PR 2010-36a P.O. Boa 1504 " LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLF_ TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 March 29, 2011 Mr. Nolan Sparks T.D. Desert Development L.P. PO Box 1716 La Quinta, CA 92247 (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY REVIEW - PR 2010-036 - T T r,,i 36349 LOT 60, TR 27840 - RANCHO LA QUINTA Sl1LES OFFICE u Dear Mr. Sparks: Staff has reviewed.the above subject proposal, based or the preliminary review request and plan submittals of December 14, 2010. At this tirne. u.1c offer 'preliminary comments for .your consideration. The purpose of a preliminary review is to provide the C;gv's .varioi..is development review departments an opportunity to assess a potential p ojc>.i is prelin-:in�!ry concept plans: to provide general comments and identify any fatal iidws ur :'itg6ficant cin..^ic -i issues prioi to a formal application submittal. Consequently, this lett'r not all inciu_.ive in terms of identifying every review item associated with this proj,c:. "hese comments are intended only to provide conceptual design guidance and qn not represent a; ,—,:i pIete' tE:chnical design. review. They are subject to charille due to indivirlu:�l site and povert conditions, timing of the formal application subminaL City policy and code revisions, etc. They shall not be considered final and.ior all encompassing.. -More detailc,d review would occur in the future, with the formal application reviclw✓ process. EXISTING CONDITION` The site is.app mxnately 0.35 acres, can.sisli;ccf orlc ^...-P-I (Lo! 6 ) ' j thin TR `:' ,e1�-. It is. internale to the Rancho La Quinta gatr;d cLarnri"tunir✓., :iz-...ated s,lor g tl-:c south SICM- of Rancho La Quinta Drive, west of Cascaclas C; rc.le. The `;Ic is currently built Oc.It tivi-h' a residential duplex structure, and detached ,garage, Lot Fi' , adjacent . on the. east. 'is developed with 'landscaping and- parking improvements. The site 's currently a dLIplex condo unit being.used for an L-.. ,-site re-salc`:s office and H ,A office. There is no approval on file that can be fot.ind f.,; t nese uses, ano no addre,:s Tile exists for 79275 Rancho La .Quinta Drivc, which. is ,th -, stat��ri ��r the prA!i�r�inary review application as filed,. PROPOSAL condominium parcel, and create two separate B-occuprancy units from the residential duplex structure. One unit would be an ancillary office for the overall Rancho La `Quinta HOA, while the other would serve as an on-site sales office specifically- .for Rancho La Quinta residential properties. LAND USE AND ZONING CONSISTENCY The current land use is designated under the La Quinta General Plan as Low Density Residential (LDR), Up to 4 units per acre. The underlying zoning is Low Deisity Residential (RL), with a specific plan overlay. The site is within the Residential Specific Plan (RSP) overlay for Planning Area I of the Rancho La Quinta . Specific Plan, which allows "single family detached, dwellings, single family attached dwellings, town homes. condominiums, and including residential and golf supporting maintenance and office. uses. Based on the language in the specific plan, the proposed use as a homeowner association office could be considered a residential and golf supporting maintenancE and office use related to the Rancho La Quinta operations. However, a residential real estate sales office use does not appear to be consistent with the intent of the specific plan language, and is not 'a permitted use under the base RL zoning. Temporary model home complexes, real estate sales offices and related signage may be established if a minor use permit is approved, but this would only be on a temporary basis, and the complex must be used solely for the original sale of new homes, which does not apply to Rancho.La Quinta. You will need to request a formal determination on the proposed real estate office use from the Planning Director, as specified in the Rancho La Quinta Spe•_ific Plan under Section 3.1.1.B (Permitted Uses) for Planning Area I, prior to making any other formal application(s) to the City for this proposed use. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS The following application requirements currently apply to this proposal. These applications are on the Planning Department we'bpage of our City website, at www.la-c.uinta.org. A fee discount of 50%- applies to all applications subsequent to the most expensive application (excluding any environmental review fees). Staff has made a preliminary determination that this project would .not be subject to review under the California Environmental Quality. Act (CEQA). However, a final. determination -will not be made until the project'has been formally submitted. • A Specific Plan Amendment application .may be required to allow the use as proposed, absent a determination on the real estate office use as discussed in the preceding section. The application fee would be' $4,000.00. • . A Tentative Parcel Map' (TPM) application, for condominium. purposes, would be required, with a fee of $1,0,00.'00.'(.a 50% reduction of this fee would apply. if a Specific Plan . Amendment application is required). All materials rsquired by the corresponding application, and as stated: in this Letter, shall be filed. This includes complete, detailed architecture, civil, ,landscaping and. other plans as may be required by the application, unless specifically waived by one or more City Departments. Please include a copy of this letter with the application and accompanying mat rials: - The :following studies,may be required if. the proposal will', involve .more ,tFia.n .land : use approval; as they could be triggered by tenant improvements for occupanc•/ changes: ➢ Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) ➢ Hydrology/Drainage report conforming to City Engineering Bulletin 06-16 Please contact Public Works to discuss the extent of any requirements fcr WQMP and/or Hydrology/Drainage studies. While .the proposal is to . allow certain lanc uses, physical modifications may be necessary to accommodate these uses, which may trigger the need to prepare these reports/studies. Staff may require updated information, based on more detailed review of any formal application(s). Please review all application forms carefully to address the required info-mation, and be sure to provide for each item in its entirety. Please' feel free to contact this office with any questions about the application requirements as you prepare formal plan sets. BUILDING AND SAFETY /. FIRE DEPARTMENT It is' strongly suggested that you meet with Building and Fire Department staff to discuss this proposal in more detail, specifically related to ADA requirements, occupancy, separation and sprinkler requirements of the 2011 California Green Building Code, and latest Uniform Building and Fire Codes. Please contact Greg Butler, Building and Safety Manager, La Quinta Building and Safety at 760-777-7012, as well as Jason Stubble, Fire Safety Specialist with Riverside County Fire, at 760-863-8886. j4,. -A ale e: PLANNING DEPARTMENT,�ir C4 , 1.4 General comments - There are several clarifications that will need to be addressed, based on the plan information provided. • What is the current use of the existing garage? • Are. there any overhead or other structures in the patio area shown? • Is the hatched area shown at what appears to be a pedestrian access (jest south of Lot X) representative of a hardscape treatment, and are there any structural improvements . beyond the wall and pilasters as shown? Tentative Map Plan Set — Please review the Tentative Parcel Map' application form in detail,. to ensure that all of the required plan information. and sheet' requirements. are addressed. In addition: • Please note that the following Tentative Parcel Map application requirements are tentatively waived for the initial application submittal, based on theproposal as. currently presented. However, -this does' not preclude any listed item from being required post -submittal as part. of 'completeness review, due to changed application circumstances," etc., or if. determined necessary and pertinent, to processing of the application: Proposed Development Plan sheet requirements; ➢ Preliminary Landscape Plan sheet; ➢ Traffic Study; ➢ All Supplemental Reports/Studies/Exhibits specifically listed • Show only current property lines of record as distinguished from other land actions. It is unclear how the property lines established by LLA 08-490 relate to the boundaries for Lots 60 and 61. Provide all property and ROW dimensions, • Lot 61 shall be incorporated into the boundaries of any tentative map; as the parking improvements are related to the primary use and must be on the same parcel as the primary use. Any fees quoted herein do .not .include 'costs such as' plan checking, permit fees, bond requirements and other potential fees not identified herein. More 'spec'ific'-information can be obtained by contacting individual City Departments. City applicatior forms may be downloaded through our website, at www.la-'quinta.org. As a reminder, this letter is hot an all-inclusive listing_ of every potential ssue associated with this project. These comments are intended only to provide co-iceptual design guidance and do not represent the more thorough, detailed technical design review that would occur with .the formal application review process. All comment-: are subject to change due to individual site and project conditions:,*. timing of the formal application submittal, City policy and code revisions, etc. They shall not be considered final and/or all encompassing. Should you have questions regarding this letter, please contact the undErsigned at 760- 777-7069 or via e-mail at wnesbit@la-quinta.org. 'Very truly yours, Wallace -,H. Nesbit Principal Planner c: Lloyd Watson, Watson Engineering Jason Stubble, Riverside County Fire Greg Butler,, Building and Safety Manager Ed Wi•mmer, Principal Engineer David Sawyer; Planning Manager