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07-0301 (SFD) Geotechnical Report
6-23-08;ii:iiAM;Andrew Pierce i Patel Burica & Associates,. Inc. structural engineering June 18, 2008 Randall Burt 78-370 Hwy. 111, Suite 270 La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: Burt Residence The Hideaways, Lot 117 La Quinta, CA RE: Shim at Manufactured Shear Wall at Rear BBQ Area Dear Randall, ;760 346 6263 # B- t Per phone conversation with your superintendent Steve Bartel, we understand that a parallam shim (6" maximum) was installed between the top of the manufactured shear wall (below the 6x12 beam) at the rear of the BBQ area The installation of the shim is acceptable if installed per detail I I/SD5. If you have any questions, please call me at (714) 547-1115 ext 102. Sincerely, - Patel Burica & Associates, Inc. lqr . r V i ��P Michael J. Burica, P.E. \ cF `F°R C. Dave Muth at Andrew Pierce Corp. via email Steve Bartel at Andrew Pierce Corp. via email P:1Projects\251 SCA (Burt)\251 SCA Feld 06 (Shim at MW Rear Bar).doe 832 W. Town & Country Road - Orange, Califomia 92868 TeL 714.547.1115 - Fax: 714.547.1141 a www.PBAstructural.com U4/ A0/ ZUU6 13:08 PAA 114041'1141 rn-rnL rsuxl�A ac A��u�. I Patel Burica & Amdaws, Inc. structural engineering wjvuI/uus FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET i� TO: FROM: I Steve Barbel Mlke Burica { COMPANY: DATE: Andrew Pierce Corporation 03-26-08 FAX NUMBER: TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER I '. (760) 5649162 3 RE: PBA REFERENCE NUMBER: Burt Residence I The Hideaway, Lot 117 251 SCA La Quints, CA 92253 1 ❑ URGENT Ef FOR REVIEW ❑ PLEASE COMMENT ❑ PLEASE REPLY ❑ PLEASE RECYCLE I - 1 NOTES/COMMENTS: Steve, Attached is a plan view and elevation view of the duct penetrations through the shear transfer blocking above the -shear wall at the master closet. This should get the shear transfer addressed. I will look a bit closer at this area when I conduct the nein striuctutal observation. - - Let me know if you have any questions. .- `Thanks' .. •....� �`... . ' ..... _._ ........ ... . , ... � ...._ ... _ I 832 W. TOWN & COUNTRY ROAD • ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 92868 PHONE: (714) 547=1115 • FAX: (714) 547-1141 { udio-zul LVVO 1J:0L PAA 11404111121 1'nlua. uvnivn a n.a.avv. 4`J Y"`' L i PROJECT= Z.SI �� BY PROJECT NAME iDATE DESCRIPTIO\ Patel Burica & Associates, Inc. PAGE OF structural engineering I; �K � 3 � CIV �' a —e k 832 W. Town & Country Road • Orange, California 92868 Tel: 714.547.1115 • Fax. 714.547.1141 • w%vtv.PBAstructural.com s "• Pvcr P.4 Aw. `"�� Bpi�A I 16 15'I i w/B.C�yy% 1 x , a r • � A6 s��vca �� SD3 13/SV3 • M �` MSTA24 SHE TOP PL)P� LL FOR UTILITIES. INSTALL PLUMB IN sy� NON -SHEAR WALL ONLY i j, A6 p � �•J � SD3 � c d A/C A)rA/C 1 SW ffm I- __ - �L� Y/Aft/ 3- L6,d8 c n c c C. Patel RuAra & Associates. Inc. STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT FORM SMUCTURAL OBSUVA77ON means the visual observation of the structural systm for general conformance to the approved plans and specifications, at significant constriction stages and at completion of the structural system. S=tu al observation does not iachxle or waive the tesponsl+lity for the inspections required by Section 108,1701 or other sections of the Code. PBI Project # 251 SCA Date. June 20,2W8 Report No: 004 Burt Residence Address: 52195 Via Savona Thi hideaways, La Qaiota, CA Owner. Randall & Julia Burt Builder: Andiew Pierre Corp. Page No. I of 1 LOBSERVED STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS I FOUMATION (WOOD) ROUGH FRAMWO CONMCU ['S / ADD% DESCRIPTION ❑ Hardware ❑ Interiorstttuttual Tfris report is re g status of i� fisted in observation repast how #001 through #003. ❑ Bxterror i OBSERVED DEFICI111d=: ❑ Location as Described ❑ Key(s) Attached ❑ No Deficiencies Observed T I the best of our knowledge, all strucbasl deficiencies listed in smictural observation report fomm #001 through #003 have =addressed. N'TRAGTOR SHALL CORRECP ALL OBSERVED DHnCIENCIES. S Of server Signature of Report Recipient Patel Buriea & Associates; Ioc. Steve Bartel— Superintendent chael J. Buuica, P.E. #57151 Anima' Pierre Corp. 6-23-08;11:06AM;Andrew Pierce Patel Burica & Associates, Inc. 760 346 8263 # A— I .STRUCTU.RAL-OBSERVATION. .REPORT FORM STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION means the visual observation of the structural system, for general conformance to the approved plans and spwifications, at significant construction stages and at completion of the structural, WSWUL SM=Wd observation does not include or wave the responsibility for the mspei&tions required by Section 108. 1701 or other sections of the Code. PBA Project #251 SCA Date: 0421-08 Report No: 003 Name-- Burt Residence Address: 52195 Via Savona Owner: Randall & Julia laud Page No. I of 2 7 The ffldcaways, La Quinta, CA Builder Andrew Pierce Corp. OBSERVED STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS FOUNDATION (WOOD) ROUGH FRAMING COAMENTS / ADD DESCRIPTION ❑ Reinforcing & Hardware Interior 11M fou and second - floor flaming was observed, the rough framing was m progress, roof sheathing was Exterior installed and utilities were beptg installed. OBSERVED DS 4CE13NCIES: Location as Described Key(s) Attached Do Deficiencies Observed Refer to attached keys *1-7 & Exhibit #1-4. Items below shall be considered tMcal-and verified for all like coaftorts. 1. Connect the upper roof and to ar roof per detail,5/SD2. t a 2. (Previous item #5) Boundary na il to .. post with the HrM hold down. 'D �c 3. (Previous item #6) Install 5/8" 1 1 ter anchor bolts at 12" o.c. per the anchor bolt schedide for type I shear walls. w a 4. (Previous item #12) For shear walls openings, Me shear panel above and below the opening is structural_ The to adjoining panel edges shall be i -to the same stud (2x or 3x per schedule) or double scuds shall be stitch nailed de. 11 together per the shear schedule. Tb CS straps. shall be placed at the top and the bottom of the specified opening. The 0 . king stud at each side of the s!haI1 be boundary nailed full height Verify the ope&ng in the shear wan matches: the opening specified on dw plans. Refer to Framing Legend item 06. We understand that the exact i I ace be dimensions around the fireplace be a 7' tall opening with T -V panels -each side to meet the H.W of 2:1 i as requirements. This will work as a 2 shear wall c 5. (Previous item #29) Install the bloc floor diaphragmper plan. Verify boundary nailing is spaced per plan_ Extend the blocked diaphragm to the In Fl floor beam 6. (Previous item #34) The floor was n A extended to the front of the foyer as shown on the structural plans. We recommend reframing this area per I lam Install the strap per -previous detail B. 7. (Previous item #40) Extend the 'hear. wall and strap the top plate at the side of the fireplace stack. The shear wall should extend across the low wall be tween the fireplace and the billiard room. Once the opening of the fireplace is lowered, install the horizontal ds P per plan. 8. Add anchor bolts * -detail 7/S DI ti replace the anchor bolts which were installed top per low. The sill plate is notched too far for the existing bolts. 9. Install boundairy pailin' g to the; tud v dth dwe CS holA down strap. f 10. Verffy 29 sole Plate nailing is F Aear.wall schedule and is nailed to i floor. 'framing 'member below. a Have at: 11. Redo the shear panel:to opening of 8" x W'per detail p,6 -16 vided 4 -o8. Install a 21 stud with f is f 6-23-08;ii:06AM;Andrew Pierce 760 346 6263 # A- 2 w of z Burt Kesrneme — la 1 JlA — U4 -Ai -u5 boundary nailing full height adjacent to the opening. 12. Extend the blocked roof diaphragm to the extent shown in the derail 6om 3-26-08. Nail the bl•3cking above the shear wall per the shear wall schedule. Connect the vertical sides of the blocking per detail gmD3. CONTRACTOR SHALL CORRECT ALL OBSERVED DEFICt>OVCIES. Once all items listed above have been properly addressed, please sign this form and return a copy to Patel Banca 6t Associates, Inc. V� Signature of Observer Patel Burica Associates, Inc. Michael J. Burim P.E. #57151 Signature of Report Recipient Steve Bartel - Superintendent Andrew Pierce Corp. i oe? Signature of^ mractor Date Print Name: L8� Print Company.. SA to 2 . 832 W. Town & Country Road • Orange, Ciddornia 92868 Tel: 714.547.1115 0 Fax: 714547.1141 • wwwJ%AstructuraLcom 6-23-08;11:06AM;Andrew Pierce ;760 348 6263 # A- 3 ""`"'"- �• • :}�:yr IYWHr.u�. t� . .� .. FA" `` 4.•Yy1gMw•.•y..� .� , .cox �. 111 •� ti...-... _.-�,:,. - ^^�^� ... . r Aft r •"'?�! NT MC :".. .. C;()J A -CAST � ..... .... ,.- . _ ,—..!!.:. Iftj _ s •.�.+�e�..:.:_��, •+%yip-�+ . f L •�� .� - 04 - 8-23-08;ii:08AM;Andrew Pierce A 760 346 6263 # A- 4 .............. 6-23-08;i,i:06AM;AndreW Pierce S AM IW-' I .T 760 346 6263 # A- 5 JR 21", w .Awl � Ap V! . 6.- Alk 6-23-08;11:06AM;Andrew Pierce ;760 346 6263 #t A- 6 6-23-08;11:06AM;Andrew Pierce ;760 346 6263 # A- 7 m 8-23-08;11:06AM;Andrew Pierce ;760 346 6283 # A- 9 8-23-08;il:06AM;Andrew Pierce .. ... . ..... ........ .. . .. . ..... ........ . i -C QJ •C -6,w. I tic %-'i Ujig, Sq. to,. AIM A00- o -A444 u 760 346 6263 # A- 10 ........... PAPE ... . . .. . ... ... ... . ..... 8133 fax: 114:54 . 7�11* I . )'- ii 0'49ft: 6-23-08;11:06AM;Andrew Plerce Prwx iv,l al: .of i im:#,i. i I a - --- ---- - - - ----- 780 348 6263 # A- ii lkt TIASUMA 5� Pili: 7-14.447-.401'- wvjmv�9 M.P49T 6-23-08;ii:08AM;AndreW Pierce ;760 346 6263 # A- 12 KC: tip 6-23-08;ii:06AM;Andrew Pierce ;780 346 6263 # A- 13 too=a-*,!!f ......... .......... Mi*&4mi AGME �A 83t W.. **04 E""Oomw Atod ',,a- 4A,.& Catiflob'Ati,918M 0, 7 `04- L4141, .f4M.tm a Rai 714� 41-15 r .1 n. . . .L 6-23-08;ii:02AM;Andrew Pierce ;760 246 6263 # 1/ 14 ♦ fi 1 Patel Burica & Associates. Ine- STRUCTURAL OSSERVATION REPORT FORM SYRUC WXotL.OB.4l VA770N m=ns &a visual observation of &esuumvd system, for geaad canf nWW to the a W*Ndpl as and apeaillostioms, at sib canstrtx fiW sues and of compleot of the stivettva sysum strucaaal observation does not include or waive the responsibility for the iospectiams required by Section 108, 1901 or other sections of the Code. PBA Project Wi SCADate; 2=13-08 ' Report No: 002 Name: Beat Residence Address: 52193 Via Savona Owner. Randall tit Juli&Dwt Page No. I of 2 7$e Hidaawt^ JA QabMk CA- Bnhldea: Andrew Pia mcs" . OBSERVED STRUCTURAL ELEUENTS FOUNDATION . (WOOD) ROUGH FRAMINIG COMMENTS / ADD'L DESCRIPTION ❑ Reinforcing & Hardware ® hftdw The first floor framing was obsa mA the rough fiammg was in progress, wooed floor walls were being MSM114 Met== were to installed. ® E�cteriar OBSERVED DEFICIt 1ClZS: ® Locatia as Deacdbed ® Key(s) Attached ❑ No Deficiencies Observed Refer to attached keys #I-,8 & Detafl A -D. Items below shall be considered typical and verified for all lflce conditions. 1. Inman shear trans&e connectors ficin the top planes to the beam per detail 26/SDI. 2. The plans spa* 2-2x10 at the interior soffit. The 6x6 used may deflect more than aecrptableC tie iecoaniiand installing a 6n8 or the speeirsed 2-2x10. 3. Install the HTT22 hold down. per plan. 4. Install the 2x stod. S. Bonodary nail the shear panel per the shear schedule below tine stair framing. Boundary nail to the post wttb the HTTM hold down. 6. hnststl SIB" diameter anchor bobs at 12" o.c. par the anchor bob schedule for type 1 shear walls. 7. Imtall the double lung surds per plan. S. Stitch nail the double studs together per the shear schedule at the adjoining panel.edge. 9. haell a 6x6 header per plan. 10. The HUC hangar we missing. Install 4 —14 x 1 I" lag$ the u8b the 6x6 posts to the end of the 642 beam. Fal the bola with Simon SET adhesive prior to installing the lag. Equally space and stagger the lags to the 6xI2. 11. Boundary nail the shear per the shear settle. 12. For shear walb around opmimg% the clear pawl above and below the opening is strcuxtaaL The adjomtag pod edges shall be nailed to dw sante stud (2x or 3x per schedule) or double studs shall be stitch nailed together per the shm schedule. Tho CS straps shall be placed at the top and the bottom of tine apecifted opeaiog. Tba I tg stud at each side of the opening shall be bomcdsry railed full height Verify the opening in the shear wall mstci>a the opening specified on the structural plans. Refer to Framing Legend item f/6. 13. Reframe the cantilevered wall at the rear of the dining mom per detyal 36/SD5. 14. The shear wall was mot installed continuans. To Comm the shear wall, stitch nail the end stud` to the chanaal stud on each side. - • .........o — "^VUMa IFUTWJ T1hTT/6ebT/. TVA Cb:QT R607/A1[/T.0 6-23-08;ii:02AM;Andrew Pierce IM IWAA a.`1 M: C 15. bsiall the double web stigma per detail l WSDS above the post. 16. Install the top strap at r 5rom the top of the beam per detail. l6A/SDS. 17. The 6" column shall be bolted to the beam each aide oftbe bum par detail INSDS. ;760 336 6263 # 2/ 14 IL Dell the straps to the wood beams per detail 30/SDS. CHuse straps are to brace the steel beam) 19. lawn USTA36 from the drop beau to the top places and stitch earl the upper top plate to the lower top plate with 18- 16d per detail 3/SDS. 20. The star pastel was installed short of the top plates. Add block6ag. boundary nail the shear panel and sdtcb fire blocking to the top plate. 21. Dail the post per plea. 22. houll the strep per per• 23. install the flush beam per plan. 24. Install the blocked Sapbragnn per plm 2S. Halloos Same the wail per phm. 26. Mlle pieta iit6t of emmetuft per loll 13/SD4. 27: Install bowWary nailing to rite poet with the hold down. 28. Install bloc ling below the wall above. 29. Install the blocked floor diaphragm per plan. Verify boundary neitisg a spaced per plan. 30. Nail the blocking per detail 1 SA/SD2. 31. The walls arotmd the bell and powder rocari were A Ito 9' sad then extended to a 10' pleb with a cripple wWL Reframe &a show wall, e,, , -o ways and bearing walls the lull 10'. 32. Provide till bearing for the joists at the bearing locations. 33. Boundary nail the king stud full height. 34. The floor was not extended to the front of the Boyer as shown on the structaml plana. We recommend reframing this area per plan. As an alternative, refer to the attached details A, B & C for additional rapdraaats. 35. hmD the proper beam per plan. Verify the height per dda7 WSW. 36 Install the shear wall per plan. Verify the height of the wall. Install the bold downs. 37. Install boamdary n aWag across the bonen of the Senega header, per detail 32/SDS. 38. The shear wall was installed onthe wrong wall.. Refer to detail #D for regoired shear U=s&ar Boundary nail this sheat waD per shear type #1 and install -CS strap horizontal above sad below the opening per detail 1/SDS. 39. Install the "posts at -On hill height section of the Smptace stack and strap to the bears below. per plan. 40. Extend the shear wall and snap the top plate Of the side of the fireplace stack. CONTRACTOR SHALL CORRECT ALL OBSERVED DEFICIENCM& Once all items listed above have been properly addressed, please sigh this farm and rattan a copy to Patel Bm ice R Associates, lIac/. Burica & Associates, Inc. al L Burica, P.E. #S71S1 Sigai turc of Report RCCtplent Stave Bartel - Superintendent Andrew Pierce Corp. 3-Lq-CA Contractor Date Print �e Printt Company: & � r't /►�. 832 W. Town & Canter Road • Orange. Calbu is 92868 Tel: 714.547.1115 • Fac 714.547.1141 • a �ww.PBAstructundA m •nnoaw 0 wnTNnw '11MINA IVIU I& XVd W97 8001/91/0 i I- '40.4, KAM T `o 0 IMVQ �' LFD�OQ �! psrAwp WAL norm 6-23-08;ii:02AM;AndreW Pierce ;760 346 6263 # 4/ 14 eTniinnFib • %navv * w,%Tuna TuTNJ TbTT/6C*T! wa *%:Ql onn7/9T"n 02/18/2008 16:47 PAX 1145471141 rNJLZL nuxu:w & AOOvI,. --- 4L /S # E9Z9 91E 09G' 9Da91d M9Jpuy'wVZO:<L'80-EZ-9 6-23-08;ii:02AM;Andrew Plerce ;760 346 6263 # 6/ 14 _, ...n..nv w vn�vno �raTVJ TbTT/.WQbT/ TVA LW:QT 8003/8T/30 0 %{/%/�i.ris//.[%/.� iii/%r:�//.// �'i.r✓f�i_✓,iii � `�_� _ �� m AIX ------- WA -'S, & A PH TO, I I Fgp;; M, smahaw A.. NINE:. owls a►�i11 �•� All s � o W0v ri/ n e 6-23-08;ii:02AM;Andrew Pierce ;760 346 6263 # 8/ 14 �oe *8 --. ftyn 077ft a1 nnocw io wn1Twnw 'YuT.va TbTT/.bCbTt YVA TC:QT OnnZ/4T/7n 6-23-08;ii:02AM;Andrew Pierce ;760 346 6263 # 9/ 14 PRO)Wr. Z.�/ SG09" /% 7 PROIECr NAMME-r s 0. DA -M a '-Z.7-c�W DESMIMON Pawl Burka&Assoc ,Inc. PA(x OF structural engineering Oo#,DA 3x ,BGkeo-- s�2 ,ate Pu9.N 832 w Town & Country Road • Oratyle, California 92868 Tel: 714547.1115 • Fax: 714.547.1141 • www.PBAmwtural.com • %neev a WI%Twna gW.T.VA T%TTkbQbTL TVA TQ:AT Rnn7/27/7.0 6-23-08;ii:02AM;Andrew Pierce ;760 346 6263 # 10/ 14 PROJECT. PRom NAME --- Di9C1QFnON Pad &mm & Awcatm Iw— PAOE OF structural en=lueerlaa' 049,41,3x etoe G- 0 8u A 410-W-47-61Ed C - omp 0 O.fApdp oxe*-,e ,Oe AP/` FUsc L�.�j� � GEt Ga' rote s/o.0 ®/C W .ST�ie 832 W. Town & Country Road • OcmxW, Ca ifonlia 92868 Tel: 714547.1115 • Fax: 714.547.1141 • www.PBAaemeanW.com imTA.oTA Sh •nncav ter AMTNnA 151.T.vd T6TTLVSVTL XV9 ZS:91 900Z/21/ZO 6-23-08;ii:02AM;Andrew Pierce 4(3)! --II II ovl 11 i! _ � x . 1 3 mF O o _ /'46 0 I� WCCOWFWAT . I R •L �.. �. 6X10 b w Mir f4 1 P!1! moo i 3 x•, x Inc twx 6MO411 YDII7r I� p.� • M/ low fQ • wd an w a •/ Im No . mm w a1 nm I o I • � OL w/ recta k r -P— -- xn. •` b-� fA i a r ac° —• P A/C :i 1 IY If° Wl I I e�i�I i >c I I �► N ��I ( x IQ I I W2 I SD3 I I GOLFI CART I � I I I �1-0. I FAU I MVI —6 — i r ?Lm . _' 16fA78 6 x• 6 • ( X X cx soi � Key* l M M /.� -Ile ....... •nneev v vnTNRA 'MT.VA TVTTLVSVTL YNS 94:91 90OUST/ZO ;760 346 6263 # ti/ 14 x mF O o _ /'46 0 I� WCCOWFWAT . I R •L �.. �. 6X10 b w Mir f4 1 P!1! moo i 3 x•, x Inc twx 6MO411 YDII7r I� p.� • M/ low fQ • wd an w a •/ Im No . mm w a1 nm I o I • � OL w/ recta k r -P— -- xn. •` b-� fA i a r ac° —• P A/C :i 1 IY If° Wl I I e�i�I i >c I I �► N ��I ( x IQ I I W2 I SD3 I I GOLFI CART I � I I I �1-0. I FAU I MVI —6 — i r ?Lm . _' 16fA78 6 x• 6 • ( X X cx soi � Key* l M M /.� -Ile ....... •nneev v vnTNRA 'MT.VA TVTTLVSVTL YNS 94:91 90OUST/ZO 6-23-08;ii:02AM;Andrew Pierce ;760 346 6263 # 12/ is ?ROJECT, M) ,,��/1sGs DM nBSCPJP71ON Patel Bonita&Associates, b= PAOE OF ttruetatsl enjlne*rie; ANP /ws/ OOVG /,w - %y x *?a ,,o sj�•��.r/ , ,ars .,qzo 5 Jo`JL�s/ cook .rGK . I>ETir+�c t�G 832 W. Town & Camtrq Road • O,ange, Caldivnw 92668 Tel: 714.547.1115 • Fax: 714547.1141 . www.PBAsut =raLcom n*n.-V.*nom •nnQQV V VITNna 'T xw Twultstu ZV& Z9:9T 1t00Z/BT/30 6-23-08;ii:02AM;Andrew Plerce ;760 346 6263 # 13/ 14 ZS"/ PROW NAIL d/i81 l DM OESMMON Pkd Bi r I. PAGE OF atructaral eallnrerla, ex /3C,<�- 811 S/1�1Z �'iy�er�G 0001, Tom, 06- ,Tp 832 V Town & Calmav Road • Orange. California 92868 Tel: 714.547.1115 • Fm 714.547.1141 • wwwPBAsauctuml.com 4r �� 7-tlw sW,C nrninTnlM •nnet:v at v,%Tmna 'vstT.vx TOTTLtawlL YVA 96:91 BOOZ/91/ZO 1—i—ax-65 r ^9=gW —I p-ttr-n 0 x 5 7. nn OWHRM Ifue. i '01A tr oti, AM ;L ,- r4l 4mIrALUL IMP ASLAboff Iry rFUL LAW2 .. miumift ------------- . fi�� 11/18/1007 IV: 44 YAA !14,4/1141 araaua. uva-- .. Patel Burica & Associates, Inc. II STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT FORM STRUCTURAL OWENVATION naeens'the visual observation of the mwtwW system, for general con mmee to fire approved plans and specifications,:at sigaifccant mon stagy and at completion of the sfnxanal syr. Stinctural observ?m does not include or waive the respoombdity fuer the ins ns mlaired by Section 108,1^01 or odd sections of the Cajk. PBA l'io-ect #251 SCA Date::T 1-16-07 Repout No: 001 Name: I Burt Residence Address: 52195 Via Savona I Ownaer: Randall & Julia Burt Pie No. l of 2 ''> : , The always, La Quints, CA .: ` `Builder. Andrew Pic= Corp. OB;$E6tYE0 STRUCTURAL ELE.ME'NTS FOUNDATION'. (Wt D) SOUGH FRAMWG COMMENTS / ADm DESCRIPTION . Z Reinforcing 8t Hardware ❑Floor Sheathing The installation of reinforcing -was in pts, most D Exoe$tor 3. forming wffi :completed. The e�y structure: ""was not constructcd`atthis time. OBSF.RV® DEFICIENC>ESi ® L4wdon as Descri and ® Keys) Attaches ❑ Na Deficiencies Qipserved ;Refer to airachsdkeys #1-4.," I below shall be considered typical and verified for all 11ce conditions. 1. Install all a bola per tho anch" bolts sc�tle. Please note typical conditions'to be aware ofi (16" o.a::means 1 every I V 4f sia pl�e as andior bolt us required, awe >he required spacing for type I :dear wall, one anchor the f>rst 12r.'.4 a ill phyte per f)6AWon note #1:1) 2. Install the add trond #4.. bars at all Hi2Q8 and large: per note in detaii 1 SDI . 3. install !!5 at 12 o c. each dvay at the bottom of all pad footings per Booting and slag schedule; 4.: Install w. all foundation` S fou the shear walls (Hardy Panels) per:the de ars.: Refer to demt7s 26 28 dt 29 on Sued SDt. For epiie• .(Double mus raluined at the Ptoasher, W POPM sig mioinnum foatiog and: remrf'oraing centered on the: wall,:pi+ovide mmumirm bolt clearances, etc.) S. AIltebar s6pll`lia ie a minimum lap:as iequbW m detail2l/SDI. ;:.:x. , 6: , :Iasigll all ie at;aY tt mterror stepped slab coa ition per deWr :%/SD1. 7. liastal1 A rekfo a_ata>leste psper detail ZOlSDL 8. Verify ttie�loradon of the bold dovfn the plans and the framing cotitactar 9. Install slab rem! i ud the !away slab sections.. 1.ProviA- minimum foo&ung depth Som lowest adjacent glade per detail A:USD L Also install &e required reinfbr cing the f cling and hub sctnedule. 11 S'hubl5e piamb®g to be a mtaimum of 24 from the end of the wall to allow for tu�o anchor 661% in:addition to the po ' and.hold doviin ' trnbelew tie:'`' 12:.. PlombinS Pfooting. ;:. ;:: l ..;t:,o�ly witffit detail 91SD1 fou ploi�iitiig P�>� ��- ` _ I . Move the 37 -waste liiiE co docauoa s Cified on plans. Do not install mstiear *it = (r: , L . To drmma� the stepped shear wall col ditioa, we reaomm and eute g fiu raised sectron of concn�e.iowards the piz oven and shorting theahear gall to 9' larrg. , 11/16/2007119:45 FAA Y145411141 , ^•"•' -•- -- •-•-'"-_ art onw 11 _1l.JY7 l Verify the location of the footing. 171. Use the pro" sine SSTB bolts per detail USD I. 18. Shift the plumbing Som below the post location. 19. Adjast the rear of the dining room per the latest plans 20. Install required hoops per derails 4 & 5 on sheet SDI. 21. Install the cum post base cwmector per detai128/SD4 & 23/SD5. 22. Due to the encroacbment of the 12" dud in the footin& extend the footing and additional 6" tawmds the rear of the house. 23. Provide minimum of 18" wide footing, Per PIM Move the plumbingftAities from the shear wall. 25. For the locations where the HVAC ducts pass below a footing refer to details 14 & 15 on sheet SDI - As an alternate for a single 12" dud passing below and perpendicular to a footing, the euasdug footing is sufficient over the top of the dud. Provide additional 2 - #5 bars 1014" long at the top and bottom of the footing centered with the duct. 26. Din to the location of the main utilities, shift the shear wall to be next to the door opening 27. Adjust the» of the three car garage per the latest plans. 2J. At the stepped condition (per dean 16=1) a 2x4 nailing may be installed within the footing to allow for nailing of the dry wall to the raised concrete. 2I . For footings where he stem portion exceeds 12", install #4 vertical at 18" o c. Refer to deans A, A3 & A4 on sheet SDI. lois height should be verifiedfor the final condition of the stem be4o. Also note the minimum footing depths d" be maintained for the final oostdition if the existing grade is to be lowered from its eai"g state. Refer to the footing and slab schedule for the required depths. 30. The bottom reinfamcipg bar in ibbOdA s shall be installed at the bottom of the footing 3" clear from the soul CONTRACTOR SHALL CORRECT ALL OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES. Once all items listed above lave been properly addressed, please sign this form and return a copy to Pavel Burka & Associates, Inc. I Signature of Report Recipient Steve Bartel - Superintendent S�ESSlp�r� Patel Bttrica & Associates, O ` J. 6 f► i #57 G9� Anew Pierce Corp. hfcchael J. Burica, P.B. �No. 57151 Exp. 12-31-07 Cry Sr�e of Concrete Contractor bate Of �L Print Name: Print Company: 'W2 W. Town & Cbit u" load • Orange, Califottua 92M Td: 714.547.1115 • Fa:: 714.547.1141 • www.P&Astaucung.can AT Fmmill ,IIIII I &OWDER OEM GARAGE T R. 2 y SC- - - I 11/16/100719:47 ]FAA (1409!1141 mat nr I ��OVERE OU TDOC Y� A 3r:.r FM �-� p©, 1� �a g1,r� *YP UREA T ROOM IL/It)/ZOUY J.!l:46 CAA fL%0%1AL%x a.a..+.. ....... .... �. �. U, 1��Al 3r m I I A TV----- I3r Sp FIW I I i H OOM 2 z. m woo A �V b I A3 IS01 3r 90 J I i w cine � / U 0 om AT M �IJ�AV TV - :1 GARAGE A� lelb w GOLF CART F ae = mi 1� e -1 ORA di .& 0 MOT', ro R �....- ( Y t i `t �.J 527195_Via_Savon a_ — Burt Residence This UNAPPROVED drawing may be used for foundation inspection of the clouded area ONLY. Approval to pour concrete is based solely on acknowledgement that the field condition matches what is shown on this drawing. When revised drawings for this area are ultimately approved by the City of La Quinta Building & Safety Department, any changes to the building required in order to comply with the approved drawings will be the respons bility of the general contractor. �z I Ad A►�vpil1 h Codsr (1 115107 Contractor Representative's Signature Date Printed Name 28 SD4 MW3 24" SQ PADS �o� P NpQ\ 60" SO PAD tK I p+ 4 \ SD1 EO 5 0 A r "OM of AJa 1* g0tAL to ft V peLo1rl dvr of d Pfd %Md6S" 1"m9scdP -0a9tF-&001j M"S, P�1�n 6 l iz l 2°O� �tz�oa c m a ►�� do� 14. �o�^fio M of fdo'rt a� dv �6c � I�qJ IMd M NOTE: HOLD FND 6" FROM EDGE OF POP—OUT 26 —J SD1 NOTE: DEEPEN FTG TO BE MW4 12" MIN BEOF POOL WHERELOW O CURS? BOT SD1 — Al SD1 F Or O� 6 w FO LO POST A W / O a I K IITCI�EN 30" SO Uig 36" SO A2 SD1 a , 3 � A 6_ SD1 y�r X6'; ii F I I I f Al I - fill 1 D1 �L—�� — OVEN 4x6 �— WASTE Im l0'--00%-, r D 12- 7-08; 8:36PM , CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING a CF -4R Project Address 6? l� � L.- Builder or 1 sta or g ��� Builder 9r Installer Contact y TelephAd Plan/Pertnit (Additions or A terations) Number Climate Zone Firm--r,� - HERS Provider Street Address: C City/State/Zip: C 2)'-'�J �o ies to: BUILDER, HERS PROVIDER AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT HERS RATER CPLIANCE STATEMENT The house was: VA Tested v"0 Approved as pari of sample testing, but was not tested As the HERS rater providing diagnostic testing and field verif mtior►" I certify that the house identified on this form complies with the diagnostic tested compliance requirements as checked 'Ion this form. The HERS rater must check and verify that the new distribution system is hilly ducted and correct tape is used before a CF -4R may be released on every taW building. The HERS rater must not release the CF -4R until a properly completed and signed CF -6R has been received for tthhe sample and tested bAgsw .a installer has provided a copy of CF -6R (Installation Certificate).w ducts are fully ducted (i.e., does not use building cavities as plenums or platformreturns in lion of ducts). ducts with cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape is installed, mastic and draw bands are used in combination with e,ldth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at duct connections.). ,e MI WMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR DUCT LEAKAGE REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CREDIT P cedurea for yield verification and diagnostic testing of air distribution systems are available in RACAL Appendix RC4.3. NEW CONSTRUCTION: Duct Pressurization Teat Results (CFM ® 25 .Pa) Measured Values I Enter Tested Leakage Plow in CFM: 2 Fan Flow: Calculated (Nominal: -10 Cooling ✓ C3 Heating) or ✓ ured Enter Total Fan Flow in CFM: ✓ 3 pass if Leakage Percentage < 6% [ 100 x (Line # 1) ine # 2)]] O Fail ALTERATIONS: Duct System and/or HVAC E ui mant Chan a -Out 4 Enter Tested Leakage Flow in CFM from CF -6R: Pro -Test of Existing Du Syste Prior to Duct System Alteration and/or Equipment Change -Out IN 5 Enter Tested Leakage Flow in CFM: Find Test of New Duct y em or ltered u y em for Duct System Alteration and/or E ui ment Change -Out. 6 Enter Reduction in Leakage for Altered Duct System [ (Line 4 Minus ine # 5)] (Only if Applicable) 7 Enter Tested Leakage Flow in CFM to Outside (Only if Applicable) ✓ ✓ 8 Entire New Duct System - Pass if Leakage Percentage < 60A 100 x(Line # S / Line 0 2)11 ❑ Pass O Fail TEST OR VERIFICATION STANDARDS: For Altered D System n A Equipment Chang -Out Use one of the followln four Taft or Verification Standar r com iia ee: ✓ ✓ 9 Pass if Leakage Percentage < 15% [100 x I cane t S) / (Li a# 2)1] ❑ Pass G Fail 10 Pass if Leakage to Outside Percentage < 10% [100 x (Line # 7) / (Line # 2)]] Pass O Pail 1 ] Pass if Leakage Reduction Percentage > 60% [100 x [__(Line # 6) / (Line 0 4)]] and Verification by Smoke Test and Visual Inspection Q Pass ❑ Fail Pass if Sealing of all Accessible Leaks and Verification by Smoke Test and Visual Inspection ❑ Pass O Fail Paso if One of Lines # 9 through N 12 pass O Pass O Pail Residential Compliance Form.r OD —3 J �c1r7--� December 1001 , �-' /I� 12- /-Uri ; 8 : 36F'M ; " ,hvt CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTINGe- CF4R Project Address ANa XP;U Builder Contact J '--Telephone mber HERS Rater/ �1A C�Y�, o ft; " Tele hone 72- Sample Grou Number ✓ Compliance Method (Prescriptive) O No Climate Zone S' Certifying Signator i l Da Sample House Number Firm — y. .. 4—fr installad'on of the a - itfc equipment ahe11 be verifind. HERS Provider Streat Address: � ��� �'rr, Cnty hte/Zip: -w 9. 7- 5 3 Copies JW. BUIMER, HERS PROVIDER AND HUWDuvc>r yxa'nua tura r HERS RATER MPLIANCE STATEMENT The house was: ✓ Tested ✓ ❑ Approved as put of sample testing, but was not tested As the HERS rater providing diagnostic testing and field verification. I certify that the house identified) on this form complies with the d' ostie tested compliance requirements as checked on this form. ✓ e installer has provided it copy of CF -6R (Installation Certificate). -10 THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE (TXV)�� Procedures for field voer(ficarlan of rimmroatatic expansion valuta ore awilabk he RACU Pe R!! ✓ ❑ REFRIGERANT CHARGE MEASUREMENT Verification for Required Refrigerant Charge for Wit Svatem Space Coolfna Systeme wi ut Therm,6atatic Expansion Valves Outdoor Unit Serial # Location Outdoor Unit Make Outdoor Unit Model Cooling Capacity B Date of Verification Date of Refiigerant Gauge Calibration t be oheoked nthly) Date of Thermocouplo Calibration (must be chack monthly) Stan¢eFd ChariQ Measurement (outdoor air da -bulb SS °F and above): Note: The system should be installed and charged in acwrilarift with the shall be documented on CF -6R before starting this procedure/ ' outdoor Charge Measure Procedure cations and installer verification ;S T rater shall use the Alternative Procedures for DetermininA Refrigerant Cher a using the Atan4rd M o area ail e i A endix RDZ. A 71 D Yes E3 No copy of CF -6R (Instalktio Corti nate) boar ided wrath retiigen�t chargo — -- - - - J ---- -- Residential Compliance Forms April 2005 it z Access is provided for inspection. The procedure shall consist of ✓ ) " es O No visual verification that the TXV is installed on the rystem and ❑ installad'on of the a - itfc equipment ahe11 be verifind. Yes is a VMS Paan Fail ✓ ❑ REFRIGERANT CHARGE MEASUREMENT Verification for Required Refrigerant Charge for Wit Svatem Space Coolfna Systeme wi ut Therm,6atatic Expansion Valves Outdoor Unit Serial # Location Outdoor Unit Make Outdoor Unit Model Cooling Capacity B Date of Verification Date of Refiigerant Gauge Calibration t be oheoked nthly) Date of Thermocouplo Calibration (must be chack monthly) Stan¢eFd ChariQ Measurement (outdoor air da -bulb SS °F and above): Note: The system should be installed and charged in acwrilarift with the shall be documented on CF -6R before starting this procedure/ ' outdoor Charge Measure Procedure cations and installer verification ;S T rater shall use the Alternative Procedures for DetermininA Refrigerant Cher a using the Atan4rd M o area ail e i A endix RDZ. A 71 D Yes E3 No copy of CF -6R (Instalktio Corti nate) boar ided wrath retiigen�t chargo — -- - - - J ---- -- Residential Compliance Forms April 2005 it z A Y 1 C ERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICA -Jproject Addresa ` guilder Contact AV ITERS Rater Certifying Signature ;# 3 ION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING ✓ CF -4R Z, ; ri, 1, 17, -e&, e—,(; a -t, Huil ISN Telenhnn Plan Number '10)219 - Sample House _ HERS Provide Firm '� S Street Address: Y2, & z 1 Co ies to: BLTILDER, HERS PROVIDER AND BunmING DEPARTMENT HERS RATER CQNJPLIANCE STATEMENT The house was: ✓ted ✓ C3 Approved as part of sample testing, but was not tested ,W Tea As the HERS rater providing disgnostie testing and field verification, I certifY that the house identified on this form complies with the did ostic tested compliance requirements as checked on.this form ✓ The installer has provided a copy of CF -6R (lnstalladon Cettiflcat").-- — ✓ 0 ADEQUATE AIRFLOW VERMCATIOhI pPe nd/x REa.l. - Duct design exists an Plato D RF.4.1.1 Diagnostic Fan Flow UsjMFIQWG Hood E3 RF4.1.2 I Diupostio Fan Flow Using Plenum Wohink ✓ C3 Yea 1 0 No I Measured airflow is greater than Ae criteria in Table RE -2 ✓ CJ MAxpaw COOLwG CAPACITY C......n�i.,in. &. tiwornani...,.dmum coollnr load capacra cfitt/ton I ✓ O Yes C No Adequate airflow verified (see adequate ai "edit) ✓ ' W/ 2 ✓ G Yes ❑ No Refrigerant charge or TXV 3 ✓ O Yes (3 No Duct leakage reduction credit verified A 3✓ ✓ 0 Yeo O Yes Cooling capacities of installed systems e 5 to im cooling ca city C1 No indicated on the Performance's MIR RF -3. if the cooling capacities of installed sy ms are > n maximum ceoli 0 No capacity in the CF -1R, then the electrical input for the installed sysbms must be 5 to electrical input in the CF -IR and RF -4. Yes to 1 2 and 3' and Yes to either 4 or 5 is It pan ❑ O I Pass I Fail KJH�GR EER AIR CONDITIONER /9G U 9 1s o cation are available in CM Appendix Rl. 1 ✓ es 0 No EER values of installed systems match the CF -IR ✓ 2 ✓ IVYzg C No Fara lit system, indoor coil is matched to outdoor coil 3 1/ yes ❑ No Time Delay Relay Verified If Required) Yes to I and 2; and 3 If Required) is a ass Pass Fail Residential Compliance Forms December 2005 V `* Sladden Engineering 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A; Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 39-725 Garand Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fa> (760) 772-3895 October 12, 2003 ND La Quinta Partners, LLC 5 1 -100 Avenue 53 La Quinta, California 92253 Attention: Mr. Dan Williams Project: The Hideaway La Quinta, California Project No. 544-2199 03-10-647 Subject: Report of Observations and Testing During Fine Grading Ref: Geotechnical Investigation Report prepared by Earth Systems Southwest dated April 11, 2001; File No. 08119-01, Report No. 04-04-716 Report of Testing and Observation During Rough Grading pr -,pared by ESS dated August 28, 2002, File No. 07117-11, Report No. 01-07-718 Geotechnical Update prepared by Sladden Engineering dated May 13, 2003, Project No. 522-2199, Report No. 03-04-225. Summarized in this report are the results of in-place density tests performmd at the subject site during the fine grading of the building pads along with pertinent observations. The subject lots are located within the central portion of the Hideaway project site in the City of La Quinta, California. Fine grading was performed by Nuevo Engineering using conventional heavy equipment. The previously rough graded building pad areas were watered and the surface was recompacted with heavy equipment. Areas that extend beyond the previously rough graded pads were overexcavated to the revised building envelopes. The new pad areas (area; L, M, N, 0, and P) were over excavated as recommended within the initial Geotechnical Engineering report. Soils obtained from the nearby golf course areas and other areas of the Hideaway project site were placed in thin lifts at near optimum moisture content and compacted to at lerst 90 percent relative compaction. Observations and field testing was performed from June 6, 2003 through September 23, 2003. Testing indicates that a minimum of 90 Percent relative compaction was attained in the areas tested. The passing test results indicate compliance with the project specifications at the tested locations and depths but are no guarantee or warranty of the contractors work. October 12, 2003 -2- Froject No. 522-2199 03-10-647 Field Tests: In-place moisture/density tests were performed using a nuclear density gauge in accordance with test methods ASTM D 2922 and ASTM D 3017. A total of 390 density tests were performed. The approximate test locations are indicated by lot numb --r and general work areas and test results are summarized on the attached data sheets. Laboratory Tests: The moisture -density relationships for the tested mater_als were determined in the laboratory in accordance with test method ASTM D 1557-91. Allowable Bearing Pressures: The structural values recommended -n the Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Sladden Engineering remain applicable fir use in foundation design. Conventional shallow spread footings should be bottomed into properly compacted fill material a minimum of 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade. Continuous footings should be at least 12 inches wide and isolated pad footings should be at least 2 feet wide. Continuous footings and isolated pad footings should be designed utilizing allowable bearing f-essures of 1800 psf and 2000 psf, respectively. The recommended allowable bearing pressures may be increased by one-third for wind and seismic loading. The bearing soils are non -expansive and fall within the "very low" expansion category in accordance with Uniform Building Code (UBC) classification criteria. If there are any questions regarding this report or the testing summarized herein, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted SLADDEN ENGINE] Brett L. Principal Engineer Grading/pc Copies 4/ND La Quinta Partners, LLC PROJECT NAME: Hideaway LOCATION: La Quinta, California Test N©. ; Date Tested I Location TEST RESULTS PROJECT NO: 522-2199 REPORT NO: 03-10-647 Elevation ' Dry Density % M)isture Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction I Density j I Building Pads i Village Club Drive 1 7-30-03 Per Plan 2.0 BPG 103.7 5.1 93 112.0 2 7-30-03 I Per Plan 3.0 BPG 106.7 4.7 95 112.0 i 3 7-31-03 I Per Plan 1.0 BPG 111.2 3.2 99 112.0 4 I 7-31-03 Per Plan PG 109.4 7.4 98 1 12.0 5 7-31-03 i I Per Plan PG 111.9 6.8 99 112.0 6 8-07-03 C-3 4.0 BPG 102.2 i.0 91 112.0 7 8-07-03 C-3 3.0 BPG 106.6 5.8 95 112.0 8 18-07-03 C-4 3.0 BPG 104.4 3.8 93 112.0 9 8-07-03 C-4 2.0 BPG 107.2 3.6 96 112.0 10 8-07-03 C-4 1.0 BPG 103.8 7.7 93 112.0 11 8-07-03 C-2 8.0 BPG I 104.6 12.0 93 1 12.0 12 i 8-07-03 C-2 8.0 BPG 102.3 1 J.9 91 112.0 13 i 8-07-03 C-2 8.0 BPG 103.6 8.5 1 93 I 112.0 14 I 8-07-03 I C-2 6.0 BPG 102.9 9.7 92 112.0 15 i 8-07-03 C-2 6.0 BPG 105.3 11.2 94 112.0 16 8-08-03 C-2 6.0 BPG 101.8 7.0 91 112.0 17 8-08-03 C-2 5.0 BPG 107.4 12.3 96 112.0 18 8-08-03 C-3 3.5 BPG 103.2 14.0 92 112.0 19 8-08-03 C-2 5.0 BPG 100.8 12.4 90 112.0 20 8-08-03 i C-2 4.0 BPG 100.7 9.6 90 112.0 21 8-08-03 C-2 4.5 BPG I 107.7 1 1-4.0 I 96 112.0 22 8-08-03 Lot 17 PG 104.3 -9.0 93 112.0 23 8-08-03 Lot 18 PG 107.7 I 8.8 96 112.0 24 I 8-11-03 C-2 6.0 BPG 101.0 10.8 i 90 112.0 25 8-11-03 C-2 4.0 BPG 104.9 11.9 94 112.0 26 1 8-11-03 i C-2 4.0 BPG 1 108.5 9.3 97 112.0 27 i 8-11-03 C-2 3.5 BPG I 103.2 9.5 ( 92 112.0 28 8-11-03 C-2 3.0 BPG 103.9 9.8 i 93 112.0 29 ! 8-11-03 i Comfort Station 1.0 BPG 105.8 i 9.3 94 112.0 30 8-11-03 Comfort Station PG 102.8 7.3 92 112.0 31 8-11-03 C-2 1.5 BPG 102.1 7.8 i 91 112.0 32 8-1 1-03 i C-22.0 BPG 105.5 9.5 94 112.0 33 ` 8-11-03 C-2 1.5 BPG ` 104.7 -0.9 93 j 112.0 34 8-12-03 C-1 4.0 BPG 107.3 9.9 96 I 112.0 3 5 ! 8-12-03 C-1 4.0 BPG; 107.9 " 4.1 96 ' 112.0 DATE: October 12, 2003 Sladden Engineering TEST RESULTS PRO -DICT NAME: Hideaway PROJECT NO: 522-2199 LOCATION: La Quinta; California REPORT NO: 03-10-647 Test NcF► _ Date Tested I Location Elevation Dry Density % Moisture Relative I Maximum i In Place I In Flace I Compaction Density DATE: October 12, 2003 108.1 108.3 100.9 100.4 103.4 100.5 106.3 107.5 105.4 108.3 103.9 106.6 103.2 111.4 106.1 107.4 102.9 110.9 104.0 101.0 100.4 111.3 107.6 106.3 104.2 105.6 100.9 111.2 109.9 106.4 105.0 104.9 I 104.3 108.9 106.8 1 9.7 9.6 3.8 5.3 11.3 10.4 -6.8 10.3 9.0 5.6 6.9 4.8 6.7 10.2 9.4 9.6 7.9 11.2 9.2 7.6 5.7 13.9 7.9 11.9 10.7 14.4 12.7 13.4 10.8 10.1 10.6 8.3 9.0 5.8 9.8 97 97 90 90 92 90 95 96 94 97 93 95 92 99 95 96 92 99 93 90 90 99 96 95 93 94 90 99 98 95 94 94 93 97 95 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 1.12.0 112.0 112.0 Sladden Engineering I I Building Pads I I I Area L ' 36 7-08-03 I Lot 82 4.0 BPG 37 7-08-03 Lot 82 2.0 BPG 38 7-08-03 Lot 84 4.0 BPG 39 7-08-03 Lot 84 2.0 BPG 40 ; 7-08-03 Lot 86 4.0 BPG 41 7-08-03 Lot 86 2.0 BPG 42 I '; 7-29-03 Lot 85 2.0 BPG 43 7-29-03 Lot 86 4.0 BPG 44 7-29-03 Lot 86 2.0 BPG 45 7-29-03 I Lot 88 4.0 BPG 46 7-29-03 Lot 88 2.0 BPG 47 i 7-30-03 Lot 94 5.0 BPG 48 7-30-03 Lot 94 3.0 BPG 49 j 7-30-03 Lot 92 4.0 BPG 50 7-30-03 I Lot 92 2.0 BPG 5 1 7-30-03 Lot 80 5.0 BPG 52 7-30-03 Lot 80 3.0 BPG 53 7-30-03 Lot 78 4.0 BPG 54 7-30-03 Lot 78 2.0 BPG 55 7-30-03 Lot 76 4.0 BPG 56 7-30-03 Lot 75 4.0 BPG 57 19-10-03 I Lot 13 4.0 BPG 58 19-10-03 I Lot 13 2.0 BPG 59 9-10-03 Lot 11 4.0 BPG 60 9-10-03 I Lot 11 2.0 BPG 61 i 9-10-03 Lot 9 4.0 BPG, 62 ' 9-10-03 Lot 9 2.0 BPG 63 9-10-03 ! Lot 7 4.0 BPG! 64 i 9-10-03 I Lot 7 2.0 BPG' 65 9-10-03 Lot 5 2.0 BPG' 66 i 9-10-03 1 Lot 3 2.0 BPG 67 9-12-03 I Lot 78 PG 68 j 9-12-03 Lot 79 PG 69 9-12-03 Lot 80 PG 70 9-12-03 Lot 81 PG DATE: October 12, 2003 108.1 108.3 100.9 100.4 103.4 100.5 106.3 107.5 105.4 108.3 103.9 106.6 103.2 111.4 106.1 107.4 102.9 110.9 104.0 101.0 100.4 111.3 107.6 106.3 104.2 105.6 100.9 111.2 109.9 106.4 105.0 104.9 I 104.3 108.9 106.8 1 9.7 9.6 3.8 5.3 11.3 10.4 -6.8 10.3 9.0 5.6 6.9 4.8 6.7 10.2 9.4 9.6 7.9 11.2 9.2 7.6 5.7 13.9 7.9 11.9 10.7 14.4 12.7 13.4 10.8 10.1 10.6 8.3 9.0 5.8 9.8 97 97 90 90 92 90 95 96 94 97 93 95 92 99 95 96 92 99 93 90 90 99 96 95 93 94 90 99 98 95 94 94 93 97 95 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 1.12.0 112.0 112.0 Sladden Engineering PRO-JECT NAME: Hideaway LOCATION: La Quinta, California Test No . ! Date Tested I Location ! 103.8 Building Pads 111.0 PG Area L 71 9-15-03 1 Lot 2 72 9-15-03 Lot 3 73 9-15-03 Lot 4 74 9-15-03 Lot 5 75 9-15-03 Lot 6 76 9-15-03 Lot 7 77 1 9-16-03 Lot 1 79 9-16-03 Lot 8 79 9-16-03 Lot 9 80 9-16-03 Lot 10 8L 9-16-03 Lot 11 82 I 9-16-03 Lot 38 83 9-16-03 Lot 37 84 9-16-03 1 Lot 36 85 I 9-16-03 i Lot 35 86 9-16-03 Lot 32 87 9-17-03 Lot 12 88 9-17-03 Lot 13 89 9-17-03 Lot 14 90 9-17-03 Lot 15 91 9-17-03 Lot 16 Area N 92 9-17-03 Lot 34 93 9-17-03 Lot 3.3 94 9-17-03 Lot 31 95 9-17-03 Lot 30 96 I 9-17-03 I Lot 29 97 i 9-17-03 I Lot 28 Area L 98 9-17-03 i Lot 49 99 I 9-17-03 j Lot 49 100 1 9-17-03 1 Lot 51 101 9-17-03 Lot 51 i DATIC: October 12, 2003 TEST RESULTS PROJECT NO: 522-2199 REPORT NO: 03-10-647 Elevation I Dry DensityI % Moisture I Relative I Maximum In Place In ?lace Compaction Density PG 103.8 PG 111.0 PG 111.4 PG 104.1 PG 105.4 PG I 102.9 PG 110.1 PG 111.5 PG 111.0 PG 109.1 PG 111.6 PG 105.3 PG 111.3 PG 110.8 PG 104.9 PG 108.4 PG 108.0 PG 102.5 PG. 1 110.1 PG j 111.6 PG I 111.3 PG 110.8 PG 105.4 PG 106.4 PG 104.2 PG ! 106.8 PG i 104.0 4.0 BPG 111.3 2.0 BPG 104.9 4.0 BPG ! 109.6 2.0 BPG 103.9 3 7.0 3.2 9.1 i 1.9 10.5 6.8 9.0 6.5 7.8 7.4 8.6 11.3 9.0 9.6 6.9 7.1 6.9 9.7 9.9 7.8 10.8 9.0 6.5 7.0 6.6 12.7 7.3 9.7 10.2 8.4 7.1 93 99 99 93 94 92 98 99 99 97 99 94 99 99 94 97 96 96 98 99 99 99 94 95 93 95 93 99 94 98 93 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 ShOden Engineering PROPJECT NAME: Hideaway LOCATION: La Quinta, California Test No . Date Tested Location TEST RESULTS PROJECT NO: 522-2199 REPORT NO: 03-10-647 Elevation Dry Density % Moisture i Relative I Maximum In Place , lnPlace 1, Compaction 1 Density SlarHen Engineering I Building Pads I I ! 1 Area M ! ` 10 2 6-25-03 Per Plan 6.0 BPG 106.6 10.9 I 95 112.0 103 i 6-25-03 Per Plan 6.0 BPG 106.5 4.9 95 112.0 104 ! 6-25-03 Per Plan 6.0 BPG 103.7 5.3 93 112.0 10 5 6-26-03 Lot 119 7.0 BPG 105.9 5.9 95 112.0 106 6-26-03 Lot 119 5.0 BPG 103.2 11.2 92 112.0 10-7 ! 6-26-03 Lot 118 7.0 BPG 101.5 I 5.4 90 112.0 108 ; 6-26-03 Lot 118 5.0 BPG 100.7 6.5 90 112.0 109 I 6-26-03 Lot 120 7.0 BPG 102.0 7.0 91 112.0 1 L 4 6-26-03 Lot 120 5.0 BPG 102.8 6.3 92 112.0 11 1 6-30-03 Lot 114 6.0 BPG 104.8 10.4 94 112.0 112 6-30-03 Lot 113 4.0 BPG 106.5 I 6.1 95 112.0 113 i 6-30-03 I Lot 111 4.0 BPG 108.4 10.4 97 112.0 114 I 7-07-03 1 Lot 99 6.0 BPG 106.2 4.0 95 I 112.0 115 ' 7-07-03 I Lot 99 4.0 BPG 101.8 6.3 91 112.0 116 7-07-03 Lot 97 5.0 BPG 105.3 4.7 94 I 112.0 117 7-07-03 Lot 97 3.0 BPG 102.7 9.7 92 112.0 11 8 7-07-03 Lot 118 5.0 BPG 100.9 8.7 90 112.0 119 I 7-07-03 Lot 118 3.0 BPG 101.2 10.2 90 112.0 120 7-07-03 Lot 116 6.0 BPG 100.5 8.1 1 90 112.0 121 j 7-07-03 Lot 116 4.0 BPG 1 6.2 102.0 'i 91 I 112.0 122 7-08-03 Lot 121 4.0 BPG 102.8 15.2 96 112.0 123 7-08-03 Lot 121 2.0 BPG 110.6 I 7.9 1 I 99 112.0 124 7-08-03 Lot 120 4.0 BPG 110.0 ' 9.6 i 98 112.0 125 7-08-03 i Lot 120 2.0 BPG 109.1 ( 7.2 97 112.0 126 7-08-03 Lot 119 4.0 BPG I 107.6 11.4 96 112.0 127 ! 7-08-03 Lot 119 2.0 BPG i 100.7 i 5.8 90 112.0 128 7-08-03 ! Lot 118 4.0 BPG 109.5 9.5 98 1112.0 129 7-08-03 Lot 118 2.0 BPG, 101.5 6.1 ! 91 112.0 130 7-08-03 i Lot 116 4.0 BPG 108.3 6.3 97 112.0 131 7-08-03 I Lot 116 2.0 BPG 1 100.9 6.9 90 1 112.0 132 ' 8-20-03 I Lot 98 2.0 BPG 105.2 ` 10.4 I 1 92 ! 112.0 133 8-20-03 ! Lot 100 2.0 BPG 111.0 ! 11.4 1 99 I 112.0 134 ! 8-20-03 I I Lot 96 2.0 BPG I I 111.6 I 11.6 I 1 99 ! 112.0 DATE: October 12, 2003 4 SlarHen Engineering TEST RESULTS PRO,JICT NAME: Hideaway PROJECT NO: 522-2199 LOCATION: La Quinta, California REPORT NO: 03-10-647 Test No _ Date Tested Location Elevation I Dr Density Densi % Iv.oisture Relative Maximum I i In PlaceI In Place I Compaction I Density i I Building Pads 5.0 BPG 4.0 BPG i Area M 135 8-21-03 Lot 69 136 8-21-03 Lot 71 13 "7 i 8-21-03 I Lot 73 138 i 8-21-03. Lot 74 139 j 8-21-03 I Lot 76 14-0 8-21-03 i Lot 57 14-1 8-21-03 Lot 59 14-2: 8-21-03 I Lot 60 14-3 8-21-03 Lot 61 14-4 I 8-21-03 Lot 63 145 8-29-03 Lot 65 146 8-29-03 Lot 64 14'7 8-29-03 Lot 63 148 ' 8-29-03 I Lot 62 149 8-29-03 Lot 61 150 9-03-03 Lot 60 151 9-03-03 Lot 59 152 9-03-03 Lot 58 153 9-03-03 Lot 57 154 9-03-03 I Lot 56 155 9-04-03 I Lot 55 156 9-04-03 j Lot 54 157 9-04-03. i Lot 53 158 9-04-03 Lot 52 Area N i 159 9-09-03 I Lot 1 160 'i 9-09-03 ! Lot 4 161 9-09-03 I Lot 8 Area K 162 i 9-09-03 I Lot 1 Area M 163 I 9-09-03 ' Lot 75 164 ', 9-09-03 i Lot 77 165 9-09-03 Lot 79 166 j 9-09-03 Lot ? i DATE: October 12, 2003 2.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 2.0 BPG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG 102.9 105.3 105.7 111.0 111.8 110.0 1'10.9 100.8 103.1 104.0 110.7 101.5 105.0 111.3 104.6 103.1 111.4 106.8 110.5 108.2 108.4 105.9 107.1 109.6 3.0 BPG I 103.8 5.0 BPG 4.0 BPG i 108.7 111.3 4.0 BPG II 114.1 5.0 BPG 105.E 3.0 BPG! 106.; 2.0 BPG 107.5 3.0 BPG I 111..1 5 9.7 11.8 12.4 11.7 11.1 11.3 7.2 8.0 7.6 6.9 8.0 10.6 9.7 10.2 10.9 8.1 8.3 6.8 7.9 7.1 6.9 11.6 9.1 7.6 9.6 8.4 11.9 5.5 10.5 9.9 11.1 9.9 92 94 94 99 99 98 99 90 92 93 99 91 94 99 93 92 95 95 99 97 97 95 96 98 93 97 99 99 94 95 96 99 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 Sladden Engineering TEST RESULTS PROW.IICT NAME: Hideaway LOCATION: La Quinta, California PROJECT NO: 522-2199 REPORT NO: 03-10-647 Test No - Date Tested I Location Elevation i Dry Density { % Moisture i Relative I Maximum In Place I In Place 1 Compaction I Density Building Pads 173 9-11-03. Lot 70 174 9-11-03 Lot 71 175 9-11-03 Lot 72 176 1 9-11-03 Lot 73 17'7 9-11-03 Lot 76 178 9-11-03 Lot 77 Area C 179 8-19-03 Lot 54 180 8-19-03 Lot 53 18 1 8-19-03 I Lot 52 18 2 8-19-03 Lot 51 183 8-19-03 Lot 50 184 8-19-03 Lot 49 185 8-19-03 Lot 48 186 8-19-03 Lot 47 187 8-19-03 Lot 46 188 8-19-03 Lot 45 189 8-19-03 I Lot 44 I 190 8-20-03 I Lot 42 191 8-20-03 Lot 4 192 8-20-03 Lot 4 193 8-20-03 Lot 3 194 8-20-03 Lot 3 195 8-20-03 1 Lot 6 196 i 8-20-03 Lot 6 197 i 8-20-03i Lot 6 198 8-20-03 1 Lot 6 199 I 8-20-03 1 Lot 5 200 8-20-03 Lot 5 201 8-20-03 1 Lot 5 202 8-20-03 ! Lot 5 I DATE: October 12, 2003 1 0 9 8 3 2 Area M 16'7 9-10-03 Lot 66 168 i 1 9-10-03 Lot 67 169 9-10-03 Lot 68 1701 9-10-03 Lot 69 17 1 j 9-10-03 Lot 74 172 9-10-03 Lot 75 173 9-11-03. Lot 70 174 9-11-03 Lot 71 175 9-11-03 Lot 72 176 1 9-11-03 Lot 73 17'7 9-11-03 Lot 76 178 9-11-03 Lot 77 Area C 179 8-19-03 Lot 54 180 8-19-03 Lot 53 18 1 8-19-03 I Lot 52 18 2 8-19-03 Lot 51 183 8-19-03 Lot 50 184 8-19-03 Lot 49 185 8-19-03 Lot 48 186 8-19-03 Lot 47 187 8-19-03 Lot 46 188 8-19-03 Lot 45 189 8-19-03 I Lot 44 I 190 8-20-03 I Lot 42 191 8-20-03 Lot 4 192 8-20-03 Lot 4 193 8-20-03 Lot 3 194 8-20-03 Lot 3 195 8-20-03 1 Lot 6 196 i 8-20-03 Lot 6 197 i 8-20-03i Lot 6 198 8-20-03 1 Lot 6 199 I 8-20-03 1 Lot 5 200 8-20-03 Lot 5 201 8-20-03 1 Lot 5 202 8-20-03 ! Lot 5 I DATE: October 12, 2003 1 0 9 8 3 2 0 PG 107.3 PG 111.2 PG 111.7 PG 106.3 PG I 106.6 PG 110.9 PG 107.4 PG 108.4 PG 103.9 PG 105.3 PG 111.6 PG 109.8 PG 103.1 PG 109.9 PG 110.9 PG 108.4 PG 108.8 PG 105.3 PG 105.3 PG 105.0 PG 108.5 PG I 107.3 PG I 106..2 PG 111.2 PG 101.7 PG 104.3 PG 107.7 PG 106.4 PG I 103.3 PG 102.0 PG j 109.7 PG 106.2. PG i 107.5 PG 108.E PG 103.4 PG 111.3 6.1 6.4 8.9 6.7 12.9 6.8 8.1 8.3 10.4 10.6 7.6 11.5 6.2 7.2 8.6 9.8 6.7 7.2 7.8 8.0 10.2 9.2 10.0 5.1 6.7 6.1 5.7 7.1 7.6 4.4 6.8 6.4 9.6 8.0 7.1 6.3 96 99 99 95 95 99 96 97 93 94 99 94 92 98 99 97 97 94 94 94 97 96 95 99 91 93 96 95 92 91 98 95 96 97 93 99 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 Sladden Engineering 1 9 6 5 0 PG 107.3 PG 111.2 PG 111.7 PG 106.3 PG I 106.6 PG 110.9 PG 107.4 PG 108.4 PG 103.9 PG 105.3 PG 111.6 PG 109.8 PG 103.1 PG 109.9 PG 110.9 PG 108.4 PG 108.8 PG 105.3 PG 105.3 PG 105.0 PG 108.5 PG I 107.3 PG I 106..2 PG 111.2 PG 101.7 PG 104.3 PG 107.7 PG 106.4 PG I 103.3 PG 102.0 PG j 109.7 PG 106.2. PG i 107.5 PG 108.E PG 103.4 PG 111.3 6.1 6.4 8.9 6.7 12.9 6.8 8.1 8.3 10.4 10.6 7.6 11.5 6.2 7.2 8.6 9.8 6.7 7.2 7.8 8.0 10.2 9.2 10.0 5.1 6.7 6.1 5.7 7.1 7.6 4.4 6.8 6.4 9.6 8.0 7.1 6.3 96 99 99 95 95 99 96 97 93 94 99 94 92 98 99 97 97 94 94 94 97 96 95 99 91 93 96 95 92 91 98 95 96 97 93 99 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 Sladden Engineering TEST RESULTS PRO JCCT NAME: Hideaway LOCATION: La Quinta, California PROJECT NO: 522-2199 REPORT NO: 03-10-647 Test No. j Date Tested Location Elevation Dry Density i% Nfoisture Relative I Maximum I I In Place In Place Compaction Density Building Pads Area C 20P3 ! 8-20-03 Lot 55 PG 109.6 7.8 1 98 112.0 2D4 1 8-20-03 Lot 43 PG 110.8 4.3 99 112.0 2D5 8-21-03 Lot 19 PG 110.7 13.8 99 ' 112.0 206 8-21-03 Lot 18 PG 110.1 12.9 98 112.0 2O'7 ' 8-21-03 Lot 17 PG i 103.3 11.7 I 92 112.0 208 8-21-03 Lot 16 PG i 105.0 11.4 94 112.0 209 ! 8-21-03 Lot 15 PG 111.7 12.7 99 112.0 21-01 8-21-03 Lot 14 PG 111.4 12.0 99 j 112.0 I 21 1 8-22-03 Lot 20 PG 105.0 12.8 94 112.0 212 8-22-03 Lot 21 PG 106.4 11.3 95 112.0 213 8-22-03 Lot 22 PG 108.5 13.7 97 112.0 2141 8-22-03 Lot 23 PG 106.9 11.6 95 112.0 215 I 8-22-03 I Lot 24 PG 105.4 9.3 94 112.0 216 8-22-03 Lot 25 PG 104.0 8.1 93 112.0 217 8-22-03 Lot 26 PG 108.8 8.5 97 I 112.0 218 8-22-03 Lot 27 PG 111.3 9..1 99 112.0 2 19 8-22-03 Lot 28 PG 105.0 11.3 94 112.0 220 8-22-03 Lot 29 PG 101.7 I 10.6 91 112.0 221 8-22-03 Lot 30 PG 111.8 9.2 99 112.0 222 8-22-03 Lot 31 PG 107.6 8.9 96 112.0 1 Area N 223 I 8-26-03 Lot 16 4.0 BPG I 102.6 9.7 92 112.0 224 I 8-26-03 Lot 13 4.0 BPG 101.7 I 13.0 i 91 i 112.0 225 1! 8-26-03 Lot 8 4.0 BPG 105.7 15.3 94 1 112.0 226 9-03-03 Lot 21 2.0 BPG I 101.2 8.1 I 90 112.0 227 I 9-03-03 Lot 17 2.0 BPG 105.7 9.3 94 112.0 228 ! 9-03-03 Lot 13 2.0 BPG 105.3 10.8 94 112.0 229 9-03-03 I i Lot 11 2.0 BPG 106.9 10.7 95 112.0 230 ' 9-03-03 Lot 8 2.0 BPG 104.0 15.3 93 112.0 231 9-03-03 Lot 26 4.0 BPG' 102.4 i 12.4 i 91 i 112.0 232 1 9-03-03 Lot 31 4.0 BPG i 103 1 i 9.0 93 112.0 233 1 9-03-03 Lot 35 4.0 BPG 1064 1 8.9 95 112.0 234 9-03-03 i Lot 38 4.0 BPG 1 105.6 i 8.4 I 94 i 112.0 235 9-03-03 Lot 33 4.0 BPG':, 10.3 I i 13.4 i 93 112.0 DATE: October 12, 2003 7 Sladrlen Engineering TEST RESULTS PROECT NAME: Hideaway LOCATION: La Quinta, California PROJECT NO: 522-2199 REPORT NO: 03-10-647 Test NcD Date Tested 1 Location Elevation i Dry h' Densi % Iv_oisture ! Relative I Maximum In Place In Place I Compaction I Density i 23 6 9-17-03 23 7 ; 9-17-03 23 8 9-17-03 23 9 j 9-17-03 2401 9-17-03 I 241' 9-17-03 2421 9-17-03 243 9-17-03 244 9-17-03 245 9-17-03 2461 9-17-03 24'71 9-19-03 248 9-19-03 249 9-19-03 250 ; 9-19-03 251 9-19-03 252 9-19-03 253 9-19-03 254 9-19-03 255 9-19-03 256 I 9-19-03 257 9-19-03 258 I 9-23-03 259 I 9-23-03 260 9-23-03 261 I 9-23-03 262 j 9-23-03 263 j 9-23-03 264 I 9-23-03 265 ; 9-23-03 266 9-23-03 267 i 9-23-03 268 1 9-23-03 269 9-23-03 270 9-23-03 271 9-23-03 Building Pads Area L Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Area N Lot 34 Lot 33 Lot 31 Lot 30 Lot 29 Lot 28 Lot 17 Lot 27 Lot 26 Lot.25 Lot 24 Lot 23 Lot 22 Lot 21 Lot 20 Lot 19 Lot 18 Lot 6 Lot 5 Lot 4 Lot 3 Lot 2 Lot 1 Lot 16 Lot 15 Lot 14 Lot 13 Lot 12 Lot 11 Lot 10 Lot 9 DATE: October 12, 2003 �y PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG 108.0 107.5 110.1 111.6 111.3 110.8 105.4 106.4 104.2 106.8 104.0 109.7 110.6 111.8 111.3 111.9 109.7 106.4 111.1 111.4 107.5 101.4 108.9 103.7 i 108.8 111.8 106.8 106.3 I 103.8 I 106.5 I 111.6 111.5 109.2 111.9 j 107.4 111.3 6.9 9.7 9.9 7.8 10.8 9.0 6.5 7.0 6.6 12.7 7.3 5.4 7.4 9.0 6.2 6.8 6.6 5.8 7.8 4.5 4.9 12.6 6.8 5.5 4.2 6.7 5.1 8.7 6.0 5.4 4.3 5.2 6.2 9.4 11.4 7.9 96 96 98 99 99 99 94 95 93 95 93 98 99 99 99 99 98 95 99 99 96 91 97 92 97 99 95 93 93 95 99 99 98 99 96 99 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112:0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0. 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 j 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 i Sladden Engineering TEST RESULTS PR(JJICT NAME: Hideaway LOCATION: La Quinta, California PROJECT NO: 522-2199 REPORT NO: 03-10-647 Test No. Date Tested I Location Elevation I Dry Density I % I4ioisture I Relative I Maximum In Place In Place I Compaction Density i 272 9-23-03 27 3 9-23-03 274 7-15-03 275 .� 7-15-03 276 7-15-03 277 7-15-03 278 7-15-03 279 I 7-15-03 290 1 7-16-03 281 7-16-03 282 I 7-16-03 283 ; 7-16-03 284 I 7-16-03 28'5 7-16-03 286 i 7-16-03 287 7-16-03 288 7-16-03 289 7-16-03 290 7-18-03 291 I 7-18-03 292 7-18-03 293 7-18-03 94 102.0 294 ( 7-18-03 295 I 7-18-03 ! 100.8 296 7-24-03 297 7-24-03 298 7-24-03 299 I 7-24-03 300 7=24-03 301 7-24-03 302 7-24-03 303 i 7-24-03 3 04 j 7-24-03 305 7-24-03 306 7-24-03 DATIE: October 12, Building Pads Area N Lot 8 Lot 7 Area O Lot 8 Lot 8 Lot 10 Lot 10 Lot 12 Lot 12 Lot 1 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 4 Lot 7 Lot 7 Lot 14 Lot 14 Lot 16 Lot 16 Lot 18 Lot 18. Lot 9 Lot 9 Lot 11 Lot 11 j Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 16 Lot 17 Lot 19 ,003 PG PG 6.0 BPG 4.0 BPG 6.0 BPG 4.0 BPG 6.0 BPG 4.0 BPG 5.0 BPG 3.0 BPG 5.0 BPG 3.0 BPG 5.0 BPG 3.0 BPG 6.0 BPG 4.0 BPG 6.0 BPG 4.0 BPG 5.0 BPG 3.0 BPG 6.0 BPG 4.0 BPG 6.0 BPG 4.0 BPG 4.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 4.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 4.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 5.0 BPG 5.0 BPG 9 110.7 I 5.4 99 110.9 7.6 i 99 105.3 8.0 94 102.0 7.9 91 103.1 I 6.8 92 100.8 9.3 90 102.8 7.8 92 101.0 9.2 90 101.6 8.1 91 102.8 7.8 92 104.9 9.9 94 100.7 7.2 I 90 106.1 7.0 1 95 101.8 5.4 i 91 104.3 6.7 93 100.4 5.4 i 90 105.3 7.9 94 103.0 8.3 92 103.4 7.4 92 108.4 12.6 97 101.7 I 16.1 I 91 100.4 1 14.1 90 105.2 I 6.3 94 100.8 15.6 I 90 107.3 12.3 96 103.0 11.7 92 109.6 I 8.4 98 107.3 9.1 ! 96 1 105.7 j 10.4 ; 94 109.E. 9.6 98 104.E i 9.2 I 93 100. D 18.2 90 100-4 17.9 90 10019 ! 13.9 1 90 100.3 19.2 90 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 .112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 1 112.0 1 112.0 j 112.0 I 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 I i 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 . 112.0 112.0 j 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 Sladden Engineering TEST RESULTS PRCh JFCT NAME: Hideaway PROJECT NO: 522-2199 LOCATION: La Quinta, California REPORT NO: 03-10-647 Test No . Date Tested Location Elevation Dry Density % Moisture � Relative Maximum i In Place i In; Place 1 Compaction I Density 30 - I 7-28-03 308 7-28-03 3 D 9 7-28-03 3L 0 7-31-03 3L 1 7-31-03 31_2 7-31-03 313 7-31-03 314 7-31-03 315 7-31-03 316 7-31-03 317 7-31-03 3 1 8 I 7-31-03 319 7-31-03 320 ; 8-01-03 321 8-01-03 322 323 I 8-01-03 8-01-03 324 8-04-03 325 8-04-03 326. 8-04-03 327 i 8-04-03 328 i 8-04-03 329 I 8-05-03 330 8-05-03 331 I 8-05-03 332 8-05-03 3 33 I 8-05-03 334 ; 8-05-03 335 j 8-05-03 336 ; 8-05-03 337 ! 8-05-03 338 8-05-03 Building Pads Area O Lot 30 Lot 28 Lot 26 Lot 30 Lot 30 Lot 28 Lot 28 Lot 26 Lot 26 Lot 24 Lot 24 Lot 22 lot 22 Lot 29 Lot 26 Lot 23 Lot 20 Lot 2 Lot 4 Lot 6 Lot 8 Lot 1 i DATE: October 12, 2003 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 6.0 BPG 6.0 BPG 6.0 BPG 4.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 5.0 BPG 3.0 BPG 5.0 BPG 3.0 BPG 4.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 3.0 BPG 1.0 BPG 3.0 BPG 3.0 BPG 3.0 BPG 3.0 BPG 2.0 BPG 1.5 BPG 2.5 BPG 2.0 BPG 3.0 BPG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG 10 104.8 102.6 106.5 108.0 104.0 105.5 101.7 102.7 100.4 103.3 100.8 107.7 104.2 111.3 109.4 110.2 108.7 111.3 101.0 104.7 105.3 103.8 105.6 100.8 101.1 107.5 104.8 102.2 i 102.5 103.0 i 102.,L i 106.1) 14.6 7.9 18.3 5.0 7.2 13.8 11.6 5.6 6.0 16.4 11.7 16.7 14.0 14.2 15.3 14.4 16.4 11.5 14.0 12.3 10.5 11.7 6.0 7.3 9.0 12.5 12.4 8.7 7.3 9.0 8.9 10.9 94 92 95 96 93 94 91 92 90 92 90 96 93 99 98 98 97 99 90 93 94 93 94 90 90 96 94 91 92 92 91 95 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 1 112.0 Sladden Engineering TEST RESULTS PRO DICT NAME: Hideaway PROJECT NO: 522-2199 LOCATION: La Quinta, California REPORT NO: 03-10-647 Test No. Date Tested i Location Elevation Dry Density I % 144oisture i Relative Maximum In Place Ir. Place Compaction Density DATE: October 12, 2003 6.5 7.2 7.3 8.8 12.4 13.6 9.1 8.9 7.9 11.8 9.3 5.2 8.6 10.7 6.3 15.7 8.7 8.0 9.7 10.2 10.6 10.0 9.5 10.9 14.3 7.3 10.5 12.4 13.6 14.0 8.8 9.6 10.0 11.5 12.4 92 95 94 93 96 97 92 94 92 95 93 91 99 93 91 94 99 93 97 93 96 96 93 91 99 92 92 90 91 93 91 91 92 91 90 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 Sla(lrlen Engineering Pads I iBuilding Area O 33 9 8-06-03 Lot 9 PG 102.5 34-0: 8-06-03 Lot 10 PG 106.6 34 1 I 8-06-03 Lot 4 PG 104.8 342 i 8-06-03 Lot 3 PG 104.7 343 ! 8-06-03 Lot 2 PG 107.7 344 ! 8-06-03 Lot 1 PG 108.2 i 345 8-13-03 Lot 25 PG 102.9 346 ! 8-13-03 Lot 24 PG 105.5 347 8-13-03 Lot 23 PG 103.2 3,481 8-13-03 Lot 22 PG 100.4 3491 8-13-03 Lot 21 PG 104.5 350 8-13-03 Lot 20 PG 102.0 35 L 8-13-03 Lot 19 PG 110.9 3521 8-13-03 Lot 18- PG 104.1 353 i 8-13-03 Lot 17 PG 102.0 354 8-14-03 Lot 26 PG 104.7 355 8-14-03 Lot 27 PG 111.4 356 8-14-03 Lot 28 PG 104.5 i 357 1 8-15-03 Lot 30 PG 108.9 358 ; 8-15-03 Lot 29 PG 104.0 ! 359 8-18-03 Lot 37 3.0 BPG ! 107.5 360 i 8-18-03 I Lot 45 3.0 BPG I 107.1 3 61 ; 8-18-03 Lot 43 3.0 BPG 103.5 362 ! 8-18-03 Lot 41 3.0 BPG 102.2 363 8-18-03 i Lot 39 3.0 BPG 110.41 Area P 364 8-06-03 Lot 35 4.0 BPG 102.6 365 ! 8-06-03 Lot 35 2.0 BPG 103.5 3 66 1 8-06-03 Lot 34 3.0 BPG 100.8 367 8-06-03 Lot 34 1.5 BPG 101 5 368 ; 8-06-03 j Lot 36 3.5 BPG 104.0 369 ': 8-06-03 Lot 36 2.0 BPG 101.8 3 70 8-06-03 Lot 33 3.5 BPG ; 101.6 371 ' 8-06-03 Lot 33 1.5 BPG 103.2 3 72 8-06-03 j Lot 32 3.0 BPG ! 102.3 373 ' 8-06-03 Lot 31 2.0 BPG 101.3 DATE: October 12, 2003 6.5 7.2 7.3 8.8 12.4 13.6 9.1 8.9 7.9 11.8 9.3 5.2 8.6 10.7 6.3 15.7 8.7 8.0 9.7 10.2 10.6 10.0 9.5 10.9 14.3 7.3 10.5 12.4 13.6 14.0 8.8 9.6 10.0 11.5 12.4 92 95 94 93 96 97 92 94 92 95 93 91 99 93 91 94 99 93 97 93 96 96 93 91 99 92 92 90 91 93 91 91 92 91 90 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 Sla(lrlen Engineering TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Hideaway LOCATION: La Quinta, California PROJECT NO: 522-2199 REPORT NO: 03-10-647 Test No. ; Date Tested I Location Elevation Dry Density % I✓Ioisture Relative I Maximum j In Place In Place Compaction Density Building Pads Area P 374:; 8-27-03 Lot 41 PG 104.2 i 9.0 ! 93 112.0 375 8-27-03 Lot 42 PG I 105.7 13.9 94 ! 112.0- 12.0376 376 8-27-03 Lot 43 PG 103.0 9.8 92 112.0 377 8-27-.03 Lot 44 PG 102.8 6.7 92 112.0 378 8-27-03 i Lot 45 PG 104.3 8.1 93 112.0 379 8-27-03 I Lot 46 PG 103.9 10.2 93 112.0 380 8-29-03 Lot 39 PG 106.5 I I 7.5 I 95 112.0 381 8-29-03 Lot 40 PG 104.3 7.9 93 1 112.0 382 8-29-03 Lot 47 PG 102.8 6.4 92 I 112.0 383 8-29-03 Lot 48 PG 105.5 5.4 94 112.0 384 8-29-03 Lot 49 PG 101.7 I 6.3 91 I 112.0 385 8-29-03 Lot 50 PG 103.9 9.3 93 i 112.0 386 8-29-03 Lot 51 PG 111.2 9.1 99 112.0 387 8-29-03 Lot 52 PG 111.4 12.5 99 I 112.0 388 8-29-03 I Lot 53 PG 110.7 7 11.6 ( 99 I 112.0 389 8-29-03 Lot 54 PG 104.9 6.2 94 112.0 390 8-29-03 I Lot 55 PG I 102.8 I 5.6 I 92 112.0 BPG - Below Pad Grade PG - Pad Grade DATE: October 12, 2003 12 Slrulden Engineering OSladden Engineering 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 FEx (714) 523-1369 39-725 Garand Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895 October 3, 2003 ND La Quinta Partners, LLC 51-100 Avenue 53 La Quinta, California 92253 Attention: Mr. Dan Williams Project: The Hideaway - Area D Via Pontito La Quinta, California Subject: Report of Observations and Testing During Fine Grading Project No. 544-2199 03-10-638 Ref: Geotechnical Investigation Report prepared by Earth Systems Southwest dated April 11, 2001; File No. 08119-01, Report No. 04-04-716 Report of Testing and Observation During Rough Grading prepared by ESS dated August 28, 2002, File No. 07117-11, Report No. 01-07-7'8 Geotechnical Update prepared by Sladden Engineering dated May 13, 2003, Project No. 522-2199, Report No. 03-04-225. Summarized in this report are the results of in-place density tests pe -formed at the subject site during the fine grading of the building pads along with pertinent observations. The subject lots are located along Via Pontito within the northern portion of the Hideaway project site in the City of La Quinta, California. Fine grading was performed by Nuevo Engiineering using conventional heavy equipment. The previously rough graded building pad areas were watered and tl-.e surface was recompacted with heavy equipment. Areas that extend beyond the previously rough graded pads were overexcavated to the revised building envelopes. Additional overexcavation was required on lots 2,3,9, 10, and 11. Soils obtained from other areas of the Hideaway pr.)ject site were placed in thin lifts at near optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 Percent relative compaction. The fine grading was performed as recommended in the referenced. Geotechnical Update report prepared by Sladden Engineering. Observations and field testing was performed from September 4, 2003 through September 9, 2003. Testing indicates that a minimum of 90 Percent relative compaction was attained in the areas tested. The passing test results indicate compliance with the project specifications at the tested locations and depths but are no guarantee or warranty of the contractors work. October 3, 2003 -2- Project No. 522-2199 03-10-638 Field Tests: In-place moisture/density tests were performed using a nuclear density gauge in accordance with test methods ASTM D 2922 and ASTM D 3017. A total of 19 density tests were performed. The approximate test locations are indicated on the attached p.an and test results are summarized on the attached data sheets. Laboratory Tests: The moisture -density relationships for the tested mat. -rials were determined in the laboratory in accordance with test method ASTM D 1557-91. Allowable Bearing Pressures: The structural values recommended in the Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Sladden Engineering remain applicable for use in foundation design. Conventional shallow spread footings should be bottomed into properly compacted fill material a minimum of 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade. Continucus footings should be at least 12 inches wide and isolated pad footings should be at least 2 feet wide. Continuous footings and isolated pad footings should be designed utilizing allowable bearirg pressures of 1800 psf and 2000 .psf, respectively. The recommended allowable bearing pressures may be increased by one-third for wind and seismic loading. The bearing soils are non -expansive and fall within the "very low" expansion category in accordance with Uniform Building Code (UBC) classification criteria. If there are any questions regarding this report or the testing summarized herein, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted SLADDEN ENGINEERING ePoVEssioA, ANO F� 2 Z m Brett L. Ande so M LLJ Principal Engineer cc No. C 45389 Exp. 9/30I06 Grading/pc s��TF CWk OFC pL�F0er Copies 4/ND La Quinta Partners, LLC TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Hideaway -Area D PROJECT NO: 522-2199 LOCATION: La Quinta, California REPORT NO: 03-10-638 Test No.I Date Tested Location Elevation Dry Density % Moisture I Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction I Densitv DATE: October 3, 2003 Slatlden Engineering Building Pads -Via Pontito 1 9-04-03 Lot 9/10 3.0 BPG 101.4 7.5 91 112.0 2 9-04-03 Lot 10/11 3.0 BPG 103.7 12.6 93 112.0 3 9-05-03 Lot 2/3 4.0 BPG 105.4 9.8 94 112.0 4 9-05-03 Lot 2/3 2.0 BPG 100.9 10.1 90 112.0 5 9-05-03 Lot 10 4.0 BPG 111.3 9.9 99 112.0 6 9-05-03 Lot 10 2.0 BPG 105.0 8.7 94 112.0 7 9-08-03 Lot 6 PG 108.3 6.7 97 112.0 8 9-08-03 Lot 7 PG 108.6 5.0 97 112.0 9 9-08-03 Lot 8 PG 105.4 9.2 94 112.0 10 9-08-03 Lot 9 PG 107.1 6.4 96 112.0 11 9-08-03 Lot 10 PG 103.9 4.9 93 112.0 12 9-08-03 Lot 11 PG 106.2 5.4 95 112.0 13 9-08-03 Lot 12 PG 107.4 5.5 96 112.0 14 9-08-03 ! Lot 13 PG 110.9 8.2 99 112.0 15 9-09-03 Lot 5 PG 117.0 11.1 99 112.0 16 9-09-03 Lot 4 PG 106.7 12.4 95 112.0 17 9-09-03 Lot 3 PG 111.0 11.1 99 112.0 18 9-09-03 Lot 2 PG 109.3 11.1 98 112.0 19 i 9-09-03 i Lot 1 PG 110.7 9.9 99 112.0 DATE: October 3, 2003 Slatlden Engineering 'FM 0� Patel Burica & Associates, Inc. ' structural engineering I � Soils Report Excerpts 11 r LI 832 W. Town & Country Road • Orange, California 92868 Tel: 714.547.1115 • Fax: 714.547.1141 • www.PBAstructural.com ' JEarth Systems Consultants .-JSOuthwest 79-811B Country Club Drive ' Bermuda. Dunes, CA 92201 (760)345-1588 (800)924-7015 FAX (760) 345-7315 September 22, 2000 File No.: 07117-10 00-09-772 Country Club of the Desert ' P.O. Box 980 La Quinta, California 92253 Attention: Ms. Aimee Grana Project: Country Club of the Desert, Phase I ' La Quinta, California Subject: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT Dear Ms. Grana: ' We take pleasure to present this Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared for the proposed Phase I of the Country Club of the Desert to be located between 52nd and 54th Avenues, and Jefferson and Madison Streets in the City of La Quinta, California. This report presents our findings and recommendations for site grading and foundation design, incorporating the tentative information supplied to our office. This report should stand as a whole, and no part of the report should be excerpted or used to the exclusion of any other part. This report completes our scope of services in accordance with our agreement, dated August 22, 2000. Other services that may be required, such as plan review and grading observation are additional services and will be billed according to the 'Fee Schedule in effect at the time services are provided. Unless requested in writing; the client is responsible to distribute this report to the appropriate governing agency or other members of the design team. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our professional services. Please contact our office if there are any questions or comments concerning this report or its recommendations. Respectfully submitted, EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS QaOFESSI Southwest N L. ST q� q,Z Fyc r Gl z No. 2266 rn Exp, 6.30-04 Shelton L. Stringer J;' C ' GE 2266 !9 �OTECwA N_�Q lFOF CALW SERIsls/dac Distribution: 6/Country Club of the Desert t/VTA File 2/BD File September 22, 2000 - 10 - File No.: 07117-10 00-09=772 Estimate of PGA and EPA from 1996 CDMG/USGS Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Ma Equivalent Return Approximate Risk Period (years) PGA ) ' EPA ) Z 10% exceedance in 50 ears 475 0.49 0.45 Notes: 1. Based on a soft rock site, Swc and soil amplification factor of 1.0 for Soil Profile Type Sp. 2. Spectral'acceleration (SA) at period of 0.3 seconds divided by 2.5 for 5% damping, as defined by the Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC, 1996). 1997 UBC Seismic Coefficients: The Uniform Building Code (UBC) seismic design are based on a Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) that has an earthquake ground motion with a 10% probability of occurrence in 50 years. The PGA and EPA estimates given above are provided for information on the seismic risk inherent in the UBC design. The following lists the seismic and site coefficients given in Chapter 16 of the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC). 1997 UBC Seismic Coefficients for Chapter 16 Seismic Provisions I,] 1] Reference Figure 16-2 Table 16-I Table 16-J Table 16-U (San Andreas Fault) Table 16-S Table 16-T Table 16-Q .Table 16-R Seismic Zoning: The Seismic Safety Element of the 1984 Riverside County General Plan establishes groundshaking hazard zones. The majority of the project area is mapped, in Ground Shaking Zone IIB.. Ground Shaking Zones are based on distance from causative faults and underlying soil types. The site does not lie within the Liquefaction Hazard area established by this Seismic Safety Element. These groundshaking hazard zones are used in deciding suitability of land use. 2000 IBC "Seismic Coefficients: For comparative purposes, the newly released 2000 International Building Code (IBC) seismic and site coefficients are given in Appendix A. As of the issuance of this report, we are unaware when governing jurisdictions may adopt or modify the IBC provisions. EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST AZ Seismic Zone: 4 Seismic Zone Factor, Z: 0.4 Soil Profile Type: Sp Seismic Source Type: A Closest Distance to Known Seismic Source: 9.8 km = 6.1 miles Near Source Factor, Na: 1.01 Near Source Factor, Nv: Seismic Coefficient, Ca: 1.22 0.44 = 0.44Na Seismic Coefficient, Cv: 0.78 = 0.64Nv I,] 1] Reference Figure 16-2 Table 16-I Table 16-J Table 16-U (San Andreas Fault) Table 16-S Table 16-T Table 16-Q .Table 16-R Seismic Zoning: The Seismic Safety Element of the 1984 Riverside County General Plan establishes groundshaking hazard zones. The majority of the project area is mapped, in Ground Shaking Zone IIB.. Ground Shaking Zones are based on distance from causative faults and underlying soil types. The site does not lie within the Liquefaction Hazard area established by this Seismic Safety Element. These groundshaking hazard zones are used in deciding suitability of land use. 2000 IBC "Seismic Coefficients: For comparative purposes, the newly released 2000 International Building Code (IBC) seismic and site coefficients are given in Appendix A. As of the issuance of this report, we are unaware when governing jurisdictions may adopt or modify the IBC provisions. EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST AZ September 22, 2000 - 11 - File No.: 07117-10 00-09-772 Section 4 ' CONCLUSIONS The.following is a summary of our conclusions and professional opinions based on the data ' obtained from a review of selected technical literature and the site evaluation. ➢ The primary geologic hazard relative to site development is severe ground shaking from earthquakes originating on. nearby faults. In our opinion, a major seismic event originating on the local segment of the San Andreas Fault zone would be the most likely cause of significant earthquake activity at the site within the estimated design life of the ' proposed development. ➢ The project site is in seismic Zone 4 as defined in the Uniform Building Code. A qualified professional who is aware of the site seismic setting should design any ' permanent structure constructed on the site. ➢ Ground subsidence from seismic events or hydroconsolidation is a potential hazard in the Coachella Valley area. Adherence to the following grading and structural recommendations should reduce potential settlement problems from seismic forces, heavy rainfall or irrigation, flooding, and the weight of the intended structures.' ➢ The soils are susceptible to wind and water erosion. Preventative measures to minimize seasonal flooding and erosion should be incorporated into site grading plans. Dust control should also be implemented during construction. ➢ Other geologic hazards including ground rupture, liquefaction, seismically induced ' flooding, and landslides are considered low or negligible on this site. ➢ The upper soils were found to be relatively loose to medium dense silty sand to sandy silt overlying layers of clayey soils. In our opinion, the soils within building and structural areas will require over excavation and recompaction to improve .bearing capacity and reduce settlement from static loading. Soils should be readily cut by normal grading equipment. ➢ .Earth Systems Consultants Southwest (ESCSW) should provide geotechnical engineering services during project design, site development, excavation, grading, and foundation construction phases of the work. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications, and recommendations, and to allow design changes in the event that ' subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. Plans and specifications should be provided to ESCSW prior to grading. Plans should include the grading plans, foundation plans, and foundation details. Preferably, structural loads should be shown on the foundation plans. EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST /� September 22, 2000 - 14 - File No.: 07117-10 00-09-772 ' Stability of Graded Slo es 5.3 Slope S ty p Unprotected, permanent graded slopes should not be steeper than 3:1 (horizontal:vertical) to reduce wind and rain erosion. Protected slopes with ground cover may be as steep as 2:1. However, maintenance with motorized equipment may not be possible at this inclination. Fill ' slopes should be overfilled and trimmed back to competent material. Where slopes heights exceed 20 feet, with 2:1 (horizontal: vertical), slopes, post -construction engineering calculations should be performed to evaluate the stability using shear strength values obtained from soils ' composing the slopes.. Erosion control measures should be considered for slopes steeper than 3:1 until the final ground cover (i.e., grass turf) is established. STRUCTURES In our professional opinion, the structure foundation can be supported on shallow foundations ' bearing on a zone of properly prepared and compacted soils placed as recommended in Section 5.1. The recommendations that follow are based on very low expansion category soils with the upper 3 feet of subgrade. 5.4 Foundations Footing design of widths, depths, and reinforcing are the responsibility of the Structural Engineer, considering the structural loading and the geotechnical parameters given in this report. A minimum footing depth of 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade should be maintained. A representative of ESCSW should observe foundation excavations prior to placement of reinforcing steel or concrete. Any loose soil or construction debris should be removed from footing excavations prior to placement of concrete. Conventional Spread Foundations: Allowable soil bearing pressures are given below for foundations bearing on recompacted soils as described in Section 5.1. Allowable bearing pressures are net (weight of footing and soil surcharge may be neglected). ➢ Continuous wall foundations, .12 -incl) minimum width and 12 inches below grade: ' 1500 psf for dead plus design live loads Allowable increases of 300 psf per each foot of additional footing width and 300 psf for each additional 0.5 foot of footing depth may be used up to a maximum value of 3000 psf, ➢ Isolated ad foundations 2 x 2 foot minimum in plan and 18 inches below grade: p 2000 psf for dead plus design live loads ' Allowable increases of 200 psf per each foot of additional footing width and 400 psf for each additional 0.5 foot of footing depth may be used up to a maximum value of 3000 psf. A one-third (1/3) increase in the bearing pressure may be used when calculating resistance to wind or seismic loads. The allowable bearing values indicated are based on the anticipated maximum loads stated in Section 1.1 of this report. If the anticipated loads exceed these values, the geotechnical engineer must reevaluate the allowable bearing values and the grading requirements. EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST A-4 September 22, 2000 -15 - File No.: 07117-10 00-09-772 ' Minimum reinforcement for continuous wall footings should be two, No. 4 steel reinforcing bars, placed near the top and the bottom of the footing. This reinforcing is not intended to supersede any structural requirements provided by the structural engineer. Expected Settlement: Estimated total static settlement, based on footings founded on firm soils ' as recommended, should be less than 1 inch. Differential settlement between exterior and interior bearing members should be less than 1/2 -inch. ' Frictional and Lateral'Coefficients: Lateral loads may be resisted by soil friction on the base of foundations and by passive resistance of the soils acting on foundation walls. An allowable coefficient of friction of 0.35 of dead load may be used. An allowable passive equivalent fluid pressure of 250 pcf may also be used. These values include a factor of safety of 1.5. Passive resistance -and frictional resistance may be used in combination if the friction coefficient is reduced to 0.23 of dead load forces. A one-third (1/3) increase in the passive pressure may be used when calculating resistance to wind or seismic loads. Lateral passive resistance is based on the assumption that any required backfill adjacent to foundations is properly compacted. 5.5 Slabs -on -Grade Subarade: Concrete slabs -on -grade and flatwork should be supported by compacted soil placed in accordance with Section 5.1 of this report. Vapor Barrier: In areas of moisture sensitive floor coverings, an appropriate vapor barrier should ' be installed to reduce moisture transmission from the subgrade soil to the slab. For these areas an impermeable membrane (10 -mil moisture barrier) should underlie the floor slabs. The membrane should be covered with 2 inches of sand to help protect it during construction and to ' aide in concrete curing. The sand should be lightly moistened just prior to placing the concrete. Low -:slump concrete should be used to help reduce the potential for concrete shrinkage. The effectiveness of the moisture barrier is dependent upon its quality, method of overlapping, its tprotection during construction, and the successful sealing of the barrier around utility lines. Slab thickness and reinforcement: Slab thickness and reinforcement of slab -on -grade are contingent on the recommendations of the structural engineer or architect and the expansion index of the supporting soil. Based upon our findings, a modulus of subgrade reaction of approximately 200 pounds per cubic inch can be used in concrete slab design for the expected very low expansion subgrade. Concrete slabs and flatwork should be a minimum of 4 inches thick. We suggest that the concrete slabs be reinforced, as specified by the project structural engineer, to resist cracking. Concrete floor slabs may either be monolithically placed with the foundations or doweled after footing placement. The thickness and reinforcing given are not intended to supersede any structural requirements provided by the structural engineer. The project architect or geotechnical engineer should observe all reinforcing steel in slabs during placement of concrete to check for proper location within the slab. Control Joints: Control joints should be provided in all concrete slabs -on -grade at a maximum spacing of 36 times the slab thickness (12 feet maximum on -center, each way) as recommended by American Concrete Institute (ACI) guidelines. All joints should form approximately square ' EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST September 22, 2000 - 16- Fide No.: 07117-10 00-09-772 patterns to reduce the potential for randomly oriented, contraction cracks. Contraction joints in the slabs should be tooled at the time of the pour or saw cut (1/4 of slab depth) within 8 hours of concrete placement. Construction (cold) joints should consist of thickened butt joints with one- half inch dowels at 18 -inches on center or a thickened keyed joint to resist vertical deflection at the joint. All construction joints in exterior flatwork should be sealed to reduce the potential of moisture or foreign material intrusion. These procedures will reduce the potential for randomly oriented cracks, but may not prevent them from occurring. Curing and Quality Control: The contractor should take precautions to reduce the potential of curling of slabs in this and desert region using proper batching, placement, and curing methods. Curing is highly effected by temperature, wind, and humidity. Quality control procedures may be used including trial batch mix designs, batch plant inspection, and on-site special inspection and testing. Typically, for this type of construction and using 2500 -psi concrete, many of these quality control procedures are not required. 5.6 Retaining Walls The following table presents lateral earth pressures for use in retaining wall design. The values are given as equivalent fluid pressures without surcharge loads or hydrostatic pressure. Lateral Pressures and Sliding Resistance Granular Backfill Passive Pressure . 375 pcf -level ground Active Pressure (cantilever walls) 35 pcf - level ground Able to rotate 0.1 % of structure .hei ht At -Rest Pressure restrained walls 55 pcf - level ground Dynamic Lateral Earth Pressure Z Acting at mid height of structure, 25H psf Where H is height of backfill in feet Base Lateral Sliding Resistance Dead load x Coefficient of Friction: 0.50 Notes: 1. These values are ultimate values. A factor of safety of 1.5 should be used in stability analysis except for dynamic earth pressure where a factor of safety of 1.2 is acceptable. 2. Dynamic pressures are based on the Mononobe-Okabe 1929 method, additive to active earth pressure. Walls retaining less than 6 feet of soil need not consider this increased pressure. Upward sloping backfill or surcharge loads from nearby footings can create larger lateral pressures. Should any walls be considered for retaining sloped backfill or placed next to foundations, our office should be contacted for recommended design parameters. Surcharge loads should be considered if they exist within a zone between the face of the wall and a plane projected 45 degrees upward from the base of the wall. The increase in lateral earth pressure should be taken as 35% of the surcharge load within this zone. Retaining walls subjected to traffic loads should include a uniform surcharge load equivalent to at least 2 feet of native soil. Drainage: A backdrain or an equivalent system of backfill drainage should be incorporated into the retaining wall design. Our firm can provide construction details when the specific application is determined. Backfill immediately behind the retaining structure should be a free -draining EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST A 6 September 22, 2000 - 17- File No.: 07117-10 00-09-772 anular material. Waterproofing should be according to the Architect's specifications. Water should not be allowed to pond near the top of the wall. "To accomplish this, the final backfill ' grade should be such that all water is diverted away from the retaining wall. Backfill Compaction: Compaction on the retained side of the wall within a horizontal distance equal to one wall height should be performed by hand -operated or other lightweight compaction equipment. This is intended to reduce potential locked -in lateral pressures caused by compaction with heavy grading equipment. Footing SubQrade Preparation: The subgrade for footings should be prepared according to the auxiliary structure subgrade preparation given in Section 5.1. 5.7 Mitigation of Soil Corrosivity on Concrete Selected chemical analyses for corrosivity were conducted on samples at the low chloride ion concentration. Sulfate ions can attack the cementitious material in concrete, causing weakening of the cement matrix and eventual deterioration by raveling. Chloride ions can cause corrosion of reinforcing steel. The Uniform Building Code does not require any special provisions for concrete for these low concentrations as tested. However, excavated soils from mass -grading may have higher sulfate and chloride ion concentrations. Additional soil chemical testing should be conducted on the building pad soils after mass -grading. A minimum concrete cover of three (3) inches should be provided around steel reinforcing or embedded components exposed to native soil or landscape water (to 18 inches above grade). Additionally, the concrete should be thoroughly vibrated during placement. ' Electrical resistivity testing of the soil suggests that the site soils may present a moderately severe potential for metal loss from electrochemical corrosion. processes. Corrosion protection of steel can be achieved by using epoxy corrosion inhibitors, asphalt coatings, cathodic protection, or encapsulating with densely consolidated concrete. A qualified corrosion engineer should be consulted regarding mitigation of the corrosive effects of site soils on metals. 1 5.8 Seismic Design Criteria This site is subject to strong ground shaking due to potential fault movements along the San Andreas and San Jacinto Faults. Engineered design and earthquake -resistant construction increase safety and allow development of seismic areas. The minimum seismic design should comply with the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code for Seismic Zone 4 using the seismic coefficients given in Section 3.4.3 of this report. The UBC seismic coefficients are based on scientific knowledge, engineering judgment, and compromise. Factors that play an important role in dynamic structural performance are: (1) Effective peak acceleration (EPA), (2) Duration and predominant frequency of strong ground motion, ' (3) Period of motion of the structure, (4) Soil -structure interaction, EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST A7 September 22, 2000 - 18 - File No.: 07117-10 p 00-09-772 (5) Total resistance capacity of the system, (6) Redundancies, (7) Inelastic load -deformation behavior, and (8) Modification of damping and effective period as structures behave inelastically. Factors 5 to 8 are included in the structural ductility factor (R) that is used in deriving a reduced value for design base shear. If further information on seismic design is needed, a site-specific probabilistic seismic analysis should be conducted. The intent of the UBC lateral force requirements is to provide a structural design that will resist collapse to provide reasonable life safety from a major earthquake, but may experience some structural and nonstructural damage. A fundamental tenet of seismic design is that inelastic yielding is allowed to adapt to the seismic demand on the structure. In other words, damage is allowed. The UBC lateral force requirements should be considered a minimum design. The owner and the designer should evaluate the level of risk and performance that is acceptable. Performance based criteria could be set in the design. The design engineer has the responsibility to interpret and adapt the principles of seismic behavior and design to each structure using ' experience and sound judgment. The design engineer should exercise special care so that all components of the design are all fully met with attention to providing a continuous load path. An adequate quality assurance and control program is urged during project construction to verify that the design plans and good construction practices are followed. This is especially important for sites lying close to the major seismic sources. r5.9 Pavements Since no traffic loading were provided by the design engineer or owner, we have assumed traffic r loading for comparative evaluation. The design engineer or owner should decide the appropriate traffic conditions for the pavements. Maintenance of proper drainage is necessary to prolong the service life of the pavements. Water should not pond on or near paved areas. The following table provides our recommendations for pavement sections. EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST M -1 EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST 1 14.y Project Name: Country Club of the Desert File No.: 07117-10 0.00 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING. CODE (UBC) SEISMIC PARAMETERS 1 2 0.05 Reference ' Seismic Zone: Seismic Zone Factor: 4 Figure 16-2 Z 0.4 Table 16-I Soil Profile Type: S n Table 16-J Seismic Source Type: A Table 16-U Closest Distance to Known Seismic Source: 9.8 km = 6.1 miles Near Source Factor: Na 1.01 Table 16-5 Near Source Factor: Nv 1..22 Table 16-T Seismic Coefficient: Ca 0.44 = 0.44Na Table 16-Q ' Seismic Coefficient:: Closest Signficant Seismic Fault Source: Cv 0.78 = 0.64Nv Table 16-R San Andreas - Southern (C V +S B M) 0.8 To: 0.14 sec Ts: 0.70 sec Seismic Importance Factor, l: 1.00 Table 16-K EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST 1 14.y 1997 UBC Equivalent Static Response Spectrum Period T (sec) Sa 0.00 0.45 1 2 0.05 0.68 0.14 1.11 0.20 1.11 1.0 0.30 -1.11 0.70 1.11 0.8 0.80 0.97 0.90 0.86 a 1.00 0.78 0.6 1.10 0.71 I i 1.20 0.65 1.30 0.60 0.4 1.40 0.56 1.50 0.52 CL cn 1.60 0.49 0.2 1.70 0.46 1.80 0.43 1.90 0.41 0.0 2.00 0.39 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Period (sec) EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST 1 14.y v��rri r cr. �.c .OV Jv0 OGOJ L/ h �V111 JLMUULIV rALM ULJLni \IIIVJ1,1MI J LVVI IJ.uI/UI1- IJ-VV/IYV. VVULI IVULV r I Sudden Engineering 77-725 Entietd Lane, Suite 100, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895 67112 Stanton Avc., Suito A. Bueain Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 450 Egan Avenues. Beaumont, CA 92223 (951) 845-7743 Fax (951) 845-8863 15438 Cholamc Road. Suitt A, Vidorviltc, CA 92392 (760)962-1868 Fax (760) 962-1878 IApril 30, 2007 Project No. 544-07176 07-04-336 ' Ref: Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Earth Systems Southwest (ESS) dated April 11, 200L File No. 08199-01, Report No. 04-04-716, Report of Testing and Observation during Rough Crading prepared by ESS dated August 28, 2002, File No. 07117-11, Report No. 01-07-718 Report of Testing and Observation During Rough Grading - prepared by Sladden Engineering dated October 12, 2003, Project No. 544-2199 Report No. 03-10-647 r 1 As requested, we have reviewed the above referenced geotechnical reports as they relate to the design and construction of the proposed single family residence. The project site Identified as Lot 117 is located along Via Savona within the Hideaway Golf Club development in the City of La Quinta, California. It is our understanding that the proposed residence will be a relatively lightweight wood -frame structure supported by conventional shallow spread footings and concrete slabs on grade. The lot was previously graded during the rough grading of the Hideaway project site and was subsequently regraded. The rough grading included overexcavation of the native surface soil along with the placement of engineered fill material to construct the building pads. The regrading included processing the surface soil along with minor cuts and fills to construct the individual building pads to the current configurations. Some additional overexcavation was performed in areas where the building envelopes were reconfigured. The most recent site grading is summarized in the referenced Report of Observations and Testing during Rough Grading prepared by Sladden Engineering along with the compaction test results. 13.1 05/03/2007 THU 13:37 [T%/R% NO 69741 Andrew pierce Corporation P.U. Box 3420 Palm Desert, California 92261 iProject: The Hideaway 52-195 Via Savona — Lot 117 La Quinta, California Subject. Geotechnical Update Project No. 544-07176 07-04-336 ' Ref: Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Earth Systems Southwest (ESS) dated April 11, 200L File No. 08199-01, Report No. 04-04-716, Report of Testing and Observation during Rough Crading prepared by ESS dated August 28, 2002, File No. 07117-11, Report No. 01-07-718 Report of Testing and Observation During Rough Grading - prepared by Sladden Engineering dated October 12, 2003, Project No. 544-2199 Report No. 03-10-647 r 1 As requested, we have reviewed the above referenced geotechnical reports as they relate to the design and construction of the proposed single family residence. The project site Identified as Lot 117 is located along Via Savona within the Hideaway Golf Club development in the City of La Quinta, California. It is our understanding that the proposed residence will be a relatively lightweight wood -frame structure supported by conventional shallow spread footings and concrete slabs on grade. The lot was previously graded during the rough grading of the Hideaway project site and was subsequently regraded. The rough grading included overexcavation of the native surface soil along with the placement of engineered fill material to construct the building pads. The regrading included processing the surface soil along with minor cuts and fills to construct the individual building pads to the current configurations. Some additional overexcavation was performed in areas where the building envelopes were reconfigured. The most recent site grading is summarized in the referenced Report of Observations and Testing during Rough Grading prepared by Sladden Engineering along with the compaction test results. 13.1 05/03/2007 THU 13:37 [T%/R% NO 69741 �VI1I JLMUUL14 ff1LITI�ULJLf11-v��••�rc�yc kIIIU/I11MI J LV.VI IJ.U1/01. IJ-UV/IVU. UUULI IUULU f JL T April 30, 2007 -2- Project No. 544-07176 07-04336 The referenced reports include recommendations pertaining to the construction of residential structure foundations. Based upon our review of the referenced reports, it is our opinion that the structural values included in the referenced grading report prepared by Sladden Engineering remain applicable for the design -and construction of the proposed residential structure foundations. Because the lot has been previously rough graded, the remedial grading required at this time should be minimal. The building area should be cleared of surface vegetation, scarified and �. moisture conditioned prior to precise grading. The exposed surface should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction is attained prior to fill placement. Any fill material should be placed in thin lifts at near optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. The allowable bearing pressures recommended in the referenced grading report prepared_ by Sladden F.ngince.ring remain applicable. Conventional shallow spread footings should be bottomed into properly compacted fill material a minimum of 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade. Continuous footings should be at least 12 inches wide and isolated pad footings should be 1 at least 2 feet wide. Continuous footings and isolated pad footings should be designed utilizing allowable bearing pressures of 1500 psi and 2000 psf, respectively. An allowable increase of 300 psf for each additional 1 foot of width and 300 psf for each additional 6 inches of depth may be utilized if desired. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 3000 psf. The ' recommended allowable bearing pressures may be increased by one-third\for wind and seismic loading. Lateral forces may be resisted by friction along the base of the foundations and passive resistance along the sides of the footings. A friction coefficient of 0.50 times the normal dead load forces is recommended for use in design. Passive resistance may be estimated using an equivalent fluid ' weight of 300 pcf. If used in combination with the passive resistance, the frictional resistance should be reduced by one third to 0.33 times the norinal dead load forces. The bearing soils are non -expansive and fall within the "very low" expansion category in accordance with Uniform Building Code (UBC) classification criteria. Pertinent 2001 CBC Seismic Design parameters are summarized on the attached data sheet. If you have questions regarding this letter or the referenced report, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, SLADDEN-ENGINEEP �Q4y �t L. •worms Brett L. Anders n p V Principal Engineer w No. C 45389 a * Exp. 9-30-2008 SERArw OF CA4\FOQ� Copies: VAndrew Pierce Corpo Q.a Sladden Engineering 05/03/2007 THU 13:37 [T%/R% NO 69741 �VI1I 'JLMUULIV rALPI ULJLnI IIHuIITIMI J LVVI IJ.uI/Jrl. IJ.uu/IVU. Uou4t IVULu r yJ 1 April 30, 2007 -3- Project No. 511-07176 07-04336 2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE SEISMIC DESIGN INFORMATION The California Code of Regulations, Title 24 (2001 California Building Code) and 1997 Uniform Building Code, Chapter 16 contain substantial revisions and additions to earthquake engineering design criteria. Concepts contained in the code that will be relevant to construction of the proposed structures are summarized below. Ground shaking is expected to be the primary hazard most likely to affect the site, based upon proximity to significant faults capable of generating large earthquakes. Major fault zones considered to be most likely to create strong ground shaking at the site are listed below. Fault Zone Approximate Distance From Site Fault Type (1997 UBC) San Andreas 9.8 km A San Jacinto Z6 km _ _ Y _ A Based on our field observations and understanding of local geologic conditions, the soil profile type judged applicable to this site is Sp, generally described as stiff or dense soil. The site is located within UBC Seismic Zone 4. The following table presents additional coefficients and factors relevant to seismic mitigation for new construction upon adoption of the 1997 code. rEW Maw -A Sladden Engineering 05/03/2007 THU 13:37 (T%/R% NO 69741 Near -Source Near -Source Seismic Seismic Seismic Acceleration Velocity Coefficient Coefficient Source Factor, N. Factor, N. G C� San Andreas 1.01 122 0.44 N. 0.64 Nv San Jacinto 1.0 1.0 0.44 N., 0.64 N„ rEW Maw -A Sladden Engineering 05/03/2007 THU 13:37 (T%/R% NO 69741