04-3726 (SFD) Geotechnical Investigation Report_ Fk Earth Systems Southwest - yam, � � r • r 1. .. �tss_-„t �: _ x.�.c_•_ _- _ ... - � _ �-. moi..-._ ... ,.. , ..: _ � _:: " r � • CITY OF LA QUINTA ;,� BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED P CONSTRUCTION ` DATE % 0' BY P` _ Consulting, •Engineers and. Geologists - yam, � � r • r - .. �tss_-„t �: _ x.�.c_•_ _- _ ... - � _ �-. moi..-._ ... ,.. , ..: _ � _:: " GORDON ROSS 42-829 COOK STREET, SUITE 104 PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT LOT 25, TRACT 27728 AT THE QUARRY �58-631 BANFIELD DRIVE LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 1 April 2 p , 004 ' 0 2004 Earth Systems Southwest Unauthorized use or copying of this document is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Earth Systems Southwest. File No.: 09591-01 ' 04-04-793 I ' 1 Li Earth Systems Southwest April 26, 2004 Gordon Ross 42-829 Cook Street, Suite 104 Palm Desert, California 92260 Attention: Mr. Larry Whyman Project: Lot 25, Tract 27728 at The Quarry 58-631 Banfield Drive La Quinta, California Subject: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT Dear Mr. Whyman: 79-811B Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 (760)345-1588 (800)924-7015 FAX (760) 345-7315 File No.: 09591.-01 04-04-793 We take pleasure in presenting this Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared for the proposed residence to be located at 58-631 Banfield Drive in the City of La Quinta, California. This report presents our findings and recommendations for site grading and foundation design, incorporating the information provided to our office. The site is suitable for the proposed development, provided the recommendations in this report are followed in design and construction. In general, the upper soils should be compacted to improve bearing capacity and reduce settlement. The site is subject to strong ground motion from the San Andreas fault. Electrical resistivity testing of the near surface soils indicates a severe corrosion potential. This report should stand as a whole and no part of the report should be excerpted or used to the exclusion of any other part. This report completes our scope of services in accordance with our agreement, dated March 9, 2004. Other services that may be required, such as plan review and grading observation, are additional services and will be billed according to our Fee Schedule in effect at the time services are provided. Unless requested in writing, ,the client is responsible for distributing this report to the appropriate governing agency or other members of the design team. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our professional services. Please contact our office if there are any questions or comments concerning this report or its recommendations. Respectfully submitted, EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST o�ofESSioN� Q�O0�.1L.ST w2v m m Shelton L. Stringer r CO o.. s ��M GE 2266 41 Exp. 6-30-04 w c 1 P. SER/sls/reh `s�q 0TECHN��' lF OF C P,0 � Distribution: 6/Gordon Ross 1/RC File 2/BD File Section 5 RECOMMENDATIONS..............:...............................................................10 SITE DEVELOPMENT AND GRADING.................................................................10 5.1 i TABLE OF CONTENTS 5.1.1 Clearing and Grubbing........................................................................10 Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY" ......................................................................................... iii Section 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................... l 5.1.3 Auxiliary Structures Subgrade Preparation.........................................10 1.1 Project Description............................................................................................1 1.2 Site Description.............................................................................:....................1 1.3 Purpose and Scope of Work..............................................................................1 11 1.4 Previous Geotechnical Studies Reviewed.........................................................2 5.1.6 Site Drainage.......................................................................................11 5.2 Section 2 METHODS OF INVESTIGATION...............................................................3 2.1 Field Exploration....................:.......................................................................... 3 2.2 Laboratory Testing.........................................................................................3 5.2.2 Utility Trenches...................................................................................11 Slope Stability of Graded Slopes.....................................................................12 Section3 DISCUSSION...................................................................................................4 STRUCTURES.............................................................................................................12 3.1 3.2 Soil Conditions..................................................................................................4 Groundwater...............................................:......................................................4 5.4 3.3 Geologic Setting................................................................................................4 3.4 Geologic Hazards............................................................................................... 5 3.4.1 Seismic Hazards....................................................................................5 ' 3.4.2 Secondary Hazards................................................................................6 5.4.3 Frictional and Lateral Coefficients......................................................13 Slabs-on-Grade................................................................................................13 3.4.3 Site Acceleration and Seismic Coefficients .............. ...........................7 Section4 CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................:.....9 Section 5 RECOMMENDATIONS..............:...............................................................10 SITE DEVELOPMENT AND GRADING.................................................................10 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST t 5.1 Site Development — Grading...........................................................................10 5.1.1 Clearing and Grubbing........................................................................10 ' 5.1.2 Building Pad Preparation.....................................................................10 5.1.3 Auxiliary Structures Subgrade Preparation.........................................10 1 5.1.4 Subgrade Preparation...........................................................................10 5.1 .5 Engineered Fill Soils 11 5.1.6 Site Drainage.......................................................................................11 5.2 Excavations and Utility Trenches....................................................................11 5.2.1 Excavations..........................................................................................11 ' 5.3 5.2.2 Utility Trenches...................................................................................11 Slope Stability of Graded Slopes.....................................................................12 STRUCTURES.............................................................................................................12 5.4 Foundations.....................................................................................................12 5.4.1 Conventional Spread Foundations.......................................................12 5.4.2 Expected Settlement............................................................................13 ' 5.5 5.4.3 Frictional and Lateral Coefficients......................................................13 Slabs-on-Grade................................................................................................13 5.5.1 Subgrade..............................................................................................13 1 5.5.2 Vapor Retarder.....................................................................................13 5.5.3 Slab Thickness and Reinforcement.....................................................13 5.5.4 Control Joints.......................................................................................14 5.6 5.5.5 Curing and Quality Control ...................................... Retaining Walls ........................................................... .....................................14 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST t 1 Table of contents, continued ii 1 5:6.1 Earth Pressures..........................................:.........................................14 5.6.2 Drainage...............................................................................................15 5.6.3 Backfill and Subgrade Compaction.....................................................15 5.7 Mitigation of Soil Corrosivity on Concrete.....................................................15 5.7.1 Chemical Tests....................................................................................15 15.7.2 Electrical Resistivity Test....................................................................16 5.8 Seismic Design Criteria...................................................................................16 Section 6 LIMITATIONS AND ADDITIONAL SERVICES....................................18 6.1 Uniformity of Conditions and Limitations......................................................18 6.2 Additional Services..........................................................................................19 1 REFERENCES .........................................:.. ...20 ........................................................... APPENDIX A Figure 1 — Vicinity Map 1 Figure 2 — Site Location Map - Aerial Figure 3 — Boring Location Map Table 1 — Fault Parameters Logs of Borings APPENDIX B ' Laboratory Test Results t 1 1 1 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 111 ,.. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Earth Systems Southwest has prepared this executive summary solely to provide a general . ' overview of the report. The. report itself should .be relied upon for information about the findings, conclusions, recommendations, and other concerns. The site is located at. 58-631 Banfield. Drive in the City of La Quinta, California, The proposed development will consist of a residential structure. We understand that the proposed structure will be wood -frame and stucco construction supported with perimeter wall foundations and concrete slabs -on -grade. The proposed project may be constructed as planned, provided that the recommendations in this report are incorporated in the final design and construction. Site development will include building pad preparation, underground utility installation, street and parking lot construction, hardscape walkways and landscaping, and concrete driveway and sidewalk placement. Based on 1 the non-uniform nature and hydrocollapse potential of the near surface soils, remedial site grading is recommended to provide uniform support for the. foundations. 1 We consider the most significant geologic hazard to the project to be the potential for moderate to severe seismic shaking that is likely to occur during the design life of the proposed structures. The project site is located .in the highly seismic Southern California region within the influence of several fault systems that are considered to be active or potentially active. The site is located in Seismic Zone 4 of the 2001 California Building Code (CBC). Structures should be designed . I i in accordance with the values and parameters given within the CBC. The seismic design parameters are presented in the following table and within the report. EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST iv SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Design Item Recommended Parameter Reference Section No. Foundations Allowable Bearing Pressure Continuous wall footings 1,500 psf 5.4.1 Pad (Column) footings 2,000 psf Foundation Tye Spread Footing 5.4.1 Bearing Materials Engineered fill Allowable Passive Pressure 250 pcf 5.4.3 Active Pressure 35 pcf 5.6.1 At -rest Pressure 55 pcf 5.6.1 Allowable Coefficient of Friction 0.35 5.4.3 Soil Expansion Potential Very low (EIQO) 3.1 Geologic and Seismic Hazards Liquefaction Potential Negligible 3.4.2 Significant Fault and Magnitude San Andreas, M7.7 3.4.3; 5.8 Fault Type A 3.4.3; 5.8 Seismic Zone 4 3.4.3; 5.8 Soil Profile Tye So 3.4.3; 5.8 Near -Source Distance 15.6 km 3.4.3; 5.8 Seismic Coefficient, NA 1.00 3.4.3; 5.8 Seismic Coefficient, Nv 1.00 3.4.3; 5.8 Slabs Building Floor Slabs On engineered fill 5.5.1 Modulus of Subgrade Reaction 200 pci 5.5.3 Existing Site Conditions Existing Fill N/A Soil Cbrrosivity low sulfates low chlorides 5.7.1 Groundwater Depth Presently >200 feet 3.2 Estimated Fill and Cut (includes over -excavation) Minimal 1.1 The recommendations contained within this report are subject to. the limitations presented in Section 6 of this report. We recommend that all individuals using this report read the limitations. EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 26, 2004 1 File No.: 09591-01 ' 04-04-793 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT LOT 25, TRACT.27728 AT THE QUARRY 1 58-631 BANFIELD DRIVE LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA Section 1 INTRODUCTION ' 1.1 Project Description This geotechnical engineering report has been prepared for the proposed. residence to be located at 58-631 Banfield Drive in the City of La Quinta, California. The proposed residence will be a one-story structure. We understand that the proposed structure will be of wood -frame and stucco construction and will be supported by conventional shallow continuous or pad footings. ' Site development will include building Pad preparation, underground utilityinstallation, street and parking lot construction, hardscape walkways and landscaping, and concrete driveway and sidewalk placement. Based on existing site topography and ground conditions, site grading is expected to be minimal. We used maximum column loads of 20 kips and a maximum wall loading of 1.5 kips per linear foot as a basis for the foundation recommendations. All loading is assumed to be dead plus ' actual live load. If actual structural loading exceeds these assumed values, we would need to reevaluate the given recommendations. 1.2 Site Description The proposed site is described as Lot 25, Tract 27728 at The Quarry. The site is irregularly shaped and approximately 22,850 square feet in area. The site location is shown on Figure 1 in Appendix A. Prior rough grading of the site was done several years ago. The site is presently bound by residences.to the north and south, a golf course to the west, and Banfield Drive to the east. There are trees at the western end of the site and some low vegetative growth on the rough graded pad. Drainage of the site is accomplished through surface infiltration and sheet flow. The subject lot ' is currently vacant, relatively flat, and essentially level. There is a slight drop in grade on the east side of the site towards the street. Site elevation is approximately 180 feet above sea level. 1.3 Purpose and Scope of Work The purpose for our services was to evaluate the site soil conditions and to provide professional opinions and recommendations regarding the proposed development of the site. The scope of work included the following: ➢ A general reconnaissance of the site. ➢ Shallow subsurface exploration by drilling four exploratory borings to depths ranging from 14.5 to 21.5 feet. t ➢ Laboratory testing of selected soil samples obtained from the exploratory borings. ' EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST Not Contained in This Report: Although available through Earth Systems Southwest, the current scope of our services does not include: ➢ A corrosive study to determine cathodic protection of concrete or buried pipes. 1 ➢ An environmental assessment. ➢ An investigation for the presence or absence of wetlands, hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater, or air on, below; or adjacent to the subject property. ' 1.4 Previous Geotechnical Studies Reviewed The following previous geotechnical studies pertaining to sites at or near the The Quarry in La ' Quinta were reviewed: 1. Earth Systems Consultants Southern California, Report of Testing and Observations Performed during Grading, The Quarry, La Quinta, California, File No.: B7-1405-P3,- dated 7-1405-P3;dated August 18,1993. I 2. Earth Systems Southwest, Geotechnical Engineering Report, Access Road for Tentative. Parcel Map 28617, South of The Quarry, La Quinta, California, File No.: 08413-01, dated January 11, 2002. ' 3. Earth Systems Southwest, Geotechnical Engineering Report, Proposed Bowen Residence. and Guest House, Lot 21, Tract 27728, Banfield Drive, La Quinta, California, File No.: 08617-01, dated May 20, 2002. t EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 26, 2004 2 File No.: 09591-01 04-04-793 ➢ A review of selected published technical literature pertaining to the site. ➢ An engineering analysis and evaluation of the acquired data from the exploration and testing programs. ' ➢ A summary of our findings and recommendations in this written report. This report contains the following: ➢ Discussions on subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. ➢ Discussions on regional and local geologic conditions. ➢ Discussions on geologic and seismic hazards. t➢ ➢ Graphic and tabulated results of laboratory tests and field studies. Recommendations regarding: • Site development and grading criteria. ' • Excavation conditions and buried utility installations. Structure foundation type and design. • Allowable foundation bearing capacity and expected total and differential settlements. • Concrete slabs -on -grade. • Lateral earth pressures and coefficients. • Mitigation of the potential corrosivity of site soils to concrete and steel reinforcement. • Seismic design parameters. • Preliminary pavement structural sections. Not Contained in This Report: Although available through Earth Systems Southwest, the current scope of our services does not include: ➢ A corrosive study to determine cathodic protection of concrete or buried pipes. 1 ➢ An environmental assessment. ➢ An investigation for the presence or absence of wetlands, hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater, or air on, below; or adjacent to the subject property. ' 1.4 Previous Geotechnical Studies Reviewed The following previous geotechnical studies pertaining to sites at or near the The Quarry in La ' Quinta were reviewed: 1. Earth Systems Consultants Southern California, Report of Testing and Observations Performed during Grading, The Quarry, La Quinta, California, File No.: B7-1405-P3,- dated 7-1405-P3;dated August 18,1993. I 2. Earth Systems Southwest, Geotechnical Engineering Report, Access Road for Tentative. Parcel Map 28617, South of The Quarry, La Quinta, California, File No.: 08413-01, dated January 11, 2002. ' 3. Earth Systems Southwest, Geotechnical Engineering Report, Proposed Bowen Residence. and Guest House, Lot 21, Tract 27728, Banfield Drive, La Quinta, California, File No.: 08617-01, dated May 20, 2002. t EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 26, 2004 3 File No.: 09591-01 04-04-793 Section 2 METHODS OF INVESTIGATION - 2.1 Field Exploration Four exploratory borings were drilled to depths ranging from 14.5 to 21.5 feet below the existing ground surface to observe the soil profile and to obtain samples for laboratory testing. The ' borings were drilled on March 15, 2004 using 8 -inch outside diameter hollow -stem augers, powered by a CME 55 truck -mounted drilling rig. The boring locations are shown on the boring location map, Figure 2, in Appendix A. The locations shown are approximate, established by ' pacing and sighting from existing topographic features. Samples were obtained within the test borings using a Standard Penetration (SPT) sampler ' (ASTM D 1586) and a Modified California (MC) ring sampler (ASTM D 3550 with shoe similar to ASTM D 1586). The SPT sampler has a 2 -inch outside diameter and a 1.38 -inch inside diameter. The MC sampler has a 3 -inch outside diameter and a 2.37 -inch inside diameter. The samples were obtained by driving the sampler with a 140 -pound hammer, manually activated by rope and cathead, dropping 30 inches in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. Recovered soil ' samples were sealed in containers and returned to the laboratory. Bulk samples were also obtained from auger cuttings, representing a mixture of soils encountered at the depths noted. The final logs of the borings represent our interpretation of the contents of the field logs and the results of laboratory testing performed on the samples obtained during the subsurface exploration. The final logs are included in Appendix A of this report. The stratification lines 1 represent the approximate boundaries between soil types, although the transitions may be gradational. 2.2 Laboratory Testing Samples were reviewed along with field logs to select those that would be analyzed further. Those selected for laboratory testing include soils that would be exposed and used during grading and those deemed to be within the influence of the proposed structure. Test results are presented in graphic and tabular form in Appendix B of this report. The tests were conducted in general accordance with the procedures of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or other standardized methods as referenced below. Our testing program consisted of the following: ➢ In-situ Moisture Content and Unit Dry Weight for the ring samples (ASTM D 2937). ➢ Maximum density tests to evaluate the moisture -density, relationship of. typical soils .encountered (ASTM D 1557). ➢ Particle Size Analysis (ASTM D 422) to classify and evaluate soil composition. The gradation characteristics of selected samples were made by hydrometer and sieve analysis procedures. ➢ Consolidation (Collapse Potential) (ASTM D 2435 and D 5333) to evaluate the compressibility and hydroconsolidation (collapse) potential of the soil. ➢ Chemical Analyses (Soluble Sulfates and Chlorides, pH, and Electrical Resistivity) to evaluate the potential adverse effects of the soil on concrete and steel. EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST IJ April 26, 2004 4 File No.: 09591-01 ' 04-04-793 Section 3 DISCUSSION 3.1 Soil Conditions The field exploration indicates that site soils consist primarily of silty sands and sands with some gravel. The upper 5 to 6.5 feet of soils consist of fill material, as indicated by high blow counts. The fill soils are dense, fine- to coarse-grained silty sands with very low moisture contents. Native soils underlying the fill are medium dense, damp, fine- to coarse-grained sands with some silt. (Unified Soils Classification Symbol of SP -SM.) ' The boring logs provided in Appendix A include more detailed descriptions of the soils encountered. The soils are visually classified to be in the very low expansion (EI < 20) category ' in accordance with Table 18A -I -B of the California Building Code. In and climatic regions, granular soils may have a potential to collapse upon wetting. Collapse ' (hydroconsolidation) may occur when the soluble cements (carbonates) in the soil matrix dissolve, causing the soil to densify from its loose configuration from deposition. A consolidation test indicates 1.5% collapse upon inundation and collapse is therefore considered a ' low site risk. The hydroconsolidation potential is commonly mitigated by recompaction of a zone beneath building pads. The site lies within a recognized blow sand hazard area. Fine particulate matter (PMio) can create an air quality hazard if dust is blowing. Watering the surface, planting grass or ' landscaping, or placing hardscape normally mitigates this hazard. 3.2 Groundwater ' Free groundwater was not encountered in the borings during exploration. The groundwater level in the area is currently anticipated to be in excess of 200 feet. Groundwater levels may fluctuate with precipitation, irrigation, drainage, regional pumping from wells, and site grading. ' Groundwater should not be a factor in design or construction at this site. 3.3 Geologic Setting Regional Geology: The site lies on the western margin of the Coachella Valley, a part of the Colorado Desert geomorphic province, at the base of the Santa Rosa Mountains. A significant ' feature within the Colorado Desert geomorphic province is the Salton Trough. The Salton Trough is a large northwest -trending structural depression that extends approximately 180 miles ' from the San Gorgonio Pass to the Gulf of California. Much of this depression in the area of the Salton Sea is below sea level. ' The Coachella Valley forms the northerly part of the Salton Trough. The Coachella Valley contains a thick sequence of sedimentary deposits that are Miocene to recent in age. Mountains surrounding the Coachella Valley include the Little San Bernardino Mountains. on the northeast, ' foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains on the northwest, and the San Jacinto and Santa Rosa Mountains on the southwest. These mountains expose primarily Precambrian metamorphic and ' EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 26, 2004 5 File No.: 0959 1 -01 04-04-793 Mesozoic granitic rocks. The San Andreas fault zone within the Coachella Valley consists of the Garnet Hill fault, the Banning fault, and the Mission Creek fault that traverse along the northeast margin of the valley. 1 Local Geology: The project site is located approximately 0.7 mile southwest of Lake Cahuilla and about 180 feet above mean sea level in the southwest portion of the Coachella Valley, near the base of the Santa Rosa Mountains. The sediments within the valley consist of fine- to coarse- grained sands with interbedded clays, silts, gravels, and cobbles of aeolian (wind-blown), lacustrine (lake -bed), and alluvial (water -laid) origin. ' 3.4 Geologic Hazards Geologic hazards that may affect the region include seismic hazards (ground shaking, surface ' fault rupture, soil liquefaction, and other secondary earthquake -related hazards), slope instability, flooding, ground subsidence, and erosion. A discussion follows on the specific hazards to this site. 3.4.1 Seismic Hazards Seismic Sources: Several active faults or seismic zones lie within 62 miles (100 kilometers) of the project site as shown on Table 1 in Appendix A. The primary seismic hazard to the site is strong ground shaking from earthquakes along the San Andreas fault. The Maximum Magnitude ' Earthquake (Mmax) listed is from published geologic information available for each fault (Cao et. al, CGS, 2003). The Mmax corresponds to the maximum earthquake believed to be tectonically possible. Surface Fault Rupture: The project site does not lie within a currently delineated State of California, Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone (Hart, 1997). Well -delineated fault lines cross ' through this region as shown on California Geological Survey (CGS) maps (Jennings, 1994). Therefore, active fault rupture is unlikely to occur at the project site. While fault rupture would most likely occur along previously established fault traces, future fault rupture could occur at ' other locations. Historic Seismicity: Six historic seismic events (5.9 M or greater) have significantly -affected the Coachella Valley in the last 100 years. They are as follows: • Desert Hot Springs Earthquake — On December 4, 1948, a magnitude 6.5 ML (6.OMW) ' earthquake occurred east of Desert Hot Springs. This event was strongly felt in the Palm Springs area. • Palm Springs Earthquake — A magnitude 5.9 ML (6.2MW) earthquake occurred on July 8, 1986 in the Painted Hills, causing minor surface creep of the Banning segment of the San Andreas fault. This event was strongly felt in the Palm Springs area and caused structural ' damage, as well as injuries. • Joshua Tree Earthquake — On April 22, 1992, a magnitude 6.1 ML (6.1Mw) earthquake occurred in the mountains 9 miles east of Desert Hot Springs. Structural damage and minor injuries occurred in the Palm Springs area as a result of this earthquake. ' EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 26, 2004 6 File No.: 09591-01 ' 04-04-793 • Landers and Big Bear Earthquakes — Early on June 28, .1992, a magnitude 7.5 Ms (7.3MW) ' earthquake occurred near Landers, the largest seismic event in Southern California for 40 years. Surface rupture occurred just south of the town of Yucca Valley and extended some 43 miles toward Barstow. About three hours later, a magnitude 6.6 Ms (6.4MW) ' earthquake occurred near Big Bear Lake. No significant structural damage from these earthquakes was reported in the Palm Springs area. • Hector Mine Earthquake — On October 16, 1999, a magnitude 7.1MW earthquake occurred on ' the Lavic Lake and Bullion Mountain faults north of Twentynine Palms. While this event was widely felt, no significant structural damage has been reported in the Coachella Valley. Seismic Risk: While accurate earthquake predictions are not possible, various agencies have conducted statistical risk analyses. In 2002, the California Geological Survey (CGS) and the ' United States Geological Survey (USGS) completed the latest generation of probabilistic seismic hazard maps. We have used these maps in our evaluation of the seismic risk at the site. The Working Group of California Earthquake Probabilities (WGCEP, 1995) estimated a 22% conditional probability that a magnitude 7 or greater earthquake may occur between 1994 and 2024 along the Coachella segment of the San Andreas fault. ' The primary seismic risk at the site is a potential earthquake along the San Andreas fault. Geologists believe that the San Andreas fault has characteristic earthquakes that result from rupture of each fault segment. The estimated characteristic earthquake is magnitude 7.7 for the Southern Segment of the fault (USGS, 2002). This segment has the longest elapsed time since rupture of any part of the San Andreas fault. The last rupture occurred about 1690 AD, based on dating by the USGS near Indio (WGCEP, 1995). This segment has also ruptured on about 1020, 1 1300, and 1450 AD, with an average recurrence interval of about 220 years. The San Andreas fault may rupture in multiple segments, producing a higher magnitude earthquake. Recent paleoseismic studies suggest that the San Bernardino Mountain Segment to the north and the ICoachella Segment may have ruptured together in 1450 and 1690 AD (WGCEP, 1995). 3.4.2 Secondary Hazards Secondary seismic hazards related to ground shaking include soil liquefaction, ground subsidence, tsunamis, and seiches. The site is far inland, so the hazard from tsunamis is ' non-existent. At the present time, no water storage reservoirs are located in the immediate vicinity of the site. Therefore, hazards from seiches are considered negligible at this time. Soil Liquefaction: Liquefaction is the loss of soil strength from sudden shock (usually earthquake shaking), causing the soil to become a fluid mass. In general, for the effects of liquefaction to be manifested at the surface, groundwater levels must be within 50 feet of the ' ground surface and the soils within the saturated zone must also be susceptible to liquefaction. The potential for liquefaction to occur at this site is considered negligible because the present and future anticipated depth of groundwater beneath the site exceeds 100 feet. No free groundwater was encountered in our.exploratory borings. The site lies within a moderate liquefaction hazard area established by the 2002 Riverside County General Plan, based on historic high groundwater from 50 to 100 feet and susceptible sediments. ' EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 26, 2004 7 FileNo.: 09591-01 ' 04-04-793 Ground Subsidence: The potential for seismically induced ground subsidence is considered to be low at the site. Dry sands tend to settle and densify when subjected to strong earthquake shaking. The amount of subsidence is dependent on relative density of the soil, ground motion, and earthquake duration. Uncompacted fill areas may be susceptible. to seismically induced ' settlement. Based on Tokimatsu and Seed methodology, we estimate that about 0.2 inches of total ground subsidence may occur in the upper 22 feet of soils for the Design Basis Earthquake ground motion. Slope Instability: The site is'relatively flat. Therefore, potential hazards from sloPe instability, landslides, or debris flows are cons idered'negligible. Flooding: The project site does not lie within a designated FEMA 100 -year flood plain. The project site may be in an area where sheet flooding and erosion could occur. If significant changes are proposed for the site, appropriate project design, construction, and maintenance can minimize the site sheet flooding potential. 3.4.3 Site Acceleration and Seismic Coefficients Site Acceleration: The potential intensity of ground motion may be estimated by the horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA), measured in "g" forces. Included in Table 1 are deterministic estimates of site acceleration from possible earthquakes at nearby faults. Ground motions are ' dependent primarily on the earthquake magnitude and distance to the seismogenic (rupture) zone. Accelerations are also dependent upon attenuation by rock and soil deposits, direction of rupture, and type of fault. For these reasons, ground motions may vary considerably in the same general area. This variability can be expressed statistically by a standard deviation about a mean relationship. r 1 The PGA alone is an inconsistent scaling factor to compare to the CBC Z factor and is generally a poor indicator of potential structural damage during an earthquake. Important factors influencing the structural performance are the duration and frequency of strong ground motion, local subsurface conditions, soil -structure interaction, and structural details. The following table provides the probabilistic estimate of the PGA taken from the 2002 CGS/USGS seismic hazard maps. Estimate of PGA from 2002 CGS/USGS Prohahilistic seismic f4a7.ard Man. Risk Equivalent Return Period (years) PGA (g) t 10% exceedance in 50 years 475 0.48 Notes: 1. Based on a soft rock site, SB/C, and soil amplification factor of 1.0 for Soil Profile Type So. 2001 CBC Seismic Coefficients: The California Building Code (CBC) seismic design criteria are based on a Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) that has an earthquake ground motion with a 10% probability of occurrence in 50 years. The PGA and EPA estimates given above are EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 April 26, 2004 8 File No.: 09591-01 04-04-793 provided for information on the seismic risk inherent in the CBC design. The seismic and site coefficients given in Chapter 16 of the 2001 California Building Code are provided in Section 5.8 of this report and below. 2001 CBC Seismic Coefficients for Chapter 16 Seismic Provisions Seismic Zone: 4 Figure 16-2 Seismic Zone.Factor, Z: 0.4 Table 16-I Soil Profile Type: Sp Table 16-J Seismic Source Type: A Table 16-U Closest Distance to Known Seismic Source: 15.6 km = 9.7 miles (San Andreas fault) Near Source Factor, Na: 1.00 Table 16-5 Near Source Factor, Nv: 1.00 Table 16-T Seismic Coefficient, Ca: 0.44 = 0.44Na Table 16-Q Seismic Coefficient, Cv: 0.64 = 0.64Nv Table 16-R Seismic Hazard Zones: The site lies within a moderate liquefaction hazard area established by the 2002 Riverside County General Plan, based on historic high groundwater from- 50 to 100 feet and susceptible sediments. However, present and anticipated future groundwater levels are expected to exceed 100 -foot depth. Riverside County has not been mapped by the California Seismic Hazard Mapping Act (Ca. PRC 2690 to 2699). EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 26, 2004 9 File No.: 09591-01 04-04-793 Section 4 CONCLUSIONS The following is a summary of our conclusions and professional opinions based on the data obtained from a.review of selected technical literature and the site evaluation. ( -nPral- ➢ From a geotechnical perspective, the site is suitable for the proposed development, provided the recommendations in this report are followed in the design and construction of this project. Geotechnical Constraints and Mitigation: ➢ The primary geologic hazard is severe ground shaking from earthquakes originating on nearby faults. A major earthquake above magnitude 7 originating on the local segment of the San Andreas or San Jacinto fault zone would be the critical seismic event that may affect the site within the design life of the proposed development. Engineered design and earthquake -resistant construction increase safety and allow development of seismic areas. ➢ The project site is, in seismic Zone 4, is of soil profile Type Sp, and is about 15.6 km from a Type A seismic source as defined in the California Building Code. A qualified professional should design any permanent structure constructed on the site. The minimum seismic design should comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code. ➢ Ground subsidence from seismic events or hydroconsolidation is a potential hazard in the Coachella Valley area. Adherence to the grading and structural recommendations in this report should reduce potential settlement problems from seismic forces, heavy rainfall or irrigation, flooding, and the weight of the intended structures. ➢ The soils are susceptible to wind and water erosion. Preventative measures to reduce seasonal flooding and erosion should be incorporated into site grading plans.. Dust control should also be implemented during construction. Site grading should be in strict compliance with the requirements of the South Coast Air Quality Management District ' (SCAQMD). ➢ Other geologic hazards, including fault rupture, liquefaction, seismically induced ' flooding, and landslides, are considered low or negligible on this site. ➢ The upper 5 to 6 feet of soils consist of fill existing from previous grading for a building ' pad. These fill soils are comprised of fine- to coarse-grained silty sands and are very dense. Native soils underlying the fill were found to be medium dense, fine- to coarse-grained sands with some silt. The previously rough graded building pad is suitable in its present condition to support structures, fill, and hardscape. However, these fill soils within the building and structural areas will require moisture conditioning and recompaction to improve bearing capacity and reduce settlement from static loading. Soils can be readily cut by normal grading equipment. I EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST t April 26, 2004 Section 5 RECOMMENDATIONS 10 SITE DEVELOPMENT AND GRADING ' 5.1 Site Development — Grading File No.: 09591-01 04-04-793 ' A representative of Earth Systems Southwest (ESSW) should observe site clearing, grading, and the bottoms of excavations before placing fill. Local variations in soil conditions may warrant increasing the depth of recompaction and over -excavation. '5. 1.1 Clearing and Grubbing ' At the start of site grading, existing vegetation, trash and abandoned underground utilities should be removed from the proposed building, structural, and pavement areas. The surface should be stripped of organic growth and removed from the construction area. Areas disturbed during ' clearing should be properly backfilled and compacted as described below. Dust control should also be implemented during construction. Site grading should be in strict ' compliance with the requirements of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). , ' 5.1.2 Building Pad Preparation Since several years have passed since the rough grading was done, we recommend some remedial ' effort prior to precise grading and building construction. The pads should be moisture conditioned to a depth of 3 feet below the current pad grade. If isolated soft areas are encountered, supplemental compaction will be required to densify to a depth of at least 3 feet ' below the finished pad grade. The compaction should extend for 5 feet beyond the outer edge of exterior footings. The upper 2 feet below existing grade or, 1 foot below bottom of footings, whichever is lower, should be tested to verify at least 90% relative compaction (ASTM D 1557). Moisture penetration to near optimum moisture should extend at least 36 inches below existing grade and be verified by testing. 5.1.3 Auxiliary Structures Subgrade Preparation Auxiliary structures such as garden or retaining walls should have the foundation subgrade prepared similar to the building pad recommendations given above. The lateral extent of the over -excavation needs to extend only 2 feet beyond the face of the footing. 5.1.4 Subgrade Preparation In areas to receive fill, pavements, or hardscape, the subgrade should be scarified, moisture conditioned, and compacted to at least 90%relative compaction (ASTM D 1557) for a depth of 1 foot below finished subgrades. Compaction should be verified by testing. EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 26, 2004 11 File No.: 0959 1 -01 04-04-793 5.1.5 Engineered Fill Soils The native soil is suitable for use as engineered fill and utility trench backfill, provided it is free of significant organic or deleterious matter. The native soil should be placed in maximum 8 -inch ' lifts (loose) and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction (ASTM D 1557) near its optimum moisture content. Compaction should be verified by testing. Rocks larger than 6 inches in greatest dimension should be removed from fill or backfill material. 1 Imported fill soils (if needed) should be non -expansive, granular soils meeting 'the USCS classifications of SM, SP -SM, or SW -SM with a maximum rock size of 3 inches and 5 to 35% passing the No. 200 sieve. The geotechnical engineer should evaluate the import fill soils before hauling to the site. However, because of the potential variations within the borrow source, import soil will not be prequalified by ESSW. The imported fill should be placed in lifts ' no greater than 8 inches in loose thickness and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction (ASTM D 1557) near optimum moisture content. ' 5.1.6 Site Drainage Positive drainage should be maintained away from the structures (5% for 5 feet minimum) to ' prevent ponding and subsequent saturation of the foundation soils. Gutters and downspouts should be considered as a means to convey water away from foundations if adequate drainage is not provided. Drainage should be maintained for paved areas. Water should not pond on or near ' paved areas. 5.2 Excavations and Utility Trenches 5.2.1 Excavations Excavations should be made in accordance with CalOSHA requirements. Our site exploration and knowledge of the general area indicates there is a potential for caving of site excavations (utilities, footings, etc.). Excavations within sandy soil should be kept moist, but not saturated, ' to reduce the potential of caving or sloughing. Where excavations over 4 feet deep are planned, lateral bracing or appropriate cut slopes of 1.5:1 (horizontal: vertical) should be provided. No ' surcharge loads from stockpiled soils or construction materials should be allowed within a horizontal distance measured from the top of the excavation slope and equal to the depth of the excavation. ' 5.2.2 Utility Trenches Backfill of utilities within roads or public right-of-ways should be placed in conformance with tthe requirements of the governing agency (water district, public works department, etc.). Utility trench backfill within private property should be placed in conformance with the provisions of this report. In general, service lines extending inside of property may be backfilled with native ' soils compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction. Backfill operations should be observed and tested to monitor compliance with these recommendations. EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 26, 2004 12 File No.: 09591-01 ' 04-04-793 5.3 Slope Stability of Graded Slopes Unprotected, permanent graded slopes should not be steeper than 3:1 (horizontal: vertical) to reduce wind and rain erosion. Protected slopes with ground cover may be as steep as 2:1. ' However, maintenance with motorized equipment may not be possible at this inclination. Fill slopes should be overfilled and trimmed back to competent material. Slope stability calculations are not presented because of the expected minimal slope heights (less than 5 feet). ' STRUCTURES In our professional opinion, structure foundations can be supported on shallow foundations bearing on a zone of properly prepared and compacted soils placed as recommended in Section 5.1. The recommendations that follow are based on very low expansion category soils. '5.4 Foundations ' Footing design of widths, depths, and reinforcing are the responsibility of the Structural Engineer, considering the structural loading and the geotechnical parameters given in this report. A minimum footing depth of 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade should be maintained. A ' representative of ESSW should observe foundation excavations before placement of reinforcing steel or concrete. Loose soil or construction debris should be removed from footing excavations before placement of concrete. ' 5.4.1 Conventional Spread Foundations Allowable soil bearing pressures are given below for foundations bearing on recompacted soils as described in Section 5.1. Allowable bearing pressures are net (weight of footing and soil surcharge may be neglected). ' ➢ Continuous wall. foundations, 12 -inch minimum width and 12 inches below grade: 1500 psf for dead plus design live loads ' Allowable increases of 300 psf per each foot of additional footing width and 2OO-p3,f for each additional 0.5 foot of footing depth may be used up fQ to a maximum value 2500 psf ' ➢ Isolated pad foundations, 2 x 2 foot minimum in plan and 18 inches, below grade: 2000 psf for dead plus design live loads Allowable increases of 200 psf per each foot of additional footing width a d-300 psffa .each ' additional 0.5 foot of footing depth may be used up to a maximum valu of 2500 psf. A one-third (1/3) increase in the bearing pressure may be used when calculating resistance to wind ' or seismic loads. The allowable bearing values indicated are based on the anticipated maximum loads stated in Section 1.1 of this report. If the anticipated loads exceed these values, the ' geotechnical engineer must reevaluate the allowable bearing values and the grading requirements. ' Minimum reinforcement for continuous wall footings should be two No. 4 steel reinforcing bars, one placed near the top and one placed near the bottom of the footing. This reinforcing is not intended to supersede any structural requirements provided by the structural engineer. EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 1 April 26, 2004 13 File No.: 0959 1 -01 04-04-793 5.4.2 Expected Settlement Estimated total static settlement should be less than 1 inch, based on footings founded on firm soils as recommended. Differential settlement between exterior and interior bearing members ' should be less than '/2 inch, expressed in a post -construction angular distortion ratio of 1:480 or less. 5.4.3 Frictional and Lateral Coefficients Lateral loads may be resisted by soil friction on the base of foundations and by passive resistance of the soils acting on foundation walls. An allowable coefficient of friction of 0.35 of dead load may be used. An allowable passive equivalent fluid pressure of 250 pcf may also be used. These values include a factor of safety of 1.5. Passive resistance and frictional resistance may be used ' in combination if the friction coefficient is reduced by one-third. A one-third ('/3) increase in the passive pressure may be used when calculating resistance to wind or seismic loads. Lateral passive resistance is based on the assumption that backfill next to foundations is properly ' compacted. 5.5 Slabs -on -Grade 5.5.1 Subgrade Concrete slabs -on -grade and flatwork should be supported by compacted soil placed in accordance with Section 5.1 of this report. ' 5.5.2 Vapor Retarder In areas of moisture sensitive floor coverings, an appropriate vapor retarder should be installed to ' reduce moisture transmission from the subgrade soil to the slab. For these areas, an impermeable membrane (10 -mil thickness) should underlie the floor slabs. The membrane should be covered with 2 inches of sand to help protect it during construction and to aid in concrete curing. The ' sand should be lightly moistened just prior to placing the concrete. Low -slump concrete should be used to help reduce the potential for concrete shrinkage. The effectiveness of the membrane is .dependent upon its quality, the method of overlapping, its protection during construction, and the successful sealing of the membrane around utility lines. 5.5.3 Slab Thickness and Reinforcement Slab thickness and reinforcement of g slabs -on -grade are contingent on the recommendations of the structural engineer or architect and'the expansion index of the supporting soil. Based upon ' our findings, a modulus of subgrade reaction of approximately 200 pounds per cubic inch can be used in concrete slab design for the expected very low expansion subgrade. ' The following minimum slab recommendations are intended to address geotechnical concerns such as potential variations of the subgrade and are not to be construed as superceding any structural design. I EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 1 April 26, 2004 14 File No.: 09591-01 ' 04-04-793 Concrete slabs and flatwork should be a minimum of 4 inches thick (actual, not nominal). We ' recommend that the concrete slabs be reinforced with a minimum of No. 3 rebars at 18 -inch centers, both horizontal directions, placed at slab mid -height to resist cracking. Concrete floor slabs may either be monolithically placed with the foundations or doweled after footing ' placement. The thickness and reinforcing given are not intended to supersede any structural requirements provided by the structural engineer. The project architect or geotechnical engineer should continually observe all reinforcing steel in slabs during placement of concrete to check for proper location within the slab. 5.5.4 Control Joints Control joints should be provided in all concrete slabs -on- rade at a maximum spacing of g p g 36 times the slab thickness (12 feet maximum on -center, each way) as recommended by ' American Concrete Institute (ACI) guidelines. All joints should form approximately square patterns to reduce the potential for randomly oriented, contraction'cracks. Contraction joints in the slabs should be tooled at the time of the pour or saw cut ('/4 of slab depth) within 8 hours of ' concrete placement. Construction (cold) joints should consist of thickened butt joints with one- half inch dowels at 18 -inches on center or a thickened keyedJoint to resist vertical deflection at the joint. All construction joints in exterior flatwork should be sealed to reduce the potential of ' moisture or foreign material intrusion. These procedures will reduce the potential for randomly . oriented cracks, but may not prevent them from occurring. ' 5.5.5 Curing and Quality Control The contractor should take precautions to reduce the potential of curling of slabs in this and desert region using proper batching, placement, and curing methods. Curing is highly affected by. temperature, wind, and humidity. Quality control procedures may be used, including trial batch ' mix designs, batch plant inspection, and on-site special inspection and testing. Typically, for this type of construction and using 2500 -psi concrete, many of these quality control procedures are not required. 5.6 Retaining Walls 5.6.1 Earth Pressures 1 The following table presents lateral earth pressures for use in retaining wall design. The values ' are given as equivalent fluid pressures without surcharge loads or hydrostatic pressure., ' EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 1 April 26, 2004 1 15 File No.: 09591-01 04-04-793 Lateral Pressures and Sliding Resistance t Granular Backfill Passive Pressure 375 pcf - level ground Active Pressure (cantilever walls) 35 pcf - level ground Use when wall is permitted to rotate 0.1% of wall height At -Rest Pressure (restrained walls) 55 pcf - level ground Dynamic Lateral Earth Pressure Z Acting at 0.5H, 18H psf or 36 pcf Where H is height of backfill in feet Base Lateral Sliding Resistance 0.50 Dead load x Coefficient of Friction: Notes: 1. These values are ultimate values. A factor of safety of 1.5 should be used in stability analysis except for dynamic earth pressure where a factor of safety of 1.2 is acceptable. 2. Dynamic pressures are based on the Mononobe-Okabe 1929 method, additive to active earth pressure. Walls retaining less than 6 feet of soil and not supporting inhabitable structures need not consider this increased pressure (reference: CBC Section 1630A. 1. 1.5). Upward sloping backfill or surcharge loads from nearby footings can create larger lateral pressures. Should any walls be considered for retaining sloped backfill or placed next to foundations, our office should be contacted- for recommended design parameters. Surcharge loads should be considered if they exist within a zone between the face of the wall. and a plane projected 45 degrees upward from the base of the wall. The increase in lateral earth pressure should be taken as 35% of the surcharge load within this zone. Retaining walls subjected to traffic. loads should include a uniform surcharge load equivalent to at least 2 feet of native soil. 5.6.2 Drainage A backdrain or an equivalent system of backfill drainage should be incorporated into the ' retaining wall design. Our firm can provide construction details when the specific application is determined.- Backfill immediately, behind the retaining structure should be a free -draining granular material. Waterproofing should be according to the designer's specifications. Water should not be allowed to pond near the top of the wall. To accomplish this, the final backfill grade should be such that all water is diverted away from the retaining wall. 5.6.3 Backfill and Subgrade Compaction. Compaction on the retained side of the wall within a horizontal distance equal to one wall height ' should. be performed by hand -operated or other lightweight compaction equipment. This is intended to reduce potential locked -in lateral pressures caused by compaction with heavy grading equipment. Foundation subgrade preparation should be as specified in Section 5.1. ' 5.7 Mitigation of Soil Corrosivity on Concrete 5.7.1 Chemical Tests Selected chemical analyses for corrosivity were conducted on soil samples from the project site ' as shown in Appendix B. The native soils were found to have a low sulfate ion concentration (134 ppm) and a low chloride *ion concentration (136 ppm). Sulfate ions can attack the ' EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 26, 2004 16 File No.: 09591-01 ' 04-04-793 cementitious material in concrete, causing weakening of the cement matrix and eventual ' deterioration by raveling. Chloride ions can cause corrosion of reinforcing steel. The California Building Code does not require any special provisions for concrete for these low concentrations as tested. Normal concrete mixes may be used. ' A minimum concrete cover of three (3) inches should be provided around steel reinforcing or embedded components exposed to native soil or landscape water. Additionally, the concrete ' should be thoroughly vibrated during placement. 5.7.2 Electrical Resistivity Test ' Electrical resistivity testing of the soil (1,280 ohm -cm) suggests that the site soils may present a severe potential for metal loss from electrochemical corrosion processes. Corrosion protection of ' steel can be achieved by using epoxy corrosion inhibitors, asphalt coatings, cathodic protection, -or encapsulating with densely consolidated concrete. ' Earth Systems does not practice corrosion engineering. We recommend that a qualified corrosion engineer evaluate the corrosion potential on metal construction materials and concrete at the site to provide mitigation of corrosive effects. 5.8 Seismic Design Criteria This site is subject to strong ground shaking due to potential fault movements along the San Andreas and San Jacinto faults. Engineered design and earthquake -resistant construction increase safety and allow development of seismic areas.. The minimum seismic design should comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code using the seismic coefficients given in the table below. ' 2001 CBC Seismic Coefficients for Chapter 16 Seismic Provisions Seismic Zone: Seismic Zone Factor, Z: Soil Profile Type: Seismic Source Type: Closest Distance to Known Seismic Source Near Source Factor, Na: Near Source Factor, Nv: Seismic Coefficient, Ca: Seismic Coefficient, Cv: 4 0.4 SD A 15.6 km = 9.7 miles 1.00 1.00 0.44 = 0.44Na 0.64 = 0.64Nv Reference Figure 16-2 Table 16-I Table 164 Table 16-U (San Andreas fault) Table 16-S Table 16-T Table 16-Q Table 16-R The CBC seismic coefficients are based on scientific knowledge, engineering judgment, and ' compromise. If further information on seismic design is needed, a site-specific probabilistic seismic analysis should be conducted. ' The intent of the CBC lateral force requirements is to provide a structural design that will resist collapse to provide reasonable life safety from a major earthquake, but may experience some I EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 26, 2004 17 File No.: 09591-01 04-04-793 structural and nonstructural damage. A fundamental tenet of seismic design iso that inelastic yielding is allowed to adapt to the seismic demand on the structure. In other words, damage is allowed. The CBC lateral force., requirements should be considered a minimum design. The owner and the designer should evaluate the level of risk and performance that is acceptable. 1 Performance based criteria could be set in the design. The design engineer should exercise special care so that all components of the ,design are fully met with attention to providing a continuous load path. An adequate quality assurance and control program is urged during project ' construction to verify that the design plans and good construction practices are followed. This is especially important for sites lying close to the major seismic sources. 1 1 ' EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 26, 2004 18 File No.: 09591-01 04-04-793 Section 6 LIMITATIONS AND ADDITIONAL SERVICES 6.1 Uniformity of Conditions and Limitations 1 Our findings and recommendations in this report are based on selected -points of field exploration, laboratory testing, and our understanding of the proposed project. Furthermore, our findings and recommendations are based on the assumption that soil conditions do not vary significantly from those found at specific exploratory locations. Variations in soil or groundwater conditions could exist between and beyond the exploration points. The nature and extent of these variations may not become evident until construction. Variations in soil or groundwater may require additional studies, consultation, and possible revisions to our recommendations. ' Findings of this report are valid as of the issued date of the report. However, changes in g p p g conditions of a property can occur with passage of time, whether they are from natural processes ' or works of man, on this or adjoining properties. In addition, changes in applicable standards occur, whether they result from legislation or broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, findings of ' this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of one year. In the event that any changes in the nature, design, or location of structures are planned, the ' conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions of this report are modified or verified in writing. This report is issued with the understanding that the owner or the owner's representative has the responsibility to bring the information and recommendations contained herein to the attention of ' the architect and engineers for the project so that they are incorporated into the plans and specifications for the project. The owner or the owner's representative also has the responsibility to verify that the general contractor and all subcontractors follow such recommendations. It is further understood that the owner or the owner's representative is responsible for submittal of this report to the appropriate governing agencies. ' As the Geotechnical Engineer of Record for this project, Earth Systems Southwest (ESSW) has striven to provide our services in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices in this locality at this time. No warranty or guarantee is express or implied. This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the Client and the Client's authorized agents. ESSW should be provided the opportunity for a general review of final design and specifications ' in order that earthwork and foundation recommendations may be properly interpreted and implemented in the design and specifications. If ESSW is not accorded the privilege of making this recommended review, we can assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of our recommendations. Although available through ESSW, the current scope of our services does not include an ' environmental assessment or an investigation for the presence or absence of wetlands, hazardous ' EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 26, 2004 19 File No.: 09591-01 ' 04-04-793 or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater, or air on, below, or adjacent to the ' subject property. 6.2 Additional Services ' This report is based on the roq assumption that an adequate ram of client' consultation p program construction monitoring, and testing will be performed during the final design and construction phases to check compliance with these recommendations. Maintaining ESSW as the ' geotechnical consultant from beginning to end of the project will provide continuity of services. The geotechnical engineering firm providing tests and observations shall assume the ' responsibility of Geotechnical Engineer of Record. Construction monitoring and testing would be additional services provided by our. firm. The costs of these services are not included in our present fee arrangements, but can be obtained from our office. The recommended review, tests, and observations include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: '0 Consultation during the final design stages of the project. r • A review of the building and grading plans to observe that recommendations of our report have been properly implemented into the design. • Observation and testing during site preparation, grading, and placement of engineered fill as required by CBC Sections 1701 and 3317 or local grading ordinances. ' • Consultation as needed during construction. ' -000- Appendices as cited are attached and complete this report. ' EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 26, 2004 20 File No.: 09591-01 04-04-793 REFERENCES ' Abrahamson, N., and Shedlock, K., editors, 1997, Ground motion attenuation relationships: Seismological Research Letters, v. 68, no. 1, January 1997 special issue, 256 p. ' American Concrete Institute (ACI), 1996, ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Parts 1 through 5. California Geologic Survey (CGS); ' 1997, Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California; Special Publication 117. Cao, T, Bryant, W.A., Rowhandel, B., Branum. D., and Wills, C., 2003, The Revised 2002 California Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps, California Geologic Survey (CGS), June 2003. ' California Department of Water Resources, 1964, Coachella Valley Investigation, Bulletin No. 108, 146 pp. ' Frankel, A.D., et. al, 2002, Documentation for the 2002 Update of the National Seismic Hazard Maps, USGS Open -File Report 02-420. ' Hart, E.W., 1997, Fault -Rupture Hazard Zones in California: California Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. International Code Council (ICC), 2002, California, Building Code, 2001 Edition. Jennings, CW, 1994, Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas: California Division of ' Mines and Geology, Geological Data Map No.. 6, scale 1:750,000. Petersen, M.D., Bryant, W.A., Cramer, C.H., Cao, T., Reichle, M.S., Frankel, A.D., Leinkaemper, ' J.J., McCrory, P.A., and Schwarz, D.P., 1996, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the State of California: California Division of Mines and Geology Open -File Report 96-08. Reichard, E.G. and Mead, J.K., 1991, Evaluation of a Groundwater Flow and Transport Model of ' the Upper Coachella Valley, California, U.S.G.S. Open -File Report 914142. Riverside CountyPlanning Department, 2002, Geotechnical Element of the Riverside County ' General Plan — Hearing Draft. Rogers, T.H., 1966, Geologic Map of California - Santa Ana Sheet, California Division of Mines ' and Geology Regional Map Series, scale 1:250,000. Tokimatsu, K, and Seed, H.B., 1987, Evaluation of Settlements in Sands Due To Earthquake Shaking, ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 8, August 1987. Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities, 1995, Seismic Hazards in Southern t California: Probable Earthquakes, 1994-2024: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 85, No. 2, pp. 379-439. ' Wallace, R. E., 1990, The San Andreas Fault System, California: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1515, 283 p. ' EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST APPENDIX A Figure 1 -Vicinity Map Figure 2 - Site Location Map - Aerial ' Figure 3 - Boring Location Map Table 1 - Fault Parameters ' Logs of Borings 1 1 1 ' EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 1 1 cat i t �� � �••- ' I � ° ° a � r` t - d•'1}}��� /F/ __ ------ 7 AV NUE d It 6- AVENUE 56 5 2 i--_ n } AVENUE 28 „ 2 a Pita}� ���z h i.. 't'',� +�Lake Cahuilt ,Couniy Par , d t 0 N n AUUEDUCT 28 u t t Base Map: www.terraserver-usa.com Figure 1 Vicinity Ma Lot 25, Tract 27728 @ The Quarry 58-631 Banfield Drive Scale: 1" = 2,000'La Quinta, California N ; AW" Earth Systems mmmSouthwest 0 2,000' 4,000' 04/26/04 File No.: 09591-01 11 Base Map: www.terraserver-usa.com Figure 2 Site Location Ma - Aerial Lot 25, Tract 27728 @ The Quarry 58-631 Banfield Drive La Quinta, California Scale: 1" = 2,000' r^' Earth Systems 0 2,000' 4,000' ' Southwest 04/26/04 File No.: 09591-01 Z7 A" 4? 140, '04 77 �7 '64 % PcO 1-00 1 r N 7 J .. .. ......... ... .. ............ . ........... ..... ------ . ...... ... ........... ......... :�7- - ...... . .. ....... ...... .. ... ......... .......... 7- .......... . ........ ....... ..... . ...... Reference: Gordon Ross, 2/19/04 LEGEND Approximate Boring Locations 0 Not to Scale Figure 3 Boring Location Map Lot 25, Tract 27728 @ The Quarry 58-631 Banfield Drive La Quinta, California Earth Systems Southwest 04/26/04 1 File No.: 09591m01 Lot 25, Tract 27728, The Quarry, La Quinta,CA 09591-01 Table 1 Fault Parameters & Deterministic Fstimates of Mean Peak Grnund Arrolprntinn (PG AI Fault Name or Seismic Zone Distance from Site (mi) (km) Fault Type Maximum Magnitude Mmax (Mw) Avg Slip Rate (mm/yr) Avg Return Period (yrs) Fault Length (km) Mean Site PGA (g) Reference Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) 2) 2) (2) (5 San Andreas - Southern 9.7 15.6 SS A 7.7 24 220 199 0.34 San Andreas - Mission Crk. Branch 11.2 18.1 'SS A 7.2 25 220 95 0.24 San Andreas - Banning Branch 11.2 18.1 SS A 7.2 10 220 98 0.24 San Jacinto (Hot Spgs - Buck Ridge) 12.6 20.2 SS C 6.5 2 354 70 0.16 San Jacinto-Anza 16.6 26.7 SS A 7.2 12 250 91 0.17 San Jacinto -Coyote Creek 17.6 28.4 SS B 6.8 4 175 41 0.13 Blue Cut 19.7 31.7 SS C 6.8 1 760 30 0.12 Burnt Mtn. 22.7 36.6 SS B 6.5 0.6 5000 211 0.09 Eureka Peak 23.8 38.4 SS B 6.4 0.6 5000 19 0.08 San Jacinto - Borrego 29.8 47.9 SS B 6.6 4 175 29 0.07 Morongo 33.4 53.8 SS C 6.5 0.6 1170 23 0.06 Earthquake Valley 35.1 56.5 SS B 6.5 2 351 20 0.06 Pinto Mountain 35.1 56.5 SS B 7.2 2.5 499 74 0.09 San Jacinto -San Jacinto Valley 37.3 60.0 SS B 6.9 12 83 43 0.07 Emerson So. - Copper Mtn. 37.2 59.9 SS B 7.0 0.6 5000 54 0.07 Landers 37.9 61.0 SS B 7.3 0.6 5000 83 0.08 Brawley Seismic Zone 38.3 61.7 SS B 6.4 25 24 42 0.05 Pisgah -Bullion Mtn. -Mesquite Lk 38.8 62.5 SS B 7.3 0.6 5000 89 0.08 Elsinore -Julian 39.6 63.7 SS A 7.1 5 340 76 0.07 North Frontal Fault Zone (East) 43.7 70.3 DS B 6.7 0.5 1727 27 0.06 Elsinore -Temecula 45.4 73.0 SS B 6.8 5 240 43 0.05 Elsinore -Coyote Mountain 45.8 73.7 SS B 6.8 4 625 39 0.05 Elmore Ranch 46.0 74.0 SS B 6.6 1 225 29 0.04 Superstition Mtn. (San Jacinto) 48.4 77.8 SS B 6.6 5 500 24 0.04 Johnson Valley (Northern) 48.7 78.4 SS B 6.7 0.6 5000 35 0.04 Superstition Hills (San Jacinto) 49.4 79.6 SS B 6.6 4 250 23 0.04 Calico- Hidalgo 50.6 81.5 SS B 7.3 0.6 5000 95 0.06 North Frontal Fault Zone (West) 54.1 87.0 DS B 7.2 1 1314 50 0.07 Lenwood-Lockhart-Old Woman Sprgs 54.2. 87.2 SS B 7.5 0.6 5000 145 0.07 San Jacinto -San Bernardino 61.0 98.2 SS B 6.7 12 100 36 0.04 Elsinore -Glen Ivy 61.2 98.5 SS B 6.8 5 340 36 0.04 Helendale - S. Lockhardt 61.5 98.9 SS B 7.3 0.6 5000 97 0.05 Weinert(Superstition Hills) 6L8 99.4 SS C 6.6 4 250 22 0.03 Notes: 1. Jennings (1994) and California Geologic Survey (CGS) (2003) 2. CGS (2003), SS = Strike -Slip, DS = Dip Slip, BT = Blind Thrust 3. 2001 CBC, where Type A faults: Mmax > 7 & slip rate >5 mm/yr & Type C faults: Mmax <6.5 & slip rate < 2 mm/yr 4. CGS (2003) 5. The estimates of the mean Site PGA are based on the following attenuation relationships: Average of:.(I) 1997 Boore, Joyner & Fumal; (2) 1997 Sadigh et al; (3) 1997 Campbell , (4) 1997 Abrahamson & Silva (mean plus sigma values are about 1.5 to 1.6 times higher) Based on Site Coordinates: 33.625 N Latitude, 116.283 W Longtude and Site Soil Type D EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST �0m; Earth Systems Southwest -5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 • 30 79-811 B Country Club Drive, Bermuda Dunes, CA Phone (760) 345-1588, Fax (760) 345-7315 Boring No: B-1 SM 118 2 2 Drilling Date: March 15, 2004 40 Project Name: 58-631 Banfield Drive, La Quinta, CA . SP -SM Drilling Method: 8" Hollow Stem Auger File Number: 09591-01 Drill Type: CME 55 w/rope & cathead Boring Location: See Figure 2 dense, fine to coarse grained, some gravel Logged By: Dirk Wiggins Sample Type Penetration _ '� P'' DCSCC1Pt1011 Of Units Page 1 of 1 v a w Resistance O E Cn U �-•. q n 3 a. •o Note: The stratification lines shown represent the p ,e q a o (Blows/6") >, :D Q v c approximate boundary between soil and/or rock types Graphic Trend m � � t j and the transition may be gradational. Blow Count Dry Density -5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 • 30 12,25,30 20,25,30 20,26,30 SM 118 2 2 SILTY SAND (FILL): pale yellowish brown, dense, dry, fine to coarse grained, scattered gravel pale brown very dense 40 SP -SM SAND WITH SILT: pale yellowish brown, medium dense, fine to coarse grained, some gravel 8,9,9 9,9,9 t 9,10,10 Boring completed at 21.5 feet No groundwater encountered Backfilled with cuttings Earth Systems Southwest 5 10 15 20 25 30 79-811 B Country Club Drive, Bermuda Dunes, CA Phone (760) 345-1588, Fax (760) 345-7315 Boring No: B-2 SM Drilling Date: March 15, 2004 Project Name: 58-631 Banfield Drive, La Quinta, CA Drilling Method: 8" Hollow Stem Auger File Number: 09591-01 Drill Type: CME 55 w/rope & cathead Boring Location: See Figure 2 Logged By: Dirk Wiggins v Sample Type Penetration Y Description of Units Page 1 of 1 a u Resistanceq o a o Note: The stratification lines shown represent the q Y oq � a 0 (Blows/6") q c approximate boundary between soil and/or rock types Graphic Trend M r/5 2 t I, l2, l6 U and the transition may be gradational. Blow Count Dry Density 5 10 15 20 25 30 10,15,22 SM SILTY SAND (FILL): pale yellowish brown, dense, dry to damp, fine to coarse grained, scattered gravel, fill noted SP -SM SAND WITH SILT: pale yellowish brown, medium dense, damp , fine to coarse grained with some gravel 10,8,8 t I, l2, l6 112 2 poor recovery Boring completed at 14.5 feet No groundwater encountered Backfilled with cuttings 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Earth Systems Southwest -5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 t 79-811 B Country Club Drive, Bermuda Dunes, CA Phone (760) 345-1588, Fax (760) 345.7315 Boring No: B-3 SM Drilling Date: March 15, 2004 Project Name: 58-631 Banfield Drive, La Quinta, CA SP -SM Drilling Method: 8" Hollow Stem Auger File Number: 09591-01 Drill Type: CME 55 w/rope & cathead Boring Location: See Figure 2 dense, fine to coarse grained, some gravel Logged By: Dirk Wiggins v Sample Type Penetration Description of Units Page 1 of l nResistance 0 U q Q •o - Note: The stratification lines shown represent the C] o (Blows/6") > � �v o approximate boundary between soil and/or rock types Graphic Trend M N p U and the transition may be gradational. Blow Count Dry Density -5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 t 30,50/3" SM SILTY SAND (FILL): pale yellowish brown, very dense, dry to damp, fine to coarse grained, scattered gravel, with some less silty layers (SW -SM) SP -SM SAND WITH SILT: dark yellowish brown, medium dense, fine to coarse grained, some gravel 8,9,8 8,9,9 6,9,9 Boring completed at 21.5 feet No groundwater encountered Backfilled with cuttings Earth Systems ~� Southwest 79-811 B Country Club Drive, Bermuda Dunes, CA Boring No: B-4 Project Name: 58-631 Banfield Drive, La Quinta, CA File Number: 09591-01 • SM Boring Location: See Figure 2 SILTY SAND (FILL): pale yellowish brown, very dense, dry, fine to coarse grained, scattered gravel, probable fill Sample SP -SM SAND/SILTY SAND: dark yellowish brown, dense, a Type Penetration damp, fine to coarse grained some gravel o u Resistance o E V) V) a� Y C) ' 0 (Blows/6") V:')'m �. Q j 10,12,14 105 2 -5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 rnone [foul s4) -i mx, rax tiou) j43-/ji) Drilling Date: March 15, 2004 Drilling Method: 8" Hollow Stem Auger Drill Type: CME 55 w/rope & cathead Logged By: Dirk Wiggins Description of Units jPage I of I Note: The stratification lines shown represent the approximate boundary between soil and/or rock types Graphic Trend and the.transition may be gradational. Blow Count Dry Densitv 12,25,38 7,13,23 SM SILTY SAND (FILL): pale yellowish brown, very dense, dry, fine to coarse grained, scattered gravel, probable fill SP -SM SAND/SILTY SAND: dark yellowish brown, dense, damp, fine to coarse grained some gravel 11,13,13 medium dense 10,12,14 105 2 Boring completed at 16.5 feet No groundwater encountered Backfilled with cuttings File No.: 09591-01 April 26, 2004 UNIT DENSITIES AND MOISTURE CONTENT ASTM & D2216 Job Name: Lot 25 The Quarry Sample Location Depth (feet) Unit Dry Density (pcf) Moisture USCS Content Group N Symbol B2 Bl B 1 1 ' 3 118 ' 2 --- 2 SM SM B2 13 112 2 SP -SM B4 15 105 2 SP -SM 0 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 1 1' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 File No.: 09591-01 -01 PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS April 26, 2004 ASTM D-422 Job Name: Lot 25 - The Quarry Sample ID: B3 @ 1-4' Feet Description: Sand: F to C w/ Gravel (SW -SM) Sieve Percent Size Passing 1-1/2" 100 111 100 3/4" 100 1/2" 98 3/8" 97 #4 89 #8 74 #16 65 % Gravel: 11 #30 42 % Sand: 78 #50 27 % Silt: 7 #100 16 % Clay (3 micron): 4 #200 11 (Clay content by short hydrometer method) 100 90 80 70 to 60 CU 50 0- 40 30 20 10 0 100 to I Particle Size ( mrng. I EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 0.01 0.001 1' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 File No.: 0959 1 -01 April 26, 2004 CONSOLIDATION TEST ASTM D 2435 & D 5333 Lot 25 - The Quarry B4 @ 15' Feet Sand: F .to C w/ Gravel (SP -SM) Ring Sample 2 l 0 -1 -2 s -3 ou Q x -4 a on -5 s U a -6 d u s. a a -2 -8 -9 -10 -II -l2 0.1 Initial Dry Density: 105.2 pcf Initial Moisture, %: 1.6% Specific Gravity (assumed): 2.67 Initial Void Ratio: 0.585 Hydrocollapse: 1.5% @ 2.0 ksf % Change in Height vs Normal Presssure Diagram Vertical Effect0ive Stress, ksf 10.0 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 File No.: 09591-01 April 26, 2004 MAXIMUM DENSITY / OPTIMUM MOISTURE ASTM D 1557-91 (Modified) Job Name: Lot 25 - The Quarry Procedure Used: A Sample ID: B3 @ 1-4' Feet Preparation Method: Moist Location: Native Rammer Type: Mechanical Description: Brown: Sand, F to C w/ Gravel (SW -SM) Sieve Size % Retained Maximum Density: 129 pcf 3/4" 1.9 Optimum Moisture: 8.5% 3/8" 6.1 #4 14.4 140 135 130 125 M 105 100 i j 1i 3k 0 5 Moisture Content, percent 20 25 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST File No.: 09591-01 April 26, 2004 SOIL CHEMICAL ANALYSES` Amount in Soil Degree of Corrosivity Soluble 0 -1000 mg/Kg (ppm) [ 0-.1%] Low Job Name: Lot'25 - The Quarry 1000-2000 mg/Kg (ppm) [0.1-0.2%] Job No.: 09591-01 Sample ID: B-3 . Severe Sample Depth, feet: 14' DF RL Sulfate, mg/Kg (ppm): 134 1 0.50 Chloride, mg/Kg (ppm): 136 1 0.20 pH, (pH Units): 8.49 1 0.41 Resistivity, (ohm -cm): 1,280 N/A N/A Conductivity, (µmhos -cm): 781 1 2.00 Note: Tests.performed by Subcontract Laboratory: Truesdail Laboratories, Inc. DL: Dilution Factor 14201 Franklin Avenue RL: Reporting Limit Tustin, California 92780 ' Tel: (714) 730-6239 General Guidelines for Soil Corrosivity Chemical Agent Amount in Soil Degree of Corrosivity Soluble 0 -1000 mg/Kg (ppm) [ 0-.1%] Low Sulfates _ 1000-2000 mg/Kg (ppm) [0.1-0.2%] Moderate 2000 - 20,000 mg/Kg (ppm) [0.2-2.0%] Severe > 20,000 m (ppm) [>2.0%] Very Severe Resistivity 1-1000 ohm -cm Very Severe 1000-2000 ohm=cm Severe 2000-10,060 ohm -cm Moderate 10,600+ ohm -cm Low EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 4 , Earth Systems Southwest FACSIMILE MEMORANDUM To: John Thompson Company: Young Engineering Fax #: 760-342-9164- 79-811 B Country Ckib Drive Bermuda Dunes, CA, 92201 (760)345-1588 (800)924-7015 FAX (760) 345-7315 Page: 1 c 1 CC: Larry Whyman Company: Gordon Ross Fax # 760-568-1712 From: Craig S. Hill, CE Date: 03/12/04 Project: Lot 25, Tract 27728, The Quarry, La Quinta, CA ESCSW Project44e - 09591-01 - - - --Document-No: -04-03-744 2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (CBC) SEISMIC PARAMETERS, Chapter 16 Seismic Zone: 4 Seismic Zone Factor, Z: 0.4 Soil Profile Type: S p Seismic Source Type: Closest Distance to Known Seismic Source: Near Source Factor, Na: Near Source Factor, Nv: Seismic Coefficient, Ca: Seismic Coefficient, Cv: A 15.6 km = 9.7 miles 1.00 1.00 0.44 = 0.44Na 0.64 = 0.64Nv Reference Figure 16-2 Table 16-1 Table 16-J Table 16-U San Andreas Fault Table 16-S Table 16-T Table 16-Q Table 16-R FOUNDATION BEARING VALUES Cited from the 1997 UBC.based on soil classification. Based on bearing on non -expansive, compacted sand or silty sand subgrade (SP or SM) Allowable Bearing Capacity: 1500 psf Value based on minimum width and embedment of 12 inches. Allowable Increases: 400 psf for each additional foot of depth 300 psf for each additional foot of width Maximum not to exceed: 3000 psf 1/3 increase permitted for seismic and wind forces. Coefficient of Friction: 1/Young Engineering 0.35 Respectf QPpFES&04, ' S. C� �!J CE 38234 m Craig S. EXP- 031 M5 zu CE 38234 �rFOP cA��F�P Distribution: 1/ oss 1/Young Engineering 0.35 Active Faint Near -Source Zones This map is intended to be used in conjunction with the 1997 Uniform Building Code, Tables 16-S and 16-T Q-34 California Department of Conservation - - of Mines and Geology LEGEND . See expanded legend and index map Shaded zones are within 2 km of known seismic sources. A fault B fault Contours of closest horizontal distance to known seismic sources. ------------"- 5 km ........................... 10 km -------------- 15 km 5 10 Kilometers 1/4" is approximately equal to 1 km August, 1997 + • C. 1 12 0005i rnnr w/ #7 n 1 R in n/r. 4'-0" #0@0.in @Toe Designer select #0@0.in all horiz. reinf. @ Heel 4'-6" 145 REFERENCE Ylor%tNT FRAo•-iC ALoNS L' T�It ��. (�3�z�' IS 7k) = ZSbp IT ( . - -7 _ 53►" /. �►zp� = 3 -►1i 03�. z ��s(8:5� la = 3 eo1 .Pfl� • � SSI• K �.BcNTpSTcr� • . AX..11 .. Dl 1 b � _ --_ �•.. -._. _...---..... 3'7 e" _......... __.__._..._.-._._..�...__ ._.,_ ._...r....... . r ►cM$ER SF -c t16"J .._. 'ja ,�.►-r Cao cu'An i c TS x `3 �3i•S� :tea 't A?! — - 0n _� t';o.: 1 4 6 -:G--6G REFERENCE Ar4 A %-I c, coa . CNr�� DRIFT ILoA0 CASE'�S) Dry- •��lis = .�8:3 N . �.. OzsH = 2,79�'�. otAY Coa.�.Mty S74zN47H '�JlloxS'� . udc z, FA �15 c pa !A-1 . SSS 28.E 27.y OE LRF4 cALL.s 6 FO,Low,,; cb ��.T= NA?�'=.. ter.==- __ JNC-=NG-(NE=RING �=<✓�GcE ..- 'MLCAT �R. QUIT=- UIT= .. _ N 0.: _ _ 1 4 7 'Al ' qi_,.n D=S—RT SA. ? �?.I I ou -60-360-="O FAx Company Young EngineeringEngineeriinig Services ' � May 26, 2004 Designer -: EAF � . . , ` Job Number : 04-1432=03 OMRF (ELASTIC ANALYSIS) -ALONG LINE 46 ' + Checked By:. Member Label I Joint J Joint Rotate Section Global Y, ;Steel Code ------------ -'— ASD: AISC 9th AISI 99 I 29.5 I 9.29 I 0 + I jAllowable:Stress 1n'crease Fa6t6r-(ASIF)- .`'~ .6¢IV6� I Include Shear Deformation No i N7 LNo:;;oft' ections"fo�:Member: Calcs .. u � a � P�t'I (Redesign Sections Yes - r, ,� 0 f A. ; 5 Q i Materials (GeneraD -. i �M5 N6_ 'Material Label Young's Modulus Shear Modulus Poisson's Thermal Coef. Weight Density Yield Stress _ �ksi) �ks� Ratio (per.10^5� (k/ft^3). ksi (_ ' STL ! -29000 ' 11154- `, I :3—i— '.65 I .. ...49 50- I . _ Sections Section Database Material Area . SA . SA 1 (90,270)': 1 (0,180) T/C Label Shape_ Label (in)^2 (0180)(90,270) (i'n^4) (in^4) Only i ! COL1, W16X45 STL 13 3 i 1 2 11 2 1 32.8 ; 586 1 [ ...:.?r COL2...;:,I..;TU5X5X4 ,..AKKSTLA .r,,":knkr,.�4^'S9r;.:,.� ' I BEAM 1 W16X45 i STL ' `13.3 I 1.2 i 1.2 i 32.8 i 586 I Joint Coordinates Joint Label X'Coordinate Y Coordinate Joint. Temperature • ft) (ft) (F) N17 i 0 I -1.5 i 0 RN, , N2 a .. .'N4 67"M42 :Reaction- 14_2, I N2 929 ; Q Member Label I Joint J Joint Rotate Section I N8 I Reaction I N5 I 29.5 I 9.29 I 0 + I N6 Gtr ;:4_ �_ 5', .`'~ .6¢IV6� i Reaction I i N7 37.5 9.29 I 0 u � a � P�t'I N7 I BEAM r, ,� 0 f N90 ; 5 Q i N'104RI *-929 + �; � s: i �M5 N6_ .c._.9:5:• k � � �• Q , „� ,� s�.=� Boundary Conditions ° w Joint Label X Translation Y Trarislation Rotationi t Win) Win (k-ft/rad) ' N1 I Reaction i Reaction a .. .'N4 67"M42 :Reaction- 14_2, I N2 'Material Phys End Releases Erid Offsets Inactive Member Label I Joint J Joint Rotate Section I N8 I Reaction I Reaction TOM -AVM AVM (in) (in) (ftZ OM1 N1 N9 i Reaction I Reaction i. ! Member Data'y Shape/ 'Material Phys End Releases Erid Offsets Inactive Member Label I Joint J Joint Rotate Section Set •-�Memb I -End J. -End,, I'' -End J -End' Code Length . • (degrees) Set : TOM -AVM AVM (in) (in) (ftZ OM1 N1 N2 CO STL' Y i 10.7b7 " M2 E.: N8 "N STL M3 -N2 N7 I BEAM STL I -Y-1 37.5 4M4' ..:. .:N4 t -- ::.:N3— .,. .; C.OL2 ! . STL ,. Y i �M5 N6_ N5 COL2_ STL Y 9.79 M6 . N1'0 O N9 - I ;CL2 ' .. ii `Y <Y- STL _ ' RISA -2D Version 5.5 [Q:\CURREN-1\1400\(CLARK4C8alcs\FRAMEL-1.R2D] Page 1 ,,, Company Young Engineering Services May 26, 2004 Designer EAF 1:11 PM Job Number : 04-1432-03 OMRF (ELASTIC ANALYSIS) -ALONG LINE 46 Checked,By: Steel Design / NDS Parameters Member Section Length Lb out Lb in L_comp Cb Sway Label Set le out le in le—bend K out K in CH Cm B out in R 1 1.0. (ft) -- M1 COL1 10.79 0. — - :..�COL'1 -- _ X10 79 — M3 BEAM 37.5_0. t-— COL2 �' 979' — �I �-:.�= .r;,__:.(�ai _ .� �� ";»_� �; ,dl 6� •'Y �� �,> j. "i':�0 �I M5 COL2 9.79 1 1.0. ��_ ,s:M6..; �;, ,.:'_COL2 . 1,:: 9.79�c�.;+ ra :•..; ... �:...�...,�;. ,".._.. _ .. T1 ..IR1�ti�.���;i _,.,I , �. t:;�s,,.i..,n,_�1 Redesign Criteria Section Set Max Depth Min Depth Max Width Min Width Max Code Check Min Code Check (in) (in (in) _jin) COU 18 12 i 8 I 5 j .95 _! j Plate/Shell Elements Plate Label A Joint B Joint C Joint D Joint Material Set Thickness Stress Location Inactive? (in) 'R' 'S' No Data to Print ... Basic Load Case Data BLC No. Basic Load Case Category Category Gravity Load Type Totals Description CodeDescription X Y Joint Point Direct Dist. 1 I D i DL i Dead Load 2 Roof Live�Load<' x ",N�"�.j•+ 2 r=r} 2 Lr., RLL` 'All 3 L LL I Live Load i _: EL,;,<.Earthguake,Loatl ;,.x:; E/1 4.:; rte, : �_ 1 5 W WL I Wind Load ! 1 I SL +, now a'_ ' ,,, Joint Loads/Enforced Displacements, Category : EL, BLC 4: E/1.4 Joint Label [L]oad,[M]ass,or, Direction Magnitude [DI isplacement k k-ftin rad km*SA 2/ftt N2 i L X I 6.631 Joint Loads/Enforced Displacements, Category : WL, BLC 5: W Joint Label [L]oad,[M]ass,or, Direction Magnitude. D isplacement (k, k -ft, in, rad'k's^2/ft N2 L j X i 7.531� Member Point Loads, Category : DL, BLC 1 : D Member Label I Joint J Joint Direction Magnitude Location mak, k -ft) (ft or %L - M3 i N2 i N7 ! Y i -8.751 1 19 Member Direct Distributed Loads, Category : DL, BLC 1 : D Member Label Direction Start Magnitude End Magnitude Start Location End Location _(k/ft,F) — (k/ft, F) (ft or %) (ft or %) M3 _ _ Y-.256 _' -.25_6 0 ; 8 (' M3 Y :36$' T F ': =:368_ �. '! �i 8 +.°:"., i i.r..: '" 37.:5 Member Direct Distributed Loads. Category : RLL. BLC 2: Lr Member Label Direction Start Magnitude End Magnitude Start Location End Location (k/ft F) (k/ft, F) (ft or %) (ft or %) M3 Y -.124 -.124 0 8 8 37:5 RISA -2D Version 5.5 [Q:\CURREN-1\1400\(CLARK 4 9alcs\FRAMEL-1.R2D] Page 2 .1 I DIBASIC ; I ; y i Cori'ipany.' Young,Engineering Services ter iF! May 26, 2004° Designer _ EAF 1:11 PM Job Number, 04=1432-03 ,, OMRF (ELASTIC ANALYSIS)', ALONG LINE 46 -Checked By: Moving Loads 5 Tag • Pattern Label; increment Both ' 1st Joint 2nd Joint _ 3rd Joint ',inc 4th Joint, ' 5th Joint i ft Ways? -'6th Joinf : -7th Joint 8th Joint -- 10t '9th Joint_ h Joint F' — 7-7 No Data to Print ---- - _ — Dynamics Input 7 !Number of Modes_ 13- -- " 'Load :Combination`Nutiberi 8a .1. D(;°BASIC) xy x' r ¢ it - .i ; k- �L. it , 'i ._ �'..r u... -a. .. , .:,zu r .:,_ _.v„lY� ;r 7L .: t, L 1.,. ,:: K,{x' IAcceleration of Graves 132.2 (ft/sec^2L -. ' Y�:.,.g{-! is. ..,?:: M:...;F�� ..S ....:..: ..S LConvergence Tolerance..?=:y; 1Conver e Work Vectors r ! No Load Combinations Num ' . Description EnvWS' PD SRSS CD BLC. .'Factor 't BLC" .Factor BLC `- Factor t RI (I Fartnr .1 I DIBASIC ; I ; y i 2X.:. Lr: ROOF,LIVE:BASIC.I.4.1 .I_' .„.` til ter iF! 3 i L (FLOOR LIVE BASIC) I I j I 1 i 3.. 1 1 �4. E!1 4 . BASIC'ELASTIC EQ s {r.e ° ti x, al R46 c �. _ ::. ... r.:.. rv_. .,.. Z... ,. ..... :.y. 5 IE (USED FOR CHECKING..I . ' ' ' j 1: 4 1.4 s 7 6 •IEm MEGA Em„2 • . , - : , '�'� ... ,=xrN.Ky"•I' N Y : I�° yi.._?N:.S ` �tkl.i Y'I� :v U'.i :::4 1 5 x Y \ v�. i... �.1. AU 7 jW (WIND FOR CHECKING:.: -,,I j`: 1 I 1 ` 5 xy x' r ¢ it - .i ; k- �L. it , 'i ._ �'..r u... -a. .. , .:,zu r .:,_ _.v„lY� ;r 7L .: t, L 1.,. ,:: K,{x' -. ' Y�:.,.g{-! is. ..,?:: M:...;F�� ..S ....:..: ..S 19 !ENVELOPE THE FOLLOW.. .�1; y Tr I i 11 D+L+S 12-12 1 y j I 1 1 11 3 i, .1 j 6.. �...`...,9- L.C*1. _= � j 13' D+L-W (1.2-13).. y I Y I° .I 1 11 1 i^ 3 1 I 5 YI D+'L+E/1 <4 1 1:y I W I p! 1;: 3 41 ...'' r } , �yY Vii: ".. i, F � � � t 1 r y 1. 15 i` D+L-E/1.4 (12-13) ! y I y l 1 ! 1 1 i 1 1 3 1 + 4 -1 I 1 "-1 t 17. � D+L-W+S/2 (12714) i y_;y'; ,.I . 11 .1 i .3. i. 1 5 6 .5 ' 1:8:._r ,: D.+L+S+:VV/2, ;12-15 I y r .L;,• �,I ,��. '� :1. ,1.>.:',. ' I !: UJ LTJ—VV/L l4— I Z) I ; y !. I I -I - -I S 1 5 7:5 i 21 D+L+S7E/1.4 (12-16) ."I Y ` Y ; 1' _. 1. 1 _...3 1 4 1 ..F 6. 1 I ` RISA -2D Version 5.5 (Q:\CURREN--1\1400\(CLAR K-'5 Oaks\FRAMEL-1.R2D] Page,3 Company. Young Engineering Services ; ;F May 26' 2004 ' Designer EAF 1:11 PM • , - ` ' Job Number : 04-1432-03 OMRF (ELASTIC ANALYSIS)• -ALONG LINE 46 Checked By:, Load.b6mbinations (continued)'.*- 'Num - Description-_ Env WS Pb SRSS CDiBLC Factor BLC = Factor BLC Factor BLC ' Factor ' 23 :;.9D=E/1.4"(12_16-1 EQ STA...;,y , y ' :9 _ 4 1------ ----- - - - f 24 +[667D+W(CBC`1621 1:`•WI .I-°I.x- s,sr.. :...1..:: 1. ,.. i -667 5 ! .�1 , i► 1 25 :667D -W (CBC 1621.1 WIN_! Yom-:" ' j 1 1 667' .'..:5 . 6 . 2 { f • 1 27-iENVELOPE THE FOLLOW. i 1 - 28:i'D+�ZL+2 i ` 3 ! _;i;.,:.4 i 7 3 92 d 3 5 I L29 ID+.7L-2.8E (CBC 2213.5.1. ------- - r 3' ! .7 ,: 4 -3.92 30:i185D+28EiCBC.22135:;1 C lw?. ' ,1.__. 1..> .'! ' , 31 85D 2 8E (CBC 2213 5 1 C i 11 1 85 4 -3.92 1.; 6. Wsf 4a .MSI` >•.�`'�`'w:X6f A 33 (ENVELOPE THE FOLLOW.. ; I 1 I { a .'06`„1.;2 5 a ;.,GRADE:;BEAM _.,;x, d.x.a: v,:<' ,I'EMYI .: E'L.yl 1 4< .... ' SLN . L. 1 35 , IUBC 12-5(b) GRADE BEAM1 I i . I 1 'DL 1.2 1 EL ;' -1.4 I' LL 5 j LLS 1. i �. .. SL .2 j SLN 1 7 - x.36 l,,.UBC,12-6_(a 'GRADE::BEAM{ I ....`.:'.. i�.. t1.., .1a ._ a. dDL, x ..a ...9 :.._� fEL.; 4 -2:52 . RM 4.5`44 37 IUBC 12-6 (b) GRADE BEAMi DL 9 I EL =1.4 CI:9 1 a ;GRADE:BEAM..L.....1„' ." DL�...�. I4 I :. i� taC.-, .4� ..' a ..� .. V?a, 1 39 ' ACI 9-2 (a) GRADE BEAM ' 1 ii 1 1 DL 1 '05 LL 1275 WL 1 27 i I 5 140., AC1 9s2 (b GRANDE BEAM.275..x` 5A." 1-41 (ACI 9-3 GRADE BEAM I i i I+ i 1 DL .9 1 WL 1- 1.3 1 I::42. C ,ACI:9=2 (6)%GRADEJ. BEAM:< �I;..�..,..: ':> 1:..f ., ,DL.;.:...!, :1.:05 _r ,...:LL : *x',1,:275 ':a. WL ...::i • .. :i� s .1 I,l" „3♦t 43. i ACI 9-2 (b) GRADE BEAM i I I "- I . 1 1' _ _DL 1.05 i": WL A.275: I <44�.;' ACIa9=3:.GRADEBEAM ..�:� r'�'• �" �'.lTes��c�, f..1 ...,- DL::�: 1.....9 �- �..-1NL..:i, .1 3 :.:�;..:.,. :, . , �:�;f�:. �1 �... _:' .. , ..:<':. ;: 45 I: 46 "fENVELOPE THE F.OL•LOW 1 <:. :.., ., fi � #�Ga:.._1. 47 !OR FOR DESIGNING FRA ... 1 a 1 1 1:2' 3 1. .5 a:. . 6 . 2 4 ;2:52 49 ':1.2D+.5L+.2S-.4RE.( CBC ...1 1 2, 3 5 6 2 4 -2.52 . ;l-`:%50! 1.2D+L+:2S.+ARE CBC.22 z'' :1: � I 1:2 3 17.L° 6. .2:-:l 4 :2:52:'1 1. , .. ; 51 :1.2D+L+.2S-.4RE CBC 221..;, 1 1 1.2 3 , 1.' 6 2. 4 -2:52 . RISA -2D Version 5.5 [Q:\CURREN-1\1400\(CLARK; 5 labs\FRAMEL--1.R2D] . Page 4 Company :'Young Engineering Services Designer EAF Job Number : 04-1432-03 OMRF (ELASTIC ANALYSIS) -ALONG LINE 46 May 26, 2004 1:11 PM Checked By: Load Combinations (continued) 57 1 UBC 12.2 c ; j 1 DL 1.2 LL 1.6 LLS 1.6 Num Description Env WS PD SRSS CD ' - '-"1'9b+ ARE CBC 2214.:7 2a (•• 1 , 1 r .. _..:.; ,.1 BLC Factor 1, :`:..,' :9. BLC 4--.17`2:52 Factor_ BLC ,... Factor -BLC Factor -- - .., RL2BC'12=3 .. S <-.f ;,:LLS q • EL a• ;i 53 AD -ARE (CBC 2214 7.2a (.. 1 1 _ .9 4 -2.52 _ i DL 1•.4 2 ,-: SLN `. ' !_61 i UBC 12-3 d f , DL_ i 1.2 1 SL 1.6 SLN ': 1.6 LLJ :5 j LLS i 1 1 1 ! ' ' 1 UBC 12-5(tt� - - 55 ; UBC 12_2 La) + 1- DL 1 2 LL _-LLS __1.6_ 5 LL .5 -_1_6 64 1, :amu :UBC;a1.2-3 -RLL -; r "LLS ;i 1..:6_• SL:.; :5 ' 57 1 UBC 12.2 c ; j 1 DL 1.2 LL 1.6 LLS 1.6 a . . .., RL2BC'12=3 .. S <-.f ;,:LLS q 1.2 EL i :':1.4 . 59 i UBC 12-3lb) -_i- :, i 1 - DL 1.2 i RLL 1.6 WL .8= ! LLS 1 _ 1 ; . rDL::. l',1 2 ,-: SLN 1. !_61 i UBC 12-3 d i j ! 1 DL_ i 1.2 1 SL 1.6 SLN ': 1.6 LLJ :5 j LLS i 1 1 1 ! ' DL -A ! .:)1:.2: n, .;S:L � ;1 6 SLN 1 UBC 12-5(tt� - - ! 1 1, s-.8 T^I L63 ! UBC 12-3 f j ! i 1 DL ! 1.2 SL 1:6 SLN 1.6 WL LL .5 LLS 1 64 1, :amu :UBC;a1.2-3 + ! t ,• y !DL. �.L,.:., x, 1 .... -- SL .2 65 i. UBC 12-3 (h) _ .7--- DL 1.2 SL 1.6 ! SLN 1.6 -- -- ! i ' . .�:UBC12 1- DL 1.2 . RLLv '! . 5 67 j UBC 12-4 b i . ! 1 DL 1.2 WL -1.3 ! LL I .5 ! LLS 1 LLS :1 RLL ! .5 !"„1:2'? , , W..L j .;.: c1 3 LL :..'S; ;,;` ..LL`S..:::1, k 5:rSLN '+ k 69 ! UBC 12-4 (d) i I I i I 1 DL i 1.2 I WL I -1.3 ; LL ! .5 i LLS 79 i UBC 12-5 (d SL ! .5 ` ! SLN '; .5 ' 70 BC.1:2=4 e s :'::! 3:.,, 1 s i M DL..,., , .1 2 ,,..; : WLR ;.,;1 3 .:L::;: LL-::xf .. :5>a� ,.LLS ......_,s1 -1.4 LL - i : , - 71 ! UBC 12-4 (fl ! I i i 1 DL 1.2 1 WL -1.3 LL .5 LLS 1 1 - .UBC:1i2-4 * " j 731 UBC 12-4 (hh - - i j ! 1 DL i 1.2 i WL -1..3 RLL 1 5 ! DL" i 1.2 - - - - - 1,74... BC: .124 i y, ,1.;'; DL -':i: _.1.2 :::.1NL :,...13 .:.;: SL .i::a :.5:.j:.:'SLN 5.. SLN .7 j 75 ! UBC 12-4 1 DL 1.2 ; _ WL -1.3 SL .5 SLN .5 I 76 ! ..UBC -12-5. a , ;..,.-:'.�r 1 :,r 1' DL .::_;i 1.2 EL i :':1.4 . `i LL : :5 LLS 1 SL. 2 ,-: SLN .7- 77 - 1 UBC 12-5(tt� - - ! 1 DL + 1.2 EL_ : -1.4 LL .5 LLS 1 -- SL .2 SLN .7--- -- -- 78_:..:.:.UBC.12-5 1- DL 1.2 EL 1:4 : i:. LL 5 LLS :1 79 i UBC 12-5 (d 1 DL 1.2 EL -1.4 LL - .5 LLS -1 80: ': _. UBC 12-5 e i . 1. DL" i 1.2 EL. < .1.4 . SL 1 .2 . i SLN .7 RISA -2D Version 5.5 [Q:\CURREN-1\1400\(CLARK•-1\Calcs\FRAMEL--1.R2D] 152- Page 5 Company Young Engineering Services Designer EAF Job Number: 04-1432-03 OMRF (ELASTIC ANALYSIS) -ALONG LINE 46 May 26, 2004 1:11 PM Checked By: Load Combinations (continued) '.'8;431e=4 j 12 ! N3 i max 252 24 , 003 25 1.198e-4 ; 24 ' s .•;:::,..m1n T2'S-5.�1:T'-.009 .: w. 12 3: 07e 1.3' I N4 max 0.000 24 1 0.000 Num Description _ Env WS PD SRSS 81 UBC 12-5 U _ -_ CD 1 BLC DL Factor -1.2 _ BLC EL Factor -1.4 I BLC Factor BLC Factor SL .2 SLN .7 N7 ! max 248 24 ' .002 25 8.575e-4 13 I 252'.13y -:002 f 12 F-7 _ T254 13:014 0 :731e6�`I24�I -min -3.385 1"::82 ,.I UBC 12-5 I I ; -1 DL 1:2 EL ...1.4 max: .263 i 13 ! 9.978 12 . 0.000 10 i ! 777 83 UBC 12-5 1 DL_ 1.2 EL -1.4 25 ; 6 578 12 ' 0 000 10 ! :84 1� UBC 12-6 a DL :9 . EC- 1.4 .:. l E 85 UBC 12-6 (b) _ ; 1 DL_ .9 EL i -1.4 i 86 UB.0 fit=6 c i 87 I UBC 12-6_(d) i ! 1 DL 9 WL Envelope Joint Displacements Joint Label X Translate Y Translate Rotate (N- Lc (in) Lc (radians) Lc N 1 ! max 1 0.000 24 ! 0.000 1 24 2 553e-3 13 1 1 a min 0:000 1:3 0 000T 1 .509e=3 ivc :111dx ! LUJ ! L4 1 UUZ 24 : 8.2-59e-4 zo ! 256" 11:3 : :00-2`r';*"f.>13 '.'8;431e=4 j 12 ! N3 i max 252 24 , 003 25 1.198e-4 ; 24 ' s .•;:::,..m1n T2'S-5.�1:T'-.009 .: w. 12 3: 07e 1.3' I N4 max 0.000 24 1 0.000 25 3.405e-3 13 ! ' .0:0 00 as 13-! 0::00012 ]' :3275e-3 24':: N5 I max .249 24 ' 003 24 2.306e-4 ; 12 I �' N6 ; max ! 0.000 ; 12 1 0.000 24 1 3.294e-3 : 13 I ..0.000; 25"' t:000p r :1:3 -3:291 e N7 ! max 248 24 ' .002 25 8.575e-4 13 I 252'.13y -:002 f 12 F-7 1140 i max u.uuu 1 L j U.uuu i Lb ZAbbe d i j I .245 25 ! 9.252 �`-000.0. J-25]' 0.:000 _[: :12 j 2:482e 3.1' 24 N9max , 0.000 !121 0.000 24 ' 3.168e-3 25 1 -- -- I mmt _-_ 000 .= 25'` :0:000206e-3 , ;12: I N10 1 max .25 1 24 I .007 24 ; 1.52_3e-4 13 ! i. ... �mm _ T254 13:014 0 :731e6�`I24�I Envelope Reactions Joint Label X Force ; 25 ; 0.000 10� Y Force .245 25 ! 9.252 Moment 0.000 , 10 i min I -.25 ! 12 -3.352 24 : 0.000 7X-1 N9 max min .216 :25: 15.414 - 23 ! 12 I. 8.158 10. 24 N1 maxi 3.508 1 13 1 6.004 i 13 0.000 10 -min -3.385 ; 247:5.137 '; 24 0.000 N4 max: .263 i 13 ! 9.978 12 . 0.000 10 i ! min i N8 :maxi 3.327 25 ; 6 578 12 ' 0 000 10 ! ;min i'" =3.454 12-4.631 ; 25 ; 0.000 10� N6 maxi .245 25 ! 9.252 13 0.000 , 10 i min I -.25 ! 12 -3.352 24 : 0.000 7X-1 N9 max min .216 :25: 15.414 - 23 ! 12 I. 8.158 10. 24 0.000 101 . 0:000 , 10 Reaction Totals I max 1 7.531 1 25 1 30.73 1 10 RISA -2D Version 5.5 [Q:\CURREN-1\1400\(CLARK; \ 3alrs\FRAMEL-1.R2D] Page 6 Company Young Engineering Services May 26, 2004 Designer EAF 1:11 PM Job Number: 04-1432-03 OMRF (ELASTIC ANALYSIS) -ALONG LINE 46 Checked By: Envelope Drift ReDort Story X Direction min ;125 r1'�":"3-.327.':.' 25" ,°-37.265`.��-'1Z' Joint Label Drift Lc %of Ht. i max! 4.171 ,Number 6.004 13 37.856 13 No Stories Defined... min 1 -4.047 251 -5137 24 -36.525 Envelope Alternate Shapes F2 maw! 3.934 Section Member 3.27 10 12 Suggested Alternate Shapes Set Label Replacement min 1 1 st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choi . ce COL1 Mi W14X22 -2.835 25 I W12X26 W16Y,26 1 3 imax i • 3.9.34 1-1. 2j.-.557-...- 24 Material Takeoff 24 1 min 1 Material Shape 251 Length -3.317 Weight 4. max: 3.704 (k) STL W16X45 .5.209 59.082.674 TU5X5X4:� % `459 STL Totals: 25 88.45 -3.195 3.133 Envelope Member Section Forces max. 3.454 12 i 4.631 25 i Member Label Section Axial Lc Shear Lc Moment Lc (k) -6.578 12 -35.899 (k) -,i M 4'&. i.::1;. Mi i 1 imaxi 6.004-j_13 i 3.385 12 i... .241'�; 241-i 0 10;1 1 1 min 1 -5.137 24 -3.508 1 13 1 0 1 10 F-2 max! 6.004 13 3.385 1 241 9.464 13 min -5.137 24 1 -3.508 13 1 -9.131 24 3 '1 max 6.004 1 13 1 3.385 24 18.928 13 I imin 1 -5.137 24 1 -3.508 13 i -18.263 f 24 1 4 max i 6.004 i 13 i 3.385 24 28.392 -il 3 1 min 1 -5.137 24 1 -3.508 13 -27.394 i 24 5 imax i 6.004 13 1 3.385 24 i 37.856 1 13 min -5.137 24 1 -3.508 13 -36.525 24 1 578 i --332 5,;,',;'� 11�2 -L--1'&632" j�X7 :1:25�, , 1:12::'25i.=27::949 in -3.327-4- 4, min ;125 r1'�":"3-.327.':.' 25" ,°-37.265`.��-'1Z' M3 1 i max! 4.171 12 6.004 13 37.856 13 min 1 -4.047 251 -5137 24 -36.525 24 F2 maw! 3.934 12 3.27 10 12 min 1 -3.788 25: 1.12 25 -2.835 25 1 3 imax i • 3.9.34 1-1. 2j.-.557-...- 24 -.522 24 1 min 1 -3.788 251 -2.749 10 -3.317 1 13 4. max: 3.704 12 -.536 24 i .5.209 13 1 min ;! -3.572 25 -2.105 10 -3.195 24 i 5 max. 3.454 12 i 4.631 25 i 37.265 12 1 min -3.327 25-' -6.578 12 -35.899 2 -,i M 4'&. i.::1;. max!., 9.978.- 12 i... .241'�; 241-i 0 10;1 1-.. min ! -3.007' 25.:!",; -.263 13`!' w". -i. 0 101 P-2 .: max -�* 9.978 12: .241 24 1 : .644 13';' I min+.- -3.007 1 25 1 -.263.-. -i 13: -.59 i.24', 1 3- maxi. 9,978 1 12 - -241. 24,.": 1.288 131.1. min J -3.007- i 25 -.263 13 :- -1.18 24'1 4.. • max 1 9.978 i 12 = .241 24 i 1.932, .13,, RISA -2D Version 5.5 [Q:\CURREN-1\1400\(CLARK1Page 7 54 --l\r;:llr.s\FRAMEL-l.R2D] Company Young Engineering Services May 26, 2004 Designer EAF 1:11 PM Job Number : 04-1432-03 OMRF (ELASTIC ANALYSIS) -ALONG LINE 46 Checked By: Envelope Member Section Forces, (continued) Member Label Section Axial Lc Shear Lc Moment Lc min; 4007 ' 25 ; =:263 131. 1.77 24 1 5 . : max 9.978 1,12 .241 124 • 2.576 13 i min -3.007 1 257-.263 13 -2.361 24 1 M5 1 max --min 9.252 13___.2512 0 10 ' -3.352 24 -245 25 2 ! max: 9.252 13 .25 12 .6 25 i i min -3.352 24 -.245 25 -.612 12 ' i 3 ; max 9.252 13 : .25 12 1.199_ 25 ; min n -3_352 _ _ 24 -.245 25 -1.224 -- 12 4 max' 9.252 13 .25 12 1.799 25 min ' -3.352 24 .245 25 ' -1.836 12 ! 5 ;max ! 9.252 : 13 ; .25 _ 2.398 ! ! min ' -3.352 _ _12 24 ' -.245 25 -2.448 _25 12� ` .max 15:414 '12 ;" ;225M6 1.10.1 .23 : 12 L ? min: !' .8.158 . 11:.24 1 ..;-:216 :.; ; 25 L.. -2::1:.19 ., 25: `2 , '1 rmax i 15:414 1:0 23 ., 1..1.2.1; ,:::1:69. : ; 12 Min8.158 i :24 .` -:21'6 .. 25 f --- :1.589 25 :3 ` imaxa: " 10 , ...:: 23 ;::;i 12 �''' 1'1;26 12` min.:. -.:216 25 ;` :'1:.059 25' 4- _ i mak. `A 5,414 _I""10 ;.'23 : ' 12 : .563 1:2 min: ;: ; :.8:158 2 1',-: _216 .1 25.. -.53 '4 B " -j max ':.15.414 ,10 ° :.. 23 mi(` 8:`1:58 0...;:,:.: i" 24 ! ;;216 :' 125 { "` 0 10' Envelope Member Stresses Member Label Section Axial Shear Bending top Bending bot (ksi) Lc (ksi) Lc (ksi) Lc (ksi) Lc M1 1 I max 11 .451 13 .73 ; 24! 0 10 L. 0 ! 10 i min ; -.386 ! 24 ! -.757 ! 13 I 0 10; 0 ; 10 I i 2 I max .451 i 13 ! .73 24: 1.508 24 i 1.563 i 13 I ' min ! -.386 ! 24 1 -.757 13 : -1.563 ` 13 ' -1.508 ! 24 3 ,_max: .451 ! 13 ! .73 : 24 -,,3. 0 16 ; 24 + 3.126 1 13 ! I min 1 -.386 '24 1 -.757 ! 131 -3.126 ' 13 -3.016 ! 24 4 ! maxi .4_51 ; 13 ! .73 i 24 4.52_4 24 i 4.689! 13 ! I min 1 -.386 1 24 -.757 1 13 ! -4.689 ; 13 i -4.524 1 24 ! 5 max , min ' .451 -.386 13 .73 : 24: 6.032_24 i ' 24 ' -.757 13 i -6.252 ` 13 6.2_52 , 13 -6.032 M2 : :1 i max.1 ::495 ` 1121 745 :.1 12 i .0 i 0:....7140: I.. ` I' min''1' -348... .110 -.25 ,: =.7.17 125' .0 f .1.0.1 0`:: 101 2 i max l .49.5 1.121 .:745 1121 1.539 1 12 1 1.482; .1.25: ,1 min -1. -.348 1251 -.717. ''25 : -1.482 125 1 -1:539: i •12 1` 3 i maxi . .495 112 1, .745 12 ' 3.077 1 12 ! 2.964 .1:25 f ` ' min 1 -.348 ! 25 1 -.717 J 25! -2.9.64 ! 25 ; -3:077 12 ! 4 i max 1 .495 112 1 .745 1 12 ! 4.616 1 12 1 4.447 25' 1.' '-:'min i -.348 ! 251 -.717 11251 -4.447 ! 25 -4.616-1 1.2 5 ; max i .495 12 i .745 i 12 '. 6.154 ' 12-1 5.929 125 i min ! -.348 25 1 -.717 25! -5.929 1 25 ' -6.154 i '12 ! M3 1 max, .314 12 ; 1.295 . 13: 6.032 : 13 min - -.304 _24 25, -1.108 24 -6.252 131 _6.2_52 -6.032 ' 24 2 max' .296 12 • .705 10, .468_ 25_ .925 12 min -.285 251 .242 25 -.925 12 .468 25. 3 max: .296 12 -.12_ 24 .548 13_-.086 . 24 min ' -.285 25 -.593 10^.086 24 -_ 548 13' 4 max, .278 12 -.11624 .528_ 24.86 13 min -.269 25 ' -.454 10 -.86 13 -.528 : 24 5 max .26 12 .99925 5.92_925_ 6.154 12 min -.25 25 -1.418 12'6.154 12 -5.929 25 RISA -21D Version 5.5 [Q:\CURREN-1\1400\(CLARKI 5 5alirs\FRAMEL--1.R2D] Page 8 Company Young Engineering Services May 26, 2004 Designer EAF 1:11 PM Job Number : 04-1432-03 OMRF (ELASTIC ANALYSIS) -ALONG LINE 46 Checked By: Envelope Member Stresses, (continued) Member Label Section Axial Shear Bending top Bending bot _ ;_ _� _ M4 _ max! _i� 2.174. 24 0 10 Lc 0; 10 I min ! -.655 25 1 =.126 13 0 10 1-0 i 10 2 maxi 2.174 12 i '.116 24. 1.048 , 24; 1.143 ! 131 min I -.655' 25 ! -.126 13 ; -1.143 , 13 -1.048 1 241 ,3 !max! 2:174 ; 12 ! :116 ' f4 -i 2.095 ; 24 ; 2.287 ; 13 ! : min : -.655 i 25 ! -.126 1.3 ' -2.287 1 13 !'-2.095 F24 4 ; max, 2.174 i 12 i .116 : 24 _ 3.143 1 24 : 3.43 i 1.3 ;min ! -.655 !"25 1 -:126 ; 13 i -3.43 1'13 1 -3.143 1 24 1 5 ;max ! 2.174 i 12 r :116 ; 24 i 4.19 ! 24 , 4.573 1'3'1 l I min 1 -.655 125 1 ".-.126 131 -4.573 1 1:31 -4.19 i 24 1 I M5 17 max: 2.016_._J.3.: .12 12 : 0 10 0 10 min : -.73 24 -.118 25 0 10i _ 0 10 I 2 ; max; 2.016 13 ; .12 12 1.086 , 12 i 1.064 251 min -.73 24 -.118 25' -1.064 25 -1.086 12- 3 max 1 2.016 13, .12 12 2.173 12, 2.129 i 251 I min ; -.73 24 -.118 ;2 -2.129 ` 25 ! -2.173 1 2 ! 1 4 max, -min 2.016 : 13: .12 : 12 3.259 12 j�3_193 25 i -.73 '24 ' -.118 125 -3.1933 2' ' -3.259 121 ma_ x 2.016 .13; .12 i 12.1 4.345 12! 4._257 25 m5 in ' -.73 :'24 1 -.118 i 25 1 -4.257 :25! -4.345 ; 121 l max 1:3:358. 1 1:0:' � `:.11 ; ! ;1:21::3.761 r25 3.999`_112 mint ,1:777 :::24 ::104 25,1 -3:999 I`12:1 =3'761 .I 25: '2%,-' max ' :3.358'J'10 •A1. 1 12'fi'`2;821 :2.999 I 1:2 j min 1 `1":777 -:1-:25:1 ! `24 ,-::104 1.25 .1 =2.9997 -142:-J. -1'821 1125 jmax '3:358 1110 Al 7,1,999 1°min;, 1;777`}1241 1:12'] '=1':88 25 ; max F:3,358.. min 1:7:77 ! 24', :::104 .11:25-1.1: , 121 -.94 = i 25 •-:5 max } ..3.358 111.0 11 f `12 1 0. 1 1'0 i ,0:.; ,.,:10: ! miri`I1:777 124 :104 1251 0` l'1OI-.0.:',.1,10; Envelope Member Deflections Member Label Section x -Translate Lc y -Translate Lc (n) Uy Ratio Lc (in) (in) M1 7 1 i max 1 0 i 10 ! 0 ! 10 I NC 1 min 1 0 1 10 0 1 10 NC ! 1 2 max ; 0 ! 24 ; .081 13 7396.388: 13 1 ! min 0 13 ! -.08 ! 24 : 7665.797 24 I 3 1 max! 0 24 .156 i 13 ; 4622.743 13 i 1 min ' -.001 13 . -.153 24 4791.123 ' 24 4 max; .001 2.4 : .216 13 5283.1341 13_ F_ in ' -.002- 13 -.213 24 5475.569 24 1 i 5 max .002 24.-: ._256 13 - NC min 002 ' 13 ! -.253 ; 24 : NC ! .-M2.": ; 1 max. 0 10 1 0 i 10 NC I min ! 0 1110 I 0 1 10 NC ! .2 max: 0 1.25 1 .079 1 13 : 7859.187 13 min, 0 1 12 ; -.079 124 ; 7569.072 24 3 max; 0 1 25 1 .152 1 13 i 4911.992 13 1 min ' -.001 1 12 ' -.152 124 ; 4730.67 24 4 ; max ; .001 1 25 ; .212 ! 13 5613.705. 13 I i : min i -.002 ; 12 ! -.21 ; 24 5406.48 24 1 ! 5 max: .002 ! 25 : .252 1 13 ' NC min -.002 ! 12 ' -.248 24 NC M3 1 max .253 24 .002 24 NC min -.256 _ 13 .002 13 NC 2 max .252 24 -.002 25 NC RISA -2D Version 5.5 [Q:\CURREN-1\1400\(CLARK5 6nlrs\FRAMEL--1.R2D] Page 9 min.: -.253 13 -.007 ' 10 : NC.' 5 i max:: . .24_8 24 ;' .002. 25 NC min ' ' •-.252 13 -.002 : 12 ' - NC ,_c<�M4£:.� K0.14.4i 0: 4. • Company Young Engineering Services :. May 26, 2004 Designer . : , EAF ,.. - 1:11 PM Job Number : 04=1432-03 • OMRF (ELASTIC.ANALYSIS)-ALONG' LINE 46''. " Checked. By:, Envelope Member Deflections:(continued). • - Member Label Section x -Translate .,.Lc y -Translate ' Lc (n)'Uy Ratio Lc ` x .t..min::' .:009. ' :'12' lig:;,-:252r ,^:1.24 : ".,.:: NC:; M5 1 I max 0 "-10 i 0 ; 10- NC 12 I ` min 0 ! 10 1 0 i 10' ` NC ' 1 M3 min : -.255 _ 13 ; -.009•' 10 ' NC `. f H1'2 :, , ��4�2; 3 i max': '.251, 24 -.007 1x_24 ;_ -,NC - I min ! -.004 13 1= -.176 24 2281.513 ! 24 I min -.254 13.--.0'15 10`: ;.N.C.. 43.989 min 1 -.006 131 -.232. 124 ' 2607.444 ' 24 4 max: .249 24 i 0 24 NC ; min.: -.253 13 -.007 ' 10 : NC.' 5 i max:: . .24_8 24 ;' .002. 25 NC min ' ' •-.252 13 -.002 : 12 ' - NC ,_c<�M4£:.� K0.14.4i 0: H 1 2 l: N C' r min : ': .0 2 •:;max: 1'3.::3454.,477, 13 I M3 1 718 i;`min<7 002.,.,v..:12rt1 =.094: i24137702T.7.,;.24 19 531 182... 13 ;12159:048 i .13RF H1-1 I I;;t,xy r mink:f . 004, k .:,I _:12 1 9 76 . ! 24 ,1.:2356:386 ' ,24 ._..i 0 - �..�_ 1.:25 ' .: X239...::.:' 1.3 • :..:� .'��;�L mm�:�:,, .:007, ..;I<�128. ;...�...232�..rt�j..24; x:2693:0:1:2 ;".24.;: 33:529'' -,' x .0.03 - <. K25"l v,:r,:25.5 i 13 I . NC �H1 x .t..min::' .:009. ' :'12' lig:;,-:252r ,^:1.24 : ".,.:: NC:; M5 1 I max 0 "-10 i 0 ; 10- NC 12 I ` min 0 ! 10 1 0 i 10' ` NC ' 1 M3 I = 2 !max 1 0 i 24 .095' 13 i 3726.544 , 13 ' i min 1 -.002 13 ! -:095 i 24 13650.421 ':24 f H1'2 :, , ��4�2; j 3 1max i .001 ;.24'1 ..177 1 13 ; 2329.09'j-13 - . r . w_. . t' .r _' Moa' F I min ! -.004 13 1= -.176 24 2281.513 ! 24 I 4; max ! .002 24 , .'233 i 13 12661.817 13 I 43.989 min 1 -.006 131 -.232. 124 ' 2607.444 ' 24 M5 . 5 !max I 003 24 1 .25_2 i 13 i NC 1 .: 1 -mi 8 ' i .13 i -.249 1.24 ' NC I . 30.002 ;x:..1...1 43:989 Hh`24f, .:..::'254: � 1 13MIk.;.. NC,x r . M:i. 6.`= axi; T:30.002_ r; ;,..mm��.,;005,° ,=24 ,.229 ..:Y_ 25.! 3000'_486-q":25V 43.989 � U3: ° . max;; -.x,:0.0.7 > : 0.._ 2.,1721_.12:.; l,rn> r > k n :lr>L.24;,:•:,,.17.1. _.1:.25,1 2625 425 1.2.5`! 4 ' t. ,4;' .!;max l...T,_Oi03. s •:(;10.x, r::092 :;:. a1.2 ;.3950 649.1.E Z 24? .y,...:091 r.:! 25.! 420Or68 ,it25::: RISA -2D Version 5.5: -r[Q:\CURRENT-'1\1400\(CLARK r N. 5 �.i,rnak: ,0.• ..,,�T.:I 10u 5'rx >O. � 5.1.10#1', = ���,���'!.min�'� � . 0. � ��.,:.10...I.,.,.. °0 +.. �:1�i 10 .l •r,NC�a,. f �� Envelope Member AISC ASD.9th Code Checks - Member Label'. Code Chk • Loc Shear Chk Loc - ASD Eqn:•• ' Message. ft�Lc (ftL' Lc Mi 198 1 10,79 13 I 028 0 13 i H 1 2 Ft Fb ' Cb I M3 1 718 1 0 24'1 ._129 19 531 10 i H1-1 I rt"i M4;.x:t..,._..148005 ._..i 0 - -r-1'3 ' 2 kka,' -(ks, 24.685 39.99 33:529'' 1 ' .6 �H1 j M5 I 147 i 9.793 005 0_ 12 H1-2,_ 1 1 ' 1 M3 _ 2.424 f H1'2 :, , ��4�2; Envelope Member AISC ASD 9th'.Code Details �- Member Label. Lc . Fa Ft Fb ' Cb (ksi) (ks) M1 13 -(ks, 24.685 39.99 33:529'' 1 ' .6 ..::24.685 '.39.99- i . • 33:529 1 _ 6 ,..,. ' 1 M3 24 2.424 39.998.259 ; 1 85 - . r . w_. . t' .r _' Moa' F 12 1::._.:30.002 .: 39.99 "' 1 43.989 A. M5 13 : 30.002 39.99 43:989 •1 .6 r . M:i. 6.`= 12 T:30.002_ 39.99 -- 43.989 � " ,1:; � ; 6 � _ RISA -2D Version 5.5: -r[Q:\CURRENT-'1\1400\(CLARK 5 7 Irs\FRAMEL-1:R2D] Page 10 ` ` Company Young Engineering Services May 26, 2004 Designer EAF 1:11 PM Job Number : 04-1432-03 OMRF (ELASTIC ANALYSIS) -ALONG LINE 46 Checked By: Envelope Member ASD AISI 99 Code Checks Label Code Chk Loc Shear Chk Loc ASD Eqn. Message (ft) Lc (ft) Lc No Data to Print... Envelope Member ASD AISI 99 Code Details Label Pn Tn Mn Cb Cm Lc (k) (k) (k -ft) Envelope Plate/Shell Principal Stresses Plate Label Sigmal Sigma2 Tau Max Angle Von Mises (ksi) Lc (ksi) Lc (ksi) Lc (radians) Lc (ksi Lc I No Data to Print... - —1 Envelope Plate/Shell Forces Plate Label Fx Lc Fy Lc Fxy Lc Envelope Plate Corner Forces .Plate Joint X Force Y Force No Data to Print... k Lc k Lc RSA/Frequencies No Response Spectra/Frequency Results Available... Mode Shapes Joint Label X Translation Y Translation Rotation No Mode Shape Results Available... RISA -2D Version 5.5 [Q:\CURREN-1\1400\(CLAR'<b '�lcs\FRAMEL-1.R2D] Page 11 Company Young Engineering Services May 26, 2004 Designer :` EAF 1:14 PM. Job Number : 04-1432-03 OMRF (ELASTIC ANALYSIS) -ALONG LINE 46 - Checked.By: Enveloipe Reactions ' Joint Label X Force Y Force Moment (k) .. Lc (k) Lc (k ft) Lc ~, N1 I max I 11 928 1 29 19.45 29 1 0 000 28 N4 1 maxi 876 i 29 , 24.188 28 , 0.000 28 :.,4rnin, K� ,�85:1ti�.:!<3Or� �t I N8 I max I 11.594 1 31 1 19.841 28 0.000 128 i` z,3 1x1..7.3:4, (N28'':fK1,7.:.681 _ Mr: ,-Rh N6 I max 1 85 1 31 I 23.256 29 1 0.000 ' 1 28 O"000",.- 528:':� r ' N9 I max I 759 • 'I 31 i 12.28 129 i _ 0.000 28 ! - zlrmih �r:..7.74 ' 10:`.376T30—[ ^0 0.00 x Reaction Totals :. max 1 25.994 1 29 1 21.655 1 28 min' X,; 25`994 X30' x.:1.8'407'.'-..3'1. -^ a • • . .. .• 4 RISA -2D Version 5.5 [Q:\CURREN-1\1400\(CLARK 5r..nlns\FRAMEL-1.R2D] ,. Page 12 ' ,.. Company Young Engineering Services May 26, 2004 Designer EAF 1 22 1:17 PM Job Number 04-1432-03 OMRF (ELASTIC ANALYSIS) -ALONG LINE 46 Checked By: 24 0.000 1 22 4," T 'irfj, - 3.42 .241:k Envelope Reactions Joint Label X ForceY Force Moment 1 23 i 0.000 (k) _. Lc k)_ Lc (k -ft) Lc 25 1 5.831 1 25 i 0.000 1 22 1 N1 1 max! 3.484 N4 i max! .259 25 i 8.867 22 0.000 1 22 "-3:007 07. - ..!`25'0 0001 22-I ' N N8 imax i 3.327 1 25 j 6.189 24 0.000 1 22 4," T 'irfj, - 3.42 .241:k N6 i max! .245 1 25 1 8.215 1 23 i 0.000 22 1 imax i .216 25 1 11. min 227 `24.j1. -T--71-- n Totals I max 1 7.531 25 9 RISA-2D Version 5.5 [Q:\CURREN-1\1 400\(CLARKT1 6\(-0;;lrs\FRAMEL-1.R2D] Page 13 - - Company Young Engineering Services May 26, 2004 Designer EAF 1:18 PM Job Number 04-1432-03 OMRF (ELASTIC ANALYSIS) -ALONG LINE 46 Checked By: Envelope Member Section Forces Member Label Section Axial Lc Shear Lc Moment Lc 7- - max.; �*I,; 48: miry? '-10:953- 1`53' -7,4.26 : 53. � 1. =40.925;� -48' 17405;,� 11-0:951W I. -426' 51.I'::=6'1°388 *A& !,,,m ax 48'-'80:13' ,, 53 1� :::min:tr- :953 'T'53:1 l "W�1'111 01' -•48aM3 1 4 max; Mi 1- ;max 12.793 49 1 7.654 52 0 48 min -11.701 52 -7.709 49 0 4:6; 1_2_: max , 12.793 49 7.554 52 20.796 49 --min - - ------ ---- -11.701 52 -7.709 49 -20.377 52 1 3 max, 12.793 ;49i 7.554 52 i 41.591 49'• 111111 i -I I. f U I Z) -f . f UZI 4tf -4u.t56 Oz 1 4 max;,. 12.793 49 .7.55452 i 62.387 49 min 1 -11.701 52 1 -7.709 49 -61.13 52 1 1 5 ! max '! 12.793 49 7.554 52 83.183 49 1 497-81.6-Q- 52 Ib.yz3 4y 1 -9.489 52 max'! -7.586- 1 48-1 -.,0 48,, 4b i . 53 ,,,.,mini' -70;953x;1:53;1 --7;426.:: 5 0 -48' max 1: 1,3:405:.:1:A&'.1 vJ;:586 48.'..:20.033 = 53.' w ;rrflnT',`A0;953� P,53 t`48' ` 7- - max.; �*I,; 48: miry? '-10:953- 1`53' -7,4.26 : 53. � 1. =40.925;� -48' 17405;,� 11-0:951W I. -426' 51.I'::=6'1°388 *A& !,,,m ax 48'-'80:13' ,, 53 1� :::min:tr- :953 'T'53:1 l "W�1'111 01' -•48aM3 1 4 max; 1 max; 9.178 1 48 1 12 83.183 49 1 49 1 min -9.023- 53 1 -11.701 52 1 -81.507 521 2 1 max I 8.64 48 i 4.622 597 10.735 48 1 i min 1 -8.457 1 53 1: 1.24 53 1 -7.252 53 1 3 imax ! 8.64 48 i -.48 52 .685 59 i min ! -8-457 53 ! -4.127 60 -5.014 49 4 max; 8.137 48 52 i 10.327 -49 1 min i -7.972 53 1 -3.107 60 -7.79 52 1 5 maxi .7.586 48 i 10.953 53 81.85 48 1 min i -7.426 53 1 -13.405 48 1 -80.13 53 1 k -4u 543,-,,- ,52,. �i� C,�ri -'0: 71:i48' i 5 max! min NU =.5.7....x:17 .49. ��,D `10:&-;`..`:" 8' '4 49 i 52 -­ m ` [153jlh 11328--.�� 52 I� 3' 1;mavf'-L -879.�'-�.141;,�4.8�:l'�;!*�'i�t-:-543'i:l�i,�li.*52I,,,.,��!�:2'�792,�',�;!i -497' min-!'=9:098 Al -`j 53 �Y!4:18&,;-.; 49A -1`49,j,,.-. 3.985 .:I=52 5`- i m a x 54 .0987; 1 M5 :max ; 16.923 49 i 552 48 i 0 48 min ', -9.489 52 1 -.545- 53 0 48 1 i z maxi min i Ib.yz3 4y 1 -9.489 52 bt)z -.545 4b i . 53 1'.335 -1.35 b3� 48 1 3 max: min 16.923 -9.489- 49 52-1 .552 -.545 .48 - 53 2.669 -2.701 53 -48-1 1 4 max; 16.923 49 1 .552 48 4.004 53 -min !. -9.489 52 1 -.545 53 -4.051 48 i 5 max! min 16.923 -9.489 49 i 52 -­ .552 545 48 5.338 -5.401-' 53 48 max 19.771---: 60 .502 r 48 i 4.917.' 4 11 ',. 1 52 -.485'.' 1 53.1-- -4.748 53 1 21 max! 19.77.1 - 60 1 .502 48;: 3.687 48" mina 11 521 -.485 53,; -3.561 -53' max -19.771 60 .502 48 1 2.458 48-; min, ' . ; . 11 52 1' -.485, 53 -2.374. 53, ti RISA -2D Version 5.5 [Q:\CURREN-1\1400\(CLAR-KTI\rplrs\FRAMEL-l.R2D). Page 14 6 1 Company Young Engineering Services May 26, 2004 Designer EAF 1:18 PM Job Number : 04-1432-03 OMRF (ELASTIC ANALYSIS)-ALONG LINE 46 Checked By: Envelope Member Section Forces. (continued) Member Label Section Axial Lc Shear Lc Moment Lc (k) }:mex _.:19.7,71, 60 . rt :5 ..= 485 .; ! 53 41 ST- 1;522j R 5 +maxi `119 7°71 �i#60 r.502 148 I t4. 0 48 <I hfi,..m+n :1 �' 1=1 :52+ 1 t €485 i ,53 h 0 ° r 148 RISA -2D Version 5.5 [Q:\CURREN-1\1400\(CLAPv 6 2m+�s\FRAMEL--1.R2D) Page 15 DesconWin-LRFD Licensed to: Young Engineering Beam Connection to Column Flanae Column: W16X45 - A572-50 Left Side Beam: W16X45 - A572-50 Moment: 84 k -ft Shear: 13 kips Axial Force: 10 kips All Welds Are E70XX Left Side Beam - W16X45 Moment Connection With Directly Welded Flanges: Weld Strength Flange Force, Ff: = P/2 + 12*M/(d-tf) = 10/2) + 12 * 84/ (16.13 - 0.565) = 69.761 kips Full Penetration Weld Design Strength = 0.9*Fy*b*t =0.9*50*7.035*0.565 = 178.9 > 69.761 kips OK Left Side Beam - W16X45 Shear Connection Using One Plate: Plate: 12 in. X 3.375 in. X 0.1875 in. Plate Material: A36 Beam Setback: 0.375 in. Bolts: (4) 7/8"0 A325 -N -STD Bolt Holes on Beam Web: 0.9375 in. Vert. X 0.9375 in. Horiz. Bolt Holes on Plate: 0.9375 in. Vert. X 0.9375 in. Horiz. Weld: 1/4 E70XX Fillet Welds Loading: Vertical Shear, V = 13 kips Axial Load, H = 0 kips Resultant, R = Sgrt(V^2 + H^2) = Sgrt(13^2 + 0"2) = 13 kips Check Bolt Spacing and Edge Distance: Spacing, s = 3 > Minimum Spacing = 2.3333 in. OK Distance to Horiz. Edge of PL, ev: = 1.5 > 1.5 in. OK Bolt Strength: Design Shear Strength of Bolts: Number of Vertical Bolt Lines = 1 Number of Rows of Bolts = 4 Horizontal Spacing = 3 in. Vertical Spacing = 3 in. Eccentricity = 0.9375 in. C = 3.7717 Design Strength = Npl*C*Fv = 1 * 3.7717 * 21.648 = 81.648 > 13 kips OK Design Shear Strength of the Beam: Page: 1 Design Shear Rupture Strength, ORn (d - n*(dh+0.0625))*tw*0.75*0.6*Fu =(16.13-4"1)*0.345*0.75*0.6*65 = 122.4 kips Design Shear Yield Strength: h = 16.13 in. t = 0.345 in. A = 5.5648 in^2 Fy = 50 ksi a » h (No stiffeners) h/t = 16.13/0.345 = 46.754 h/t = 46.754 < 418/sgrt(Fy) = 59.114 Vn = 0.6*Fy*A = 0.6 * 50 * 5.5648 = 166.9 kips OVn = 0.9"166.9 = 150.3 kips Beam Shear Strength = Min(ORn, OVn) = 122.4 > 13 kips OK Design Shear Strength of the Plate: Design Shear Yield Strength: h = 12 in: t = 0.1875 in.. A = 2.25 in^2 Fy = 36 ksi a » h (No stiffeners) h/t = 12/0.1875 = 64 h/t = 64 < 418/sgrt(Fy) = 69.667 Vn = 0.6*Fy*A =0.6*36"2.25 = 48.6 kips OVn = 0.9*48.6 = 43.74 kips OVn =43.74> 13 OK Design Shear Rupture Strength: Net Area, An = (L - nL* (dh+0,0625))*t =(12-4*1)*0.1875=1.5in"2 Shear Rupture Strength = Npl*An*0.75*0.6*Fu = 1 * 1.5 * 0.45 * 58 =39.15>13OK Block Shear Strength of the Plate: Gross Area with Tension Resistance, Agt _ (et + (Nh.- 1) * sh) " t =(1.5+(1 -1)*3)*0.1875 = 0.2813 in"2 Net Area with Tension Resistance, Ant = Agt - (Nh - 0.5) * (dh + 0.0625) * t = 0.2813 - (1 - 0.5) * (0.9375 + 0.0625) * 0.1875 = 0.1875 in^2 Gross Area with Shear Resistance, Agv _ (L-el)*t = (12 -1.5) * 0.1875 = 1.9688 in^2 Net Area with Shear Resistance, Anv = Agv - (Nv - 0.5) * (dv + 0.0625)* t = 1.9688 - (4 - 0.5) * (0.9375 + 0.0625)" 0.1875 = 1.3125 in^2 Ant < 0.6*Anv ORn = 0.75*(0.6*Fu*Anv + Fy*Agt) = 0.75*(0.6* 58 * 1.3125 + 36 * 0.2813) =41.85> 13 OK 163- J DesconWin-LRFD Licensed to: Young Engineering Design Shear Strength Based on Bending of the Plate: (Assume inflection point at midpoint between bolt line and weld line) Flexural Yielding: Section Modulus, S = 4.5 in^3, Eccentricity, e = 0.9375 in. Design Shear Strength = OS*Fy/e = 0.9*4.5 * 36/0.9375 = 155.5 > 13 kips OK Flexural Rupture: Net Section Modulus, Snet = 3.0938 in^3, Eccentricity, e = 0.9375 in. Design Shear Strength = OSnet*Fu/e = 0.75*3.0938 * 58/0.9375 = 143.6 > 13 Kips (OK) Bolt Bearinq on Plate: Bearing Strength/Bolt/Thickness Using Bolt Edge Distance = Fbe Edge Dist. = 1.5 in., Hole Size = 0.9375 in. =0.75*1.2'Lc*Fu < 0.75 * 2.4 * d * Fu = 91.35 k/in. = 0.75 * 1.2 * 1.0313 * 58 = 53.831 k/in. Bearing Strength/Bolt/Thickness Using Bolt Spacing = Fbs Bolt Spacing = 3 in., Hole Size = 0.9375 in. =0.75'1.2*Lc*Fu <0.75*2.4'd*Fu=91.35k/in. = 0.75 * 1.2 * 2.0625 * 58 = 107.7 Win. Use: Fbs = 91.35 k/in. Design Strength = nL * (Fbe + Fbs * (nR - 1).) * tNpl * of = 1 * (53.831 + 91.35 * (4 - 1)) * 0.1875 * 1 * 0.9429 = 58 > 13 kips OK Bolt Bearinq on Beam Web: Bearing Strength/Bolt/Thickness Using Bolt Spacing = Fbs Bolt Spacing = 3 in., Hole Size = 0.9375 in. = 0.75 * 1.2 * Lc * Fu < 0.75 * 2.4 * d * Fu = 102.4 k/in. = 0.75 * 1.2 ' 2.0625 * 65 = 120.7 k/in. Use: Fbs = 102.4 k/in. Design Strength = nL * Fbs ' nR * t * of = 1 * 102.4 ' 4 * 0.345 ' 0.9429 = 133.2 > 13 kips OK Weld Strength: Weld Size, w = 1/4 > Minimum Weld, 1/4" OK k = 0, a = 0.0781, Theta = 0 _ C = 1.39 Maximum useful weld size for support thickness: = 0.54*Fy*t_eff/(0.31815*E) = 0.54*50 ' 0.565 / (0.31815 * 70) = 0.685 > 0.25 in. OK ORn = 2*C*C1*D'L = 2*1.39 * 1 ' 4 * 12 = 133.4 > 13 kips OK Column Stiffeners and Shear Reinforcement Loading: High Seismic Framing System: OMF Column Axial Force, Pu = 0 kips Column Shear Force, Vus = 0 kips Left Side Beam Flange Forces: Pufl-eft = Min(Mu*12, 1.1'Ry*Fy*Z)/dm = Min(84 * 12, 1.1 * 1.1 * 50 * 82.3) / 15.565 Column Panel Zone Shear: Page: 2 Required Strength, Vu = Puf - Vus = 64.761 - 0 = 64.761 kips Column Web Shear Strength: Py = A * Fy = 13.3 * 50 = 665 kips Pu < 0.4*Py ORv = 0.9*0.6*Fy'd*tw =0.9*0.6*50'16.13'0.345 = 150.3 > 64.761 kips (Doubler Plate Not Required for Strength) Shear Buckling of Web: Thickness Required = Max([Tc*(Fy^0.5)/418],[(dm - is + do - 2 * tf) / 90]) = Max([14.196 * (50^0.5)/418 , [(15.565 - 0.625 + 16.13 - 2*0.565)/90]) = 0.3327 < 0.345 in. (Doubler.Plate Not Required for Shear Buckling) Column Stiffeners Left Side Beam Local Flange Bending Strength,ORn = 0.9*6.25*(tf^2)*Fy*ct = 0.9*6.25*(0.565^2)'50*0.5 = 44.891 kips Local Web Yielding Strength,ORn = 1.0*(ct'5*k + t)'tw'Fy = 1.0*(0.5'5' 0.967 + 0.565)* 0.345 * 50 51,.448 kips Column Web Crippling: N=tf=0.565 in. Ct = 0.5 Nd = 3*N/d = 3 ' 0.565/16.13 = 0.105.1 ORn = 0.75'135*ct*(tw^2)*[1+Nd*(tw/tt)^1.5]*(Fy*ff/tw)^0.5 0.75*135*0.5*(0.345^2)*[1 +0.1051'(0.345/0.565)^1.5]'(50*0.565/ .345)^0.5 = 57.26 kips Tension Flange Stiffener Force, TFrc: Left Side: LTFrc = Max(LPuf - LORn_FlBending, LPuf - LORn_WebYielding) > 0 = max(64.761 - 44.891, 64.761 - 51.448) = 19.87 kips Right Side: RTFrc = Max(RPuf - RORn_FlBending, RPuf - RORn_WebYielding) >0 = max(0 - 0, 0 - 0) = 0 kips Compression Flange Stiffener Force, CFrc: Left Side: 164- DesconWin-LRFD Licensed to: Young Engineering LCFrc = Max[(LPuf-LORn_WebCrippling), (LPuf-LORn_WebYielding)] > 0 = max[(64.761 - 57.26), (64.761 - 51.448)] = 13.313 kips Right Side: RCFrc = Max[(RPuf-RORn_WebCrippling), (RPuf-RORn_WebYielding)] > 0 = max[(0 - 0), (0 - 0)] = 0 kips TFrc = Max(LTFrc, RTFrc) = Max(19.87, 0) = 19.87 kips CFrc = Max(LCFrc, RCFrc) = Max(13.313, 0) = 13.313 kips TFrc > 0 or High Seismic Loading Stiffeners required opposite tension flange CFrc > 0 or High Seismic Loading Stiffeners required opposite compression flange Required stiffener area for strength: Tension and/or compresion: Ast = max(TFrc,CFrc) / (0.9Fy) = max(19.87, 13.313) / (0.9 * 36) =max(0.6133, 0.4109) in12 Stiffener Width, bs = 3.5 > Minimum Width = 3.345 in. OK Stiffener Length: L = d-2*tf = 16.13 - 2 * 0.565 = 14.938 in. (Using Full Length Stiffeners) Stiffener thickness required for shear: = Max([LTFrc + RCFrc],[LCFrc + RTFrc])/(0.9*0.6*Fy*(L - 2*clip)*2) = Max([19.87+0], [13.313+0])/(0.9*0.6' 36 * (14.938 - 1.37) 2) = 0.0377 < 0.625 in. OK Stiffener thickness required for minimum area: = Ast/(2*(bs-clip)) = 0.6133/(2*(3.5 - 0.685)) = 0.1089 < 0.625 in. OK Minimum Thickness = Max(tm, bs*(Fy^0.5)/95) = Max(0:565, 3.5 * (36^0.5)/95) = 0.565 < 0.625 in. OK Stiffener to Flange Weld: Minimum Weld Size = 0.25 < 0.3125 in. OK Tension Stiffener to Flange Weld: w Req.= 0.943'Fy*UE = 0.943 * 36 * 0.625 / 70 = 0.3031 < 0.3125 in. OK Compression Stiffener to Flange Weld: w Req.= 0.524 * Rust/((bs - clip)*E) w_Req.= 0.524 * 13.313/((3.5 - 0.685) * 70) = 0.0354 < 0.3125 in. OK Stiffener to Panel Zone Weld Stiffener Force, Rust = Max[(LTRust + RcRust), (RTRust + LCRust)] = Max[(19.87 + 0), (0 + 13.313)] = 19.87 kips Welds need to develop only the lesser of Rust and the minimum of the following forces: Design Strength of stiffeners to flange connection, =0.9*Fy'2*(bs- clip) *t =0.9*36'2'(3.5-0.685)*0.625=114 kips Design Shear Strength of stiffener and web interface area, =0.9*0.6*Fy*(bs-2*clip)*2't =0.9*0.6'36*(3.5-2*0.685)'2*0.625=329.7 kips Shear yield strength of the panel zone, = 0.9 * 0.6 * Fyc * do * tw (for column web, if applicable) =0.9'0.6*50*16.13*0.345=150.3 kips = 0.9 * 0.6 * Fyp * do * tp (for doubler plate, if applicable) =0.9'0.6*36'16.13*0=0kips Weld Design Force, Rust -Weld = 19.87 kips Minimum Weld Size = 0.25 < 0.25 in. OK Required weld size for strength, = Rust Weld /(1.2728 * E * (L - 2*clip)) = 19.87 / (1.2728 * 70 * (14.938 - 2*0.685)) = 0.0164 < 0.25 in. OK -165- Page: 3 DesconWin-LRFD Licensed to: Young Engineering Page: 4 PL 14.9375"X 3.5"X .625"(TYP. 4) - A36 Clip inside comers 0.685 in. Max Plate to Flange Weld: 5/16" Double Fillet Stiff. PI to Web Weld: 1/4" Double Fillet ._............ .......... ..... ... .......... ............ ..........-....................... - .... ... Note:;' All Welds E70XX TYP 2 7/8" --- + N W 16X45 - A572-50 End Offset = 0.375 in.; Bolts 1 �\ .._.. 4 7/8"0A325_N_Si TD; 11/4 I l� t L 1/4 PL12"X3.375"X0.1875" - A36/ I,} W 16X45 - A 7 r.-;.. 1p Scale: 1/4" = 1' N X BASE PLATE FOR OMRF Bearing Pressure Maximum Bearing .136 ksi Max/Allowable Ratio .049 AISC EQ.1 -(ABIF = 1.000) 0 -- -- - -- ®.136 (ksi) 19 in .006 Plain Base Plate Connection Base Plate Thickness : 1. in Base Plate Fy : 36. ksi Bearing Surface Fp : 2.8 ksi Anchor Bolt Diameter : 1. in Anchor Bolt Material : A307 Anchor Bolt Fu : 60. ksi Column Shape : W1 6X45 Design Code : AISC ASD 9th Anchor Bolts Base Plate Stress Maximum Stress .301 ksi Max/Allowable Ratio .011 AISC EQ.1 (ASIF = 1.000) ----- -- .301 . (ksi) i .005 t X in Z in Tens.(k) Vx k Vz k Ft ksi Fv ksi Unity Combination 3.5 0. 0. 0. -1.9 N.A: N.A. N.A. AISC EQ.4 E -3.5 0. 0. 0. -1.9 N.A. N.A. N.A. AISC EQ -4(E) - Loads P (k) Vx k) Vz (k) Mx k -ft) Mz(k-ft) Reverse DL 8. 3.8 No 167 e i L/ y 3 .off J� ° s � s r „oe4 •'s IB I7 16 M2' 39S 15S J IS 14 13 168 m 4- LO G) O J J f t0 n „oe4 •'s IB I7 16 M2' 39S 15S J IS 14 13 168 9 alt i w .. 1 iY V 68 fig (1936 A) 70 )I 72 73 r IB � 17 I6 (1428 v) (y380'�u) z-bI 15 19 11 Ssa s) ��9�a" 1 (io33e°fs) (Wye"5) 169- r o s o W N i p c D A 3 ... .. ...... SJ - 1 7 1 - DEFINITIONS & FORMULAS FOR DIAPHRAGM LOAD CALCULATION SHEETS: LEVEL= LEVEL UNDER CONSIDERATION DL (a)= DEAD LOAD OF ROOF/FLOOR FOR LOAD TYPE (a) DL (b)= DEAD LOAD OF ROOF/FLOOR FOR LOAD TYPE (b) DL EXTERIOR WALL= DEAD LOAD OF EXTERIOR WALL DL PARTITION WALL= DEAD LOAD OF PARTITION WALL BASE.SHEAR COEFFICIENT= COEFF. FROM CBC E0. 30.4 THRU 30.7 OR 30.11 AS APPLICABLE SEISMIC COEFFICIENT= RHO X BASE SHEAR COEFF/1.4 FOR WORKING STRESS DESIGN (RHO)= REDUNDANCY FACTOR STORY %F= PERCENTAGE OF STORY FORCE DISTRIBUTED TO THIS LEVEL SEISMIC COEFF.X %F = RHO X BASE SHEAR/1.4 X %F /100 SIMPLIFIED BASE SHEAR= TOGGLE Y/N IF SIMPLIFIED METHOD IS USED NOTE THAT IF USED %F=100 R =VALUE FRONT TABLE 16-N WIND PRESSURE= WIND VALUE APPLIED TO STRUCTURE FOR WIND CASE LINE= LINE OF RESISTANCE TO SEISMIC OR WIND LOADS JOINT= SUPPORT TYPE AT LINE OF RESISTANCE. I INDICATES PINNED SUPPORT VALUES FROM LEFT AND RIGHT ADD C INDICATES CANTILEVERED ALL SHEAR GOES TO THIS SUPPORT WITH FAR END SHEAR 0 S INDICATES START OF LINE --NO SHEAR CONTRIBUTION FROM DIAPHRAGM LOADS FROM THE LEFT E INDICATES START OF LINE --NO SHEAR CONTRIBUTION FROM DIAPHRAGM LOADS FROM THE RIGHT L/W = DIAPHRAGM LENGTH DIVIDED BY WIDTH FOR CHECKING L/W <4.0 Hd= HEIGHT OF DIAPHRAGM BETWEEN LINES Hr=HEIGHT OF ROOF ABOVE Hd BETWEEN. LINES Lr (a)= LENGTH OF ROOF FOR ROOF LOAD TYPE (a) IN THIS DIAPHRAGM STRIP Lr (b)= LENGTH OF ROOF FOR ROOF LOAD TYPE (b) IN THIS DIAPHRAGM STRIP No. ext. =NUMBER OF EXTERIOR WALL IN THIS DIAPHRAGM STRIP No. ext. =NUMBER OF INTERIOR WALL IN THIS DIAPHRAGM STRIP H ext. =HEIGHT OF EXTERIOR WALLS H Int. =HEIGHT OF EXTERIOR WALLS L= LENGTH OF DIAPHRAGM BETWEEN LINES OF RESISTANCE Ldr=LENGTH OF DIAPHRAGM JUST RIGHT OF LINE OF RESISTANCE Ldl=LENGTH OF DIAPHRAGM JUST LEFT OF LINE OF RESISTANCE P5= WEIGHT OF SEISMIC POINT LOAD IN DIAPHRAGM - WEIGHT IS MULTIPLIED BY SEISMIC COEFFICIENT X %F X= LOCATION OF SEISMIC POINT LOAD IN DIAPHRAGM FROM LEFT LINE OF RESISTANE Was= ADDITIONAL WEIGHT TO BE ADDED TO DIAPHRAGM SEISMIC STRIP LOAD FOR VENEER ETC. WEIGHT IS MULTIPLIED BY SEISMIC COEFF. X %F W5= SEISMIC STRIP LOAD Ww=WIND STRIP LOAD vrw= DIAPHRAGM UNIT SHEAR RIGHT OF LINE DUE TO WIND=Vrw/Ldr vlw= DIAPHRAGM UNIT SHEAR LEFT OF LINE DUE TO WIND=VIw/Ldl vrs= DIAPHRAGM UNIT SHEAR RIGHT OF LINE DUE TO SEISMIC=VrS/Ldr vls= DIAPHRAGM UNIT SHEAR LEFT OF LINE DUE TO SEISMIC=VIS/Ldl Vrw= DIAPHRAGM TOTAL SHEAR RIGHT OF LINE DUE TO WIND VIw= DIAPHRAGM TOTAL SHEAR LEFT OF LINE DUE TO WIND Vrs= DIAPHRAGM TOTAL SHEAR RIGHT OF LINE DUE TO SEISMIC VIS= DIAPHRAGM TOTAL SHEAR LEFT OF LINE DUE TO SEISMIC Vw= TOTAL WIND LOAD ON LINE =Vrw+VIw VS= TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD ON LINE =Vrs+Vis (T=C)w=CHORD FORCE DUE TO WIND =Ww(L')/8Ldr IF SIMPLE, WW(L')/8Ldr IF CANT (T= CIS =CHORD FORCE DUE TO SEISMIC = WS(L')/BLdr IF SIMPLE,Ww(L')/8Ldr IF CANT 25-53SC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V1.02.xis 172- DEFINITIONS & FORMULAS FOR SHEAR WALL SHEETS: h= SHEAR WALL HEIGHT b=SHEAR WALL WIDTH 1P= ONE POUR FOUNDATION SYSTEM. EFFECTS LENGTH OF HARDWARE AND ALLOWABLE STRAP VALUES 2P= TWO POUR FOUNDATION SYSTEM. EFFECTS LENGTH OF HARDWARE AND ALLOWABLE STRAP VALUES C= CORNER- WHEN ENTERED ALLOWABLE VALUES FOR HOLDOWN STRAPS AT CORNERS ARE USED 1= INTERIOR- WHEN ENTERED ALLOWABLE VALUES FOR HOLDOWN STRAPS AT NON -CORNER CONDITION ARE USED X=LOCATION OF OUERY DRAG LOAD DOO = DRAG FORCE AT LOCATION X PER ABOVE DI=DRAG LOAD AT LEFT OF WALL Or=DRAG LOAD AT RIGHT OF WALL IT= C)W= UPLIFT VALUE FROM WIND CASE AT TOP OF WALL FROM SHEAR WALL ABOVE IT=C)S=UPLIFT VALUE FROM SEISMIC CASE AT TOP OF WALL FROM SHEAR WALL ABOVE S=REFERS TO SEISMIC CASE W=REFERS TO WIND CASE VS =ADDITIONAL SEISMIC LOAD APPLIED TO LINE FROM ANTHER DIAPHRAGM OR FROM WALLS ABOVE Vw=ADDITIONAL WIND LOAD APPLIED TO LINE FROM ANTHER DIAPHRAGM OR FROM WALLS ABOVE Vmax=MAX SHEAR (SEISMIC IF S --WIND IF W) ALONG LINE DUE TO DIAPHRAGM LOADS VmIn=MIN SHEAR (OPPOSITE CASE TO Vmax),ALONG LINE DUE TO DIAPHRAGM LOADS LINE CASE= WIND OR SEISMIC CASE FOR DIAPHRAGM LOADS ONLY GOV CASE= WIND OR SEISMIC GOVERNING CASE FOR ALL LOADS APPLIED TO THE LINE VgoV= MAX SHEAR ON LINE USED FOR DESIGN OF SHEAR WALLS h/b= HEIGTH TO WIDTH RATIO FOR SHEAR PANEL VU = WALL UNIT SHEAR= MAX OF WIND OR SEISMIC VgoV/ b tot NOTE THAT FOR SEISMIC CASE WALL SELF WEIGHT X SEISMIC COEFF X %F IS USED FOR BOTH SEISMIC UNIT SHEAR AND OVERTURNING (T=C) GOV= MAX OF WIND OR SEISMIC UPLIFT GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING: IT = C)S = (Mots-.9MgD/b (T = C)w = (Motw-.667 MtlU/b A.B. SPACING IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING TABLE FOR SHEAR WALLS ON GRADE WITH A MAXIMUM SPACING OF 4 FT. FOUNDATION BOLTS A.B. SIZE FULL CAP. FULL CAP. 2X 3X 0.625 973 1109 1 1SS7 2838 ALL A.B. SPACINGS ARE PREDICATED ON THE PANEL CAPACITY NOT ACTUAL SHEAR IN THE WALL 2 25-53SC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V1.02.xls 173 DEFINITIONS & FORMULAS FOR INPUT OF LINE DATA AND SHEAR WALLS: LEFT DIAPHRAGM RIGHT DIAPHRAC x x n IL C ¢ o x s a 4 v OC W V y� L V J A m 13 Q x x P1 at X1 P2 at X2 x VgOv h' l lx LINE DATUM= OAT FURTHEST DIAPHRAGM OR SHEAR WALL LENGTH r Wdl ,T=C T=C. UPLIFT FROM WALLS ABOVE v x x FOR SEISMIC WALL WT. X SEISMIC COEFF. X %F 1WALL WT. E=EXTERIOR WALL I= INTERIOR WALL R=C) GOV + IT C) GOV b 3 25-53SC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V1.02.xis 174 GENERAL INPUT & OUTPUT GENERAL INPUT LEVEL DIAPHRAGM DEAD LOADS WIND STORY (V)I1A.x1iA STORY WEIGHT WIND DATA HEIGHT (e) (b) EXT.WALL INT. WALL PRESSURE AMPLIFICATION LB WIND SPEED 70 FT PSF PSF PSF PSF PSF AA .XXX WINO EXPOSURE C hv= 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEISMIC DATA 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIMPLIFIED BASE SHEAR N 0 0 SOURCE TYPE A 1 13 27 15 W 10 17.29 100.00% 0.175 337172 SOIL TYPE D=DEFAULT TYPE ZONE= D 4 BASE SHEAR COEFFICIENT 2001 C.B.C. LINE LABELS FOR AUTO NUMBERING R- 4.50 (30.4) V-(COIRT)W 0.741 SHALL BE THIS EXCEPT LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 Is- 1.00 (30-5) V-(2.5Cal/R)W 0.244 NEED NOT EXCEED START START NO NO NO. LEVELS 1.00 (30.6) V -(.l lCal)W 0.048 BUT NOT LESS THAN DISTANCE KM 14.00 (30.7) V=(.8ZW/R)W 0.047 BUT NOT LESS THAN IN ZONE 4 25 1 - hn- 21.50 (30.11) V-(3Ca/R)W 0.293 SIMPLIFIED STATIC (IF USED) LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 Ct= 0.02 70.000 MPH EXPOSURE C T-Ct(hn)'= 0.20 METHOD 2 START START NO NO Z. 0.40 H Ce Cq qs I P 1 1 Na- 1.00 0-15 1.060 1.300 12.593 1.000 17.353 ' Nr 1,04 20.00 1.13 - 1.30 12.59 1.00 18.50 Ca= 0.44 25.00 1.19 - 1.30 12.59 1.00 19.48 Cv 0.67 30,00 1.23 1.30 12.59 1.00 20.14 V (BASE SHEAR W. RHO) 0.244 40.00 1.31 1.40 12.59 1.00 23.10 (V)/1.4 0.175 60.00 - 1.43 1.40 12.59 1.00 25.21 80.00 1.53 1.40 12.59 1.00 26.97 P(RHO) CALCULATION FOOTPRINT AREA Ab 8947.00 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 0 LEVEL 0 LEVEL 0 X Y X Y X Y X Y r MAX SHEAR WALLS 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 r MAX FRAMES 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 r MAX BRACED FRAMES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r MAX CANT. COLS, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r MAX INPUT 0.000 0.094 p CALC -0.255 P USED 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 FOUNDATION SYSTEM FOUNDATION SYSTEM FY= f- SBF- ST INCREASE- 2P 40000 2500 2000 1.33 , (1) - Input Line Data 25.53SC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V1.02.xis 175 LINE INPUT 1 (LEVEL 1) ' t *. 25-53SC(Clark Residence Let 25)(04.1432-03)V1.02.xis LINE INPUT 2 (LEVEL 1) 25.53SC(Ctark Residence Lot 25)(04.1432-03)V7.02.z1s OD LINE OUTPUT (LEVEL 11 25-50SC(Clerk Residence Lot 25)(04-1402.07)V1.02.xls a ae���om�©mo�������a■mm®se. aeo�am®000ao����ataams� ae®®a�aemoae�����a�s� ®e©®memo©�■�������a�■�a ae®�a��oamam���®�■s�as�e aemo®roam®tee©����ma��® mee�m�omm�am������ae�■� ase®e�oaa®a®�■���®am��m aeo�m®�aema����aa■amm® aem m®ea®�a����a®mom®m aee�m®oaa�a����®®aasm�e• 25-50SC(Clerk Residence Lot 25)(04-1402.07)V1.02.xls CD WALLNo. v Lb/Ft b Ft h Ft h/b PLYWD 1 SIDE PLYWD 2SIDES ALT. WALL SILL PLATE T=C Lb HD HOLDOWN PHD HOLDOWN LTT/MTT/HTT HOLDOWN STRAP HOLDOWN STRAP HOLDOWN 37 1 128 4.50 9.00 2.00 A AA K .:.2X': 844r'..HD2A 1212%;4X1 SSTB20*'"'-: ,' PHD212.2XI SSTB24 LTT1912.2X,4XI SST820 STHD812.2XAXI STHD812.2%,4X1 44 198 10.67 10.00 0.94 A " AA L i` 2X';:= . 1015 -. ;`; H 0 12.2%;4X1 SSTB20 _z: -_.: PH02 12.2XI SSTB24 LTT19 12.2X,4XI SSTB20 STHD8 12-2X.4XI STHD8 12-2X.4XI 45 137 6.67 10.00 1.50 ' A AA K 763 ;;- ..: HD2A 12 2x.4x135TB20 - PHD2 12.2X1 SSTB24 LTT19 12.2%.4X1 SSTB20 STH08 12.2XAXI S7HD8 12.2XAXI 46 455 9.82 10.00 1.02 C -: " AA . ;3%.:. 3984 .--HD6A'14xI SST ..+c• -: PHD512.2XI 557824 MTT288122X,4XI 557824 STHD14 12.2X,4%I HPAHD22.2P 14X1 47 183 10.00 10.00 1.00 A AA K .:i4X.'.., 855 F HNA 12 2)(AXI SST620 PHD2 12-2%I 557824 LTT1912.2X,4XI 557820 STHD8 I2-2XA%I STHDB 12-2X.4XI 49 322 15.08 10.00 0.66 B2 AA ..... 1884.:.HD2A 12 2X:4XI SSTB20 ... PHD212-2XI SSTB24 LTT131 12-2X.4XI SST820 STHD8 12-2X.4XI STHD8 12-2X.4XI 50 593 8.50 13.00 1.53 ' D 8383 NA :• F.. 3X.. 6230 ..:.:.: ... .. .; ',>Tt HDBA 1Y•2X155T634 PH08122XI 557834 NA NA NA ' S3 65' 8.75 13.00 1.49 . A . _ AA K .. '.'2X -r - 205 _ :r,-HD2A 12-2X;4%1 557820 PHD2 12-2XI SSTB24 LTT19 12.2XAXI SSTB20 STHD8 12.2X.4X1 STHD8 12-2X,4XI 54 440 6.25 10.00 1.60 C AA NA 20 PHD5 12-2XI SSTB24 MT28812.2X.4XI SSTB24 STHD14 12.2%,4X1 STHD10124XAXI 55 314 24.00 16.00 0.67 " 82 -, AA NA ." 2X '• ., 3740 PHDS 12.2X1 SST024 MTT28B 12.2XAXI SSTB24 STHD14 12-2X.4XI HPAH022.2P 14X1 56 525 5.58 8.00 1.43 C AA NA 3X .. 3585.:HDSA 12.2XisST820 PHD2 12.2X1 SSTB24 MTT28B 12.2X,4XI SSTB24 STHD14 12.2XAXI STHD10 12-2X.4XI 57 191 6.25 1 12.50 2.00 1 A AA I L a2X G. 1941 . MD2A 12 2%,AXI SSTS20 -- .::., ' PH02 12.2X1 SSTB24 LTT131 12.2XAXI SSTS20 STHD8 12.2X,4XI STHDB 12-2X.4XI SB 684 8.00 10.00 1.25 D 8383 NA .=.3X.. ` 5991 12'2XI.SSTB34 .. PHD812.2XI SSTB34 NA NA NA 59 150 10.00 10.00 1.00 -::.A. AA K : .2x1 214 HD2A 12i2X,4XI 557820 PHD2 12@XI SST824 L7T19 122%,4X1 557820 STHD8 12.2%.4X1 STH0812.2XAX1 37A 160 13.00 10.00 0.77 `. r.. A,:,, AA K*. ,:2X-;;: 635 3 ,HD2A 12 2X,4X7 SSTB20 PHD2 12.2X1 SSTB24 LTT1912.2XAXI SSTB20 STHD812.2X,4XI STHD8 12-2X,4X1 2X 25-53SC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V1.02.xis SPECIAL SHEAR PANEL CALCULATIONS (LEVEL 1) LINE= 58 SHEARMAX SHEARMAX Vgov 3489 STANDARD Vgov CUSTOM 10336 STANDARD WALL No. TOTAL NOMINAL SHEAR WIDTH ACTUAL HEIGHT ASPECT RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT WA a STATUS T TOTAL SHEAR 38 3.00 9.58 2.75 3.41 OK 12124 3659 TOTAL SHEAR 0.00 0.00 8.08 1.50 5.17 0.00 0.00 2302 22 2.67 0.00 0.00 3.25 OK 12088 0.00 0.00 1.75 8.08 1.50 .0000 OK 11904 2302 24 TOTAL 8.08 TOTAL 3559 OK 12197 5755 3.00 0.00 LINE= 60 SHEARMAX SHEARMAX Vgov 1936 STANDARD Vgov 2797 STANDARD 10336 STANDARD WALL No. CUSTOM ACTUAL HEIGHT ASPECT RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT W4 a STATUS T TOTAL SHEAR WALL No. TOTAL NOMINAL SHEAR WIDTH ACTUAL HEIGHT WA ASPECT RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT a STATUS T TOTAL SHEAR 21 1.75 8.08 1.50 5.17 OK 11904 2302 22 2.67 8.08 2.42 3.25 OK 12088 3714 23 1.75 8.08 1.50 5.17 OK 11904 2302 24 4.00 8.08 3.75 2.12 OK 12197 5755 3.00 0.00 0.00 3.58 OK 12124 3383 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 14073 TOTAL LINE= 66 SHEARMAX SHEARMAX Vgov 1936 STANDARD CUSTOM CUSTOM 10336 STANDARD WALL No. TOTAL NOMINAL SHEAR WIDTH ACTUAL HEIGHT ASPECT RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT W4 a STATUS T TOTAL SHEAR 60 2.00 8.08 1.75 4.46 OK 11972 2686 40 0.00 0.00 3.75 2.64 OK 12197 4613 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.75 2.64 OK 0.00 0.00 30 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 2.64 OK 12197 0.00 0.00 3.00 10.08 TOTAL 3.58 TOTAL 2686 3383 30A 3.00 10.08 LINE= 75 SHEARMAX SHEARMAX Vgov 7918 STANDARD CUSTOM CUSTOM 10336 STANDARD WALL No. TOTAL NOMINAL SHEAR WIDTH ACTUAL HEIGHT ASPECT RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT W4 a STATUS T TOTAL SHEAR 39 3.00 10.08 2.75 3.58 OK 12124 3383 40 4.00 10.08 3.75 2.64 OK 12197 4613 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.75 2.64 OK 0.00 0.00 30 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 2.64 OK 12197 0.00 0.00 3.00 10.08 TOTAL 3.58 TOTAL 7996 3383 30A 3.00 10.08 LINE= 76 SHEARMAX SHEARMAX STANDARD CUSTOM Vgov 10336 STANDARD ACTUALASPECT HEIGHT RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT TOTAL W4 a STATUS T SHEAR CUSTOM 0.00 WALL No. TOTAL SHEAR NOMINAL WIDTH ACTUAL HEIGHT WA ASPECT RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT a STATUS T TOTAL SHEAR 29 0.00 4.00 10.08 3.75 2.64 OK 12197 1 4613 30 0.00 4.00 10.08 3.75 2.64 OK 12197 4613 29A 3.00 10.08 2.75 3.58 OK 12124 3383 30A 3.00 10.08 2.75 3.58 OK 12124 3383 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL TOTAL 15992 LINE= SHEARMAX Vgov STANDARD CUSTOM WALL No. TOTAL NOMINAL SHEAR WIDTH ACTUALASPECT HEIGHT RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT TOTAL W4 a STATUS T SHEAR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL TOTAL p 54-77SC(CIark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V 1.02.xis 100' CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN LEVEL 1 LINE NO. COLUMNS PER LINE COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.) AXIAL DL Pdl (LB.) AXIAL LL P11 (LB.)= F WIND IN LINE FW(LB.)= F SEISMIC IN LINE FS(LB.)= R VALUE STRUCTURE R= UNAMPLIFIED 2 :x!.13:58 ..... 3000 :;160 2353 2233 4.5 Fw or 7 H Pdl PH Pdl(10- 3.00 KV=1.0 Pdl+II(10 3.16 Kx=2.1 Mw (K -IN.) 383.45 Cb=1.0 Ms (K -IN.) 744.35 Cm -.BS SECTION Fy (KS0 KxVRx KVVRV KVr max fa dl fa CII +Il fb w fb s Cc Fa Fb Fie 7512%6x1/2 1. 46 81.67 67.34 81.67 0.18 0.19 8.02 15.57 111.55 1 17.79 1 27.60 1 22.39 VERTICAL INTERACTION -SECTION CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.) = 13.58 R VALUE STRUCTURE R= 4.50 0.19 OK AXIAL DL Pdl (LB.) = 3000 AXIAL LL PII (LB.)= 160 F WIND FW(LB.)= 2353 F. SEISMIC Fs(LB.)= 2233 UNAMPLIFIED F SEISMIC AMPLIFIED - FS(LB.) = 4568 AMPLIFIED FOR R/2.2 ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION WIND (IN.)=.00SH0.81 BASED ON ALLOWABLE LOADS ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION SEISMIC (IN.) -.025H4.07 BASED ON DELTA S DELTA M= .7R(DELTA S) I wind req'd lw(IN4)= 143.65 - Iseismic req'd Is(IN4)= 120.19 I REO'D F 143.65 Pdl(10- 3.00 KV=1.0 Pdl+II(10 3.16 Kx=2.1 Mw (K -IN.) 383.45 Cb=1.0 Ms (K -IN.) 744.35 Cm -.BS SECTION Fy (KS0 KxVRx KVVRV KVr max fa dl fa CII +Il fb w fb s Cc Fa Fb Fie 7512%6x1/2 1. 46 81.67 67.34 81.67 0.18 0.19 8.02 15.57 111.55 1 17.79 1 27.60 1 22.39 VERTICAL INTERACTION -SECTION LOAD CASE STATUS H1.1 H7.2 1-11.3 MAX STATUS TS12x6x1/2 dI+II 0.19 OK tll+MAX LAT NA fa/Fa<.15 NA fa/Fa<.ISJ 0.57 1 0.57 OK 182" LINE NO. COLUMNS PER LINE COLUMN HEIGHT AXIAL DL AXIAL LL F WIND IN LINE F SEISMIC IN LINE R VALUE STRUCTURE CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN LEVEL 1 PdI (LB.) P11 (LB.) = Fw(LB.) = F5(LB.)= R = UNAMPLIFIED 1650 1088 831 4.51 - 183 - Pdl PH Fw or Fs IN CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.)- R VALUE STRUCTURE R= AXIAL DL Pdl (LB.) - AXIAL LL PII (LB.) - F WIND Fw(LB.)- F SEISMIC Fs(LB.)- F SEISMIC AMPLIFIED FS(LB.)= 12 UNAMPLIFIED AMPLIFIED FOR R/2.2 4.S0 1650 16SO 1088 831 1699 ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION WIND IIN.)=.00SH 0.72 BASED ON ALLOWABLE LOADS ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION SEISMIC (IN.)=.025H 3.60 BASED ON DELTA S DELTA M= .7RIDELTA SI I wind req•d IW(IN4)= 1 51.86 Iseismic req'd Is(IN4) 1 34.91 I REO'D= 51.86 Pdl(K)- 1.65 Ky=1.0 PdI+II (10 3.30 KX=2.1 Mw (K -IN.) 156.67 Cb=1.0 Ms (K -IN.)- 244.65 Cm -.85 - SECTION Fy (KSI) KXVRX KVVRV KVr max fa dl fa dl+II fb w fb s Cc Fa Fb F'e TS8x8xl/2 46 112.94 53.78 112.94 0.11 .0.23 4.76 7.44 1 111.55 1 11.71 1 30.36 11.71 VERTICAL i INTERACTION SECTION LOAD CASE STATUS H1-1 H1.2 H1.3 MAX STATUS TSBx8x1/2 dI+II 0.23 OK dI+MAX LAT NAfa/F3<.15 NAfa/Fa<.15 0.25 1 0.25 1 OK - 184 - GENERAL INPUT 8 OUTPUT GENERALINPUT LEVEL DIAPHRAGM DEAD LOADS WND STORY (V)IIA. x7.A STORY WEIGHT WND DATA HEIGHT (a) (b) EXT.WALL INT. WALL PRESSURE AMPLIFICATION LB WIND SPEED 70 FT PSF PSF PSF PSF PSF A% .XXX WIND EXPOSURE C 1- 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEISMIC DATA 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIMPLIFIED BASE SHEAR N 0 SOURCE TYPE A 1 13 27 15 17 111 17.29 100.00% 0.175 325376 SOIL TYPE D -DEFAULT TYPE ZONE- D 4 BASE SHEAR COEFFICIENT 2001 C.B.C. LINE LIBELS FOR AUTO NUMBERING R- 4.50 (303) V=(CWRT)W 0.598 SHALL BE THIS EXCEPT LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 IS= 1.00 (30.5) V-(2.5Ca1(R)W 0.244 NEED NOT EXCEED START START NO NO NO. LEVELS 1.00 (30.6) V=(.11Cal)W 0.048 BUT NOT LESS THAN DISTANCE KM 14.00 (30.7) V-(.8ZNWIR)W 0.038 BUT NOT LESS THAN IN ZONE 4 54 1 ha= 21.50 (30-11) V-(3Ca/R)W 0.293 SIMPLIFIED STATIC (IF USED) LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 Cl- 0.02 70.000 MPH EXPOSURE C T-Cghn) _ - 0.20 METHOD 2 START START NO NO Z= 0.40 H Ce Cq p 1 P 1 1 Na= 1.00 0.15 1.060 1.300 12.593 1.000 17.353 - ' Nw 0.84 20.00 1.13 1.30 12.59 1.00 18.50 Ca= 0.44 25.00 1.19 1.30 12.59 1.00 19.48 Cv-+ 0.54 30.00 1.23 1.30 12.59 1.00 20.14 V (BASE SHEAR Wo RHO) 0.244 40.00 1.31 1.40 12.59 1.00 23.10 (V)/1.4 0.175 60.00 1.43 1.40 12.59 1.00 25.21 80.00 1.53 1.40 12.59 1.00 26.97 p(RHO) CALCULATION FOOTPRINT AREA Ab 8947.00 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 0 LEVEL 0 LEVEL 0 X Y X Y X Y X Y r MAX SHEAR WALLS 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 rMAXFRAMES 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 r MAX BRACED FRAMES - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r MAX CANT. COLS. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,MAX INPUT 0.123 0.000 p CALC 0.286 p USED - 1.000 1.000' 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 FOUNDATION SYSTEM FOUNDATION SYSTEM FY= fc= SBP= ST INCREASE- - 2P 40000 2500 2000 1.33 (1) - Input Line Data - 185 - 54-77SC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V1.02.xis OD O*j LINE INPUT f(LEVEL 1) LIME Commeff So. SPECE M 54-77SC(Claik Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)VI.02.xis sssstettssss®®®t®®®®ssmte�ssss ossa®® 54-77SC(Claik Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)VI.02.xis CO LINE INPUT 2 (LEVEL 1) 54-77SC(Clerk Residence lot 25)(04-1472.03)V1.02.xls .9 LINE OUTPUT (LEVEL 11 54-77SC(Clark Residence Lal 25)(04-1472-09)V1.02.xis aeo®meoOEM os��������m�a��', ■se©amsaoo®®������m®��� aeoomooeme��■�����mm®�� aeem�e��em�m�����amas�m aes���mooemo■s�����®�����m �eeo�■m��mmeeo���������m�� mee����ooe■e�m�����mtmm�ee�s mem�m�omm�m�■����■mmm��a me©�m�ammoo�■����amm�� mem�m�®mm�se��mm�aama��® me��m��mo�m�■�����m�a■� mem®amammoo�����mmee,�® mem�o��mmmm�����®■���®® 54-77SC(Clark Residence Lal 25)(04-1472-09)V1.02.xis WALL No. - Y Lb/Ft b Ft h Ft h/b PLYWD t SIDE PLYWD 2 SIDES ALT. WALL SILL PLATE T=C Lb HD HOLDOWN PHD HOLDOWN LTT/MTT/HTT HOLDOWN STRAP HOLDOWN STRAP HOLDOWN 20 113 11.08 10.08 0.91 AA K 507„; _.._. :HD2A 12 2%,4X1,557620 E -n,'! DHD212-2X1 SSTB24 LTT19 12.2X,4X1 SSTB20 STHD8 12.2X,4XI STHD812.2X,4XI 25 823 8.00 12.00 1.50 E 8383 NA y:?3% .. 9569 .,r.Nyr, �.,t; HD1DA16XI 557834 7;„:;r:`:i NA NA NA NA .26 355 10.50 10.08 0.96 .:'...B3 AA NA `ir.N.".3X rn: 2098 ;; <..r ;";::HD2A 12 2X 4X1357820:,wi PHD2 12.2X1 SST824 LTT131 12.2X,4X1 SSTB20 STHD8 12.2X,4XI STHD8 12-2X,4X1 27 73 13.00 10.08 0.78 j'.'.A :' AA K .�..Ic?.2%«>sxt� •1459k �"• �'` ' :; .e :r.c,.. .r.....e ..a_.:x . ,....,.. 1 .,.:..:�:1 28 222 12.83 10.00 0.78 !-A._. ' AA ;;2X%,-!? 1732 �:';.; MC12A 12,M X1 SSTB20 . .r x PHD212.2XI 557824 LTT131 12.2XAXI 557620 STHD812.2XAXI STHD8 12.2X.4XI 31 202 5.00 9.08 1.82 ':'. `.A AA L 4>2%:f 1303D2A" 122X,4XIiSST820 r,!•�! •PHD212-2X1 SSTB24 LTT20812dX,4Xl SSTB20 STHD812.2X,4XI STHD8124XAX1 32 202 6.16 11.50 1.87 ':.A': AA L X ' h;'! 1926 , --Y �=", HD2A 12 2XAXI.SST820 PH0212.2XI SSTB24 LTT131 12.2XAXI 557820 STHD812.2XpX1 STHD812-2%,4X1 33 .. 190 11.00 10.08 0.92 .:..A:-`.. AA L. r:2X .:" 1287 -;.zs#..,,,{{02A 122%,4X1:$578201 F& PHD212-2X1557824 LTT20812.2%,4X1557820 STHD812.2%.4X1 STHD812.2XAXI 34 530 6.58. 9.58 1.46 'C D,.,. AA NA y:;3X -,. 4612 ,,f. „a;i, HOfiA 14XI SS 1134' sL a PHD512-2X1 SSTB24 HTT2212.2%4X1557824 NA. STHD1412-2X,4%1 35 500 5.75 10.08 1.75 .:+ C>Y. AA NA :.; 7,2X 0'- 4505D6A 14XIISST834 Ail.,Ir } -. PHD512.2XI SSTB24 HTT2212.2X,4XI SSTB24 NA HPAH022.2P 14XI 36 261 8.00 10.08 1.26 `:A AA L 2X 2177„<HD2Al2 2%,4X1 5$7820 PHD212dX1 557824 LTT131 122%,4X1 557820 STHD8 12QXAXI STHD812.2X,4XI =41 "f 286 15.33 10.08 0.66 82 �:: AA NA 5U2X.>a;'.' 1368 ..".a.IN.,n,4,HD2A 12,2X;0XLSST8k .iPiO PH0212@XI 557820 LT720812-2X,0%1557620 STHD812.2X,4XI STHD8 @4XAXI i 54-77SC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V1.02.xls SPECIAL SHEAR PANEL CALCULATIONS (LEVEL 1) LINE= 58 SHEARMAX SHEARMAX Vgov 3489 STANDARD 10336 STANDARD CUSTOM 2797 STANDARD WALL No. TOTAL NOMINAL SHEAR WIDTH ACTUAL HEIGHT ASPECT RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT W4 a STATUS T TOTAL SHEAR 38 3.00 9.68 2.75 3.41 OK 12124 3559 ACTUAL HEIGHT 0.00 0.00 TOTAL SHEAR 21 4613 0.00 0.00 1.50 5.17 OK 0.00 0.00 22 - 2.67 0.00 0.00 3.25 OK 12088 0.00 0.00 1.75 8.08 TOTAL 5.17 TOTAL 3559 2302 24 4.00 8.08 LINE= 60 SHEARMAX SHEARMAX Vgov 1936 STANDARD 10336 STANDARD Vgov 2797 STANDARD WALL No. TOTAL NOMINAL SHEAR WIDTH ACTUAL HEIGHT CUSTOM TOTAL SHEAR 60 2.00 WALL No. TOTAL SHEAR NOMINAL WIDTH ACTUAL HEIGHT WA I ASPECT RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT a STATUS T TOTAL SHEAR 21 4613 1.75 8.08 1.50 5.17 OK 11904 2302 22 - 2.67 8.08 2.42 3.25 OK 12088 3714 23 1.75 8.08 1-.50 5.17 OK 11904 2302 24 4.00 8.08 3.75 2.12 OK 12197 5755 0.00 0.00 TOTAL9226 0.00 1 0.00 TOTAL TOTAL 14073 LINE= 66 SHEARMAX Vgov Vgov 1936 STANDARD 10336 STANDARD CUSTOM TOTAL NOMINAL SHEAR WIDTH WALL No. TOTAL NOMINAL SHEAR WIDTH ACTUAL HEIGHT ASPECT RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT WA a STATUS T TOTAL SHEAR 60 2.00 8.08 1.75 1 4.46 OK 11972 2686 40 0.00 0.00 3.75 2.64 OK 12197 4613 4613 0.00 0.00 10.08 3.75 2.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 0.00 TOTAL TOTAL 2686 LINE= 75 SHEARMAX Vgov Vgov 7918 STANDARD 10336 STANDARD CUSTOM TOTAL NOMINAL SHEAR WIDTH WALL No. TOTAL NOMINAL SHEAR WIDTH ACTUALASPECT HEIGHT RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT WAa STATUS T TOTAL SHEAR 39 2.67 10.08 2.42 4.06 OK 12088 2977 40 4.00 10.08 3.75 2.64 OK 12197 4613 4613 0.00 0.00 10.08 3.75 2.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 0.00 TOTAL TOTAL 1 7590 LINE- 76 SHEARMAX Vgov STANDARD Vgov 10336 STANDARD WALL No. TOTAL NOMINAL SHEAR WIDTH CUSTOM ASPECT RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT TOTAL WA a STATUS T SHEAR WALL No. TOTAL NOMINAL SHEAR WIDTH ACTUALASPECT HEIGHT WA RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT a STATUS T TOTAL SHEAR 29 4.00 10.08 3.75 2.64 OK 12197 4613 30 4.00 10.08 3.75 2.64 OK 12197 4613 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL TOTAL9226 LINE= SHEARMAX Vgov STANDARD CUSTOM WALL No. TOTAL NOMINAL SHEAR WIDTH ACTUAL HEIGHT ASPECT RATIO ASPECT RATIO UPLIFT TOTAL WA a STATUS T SHEAR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL TOTAL 54.77SC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V7.02.xis 190- CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN LEVEL 1 Pdl PH Fw or Fs LINE NO. COLUMNS PER LINE COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.) AXIAL DL PdI (LB.)= AXIAL LL PII (LB.) = F WIND IN LINE Fw(LB.) = F SEISMIC IN LINE FS(LB.)= R VALUE STRUCTURE R= 0 H UNAMPLIFIED 3'.014.0 - 8 2320 1828 1619 4.5 CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.)= R VALUE STRUCTURE R - AXIAL DL I'dl (LB.)= AXIAL LL PII (LB.) - F WIND FW(LB.)= F SEISMIC Fs(LB.)= F SEISMIC AMPLIFIED Fs(LB.)= ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION WIND (IN.)-:OOSH = ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION SEISMIC (IN.)=.025H = I wind req'd lw(IN4)- Iseismlc req'd Is(IN4)- I REO'D= 14.08 4.50 2320 520 1828 1619 UNAMPLIFIEO 3312 AMPLIFIED FOR R/2.2 0.84 BASED ON ALLOWABLE LOADS 4.22 BASED ON DELTA S DELTA M = .7R(DELTA SI 119.96 93.68 119.96 Pdl(K)= 2.32 Ky=1.0 Pdl+II (10 2.84 Kx=2.1 Mw (K -IN.) .308.86 CID =1.0 Ms(K-IN.)= 559.53 Cm -.85 SECTION Fy (KSI) KxVRx KyVRy KI/r max fa dl fa dI+II fb W. fb s Cc Fa Fb F'e TS10x5X1/2 46 103.14 85.33 103.14 0.17 0.21 9.77 17.71 111.SS 13.76 27.60 14.04 VERTICAL INTERACTION SECTION LOAD CASE STATUS H1.1 H1.2 H1.3 MAX STATUS TS10x5x1/2 I dI+II 0.21 OK dI+MAX LAT NA faiFa<.15 NA fa/Fa<.15 0.65 1 0.65 1 OK - 1 9 2 - CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN LEVEL 1 LINE N0. COLUMNS PER LINE COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.)= AXIAL DL Pdl (LB.)= AXIAL LL PII (LB.)= F WIND IN LINE Fw(LB.)= F SEISMIC IN LINE FS(LB.)= R VALUE STRUCTURE R= UNAMPLIFIED - ;2 421 558 4.5 - 193 - Pdl PH Fw or Fs H CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN COLUMN HEIGHT H IFT.)= 12 R VALUE STRUCTURE R- 4.50 - AXIAL DL PdI (LB.) = 1650 tlI+MAX LAT AXIAL LL PII ILB.)- 1650 F WIND Fw(LB.)- 421 F SEISMIC Fs(LB.)= S58 UNAMPLIFIED F SEISMIC AMPLIFIED FSILB.) = 1142 AMPLIFIED FOR R/2.2 ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION WIND (IN.)=.GOSH 0.72 BASED ON ALLOWABLE LOADS ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION SEISMIC (IN.) -.025H = 3.60 BASED ON DELTA S DELTA M- .7R(DELTA S) I wind req'd Iw(IN4)= 20.09 Iseismic req'd IS(IN4)= 1 23.46 ' I REO'D- 23.46 Pdl(10- 1.65 Ky=1.0 PdI+II 00= 3.30 Kx=2.1 Mw IK -IN.)= 60.69 Cb =1.0 Ms(K-IN.)= 164.44 Cm=.85 SECTION Fy IKSB KXVRX KyVRy " KVr max fa dl fa d1+11 fb w fb s Cc Fa Fb TS8x8X1/1 46 117.10 55.76 117.10 '0.11 0.23 1.84 5.00 111.55 10.89 30.36 10.89 1 VERTICAL INTERACTION . SECTION - LOAD CASE STATUS H1-1 H1.2 H1.3 MAX STATUS -TSSx8x1/2 I dI+II 0.23 OK tlI+MAX LAT I I NA fa/Fa <.lSl NA fa/Fa c.151 0.18 1 0.18 1 OK - 194 - CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN LEVEL 1 LINE N0: COLUMNS PER LINE COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.)= AXIAL DL Pdi (LB.) = AXIAL LL PII (L6.)= F WIND IN LINE Fw(LB.)= F SEISMIC IN LINE Fs(LB.)= R VALUE STRUCTURE R= UNAMPLIFIED - 2 p ::;Z'.1650 403 447 4.5 195- Pdl PHFw or Fs m CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.)= R VALUE STRUCTURE R= AXIAL DL Pd (LB.)= AXIAL LL PII (LB.)= F WIND FW(LB.)= F SEISMIC Fs(LB.) = F SEISMIC AMPLIFIED Fs(LB.) = ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION WIND (IN.)=.005H = ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION SEISMIC (IN.) -.025H - I wind req'd lW(IN4)= ISeismiC req'd IS(IN4)= I REO'D- Pdl (K1= 1.65 Pdl+II (10= 3.30 Mw (K -IN.) = 58.07 Ms (K -IN.) = 131.64 3 KY =1.0 KX - 2.1 Cb =1.0 Cm =.85 VERTICAL 12 4.50 1650 1650 403 447 UNAMPLIFIED 914 AMPLIFIED FOR R/2.2 0.72 BASED ON ALLOWABLE LOADS 3.60 BASED ON DELTA S DELTA M= .7R(DELTA S) 19.22 18.78 19.22 INTERACTION SECTION LOAD CASE STATUS H1.1 H1.2 1-11.3 MAX STATUS TS8X8Xl/2 I dI+II 0.23 OK dl+MAX LAT NA fa/Fa<.15 NA fa/Fa<.15 0.14 1 0.14 1 OK J GFNFROI INPUT R M ITPI IT OENERALINPUT LEVEL DIAPHRAGM DEAD LOADS WND STORY (V)/iA.x%A STORY WEIGHT WNDDATA HEIGHT (a) (b) EXT,WALL INT. WALL PRESSURE AMPLIFICATION LB WNDSPEED 70 FT PSF PSF PSF PSF PSF A% im WINDEXPOSURE C 1w 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEISMIC DATA 0 O 0 0 0 0 SIMPLIFIED BASE SHEAR N 2 2'15 15 17 10 18.62 151.22% 0.264 80085 SOURCE TYPE A 1 12 17 10 17.29 86.41% 0.151 301923 SOIL TYPE D=OEFAULT TYPE ZONE' D 4 BASE SHEAR COEFFICIENT 2001 C.B.C. LINE LABELS FOR AUTO NUMBERING R= 4.50 (30-4) V=(CAIRT)W 0.741 SHALL BE THIS EXCEPT LEVEL! LEVEL 2 - le' 1.00 (30-5) V=(2.SCaVR)W 0.244 NEED NOT EXCEED START START NO NO NO. LEVELS 2.00 (30-6) V=(.11Cal)W 0.048 BUT NOT LESS THAN DISTANCE KM 14.00 (30-7) V=(.8ZIWI/R)W 0.047 BUT NOT LESS THAN IN ZONE 4 1 14 1- 21.50 (30.11) V=(3Ca/R)W 0.293 SIMPLIFIED STATIC (IF USED) LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 Ct. 0.02 70.000 MPH EXPOSURE C T'C4bn) = 0.20 METHOD 2 START START NO NO Z. 0.40 H Ce Cq W 1 P 1 7 Na' 1.00 0-15 1.060 1.300 12.593 1.000 17.353 Nv 1.04 20.00 1.13 1.30 12.59 1.00 18.50 Ca' 0.44 25.00 1.19 1.30 12.59 1.00 19.46 C- 0.67 30.00 1.23 1.30 12.59 1.00 20.14 V (BASE SHEAR w/o RHO)i. 0.244 40.00 1.31 1.40 12.59 1.00 23.10 M/1.4 0.175 60.00 1.43 1.40 12.59 1.00 25.21 80.00 1.53 1.40 12.59 1.00 26.97 p (RHO) CALCULATION FOOTPRINT AREA Ab 8947.00 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 0 LEVEL 0 X Y x Y, X Y X Y r MAX SHEAR WALLS 0.31 0.03 0.33 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 r MAXFRAMES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r MAX BRACED FRAMES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r MAX CAM. COLS. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rMAX INPUT 0.307 0.031 0.328 0.264 p CALC 1.311 -4.724 1.355 1.198 p USED 1 1.311 1.000 1.355 1 1.198 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 FOUNDATION SYSTEM FOUNDATION SYSTEM FY' T�' SBP= ST INCREASE= 1 2P 40000 2500 2000 1.33 (1) - Input Line Data - 197 - 2-storySC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V1.02.xis STORY DISTRIBUTION LEVEL W (LB) x FT. WX (LB -FT) % F F (LB) V (LB) W(BASE SHEAR COEFF)/1.4 STORY AMPLIFICATION %A i 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 2 80085 21 1681794 32% 21146 13983 151% 21146 1 301923 12 3623081 68% 45554 52717 86% 45554 TOTAL 382009 5304875 100% 66700 BASE SHEAR=W x (V /1.4)= 1 66700 198 2-storySC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V1.02.xis LINE INPUT 1 (LEVEL 1) 2-s1orySC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V7.02.xis a e a tttta tta ®� ttta to®ttt®ttt� ttts arts to ©a �■ s e a s to tta ttt®t®tae tt®tta ®ata ®a rata■ aeatatta®®®®tt®��®©©ate � e a � tta ta■ tao to tt®®ttta tea tta to ©a � ©e as to tta ttm ,rata t®ttt®tsa tt®tta t� a ©a � sea®ttamtt:saat®®�®®ea©asp aeaaatattaaatta®®t®t®taa©aaaaa �eatttta®tt®®tsar®t®®tt®�aaea� a e aaa � s®tt®a®t®tttoa ttta tt®t®ata a o a� �e®®��®®ewe®ems®m�oaa■a ®e®�®as�ttatt®ta®,test®tt®aoa■� ®esus®�sss®®s®s®sgs®®s®easa� � e ,,teat tta s®ss■ ®s®sa s®s®®a s®e a � e ®s®est sa sea sa ®ss■ spa ssa sa s� a a � ®vasa®s®seas®sa®s®sass.®oa® mes®sasasseses®s®®ss.■®ss.s�oassaa ®e m sea s®s®sa ss■ s� s®s®sa s®sem o a �� massa®sass®sa®s®ssasasaaea�� � e ttttat ®ss a sea s®s®s®sa s®®a o a -� yes®s®®sassasasas®®s®sassoa� ®ee®s®s®ssasass.ss•s®saw®oar aes©sass�s�®sae®s®s®®ssooa� aes®sero!®sa®s®s®sasse®©oar �e®tae®ss.®sa®®sas�sses��asss�a ©e rets tta tta ®soot tta ®®s®oa a s©®a Asa aesaa©tta®sae®®®ss■s®®o�■sseaa� ®eovssoasao®®saes®osa®©oar �etottta®saeasas®s®sa®sas�oa® as a sat tttta tta ®soa a®sa ®o®®se■ 0 0 a � a e st®ea a ®ssa sa s®oa sa a®s■■ ss o a spa ®estt�tt®ea®ooa■�®s®se■s®■®®oar aea�tatta®seat,®®s®ttt®saa©oae� ©eattta®t®ttt®®o®®se■oaas©ea�a sea a aav as tta t®tttta ®sem o®®®a■ s� is a �a ©estt�aaeasas®®s®s®sa®�©oaaa� a e tttt� ®®tt®a®mes ate ®ttta ®o m� o as sass ®e sat tttta tta ®sea o®s®e®®sem ®� � a �� �esttasaas®®®®sett®s®aeaos�a- 0 e ,,tsar stat ®ease ®t®seer®ate to e � a m� sees®®®tt®tt®tae®®sit®eattstma® ata a ,,tsar as a t®a®®tta m®tta t®®sem o a �a � e 0 tttta tta t®ttas ®ts®,,trot ®®t®ttas as a sass aea�tt®eet®rota,®e®tt�®®t®aoa� aeaaaaa®®atattatta®ttattataeaa� aea�t®ea®aria®tt®,tett®sa�oao aeaattas®tela®®tt®®sa®aoea� t■tt� e vent tea va tta t■a A ,rtes tt®®va a va a a vas tettaseet�a®see®stet®stat®®tatttaooatat- 2-s1orySC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V7.02.xis N O O LINE INPUT 2 (LEVEL 1) 2-storySC(Clerk Residence Lot 25)(04-1432.03)V1.02.xls LINE OUPUT (LEVEL 11 2-starySC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V1.02.xis N O N 2-storySC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V1.02.xls ---------- - -- 2-storySC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V1.02.xls 0 LINE INPUT I (LEVEL 2) 7777777 2-storySC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)VI.02.xis N O A LINE INPUT 2 (LEVEL 2) 2-storySC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V7.02.xis LINE OUPUT (LEVEL 21 2-storySC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)VI.02.xis mom mm �Mmwm 2-storySC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)VI.02.xis N 0 rn WALL NO. v Lb/Ft b Ft h Ft h/b PLYWO 1 SIDE PLYWD 2SIDES ALT. WALL SILL PLATE T=C Lb HD HOLDOWN PHO HOLDOWN LTT/MTT/HTT HOLDOWN STRAP HOLDOWN STRAP HOLDOWN 6 $42 10.00 9.00 0.90 C AA .. :3X 4876 '. _ - HD6A 14X1 PHD6 12.2X.4XI NA MSTC66 14X) FTA7 12.2X1 7 101 19.75 9.00 0.46 A AA '2X 906 HD2A 12-2X,4X,6X1 PH21) 12-2X.4XI HTT16 12.2X,4XI MSTI72 14X1 FTAS 122X1 8 364 5.42 9.00 1.66 83 AA NA 3X 2946 HDSA 12.2X1 PH21) 12.2X,4X1 LTT20B 12.2X,4XI MSTC28 14X1 FTA2 12.2X,4XI 9 1S2 5.16 9.00 1.74 A AA K 2X 1372 HD2A 12-2X,4X.6XI PH2D 12.2X.4XI LTT208 12.2X.4XI MSTI48 14X1 FTA2 12.2X.4XI 10 701 9.83 9.00 0.92 D 8383 3X 6306 - H08A 122X1 PHD8 12.2X,4XI NA NA FTA7 122X1 11 125 6.00 9.00 1.50 A AA 2X 1124 : H02A 12-2X,4X.6XI PH21) 12-2X.4XI LTT20B 12.2X,4XI MSTI48 14X1 FTA2 12.2X.4XI 12 125 5.42 9.00 1.66 A AA 2X 1124 H02A 12-2X,4X,6XI -. PH21) 12-2X,4XI LTT20B 12.2X,4XI MSTI48 14XI FTA2 12.2X,4XI 13 349 10.33 10.00 0.97 B2 AA 2X. 3491 HDSA 1 2.2X1 PH21) 12.2X,4X1 MTT288 12.2X,4XI MST6014XI FTAS 12.2X1 14 283 13.00 14.00 1.08 82 AA . 2X 3407 HDSA 12.2X1 PH2D 12.2X.4X1 HTT1612.2X.4XI MST6014XI FTA5 12.2X1 15 289 5.33 10.00 1.88 82 AA 2X 2711 HD2A 12.2X,4X.6X1 PH2D 12.2X.4XI HTT16 12.2X,4XI MSTI72 14XI FTA2 12.2X.4XI 16 464 11.00 10.00 0.91 C AA 3X 4644 HD6A 14X1 PHDS 12-2X,4XI NA MST6014XI FTA7 12.2X1 17 152 10.00 9.00 0.90 A AA K 2X 1372 H02A 12.2X,4X,6XI - PH2D 12.2X,4XI LTT20812.2X,4XI MSTI48 14X1 FTA2 12.2X,4X1 18 152 4.50 9.00 2.00 A AA K 2X 1372 H02A 12-2X,4X.6X1 PH2D 12-2%.4X1 LTT20B 12.2X,4X1 MSTI48 14XI FTA2 12-2X,4X1 19 152 4.50 9.00 2.00 A AA K 2X 1372 'HD2A 1272X,4X,6XI - PH2D 12.2X,4X1 LTT20B (2.2X,4XI MSTI48 14X1 FTA2 12.2X,4XI HS l OQ A% M �0 lb0 A4 CC, 0 o R L OGA T 1n.-1 S AN A FOR A f61 T10 2-storySC(Clark Residence Lot 25)(04-1432-03)V1.02.xfs Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 9:29AM, 14 APR 04 Description : SFD Scope: Rev: 580000 User: KW0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Steel Column Base Plate (01983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description BASE PLATE ALONG LINE 40 General Infol'`mation. 14.6 psi Code Ref: AISC 9th Ed ASD, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Loads Full Bearing : No Bolt Tension Steel Section TS12x6x1/2 Axial Load 3.16 k Section Length 12.000 in X -X Axis Moment 0.00 k -ft Section Width 6.000 inFlange 1,011.2 psi Thickness 0.500 in Plate Dimensions Tension Bolt Force Bolt Tension OK Web Thickness 0.000 in Plate Length 18.000 in Allowable Stresses 15.700 k Plate Width 12.000 in Concrete f 2,500.0 psi Plate Thickness 0.750 in Base Plate Fy 36.00 ksi 'Load Duration Factor 1.330 Support Pier Size Pier Length 24.000 in Anchor Bolt Data Pier Width 24.000 in Dist. from Plate Edge 2.000 in Bolt Count per Side 2 Tension Capacity 15.700 k Bolt Area 0.785 int Summary Baseplate OK Concrete Bearing Stress Bearing Stress OK Actual Bearing Stress 14.6 psi Allow per ACI318-95, A3.1 Full Bearing : No Bolt Tension =0.3"f'c'Sgrt(A2/A1)`LDF 1,410.7 psi Allow per AISC J9 1,645.8 psi Plate Bending Stress Thickness OK Actual fb 1,011.2 psi Max Allow Plate Fb 35,910.0 psi Tension Bolt Force Bolt Tension OK Actual Tension 0.000 k Allowable 15.700 k 208- Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Dsgnr: Description : SFD Scope: Job # 04-1432-03 Date: 9:26AM, 14 APR 04 Rev: 580000 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Combined Footing Design Page 1 (c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description GRADE BEAM FOR LATERAL LINE 40 General Information Actual Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Allow Soil Bearing 1,500.0 psf fc 2,500.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 Fy 60,000.0 psi Concrete Wt 145.0 pcf Min As Pct 0.0014 Short Term Increase 1.33 Distance to CL of Rebar 3.50 in Overburden 0.00 psf Live & Short Term Load Combined Dimensions oting Size... Column Support Pedestal Sizes Distance Left 5.00 ft #1 : Square Dimension 0.00 in Dist. Betwn Cols 9.58 ft ...Height 0.00 in Distance Right 5.00 ft #2: Square Dimension 0.00 in Footing Length 19.58 ft ...Height 0.00 in Width 2.50 ft Thickness 24.00 in (Loads � Note: Load factoring supports 2003 IBC and 2003 NFPA 5000 by virtue of their references to ACI 318-02 for concrete design. Factoring of entered loads to ultimate loads within this program is according to ACI 318-02 C.2 Vertical Loads... (a) Left Column (a) Right Column Dead Load 3.000 k 3.000 k Live Load 0.160 k 0.160 k Short Term Load k k Applied Moments... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load k -ft k -ft 62.100 k -ft k -ft k -ft 62.100 k -ft Footing Design OK Length = 19.58ft, Width = 2.50ft, Thickness = 24.00in, Dist. Left = 5.00ft, Btwn. = 9.58ft, Dist. Right = 5.00ft Maximum Soil Pressure 1,464.33 psf Allowable 1,995.00 psf Max Shear Stress 17.97 psi Allowable 85.00 psi Min. Overturning Stability 1.617:1 Soil Pressures Soil Pressure @ Left Actual Allowable Dead + Live 419.1 1,500.0 psf Dead+Live+Short Term 0.0 1,995.0 psf Soil Pressure @ Right End Eq. C-2 2,050.1 psf Dead + Live 419.1 1,500.0 psf Dead+Live+Short Term 1,464.3 1,995.0 psf Stability Ratio 1.6 :1 -209- Steel Req'd @ Left Steel Req'd @ Center Steel Req'd @ Right Mj� z 0.518 in2/ft 0.518 in2/ft 0.518 in2/ft Eccentricity 0.000 ft 6.054 ft 0.000 ft 6.054 ft ACI Factored Eq. C-1 588.7 psf Eq. C-2 0.0 psf Eq. C-3 0.0 psf Eq. C-1 588.7 psf Eq. C-2 2,050.1 psf Eq. C-3 1,297.3 psf Mj� z 0.518 in2/ft 0.518 in2/ft 0.518 in2/ft Eccentricity 0.000 ft 6.054 ft 0.000 ft 6.054 ft ounc- User: KW0601 Title : CLARK RESIDENCE Dsgnr: Description : SFD Scope : Combined Footing Design Description GRADE BEAM FOR LATERAL LINE 40 Job # 04-1432-03 Date: 9:26AM, 14 APR 04 Page 2 Moment & Shear Summary Between Columns ( values for moment are given per unit width of footing) Moments... ACI C-1 ACI C-2 ACI C-3 Mu @ Col #1 2.28 k-ft/ft -5.07 k-ft/ft -3.26 k-fUft Mu Btwn Cols 2.28 k-ft/ft 29.70 k-ft/ft 31.51 k-ft/ft Mu @ Col #2 2.28 k-ft/ft 16.74 k-ft/ft 10.54 k-ft/ft One Way Shears... @ Bottom 44.26 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom Vn : Allow' 0.85 85.000 psi 85:000 psi 85.000 psi Vu @ Col #1 2.445 psi 5.433 psi 3.492 psi Vu Btwn Cols 2.348 psi 0.000 psi 0.000 psi Vu @ Col #2 2.445 psi 17.971 psi 11.318 psi Two Way Shears... 1.700 ACI C-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 Vn : Allow' 0.85 170.000 psi 170.000 psi 170.000 psi Vu @ Col #1 2.343 psi 3.337 psi 2.238 psi Vu @ Col #2 2.343 psi 0.843 psi 0.481 psi Reinforcing ( values given per unit width of footing) Left Edge of Col #1 Between Columns aa) Right Edge of Col #2 Ru/Phi As Req'd Ru/Phi As Req'd Ru/Phi As Req'd ACI C-1 6.04 psi 0.518 int/ft @ Bottom 6.04 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom 6.04 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom ACI C-2 13.42 psi -0.518 in2/ft @ Top 78.53 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom 44.26 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom ACI C-3 8.63 psi -0.518 in2/ft @ Top 83.32 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom 27.87 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI C-1 & C-2 DL 1.400 ACI C-2 Group Factor 0:750 Additional Seismic 1.4" Factc 1.400 ACI C-1 & C-2 LL 1.700 ACI C-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 Additional Seismic "0.9" Facto 0.900 ACI C-1 & C-2 ST 1.700 ACI C-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 ' ....seismic = ST' : 1.100 210- Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 9:05AM, 14 APR 04 Description : SFD-- Efl - GM ... Scope: Rev: 580000 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Steel Column Base Plate @@@ (01983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description BASE PLATE ALONG LINE 70 i General Information 13.1 psi Code Ref: AISC 9th Ed ASD, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Loads Anchor Bolt Data Steel Section TS12x4x1/2 Axial Load 2.84 k Section Length 12.000 in X -X Axis Moment 0.00 k -ft Section Width 4.000 in Bolt Area Flange Thickness 0.500 in Plate Dimensions Web Thickness 0.000 in Plate Length 18.000 in Allowable Stresses Plate Width 12.000 in Concrete fc 2,500.0 psi Plate Thickness 0.750 in Base Plate Fy 36.00 ksi 'Load Duration Factor 1.330 Support Pier Size 13.1 psi Allow per AC1318-95, A3.1 Pier Length 24.000 in Anchor Bolt Data 1,410.7 psi Pier Width 24.000 in Dist. from Plate Edge 2.000 in Actualfb Bolt Count per Side 2 35,910.0 psi Tension Capacity 8.840 k Bolt Area 0.442 int Concrete Bearing Stress Bearing Stress OK Actual Bearing Stress 13.1 psi Allow per AC1318-95, A3.1 = 0.3"f'c' Sgrt(A2/A1)' LDF 1,410.7 psi Allow per AISC J9 1,645.8 psi Plate Bending Stress Thickness OK Actualfb 1,357.6 psi Max Allow Plate Fb 35,910.0 psi Tension Bolt Force Bolt Tension OK Actual Tension 0.000 k Allowable 8.840 k - 2 1 1 - Baseplate OK Full Bearing : No Bolt Tension ounc- =•Ir+EERIN SERV Title : CLARK RESIDENCE Dsgnr: Description : SFD Scope : Job # 04-1432-03 Date: 9:05AM, 14 APR 04 Kew JBVVVV- ------------- -- , User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Combined Footing Design Page 1 p 1 101983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description GRADE BEAM FOR LATERAL LINE 70 General Information Actual Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Allow Soil Bearing 1,500.0 psf fc 2,500.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 Fy 60,000.0 psi Concrete Wt 145.0 pcf Min As Pct 0.0014 Short Term Increase 1.33 Distance to CL of Rebar 3.50 in Overburden 0.00 psf Live & Short Term Load Combined Dimensions Footing Size... Column Support Pedestal Sizes Actual Distance Left 4.00 ft #1 : Square Dimension 0.00 in Dist. Betwn Cols 8.42 ft ...Height 0.00 in Distance Right 4.00 ft #2 : Square Dimension 0.00 in Footing Length 16.42 ft ...Height 0.00 in Width 2.50 ft Thickness 24.00 in 428.4 Loads Dead+Live+Short Term Note: Load factoring supports 2003 IBC and 2003 NFPA 5000 by virtue of their references to ACI 318-02 for concrete design. Factoring of entered loads to ultimate loads within this program is according to ACI 318-02 C.2 Stability Ratio Vertical Loads... (a) Left Column (aD Right Column :1 Dead Load 2.320 k 2.320 k Live Load 0.520 k 0.520 k Short Term Load k k Applied Moments... Dead Load Live Load ShortTerm Load k -ft k -ft 47.000 k -ft k -ft k -ft 47.000 k -ft Footing Design OK Actual Length = 16.42ft, Width = 2.50ft, Thickness = 24.00in, Dist. Left = 4.00ft, Btwn. = 8.42ft, Dist. Right = 4.00ft Dead + Live Maximum Soil Pressure 1,637.07 psf -Z a 5' Allowable 1,995.00 psf Steel Req'd @ Left 0.518 in2/ft 0.0 Max Shear Stress 14.72 psi Steel Req'd @ Center 0.518 in2/ft PS = to2- 3, Allowable 85.00 psi Steel Req'd @ Right 0.518 in2/ft Min. Overturning Stability 1.536:1 428.4 Soil Pressures Soil Pressure @ Left Actual Allowable Dead + Live 428.4 1,500.0 psf Dead+Live+Short Term 0.0 1,995.0 psf Soil Pressure @ Right End 0.0 psf Dead + Live 428.4 1,500.0 psf Dead+Live+Short Term 1,637.1 1,995.0 psf Stability Ratio 1.5 :1 -212-- ACI Factored Eccentricity Eq. C-1 607.3 psf 0.000 ft Eq. C-2 0.0 psf 5.346 ft Eq. C-3 0.0 psf Eq. C-1 607.3 psf 0.000 ft Eq. C-2 2,291.9 psf 5.346 ft Eq. C-3 1,386.2 psf 1 Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 9:05AM, 14 APR 04 Description : SFD eN ce9 Scope: j Rev: 580000 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Combined Footing Design Page 2 I (c)1983.2003 ENERCALC.Engineering Software darks.ecw:Calculations Description GRADE BEAM FOR LATERAL LINE 70 j Moment & Shear Summary ( values for moment are given per unit width of footing) Moments... ACI C-1 ACI C-2 ACI C-3 Mu @ Col #1 1.61 k-ft/ft -3.25 k-ft/ft -2.09 k-ft/ft Mu Btwn Cols 1.61 k-ft/ft 23.07 k-ft/ft 24.23 k-ft/ft Mu @ Col #2 1.61 k-ft/ft 12.24 k-ft/ft 7.28 k-ft/ft One Way Shears... Vn : Allow' 0.85 85.000 psi 85.000 psi 85.000 psi Vu @ Col #1 1.875 psi 3.782 psi 2.431 psi Vu Btwn Cols' 2.067 psi 0.000 psi 0.000 psi Vu @ Col #2 1.875 psi 14.722 psi 8.760 psi Two Way Shears... Vn : Allow' 0.85 170.000 psi 170.000 psi 170.000 psi Vu @ 601 #1 2.109 psi 3.070 psi 1.834 psi Vu @ Col #2 2.109 psi 0.413 psi 0.088 psi Reinforcing ( values given per unit width of footing) P- Left Edqe of Col #1 Between Columns (70. Right Edge of Col #2 Ru/Phi As Req'd Ru/Phi As Req'd Ru/Phi As Req'd ACI C-1 4.26 psi 0.518 int/ft @ Bottom 4.26 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom 4.26 psi 0.518 int/ft @ Bottom ACI C-2 8.59 psi -0.518 in2/ft @ Top 61.00 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom 32.37 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom ACI C-3 5.52 psi -0.518 in2/ft @ Top 64.07 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom 19.25psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI C-1 & C-2 DL 1.400 ACI C-2 Group Factor 0.750 Additional Seismic 1.4" Factc 1.400 ACI C-1 & C-2 LL 1.700 ACI C-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 Additional Seismic "0.9" Facto 0.900 ACI C-1 & C-2 ST 1.700 ACI C-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 ....seismic = ST " : 1.100 - 2 1 3 - Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: '8:52AM, 14 APR 04 Description : SFD O1 `� Scope Rev: 580000 User: KW -0601715, ver s.8.o.1-Dec-2003 Steel Column Base Plate (c)1983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering software clarks.ecw:calculations Description BASE PLATE ALONG LINE 74, 77 General Information Code Ref: AISC 9th Ed ASD, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Loads Steel Section TS8x8xl/2 Axial Load 3.30 k Section Length 8.000 in X -X Axis Moment 13.70 k -ft Section Width 8.000 inFlange Thickness 0.500 in Plate Dimensions Web Thickness 0.000 in Plate Length 14.000 in Allowable Stresses Plate Width 14.000 in Concrete fc 2,500.0 psi Plate Thickness 0.750 in Base Plate Fy 36.00 ksi Load Duration Factor 1.330 Support Pier Size Pier Length 24.000 in Anchor Bolt Data Pier Width 24.000 in Dist. from Plate Edge 2.000 in Bolt Count per Side 2 Tension Capacity 15.700 k Bolt Area 0.785 in2 Concrete Bearing Stress Bearing Stress OK Actual Bearing Stress 476.8 psi Allow per AC1318-95, A3.1 = 0.3 " f'c * Sgrt(A2/A1) ' LDF 1,710.0 psi Allow per AISC J9 1,995.0 psi Plate Bending Stress Thickness OK Actual fb 19,635.5 psi Max Allow Plate Fb 35,910.0 psi Tension Bolt Force Bolt Tension OK Actual Tension 6.443 k Allowable 15.700 k - 2 1 4 - Baseplate OK Partial Bearing : Bolts in Tension Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 8:51AM, 14 APR 04 Description : SFD eN ces Scope: Rev: 580000 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1•Dec•2003Combined Footing Design Page 1 (01983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software c„rks C,i„ ,,. tions Description GRADE BEAM FOR LATERAL LINE 74,77 1 General Information Actual Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Allow Sod Bearing 1,500.0 psf fc 2,500.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 Fy 60,000.0 psi Concrete Wt 145.0 pcf Min As Pct 0.0014 Short Term Increase 1.33 Distance to CL of Rebar 3.50 in Overburden 0.00 psf Live & Short Term Load Combined Dimensions Footing Size... Column Support Pedestal Sizes Distance Left 1.50 ft #1 : Square Dimension 0.00 in Dist. Betwn Cols 22.00 ft ...Height 0.00 in Distance Right 1.50 ft #2: Square Dimension 0.00 in Footing Length 25.00 ft ...Height 0.00 in Width 2.00 ft Thickness 24.00 in Loads Note: Load factoring supports 2003 IBC and 2003 NFPA 5000 by virtue of their references to ACI 318-02 for concrete design. Factoring of entered loads to ultimate loads within this program is according to ACI 318-02 C.2 Vertical Loads... (a) Left Column cD Right Column Dead Load 1.650 k 1.650 k Live Load 1.650 k 1.650 k Short Term Load k k Applied Moments... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load k -ft k -ft 13.700 k -ft k -ft k -ft 13.700 k -ft Footing Design OK Length = 25.00ft, Width = 2.00ft, Thickness = 24.00in, Dist. Left = 1.50ft, Btwn. = 22.00ft, Dist. Right = 1.50ft Maximum Soil Pressure 553.52 psf Allowable 1,995.00 psf Steel Req'd @ Left 0.518 in2/ft f IN z �1 Max Shear Stress 7.87 psi Steel Req'd @ Center 0.518 in2/ft 5 Allowable 85.00 psi Steel Req'd @ Right 0.518 in2/ft Min. Overturning Stability 9.626:1 Soil Pressures Soil Pressure @ Left Actual Allowable ACI Factored Eccentricity Dead + Live 422.0 1,500.0 psf Eq. C-1 610.6 psf 0.000 ft Dead+Live+Short Term 290.5 1,995.0 psf Eq. C-2 406.7 psf 1.299 ft Soil Pressure @ Right End Eq. C-3 220.5 psf Dead + Live 422.0 1,500.0 psf Eq. C-1 610.6 psf 0.000 ft Dead+Live+Short Term 553.5 1,995.0 psf Eq. C-2 774.9 psf 1.299 ft Stability Ratio 9.6 :1 Eq. C-3 420.3 psf - 2 1 5 - Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 8:51AM, 14 APR 04 Description : SFD eN ces - Scope: Rev: s80000 user: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Combined Footing Design Page 2 IN ic)1983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:calculations Description GRADE BEAM FOR LATERAL LINE 74,77 Moment & Shear Summary Between Columns ( values for moment are given per unit width of footing) Moments... ACI C-1 ACI C-2 ACI C-3 Mu @ Col #1 0.23 k-ft/ft 0.01 k-ft/ft -0.04 k-ft/ft Mu Btwn Cols -12.15 k-ft/ft -14.11 k-ft/ft 9.55 k-ft/ft Mu @ Col #2 0.23 k-ft/ft 0.41 k-ft/ft 0.17 k-ft/ft One Way Shears... Between Columns aO Right Edge of Col #2 Vn : Allow' 0.85 85.000 psi 85.000 psi 85.000 psi Vu @ Col #1 0.000 psi 0.000 psi 0.000 psi Vu Btwn Cols 7.868 psi 5.108 psi 0.000`psi Vu @ Col #2 0.000 psi 0.000 psi 0.000 psi Two Way Shears... 1.08 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom ACI C-3 0.11 psi Vn : Allow' 0.85 170.000 psi 170.000 psi 170.000 psi Vu @ Col #1 2.688 psi 2.709 psi 1.032 psi Vu @ Col #2 2.688 psi 2.149 psi 0.629 psi Reinforcing ( values given per unit width of footing) 1.400 q (ED Left Edge of Col #1 Between Columns aO Right Edge of Col #2 Ru/Phi As Req'd Ru/Phi As Req'd Ru/Phi As Req'd ACI C-1 0.61 psi 0.518 int/ft @ Bottom 32.12 psi -0.518 int/ft @ Top 0.61 psi 0:518 in2/ft @ Bottom ACI C-2 0.02 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom 37.31 psi -0.518 in2/ft @ Top 1.08 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom ACI C-3 0.11 psi -0.518 in2/ft @ Top 25.25 psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom 0.46psi 0.518 in2/ft @ Bottom I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI C-1 & C-2 DL 1.400 ACI C-2 Group Factor 0.750 Additional Seismic "1.4" Factc 1.400 ACI C-1 & C-2 LL 1.700 ACI C-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 Additional Seismic "0.9" Facto 0.900 ACI C-1 & C-2 ST 1.700 ACI C-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 ....seismic = ST' : 1.100 - 21 6 - User: a'(; 01715. Ver Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Dsgnr: Description : SFD Scope : Plywood Shear Wall & Footing Job # 04-1432-03 Date: 11:06AM, 20 APR 04 Page 1 Description SHEAR WALL ALONG LATERAL LINE 28 General Information Code Ref: 2001 NDS, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined. # Plywood Layers 1 Wall Length 8.500 ft End Post Dimension 3.50 in Plywood Grade Structural I Wall Height 10.000 ft Seismic Factor 0.175 Nail Size 10d Wall Weight 10.000 psf Nominal Sill Thick. 3.00 Thickness 19/32" Ht/Length 1.176 Stud Spacing 16.00 in Loads � Vertical Loads... Overburden Load over Footing 0.00 psf Point Load # 1 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft Point Load # 2 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft Point Load # 3 0.00 lbs at ft Uniform Load # 1 0.00 #/ft 0.00 ft to 0.00 ft Uniform Load # 2 0.00 #/ft 0.00 ft to 0.00 ft Lateral Loads... Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 594.00 #/ft 8.500 ft = 5,049.00 lbs Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 0.00 #/ft 8.500 ft = 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Moment Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 ft-# Footing � Past Left Edge of Wall 3.000 ft Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wall Length 8.500 ft Rebar Cover 3.00 in Past Right Edge of Wall 8.500 ft fc 2,500.00 psi Footing Length 20.000 ft Fy 60,000.00 psi Footing Width 1.50 ft Min. Steel As % 0.00140 Footing Thickness 24.00 in -I Design OK Wall Summary... Using 19/32" Thick Structural I on 1 side/s, Nailing is 10d at 3 in @ Edges, 10d at 12 in @ Field Applied Shear = 611.5#/ft, Capacity = 665.000#/ft -> OK Wall Overturning = 51,233.8ft-#, Resisting Moment = 3,612.5ft-#, End Uplift = 5,602.50lbs Max. Soil Pressures: @ Left= 1,285.5psf, @ Right= 1,119.5psf Sill Bolting: 1/2".Bolts @ 16.57in, 5/8" Bolts @ 25.97in, 3/4" Bolts @ 37.32in Footing Summary... Max. Footing Shear= 15.99psi, Allowable= 100.00psi -> OK Bending Reinforcement Req'd @ Left = 0.53in2, @ Right = 0.53in2 Minimum Overturning Stability Ratio = 1.512 : 1 Simpson Hold Down Options Choices for LEFT Side of Wall to Footing..... Choices for RIGHT Side of Wall to Footing PHD6, Capacity = 5860lbs PHD6, Capacity = 5860lbs HD6, Capacity = 6080lbs HD6, Capacity = 6080lbs PHD8, Capacity = 67301bs PHD8, Capacity = 67301bs HD8A, Capacity = 7460lbs HD8A, Capacity = 7460lbs - 2 1 7 - Dunt-- -=INEERIIFci SEK•/ -' Rev: 580001 User: KW -0601715, Ver 101983.2003 ENERCALC Description Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Dsgnr: Description : SFD Scope: Plywood Shear Wall & Footing SHEAR WALL ALONG LATERAL LINE 28 Job # 04-1432-03 Date: 11:06AM, 20 APR 04 Page 2 - 21 8 - Footing Analysis Lateral Forces Actino in Direction Soil Pressures... To Left... To Right... Ecc. of Resultant @ Footing Centerline 6.698 ft 6.209 ft Soil Pressure @ LEFT Side of Footing 1,285.45 psf 0.00 psf Soil Pressure @ RIGHT Side of Footing 0.00 psf 1,119.48 psf Moments... Actual Mu @ Left Wall Edge 6,135.52 ft-# 31,328.51 ft-# Actual Mu @ Right Wall Edge 5,823.56 ft-# 2,055.38 ft-# Shears... vu/.85 @ 'd' from Left Wall Edge 3.481 psi 1.066 psi vu/.85 @ 'd' from Right Wall Edge 8.885 psi 15.990 psi Allowable Vn 100.000 psi 100.000 psi Overturning... Overturning Moment 61,629.25 ft-# 61,629.25 ft-# Resisting Moment 93,162.50 ft-# 97,837.50 ft-# Overturning Stability Ratio 1.512 :1 1.588 :1 - 21 8 - OV1.C- Title : CLARK RESIDENCE Dsgnr: Description : SFD Scope -vV Plywood Shear Wall & Footing User: KW0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 (c)1983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Job # 04-1432-03 Date: 10:56AM, 20 APR 04 Page 1 :alculations Description SHEAR WALL ALONG LATERAL LINE 64 General Information Code Ref: 2001 NDS, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined. # Plywood Layers 1 Wall Length 8.000 ft End Post Dimension 3.50 in Plywood Grade Structural I Wall Height 10.000 ft Seismic Factor 0.175 Nail Size 10d Wall Weight 10.000 psf Nominal Sill Thick. 3.00 Thickness 19/32" Ht/Length 1.250 Stud Spacing 16.00 in Loads Vertical Loads... Overburden Load over Footing 0.00 psf Point Load # 1 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft Point Load # 2 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft Point Load # 3 0.00 lbs at ft Uniform Load # 1 0.00 #/ft 0.00 ft to 0.00 ft Uniform Load # 2 0.00 #/ft 0.00 ft to 0.00 ft Lateral Loads... Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 824.00 #/ft 8.000 ft = 6,592.00 lbs Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 0.00 #/ft 8.000 ft = 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Moment Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 ft-# Footing Past Left Edge of Wall 5.000 ft Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wall Length 8.000 ft Rebar Cover 3.00 in Past Right Edge of Wall 12.000 ft fc 2,500.00 psi Footing Length 25.000 ft Fy 60,000.00 psi Footing Width 1.50 ft Min. Steel As % 0.00140 Footing Thickness 24.00 in Design OK Wall Summary... Using .19/32" Thick Structural I on 1 side/s, Nailing is 1 Od at 2 in @ Edges, 1 Od at 12 in @ Field Applied Shear = 841.5#/ft, Capacity = 870.000#/ft -> OK Wall Overturning = 66,620.Oft-#, Resisting Moment = 3,200.Oft-#, End Uplift = 7,927.50lbs Max. Soil Pressures: @ Left = 960.8psf, @ Right = 882.4psf Sill Bolting: 1/2". Bolts @ 12.04in, 5/8" Bolts @ 18.87in, 3/4" Bolts @ 27.12in Footing Summary... Max. Footing Shear= 16.66psi, Allowable = 100.00psi -> OK Bending Reinforcement Req'd @ Left = 0.53in2, @ Right = 0.64in2 Minimum Overturning Stability Ratio = 1.787 : 1 Simpson Hold Down Options Choices for LEFT Side of Wall to Footing..... Choices for RIGHT Side of Wall to Footing HD10A, Capacity = 9540lbs HD10A, Capacity = 9540lbs HD9, Capacity = 8565lbs HD9, Capacity = 8565lbs HD12, Capacity = 10965lbs HD12, Capacity = 10965lbs HD15, Capacity = 11080lbs HD15, Capacity = 11080lbs - 2 1 9 - Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 10:56AM, 20 APR 04 Description : SFD et+ - ces Scope: Rev: 58000 Plywood Shear Wall Footing User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Page 2 (11983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description SHEAR WALL ALONG LATERAL LINE 64 Footing Analysis Lateral Forces Actino in Direction Soil Pressures... To Left... To Right... Ecc. of Resultant @ Footing Centerline 7.099 ft 6.620 ft Soil Pressure @ LEFT Side of Footing 960.78 psf 0.00 psf Soil Pressure @ RIGHT Side of Footing 0.00 psf 882.41 psf Moments... Actual Mu @ Left Wall Edge 11,260.15 ft-# 44,489.91 ft-# Actual Mu @ Right Wall Edge 13,191.39 ft-# 5,709.38 ft-# Shears... vu/.85 @ 'd' from Left Wall Edge 7.943 psi 3.909 psi vu/.85 @ 'd' from Right Wall Edge 13.729 psi 16.659 psi Allowable Vn 100.000 psi 100.000 psi Overturning... - Overturning Moment - 80,084.00 ft-# 80,084.00 ft-# Resisting Moment 143,137.50 ft-# 148,737.50 ft-# Overturning Stability Ratio 1.787 :1 1.857 :1 0 - 220 - rd oune - =•IvEEtzlna3 Sel:�- Kev: S8uuu9 User: KW -0601715 (c)1983-2003 ENEF Description Ver 5.8.0. 1 -Dec -2003 :ALC Engineering Software MASONRY F/P PAD FOOTING Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Dsgnr: Description : SFD Scope : w General Footing Analysis & Design Job # 04-1432-03 Date: 3:54PM, 21 APR 04 Paae 1 General Information DL+LL Code Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Allowable Soil Bearing 3,000.0 psf Dimensions... Live Load Short Term Increase 1.330 Width along X -X Axis 12.000 ft Seismic Zone 4 Length along Y -Y Axis 9.500 ft Live &Short Term Combined (pressures @ left & right) Footing Thickness 18.00 in k -ft k -ft Col Dim. Along X -X Axis 120.00 in fc 2,500.0 psi Col Dim. Along Y -Y Axis 48.00 in Fy 60,000.0 psi Base Pedestal Height 0.000 in Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Dead Load k Overburden Weight 0.00 psf Min Steel % Rebar Center To Edge Distance 0.0014 3.50 in Loads Applied Vertical. Load... DL+LL DL+LL+ST Dead Load 137.100 k ...ecc along X -X Axis 0.000 in Live Load k ...ecc along Y -Y Axis 0.000 in Short Term Load k Allowable 3,000.0 Creates Rotation about Y -Y Axis Creates Rotation about X -X Axis Applied Moments... (pressures @ left & right) (pressures @ top & bot) Dead Load k -ft k -ft Live Load k -ft k -ft Short Term k -ft 387.000 k -ft Creates Rotation about Y -Y Axis Creates Rotation about X -X Axis Applied Shears... (pressures @ left & right) (pressures @ top & bot) Dead Load k k Live Load k k . Short Term k k tmmary Caution: Y(short)ecc>Widt 12.00ft x 9.50ft Footing, 18.Oin Thick, w/ Column Support 120.00 x 48.00in x O.Oin high - 222 - DL+LL DL+LL+ST Actual Allowable Max Soil Pressure 1,420.1 3,811.8 psf Max Mu 16.670 k -ft per ft Allowable 3,000.0 3,990.0 psf Required Steel Area 0.389 in2 per ft 'X Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 0.000 in "Y' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 28.685 in Shear Stresses.... Vu - Vn *Phi 1 -Way 41.094 85.000 psi X -X Min. Stability Ratio 1.987 1.500 :1 2 -Way 16.579 155.203 psi Y -Y Min. Stability Ratio No Overturning Footing Design Shear Forces ACI C-1 ACI C-2 ACI C-3 Vn " Phi Two -Way Shear 16.07 psi 16.58 psi 10.66 psi 155.20 psi One -Way Shears... Vu @ Left 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi Vu @ Right 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi Vu @ Top 15.39 psi 41.09 psi 26.42 psi. 85.00 psi Vu @ Bottom 15.39 psi -2.70 psi -1.73 psi 85.00 psi Moments ACI C-1 ACI C-2 ACI C-3 Ru / Phi As Read Mu @ Left 0.82 k -ft 0.82 k -ft 0.53 k -ft 4.3 psi 0.39 in2 per ft Mu @ Right 0.82 k -ft 0.821k -ft 0.53 k -ft 4.3 psi 0.39 in2 per ft Mu @ Top 1 6.37 k -ft 16.67 k -ft 10.72 k -ft 88.1 psi 0.39 in2 per ft Mu @ Bottom 6.37 k -ft -1.15 k -ft -0.74 k -ft 33.6 psi 0.39 in2 per ft - 222 - Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 3:54PM, 21 APR 04 Description : SFD 9N GGa Scope KeV: Dau U-1 User: KW -0601715. Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003-,v ..General Footing Analysis & Design Page 2 ri (c)19834003 ENERCALC Engineering Sofare _ clarKs.ecw:Calculations Description MASONRY F/P PAD FOOTING Soil Pressure Summary Service Load Soil Pressures Left Right Top Bottom DL + LL 1,420.13 1,420.13 1,420.13 1,420.13 psf DL + LL + ST 1,420.13 1,420.13 3,811.80 0.00 psf Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. C-1 1,988.18 1,988.18 1,988.18 1,988.18 psf ACI Eq. C-2 1,988.18 1,988.18 5,336.51 0.00 psf ACI Eq. C-3 1,278.12 1,278.12 3,430.62 0.00 psf ACI Factors (per ACI 318-02, applied internally to entered loads) ACI C-1 & C-2 DL 1.400 ACI C-2 Group Factor 0.750 Add"I 1.4" Factor for Seismic 1.400 ACI C-1 & C-2 LL 1.700 ACI C-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 Add"I "0.9" Factor for Seismic 0.900 ACI C-1 & C-2 ST 1.700 ACI C-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 ....seismic = ST' : 1.100 Used in ACI C-2 & C-3 -223 Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 3:54PM, 21 APR 04 Description : SFD a `9 Scope Rev: 580000 --- - - user: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Masonry Column Design Page 1 f; (01983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software _ clarks.ecw:Calcula_tion_s Description FULL HEIGHT MASONRY F/P General Information Code Ref: ACI 530-02� Column Height 24.000 ft fm 1,500.00 psi Seismic Factor 0.1750 Width 120.000 in Fs 24,000.00 psi Seismic Zone 4 Depth 48.000 in Em = fm * 900.0 Wall Density 125.000 pcf Column Area 5,760.00 int Load Duration Factor 1.330 Rebar Size 5 Special Inspection Bar Count Each Face 15 ...rebar area 4.650 in2 Rebar Depth 44.000 in Applied Loads Vertical Load Lateral Load 1,341.00 #/ft Dead Load 137.10 k -distance to bottom 0.000 ft Live Load 0.00 k ..distance to top 24.000 ft eccentricity 0.000 in ) Load Type Seismic Load Type Roof Wind Load 21.50 psf Design Values Allowable Steel Tension 24,000.00 psi. np 0.01892 j 0.94116 Fa: [.25*fm*Aseff (.5 w/o sp. insp.)* (.5 if thk < 12") k 0.17652 2/kj 12.03876 + .65 * as * Fsc] * [1-(h'/140r)^2] 391.23 psi ; n 21:481 Fb:Masonry: 0.33*fm*(.5 w/o sp. insp) <= 2000 500.00 psi E 1,350,000 psi Max Allow Moment w/o Axial Load 385,123.21 ft-# in Max. Allow Axial Load w/o Moment 2,253.47 k > Load Combinations & Stress Details Summary Bending Stresses Moment Axial Steel Masonry Axial Stress Top of Wall ft-# lbs psi psi psi Dead + Live Load 0.0 137,100.0 0.0 0.00 23.80 Btwn Base & Top of Wall Dead + Live + Wind 15,480.0 197,100.0 964.7 9.63 34.22 Dead + Live + Seismic 159,552.0 197,100.0 9,942.9 99.22 34.22 Summary Column Design OK 24ft high column, Width= 120.000in, Depth= 48.000in Using 15 -#5 bars at'd' = 44.00in Max. Bending + Axial Comp. Stress ........ 133.43 psi Allowable ....................... 664.99 OK Max. Axial Only Compressive Stress ........ 34.22 psi Allowable ...................... 520.33 OK Max Steel Bending Stress ................ 9,942.92 psi Allowable ....................... 31,920.00 OK - 224 - Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr. Date: 3:54PM, 21 APR 04 Description : SFD Scope Rev: 580000 !+ — '-- --_ —' ------ user: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Masonry Column Design Page 2 —1c11983-2003 ENERCALC EngE2 gineering Software Clarks ecw Calculations Description FULL HEIGHT MASONRY F/P Summary of Loads & Moments Vertical Loads... Lateral Loads... Total DL @ Top 137.10 k 0.00 k Wind + Lateral 215.00 #/ft Mid -Height DL + LL 197.10 k 0.00 k Seismic + Lateral 2,216.00 #/ft Combined Moments... Top DL + LL 0.00 ft-# Mid: DL + LL + Wind 15,480.00 ft-# Mid: DL + LL + Seismic 159,552.00 ft-# - 225 - Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 10:33AM, 8 JUN 04 Description : SFD Scope : Rev: 580002 plywood Shear Wall & Footing g User: KW0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Pae 1 1c11983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering -Software clarks.ecw:CalculationsEam + Description FOOTING ANALYSIS FOR LATERAL LINE 30 General Information Code Ref: 2001 NDS, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined. # Plywood Layers 1 Wall Length 3.000 ft End Post Dimension 3.50 in Plywood Grade Structural I Wall Height 10.000 ft Seismic Factor 0.175 Nail Size 8d Wall Weight 17.000 psf Nominal Sill Thick. 2.00 Thickness 15/32" Ht / Length 3.333 Stud Spacing 16.00 in 0.00 lbs Low_ 0.00 ft-# � Vertical Loads... Overburden Load over Footing 0.00 psf Point Load # 1 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft 3.000 ft Rebar Cover Point Load # 2 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft fc 2,500.00 psi Point Load # 3 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft 60,000.00 psi Footing Width Uniform Load # 1 0.00 #/ft 0.00 ft to 0.00 It Uniform Load # 2 0.00 #/ft 0.00 It to 0.00 ft Lateral Loads... Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 317.00 #/ft 3.000 ft = 951.00 lbs Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 0.00 #/ft 3.000 ft = 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Moment Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 ft-# Footing Past Left Edge of Wall 5.500 ft Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wall Length 3.000 ft Rebar Cover 3.00 in Past Right Edge of Wall 7.000 ft fc 2,500.00 psi Footing Length 15.500 ft Fy 60,000.00 psi Footing Width 1.00 ft Min. Steel As % 0.00140 Footing Thickness 18.00 in -I Design OK Wall Summary... Using 15/32" Thick Structural I on 1 side/s, Nailing is 8d at 4 in @ Edges, 8d at 12 in @ Field Applied Shear = 346.8#/ft, Capacity = 430.000#/ft -> OK Wall Overturning = 9,956.3ft-#, Resisting Moment = 765.Oft-#, End Uplift = 3,063.75lbs Max. Soil Pressures: @ Left= 552.4psf, @ Right= 530.1 psf Sill Bolting: 1/2".Bolts @ 29.23in, 5/8" Bolts @ 45.57in, 3/4" Bolts @ 48.00in Footing Summary... Max. Footing Shear = 7.84psi, Allowable = 100.00psi -> OK Bending Reinforcement Req'd @ Left = 0.25in2, @ Right = 0.25in2 Minimum Overturning Stability Ratio = 2.579 : 1. 'Simpson Hold Down Options Choices for LEFT Side of Wall to Footing..... Choices for RIGHT Side of Wall to Footing..... HD8A, Capacity = 7460lbs HD8A, Capacity = 7460lbs HD7, Capacity = 7550lbs HD7, Capacity = 75501bs H D 1 OA, Capacity = 95401bs HD10A, Capacity = 9540lbs HD9, Capacity = 8565lbs HD9, Capacity = 8565lbs 2-26 - r Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 10:33AM, 8 JUN 04 Description : SFD eN c°s Scope Rev: 58080002 002 Plywood Shear Wall & Footing User: 1715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Page 2 (01983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description FOOTING ANALYSIS FOR LATERAL LINE 30 j Footing Analysis vu/.85 @ 'd' from Left Wall Edge Lateral Forces Actinq in Direction Soil Pressures... To Left... To Right... Ecc. of Resultant @ Footing Centerline 3.066 ft 2.869 ft Soil Pressure @ LEFT Side of Footing 552:39 psf 0.00 psf Soil Pressure @ RIGHT Side of Footing 0.00 psf 530.08 psf Moments... 29,697.19 ft-# 30,462.19 ft-# Actual Mu @ Left Wall Edge 4,173.95 ft-# 5,868.42 ft-# Actual Mu @ Right Wall Edge 3,218.57 ftp# 2,819.75 ft-# Shears... vu/.85 @ 'd' from Left Wall Edge 6.722 psi 4.557 psi vu/.85 @ 'd' from Right Wall Edge 5.886 psi 7.839 psi Allowable Vn 100.000 psi 100.000 psi Overturning... , Overturning Moment 11,516.63 ft-# 11,516.63 ft-# Resisting Moment 29,697.19 ft-# 30,462.19 ft-# Overturning Stability Ratio 2.579 :1 2.645 :1 227- Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Dsgnr: Description : SFD Scope : Job # 04-1432-03 Date: 10:33AM, 8 JUN 04 Rev: 580002 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Plywood Shear Wall & Footing Page 1 t Ic11983-2003_ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description FOOTING ANALYSIS FOR LATERAL LINE 36 General Information Code Ref: 2001 NDS, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined. # Plywood Layers 1 Wall Length 2.670 ft End Post Dimension 3.50 in Plywood Grade Structural I Wall Height 10.000 ft Seismic Factor 0.175 Nail Size 8d Wall Weight 17.000 psf Nominal Sill Thick. 2.00 Thickness 15/32" Ht / Length 3.745 Stud Spacing 16.00 in 0.00 lbs !-Loads 0.00 ft-# Footing Vertical Loads... Overburden Load over Footing 0.00 psf Point Load # 1 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft 2.670 It Rebar Cover Point Load # 2 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft fc 2,500.00 psi Point Load # 3 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft 40,000.00 psi Footing Width Uniform Load # 1 0.00 #/ft 0.00 ft to 0.00 It Uniform Load # 2 0.00 #/ft 0.00 ft to 0.00 ft, Lateral Loads... Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 195.00 #/ft 2.670 ft = 520.65 lbs Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 0.00 #/ft 2.670 ft = 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Moment Applied @ Top.of Wall 0.00 ft-# Footing Past Left Edge of Wall 1.250 ft Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf. Wall Length 2.670 It Rebar Cover 3.00 in Past Right Edge of Wall 5.000 ft fc 2,500.00 psi Footing Length 8.920 ft Fy 40,000.00 psi Footing Width 1.00 ft Min. Steel As % 0.00140 Footing Thickness 18.00 in Design OK Wall Summary... Using 15/32" Thick Structural I on 1 side/s, Nailing is 8d at 6 in @ Edges, 8d at 12 in @ Field . Applied Shear = 224.8#/ft, Capacity = 280.000#/ft -> OK Wall Overturning = 5,603.7ft-#, Resisting Moment = 606.Oft-#, End Uplift = 1,871.80lbs Max. Soil Pressures: @ Left = 1,150.Opsf, @ Right = 760.4psf Sill Bolting: 1/2".Bolts @ 45.09in, 5/8" Bolts @ 48.00in, 3/4". Bolts @ 48.00in Footing Summary... Max. Footing Shear = 7.73psi, Allowable = 100.00psi -> OK Bending Reinforcement Req'd @ Left = 0.25in2, @ Right = 0.25in2 Minimum Overturning Stability Ratio = 1.511 : 1 LSimpson Hold Down Options Choices for LEFT Side of Wall to Footing..... Choices for RIGHT Side of Wall to Footing HD8A, Capacity = 7460lbs HD8A, Capacity = 7460lbs HD7, Capacity = 7550lbs HD7, Capacity = 7550lbs HD10A, Capacity = 9540lbs HD10A, Capacity = 9540lbs HD9, Capacity = 8565lbs HD9, Capacity = 8565lbs 228- Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Dsgnr: Description : SFD Scope: Rev: 580002 plywood Shear Wall Footing User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1•Dec-2003 j Ic11983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description FOOTING ANALYSIS FOR LATERAL LINE 36 Job # 04-1432-03 Date: 10:33AM, 8 JUN 04 . Page 2 - 229'- 1 Footing Analysis Lateral Forces Actino in Direction Soil Pressures... To Left... To Right... Ecc. of Resultant @ Footing Centerline 3.072 ft 2.361 ft Soil Pressure @ LEFT Side of Footing . 1,150.02 psf 0.00 psf Soil Pressure @ RIGHT Side of Footing 0.00 psf 760.44 psf Moments... Actual Mu @ Left Wall Edge 670.55 ft-# 4,484.12 ft-# -Actual Mu @ Right Wall Edge 712.97 ft-# 178.42 ft-# Shears... vu/.85 @ 'd' from Left Wall Edge 0.000 psi 0.000 psi vu/.85 @ 'd' from Right Wall Edge 4.851 psi 7.732 psi Allowable Vn 100.000 psi 100.000 psi Overturning..: Overturning Moment 6,503.79 ft-# 6,503.79 ft-# Resisting Moment 9,826.18 ft-# 11,528.30 ft-# Overturning Stability Ratio 1.511 :1 1.773 :1 - 229'- Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Dsgnr: Description : SFD Scope: " Job # 04-1432-03 Date: 10:33AM, 8 JUN 04 User: a' 01715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Plywood Shear Wall & Footing Page 1 Ic11983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Calculatior Description FOOTING ANALYSIS FOR LATERAL LINE 58 General Information Concrete Weight Code Ref: 2001 NDS, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined. # Plywood Layers 2 'wasmNiTillim Wall Length 3.000 ft End Post Dimension 3.50 in Plywood Grade Structural I Wall Height 9.580 ft Seismic Factor 0.175 Nail Size 8d Wall Weight 17.000 psf Nominal Sill Thick. 2.00 Thickness 15/32" Ht / Length 3.193 Stud Spacing 16.00 in Loads Vertical Loads... Overburden Load over Footing 0.00 psf Point Load # 1 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft Point Load # 2 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft Point Load # 3 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft Uniform Load # 1 0.00 #/ft Uniform Load # 2 0.00 #/ft Lateral Loads... Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall Moment Applied @ Top of Wall Past Left Edge of Wall Wall Length Past Right Edge of Wall Footing Length Footing Width Footing Thickness 0.00 ft to 0.00 ft 0.00 ft to 0.00 ft 1,163.00 #/ft ' 3.000 ft = 0.00 #/ft 3.000 ft = 0.00 lbs 0.00 lbs 0.00 ft-# 1.250 ft Concrete Weight 3.000 ft Rebar Cover 10.750 ft fc 15.000 ft Fy 2.50 ft Min. Steel As % 18.00 in 3,489.00 lbs 0.00 lbs 145.00 pcf 3.00 in 2,500.00 psi 60,000.00 psi 0.00140 Design OK Wall Summary... Using 15/32" Thick Structural I on 2 side/s, Nailing is 8d at 2 in @ Edges, 8d at 12 in @ Field Applied Shear= 1,191.5#/ft, Capacity= 1,460.000#/ft -> OK Wall Overturning = 33,834.2ft-#, Resisting Moment = 732.9ft-#, End Uplift = 11,033.77lbs . Max. Soil Pressures: @ Left = 854.6psf, @ Right = 712.7psf Sill Bolting: 1/2".Bolts @ 8.51 in, 5/8" Bolts @ 13.26in, 3/4" Bolts @ 18.75in Footing Summary... Max. Footing Shear = 11.85psi, Allowable = 100.00psi -> OK Bending Reinforcement Req'd @ Left = 0.63in2, @ Right = 0.71 int Minimum Overturning Stability. Ratio = 1.595 : 1 Simpson Hold Down Options Choices for LEFT Side of Wall to Footing..... Choices for RIGHT Side of Wall to Footing HD8A, Capacity = 7460lbs HD8A, Capacity = 74601bs HD7, Capacity = 7550lbs HD7, Capacity = 7550lbs HD10A, Capacity = 9540lbs HD10A, Capacity = 9540lbs HD9, Capacity = 8565lbs HD9, Capacity = 8565lbs 230- I OunG -=•INEEFIriv S�R�/- Title : CLARK RESIDENCE Dsgnr: Description : SFD Scope: Job # 04-1432-03 Date: 10:33AM, 8 JUN 04 i Rev: 580002 t,, p & user: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0. 1 -Dec -2003 i3I�/Wood Shear Wall Footing Page 2 ,_ Ic11983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description FOOTING ANALYSIS FOR LATERAL LINE 58 Footing Analysis vu/.85 @ 'd' from Left Wall Edge 0.000 psi Lateral Forces Acting in Direction Soil Pressures... To Left... To Right... Ecc. of Resultant @ Footing Centerline 4.802 ft 4.266 ft Soil Pressure @ LEFT Side of Footing 854.60 psf 0.00 psf Soil Pressure @ RIGHT Side of Footing 0.00 psf 712.73 psf Moments... Actual Mu @ Left Wall Edge 1,216.31 ft-# 35,229.93 ft-# Actual Mu @ Right Wall Edge 1,214.73 ft-# 446.04 ft-# Shears... vu/.85 @ 'd' from Left Wall Edge 0.000 psi vu/.85 @ 'd' from Right Wall Edge 11.847 psi Allowable Vn 100.000 psi Overturning... Overturning Moment 39,195.92 ft-# Resisting Moment 62,515.47 ft-# Overturning Stability Ratio 1.595 :1 231 0.000 psi 10.172 psi 100.000 psi 39,195.92 ft-# 67,156.98 ft-# 1.713 :1 Dune - �INEEf21n(i S�RV� - rRev: 580002 User: KW -0601715. Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Dsgnr: Description : SFD Scope: Plywood Shear Wall & Footing Description FOOTING ANALYSIS FOR LATERAL LINE 66 Job # 04-1432-03 Date: 10:33AM, 8 JUN 04 Page 1 1 General Information Code Ref: 2001 NDS, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined. # Plywood Layers 2 Wall Length 2.000 ft End Post Dimension 3.50 in Plywood Grade Structural I Wall Height 8.080 ft Seismic Factor 0.175 Nail Size 8d Wall Weight 17.000 psf Nominal Sill Thick. 2.00 Thickness 15/32" Ht/ Length 4.040 Stud Spacing 16.00 in 0.00 lbs Loads 0.00 ft-# Footing Vertical Loads... � Overburden Load over Footing 0.00 psf Point Load # 1 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft 2.000 ft Rebar Cover Point Load # 2 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft fc 2,500.00 psi Point Load # 3 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft 60,000.00 psi Footing Width Uniform Load # 1 0.00 #/ft 0.00 ft to 0.00 ft Uniform Load # 2 0.00 #/ft 0.00 ft to 0.00 ft Lateral Loads... Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 968.00 #/ft ' 2.000 ft = 1,936.00 lbs Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 0.00 #/ft 2.000 ft = 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Moment Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 ft-# Footing � Past Left Edge of Wall 0.500 ft Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wall Length 2.000 ft Rebar Cover 3.00 in Past Right Edge of Wall 9.750 ft fc 2,500.00 psi Footing Length 12.250 ft Fy 60,000.00 psi Footing Width 2.00 ft Min. Steel As % 0.00140 Footing Thickness 18.00 in ..-I n Design OK Wall Summary... Using 15/32" Thick Structural I on 2 side/s, Nailing is 8d at 3 in @ Edges, 8d at 12 in @ Field Applied Shear= 992.0#/ft, Capacity= 1,100.000#/ft -> OK Wall Overturning = 15,837.1ft-#, Resisting Moment = 274.7ft-#, End Uplift = 7,781.19lbs Max. Soil Pressures: @ Left = 735.1 psf, @ Right = 623.8psf Sill Bolting: 1/2". Bolts @ 10.22in, 5/8" Bolts @ 15.93in, 3/4" Bolts @ 22.52in Footing Summary... Max. Footing Shear = 8.18psi, Allowable = 100.00psi -> OK Bending Reinforcement Req'd @ Left = 0.50in2, @ Right = 0.50in2 Minimum Overturning Stability Ratio = 1.757 : 1 Simpson Hold Down Options Choices for LEFT Side of Wall to Footing..... Choices for RIGHT Side of Wall to Footing HD8A, Capacity = 7460lbs HD8A, Capacity = 7460lbs HD7, Capacity = 7550lbs HD7, Capacity = 7550lbs HD10A, Capacity = 9540lbs HD10A, Capacity = 9540lbs HD9, Capacity = 8565lbs HD9, Capacity = 85651bs - 232 - Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 84 Dsgnr: Date: 10:33AM, 8 JUN 04 Description : SFD eN ces Scope Description Ivv t'%NMLT..10 rUK LHI LKHL LINt bb j Footing Analysis 0.000 psi vu/.85 @ 'd' from Right Wall Edge 8.177 psi Lateral Forces Actino in Direction Soil Pressures... To Left... To Right... Ecc. of Resultant @ Footing Centerline 3.584 ft 3.131 ft Soil Pressure @ LEFT Side of Footing 735.12 psf 0.00 psf Soil Pressure @ RIGHT Side of Footing 0.00 psf 623.79 psf Moments... Actual Mu @ Left Wall Edge 131.66 ft-# 18,038.08 ft-# Actual Mu @ Right Wall Edge 3,423.72 ft-# 57.09 ft-# Shears... vu/.85 @ 'd' from Left Wall Edge 0.000 psi vu/.85 @ 'd' from Right Wall Edge 8.177 psi Allowable Vn 100.000 psi Overturning... Overturning Moment 18,813.22 ft-# Resisting Moment 33,050.67.ft-# Overturning Stability Ratio 1.757 :1 -233- 0.000 psi 7.056 psi .100.000 psi 18,813.22 ft-# 35,591.83 ft-# 1.892 :1 Dune Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Dsgnr: Description : SFD Scope : Job # 04-1432-03 Date: 10:33AM, 8 JUN 04 1 Rev: 580002 User KW -0601715• Ver 5.8.0, 1-Dec-2003Plwood Shear Wall Footing Page 1 101 y Ic11983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description FOOTING ANALYSIS FOR LATERAL LINE 76 General Information Code Ref: 2001 NDS, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined. # Plywood Layers 2 Wall Length 7.000 ft End Post Dimension 3.50 in Plywood Grade Structural I Wall Height 10.000 ft Seismic Factor 0.175 Nail Size 8d Wall Weight 17.000 psf Nominal Sill Thick. 2.00 Thickness 15/32" Ht / Length 1.429 Stud Spacing 16.00 in LLoads Vertical Loads... Overburden Load over Footing 0.00 psf Point Load # 1 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft Point Load # 2 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft Point Load # 3 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft Uniform Load # 1 0.00 #/ft 0.00 ft to 0.00 ft Uniform Load # 2 0.00 #/ft 0.00 ft to 0.00 ft Lateral Loads... Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 738.00 #/ft 7.000 ft = 5,166.00 lbs Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 0.00 #/ft 7.000 ft = 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Moment Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 ft-# Footing Past Left Edge of Wall 9.500 ft Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wall Length 7.000 ft Rebar Cover 3.00 in Past Right Edge of Wall 1.250 ft fc 2,500.00 psi Footing Length 17.750 ft Fy 60,000.00 psi Footing Width 2.00 ft Min. Steel As % 0.00140 Footing Thickness 24.00 in ...-y==a Design OK Wall Summary... Using 15/32" Thick Structural I on 2 side/s, Nailing is 8d at 4 in @ Edges, 8d at 12 in @ Field Applied Shear= 767.8#/ft, Capacity= 860.000#/ft -> OK Wall Overturning = 52,701.3ft-#, Resisting Moment = 4,165.Oft-#, End Uplift = 6,933.75lbs Max. Soil Pressures: @ Left = 1,013.4psf, @ Right = 1,309.7psf Sill Bolting: 1/2". Bolts @ 13.20in, 5/8" Bolts @ 20.58in, 3/4" Bolts @ 29.1Oin Footing Summary... Max. Footing Shear = 14.19psi, Allowable = 100.00psi -> OK Bending Reinforcement Req'd @ Left = 0.71 in2, @ Right = 0.71 int Minimum Overturning Stability Ratio = 1.529: 1 Simpson Hold Down Options Choices for LEFT Side of Wall to Footing..... Choices for RIGHT Side of Wall to Footing HD8A, Capacity = 7460lbs HD8A, Capacity = 7460lbs HD7, Capacity = 7550lbs HD7, Capacity = 75501bs HD10A, Capacity = 9540lbs HD10A, Capacity = 95401bs HD9, Capacity = 8565lbs HD9, Capacity = 8565lbs - 234 - oune •iNEERikc� 5=_rzv _ Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 10:33AM, 8 JUN 04 Description: SFD Scope: i user KW--0601715•vers.8.o,,-oec-2003 Plywood Shear Wall & Footing Page 2 !(c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecmCalculations Description FOOTING ANALYSIS FOR LATERAL LINE 76 Footing Analysis Lateral Forces Actino in Direction Soil Pressures..,. To Left... To Right... Ecc. of Resultant @ Footing Centerline 5.097 ft 5.952 ft Soil Pressure @ LEFT Side of Footing 1,013.37 psf 0.00 psf Soil Pressure @ RIGHT Side of Footing 0.00 psf 1,309.72 psf Moments... Actual Mu @ Left Wall Edge 41,716.85 ft-# 1,570.88 ft-# Actual Mu @ Right Wall Edge 3,615.94 ft-# 27,473.81 ft-# Shears... vu/.85 @ 'd' from Left Wall Edge 14.189 psi 10.306 psi vu/.85 @ 'd' from Right Wall Edge. 0.000 psi 0.000 psi Allowable Vn 100.000 psi 100.000 psi Overturning... Overturning Moment 63,449.75 ft-# 63,449.75 ft-# Resisting Moment 106,838.13 ft-# 97,020.63 ft-# Overturning Stability Ratio 1.684 :1 1.529 :1 - 2 3 5 - Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 5:05PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD Scope Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC; 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev: 580005 - - - --i--- User: KW0601715. ver5.8.0, 1•Dec-2003Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 i (c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarke.ecw:Calculations Description PLANTER WALL -1 FT Criteria 4 Retained Height = 1.00 ft Wall height above soil = 0.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 6.00 in Soil Density = 110.00 pcf .. Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 375.0 psf/ft Water height over heel = 0.0 ft FootingIlSoil Friction = 0.500 Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 0.00 in Lateral Load Applied to Stem Design Summary Total Bearing Load = 508 Itis ...resultant ecc. = 0.02 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 253 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 255 psf OK Allowable = 1,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 340 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 343 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 0.2 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 1.5 psi OK Allowable = 85.0 psi Wall Stability Ratios = Overturning = 10.42 OK Sliding = 7.68 OK Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 48.6 Itis less 100% Passive Force= - 421.9 lbs less 100% Friction Force= - 253.9 Itis Added Force Req'd = 0.0 Itis OK ....for 1.5 : 1 Stability = 0.0 Itis OK Footing Design Results ft-#= Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 340 343 psf Mu': Upward = 0 0 ft-# Mu': Downward = 0 0 ft-# Mu: Design = 24 24 ft-# Actual 1 -Way Shear = 0.15 1.51 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear = 85.00 85.00 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key'Reinforcing = None Spec'd Lateral Load = 18.0 #/ft Stem Construction J§ Top Stem = 1.00 Total Footing Width Stem OK Design height ft = 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Concrete Thickness = 8.00 Rebar Size = # 4 Rebar Spacing = 24.00 Rebar Placed at = Edge Design Data = fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0.013 Total Force @ Section Itis = 52.9 Moment.... Actual ft-#= 24.0 Moment..... Allowable = 1,851.4 Shear..... Actual psi = 0.7 Shear..... Allowable psi = 85.0 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in = 12.48 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in = 6.00 Footing Strengths & Dimensions fc = 2,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As % = 0.0012 Toe Width = 1.00 ft Heel Width = 1.00 Total Footing Width = 2.00 - Footing Thickness = 12.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft Cover @ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in ...Height to Top = 1.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft Wall Weight = 96.7 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 6.25 Masonry Data fm psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio'n' _ Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. _ Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Concrete Data fc psi = 2,500.0 Fy psi = 40,000.0 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S ' Fr Key: No key defined 236- Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 •Dsgnr: Date: 5.'05PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD Scope : Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 KC V: 7K0003 -- User: KW-0601715,Ver5.8.0,1-Dec-2003 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 (c)1983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description PLANTER WALL -1 FT Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 70.0 0.67 46.7 Soil Over Heel = 36.7 1.83 67.2 Toe Active Pressure = -39.4 0.50 -19.7 Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load Added Lateral Load = 18.0 1.50 27.0 Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = Total = 48.6 O.T.M. = 54.0 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 10.42 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 507.8 lbs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure - 237 - Surcharge Over Heel Adjacent Footing Load Axial Dead Load on Stem = 0.00 Soil Over Toe = 55.0 0.50 Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 96.7 1.33 Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weight = 300.0 1.00 Key Weight = Vert. Component = 19.5 2.00 Total = 507.8 lbs R.M.= 27.5 128.9 300.0 39.0 562.6 18.psI Pp= 421.88# 70.# 252.71 psf 255.13psf - 238 - 8.00005in Conc w/ #4 @ 24.in o/c 14.0-0Il5in_Cion.c w/ #8 #0@0.in @Toe #0@0.in @ Heel Designer select all horiz. reinf. —► 2'-0" Y 1'-0" 1'-0" 3" e I J 16''j ='INEERIn Rev: 580005 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0. 1 -Dec -2003 l01983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description PLANTER VA Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 5:05PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD Scope: .Code Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design L-2 FT i Criteria = 35.0 psf/ft Retained Height = 2.00 ft Wall height above soil = 0.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 6.00 in Soil Density = 110.00 pcf Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf Lateral Load Applied to Stem Design Summary Total Bearing Load 666 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 2.52 in ................._..- .. Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 375.0 psf/ft Water height over heel = 0.0 ft FootingIlSoil Friction = 0.500 Soil height to ignore Footing Shear @ Toe for passive pressure = 0.00 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 543 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 123 psf OK Allowable = 1,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 710 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 161 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 1.1 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 2.4 psi OK Allowable = 85.0 psi Wall Stability Ratios Rebar Spacing Overturning = 2.87 OK Sliding = 3.29 OK Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 190.1 lbs less 100% Passive.Force= - 421.9 lbs less 100% Friction Force= - 332.8 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 : 1 Stability = - 0.0 lbs OK Footing Design Results Moment.... Actual Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 710 161 psf Mu': Upward = 309 0 ft-# Mu': Downward = 144 54 ft-# Mu: Design = 166 54 ft-# Actual 1 -Way Shear = 1.09 2.42 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear = 85.00 85.00 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Lateral Load = 36.0 #/ft i Stem Construction IN Top Ste Min. As % = 0.0012 Stem Design height ft = 0 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Conc Thickness = 8 Rebar Size = # Rebar Spacing = 24 Rebar Placed at = E Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0. Total Force @ Section lbs = 23 Moment.... Actual ft-# = 20 Moment..... Allowable = 1,85 Shear..... Actual --psi = Shear..... Allowable . psi = 8 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in = 12 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in = 6 Wall Weight = 9 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 6 Masonry Data fm psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio'n' _ Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. _ Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Concrete Data fc psi= 2,50 Fy psi = 40,00 Other Acceptable Sizes & spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S ' Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S " Fr Key: No key defined - 239 - M Page 1 Footing Strengths $ Dimensions __.. fc = 2,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As % = 0.0012 Toe Width = 1.00 ft Heel Width = 1.00 Total Footing Width Footing Thickness = 12.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft Cover @ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in ...Height to Top = 2.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft OK' .00 rete .00 4 .00 Ed 108 4.0 0.5 1.4 3.1 5.0 .48 .00 6.7 25 0.0 0.0 - 240 - Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 ' Dsgnr: Date: 5:05PM, 14 JUN 04 Description.: SFD a cg Scope Code Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev: 580005 -- user: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design '_(c)1983-2003 —"--- Page 2 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:calculations Description PLANTER WALL-2FT Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 157.5 1.00 157.5 Soil Over Heel = 73.3 1.83 134.4 Toe Active Pressure = -39.4 0.50 -19.7 Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = 72.0 2.00 144.0 Axial Dead Load on Stem = 0.00 Load @ Stem Above Soil = Soil Over Toe = 55.0 0.50 27.5 SeismicLoad = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 193.3 1.33 257.8 Total = 190.1 O.T.M. = 281.8 Earth @ Stem Transitions= Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 2.87 Footing Weight = 300.0 1.00 300.0 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 665.6 lbs Key Weight = Vert. Component = 43.9 2.00 87.8 Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Total= 665.6 lbs R.M.= 807.5 - 240 - , m.@ . ...�/ PP=qt#*� X9.5 2 2ap! . 542.5 p! Z - 241 - e 8.00005in Conc w/ #4 (a 24 in o/c 6" 1 1 A.0O.MLCnnn w/; #0@0.in I I I @Toe Designer select #0@0.in all horiz. reinf. �—dam—►� @ Heel 2'-0„ r. - 242 - Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 5:06PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD eH crs -Scope Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev 580005 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Cantilevered `,, - ------ �_- d Retaining Wall Design Page 1 (C)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering software _ clarks.ecw:Calculations Description PLANTER WALL-3FT Criteria = 1,500.0 psf Retained Height = 3.00 ft Wall height above soil = 0.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 6.00 in Soil Density = 110.00 pcf Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 375.0 psf/ft Water height over heel = 0.0 ft FootingIlSoil Friction = 0.500 Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 0.00 in L Lateral Load Applied to Stem j Design Summary Total Bearing Load = 1,176 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 3.15 in Lateral Load = 54.0 #/ft Stem Construction _ Design height ft = Wall Material Above "Ht" _ Thickness = Rebar Size = Rebar Spacing = Rebar Placed at = Design Data Allowable fb/FB + fa/Fa = Total Force @ Section lbs = Moment.... Actual ft-# _ Moment..... Allowable = Shear..... Actual psi = Shear..... Allowable psi = Soil Pressure @ Toe = 598 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel 186 psf OK Allowable = 1,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable. ACI Factored @ Toe = 781 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 243 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 3.3 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 6.8 psi OK Allowable = 85.0 psi Wall Stability Ratios = 0.00 ft Overturning = 2.92 OK Sliding = 2.28 OK Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 402.6 lbs less 100% Passive Force= - 421.9 lbs less 100% Friction Force= - 587.8 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs. OK ....for 1.5 : 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK LFooting Design Results Concrete Data Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 781 243 psf Mu': Upward = 778 0 ft-# Mu': Downward = 323 344 ft-# Mu: Design = 455 344 ft-# Actual 1 -Way Shear = 3.29 6.79 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear = 85.00 85.00 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spedd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd op Stem Footing Strengths & Dimensions fc = 2,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As % = 0.0012 Toe Width = 1.50 ft Heel Width = 1.50 Total Footing Width = -T.66- :00Footing FootingThickness = 12.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft Cover @ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in ...Height to Top = 3.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft Stem OK 0.00 Concrete 8.00- # 4 24.00 Edge 0.367 535.7 679.6 1,851.4 7.1 85.0 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in = 12.48 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in = 6.00 Wall Weight = 96.7 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 6.25 Masonry Data fm psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio'n' _ Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. _ Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Concrete Data fc psi = 2,500.0 Fy psi = 40,000.0 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S' Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S' Fr Key: No key defined - 243 - - 244 - Title : CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 5:06PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD eN cFs Scope _ Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev: 580005 ---� User: KW-0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1-Dec-2003 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design ENERCALC — — -- Page 2 _(c)1983.2003 Engineering Software clarks.em:Calculations Description PLANTER WALL-3FT 1 Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments -OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment . Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 280.0 1.33 373.3 Soil Over Heel = 275.0 2.58 710.4 Toe Active Pressure = -39.4 0.50 -19.7 Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = 162.0 2.50 405.0 Axial Dead Load on Stem = 0.00 Load @ Stem Above Soil = Soil Over Toe = 82.5 0.75 61.9 SeismicLoad = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 290.0 1.83 531.7 Total = 402.6 O.T.M. = 758.6 Earth @ Stem Transitions= Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 2.92 Footing Weight = 450.0 1.50 675.0 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 1,175.5 lbs Key Weight = Vert. Component = 78.0 3.00 234.1 Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Total = 1,175.5 lbs R.M.=2,213.1 - 244 - Pp= 421.88# 111111 280.# W sf 597.77psf - 245 - Z' 8.00005in Conc w/ #4 0 24in o/c 6„ i #0@0.in @Toe #00.in Designer select 1'-6" 1'-6" °e all horiz. reinf. of -a--►� @ Heel T-0" , 3 Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 5:06PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD a ces Scope Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev: 580005 User: KW -0601715, Ver5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 _(c)1983_2003-ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description PLANTER WALL-4FT Criteria = 35.0 psf/ft Retained Height = 4.00 ft Wall height above soil = 0.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 6.00 in Soil Density = 110.00 pcf Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf !Lateral Load Applied to Stem Design Summary Total Bearing Load = 1,408 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 7.90 in ........... Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 375.0 psf/ft Water height over heel = 0.0 ft FootingIlSoil Friction = 0.500 Soil height to ignore = 0 psf for passive pressure = 0.00 in Lateral Load = 72.0 #/ft Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,115 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 1,500 psf . Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1,425 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe. = 7.1 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 8.8 psi OK Allowable = 85.0 psi Wall Stability Ratios = Overturning = 1.75 OK Sliding = 1.55 OK Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 686.1 lbs less 100% Passive Force= - 421.9 lbs less 100% Friction Force= - 703.9 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5: 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK Footing Design Results ft-#= Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 1,425 0 psf Mu': Upward = 1,286 0 ft-# Mu': Downward = 323 460 ft-# Mu: Design = 963 460 ft-# Actual 1 -Way Shear = 7.10 8.78 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear = 85.00 85.00 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Stem Construction fc = 2,500 psi Top Ste Min. As % = 0.0012 Stem Design height ft = 0 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Concr Thickness = 8 Rebar Size = # Rebar Spacing = 24 Rebar Placed at = E Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa = o. Total Force @ Section lbs = 95 Moment.... Actual ft-#= 1,61 Moment..... Allowable = 4,18 Shear..... Actual psi = 1 Shear..... Allowable psi = 8 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in = 23 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in = 6 Wall Weight = 9 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 6. Masonry Data fm psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' _ Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. _ Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Concrete Data fc psi = 2,50 Fy psi = 60,00 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key: No key defined - 247 - j Footing Strengths & Dimensions fc = 2,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As % = 0.0012 Toe Width = 1.50 ft Heel Width = 1.50 Total Footing Width = 3-00 Footing Thickness = 12.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = - 0.00 ft Cover @ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in ...Height to Top = 4.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft M, OK .00 ete .00 5 .00 Ed 385 8.2 2.6 8.2 2.9 5.0 40 00 6.7 19 0.0 0.0 Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 5:06PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD eN Scope Codd Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev: 580005 — User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.o, 1 -Dec -2003 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 1 `(c)1983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description IPLANTER WALL-4FT Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 437.5 1.67 729.2 Soil Over Heel 366.7 2.58 947.2 Toe Active Pressure = -39.4 0.50 -19.7 Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = 288.0 3.00 864.0 Load @ Stem Above Soil = Seismicl-oad = Total = 686.1 O.T.M. = 1,573.5 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 1.75 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 1,407.8 lbs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure -248 Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on'Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) _ Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weight = Key Weight = Vert. Component = Total = 0 0.00 82.5 0.75 61.9 386.7 1.83 708.9 450.0 1.50 675.0 121.9 3.00 365.8 1,407.8 lbs R.M.= 2,758.8 72.ps Pp= 421.88# ppppppp 437.5# 1114.7psf 249- 8.00005in Conc w/ #5 aC) 24.in o/c 6" I 12.0005inL.o=w/ #0@0.in @Toe Designer s #0@0.in all horiz. r @ Heel t - 250 - Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 5:06PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD EN - Scope _ Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev: 580005 ,1 `,, - ---- --- user: KW -0601715, ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003. Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 ([11983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw: Ca i culati ons Description PLANTER WALL-51FT Criteria =. 1,500.0 psf Retained Height = 5.00 ft Wall height above soil = 0.100ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 6.00 in Soil Density = 110.00 pcf Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing =. 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure. = 35.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 375.0 psf/ft Water height over heel = 0.0 ft FootingIlSoil Friction = 0.500 Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 0.00 in j Lateral Load Applied to Stem Design Summary Total Bearing Load = 2,433 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 9.44 in Lateral Load = 90.0 #/ft Stem Construction = 1,337 psf OK Design height ft = Wall Material Above "Ht" _ Thickness = Rebar Size = Rebar Spacing = Rebar Placed at = Design Data = 10.3 psi OK fb/FB + fa/Fa = Total Force @ Section lbs = Moment.... Actual ftp#= Moment..... Allowable _ Shear..... Actual * psi= Shear..... Allowable psi = Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,337 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 1,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1,713 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear@ Toe = 5.2 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 10.3 psi OK Allowable = 85.0'psi Wall Stability Ratios = Overturning = 1.88 OK Sliding = 1.65 OK Sliding Cafes (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 1, 119:4 lbs less 100% Passive Force= - 750.0 lbs less 100% Friction Force= - 1,216.4 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 : 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK LFooting Design Results Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 1,713 0 psf Mu': Upward = 2,799 0 ft-# Mu': Downward = 784 1,432 ft-# Mu: Design = 2,015 1,432 ft-# Actual 1 -Way Shear = 5.16 10.33 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear = 85.00 85.00 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd :)p Stem Stem OK 0.00 Concrete 8.00 # 5 24.00 Edge 0.752 1,501:3 3,150.8 4,188.2 20.2 85.0 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in = 23.40 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in = 7.84 Wall Weight = 96.7 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 6.19 Masonry Data = 18.00 in Key Width = fm psi = 0.00,in Fs psi = Cover @ Top = 3.00 in Solid Grouting = 5.00 ft Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' _ Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. _ Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Concrete Data fc psi= 2,500.0 Fy psi = 60,000.0 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S ` Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S " Fr Key: No key defined - 25 1 - Footing Strengths & Dimensions fc = 2,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As % = 0.0012 Toe Width = 2.00 ft Heel Width = 2.00 Total Footing Width = 4:00 Footing Thickness = 18.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00,in Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft Cover @ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in ...Height to Top = 5.00 ft .-.Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 5:06PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD eN cry Scope Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev: 580005 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design gn Page 2 _101983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description PLANTER WALL-5FT Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments -OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 739.4 2.17 1,602.0 Soil Over Heel = 733.3 3.33 2,444.4 Toe Active Pressure = -70.0 0.67 -46.7 Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = 450.0 4.00 1,800.0 Axial Dead Load on Stem= 0.00 Load @ Stem Above Soil = Soil Over Toe = 110.0 1.00 110.0 SeismicLoad = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 483.3 2.33 1,127.8 Total = 1,119.4 O.T.M. = 3,355.3 Earth @ Stem Transitions= Resisting/Overtuming Ratio = 1.88 Footing Weight = 900.0 2.00 1,800.0 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 2,432.7 lbs Key Weight = Vert. Component = 206.1 4.00 824.3. Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Total = 2,432.7 lbs R.M.= 6,306.5 - 252 - 90. ps Pp= 750.# 739.37# 1336.9psf -253- I ifr Y 14.00IlSin�onc Elz .C�g`4 .L�fl;�z..t '3�se§�• ��'�a#.r�{� 6� . - zx•"s{ati%F f'�idu �w�;y4 J� #0@0.in i I. I @Toe. Designer select #0@0.in all horiz. reinf. I� ►�� @ Heel 4'-0 254 Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 5:06PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD EN - ces Scope Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 _ Rev: 580005 -- -- - �I - # ------ - - User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Cantil@V@re Cl Retallling Wall Design Page 1 `(01983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Ca(culations Description PLANTER WALL-6FT j Criteria = 35.0 psf/ft Retained Height = 6.00 ft Wall height above soil = 0.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 6.00 in Soil Density = 110.00 pcf Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf Lateral Load Applied to Stem Design Summary Total Bearing Load = 3,464 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 10.18 in Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 375.0 psf/ft Water height over heel = 0.0 ft FootingIlSoil Friction = 0.500 Soil height to ignore = 0 psf for passive pressure = 0.00 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,398 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 1,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1,796 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 6.6 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 14.3 psi OK Allowable = 85.0 psi Wall Stability Ratios = Overturning = 2.02 OK Sliding = 1.56 OK Sliding Calos (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 1,594.5 lbs less 100% Passive Force= - 880.2 lbs less 100% Friction Force= - 1,732.1 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 : 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK LF oo ting Design Results ft-#= Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 1,796 0 psf Mu': Upward = 4,668 0 ft_t Mu': Downward = 1,334 3,035 ft-# Mu: Design = 3,333 3,035 ft-# Actual 1 -Way Shear = 6.62 14.26 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear = 85.00 85.00 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd. Lateral Load = 108.0 #/ft r Stem Construction I Top St Min. As % = 0.0012 Stem Design height it = 0 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Concr Thickness = 8 Rebar Size = # Rebar Spacing = 16 Rebar Placed at = E Design Data - fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0. Total Force @ Section lbs= 2,16 Moment:... Actual ft-#= 5,44 Moment..... Allowable = 7,77 Shear..... Actual . psi = 3 Shear..... Allowable psi = 8 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in = 28 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in = 8 Wall Weight = 9 Rebar Depth 'd' in = 5 Masonry Data fm psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' _ Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. _ Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Concrete Data fc psi = 2,50 Fy psi = 60,00 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S " Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S ` Fr Key: No key defined - 255 - Footing Strengths & Dimensions fc = 2,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As % = 0.0012 Toe Width = 2.50 ft Heel Width = 2.50 Total Footing Width = 5.-00 Footing Thickness = 20.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft Cover @ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in ...Height to Top = 6.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft em OK .00 ete .00 6 .00 Ed 700 5.2 5.6 4.9 2.1 5.0 .08 .62 6.7 .63 0.0 0.0 Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 5:06PM, 14 JUN 04 Description ; SFD eN ces Scope Code Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev: 580005 — —'--- — -- user: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 .I _I01983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description PLANTER WALL-6FT Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 1,028.6 2.56 2,628.7 Soil Over Heel = 1,210.0 4.08 4,940.8 Toe Active Pressure = -82.2 0.72 -59.3 Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load Added Lateral Load = 648.0 4.67 3,024.0 Load @ Stem Above Soil = Seismicl-oad = Total 1,594.5 O.T.M. = 5,593.3 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 2.02 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 3,464.2 lbs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure -256- Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem= Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) _ Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weight = Key Weight = Vert. Component = Total = 0.00 137.5 1.25 171.9 580.0 2.83 1,643.3 1,250.0 2.50 3,125.0 286.7 5.00 1,433.4 3,464.2 lbs R.M.= 11,314.4 Pp= 880.21# 1028.6# 1398.4psf -257- 1�.a0Il5;n_cnnc�1_#s.�9� .,� yrs � �� � r t� 52 I , I I 2 1/2" #0@0.in . X51 6'-0„ I 6%_0" 6,-0„ I Designer select #0 O.in all horiz. reinf. 2'-6 ; ► 2'-6` ' �� @ Heel 5'-0, 258 .,� yrs � �� � �.�,'��a�Y - • i I . , I I #0@0.in fl I @Toe Designer select #0 O.in all horiz. reinf. 2'-6 ; ► 2'-6` ' �� @ Heel 5'-0, 258 Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 ' Dsgnr: Date: 5:07PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD Scope Code Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev: 580005 ' ------ -- User: KW0601715. Ver 5.8.0, 1-Dec-2003Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 (c)1983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Calculations a Description PLANTER WALL-7FT i Criteria 1,352 psf OK Retained Height = 7.00 ft Wall height above soil = 0.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00:1 Height of Soil over Toe = 6.00 in Soil Density 7 110.00 pcf Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf Lateral Load Applied to Stem Design Summary Total Bearing Load = 5,190 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 9.01 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,352 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel 245 psf OK Allowable = 1,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1,749 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 317 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 6.8 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 18.5 psi OK Allowable = 85.0 psi Wall Stability Ratios Rebar Spacing Overturning = 2.44 OK Sliding = 1.64 OK Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel'Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 375.0 psf/ft Water height over heel = 0.0 ft FootingIlSoil Friction = 0.500 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 0.00 in Lateral Load = 126.0 #/ft Stem Construction = Top Stem Rebar Depth 'd' in= Stem OK Design height ft = 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Concrete Thickness = 8.00 Rebar Size = # 6 Rebar Spacing = 12.00 Rebar Placed at = Edge Design Data Short Term Factor fb/FB + fa/Fa - 0.855 Total Force @ Section lbs= 2,949.7 Moment.... Actual ft-#= 8,648.1 Moment..... Allowable = 10,109.5 Shear..... Actual psi = 43.7 Shear..... Allowable psi= 85.0 Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 2,190.1 lbs less 100% Passive Force= - 1,171.9 lbs less 100% Friction Force= - 2,594.8 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 : 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK LFooting Design Results Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 1,749 317 psf Mu': Upward = 7,975 0 ft-# Mu': Downward = 2,625 6,734 ft-# Mu: Design = 5,350 6,734 ft-# Actual 1 -Way Shear = 6.78 18.46 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear = 85.00 85.00 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in = 28.08 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in = 10.61 Wall Weight = . 96.7 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 5.63 Masonry Data . ...Height to Top = 7.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = fm psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' _ Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. _ Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Concrete Data fc psi = 2,500.0 Fy psi = 60,000.0 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S ' Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key: No key defined 259- Footing Strengths & Dimensions fc = 2,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As % = 0.0012 Toe Width = 3.25 ft Heel Width = 3.25 Total Footing Width = 6.50 Footing Thickness = 24.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft Cover @ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in ...Height to Top = 7.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 5:07PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD rev css Scope: Code Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev: 580005 — u ser: KW -0601715, ver 5.8.o,1-Dec-2003Cantilevered Retaining Wall ®esign Page 2' 101983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:calculavons Description PLANTER WALL-7FT Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments ....OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 1,417.5 3.00 4,252.5 Soil Over Heel = 1,989.2 5.21 10,360.2 Toe Active Pressure = -109.4 0.83 -91.1 Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = 882.0 5.50 4,851.0 Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = Total = 2,190.1 O.T.M. = 9,012.4 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 2.44 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 5,189.6 lbs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure - 260 - Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) _ Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weight = Key Weight = Vert. Component = Total = 0.00 178.8 1.63 290.5 676.7 3.58 2,424.7 1,950.0 3.25 6,337.5 395.1 6.50 2,567.9 5,189.6 lbs R.M.= 21,980.8 126. Pp= 1171.9# 1417.5# FWMWMWM2p4p4w86psf 1351.9psf - 26 1 - "T"`��-,�.�trx 3�'t4gCs�," •�.se�1 '��wt.+2s"0 1 �+ 7* C?.� . ks^4cs �r:e.x�.c i='v. -tv*�,;.,.'+Nr ftc' ..•M.xas %•c?i �42n %�*.:..: 3" Q Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 5:07PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD a cry Scope: _ Code Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev: 580005 ---- - ----- User: KW -0601715, Ver S.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 _(c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description PLANTER WALL-8FT Criteria rd Retained Height = 8.00 ft Wall height above soil = 0.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 6.00 in Soil Density = 110.00 pcf ..... ...... ... .._........... Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 375.0 psf/ft Water height over heel = 10.0 ft FootingIlSoil Friction Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf Soil height to ignore for passive pressure j Lateral Load Applied to Stem j Design Summary Total Bearing Load = 6,431 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 9.26 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,387 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 328 psf OK Allowable 11,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1,794 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 425 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 9.2 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 24.1 psi OK Allowable = 85.0 psi Wall Stability Ratios Rebar Placed at Overturning = 2.51 OK Sliding - 1.51 OK Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 2,792.6 lbs less 100% Passive Force= - 1,171.9 lbs less 100% Friction Force= - 3,215.3 lbs Added Force Req'd , 1 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 : 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK Footing Design Results Moment..... Allowable Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 1,794 425 psf .Mu': Upward = 11,010 0 ft_# Mu': Downward = 3,495 10,409 ft-# Mu: Design = 7,516 10,409 ft-# Actual 1 -Way Shear = 9.22 24.08 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear = 85.00 85.00 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd = 0.500 = 0.00 in Lateral Load = 144.0 #/ft I St mConstruction .M Top Stem Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in = 28.08 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in = 11.08 Wall Weight = Stem OK Design height ft = 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Concrete Thickness = 8.00 Rebar Size = # 6 Rebar Spacing = 8.00 Rebar Placed at = Edge Design Data _ fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0.897 Total Force @ Section lbs = 3,855.0 Moment.... Actual ft-#= 12,909.7 Moment..... Allowable = 14,393.2 Shear..... Actual psi = 57.1 Shear..... Allowable psi= 85.0 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in = 28.08 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in = 11.08 Wall Weight = 96.7 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 5.63 Masonry Data 24.00 in ...Height to Top = fm psi = 0.00 ft Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' _ Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. _ Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Concrete Data fc psi= 2,500.0 Fy . psi = 60,000.0 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S ` Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S ' Fr Key: No key defined - 263 - Footing Strengths & Dimensions fc = 2,500 psi Fy' = 60,000 psi Min. As % = 0.0012 .Toe Width = 3.75 ft Heel Width = 3.75 Total Footing Width = 7.50 Footing Thickness = 24.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft Cover @ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in ...Height to Top = 8.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 5:07PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD a - — Scope : Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 .Rev: 580005 — — User: KW-0601715,ver5.8.0,1-Dec-2003 Cantilevered RetainingWall Design Page 2 (c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Softwareclarks.ecw Calculations Description PLANTER WALL-8FT Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments ..OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 1,750.0 3.33 5,833.3 Soil Over Heel = 2,713.3 5.96 16,166.9 Toe Active Pressure = -109.4 0.83 -91.1 Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = 1,152.0 6.00 6,912.0 Axial Dead Load on Stem = 0.00 Load @ Stem Above Soil = Soil Over Toe = 206.3 1.88 386.7 SeismicLoad = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 773.3 4.08 3,157.8 Total = 2,792.6 O.T.M. = 12,654.2 Earth @ Stem Transitions= Resisting/Overtuming Ratio = 2.51 Footing Weight = 2,250.0 3.75 8,437.4 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 6,430.6 lbs Key Weight = Vert. Component = 487.7 7.50 3,658.0 Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Total = 6,430.6 lbs R.M.= 31,806.9 - 264 - Pp= 1171.9# 1750.# mommompo 328.12psf 1386.7psf 265 - 8.00005in Conc w/ #6 @ 8. in o/c 120.005ir.LCnnc"w/ s ram A 2'-0" Y 0 #0@0.in @Toe i Designer select, i #0 0.in all horiz. reinf... 3'-9" 3'-9" ►. >, @ Heel - 266 - t •I ' � —21/2.. q, 81 d I 4"5 1 W b4 Y� - 266 - Title: CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 Dsgnr: Date: 5:07PM, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD ces Scope : Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev:580005 ------ --- User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 Cantilevered Retaining Wali Design Page 1 _(c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Enoineerino Software clarks.ecw:Calculations Description PLANTER WALL -GIFT Criteria Retained Height = 9.00 ft Wall height above soil = 0.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soil over Toe Soil Density Wind on Stem 6.00 in 110.00 pcf 0.0 psf Lateral Load Applied to Stem Design Summary Total Bearing Load = 8,985 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 8.60 in ................ Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 375.0 psf/ft Water height over heel = 0.0 ft FootingIlSoil Friction Soil height to ignore for passive pressure Lateral Load Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,475 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 521 psf OK Allowable = 1,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1,917 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 677 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 8.3 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 25.5 psi OK Allowable = 85.0 psi Wall Stability Ratios lbs = Overturning = 2.80 OK Sliding = 1.64 OK Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = . 3,614.9 lbs less 100% Passive Force= - 1,687.5 lbs less 100% Friction Force= - 4,492.5 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 : 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK LFooting Design Results b2 Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 1,917 677 psf Mu': Upward = 17,321 0 ft-# Mu': Downward = 6,095 16,867 ft-# Mu: Design = 11,225 16,867 ft-# Actual 1 -Way Shear = 8.34 25.48 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear = 85.00 85.00 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd �111141dW = 0.00 in 162.0 #/ft I Stem Construction _ Design height ft = Wall Material Above "Ht" _ Thickness = Rebar Size = Rebar Spacing = Rebar Placed at = Design Data Solid Grouting fb/FB + fa/Fa = Total Force @ Section lbs = Moment.... Actual ft-# _ Moment..... Allowable = Shear..... Actual psi = Shear..... Allowable psi = )p Stem _Footing Strengths & Dimensions Ei fc = . 2,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As % = 0.0012 Stem OK 0.00 Concrete 10.00 # 7 12.00 Edge 0.993 4,880.9 18, 381.7 18, 507.2 53.8 85.0 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in = 40.95 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in = ' 14.58 Wall Weight = 120.8 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 7.56 Masonry Data fm psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' _ Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. _ Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Concrete Data - fc psi = 2,500.0 Fy psi = 60,000.0 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S ' Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S ' Fr Key: No key defined - 267 - Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width Footing Thickness Key Width Key Depth Key Distance from Toe Cover @ Top = 3.00 in ...Height to Top ...Height to Bottom = 4.50 ft 4.50 = 30.00 in = 0.00 in 0.00 in 0.00 ft @ Btm.= 3.00 in 9.00 ft = 0.00 ft 31 l Title :_ CLARK RESIDENCE Job # 04-1432-03 s� Dsgn: Date: 5:070M, 14 JUN 04 Description : SFD ce, Scope Code Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 r---- -- _ — - --- Rev: 580005 — — user: KW-0601715.ver 5.8.0,1 -Dec -2003 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 101983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software clarKs.ecw:Calculations Description PLANTER WALL-9FT Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item — lbs ft ft_# lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 2,314.4 3.83. 8,871.8 Soil Over Heel = 3,630.0 7.17 26,015.0 Toe Active Pressure = -157.5 1.00 -157.5 Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = 1,458.0 7.00 10,206.0 Axial Dead Load on Stem= 0.00 Load @ Stem Above Soil = Soil Over Toe = 247.5 2.25 556.9 SeismicLoad = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) ' = 1,087.5 4.92 5,346.9 Total = 3,614.9 O.T.M. = 18,920.3 Earth @ Stem Transitions= Resisting/Overturning Ratio = '2.80 Footing Weight = 3,375.0 4.50 15,187.4 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 8,985.0 lbs Key Weight = Vert. Component = 645.0 9.00 5,805.3 Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Total = 8,985.0 lbs R.M.= 52,911.4 - 268 - V r 4 + 162. Pp= 1687.5# own 521.19psf 1475.5psf 269- 2314.4#