SBA 1995-334W MEMORANDUM . CASE: cj5-33y Locations): Xi.E. Request(s): clK c� Your setback adjustment application is hereby approved, subject *to the following conditions: Conditions: 1. Obtain a building permit from the Building and Safety Department. 2. The other Zoning Code provisions shall be met. 3.. If ground excavation is required, please contact Underground Service Alert (USA) at 1-800-422-4133. The service is free of ,charge provided USA is given at least two working days' notice. 4. Additional Conditions: After review it was determined that: 1..' This adjustment is consistent with the intent and purpose of 'the Zoning ordinance. 2: There are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify approval of the adjustment. These circumstances are': Si1� ►�� r Than} ,you for /yCur cooperation. Sin "el uev�lopment Department Attachments c: rtment Building and:;`Safety:�Depa" 7U-1 OG CA, '.' E ESTA00 -- LA OUIN-rA,:.CAUF(. _,,' lA 92253 - (6191 56-1-22-.16 CASE NO: CITY OF LA QUI14TA FEE: $100.00 PLAIIIIING & DEVL•'LOPME14T DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR SETDACK ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: Submit this form with two copies of a scaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of the request. A nonrufundablu fee of 1100 is required when the ApplicaLion is subniiLred:.._ Ch,: JCk IIiu:jL be make payable to the "City of La QuinLil". If the Applicant is not the owner of Lhe property, a leLter.. must b submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to.,execute . 01i.--., c10cw11011c in his behalf. Krtx'A7rAA..A'KAAAA,xAx.r PLEASE PRINT Olt TYPE.- APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR: YPE APPLICANT/CONTRAC`1'OR: STERLING HOMES DATL•: 7/19/95 CONTACT PERSON (IF A. 1). "SKIP" L1:IJCli, II P11014L G -1.9/S64-11366 MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0. DOX 450 LA QUINTA CA 92253-0,150 (Address) (City) (::Lace) (Zlip) OWNER'S NAME: STERLING HOMES PIlOjjE G19/564-1866 MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 450. LA QUINTA CA 92253-0-150 (Address) (City) (SLatc) ('Gip) STREET ADDRESS OF PROPEIZTY: 53485 AVENIDA.RUBIO, LA QUINTA LEGAL DESCIZIPTIO14 OF PROPERTY: LOT p 11 BLK 184 TRACT SANTA CANj-1.1_1_CTA ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NURDER: 774-072-021 ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED:* REAR LINE AND NORTH SIDEYARD LINE SETBACK FOR POOL (WATER LINE) FROM 5' TO 3' REASON FOR REQUEST: DUE TO SMALL LOT - TO ACCO1010DATE POOL (Sl -:'E AT i'ACI IIID SKETCH) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A * A A * * * A * A j% * * * * * or It A * A * * * * *.* * *'A * * * * * * * x x A' * A A A A A A A A x x JUSTIFICATION: No request for -a ..Setback Adjustment shall be granted unless•it is determined that it is consistent with the intend and purpose of this Ordinaneei that there are special circumstances applicable to LhL! property,- including such factors as size, shape,' -.topography, location or surroundings. that justify the approval of the adjustment of the setljack requirement, and that - the adjustment will not "be.* detrimental to Lhc! health, safety, and general welfare of the community or be detrimental to property in the area of the parcel for which the adjustment is rucjuesccd. A K** K A A*** A* K A A****** N K A* K A'rt A**** K_* K A** A ANA* it K A******* x K A A A AA' A K K A A A A A A' A' N W x FORM. 013/CS I, POOL DESIGN FOR: _PAUL_ & DOR_EN_E RE_A_SH i� 53485 AVENDIDA RUBIO Q� �P G POOL PLAN - PR' l EXISTING PATIO .SGORELINES } NEW I. POOL II A/C DECK 0`L & ���• -METAL SCREEN FENCE' FENCE I �Q' NOTE: POOL TILE S� DN-80 6'•X 6" LIGHT --SKIMMER . ROPERTY LINE J = POOL ,i EQUIP. 31_sl PEEP LIGHT . WATER RETURN - �. METAL ' WATERRETUR .. N . r• M I: � DRAIN–� YSCREE 12"RAISED BOND BEAM FENCE WATERFALL PLANTER NOTE: Sco \ SEAT FENCE ALL POOL DIMENSIONS \ / ARE APPROXIMATE . 4 JETS l— – -- – PROPERTY LINE PI ANTFR