Brent J. Ing ram, RCE 40.64 Field Supervisor Chief .Engineer/Manager DES/BJI'/cwm Distribution: (3) Addressee Enclosures: Figures l and 2, Compaction Test Summary. .Figures 3-8, Sketches 74-240 HIGHWAY ill, PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 (619) 568-0993 FAX (619) 341-7490 LEIGHTON Mand ASSOCIATES, INC. •, 74-240 Highway 111, Palm Dese.rt, CA.. .92260 PROJECT 5890009-01 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test' No Test` Date Test .. Location Soil ,Type. Comments" and Test Elev. Dry Dens., pcf Moisture,% Relative Compaction Field Maximum Field Opt. 1989 1 4%18. 46-441 -Roudel Lane A *F.G.=2'± 109.3 110.0 -10..9 13.5- -99 2 F.G. `: 100.8 12.4 92 3 F.G.-0.51± 105.9 11.1 96 4 F.G.-1.51± 106.1. 9.6 96 5 F.G. 108.3 W 8.6 98 1 4/21 46-440 Roudel Lane B F.G.-11± 116.4 127.0. 8.8 9.3 92 2 I 118.5 7.6 . 93 3 F.G. 11.6.6 9.6 92 4 F.G.-0.51± 115.4 9.7 91 5 'A F.G.-1.5'± 99.8 110.0 10.1 13.5 91 1 46-515.Roudel Lane h 99.7 10`.1" 91 2 100.3 9.8 91 3 F:.G. - 106.7 10.6 97 4 F.G.-1.51± 100.6 9.6 91 5 102.5 9.9 93. J /25 46-541 Roudel Lane 101.2 13.6 92 2 100.7 9.1 92 3 F.G. 107.9. 8.4 98 4 F.G.-1.5'± 105:8. 11.1 96 5 F.G.-1.51± 100.6'- 14.9 91 Field density tests were performed in accordance with ASTH D2922-82 and AST1•i D1556-82 *F.G. = Finish Grade Maximum densities and optimum moistures. were determin;ed,in accordan--e with ASTM D1557-82 Figure`1" LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES, INC. .74-240 Highway 111, Palm Desert, CA. 92260 PROJECT 'SM060.9-01.1 SUMMARY OF. FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No Test Date Test Location soil Type Comments and Test Elev. Dry Dens., pct -.Moisture,% Relative Compaction Field Maximum field Opt,. 1989` 1 4/25 46-381 .Roudel Lane A F.G. 106.7 1.10.0 11.9 13.5 97 2 F.G.=1.5'± 107.6 14.2 98 3 103.7 14.1 94 4 100.5 9.2 91 5 NV 106.5 14.7. 97 1 5/8 46-415 Roudel Lane 102.1 1.1.4 92 2 7 10.4.6. 9.9 95 3 F.G.-0.5'± 102.0 11.2 92 4 F.G. 107.5 7.1 97 5 F.G.-0.51± 102.5 12.0 93 Field density tests were performed in accordance with HSIi•i U�yll-i3Z and AS [H 01556-a3L '*F.G. = Finish Grade •Maxi•mum .densities and optimum moistures were determined in accordance with ASTM D1557-82 Fiqure 2 1. T f � � � � - � �