SBA 1993-184H E C I T Y 0 La,q1981 - 1qinta Carai Decade June 23, 1993 Ms. Patrice d'Entremont Subject: 54-565 Avenida-Rubio Setback Adjustment: 93-184 La Quintal, CA 92253 Location: 541-565 Rubio Dear Ms. d.'Entremont: This letter is to report approval of your recent application for a setback adjustment, pursuanto Chapter 9.188 of the City of L ta Quinta, Planning & Zoning, Regulations. The following setback adjustment has been approved subject to conditions and in accordance with attached Exhibit A. SETBACK ADJUSTMENT: `Five feet to three feet at rear property line - FOR: Swimming Pool & Spa CONDITIONS: 1. Obtain a building permit.` 2. Provide a 3-inch diameter PVC pipe a minimum of 30-inches deep to within 5 feet of each side property•lineEI&A Q re-ex gaol M"GGi✓' ���� wze i After review it-was determined that: 1. This adjustment,is consistent with the interrt and purpose of the zoning ordinance. 2. There are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, topography; location or surroundings that,justify approval of the adjustment. These special circumstances are: odd shape area for pool created by development of improvements on lot. City of La Quints Post Office Box 1504 0 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 ` BUYER/OWNER/S ADDRESS C1TY MAP 800K PAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION • LOT Owner and Contractor acknowledge that they are ►esMiii1ble fa the lollowln¢ TRACT PIAN AUTHORIZATION SALESMAN MUST INDICATE LOCATION IN THIS SCALE DRAWING OF ALL ITEMS LISTED BELOW AND THE FOLLOWING MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY OWNER. F THERE ARE ANY CHANGES FROM •OCATIONS ON THIS DRAWING, THERE NILL BE ADDITIONAL CHARGFc 'CESS DAMAGE OR UNDERGROUND tSTRUCTIONS: 00NTRACT0ii well rip assurta r*ItpontidU for damage such as, damage to curbs, *walks, driveways, Cement slabs, sewers. !!000.rn$. Irs. shrubs. lances. telephone or ser Utility lines Of forouling OI any Overhaul underground lines, pipes, Conduits p inage. Customer warrants all locations on ' drawing are within their prOpeny lines. on SCe*ss is made through a neighbor's party II is underslOW that you the Owner e that neighbor's permission and Saturn* respontibilily. NO soil, rocks, debris etc.. Qv*d p bought In erlcepl on day of ovation. D ON THE LOWING CONTRACT ASSUMPTION OF TS: las the elle has adequate bearing Cap", Will no unoertilisd fit ground. rock for. Ms. boulders, cesspools, Mptic tanks for utility hues Or Other obstructions.: 'to Und*rQOund or suil water COr1/j wiY Inlerlare with the Construction p IIWrI or .'OmplNed Structure• that es• 've Is Mss than aS PCS*Qainal 30l . r. thSt no blasting p hart► Ill it required; that trucks and power, meat will nave access TO this sit* and that iccess is adequate and substantial: that isle electricity and water is available on Openly. Contractor shall not be liable for On Of the gold Offer gill Caused by es• water: f_ any darrtape ceased by heal �► a^Y Injury 10 Ow/a1 whits owner is rp puNqr., wasMnQ oeckf, p brushing PON Na'Ml is firmed to 30 rNnufes. 'PSCd. Owner to b* Isible 1o, d om_t_ of pool elevation Irainag* beyond POOI Clacking; for a plastertu10 •"0* -0 lo Obtain • smooth stn hN Aac; for wal*ngye "for 10 cOnsecygye days: obtain• 'lN►bomeovnar AssOC Nation approvals: for g sling not 1peciticaay Stated an :t; for all au'I reports unteM otherwise 00; for ell additional Costs associated Ind decking am not guaranteed against Q. Checking. tatting. settling Or anon. Plaster is not guetenteed against anon, staining. checking p packinglost . )ns IMIm0--� r�iM from I" if proper use of dtemicals Do of,1:400-ft pol oolq( r for variance it nnekMpod II be fid to $S o0+nr. shame .mons ° delay Conntuttton any iMdilibMi eurr*d by Contract_, as a r*$%A of AM sial be paid by owner. Ian aulhOniatlon in corijuntyph with act Constitutes the entma eoreem*hl Mies. APPROVES PLAN AND SPECIFIl kS OUTLINED HEREIN AND HAS D A COPY OF THIS PLAN. to it REQ PH®N� CDA1�tiA('f p� J0A PHONE