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10-1268 (RER) Structural Calcs
EJOVEN ENGINEERING S t r u c t u r a l E n g i n e e r i n P.O. Box 5098 La 'Quinta, CA 92248-5098 (760) 408-6441 R� G�1v�� ,AN 0 6� 2011 Table of Contents: Title page: Material Plan Roof Framing Seismic Criteria Lateral Analysis Sfrucfivrcrl Ccrlculations for Smith Residence Remodel 54-283 Avenida Rubio La Quinta, CA Designer: South West Concepts Revised January, 2011 Job No. 10-580 0• CITY OF LA QUINTA ' BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVE® W01 cc FOR CONSTRUCTION -G•) No. C 041210 Exp. 3-31 -II 10 Page Number Design Criteria T1 Coder 2007 California Building Code 1 STRUCTURAL SYSTEM: 2 Plywood Diaphragm with Plywood shear walls R = 6.5 3 4 Seismic: L1 . thru L9 Sds.= 1.00; Sd1 = .60; Rho = 1.3; Distance = 15 km. Importance =I =1.0 WIND: 90 M.P.H. Exposure "C" Snow Load = 0.0 psf C JOVEN JOBS 2010 i%IIC}U. "S COVERS I.%%'VD Ly ,% JOB # 580 Joven Engineering BY: P. O, Box 5098 DATE: :7 La Quinta, CA 92248-509.8 j E=3 (760) 408-6441 SHEET: 1 LUMBER: All STRLICTIIRAI 1 I IMRFR SHAT I RF noilr;l AS FIR -1 APrH Al I nWARI F STRF44F4 IN D C 1 FROM 2005 NDS GRADING RULES WWPA & WCLIB Fb Ft Fv E Fcp Fc.L STUDS & 44 POST DOUGLAS FIR # 2 875 860 95 1.6 1485 625 jOISTS 2"-4" THICK, Less than 6" Wide -DOUGLAS FIR #2 875 750 95 1.6 1600 625 JOISTS 2"-4" THICK, 6" & WIDER - DOUGLAS FIR # 1 1000 675 95 1.7 1500 625 JOIST 2"- 4"THICK, X 12" & 14 - DOUGLAS FIR #1 & BETTER 1150 600 95 1.7 1350 625 BEAMS 5'& THICKER RECTANGULAR - DOUGLAS FIR # 1 1350 675 85 1.6 925 625 POST & TIMBERS: 4 x 6 - DOUGLAS FIR #1 1200 825 85 1.6 1000 625 POST & TIMBERS:. 5x5 & LARGER - SELECT STRUCTURAL 1500 1000 85 1.6 1100 625 2"-4" T&G DECKING - SELECT DEX 1750 — — 1.8 — 625 LAMINATED BEAMS - (24F -V8) values are about the x -x axis. (24F44) values are about the x -x axis .2400 2260 1100 1000 165 165 1.8 1.8 1650 1650 650 650 1.9E Microllam LVL Westem Species 2600: 2600 285 1.9 2510 750 1.3E TimberStrand LSL Westem Species 1400 1700 285 1.3 1400 285 1.55E TimberStrand LSL Westem Species 2050 2250 285 1.55 1950 650 2.0E & 2.2E Parallam PSI -Western Species 2900 2400 290 2.0 2900 750 TJI Pro Series Joist 2600 2000 285 1.9 2310 750 CONCRETE: THE 28 DAY STRENGTH & TYPE OF CONCRETE SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 50 K.S.I. SLABS ON GRADE: 2000 P.S.I. 150 P.C.F. FOOTINGS: 2500 P.S.I. 150 P.C.F. GRADE BEAMS: 2500 P.S.I. 150 P.C.F. MASONRY: EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE: 35 REINFORCED CONCRETE BLOCK: GROUTED SOLID 1500 P.S.I. REINFORCED CONCRETE BLOCK: GROUTED AT STEEL 1350 P.S.I. CONCRETE BLOCK (Normal Weight) A.S.T.M C-90 Grade N-1 1900 P.S.I. (Avg of 3) MORTAR: 1800 P.S.I. GROUT: " 2000 P.S.I. SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED? NO REINFORCING: TYPICAL REINFORCING: GRADE 60 STIRRUPS, TIES, & NON-STRUCTURAL ITEMS: GRADE 40 REINFORCING TO BE WELDED: A.S.T.M. A-706 GRADE 60 STRUCTURAL STEEL: STRUCTURAL SHAPES: STRUCTURAL PLATES: PIPE COLUMNS: STEEL TUBES: BOLTS: FOUNDATIONS: NO SOILS REPORT PROVIDED: DESIGN VALUES, 50 K.S.I. SOIL BEARING PRESSURE: 36 K.S.I. ISOLATED SQ. OR RECT. 1000 CONT. FOOTINGS: 1000 MAXIUM SOIL PRESSURE: 1350 PASSIVE EARTH PRESSURE: 250 EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE: 35 FRICTION: 0.35 A.S.T.M. A-992 50 K.S.I. A.S.T.M. A-36 36 K.S.I. A.S.T.M. A-53 Grade B 36 K.S.I. A.S.T.M. A-500 Grade B 46 K.S.I. A.S.T.M. A-307 ---- P.S.F. P.S.F. P.S.F. P.S.FJFT. P.S.FJFT. TIMES THE NORMAL DEAD LOAD CAMEN J0M20M580 CARS MATERI-I. WPD L. s E FRA" IING Fl—AN 8"P Wti P -V L- 2 I T 4 ll Ivil 11111 111 8 L- 3 � ♦� a � E )OVEN ENGINEERING Project Smith Residence Remodel P. 0. Box 5098 54-283 Avenida Rubio La Quinta, California 92248-5098 La Quinta, CA Phone (760) 408-6441 South. West Concepts > ver. 6-30-10 > wk4 Filespec: C:\JOVEN\JOBS\2010\580\CALC'SWERT20-1.WK4 loading7 Loadings 10-2-09 Vertical Flat Roof Ceiling Pattern 1 Roof'g/floor'g 6.0 psf sht'g 1.8 raftersfjoists 3.0 clg 2.8 pme 2.4 misc 1.0. Dead Load 17.0 psf- idl Live Load 20.0 psf- 111 x/12 R1 Factors 0 psf V • V Ceiling Sloped Roof Pattern 2 Pattern 3 0.0 psf 6.0 psf 0.0 1.5 2.5 3.0 2.8 0.0 1.2 0.0 3.0 4.5 8.0 psf- 2dl 10.5 psf- 3dl 10.0 psf- 211 20.0 psf- 311 '0 3 Retrieve/Save drive = Load drive = T 580 by Sloped Roof Sloped Roof Floor Pattern 4 Pattern 5 Pattern 6 6.0 psf 12.0 psf 6.0 psf 1.5 2.8 3.0 5.5 3.0 4.5 2.8 0.0 2.8 1.2 1.2 1.5 ___: _2.0_- 19.0 psf- 4dl 1 -0 --- 20.0 psf- 5dl ._i .0. --J 18.8 psf- 6dl 20.0 psf- 411 20.0 psf- 511 60.0 psf- 611 3 4 20 Job # 580 by JV Date 01/05/2011 Sheet 3 of C: work dir = 580 C: Filespec = Vert 1 Use these loading patterns Floor Pattern 7 2.0 psf 2.3 3.0 2.8 1.5 1.0 12.6 psf- 7dl 100.0 psf- 711 extra 0461 3034 RRA Existing 2x6 Totals 0 2891 31909 4137 2316. Horizontal shear in beams with notch on Compression side at support Beam with shaped end fv = 3V/ 2b [d-((d-dn)/dn) e] bm 1 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam do _ 4.88 in slope of cut = 3.00 in in 12 ' e = 28 in C(D) = 10-2-09 Span = 10.00 ft. T.A. = 20 sq. ft. > > sawn05a > > options: glb, tji, lam, conc, masonry, steel 8i csteel 20.0 psf 40 0 250 190 venuti /crib = 2.00 ft. Axial React. M@x = 5.00 dfl05prp size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > inc Ft > e = 28 in L.L. = 20.0 psf > > : 0 200 500 Try > > 2x6#1 (df # 1) 8.25 7.56 20.8 1.50 5.50 1040 790 D.L. = 10.5 psf > >: 0 Extra = 0 #/ft > > > 105 263 0 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 50 psi fb= 1210 psi fa 0 psi fa/Fa : 0.00 (dead line load) 0 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 90 psi Fb= 1300 psi Fa = 1205 psi fb/Fb 0.93 Totals > 0 305 763 Deflections > > LL = 0.28 in. = L/ 424 combined stress 0.56 Number of DL = 0.15 in. = L / 808 0.931 % Kit =2.00 KII x At 40.00 131.1 pieces 1 TL = 0.43 in. = L / 278 Deflection control Live Load Reduction Factors Reduced Live Load USE 2x6#1 grade = (df #1) I roof min. bearing= 0.41 inches RR -2 Existing 2x6 bm 1 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam 10-2-09 Span = 12.50 ft. T.A. = 17 sq. ft. > > sawn05a > > options: glb, tji, lam, conc, masonry, steel 81 csteel venuti / trib = 1.33 ft. Axial React. M@x = 6.25 dfl05prp size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > inc Ft > L.L. = 10.0 psf > >: 0 D.L. 83 260 Try > > 2x6#1 (df #1) 8.25 7.56 20.8 1.50 5.50 1040 790 = 8.0 psf > >: 0 Extra = 0 #/ft > > > 67 208 0 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 25 psi fb= 742 psi fa 0 psi fa/Fa : 0.00 (dead line load) 0 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 90 psi Fb= 1300 psi Fa = 771 psi fb/Fb O.S7 Totals > 0 150 468 Deflections > > LL = Number of DL = 0.23 in. = L / 0.18 in. L/ 653 817 combined stress 0.28 KII =2.00 KII x At 33.25 142.6 pieces I TL = = 0.41 in. = L / 363 0.571 Deflection control Live Load Reduction Factors Reduced Live Load USE 2x6#1 grade = (df #1) min. bearing= I roof0.20 inches RB- 1 Roof load as point load at m.id-span beam8 Beam - two uniform loads seperated by a point load >> lam > > options: sawn, glb, tji, conc, masonry, steel & csteel / 5.25 + 3.5 PSL widths 1-1-00 Mount Span = 26.33 ft. a= 13.165 loads ft. v=OCA? 13.165 ft. lamprop Call Actual area sect Inertia width A depth Fb > inc Ft > >> w1 P w2 Try >> 3x12p 3.5x11.8 103.91 205.65 1221.0 8.75 11.88 2323 2027 T.A. = 190.9 sf. trill 2 L.L. = 10.0 20 ---- 13 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 56 psi fb= 1862 psi pa= 0 psi ll : 0.00 psf D.L. = 8.0 16 500 125 C(f) = 1.00 Fvh = 232 psi Fb= 2903 psi Pa= 1059.4 psi Il 0.64 psf 2167 100 Deflections > > LL = 0.46 in. = L / 693 combined stress 0.24 extra 35 Axial RI Momn't., R2 Number of DL = 1.00 in. = L / 317 > L/360 0.641 % L.L. = 0 859 D.L. 9580 1551 pieces 1 TL = 1.45 in. = L / 218 > L/240 Deflection control = 0 1571 19295 2125 1 roof extra 0461 3034 461' USE Totals 0 2891 31909 4137 2316. Horizontal shear in beams with notch on Compression side at support Beam with shaped end fv = 3V/ 2b [d-((d-dn)/dn) e] bearing depth = 3.50 in where heel height (dn) = 4.00 in @ outer face do _ 4.88 in slope of cut = 3.00 in in 12 ' e = 28 in (E) 3.5x117/8 + (N) 5.25x14 PSL min. bearing= 0.91 inches 145 psi OK 0.627 use do value for depth fv = 3V /2b do RB- 1 Roof load as distributed load along beam span 5.25 + 3.5 PSL widths beam8 Beam - tw ;f 1 d 1-1-00 Span = o uni orm oa s seperated by a point load 26.33 ft. a= 13.165 ft. v=OCA? 15.744 ft. >> lam lamprop > > options: sawn, gib, tji, conc, masonry, steel 81 csteelI Call Actual of = 0.77 in. = L / 413 0.591 % 1 TL = 1.41 in. = L / 224 > L/240 Deflecdon control Mount loads >> w1 P w2 4 Try >> area sect 3x] 2p 3.5x 11.8 103.91 205.65 Inertia width' depth 1221.0 8.75 11.88 Fb > inc 2323 T.A. = 190.9 sf. trib= 2 ---- 13 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 72 psi fb= 1716 psi pa= 0 psi ll L.L. = DL - 20.0 psf 40 0 250 190 C(f) = 1.00 Fvh = 232 psi Fb= 2903 psi Pa= 1059.4 psi fb/Fb - psf 38 0 extra 35 Axial R1 Momn't. 238 Deflections > > LL = 0.64 in. = L / 492 combined stress R2 Number DL L.L. = 0 1218 13523 2601 pieces of = 0.77 in. = L / 413 0.591 % 1 TL = 1.41 in. = L / 224 > L/240 Deflecdon control D.L. = 0 1157 12848 2471 1 roof extra 0- __ 461 ._ 3034 ___461 USE (E) 3.5x117/8 + (N) 5.25x14 PSL min. bearing= Totals 0 2837 29405 5534 2316. Horizontal shear in beams with notch on Compression side at support Beam with shaped end fv =+3W 2b [d-((d-dn)/dn) e] 195 psi OK 0.839 bearing depth = 3.50 in where heel height (dn) = 4.00 in @ outer face do = 4.88 in slope of cut = 3.00 in in 12 e = 28 in use do value for depth fv = 3V / 2b do Ft > 2027 0.00 0.59 0.31 1.22 inches P9 9 Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 33.65397 Longitude = -116.31516 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss, and S1 Ss and S1 = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.0 Data are based on a 0.009999999776482582 deg grid spacing Period Sa (sec) (9) 0.2 1.500 (Ss, Site Class'B) 1.0 0.600 (S1, Site Class B) Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 33.65397 Longitude = -116.31516 Spectral Response Accelerations SMs and SM1 SMs =Fax Ss and SM1 =FvxS1 Site Class D - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.5 Period Sa (sec) (9) 0.2 1.500 (SMs, Site Glass D) 1.0 0.900 (SM1, Site Class D) Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 33.65397 Longitude = -116.31516 Design Spectral Response Accelerations SDs and SD1 SDs =2/3xSMs andSD1 =2/3xSM1 Site Class D Fa,-- 1.0 ,Fv = 1.5 Period Sa (sec) (9) 0.2 1.000 (SDs, Site Class D) J'E JOVENENGINEERING Project Smith Residence Remodel P. O. Box 5098 54283 Avenida RubioLa Quinta, California 92248-5098 La Quinia, CA Phone 760 408-6441 South West Concepts > ver. 7-12-10 Retrieve/Save drive = > wk4 Filespec: C:\JOVEM.IOBS\2010\580\CALC'S\10WDLA-2.WK4 Load drive = Job # 580 by JV Date 12/06/2010 Sheet L ( of C: work dir = 580 C: filespec = 10WdLat 7.12-10/;LATERAL ANALYSIS Allowable Stress Design Governing Code: CBC 2007 ( CBC, DSA, LA) Venuti ,Seismic Force Site Class = D (IBC Chapter 20) or Soils Report Approx. Period = Ta = 0.1369 sec TL = 8 Occupancy Catagory = 11 (Tablet -1 Roman Numerials ct = F,-2 jTable 12.8-2 Importance Factor= 1.00 (Tablel1.5-1) x = [ 0.75ITable 12.6-2 R value = 6.5 I(table12.2-1) A. Bearing Wall 13. h = 13.00 ft. Qo = r 2.5 _,Footnote g. Cd = , 4 (tablel2.2-1) A. Bearing Wall 13. Rho Factor= p= 1.30 (Sec. Complies with Table 12.3-3 for Shear Walls , n Structure is regular, irregular ? (Regular' - From USGS web site = http://earthquake.usgs.gov/research/hazmaps/design/ Java Ground Motion Parameter Calculator - Version 5.0.8 !Short.Period.Accei (Ss) i. .__ _ 15 §e_cond' Accei (S1) Mapped Spectral Acc = , Ss _ __ 1.500 USGS Haz Ma S1 = 0.600 USGS Haz Ma - -- - -p --- •-- - - � -- - . _ P Site Coefficients = 1 F -a __ _1_.0 ..._(Table 11.4-1) _ - Fv 1.5 _ (Table 11.4-21) Seismic Design Catagory= 1 SDC,- Short Period =._,D ._...(Table 11.6-1) ; SD_I _ 1 Sec Period _. D, (Table 11.6-2) Max. Considered EQ (MCE) _ [ Sms Fa'S_s _= 1.500 _ _ S_ml Fv'S1 = 0.900 - Design Spectral Acc = ' _ _ _ - Sds_(2/3)'Sms = 1.000 _ _; Sd1 = (2/3)-Sm1 _ 0:600 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure Sec 12.8 Cs max.= IF Ta<TL = Shc / (Ta'( R/1))= 0.674 V = Cs'W = 0.154 W Strength Level Design Cs max. = IF TL>=Ta = Sd1'TL / (TaA2'( R/I )) = WA V = Cs'W = 0.108 W ASD Design Cs = Sds / (R/1) = 0.154 . Cs min. = IF S1>=0.6 = 0.5'S1 / (R/1) = 0.010 ROOF DIAPHGRAM AREA 1 Fig. 22-1: Wind Force: Method 1 - Simplified Proceedure P = lambda Kzt I p30"_ Rise/Run = "X'/12 Rigid Structure 7.30 Wind Speed: V = ( 90 mph (Sect. 1609.3) Roof Slope: [ 18.004 j deg Rise ft.;3.966 Importance Factor = 1.00 1 Surface Roughness = j C I(Sect. 1609.4.2) Exposure Category = C - !(Sect. 1609.4.3) Max. Height.(mean) = 15 ft Topographic Factor: Kzt =( 1_00 _;(ASCE7-05 Sect. 6.5.7) Height & Exposure Adjustment Coefficient \-- 1.21 Design Wind Pressure: Horizonta_I Pressure -'• Ve_rtical Pressure Overhang C & C Uplift ps = lambda*Kzt'I'ps30 = Zone ; A B I C I. D i E F [ G [ H i Eoh I. Goh a varible 1.02 ft. ranverse 1 21 5, -5.7 14_4 1 -3.1 -186 i-1291--129 i -98 -26.1 -20.4 2.55 ft. 1 IL 6 ft. Area 96.0 48 0 1298 0 L ' rib. 149 0 r 153 ; 153_. 475 -i 475_ . 2 00 4.00 r a= 6.6 ft. Force.l 685 0 4291 0 2851 1981 6149 -4655 52 -82 ; 3.0 Longitudlnall 215_- _ _144 I I=186 129 r 129 ; 9.8 261 _20.4 Trib. Area' 96 0_ .t .. _ _ , 10 _ -. - 9. j 4.00 _ 3 2.00 j Force, 685 - _ _ .1555 _ -5506 -3826 -4304 -3258 -105 -41 j ROOF DIAPHGRAM 1 Plan Dimensions in "Y" Direction = 25.50 eft. -- Y Direction Roof Loadings -Transverse , Plan Dimensions in "X' Direction = _25- _ jft. i 49 T Total Wind = 5910 # = 120 # / ft. governs Roof Rise (Pit to Ridge)/ Parapet Ht = 4.00 ft. Ift. Total Seismic = 4940 # = 100 # / ft. Roof Overhang Width = Y =4 00 X=F--2,00]ft. Sill to Top Plate Height = 4 8.00 ft. X direction roof loadings -Longitudinal Avg. Number of Interior Walls = 1__2_1 (each direction) L Total Wind = 1555 # = 61 # / ft. Roof Tributary Area = 1280 sq.ft. Total Seismic = 4210 # = 165 # / ft. governs Roof Dead Load =1 17.0. i psf 21762 # total , Avg. Ext. Wall DL ! _ 15.0 1psf 8970 # total (both directions) Avg. = minus = 193 sq. ft. Int. Wall DL 1.0.0 _ psf 5980 # total (both directions) Ab= 1256 sq.ft. x%(._ 0.851= 550 sq. ft. Mach Units DL = 500 # _500 # total Total Mass 37212 # 0.1504 Y X Use dia hra m t a UB Diaphragm Edge Shear = V(ydir)= 2955 = A Bending= 0.0133 0.0013 USE 1/2 cdx Plywood or O.S.B. Sheathing v(ydir)= 116 plf Shear = 0.0365 0.026 v diaph = ------ : 116 #/ ft. V(xdir)= 2105 i� Nail Slip= 0.0019 4E-05 Nailing: Boundary 10d @ 6 " o.c. v(xdir)= 43 plf Chord = 0.0046 0.0024 Edge- 10d @ 6 " o.c. A = 0.14 0.07 Field- 10d @ 12 " o.c. Chord Force= F(ydir)= 1427 # Framing: 2x v allow= 190 #/ft. F(xdir)= 272 # Blockina noCase = 1or2-6 2-6 T L 0 6 S r0 o^m-�-n- mir�P��" i_Ja1 ®'� v v O wmov mm . amm .' a ..m o m mmm 4.61�_- ©a_ abti im�>°�a3r'4mV r wm au aim a . ua -• 0 o L-♦ ctmith Residence -Job # 580ProjeJVaNgINEERING d rO:eBob5098A 54>283 Avenida Rubio "b- - b by------ JV a LaQuinta, California 92248-5098 La Quinta, CA Date 12/06/2010 Ph0' 1 South West Concepts m Sheet L 2 of > ver. 7-12-10 Retrieve/Saye drive = C: work dir = 580 0 > wk4 Filespec: C:\JOVENUOBS\2010\580\CALC'S\10WDLA-2.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec = 10WdLat ROOF DIAPHGRAM AREA 2 Wind Force: Method 1 - Simplified Proceedure P = lambda Kzt I p30" Rise/Run = 'X"/ 12 Rigid Structure 4.68 Wind Speed: V = 90 mph (Sect. 1609.3) Roof Slope: 18.0041 deg Rise ft. ' 3.900 1 Importance Factor = 1.00, ' Surface Roughness = C (Sect. 1609.4.2) Exposure Category = C _ _ (Sect. 1609.4.3) Max. HL (mean) = 15 ft Topographic Factor: Kzt = 1.00._ (ASCE7-05 Sect. 6.5.7) Height & Exposure Adjustment Coefficient = X 1.21 Design Wind Pressure: Horizontal Pressure Vertical Pressure Overhang ps = lambda'Kzt°I'ps30 = Zone A B_ C D E F G H Eoh Goh a varible 0.8 ft. Tranverse 21.5 -5.7 ' 14.4 -3.1 ' -18.6 i -12.9 -12.9 -9.8 -26.1 -20.4 2 ft. ; 6 ft. Trib. Area; 66.6" 48.0 j 64.0 32.0_ 120 I 120 I 80 80 2.00 4.00 a= 6.0 ft. Force; 685 0 922 0 _ -2236 1554 1036 784 52 82 -.__ ... . _ . .. - 5 3 Longitudinal! .21.5 j._ - 14.4 i -18.6 12.9 I -12.9 i -9.8 -26.1 -20.4 Trib. Area 119.4 _^ j 53.6 120 I 120 I 80 1'. 80 I 4.00 2.00 _ - - Force L 852. 772 _ - _2236 _ -1554 __ 1036 784 -105 -41 ROOF DIAPHGRAM 2 Roof Diaphragm Loading Plan Dimensions in °Y° Direction = ; 20.00 'ft. Y Direction Roof Loadings -Transverse Plan Dimensions in °X° Direction = 20,00 11. T Total Wind = 2400 # = 120 # / ft. governs Roof Rise (Pit to Ridge)/ Pai 4.00 _ -ft. Total Seismic = • 1504 # = 75 # / ft. Roof Overhang Width = Y = i 4.00 .ft. X - _ _ 2.001ft. Sill to Top Plate Height = 8.00_ __eft. X direction roof loadings -Longitudinal Avg. Number of Interior Walls = 0 (each direction) L Total Wind = 800 # = 40 # / ft. Roof Tributary Area = 528 sq.ft. Total Seismic = 1504 # = 75 # / ft. governs Roof Dead Load =' 17.0 :psf 8976 # total Avg. Ext. Wall DL 15.0 ;psf 1200 # total (both directions) minus = 0 sq. ft. Avg. Int. Wall DL = 10 :psf 0 # total (both directions) Ab= 400 sq.ft. x%i 1.00 550 sq. ft. Mach Units DL = 200 # 200 # total Total Mass 10376 # Y X Use dia hra m tvoe UB Diaphragm Edge Shear = V(ydir)= 1200 = A Bending= 0.0011 0.0007 USE 112 cdx Plywood or O.S.B. Sheathing v(ydir)= 60 plf Shear = 0.0148 0.0093 v diaph = ------ : 60 #/ ft. V(xdir)= 752 = 3 Nail Slip= 9E-05 2E-05 Nailing: Boundar) 10d @ 6 ° o.c. v(xdir)= 38 plf Chord = 0 0 Edge- 10d @ 6 ° o.c. A 0.04 0.03 Field- 10d @ 12 ° o.c. Chord Force = F(ydir)= 300 # Framing: 2x v allow= 190 #/ft. F(xdir)= 188 # Blocking no Case=0 or2-62-6 ROO PHGRAM AREA 3 Wind Force: Method 1 - Simplified Proceedure P = lambda Kzt I p30" Rise/Run = ° / 12 Rigid Structure 4.68 Wind Speed: V = I 90 "r ph (Sect. 1609.3) Roof Slope: 10.4775 deg Rise 0.10 Importance Factor = 1.00 Surface Roughness = C '(Sect. 1609.4.2) Exposure Category = i C._- ..;(Sect. 1609.4.3) x. Ht. (mean) = 15 ft Topographic Factor: Kzt = 1.00 i(ASCE7-05 Sect. 6.5.7) Height &Exposure Adjustment efficient = 1.21 Design Wind Pressure: Horizontal PressureVert_ica_ ressure Overhang ...-�-------------.� ..T ps = lambda* Kzt* I°ps30 = Zone; _ A B _ _ C D E F ! G H Eoh Goh a varible 0.48 ft. Tra < 15.5 -8.1 _ . 10.3 , -4.8 -18.6_ 0.6 I -12.9 ' -8.2 -26.1 -20.4 1.2 ft. _ 6 ft. Trib. Areaj 0..._ 36.0. �_ 0.0 6.0-1-1-2 _ 120 _T_0 _ 0.__ 2.0.0 4.00 a= 6.0 ft. Force 2 0 0 0 236 1278 0 __ _ -2'6.1 0 -52 -82 T 3 Longitudinah 15.5 r _ -- ' _10_3 18.6 _10.6 12,9 ! -8.2 -20.4 L .. _ _ _. r._. Trib. Area 24.6 136.2. ; 72 72 . ! 48 48 i 4.00 2.00 Force 128 1401 -1342 -767 -621 -395 -105 -41 ROOF DIAPHGRAM 3 Roof Diaphragm Loading Plan Dimensions in "Y° Direction = 12.00_ ft. Direction Roof Loadings -Longitudinal Plan Dimensions in "X° Direction = 20.00 ;ft. Total Wind = 1401 # = 70 # / ft. governs Roof Rise (Pit to Ridge)/ Parapet Ht ` 3.00 ft. Total Seismic = 1113 # = 56 # / ft. Roof Overhang Width = Y =' 2.00_ ft. X 4.00_;11. Sill to Top Plate Height = 8.00 `ft. - X direction r loadings -Transverse Avg. Number of Interior Walls= 6 h direction) T Total ' d = 1320 # = 110 # / ft. governs Roof Tributary Area = 33 q.ft. Total Seis is = 1087 # = 91 # / ft. Roof Dead Load 20.0 psf 0 # total Avg. Ext. Wall DL: 15.0 ,psf 660 # total (both directions) minus = 0 sq. ft. _ Avg. Int. Wall DL = 10 ..psf 0 # total (both directions) Ab= 240 sq.ft. x%i 1.00;= 550 sq. ft. Mach Units DL = 100 # _ 100 # total To Mass 7480 # Y X Us is hra m tvDe UB Diaphragm Edge Shear = V( = 701 = A Bending= 0.0011 0.0002 USE 5/8 cdx Plywood or. .B. Sheathing dir)= 58 pit Shear = 0.0081 0.0077 v diaph = - - - - - 58 #/ ft. V(xdir)= 660 = A Nail Slip= 8E-05 8E-06 Nailing: Boundary 10d @ 6 ° o.c. v(xdir)= 33 plf Chord = -5E-04 -3E-04 Edge- 10d @ 6 ° o.c. 0.02 0.02 Field- 10d @ ° o.c. Chor orce = F(ydir)= 292 # Framing: 2x v allow= 215 F(xdir)= 99 # Blocking no Case=0o2-6) 2 9JOVEN ENGINEERING Project Smith Residence Remodel. 1 P. O. Box 5098 54-283 Avenida Rubio_ ___ La Quinta, California 92248-5098 La Quinta, CA Phone 760 408-6441 South West Concepts__, > ver. 7-12-10 Retrieve/Save drive = > wk4 Filespec: C:\JOVEN\JOBS\2010\580\CALC'S\10WDLA-2.WK4 Load drive= TABLE 2306.4.1 Allowable Shear For Structural Panel Shear Walls Panel ; Nominal ;Min. Nails .. i - - F_a_ste_n_er Spacing __ Grade Panel lFastener 1 1 I 2 ;ThicknesPenn. I -6 I 4 1 3 I 2 I ,STRUCT 3/8 1-3/8 8d I 230 360 460 I 610 1 1/2 1-3/8 8d 1 280 350 550 730 1/2 I 1-1/2 10d 1 340 I 510 665 870 1 - -- ' 3/8 f 1-1/4 "6-"d' 200 i -300 390 I - 510 3/8 `` 1-3/8 I 8d 220 1 320 410 I 530 �CDX 1/2 1 1-3/8 I 8d I 260 I 350 490 640 1/2 j 1-1/2 10d I 310 I 350 600 770 5/8 1-1/2 10d ( 340 ; 510 ( 665 I 870 Holddown Lookup Table, Simpson 2008 ( 2000 psi concrete, 2 pours HDtable lHD ft CBC Table 100% 1None Required - 0 HTT4 z 1340 HDU2 _3075 1 �r J-' 5645 !HDU8_- 697. !HDQ8 _763 HDQ8 _ 923 iHHDQ11 _1.181 -7777 !HHDQ14 .. 1371 IHDU14 1 1492 HD19 i` re - 1673 IHD19 -1907 1 -. 100% CBC I Corner table j_—� I--`-�- --, 1340 a: � 10051- 3075 HDU4 4565 4565 3,:,HDU5 0�-_-_6970 0��;: 0 Or 0 5 5 130 0.124 4x, in 8" min. stem 0.088 4x 0.114 4x 0.115 4x 0.116 4x 0.094 4234 0.095 -6x6 0.131 -6x6 0.107 -6x6 E� �;`. � x -6x6 0.177 x1_7630 R 9230_6923 -6x6 1.25" LA -25720 ICC -ESR No. _11810 LA -25720 NER No. 5708 13710 +- � . • i 14925 is 'i 16735 t 10283 11194 12551 -" �_•b 19070 _in_pounds 590 (_ 860; 1200! '15801 V 1800 Single bolt in 2000 psi concrete (2x6 sill) v !Single 628 915 ; 1277 Min stud 1 A 130 0.124 4x, in 8" min. stem 0.088 4x 0.114 4x 0.115 4x 0.116 4x 0.094 4x 0.095 -6x6 0.131 -6x6 0.107 -6x6 0.177 -6x6 0.177 -6x6 1.125" 0.137 -6x6 1.25" Job # by Date Sheet C: C: 1 ' 580 JV t 12/06/2010 L$ of work dir = 580 Filespec = 10WdLat ER No. 130 0.8 Temperture Factor ICC -ESR No. 2330 LA -25720 ICC -ESR No. 2330 LA -25720 ICC -ESR No. 2330 LA -25720 ICC -ESR No. 2330 LA -25720 ICC -ESR No. 2330 LA -25720 ICC -ESR No. 2330 LA -25720 ICC -ESR No. 2330 LA -25720 ICC -ESR No. 2330 LA -25720 ICC -ESR No. 2330 LA -25720 NER No. 5708 LA -25528 NER No. 5708 LA -25528 Cd = 1.33 Load Duration Factor Ct = 0.8 Temperture Factor 100< T <125 degrees -_ ___BLOCKED D_1APH_R_AGM_ S (Grade !Panel 117astener sillbolt (Default bol '5/8" x 3x sill 1138 #/bolt size_(Bolt B ( C i- D iThicknesPen. 1 size Framing6 r 4 _[Bolt i 1.33 x 0.80 x 2x4 sill _ 915.#/bolt i 1%2 LS/8 3/4°-(7/8"� 1 I I __1� 1/2 5/8 3/4" j - - 7/8° 1 ° 4 I I � i 1.33 x 0.80 x 2x6 sill 915 #%bolt ___jBolt values x adjustment & duration factors -- --- - Bolt values -- - -- - I 360 ,Single bolt in 2000 psi concrete ( 2x4 sill) I 915 1170 ( 1261 ( 1197 _in_pounds 590 (_ 860; 1200! '15801 V 1800 Single bolt in 2000 psi concrete (2x6 sill) v !Single 628 915 ; 1277 1681 1915 -590 -8601 1200 1580 1800 bolt in 1500 si mason 400 1415, 18941 2043 2181 850 1330 1780 19201 2050 290 Siri le cantilevered sill bolt in 3x4 sill ate ",S _9041 _ _6681 7771 _ 1138' 11381 1365 1490 ___1373 18301-2288 1430 ri730 1070.7400 °".1720 �' 2150 325 Single cantilevered sill bolt in 3x6 silt plate > 1 735 I 290 X 730 i z 7070 1 1400 i r.'<1720T.:: ,.21501 Minimum value from table above - _ ' 1 6281 915 Table based on pressure treated Hem -Fir sill plates (S.G. = .43 ) TABLE 2306.3.1 Allowable Shear For Wood Structural Diaphragms IPanel Nominal jMin. (Nails (Nominal -_ ___BLOCKED D_1APH_R_AGM_ S (Grade !Panel 117astener (Width of I A B ( C i- D iThicknesPen. 1 1 Framing6 4 2-1/2 2 1 I I 1-3/8 8d 6 6` 4 I I � 3 (STRUCT 3/8 1-3/8 8d 2x I 270 I 360 530 600 i I I 610 •i 240 I 180 3x 300 I 400 600 ! 675 1/2 1-1/2 10d 2x 320 I 425 ! 640 730 300 400 600 3x 360 1 480 720 1 820 CDX 1197 _._ 5901^ _ 860 le 11.2E 2005 NDS UNBLpCKED-� DIAPHRAGMS asel �Case2-6 240 I 180 1 265 200 i 285 I 215 320 I 240 : u A I _ 1580; _ 1 I � v— a 1 3/8 1-3/8 8d I 2x I 240 I 320 ( 480 545 215 160 1 I I 3x 270 I 360 540 610 •i 240 I 180 I 1/2 I 1-3/8 8d 2x I 270 360 I 530 1 600 240 i 180 3x 300 400 600 ± 675 i 265 I 200 1/2 ' 1-1/2 I 10d? 2x 290 I 385 575 655 i 255 190 1 3x 325 I 430 I 650 1 735 I 290 I 215 5/8 I 1-1/2 10d { 2x 320 425 640 ( 730 285 215 3x 360 I 480 i 720 820 320 I 240 : u A I _ 1580; _ 1 I � v— a �_ JOVEN ENGINEERING Smith Residence Remodel_- Job # 580 P. O. Box 5098 54283 Avenida Rubio by JV (-- La Quinta, California 92248-5098 La Quin ta CA Date 12/06/2010 i Phone 760 408-6441 South West Conce_ pts Sheet L u of > ver. 7-12-10 Retrieve/Save drive = C: work dir = 580 > wk4 Filespec: C:\JOVEN\JOBS\2010\580\CALC'S\10WDLA-2.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec = 10WdLat ywall Redundancy factor for "Y" direction walls 1- 1.30 Y Walls Story Strength (max) = 14218 ASCE 7 Sec. a. "Y" Sheanivall - Line 1 adjustment % End Wall Condition if A or 1 E Diaphragm no.= 1 Wind Seismic ...1/0 Total Minus % Trib. width (1)= 24.63 ft. 1.000 1.000 1 Trib. width (2)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 Trib. width (3)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 Use wall tVDe 1 °Y" Wind F(x) = 2955 # x 1.00 USE 1/2 CDX Plywood or O.S.B. Sheathing + added wind = 685 # = total "Y° wind = 3640 # governs 1 side v wall = ------ > 254 #/ ft. "Y"seismic F(x)= 2470 # x 1.00 Nailing: Edge- 8d @ 6 ° o.c. + added seismic = 0 # = total "Y" seismic = 2470 # Field- 8d @ 12 ° o.c. Total wall length 14.33 ft. x P- 3211 # v allow= 260 #/ft. Stud depth = 3.5 in. Sill : 5/8° dia. anchor bolts @ 43 " o.c. Header Hgt.= 7 ft. with 2x Sill Plate 0 Wall location trib rf dl= 17 Left lintel Wall length, Right lintel Wall ht v wall = H/L = 0.6 trib width: 5.00 0.00 ft. 14.33 ft. 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 254 #/ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 85 #/ft. 85 #/ft. 85 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction wall loc.= 1 Wall dead load = 15 #/ft. 120 #/ft. 15 #/ft. ioldown Post Area 6 ins. left right . = 7.0 Uplift P x .7'Qe 1916 # 1916 # min. stud thickness = 1.65 ins. Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D -1674 # -1674 # (based on T to grain bearing ) Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -676 # -676 # E = """"" psi 1.00 added down load (-) 0 # 0 # G = 40500 psi 0.007 + 0.055 Gross down load -3591 # -3591 # en = 0.0039 + 0.023 + 0.049 Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.6 z dl = 912 # 912 # Footing data delta s = 0.13 Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = 1605 # _ 1605 # F(a) soil = 1500 psi elta M = 0.54 HDU2 HDU2 width = 1.00 ft. Ata Lim= 2.40 Top rebar = 0.01 sq.ins. 0.01 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.03 sq.ins. 0.03 sq.ins. elf. depth = 14 in. "Y" Shearwali - Line 2 adjustment % End Wall Condition if A or 1 E Diaphragm no.= 1 & 2 Wind Seismic ... 1 % 0 Total Minus Trib. width (1)= 24.63 ft. 1.000 1.000 1 Trib. width (2)= 10.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 Trib. width (3)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 °Y° Wind F(x)= 4155 # x 1.00 Sill: + added wind = 685 # = total °Y" wind = 4840 # governs °Y°seismic F(x)= 3222 # x 1.00 psi 0.005 + added seismic = 0 # = total "Y" seismic = 3222 # Total wall length 11.33 ft. X P= 4189 # Stud depth = 3.5 in. F(a) soil = - - Header Hgt.= 7 ft, width = 1.00 ft. r Wall location trib rf dl= 17 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel trib width: 2.00 0.00 ft. 11.33 ft. 0.00 ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 34 #/ft. 34 #/ft. 34 #/ft. wall loc.=1 Wall dead load = 15 #/ft. 120 #/ft. 15 #/ft. Uplift p x .7'Qe Use wall type 3 USE 1/2 CDX Plywood or O.S.B. Sheathing 1 side vwall=------> 427 #/ft. Nailing: Edge- 8d @ 3 " o.c. 3069 # Field- 8d @ 12 ° o.c. min. stud thickness = 1.96 v allow= 490 #/ft. Sill: 5/8° dia. anchor bolts @ 28 ° o.c. psi with 3x Sill Plate G = 40500 Wall location trib rf dl= 17 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel trib width: 2.00 0.00 ft. 11.33 ft. 0.00 ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 34 #/ft. 34 #/ft. 34 #/ft. wall loc.=1 Wall dead load = 15 #/ft. 120 #/ft. 15 #/ft. Top rebar = Bott. rebar = left Uplift p x .7'Qe Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -401 # added down load ( ) 0# Gross down load Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.6 x dl = Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = Top rebar = Bott. rebar = left right 3254 # 3254 # -995 # -995 # -401 # -401 # 0# 0# -4248 # -4248 # 2657 # 2657 # 3069 # 3069 # _ =_HDU2 _ HDU2 0.10 sq.ins. 0.10 sq.ins 0.04 sq.ins. 0.04 sq.ins Wall ht v wall = H/L = 0.7 8.00 ft. 427 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction ioldown Post Area 6 ins. = 19.25 min. stud thickness = 1.96 ins. (based on T to grain bearing ) E = """"" psi 1.00 G = 40500 psi 0.005 + 0.089 en = 0.0036 + 0.022 + 0.062 Footing data delta s = 0.18 F(a) soil = 1500 psf elta M = 0.71 width = 1.00 ft. 31ta Lim= 2.40 depth = 1.50 ft. eff. depth = 14 in. JOVEN ENGINEERING Smith Residence Remodel Job # 580 P. O. Box 5098 54_283 Avenida Rubio by JV La Quinta, California 92248-5098 La Quinta,_CA _- _ _ Date 12/06/2010 !Phone 760 408-6441 South West Concepts _ Sheet LG of _7 > ver. 7-12-10 Retrieve%Save drive = C: work dir = 580 > wk4 Filespec: C:\JOVEN\JOBS\2010\580\CALC'S\10WDLA-2.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec = 10WdLat "Y" Shearwall Line 3 adjustment % End Wall Condition if A or 1 E Diaphragm no.= 2 Wind Seismic ... 1/0 Total Minus % Trib. width (1)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 Trib. width (2)= 12.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 1 Trib. width (3)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 Use wall tvoe 1 "Y" Wind F(x) = 1440 # x 1.00 USE 1/2 CDX Plywood or O.S.B. Sheathing + added wind = 685 # = total "Y" wind = 2125 # governs 1 side v wall = ------ > 112 #/ ft. "Y°seismic F(x)= 902 # x 1.00 Nailing: Edge- 8d @ 6 " o.c. + added seismic = 0 It = total "Y" seismic = 902 # Field- 8d @ 12 'o.c. Total wall length 19.00 ft. x a= 1173 # v allow= 260 #/ft. Stud depth = 3.5 in. Sill: 5/8" dia. anchor bolts @ 43 " o.c. Header Hgt.= 7 ft. with 2x Sill Plate Wall location trib rf dl= 17 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = H/L = 0.4 trib width 5.00 0.00 ft. 19.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 112 #/ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 85 #/ft. 85 '#/ft. 85 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction wall loc.=1 Wall dead load = 15 Wit. 120 #/ft. 15 #/ft. foldown Post Area 6 ins. left right = 19.25 Uplift p x .7•Qe 836 # 836 # min. stud thickness = 1.41 ins. Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D -2220 # -2220 # (based on T to grain bearing ) Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -896 # -896 # E _ •••••••••• Added down load 0 # 0 # G = 40500 psi 1.00 (-) psi 0.001 + 0.026 Gross down load `-3057 # -3057 # en = 0.0004 + 0.003 + 0.052 Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.6 z dl -496 # -496 # Footing data delta s = 0.08 Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = 424 # 424 # F(a) soil = 1500 psi elta M = 0.33 I HTT4 _] NTT4 width= 1.00 ft. alta Lim= 2.40 Top rebar 0.00 sq.ins. 0.00 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar= 0.02 sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. eff. depth= 14 in. B E JOVEN ENGINEERING Smith Residence Remodel Job # 580 °P. O. Box 5098 54-283 Avenida Rubio by JV La Quinta, California 92248-5098 La Quinta, CA Date 12/06/2010 l Y1Phone 760 408-6441 South West, Concepts_ _ Sheet LSD of > ver. 7-12-10 _ - - Retrieve/Save drive = C: work dir = 580 > wk4 Filespec: C:WOVEN\JOBS\2010\580\CALC'S\10WDLA-2.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec = 10WdLat xwall Redundancy factor for "X" direction walls _ 1.30 X Walls Story Strength (max) = 11354 ASCE 7 Sec. a. "X" Shearwall Line A adjustment % End Wall Condition if A or 1 E Between 2 & 3 Diaphragm no.= 2 Wind Seismic ... 1/0 Total Minus % Trib. width (1)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 8.00 Trib. width (2)= 12.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 1 Trib. width (3)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 Use wall tVDe 1 °Y" Wind F(x) = 480 # x 1.00 USE 1/2 Cd -x Plywood or O.S.B. Sheathing + added wind = 852 # = total °Y° wind = 1332 # governs 1 side v wall = ------ > 100 #/ ft. °Y"seismic F(x)= 902 # x 1.00 Nailing: Edge- 8d @ 6 ° o.c. + added seismic = 0 # = total °X° seismic = 902 # Field- 8d @ 12 ° o.c. Total wall length 13.30 ft. x p= 1173 # v allow= 238 #/ft. Stud depth = 3.50 in. Sill: 5/8" dia. anchor bolts @ 43 ° o.c. Header Hgt.= 8 ft. with __ 2x Sill Plate OEM Wall location trib rf dl= 17 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = H/L = 2.2 trib width: 2.00 0.00 ft. 3.66 ft. 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 100 #/ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 34 #/ft. 34 #/ft. 34 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction wall loc.= 0 Wall dead load = 45 #/ft. 80 #/ft. 45 #/ft. foldown Post Area 6 ins. left right = 19,25 Uplift p x .7'Qe 845 # 845 # min. stud thickness = 0.50 ins. Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D -238 # -238 # (based on T to grain bearing ) Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -96 # -96 # E _ •"•""••' psi 1.00 added down load(-) 0# 0# G = 40500 psi 0.004 + 0.023 Gross down load -1083 # -1083 # en = 0.0003 + 0.002 + 0.271 Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.6 x dl = 702 # 702 # Footing data delta s = 0.30 Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = 801 # _ 801 # F(a) soil = 1500 psf alta M = 1.20 HTT4 _ _H_TT4 width = 1.00 ft. ?lta Lim= 2.40 Top rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. depth = 1.00 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.00 sq.ins. 0.00 sq.ins. eff. depth = 8 in. Wall location crib rf dl= 17 . Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = H/L = 0.8 trib width: 2.00 0.00 ft. 9.66 ft. 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 100 #/ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 34 #/ft. 34 #/ft. 34 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction wall loc.= 0 Wall dead load 45 #/ft. 80 #/ft. 45 #/ft. loldown Post Area 6 ins. left right = 19.25 Uplift p x .7"Qe 769 # 769 # min. stud thickness = 0.64 ins. Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D -628 # -628 # (based on T to grain bearing ) Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -253 # -253 # E = •"••"•'• psi 1.00 added down load () 0 # 0 # G = 40500 psi 0.002 + 0.023 Gross down load -1397 # -1397 # en = 0.0003 + 0.002 + 0.103' Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.6 x dl = 392 # 392 # Footing data delta s = 0.13 Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = 653 # _ 653 # F(a) soil = 1500 psf alta M = 0.51 H_TT4 HTT4 width = 1.00 ft. alta Lim= 2.40 Top rebar = 0.01 sq.ins. 0.01 sq.ins. depth = 1.00 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.01 sq.ins. 0.01 sq.ins. eff. depth = 8 in. "X" Shearwall Line 8 adjustment % End Wall Condition if A or 1 E Diaphragm no.= 1 Wind Seismic ... 1/0 Total Minus % Trib. width (1)= 14.75 ft. 1.000 1.000 1 Trib. width (2)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 Trib. width (3)= 6.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 °Y" Wind F(x) = 1560 # x 1.00 USE + added wind = 685 # = total °Y° wind '= 2245 # "Y"seismic F(x)= 2979 # x 1.00 + added seismic = 0 # = total "X" seismic = 2979 # Total wall length 22.00 ft. x p= 3872 # governs Stud depth = 3.50 in. Header Hgt.= 8 ft. Wall location trib rf dl= 17 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel trib width: 7.25 0.00 ft. 5. 0.0 ft. 0.00 ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 123 #/ft. 123 #/ft. 123 #/ft. wall loc.= 0 Wall dead load = 45 #/ft. 80 #/ft. 45 #/ft. left right Uplift p x .7•Qe 1424 # 1424 # Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D -579 # -579 # Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -234 # -234 # added down load (-) 0 # 0 # Gross down load -2003 # -2003 # Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.75 x dl = 989 # 989 # Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = 1_316 # 1316 # _ I_ HDU2_ Top rebar = 0.03 sq.ins. 0.03 sq.ins. Bott. rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. Between 1 & 2 Use wall tvDe 1 1/2 Cd -x Plywood or O.S.B. Sheathing 1 side vwall=------> 176 #/ft. Nailing: Edge- 8d @ 6 ° o.c. Field- 8d @ 12 " o.c. v allow= 260 #/ft. Sill: 5/8° dia. anchor bolts @ 43 " o.c. with 2x Sill Plate Wall ht v wall = H/L = 8.00 ft. 176 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction foldown Post Area 6 ins. = 19.25 min. stud thickness = 0.92 ins. (based on T to grain bearing ) E= ..,.,.., psi G = 40500 psi 0.005 + 0.038 en = 0.0013 + 0.008 + 0.198 Footing data delta s = 0.25 F(a) soil = 1500 psf elta M = 1.00 width = 1.00 ft. alta Lim= 2.40 depth = 1.00 ft. eff. depth = 8 in. 1.6 1.00 +JOVEN ENGINEERING Smith Residence Remodel_ Job # 580 - P. O. Box 5098 54-283 Avenida Rubio by JV # La Quinta, California 92248-5098 La Quetta CA Date 12/06/2010 Phone 760 408-6441 South West Concepts Sheet L7 of > ver. 7-12-10 Retrieve/Save drive = C: work dir = 580 > wk4 Filespec: C:\JOVEN\JOBS\2010\580\CALC'S\10WDLA-2.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec = 10WdLat Wall location trib rf dl= 17 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = H/L trib width 7.25 0.00 ft. 7.25 ft. 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 176 #/ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 123 #/ft. 123 #/ft. 123 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction wall loc.= 0 Wall dead load = 45 #/ft. 80 #/ft. 45 #/ft. ioldown Post Area 6 ins. left right = 19.25 Uplift p x .7`Qe 1376 # 1376 # min. stud thickness = 1.02 ins. Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D -840 # -840 # (based on T to grain bearing ) Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -339 # -339 # E = """•••• psi 1.00 added down load () 0 # 0 # G = 40500 psi 0.003 + 0.038 Gross down load -2216 # -2216 # en = 0.0013 + 0.008 + 0.137 Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.75 x dl = 746 # 746 # Footing data delta s = 0.19 Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = 1220 # _ 1220 # Fla) soil = 1500 psf alta M = 0.74 [RDU2 HDU2 _ width = 1.00 it. alta Lim= 2.40 Top rebar = 0.02 sq.ins.. 0.02 sq.ins. depth = 1.00 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. eff. depth = 8 in. Wall location trib rf dl= 17 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = H/L = 0.8 trib width: 7.25 0.00 ft. 9.83 ft. 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 176 #/ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 123 #/ft. 123 #/ft. 123 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction wall loc.= 0 Wall dead load = 45 #/ft. 80 #/ft. 45 #/ft. ioldown Post Area 6 ins. left right = 19.25 Uplift p x .7`Qe 1350 # 1350 # min. stud thickness = 1.15 ins. Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D -1139 # -1139 # (based on T to grain bearing ) Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -460 # -460 # E = `•••""•• psi 1.00 added down load (-) 0 # 0 # G = 40500 psi 0.003 + 0.038 Gross down load -2489 # -2489 # en = 0.0013 + 0.008 + 0.101 Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.75 x dl = 496 # 496 # Footing data delta s = 0.15 Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = 1139 #_ 1139# Fla) soil = 1500 psf elta M = 0.60 _RDU2 1 HDU_ _ width = 1.00 ft. alta Lim= 2.40 Top rebar = [ 0.01 sq.ins. 0.01 sq.ins. depth = 1.00 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.03 sq.ins. 0.03 sq.ins. eff. depth = 8 in. "X" Shearwall Line C adjustment % End Wall Condition if A or 1 E Between 2 & 3 Diaphragm no.= 2 Wind Seismic ... 1/0 Total Minus % Trib. width (1)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 Trib. width (2)= 12.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 1 Trib. width (3)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 Use wall tVDe 1 "Y" Wind F(x) = 480 # `x 1.00 USE 1/2 Cd -x Plywood or O.S. B. Sheathing + added wind = 852 # = total °Y" wind = 1332 # 1 side v wall = ------ > 226 #/ ft. "Y"seismic F(x)= 902 # x 1.00 Nailing: Edge- 8d @ 6 ° o.c. + added seismic = 750 # = total "X° seismic = 1652 # Field- 8d @ 12 ° o.c. Total wall length 9.50 ft. x p=' 2148 # governs v allow= 260 #/ft. Stud depth = 3.50 in. Sill: 5/8° dia. anchor bolts @ 43 ° o.c. Header Hgt.= 8 ft. with 2x Sill Plate Wall location trib rf dl= 17 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = H/L = 0.8 trib width: 10.00 0.00 ft. 9.50 ft. 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 226 #/ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 170 #/ft. 170 #/ft. 170 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction wall loc.= 0 Wall dead load = 45 #/ft. 80 #/ft. 45 #/ft. ioldown Post Area 6 ins. left right = 7 Uplift p x .7`Qe 1738 # 1738 # min. stud thickness = 1.42 ins. Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D -1354 # -1354 # (based on T to grain bearing ) Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -546 # -546 # E = ••••-• "' psi 1.00 added down load () 0# 0 # G = 40500 psi 0.009 + 0.048 Gross down load -3091 # -3091 # en = 0.0026 + 0.015 + 0.074 Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.75 x dl = 722 # 722 # Footing data delta s = 0.15 Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = 1486_ # _ 1486_# Fla) soil = 1500 psf elta M = 0.59 ( HD_U2 HDU2 width = 1.00 ft. alta Lim= 2.40 Top rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. depth = 1.00 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.04 sq.ins. 0.04 sq.ins. eff. depth = 8 in. 1JOVEN ENGINEERING Smith Residence Remodel _ _ Job # 580 i - P. O. Box 5098 54-283 Avenida Rubio by JV La Quinta, California 92248-5098 La Quinta, CA Date 12/06/2010 Phone 760 408-6441 South West don-cepts . - Sheet Q of > ver. 7-12-10 - " Retrieve/Save drive = C: work dir = 580 > wk4 Filespec: C:WOVEN\JOBS\2010\580\CALC'S\10WDLA-2.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec = 10WdLat "X" Shearwall Line D adjustment % End Wall Condition if A or 1 E Between 1 & 2 Diaphragm no.= 1 Wind Seismic ... 1/0 Total Minus % Trib. width (1)= 14.75 ft. 1.000 1.000 1 Trib. width (2)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 Trib. width (3)= 6.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 Use wall tvoe 1 "Y" Wind F(x) = 1560 # x 1.00 USE 1/2 Cd-x Plywood or O.S.B. Sheathing + added wind = 685 # = total "Y" wind = 2245 # 1 side v wall = ------ > 170 #/ ft. "Y"seismic F(x)= 2979 # x 1.00 Nailing: Edge- 8d @ 6 'o.c. + added seismic = 0 # = total "X" seismic = 2979 # Field- 8d @ 12 " o.c. Total wall length 22.73 ft. x n= 3872 # governs v allow= 255 #/ft. Stud depth = 3.50 in. Sill : 5/8" dia. anchor bolts ® 43 " o.c. Header Hgt.= 8 ft. with 2x Smill Plat Wall location . trib rf dl= 17 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = H/L = 2.0 trib width: 7.25 0.00 ft. 3.92 ft. 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 170 #/ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 123 #/ft. 123 #/ft. 123 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction wall loc.= 0 Wall dead load = 45 #/ft. 80 #/ft. 45 #/ft. loldown Post Area 6 ins. left right = 19,25 Uplift p x .7•Qe 1422 # 1422 # min. stud thickness = 0.86 ins. Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D -454 # -454 # (based on T to grain bearing ) Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -183 # -183 # E = •••••••••• psi 1.00 added down load (-) 0 # 0 # G = 40500 psi 0.006 + 0.037 Gross down load -1876 # -1876 # en = 0.0012 + 0.007 + 0.253 Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.75 x dl = 1081 # 1081 # Footing data delta s = 0.30 Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = 1337 # 1337 # F(a) soil = 1500 psf elta M = 1.21 HDU2 DU2_ width = 1.00 ft. :Ita Lim= 2.40 Top rebar = 0.04 sq.ins. 0.04 sq.ins. depth = 1.00 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.01 sq.ins. 0.01 sq.ins. eff. depth = 8 in. Wall location trib rf dl= 17 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = WL = 1.3 trib width: 7.25 0.00 ft. 6.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 170 #/ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 123 #/ft. 123 #/ft. 123 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction wall loc.= 0 Wall dead load = 45 #/ft. 80 #/ft. 45 #/ft. loldown Post Area 6 ins. left . right = 19.25 Uplift p x .7•Qe 1353 # 1353 # min. stud thickness = 0.94 ins. Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D -695 If -695 # (based on T to grain bearing ) Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -280 # -280 # E = •••••••••• psi 1.00 added down load (-) 0 # 0 # G = 40500 psi 0.004 + 0.037 Gross down load -2048 # -2048 # en = 0.0012 + 0.007 + 0.165 Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.75 x dl = 832 # 832 # Footing data delta s = 0.21 Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = 1224 # 1224 # F(a) soil = 1500 psi alta M = 0.85 i HDlJ2 LL_ __L_HDU2_ width = 1.00 ft. alta Lim= 2.40 Top rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. depth = 1.00 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. eff. depth = 8 in. Wall location trib rf dl= 17 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = H/L = 1.4 trib width 7.25 0.00 ft.. 5.83 ft. 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 170 #/ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 123 #/ft. 123 #/ft. 123 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction wall loc.= 0 Wall dead load = 45 #/ft. 80 #/ft. 45 #/ft. loldown Post Area 6 ins. left right = 19.25 Uplift p x .7•Qe 1357 # 1357 # min. stud thickness = 0.94 ins. Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D -675 # -675 # (based on T to grain bearing ) Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -273 # -273 # E = "•••••••• psi 1.00 added down load () 0 # 0 # G = 40500 psi 0.004 + 0.037 Gross down load -2032 # -2032 # en = 0.0012 + 0.007 + 0.170 Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.75 x dl = 850 # 850 # Footing data delta s = 0.22 Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = 1231 #12_31 # F(a) soil = 1500 psi alta M = 0.87 HDU2 _ i HDU2 width = 1.00 ft. alta Lim= 2.40 Top rebar = 0.02 'sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. depth = 1.00 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. eff. depth = 8 in. Wall location trib rf dl= 17 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = H/L = 2.0 trib width: 7.25 0.00 ft. 4.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 170 #/ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 123 #/ft. 123 #/ft. 123 Wit. Resisting couple reduction wall loc.= 0 Wall dead load = 45 #/ft. 80 #/ft. 45 #/ft. loldown Post Area 6 ins. left right = 19.25 Uplift p x .7•0e 1417 # 1417 # min. stud thickness = 0.87 ins. Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D -463 # -463 # (based on T to grain bearing ) Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -187 # -187 If E = •••••••••• psi 1.00 added down load () 0 # 0 # G = 40500 psi 0.006 + 0.037 Gross down load -1881 # -1881 # en = 0.0012 + 0.007 + 0.248 Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.75 x dl = 1070 # 1070 # Footing data delta s = 0.30 Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = 1.3-3.1..#' 1331 # F(a) soil = 1500 psf elta M = 1.19 -HDU2_. width = 1.00 ft. alta Lim= 2.40 Top rebar = 0.04 sq.ins. 0.04 sq.ins. depth = 1.00 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.01 sq.ins. 0.01 sq.ins. eff. depth = 8 in. JOVEN ENGINEERING 'JE Smith Residence Remodel Job # 580 P. O. Box 5098 54-283 Avenida Rubio by JV La Quinta, California 92248-5098 Date 12/06/2010 Phone 760 408-6441 South West Cq-r!c9i4... Sheet L9 of . • ver. 7-12-1-0 . -- - -:-7----- --1.— r. — ' "Reldive/Save drive = C: work dir = 580 • wk4 Filespec: C:\.JOVEN\JOBS\2010\580\CALC'S\10WDLA-2.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec = 10WdLat Wall location trib rf dl= 17 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = H/L = 2.3 trib width: 7.25 0.00 ft. 3.42 ft. 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 170 #/ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 123 #/ t. 123 #/ft. 123 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction wall loc.= 0 Wall dead load = 45 #/ft. 80 #/ft. 45 #/ft. ioldown Post Area 6 ins. left right = 19.25 Uplift P X.rde 1.453 1453 # min. stud thickness 0.85 ins. Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D.. -396 # -396 # (based on T to grain bearing Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -160 # -160 # E = .......... psi 0.87 added down load 0'# 0 # G = 40500 psi 0,007 + 0.037 Gross down load -1849 # -1849 # en = 0.0012 + 0.007 + 0.206 Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.75 x dl = 1155 '# 1155 # Footing data delta s = 0.26 Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x di = 1379 #_ 1379 # F(a) soil = 1500 psf alta M = 1.03 width = 1.00 ft. -1ta Lim= 2.40 Top rebar = 0.04, sq.ins. 0.04 sq.ins. depth = 1.00 ft. Bon. rebar = 0.01 sq.ins. 0.61 sq.ins. off. depth 8 in. i