2019 11 21 Council & PC Joint Special Meeting - Hwy 111 Corridor PlanCITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA NOVEMBER 21, 2019 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 1 of 1 NOTICE AND CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND TO THE CITY CLERK: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the La Quinta City Council is hereby called to be held on Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at La Quinta City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 for the following purpose: BUSINESS SESSION 1. RECEIVE AND FILE HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR PLAN AND DISCUSS IMPLEMENTATION ACTIONS Dated: November 18, 2019 Linda Evans LINDA EVANS, Mayor Attest: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, do hereby declare that the foregoing notice for the Special Joint Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, on November 21, 2019 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51321 Avenida Bermudas and 78630 Highway 111 on November 18, 2019. MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA NOVEMBER 21, 2019 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 1 of 2 AGENDA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2019, AT 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER – City Council and Planning Commission ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ROLL CALL: Commissioners: Bettencourt, Currie, Libolt-Varner, McCune, Nieto, Proctor, and Chairperson Caldwell PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA BUSINESS SESSION PAGE 1. RECEIVE AND FILE HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR PLAN AND DISCUSS IMPLEMENTATION ACTIONS 3 MAYOR’S AND COMMISSION MEMBERS’ ITEMS City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City’s web page: www.LaQuintaCA.gov CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA NOVEMBER 21, 2019 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 2 of 2 ADJOURNMENT ********************************* The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on November 19, 2019, at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, do hereby declare that the foregoing notice for the Special Joint Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, on November 21, 2019 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51321 Avenida Bermudas and 78630 Highway 111 on November 18, 2019. DATED: November 18, 2019 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices  The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777- 7092, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made.  If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092. A one (1) week notice is required.  If background material is to be presented to the Councilmembers during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting.  Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Community Development counter at City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION JOINT MEETING: November 21, 2019 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR PLAN AND DISCUSS IMPLEMENTATION ACTIONS RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Highway 111 Corridor Plan and discuss implementation actions to carry out the vision. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Highway 111 Corridor Plan (Plan) was initiated January 2019 to define the vision for the Highway 111 Corridor (Attachment 1). The draft Plan was presented to Council and Planning Commission at a joint meeting on October 28, 2019. Staff has identified implementation actions to carry out the vision of the Plan. FISCAL IMPACT The adopted five-year Capital Improvement Program (from 19/20 through 23/24) budgeted $1,000,000 in 19/20 for the Highway 111 Corridor and forecasted the same amount for the remaining four years. The Plan identifies other potential funding sources to assist in the implementation of the Plan. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In January 2019 the City contracted with Rangwala Associates (Rangwala), a team of multi-disciplinary experts, to prepare the Plan. Since January, the Plan has progressed through several project phases including community outreach and Special Joint Study Session Meetings of the City Council and Planning Commission. The Plan is an assemblage of the design concepts introduced and discussed over the span of this vision study, incorporating the input and feedback collected from a survey about Highway 111, design charrette workshops, and joint meetings. The Plan includes an assessment of current codes/Specific Plans and provides BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 3 recommendations for future development of the Corridor. The Plan accomplishes this by including goals and policies as guidance in achieving the community vision and an implementation plan to outline the actions to be taken to develop projects and partnerships. The draft Plan was presented to Council and Planning Commission on October 28, 2019, where feedback was collected. There was no significant feedback from that meeting that warranted any changes to the Plan and therefore, the Plan has not been revised. The only additions to the Plan include quotes from various community members placed throughout the document about the Highway 111 vision, and an implementation plan in Chapter 4. The implementation plan contains a list of 67 actions with timeframes for initiation, responsible parties, costs and funding sources for each (Attachment 1). Of the 67 actions, Staff identified 17 as priority actions representing common discussions and feedback heard from the community, Council and Planning Commission throughout the visioning process. The actions are organized into four categories: Open Space/Trails, Branding/Marketing, Zoning and Design, and Economic Development. Action Items Open Space/Trails A1.2 Support infrastructure improvements such as the Cultural Trail and CV Link linear park. A2.3a Support the CV-Link regional trail system. A2.3c Redesign the sidewalk along the northern edge of Highway 111 as a Cultural Trail that integrates biking, pedestrian activity with local and regional arts and culture features. A2.4a Phase the parks and open space improvements to be in sync with private development (new zoning/place-based codes). A2.15a Develop the Cultural Trail and CV Link with various parks and open spaces in the Corridor area. Branding/Marketing A1.4 Implement district-wide retail branding and tenanting strategy that builds upon the cluster of tourism, health, and wellness, while adding other retail desired by the community, such as experience-based retail and retail for a wider demographic. A1.6b Brand and market the Highway 111 Corridor. A2.10a Identify simple ways to improve existing signage in the near term, such as by identifying the location of confusing or missing signage. Make such improvements and continue to evaluate signage needs. A2.11a Develop a consistent, legible, and logical palette of directional signs and icons to provide ways to find major destinations more easily. 4 Zoning and Design A1.3b Support catalytic infill development of vacant and underutilized parcels. A1.5b Remove regulatory and procedural barriers to good design (new zoning/place-based codes). A2.2b Update the development codes (zoning and/or Specific Plans) to include design standards for a range of street types for different contexts, consistent with the Highway 111 Corridor vision. A2.7 Adopt form-based (place-based) codes that provide clear and precise direction on the landscape design of the public and private realm. A3.4c Revise zoning code to better support walkable, mixed use development on the corridor. A3.5c Create development standards to encourage bike-friendly retail and cafes and eating establishments along the CV Link (new zoning/place- based code). Economic Development A1.8 Engage with property owners to gauge appetite for a Business Improvement District. A2.9 Explore creating a Business Improvement District (BID) and/or partnering with existing City Staff, La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, Greater Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau, Coachella Valley Economic Partnership. The implementation plan is a living document that can be revisited periodically, and actions can be reprioritized based on future conditions. Many actions have not been marked as priorities since they are ongoing or are already being implemented in some way and do not require special direction from the Planning Commission and Council (Attachment 2). Other actions involve revising the zoning code and development standards to remove potential barriers for developing the vision and creating a more holistic, distinct place. Staff proposes to begin this process by having study sessions with the Planning Commission regarding form/place-based codes, how it can be applied to existing and new development in the Corridor, and choose a strategy for revising the Code that suits the needs of the area. Staff will present these priority actions at the meeting with the steps to initiate them, and will be seeking guidance and direction from the Planning Commission and City Council. Prepared by: Cheri Flores, Planning Manager Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Attachments: 1. Implementation Matrix of Highway 111 Corridor Plan 2. List of Ongoing Actions 5 6 Policy/ActionTimeframeResponsible PartyCost Funding SourceTOURISM, HEALTH & WELLNESS, MIXED-USE RESIDENTIAL,EXPERIENCE-BASED RETAILP1.1A1.1aContinue to strengthen Highway 111's retail base. Ongoing CM $-$$Economic Development FundA1.1bAttract and retain high-value and high-wage jobs in leisure and hospitality industry (food services; arts; entertainment and recreation; hotels and other accommodations) and diversify the local economy. Ongoing CM $$ General FundA1.1cEnsure that new development is not a fiscal burden to the City. Ongoing DD, CM $Economic Development FundP1.2A1.2Support infrastructure improvements such as the Cultural Trail and CV Link linear park.Ongoing - Long Term CM, PW, DD $$$$Measure G, ATP; CalTrans Planning Grant; AB2766; CIP; Measure G, Property BID; DIF; SCAGP1.3A1.3aProtect and enhance stable areas along the Highway 111 Corridor. Ongoing CM $-$$Economic Development FundA1.3bSupport catalytic infill development of vacant and underutilized parcels. Ongoing CM, DD $-$$Economic Development Fund; General Fund (regular staff duties)P1.4A1.4Implement district-wide retail branding and tenanting strategy that builds upon the cluster of tourism, health, and wellness, while adding other retail desired by the community, such as experience-based retail and retail for a wider demographic.Near Term - Ongoing CM $$$ General Fund1) SUSTAINED PROSPERITYHighway 111 Corridor Implementation PlanMaintain and enhance the Highway 111 current tax base.Coordinate investment in public infrastructure with new growth to harness the power of placemaking.Preserve, enhance, and build on existing Highway 111 Corridor assets.Attract a greater variety of experience-based retail and office tenants by building upon existing strengths and market opportunities.ATTACHMENT 1ATTACHMENT 1 7 P1.5A1.5aSupport high-quality multi-family housing for a diverse range of income levels. Ongoing CM, DD $$$General Fund (regular staff duties); CIPA1.5bRemove regulatory and procedural barriers to good design (new zoning/place-based codes). Near Term DD $$CIP; General Fund; SCAG Sustainable Planning Grant; P1.6Support local businesses.A1.6aProvide incentives to encourage businesses and land owners to renovate and strengthen their businesses. OngoingCM, Business and Property Owners $Economic Development FundA1.6bBrand and market the Highway 111 Corridor.Near Term - Ongoing CM $$$ General FundP1.7Promote higher levels of foot traffic with activities and events.A1.7Encourage property owners to collaborate on new “pop-up” events to make use of vacant or underutilized storefronts or parcels or parking lots.Near Term - OngoingCR, CM, Business and Property Owners $General Fund and Grant FundsP1.8Enhance economic development delivery capacity.A1.8Engage with property owners to gauge appetite for a Business Improvement District.Near Term - Ongoing CM $Economic Development FundSTREETS AS PLACESP2.1A2.1Coordinate infrastructure improvements to be in sync with private development. Ongoing PW, DD $General Fund (regular staff duties)P2.2A2.2aDesign the street network, its dimensions, speeds (where possible), and building placement that yield a balance with including pedestrian scale and mobility, appropriate to the context of the area. Long Term PW, DD $$$$General Fund, Measure A, CIP; General Fund; SCAG Sustainable Planning Grant; ATP; CalTrans Trans Planning Grant; Measure GRedesign Highway 111 as a signature place.Street design will contribute to the social, economic, and environmental aspects of the Highway 111 area.Create a diversity of housing options.2) PLACEMAKING8 A2.2bUpdate the development codes (zoning and/or Specific Plans) to include design standards for a range of street types for different contexts, consistent with the Highway 111 Corridor vision.Immediate - Near Term DD$$CIP; SCAG Grant; CalTrans Planning GrantPARKS, OPEN SPACE, AND TRAILSP2.3A2.3aSupport the CV-Link regional trail system. Near - Mid Term DD, PW, CR $$Measure G; Grant funding; Prop 68 GrantA2.3bSubdivide large vacant and underutilized tracts into walkable block, streets, and public open spaces.Immediate; Near, Mid, or Long Term DD$-$$$$Developer funded (entitlements)A2.3cRedesign the sidewalk along the northern edge of Highway 111 as a Cultural Trail that integrates biking, pedestrian activity with local and regional arts and culture features. Long Term DD, PW, CR $$$$Measure G; ATP; CalTrans Planning Grant; AB2766; SB 821; CIP; Property BID; DIF; SCAG Sustainability Planning GrantA2.3dDevelop an integrated open space loop connecting the Cultural trail on Highway 111 to the CV Link. Mid - Long Term DD, PW $$$$Measure G; ATP; CalTrans Planning Grant; AB2766; SB 821; CIP; Property BID; DIF; SCAG Sustainability Planning GrantP2.4A2.4aPhase the parks and open space improvements to be in sync with private development (new zoning/place-based codes). Long Term DD, PW $$$$Measure G; Park Dedication Fees (Quimby); CIP; EIFD; BID; Prop 68A2.4bEncourage small parks and other tactical use of parking lots for short-term events/festivals. Near - Mid Term DD, PW, CR $$Measure G; General Fund; BID; CIPLANDSCAPINGP2.5Monitor and require compliance with approved landscape plans.Encourage the dynamic and flexible use of existing open spaces and promote a variety of new open spaces.Encourage development and events that activate the parks and open spaces.9 A2.5Identify parcels that are not in compliance with approved landscape plans and require plant material to be installed per approved plans. OngoingDD, CR (Code Compliance) $General Fund and Lien propertiesP2.6A2.6Identify parking lots with deficient landscaping and collaborate with property owners to install landscaping to break the monotony of the parking surface and provide shade. Near - Mid Term DD $$$ Measure G; CIP; BIDP2.7A2.7Adopt place-based codes that provide clear and precise direction on the landscape design of the public and private realm.Immediate - Near Term DD, PW $$CIP; SCAG Grant; CalTrans Planning GrantP2.8A2.8aSupport improvements to infrastructure and landscape.Near - Long Term PW, DD $$$$Measure G; Grants; CIP; BID; EIFDA2.8bActivate the place with cultural and entertainment events.Near - Long Term CR $General Fund and Non-ProfitsA2.8cSupport permanent and temporary public art installments along the Cultural Trail and CV Link.Near - Long Term CR $$General Fund; Non-Profits and NEA Grants; Art in Public Places FundP2.9A2.9Explore creating a Business Improvement District (BID) and/or partnering with existing City Staff, La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, Greater Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau, Coachella Valley Economic Partnership.Near Term - Ongoing CM $General Fund; Economic Development FundWAY-FINDINGP2.10A2.10aIdentify simple ways to improve existing signage in the near term, such as by identifying the location of confusing or missing signage. Make such improvements and continue to evaluate signage needs. Near - Mid TermPW, DD, CM, Business and Property Owners $$General Fund; Measure G; CIP; BIDLandscape parking lots for human use no less than for cars.Modify development codes (zoning and/or Specific Plans) to require landscaping consistent with the vision of the Highway 111 Corridor Reimagine Highway 111 as an iconic place.Develop capacity for creating, communicating, and monitoring the Highway 111 brand.Signs will guide pedestrians, bicyclists, motorist, and transit users to major destinations, parking areas, nodes, and points of interest.10 A2.10bIdentify destinations and places of interest.Near Term - Ongoing CM, CR $$ General FundA2.10cProvide Corridor maps at transit stops, paths, and nodes where pedestrians need to make decisions on routes to destinations.Near Term - Ongoing CM, DD $$ Measure G; CIP; BIDP2.11A2.11aDevelop a consistent, legible, and logical palette of directional signs and icons to provide ways to find major destinations more easily.Near Term CM $$ General FundA2.11bSigns should be well-lighted, but not illuminated so that they are overly visual intensive or distracting. Near Term PW, DD $$$Operations Funds; General Fund; Measure G; BIDA2.11cMaterial and paint selections should be durable and graffiti resistant. Regulatory and other traffic signs shall be high intensity reflective sheeting.Near - Long Term PW, CM $-$$Gas Tax; Measure A; Measure G; BIDA2.11dProvide adequate resources for the on-going management and maintenance of signs.Near - Long Term PW $-$$$Gas Tax; Measure A; Measure G; BIDPUBLIC ARTP2.12A2.12Encourage permanent and temporary art installations in parks, open spaces, and streets.Near - Long Term CR $ General FundP2.13A2.13aEvaluate requiring 2% of eligible capital project costs to be directed for public art.Near - Long Term PW, CR $CIP; Grant funding; Art in Public PlacesA2.13bEvaluate requiring 2% of all private development construction cost to be directed for public art.Near - Long Term DD, CR $ DIFA2.13cCollaborate with other community groups and non-profit organizations to maximize resources.Near - Long Term CR $General Fund and Non ProfitsA2.13dExplore naming rights, sponsorships and asset management opportunities to create ongoing revenue for maintenance and operations of existing public art.Near - Long Term CM, CR $$ Art in Public Places FundP2.14Integrate public art into the development review and capital improvement program.Wayfinding signs will be aesthetically consistent, easy to see, positioned to promote safety, and be made of durable materials that are Provide creative expressions in the Highway 111 Corridor Area.Strive for financial resiliency to provide and maintain public art in the Corridor Area.11 A2.14arequirement for large development projects, and develop City initiatives for the provision of public art as part of the Design and Development and Community Resources Near - Long Term CR, DD $ General FundA2.14bWork cooperatively with City Boards, Commissions and committees, and other public and private organizations promoting art and cultural activities throughout the City.Near - Long Term CR $ General FundCOMMUNITY EVENTSP2.15A2.15aDevelop the Cultural Trail and CV Link with various parks and open spaces in the Corridor area. Long Term DD, PW, CR $$$$ATP; CalTrans Planning Grant; AB2766; CIP; Measure G; BID; DIF; SCAG Sustainability Planning GrantA2.15bExamine current zoning and permitting requirements with the objective of supporting and facilitating community events and festivals.Immediate - Near Term DD, CR$$-$$$CIP; SCAG Grant; CalTrans Planning GrantP2.16A2.16aWork with owners and the developers of empty tenant spaces and parking lots to encourage a variety of pop-up events, exhibits, performances, and temporary retail activities.Near - Long Term CR, DD $ General FundA2.16bWork with owners to allow artists' temporary and opportunistic use of spaces and venues such as vacant walls, storefronts, empty buildings, underutilized parking lots, and open spaces to visually activate and enliven the area.Near - Long Term CR $ General FundP2.17A2.17aIdentify and partner with regional agencies hosting international events.Near - Long Term CR, CM $-$$General Fund; Hotel Rebate ProgramA2.17bHost Highway 111 events in conjunction with the international events. Near - Long Term CR, CM $-$$General Fund; Hotel Rebate ProgramPEDESTRIAN CROSSING IMPROVEMENTS, INTERSECTION DESIGN, & STREET TYPESExpand places and spaces where community events and festivals can occur.Facilitate use of vacant or underutilized space by arts and cultural groups.Attract visitors from popular international events within the region.3) MOBILITY12 P3.1A3.1aWhere feasible, at urban intersections reduce lane widths from 12 and 14 feet to 11 to 12 feet per lane and add bulb-outs at intersection to reduce pedestrian crossing distance. Mid - Long Term PW $$$-$$$$Measure A; CIP; Transportation Grants; Measure GA3.1bDesign tighter corner radii for urban intersections to facilitate safer and shorter crossing distance, yet still allow for larger vehicles to access. Mid - Long Term PW $$$-$$$$Measure A; CIP; Transportation Grants; Measure GA3.1cAdd signalized pedestrian crossing between Adams Street and Dune Palms Road. Long Term PW $$$Measure A; CIP; Transportation Grants; Measure GP3.2A3.2Establish a street network that will provide a variety of street types which differ in terms of their network continuity, cross-section design, and adjoining land use. The individual streets themselves will change in character depending on their immediate land use context. Long Term PW, DD $$$$Measure A; CIP; Transportation GrantsTRANSIT SERVICEP3.3A3.3aSupport urban pattern of development that makes transit use feasible (new zoning/place-based codes).Immediate - Near Term DD $$$CIP; SCAG Grant; CalTrans Planning GrantA3.3bExplore feasibility for a circulator shuttle providing connections every 30 minutes or more often to major destinations.Immediate - Near Term DD, SunLine $$$-$$$$CIP; SCAG Grant; CalTrans Planning GrantPARKINGP3.4A3.4aUse surface parking as a land-banking tool. Near - Mid Term DD $CIP; SCAG Grant; CalTrans Planning GrantA3.4bPhase in paid parking in core mixed-use areas. Long Term DD $$CIP; SCAG Grant; CalTrans Planning GrantA3.4cRevise zoning code to better support walkable, mixed use development on the corridor.Immediate - Near Term DD $$CIP; SCAG Grant; CalTrans Planning GrantTransit use will be convenient, reliable, safe, and comfortable.Proactively manage public and private parking supply within a common area as a shared resource, and focus on measures to ensure Crossing a street should be easy, safe, convenient, and comfortable.The street network will provide a pattern of multimodal streets that serves all land uses and facilitates easy access to local, city, and 13 A3.4dRequire unbundled parking for rental and for-sale residential, commercial space, and other uses. Long Term DD $CIP; SCAG Grant; CalTrans Planning GrantA3.4eRequire provision of spaces for car-sharing and bicycle parking, and require provision that commercial and/or residential development provide free transit passes to their employees or residents. Near - Mid TermDD, CM, SunLine, Business and Property Owners $CIP; SCAG Grant; CalTrans Planning Grant; Economic Developent Fund; BIDA3.4fPlace on-street parking on as many of the newly created streets as possible. Long Term DD, PW $CIP; SCAG Grant; CalTrans Planning GrantCV LINK ACCESSIBILITYP3.5A3.5aProvide multiple points of access to CV Link trail. Near - Mid Term DD, PW $$$Grant; AB2766; CIP; Measure G; BID; DIF; SCAG Sustainability A3.5bRequire new private developments and encourage existing developments that front the wash to provide access directly on to the CV Link. Near - Mid Term DD $$$CIP; SCAG Grant; CalTrans Planning GrantA3.5cCreate development standards to encourage bike-friendly retail and cafes and eating establishments along the CV Link (new zoning/place-based code).Immediate - Near Term DD $$CIP; SCAG Grant; CalTrans Planning GrantLA QUINTA CULTURAL TRAILP3.6A3.6aBuild the Cultural Trail as a continuous safe and spacious pathway for bicyclists and pedestrians to utilize for access, recreation, and as a way to enjoy the Corridor. Mid - Long Term DD, PW $$$$ATP; CalTrans Planning Grant; AB2766; CIP; Measure G; BID; DIF; SCAG Sustainability Planning GrantA3.6bMake the trail environmentally and aesthetically pleasing with landscaping governed by water conservation, desert ecology and maintainable plant material. Mid - Long Term DD, PW $$$$ATP; CalTrans Planning Grant; AB2766; CIP; Measure G; BID; DIF; SCAG Sustainability Planning GrantCreate an inviting public and private realm that attracts people from the CV Link to the Highway Corridor area.Support a safe, comfortable, and continuous bike and pedestrian pathway on the north side of Highway 111.14 A3.6cProgram activities and feature permanent and rotating public art along the Cultural Trail. Mid - Long Term CR $$ATP; CalTrans Planning Grant; AB2766; CIP; Measure G; BID; DIF; SCAG Sustainability Planning GrantPoliciesPriority ActionsActions CM ‐     City ManagerCostFin ‐Finance$PW ‐Public Works$$$100,000‐250,000DD ‐Design and Development$$$ $250,000‐1 millionCR ‐Community Resources$$$$ over $1 millionunder $100,00015 16 A1.1a Continue to strengthen Highway 111's retail base. A1.1b Attract and retain high-value and high-wage jobs in leisure and hospitality industry (food services; arts; entertainment and recreation; hotels and other accommodations) and diversify the local economy. A1.1c Ensure that new development is not a fiscal burden to the City. A1.2 Support infrastructure improvements such as the Cultural Trail and CV Link linear park. A1.3a Protect and enhance stable areas along the Highway 111 Corridor. A1.3b Support catalytic infill development of vacant and underutilized parcels. A1.4 Implement district-wide retail branding and tenanting strategy that builds upon the cluster of tourism, health, and wellness, while adding other retail desired by the community, such as experience-based retail and retail for a wider demographic. A1.5a Support high-quality multi-family housing for a diverse range of income levels. A1.6a Provide incentives to encourage businesses and land owners to renovate and strengthen their businesses. A2.1 Coordinate infrastructure improvements to be in sync with private development. A2.5 Identify parcels that are not in compliance with approved landscape plans and require plant material to be installed per approved plans. ONGOING ACTIONS ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 217 18