0100 (SFD) Compaction ReportZ> EB 'Enalneers'lnl. 173 1 -A WALTER STREET VENTURA, CA L I FO R N 1A 93003 PHONE (805) 642-6727 83-4-238 April 29, 1983 Job No. B -13378-P1 Bruce Halton, 51-890 Ave Villa LaQuinta,.CA 92253 Subject: 53-46'OAve. Rubio RECEIVED MAY 2' LaQuinta, CA Compaction Report Gentlemen: On -Apr * U 14, 1983 a representative of,our firm performed density tests on,the fill placed in ' the building area on the.above referenced project. Tests were performed at random Locations in accordance with ASTM 2922-78 and ASTM 3017-78 Nuclear Den- sity Test Procedure. Tests performed as per authorization of Bruce Halton. The estimated Locations of the tests are presented on the.attached plan with their results being s ' ummariz.ed on the attached test report.sheet. A total of two (2) density tests were performed. Test.resuLts indicate that a minimum of ninety percent (90%) of relative. compaction has been obtained within the areas tested. The maximum density optimum moisture was determined in the Laboratory in accordance with ASTM D 1557-78, Method A, five (5) layer curve. Classification Maximum Density -Optimum Moisture Light gray silty fine sand 106.9 13.6 VENTURA LANCASTER (80 5) 642.6727 (8 0 5) 948.7538 THOUSAND OAKS BAKERSFIELD (805) 495-8484 (60-5) 327.5150 SANTA BARBARA PALM SPRINGS SAN LUIS OBISPO (805) 966-9912 (714) 328.9131 (805p544.6187 I / 83-4-238 April 29, 1983 Job No. B -13378-P1 LIMITATIONS The backfilling and compacting, operations were completed at the time our personnel . were called to the site. The test results summarized in this report represent the moisture and density only at the location and depth tested on the specified date... The summarized field and laboratory tests were performed in accordance with engineering principles gener- ally accepted at this time and location. No opinion is expressed as to the uniformity of the material, compaction nor the adequacy of the material to perform its intended .function. No guarantee or warranty of the contractors work is made or implied. Respectfully submitted, BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. Reviewed and. Approved Norman G. Jacks ,. Jr. Orman G. Hallin C. E. 7370. NGJ/NGH/pji Copies: 2 - Bruce Halton 2 - City of La Quinta 2 - P. S. File 1 - Vta. File - REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS ti } t Job No. -B -13378-P1 CONTRACTOR: ' I DATE: Aprit 29, .198.3 Report No. 83-4-238 ADDRESS: JOB & LOCATION: 53-460 Ave. Rubio, La Quinta, CA TEST NO, DATE - DESCRIPTION % MOISTURE DRY DENSITY RELATIVE MAXIMUM TESTED + - IN PLACE IN PLACE COMPACTION .,DENSITY 1 4/14/83 0.5 from grade 13.6 97.1 91 106.9 2 4/14/83 1. 0 from grade 15.3 96.6: 90 106.9 f , 1 ` WE CERTIFY THAT THESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH' COPIES: I r' r' BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. ' i NORMAN G. HALLIN, C.E. 7370 BUENA ENGINEEKINC. VENTUM, CAUFOONA 93003 (805) 642-6727 TO THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: DATE. 0-3 DATE. JOB, NO. -3 I QQATION ..TR.C-r'OR 0- OWNER Oecl-ffel- WEATHER TEMP. 0 at AM Oat PM PRESENT AT SITE COPIES To 7L� - 10 SIGNED