06-1176 (SFD) Geotechnical Engineering ReportLa Quinta, California 92253 Project The Hideaway - Lot 46. 53-783 Via -Palacio, Quinta,'CalifoMiai I a • Subject: Gpotechnical Update: Ref: Report of ObservatibipS and'Testing ()Oriing Fine C rading prepared by Slaiden Etgineering dated Aijgust 1 ,1200O, Pr bject No. 544-2199y Report No. 4-225. Ceote6nical Updatem'prepvo bV- Madden Engin" dated February 25. 2003, Pioject No.;: 544-2199,:Report: No. 61M-406. Report of Testing and Observation Duiing Rough Gra dii g.prepared by Earth Systems Southwest dated August 28,1602; -File ; No- 07117-11,,Report No- 01-07-718_ Geotechnical dated llnginem"Vg-.Rcsyst'ems Consultants port preoreO by bath September'.22, 2000, File NoA7117-1 0, keport No 004)9 -772 - As requested, we have reviewed the ibove'refer'enced geotechnical as they relate to the design and i onstructi'on of theprop-oso single family residence.- Ilie project site! is identified as Lot 226 within:Phasi 18 of t1k Hideaway, �o# bub development d La Quinta, OP t in the City f California. It is our kinderstanoingi that the pro�dsed residence will be a relathielj lightweight wood frame structure supp6roby conventional Apreaallow'; d ifcAings and concrete slabs on grade. The lot was! previotL41y gradedi unng .d the touA trading -of the Hideaway:site and was recently regrad6d. The roughgra dinj includedincludedoverexciavki(in of the'native surface soils along with 'the placeirient !of en eared! MU maieria I to construct th� building pads.. The recent irIcluded Orocessing 'ffie surface fface $04 al6ng with 1111nor! cuts and fills a to construct the individual building pads. Sorfie additional overexcavation was performed in aieas, where the building envelopes vyere recu t figured Thi initial; site ;;;s marized in, the referenced ng Report of Obs"�,ons and i R46ugh Brading is by rth Systems .Testing :E)un Soutfiwest and'the recent gradtng s�urnnd in the Report of Observations and Testing During Fine Grading prepared by our font' r�7t, January 6,2006: 2- Project, No. 544-6000 06-01-015 The referenced reports include recommendations pertaining to the construction of residential structure foundations. Based upon our review of tate referenced reports, it is our opinion that the structural values included in the referenced grading report remain applicable for the design and construction of the proposed residential structure foundations. Because the.lot has been previously graded, the remedial grading required at this, time should be minimal. The building area should be cleared of surface vegetation~, scarified and moisture conditioned prior to precise grading. The exposed surface should be compacted so that a minimum of 90;percent relative compaction is attained prior to fill placement. Any fill material should be placed in `thin lifts at near_ optimum. moisture Content and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction_. Allowable Bearing Pressures:: The allowable bearing pressures; recommended in the grading report prepared by':Sladden Engineering remain applicable. !Conventional shallow spread footings should be bottomed into properly compacted fill materiala minimum of 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade. Continuous. footings should be at least 12 inches wide acid isolated pad footings should,be at least 2 feet wide. Continuous footings and isolated pad footings maybe designed utilizing an'allowablc bearing pressure:of 2000 psf. An Alowable increase of 300 psf for c--tch additi4nal.1 foot of width"and 300'psf for each additional 6 'inches of depth may be utilized if desired. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 3000 psf. The recommended allowable bearing pressures may be increased by one -Burd for wind and seismic loading. The bearing soils are non -expansive. and :fall within the "yer}1 1'ow" expansion category in accordance with Uniform Building Code (UBC): classification criteria. • Pertinent 1997 UBC Seismic Design parameters are summarized on the attached, data sheet. If you have questionsregarding ; this letter or: the referenced reports, please contact the undersigned. ! Respectfully sui mittw, ' E SLADDENIGINEEIiING a' C 4g9 T �9h,0%OE Fip.i 'M Brett L. Anderson Principal Engineer SEWpc !�FCA�tFO� Copies. !4/Albers Construction i Sladden. ,Engineering MR. JOHN LANE S C/O A & A ARCHITECTS Aom 3080 BRISTOL STREET ®® • COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT PROPOSED SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE LOT 226 AT THE HIDEAWAY 53-783 VIA PALACIO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA April 1.4, 2005 02005 Earth Systems Southwest Y Unauthorized use or copying of this document is strictly prohibited ' without the express written consent of Earth Systems Southwest. File No.: 09902-02 ' 05-04-747 Earth Systems , , .:.' - '5 • ` Southwest 79-811 B Country Club Drive _ • y -• I Indio, CA'92203' g, •+ (760) 345-1588 ,,. (800)924-%015 • - . • FAX (760) 345-7315 T. •.. File Nod: 09902=02 April 1'4; 2005 - - w - MrAohn Lane y f c%o A& A Architects w • 3080 Bristol Street r ' Costa Mesa, Cali fornia 92626 ' t Attention: Mr. Keith Reed Project: _ Proposed Single -Family Residence •.'-Lot 226 at The Hideawav: 53-783,Via Palacio La' Qui.nta, California r h Subject:.. , Geotechnical Engineering Report r ...Dear Mr.'Reed: - ,y We take pleasure in .present. this geotechnical engineering reportprepared for the proposed—� < #., single'family residence to be located at 53-783 Via Palacio, Lot 226 within The'Hideaway ' Country Club, in the City of,.La Quinta',-Riverside County, California. • ' a{ '+. ` ' This. report presents out findings and reconzme.ndat.ions for site grading and foundation design; r.w incorporating the information provided,to our ofLice. The site is suitable Tor -the proposed f h development, provided- the recommzndations` ih• thin. report are followed in design' and construction. In general, the upper soils should'be compacted to improve bearing capacity and reduce the potential for differential settlement. The site is sub ect to stron round motion from ,_•the. San Aridreas fault. .This report should stand as a.whole and no part of the report•shoul.d,,be ' excerpted or. used to the exclusion of any other part.' Y - ;'�•3 This report completes -our scope of services in acc6rdance with* our agreement dated jan.uar} 25, , 2005,'and authorized on Marclt.l0, 2005. Other_se`rv:ices that mai- be required; such as plan. ,. ` review and Grading observation. are additional seryices-and gill be billed �accordin to our.Fee N' Schedule in effect•at the time services are -provided. -Unless requested in writing, the client is + '' responsible .for distributing this rep' rt. to the appropriate governing,agency or other members of s the',desi?n team. ,. ,. ;. "We appreciate the opportunity to provide our'professional services. Please. contact our office t there are any.qu.estions of comments concerning this•report or its reco nmendatioris. t •.. R.espectful.ly.sub ' EARTH SYS �L ST .. ,� CE 38234 :fi' Craig.S 1:1111 E.XP. 3%.31/07 � � .. • , . ; . _ , CE 38234' `4 SERlcsh/reti- Distribution: 6119 r. John Lane c/o A A Architects- r . a _ 1 1/RC File: 2:BD File _ , TABLE OF CONTENTS }. Page . . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY f Section 1 INTRODUCTION... .......... ............................................................................ ` 1.1 - Project Description.................................................•.•......1 1.2 Site Description ...................... 1.3 Purpose and Scope of Work..............................................................................2 Section 2 METHODS OF INVEST.IGA.TION............................:...:..............................3 ' 2.1 Field Exploration...........................................................:,..................................3 { 2.2 Laboratory Testing...........................................................:.................................3 • Section 3 DISCUSSION.........................:.......................................................................4 • ^ �.1 Soil, Conditions.... ....•.•.••,,................... •.,........:4:...:...... . ........ .........•• a i .y 3.2 Groundwater 4 3.3 Geologic Setting..................................:.............................:.:........:.......:............4 3.4 Geologic Hazards ................... ........................ :......................_...... .............. ........ 5 3.4.1 Seismic Hazards............................................................... 5 3.4.2 Secondary Hazards..............................................:........:...... ...........6 ( ' .3.4.3 Site Acceleration and Seismic Coefficients............................................7 Section 4 CONCLUSIONS... 9 + Section 5 RECOMMENDATIONS .................:.......:.........:............:...............:........:....10 . i SITE DEVELOPMENT ANTI) G.RADING......:...............:.............. 5.1 ..:........,.............1D . Site Development —Grading 5.2 Excavations and Utilit; Trenches ...................... ... ............I........ l-1 5.3 .Slope Stability of Graded Slopes............................................................. ` ST:RU.CTURES .......................... } 5.4 Foundations .....................................................................................:.....:.........12 .X y{ s Slabs -on -Grade z 5.6 Mitigation of Sail Corrosivity on Concrete.....................................................14 a 5.7 Seismic Design Criteria .................... I ....................... ........14 '. 't. t; • Section 6 LIMITATIONS AND ADDITIONAL SERVICES...:................................16' - r 61 Uniformity of Conditions a:1d Limitations 6.2 Additional Services ....... .. ... : ............................ .................. ..17' k t REFER ENCES ... ............................. ...................... ..................:........ .. .1.8 APPENDIX A G Figure l — Site Location Map Figure 2 —.Boring Location :Map Table 1 —.Fault Parameters : Terms and Symbols used on Boring Logs C-1 Soil Classification System '. Logs of $ornes APPENDIX B i Laboratory Test Results , r-ARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST i EXECUTIVE SUiIMMARY z Earth Systems Southwest has prepared this executive summary solely to provide a general 4 overview of the report. The report ,itself should be relied upon for information about the findings, conclusions, recommendations, and other concerns. The site is located at 63-783 Via Palacio, L,ot 226 within -The Hideaway Country Club, in the E City of .La Quinta; Riverside County, California. The proposed development will include a 7,000 -square foot one-story single-family residence. We understand that the proposed structure will be of wood -frame and stucco construction supported with perimeter. wall foundations and • concrete slabs-on-erade. ' The proposed project may be constructed as planned, provided that the recommendations in this report are 'incorporated in the final design and construction. Site development .will include ' clearing and grubbing of vegetation, site grading; building pad preparation, underground utility installation, and concrete driveway and sidewalks 'placement. Remedial. site grading is recommended to provide uniform support .for the foundations. We consider the most significant geologic hazard to the project to be the potential %r moderate to severe seismic shaking that is likely to occur during the design life of the proposed strictures. The project site is located in the highly seismic Southern California region within the influence " ~ . ' of several fault systems that are considered to be active or potentially active." The site islocated in Seismic Zone 4 of the 2001 California Building Code (CBC). Structures should be desib ed in 'accordance with the values and parameters given within the CBC. 'The seismic design parameters are presented in the following table and. within the report. FARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST Desygii item `; Recommended Nirfiieter r Reference, See tion No.:. • Foundations Allowable Bearing Pressure ,Continuous wall footings Pad (Column) footings 1;500 Psf 5.4 2,000 sf E Foundation Type Spread Footing t 5.4 Bearine Materials Engineered fill. Allowable Passive Pressure 250 pcf 5.4 (-Allowable Coefficient of Friction 0.35 5.4 Soil; Ex ansion.Potential Ve low JEl<20) 3.1 Geologic and Seismic Hazards liquefaction. Potential Low to negligible ( 3.4.2 Si ni:ficant Fault and Magnitude San Andreas, M7•.7 ( 3.4.3; 5.7 Fault Ty e A. 3.4.3; 5.7 i I Seismic Zone 4 14.3; 5.7 Soil Profile Tye _'SD;3.4.3; 5.7 Near -Source Distance 11.6 km 3.4.3; 5.7• Near Source Factor, NA, :1.00 3.4.3; 5.7 Near Source Factor, Nv; 5.7 Slabs Building Floor Slabs On engineered fill 5.5 - Modulus of Suberade Reaction 1200 ci 5.5 -Existing Site Conditions Existing Fill Mass graded Soil Corrosivity low sulfates low chlorides 5.6 Groundwater Depth > 50 feet 3.2 'Estimated Fill and Cut 1 (i.ncludes over -excavation) _ IL < 2 feet —cuts and fills 1.1 4 The •recommendations contained within this report are subject to the limitations presented in t 4 . Section 6 of this report. We recommend that al.l individuals using this report read the limitations: EARTH SYSTEMS SOLMHWEST: y ? E `. rt; . 1 Apri1 14, 2005 1 File No.; 09902-02 . 05-04-747 GEOTECHNICAL ENG Iti'E.ERING REPORT PROPOSED SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE LOT 226 AT THE HIDEAWAY i 53-783 VIA PALAC.10 LA QLINTA, CALIFORNIA Section 1 INTRODUCTION i Ll Project Description } This geotechnical engineering report has been prepared :for the proposed single-family residence . to be located at 53-783 'Via Palacio, Lot 226 within The Hideaway Country Club, in the'City of La Quinta, Riverside,County, California. The. proposed custom home will be a single -story structure. We understand that the proposed structure will be of wood -frame and stucco construction and will be supported by conventional _ shallow continuous or pad footings. 1 Site development will include clearing and grubbing of vegetation, site grading, building pad preparation, underground utility installation, and concrete driveway and.* sidewalks placement. Based on existing site topography and ground conditions, site grading is expected to consist of minimal cuts and fills. We, used maximum column loads of 20 kips and a maximum wall loading of 2 kips per linear foot as a basis for the foundation recommendations. All loading is assumed. to be dead plus actual live load.- If actual structural loading exceeds these assumed values, we would need to - reevaluate the given recommendations. 1 . 1.2 Site Description The proposed custom home is to be constructed on the vacant lot on the west side of Via Palacio within The Hideaway Country Club in the. City of La Quinta, California. The site location is shown on Figure 1 in Appendix A. The project site consists of an irregular-shaped lot that has been previously' rough graded in. t conjunction with development of the tract. The proposed home site is relatively flat and level with adjacent properties at an elevation of approximately 10 feet above .mean sea level. The site is covered with a maintained brass lawn with a temporary underground irrigation system. The site is bound by Via Palacio to the east, golf course to the west, a vacant lot to the south, and a new home under construction to the north. The histor-y of past use and development of the property was not investigated as part of our scope of services. Some previous development of the site is possible. The site has been mass graded r during construction .,of the tract. Buried remnants,. such as old foundations, slabs, or septic. systems, that may have existed on the site were likely exposed and removed during grading, but may still exist, . i There may be underground. utilities near and within the proposed building area. These utility dines may include, but are not limited to, domestic water, electric; sewer, ,telephone, cable, and Irrigation lines. EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST � ivy April 14, 2005 2 File No.: 09902-02 05-04-747 1.3 Purpose and Scope of Work The purpose for our services was to evaluate the site soil conditions and to provide professional opinions and recommendations regarding the proposed development of the site. The scope of work included the following: > A general reconnaissance of the site. > Shallow subsurface exploration by drilling three exploratory borings to depths ranging from 14.5 to 31'.5 feet. below existing grade. > Laboratory testing of selected soil samples obtained from the exploratory borings. A review of selected published technical literature pertaining to the site and previous geotechnical reports prepared by ESSW for similar project in the vicinity. > An engineering analysis and evaluation of the acquired_ data 'from the exploration and testing programs. A summary of our findings and recommendations in this written report. This report contains the following: > ..Discussions on subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. - Discussions on regional and local geologic conditions. • : Discussions on geol.ogi.c and seismic hazards. > Graphic and tabulated results of laboratory tests and field studies.. > Recommendations regarding: Site development and gradnn criteria. • Excavation conditions and. buried utility installations. • Structure foundation type and design. - - • Allowable foundation bearing capacity and expected total and differential settlements. r - • Concrete slabs -on -grade. • Mitigation of the potential corrosivity of site soils to concrete and steel reinforcement. • Seismic design parameters. Not Contained in This Report: Although available through Earth Systems Southwest, the current scope of our services does not include: > A corrosive study to determine cathodic protection of concrete or buried pipes. > An environmental assessment. > An investigation for the presence or absence. of wetlands, hazardous or toxic materials: in the soil, surface water, groundwater, or air on, below; or adjacent to the subject property. The client did not direct ESSW to provide any service to investigate or detect the presence of moisture. mold; or other biological contaminates in or `around any structure, or any service that was designed or intended to prevent or lower the risk or the occurrence of the amplification of the same: Client acknowledges that mold is ubiquitous to the' environment. with mold amplification occurring when building materials are impacted -by moisture. Client fiirther ,acknowledges that site conditions are outside of ESSW's control and that mold amplification will likely occur or continue to occur in the presence of moisture. As such, ESSW cannot and shall not be held responsible for the occurrence or recurrence of mold amplification. EARTH SYSTE=MS SOUTI WEST ` r April 1.4, 2005 3 Fileo.: 09902-02 05-04-747 Section 2 METHODS OF INIVESTIGATION . 2.l Field Exploration ' Three exploratory borings were drilled to depths -ranging from .14.5 to 31.5 feet below -the existing ground surface to observe the soil profile and to obtain samples for laboratory testing. The borings were drilled on March .17, 2005 using•8-inch outside diameter hollow -stem augers, powered by a CME 55 truck -mounted drilling rig. The boring locations are shown on the boring location. map, Figure 2, in Appendix A. The locations shown are approximate, established by pacing and sighting from existing topographic features. Samples were . obtained within the test borings using a Standard. Penetration (SPT) sampler (ASTM D 1586) and a Modified California (MC) ring sampler (ASTM D 3550 with.shoe similar to. ASTM D 1586). The SPT sampler has'a 2 -inch outside diameter. and a 1.38 -inch inside diameter. The MC sampler has a 3 -inch outside diameter and a 2.37 -inch inside diameter. The samples were obtained by driving the sampler with a 140 -pound automatic hammer, dropping ' 30 inches in general, accordance with ASTM D 1.586.. Recovered soil samples were sealed - in containers and returned to the laboratory. Bulk .samples were also obtained from auger cuttings, - representing a mixture of soils encountered at the depths noted. The final logs of the borings represent our interpretation of the contents of the field loos and. the results of laboratory testing performed on the samples obtained during the subsurface exploration. The final logs are included in Appendix A of this report. The stratification lines nt 0,e t b d b�tti y l 1 h h h b� I F..rese approxima e . ou.n arjes .. leen soI . types, -.a t oug t c tra".; L Vn5 m.aS gradational. 2.2 Laboratory Testing Samples were reviewed along with field logs to select those -that would'be analyzed further. Those selected. for laboratory testing include soils that would be exposed and used. during grading and those deemed to be within the influence of the proposed structure. Test results are presented in graphic and tabular form in Appendix B of this report. The tests were conducted in general :i accordance with the procedures of the American. Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or other standardized methods as referenced below. Our testing program consisted of the following: i In-situ Moisture Content and Unit Dry Weight for the ring samples. Maximum density tests to evaluate the moisture -density relationship 'of typical soils encountered. > Particle Size Analysis to classify and evaluate soil composition. The gradation characteristics of selected, samples were made by 'hydrometer and. sieve analysis procedures. > Consolidation (Collapse Potential) to evaluate the compressibility and hydroconsolidation (collapse) potential of the soil. . Chemical. Analyses (Soluble Sulfates and Chlorides, pl-1, and Electrical Resistivity) to evaluate the potential adverse effects of the soil on concrete and steel. EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST - April 14, 2005 4 .. File No.: 09902-02 05-04- 747 f Section 3 DISCUSSION j 3.1 Soil Conditions 7 he Feld .exploration indicates that site soils consist generally of medium dense interbedded fine-grained sand and silty sand (Unified Soils Classification System symbols of SP -SM and SM) with occasional silt layers (ML). The boring logs„provided in Appendix A include more detailed ` descriptions of the soils encountered. The soils are visually classified to be in the. very low i expansion (El. < 20) categoiy.in accordance with Table 18A -I-13 of the California Building Code. In. and climatic regions, granular soils may have a potential to collapse upon wetting. Collapse (hydro -consolidation) may occur.whein the soluble cements '(carbonates) in the soil matrix dissolve; causing the soil to density from its loose configuration from deposition. Consolidation testing indicates 1.2% collapse, upon inundation and collapse is therefore considered a s•- �ht site 1 risk. The hydro -consolidation potential is commonly mitigated by re -compaction of a zone beneath building pads. The site lies within a recognized blow sand hazard area.. Fine particulate matter (1'Mio) can'. create an air quality hazard. if dust is blowing. Watering the surface; planting gn-ass or landscaping, or placing hardscape normally mitigates this hazard. 3.2. Groundwater Free groundwater was not encountered in the borings during exploration. Historic' high groundwater is believed to lie about 50 feet below original ground surface (and approximately r 55 feet below existing grade) based on water well levels published in the vicinity of the site. Groundwater should not be a. factor in design or construction at this site. 3.3 Geologic Setting Regional Geoloov: The site lies within the Coachella Valley, a part of the Colorado Desert geomorphic province. A significant feature within the Colorado Desert geomorphic province is the Salton, "I'rough. The Salton Trough is a. large northwest -trending structural depression that extends approximately 180 miles from the San Gorgonio Pass to the Gulf of California. Much of this depression in the area of the Salton Sea is below sea level. y , ` The Coachella Valley forms the northerly part of the Salton Trough. The Coachella Valley contains a thick sequence of Miocene to Holocene sedimentary deposits. Mountains surrounding the Coachella Valley include the Little. San. Bernardino Mountains.on the northeast, foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains on the northwest, and the San Jacinto and Santa Rosa Mountains on the southwest. These mountains expose primarily .Precambrian metamorphic and .Mesozoic. granitic rocks. The San Andreas fault zone within the Coachella Valley consists of the Garnet. Hill fault, the Banning .fault, and the Mission _Creek fault that traverse along the northeast margin of the valley. EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST r April 14, 2005 5 File No.: 09902-02 05-04-747 Local Geology: The project site is located in the southern portion of the Coachella Valley near the eastern flanks of the Santa Rosa Mountains at an elevation of approximately 10 feet above '+ mean sea level. " The project is located in an area that was once covered by the ancient Lake Cahuilla. The sediments in this area of the valley generally consist o:f.fiine-grained sands with interbedded clays . and silts :of aeol.ian (u=ind-blown), lacustrine (lake bed), and alluvial (water -laid) origin. 3.4 Geologic Hazards Geologic hazards that may affect the region include seismic hazards (ground shaking; surface fault rupture, soil liquefaction, and other secondary earthquake -related hazards), slope instability, flooding, ground subsidence, and erosion. A discussion follows on the specific hazards to this " site. 3.4.1 Seismic I iazards Seismic Sources: Several active faults or seismic zones lie within 62 miles (100 kilometers) of the project site as shown on "Table. l in Appendix A. The primary seismic hazard to the site is stro.ng ground shaking from earthquakes along the San Andreas and San Jacinto faults. The Maximum Magnitude Earthquake (MmaX) listed is from published geologic information available for each fault (Cao et al., CGS, 2003). The M.max corresponds to the maximum earthquake believed to be tectonically possible.. Surface Fault Rupture: The project site does not lie within a currently .del ineated..State,.ot: California, Alquist-Privlo Earthquake Fault Zone (14art, 1997)., Fell -delineated fault: .lines cross through this region as shown on California Geological Survey (CGS) maps (Jennings, 1994); however, no active faults are mapped in the immediate vicinity of the site. Therefore, active fault rupture is unlikely to occur at the project site. While fault rupture would most likely occur along L previously established fault traces, future fault rupture could occur at other locations. " Historic Seismicitv: Six historic seismic events (5.9 M or greater) have significantly affected the Coachella. Valley in the last 100 years. They are as follows: • Desert Hot Springs Earthquake — On December 4, 1948, a magnitude 6.5 'MI.. (6.01'0w) earthquake occurred east of Desert I=lot. Springs. This event was strongly felt in the Palm Springs area. Palm Springs Earthquake — A magnitude 5.9 ML (6.2Mw) earthquake occurred .on July 8, 1986 in the Painted Hills, causing minor surface creep of the Banning segment of the San Andreas fault. This event was strongly felt'in the :Palm Springs area and caused structural damage, as well as injuries. • Joshua Tree Earthquake — On April 22, 1992, a magnitude 6.1 til, (6. I Mw) earthquake occurred in the mountains 9 miles east of Desert Hot Springs. Structural damage and minor injuries occurred in the :Palm Springs area as a result of this earthquake. Ladders and .Big Bear Earthquakes. — Early on June 28, 1992, a magnitude 7.5 Ms (7.3Mtiv): .earthquake occurred near Landers, the largest seismic event in Southern California for 40 years. Surface rupture occurred just south of the town of Yucca Valley and extended some 43 miles toward Barstow. About three hours later, •a magnitude 6.6 Ms (6AMw) EARTI SYS'T'EMS SOUTHWEST a April 14, 2005 6 File No.: 09902-02 05-04-747 earthquake occurred near Big Bear Lake. No significant structural damage from these earthquakes was reported in the Palm Springs area. • Hector Mine Larthquake — On October 16, 1999, a magnitude 7.1Mvi earthquake occurred on the Lavic Lake and Bullion Mountain faults north of Twentynine Palms. While this event was widely felt, no significant structural damage has been reported in the Coachella Valley. Seismic Risk: While accurate earthquake predictions are not possible, various agencies have conducted statistical risk analyses. In 2002, the California Geological Survey (CGS) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) completed the latest generation of probabilistic seismic hazard maps. We have used these maps in our evaluation of the seismic risk at the site. The Working Group of California Earthquake Probabilities (WGCEP, 1995) estimated a 22% conditional probability that a magnitude 7 or greater earthquake may occur between 1994 and 2024 along the Coachella segment of the San Andreas fault. The primary seismic risk at the site is a potential earthquake along the San :Andreas fault. Geologists believe that the Sari Andreas fault has characteristic earthquakes that result from rupture of each fault segment. The estimated characteristic earthquake is magnitude 7.7 for the Southern Segment of the fault (USGS, 2002). This segment has the longest elapsed time since rupture of any part of the San Andreas fault. The last rupture occurred about 1690 AD, based on dating by the USGS near .Indio (WGCEP, 1995). This segment has also ruptured on about 1020, 1300, and 1450 AD, with an average recurrence interval of about 220 ;fears. The San Andreas fault may rupture in multiple segments; producing a higher magnitude earthquake. Recent paleoseismic studies suggest that the San Bernardino Mountain Segment to the north and the Coachella Segment may have ruptured together in 1450 and 1690 AD (WGCEP, 1.995). 3.4.2 Secondary.Hazards Secondary seismic hazards related to ground shaking include soil liquefaction, ground subsidence, tsunamis, and seiches. The site is 'far inland, so the hazard from tsunamis is non-existent. At the present time, no water storage reservoirs are located in the immediate vicinity of the site. Therefore, hazards from seiches are considered negligible at this time. Soil Liquefaction: Liquefaction is the loss of soil strength from sudden shock (usually earthquake shaking), causing the soil to become a fluid mass. In general, for the effects of liquefaction. to -be manifested at the surface, groundwater levels must be within 50 feet of the ground surface and the soils within the saturated zone must also be susceptible to liquefaction. The potential for liquefaction to occur at this site .is considered low to negligible because the depth of groundwater beneath the site exceeds 50 feet. No .free groundwater was encountered in our exploratory borings. The project site lies within the Riverside County Liquefaction Susceptibility Zone, but has a low potential because of the depth to groundwater. Ground Subsidence: The potential for seismically induced ground subsidence is considered to be slight at the site. Dry sands tend to settle and densify when subjected to strong earthquake shaking. The amount of subsidence is dependent on relative density of the soil, ground motion, and earthquake duration. Uncompacted fill areas may be susceptible to seismically induced settlement. EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST `L ' April 14, 2005 7 . _F:ile No.: 09902-02. .05-04-747 1 Slope Instability: The site is relatively flat. Therefore, potential hazards from slope instability, 1 landslides, or debris flows are considered negligible. Flooding: The project site does not lie within a designated FEMA 100 -year flood plain. The ,project site may be in an area where sheet flooding and erosion could occur. If, significant . changes are proposed for the site, appropriate project design, construction, and maintenance can minimize the site sheet flooding potential. is 33.4.3 Site Acceleration and Seismic Coefficients Site Acceleration: The potential intensity of ground motion may be estimated by the horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA), measured in "g" forces. .Included in Table I are deterministic estimates of site acceleration from possible earthquakes 'at nearby faults. Ground motions are • dependent primarily on the earthquake magnitude and distance to the seismogenic (rupture) zone. Accelerations are also dependent upon attenuation by rock and soil deposits, direction of rupture, { and type of fault. For these reasons, ground motions may Wary considerably in the same general area. This variability can be expressed statistically by a standard deviation about a mean relationship. The PGA alone is an inconsistent scaling factor to compare to the CBC Z factor and is generally a poor indicator of "potential. structural damage during an' 'earthquak.e. Important factors influencinu the- structural performance are the duration and frequency of.strong ground motion, Local subsurface conditions, soil -structure interaction, and structural details The following table provides . the probabilistic estimate of the PGA taken from the 2002 CGS/I.)SGS seismic hazard maps. ' Estimate of PGA from 2002 CGS/USGS Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Nlaps — — -! .Equivalent Return Risk Period (years) PGA (9)' L 10% exceedance in 50 years"' 475 W 0.50 Nates: 1. Based on a soft rock site;S,3;,;, and soil ampli�ication factor of 1.0 For Soil Profile Type So. 2001 CBG Seismic Coefficients: The California Building Code (CBC) seismic design criteria are based on a Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) that has an earthquake ground motion with a 10% probability of occurrence in 50 years. The PGA estimate given above is provided for ` s information on the seismic risk. inherent in the CBC design. The seismic and site coefficients. given in Chapter 16 of the 2001 California Building Code are provided in Section 5.7.of this report and below. EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHW;,tST is .._ April 14,2005 .8 File Na.: 09902-02 05-04-74.7 2001 CBC Seismic Coefficients for Chapter 1.6 Seismic Provisions " Reference Seismic Zone: 4 > Figure 16-2 Seismic Zone Factor, Z: 0:4 Table 16-1 Soil Profile Type:* ,So Table 16-J k ` Seismic Source Type: A Table 16-G Closest Distance to Known Seismic Source: 1. 1.6 km = 7.2 miles (San Andreas .fault) Near Source Factor, Na: 1.00 Table 16-S Near Sourcc :Factor, Nv: 1.13 Table 16-T • Seismic Coefficient, Ca: 0.44 = 0.44Na Table 16-Q Seismic Coefficient, Cv: 0.73 = 0.64Nv Table 16-R Seismic Hazard Zones: The site lies within a liquefaction hazard area or zone established by the 2002 .Riverside Countv General Plan: however, the site is not located within a.recaonized landslide or fault rupture hazard area or zone. Riverside County has not been napped by the. California Seismic Hazard Mapping Act (Ca. PRC 2690 to. 2699). EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 14, 2005 9 File No.: 09902-02 r 05-04-747 Section 4 ' CONCLUSIONS The following is a summary of our conclusions and professional opinions based on the data obtained from a review of selected technical literature and the site evaluation." ` General: x ' > , .From a geotechnical perspective; the site is suitable for the proposed development;; € provided the recommendations in this report are followed in the design and construction . of this project. Geotechnical Constraints and Mitigation: > The primary geologic hazard is severe ground shaking from earthquakes originating on ' nearby -faults. A.major'earthquake above.magnitude 7 originating on the local segment of >r the San Andreas fault zone would be the critical seismic event that may affect the site within, the design life of the proposed development. Engineered design and earthquake -resistant construction increase safety and allow development of seismic areas. The project site is in seismic "Lone 4, is of soil profile Type So; and is about 11.6 km from a Type A seismic source as defined in the California Building Code. A qualified professional should design any permanent structure constructed on the site: The minimumA seismic design should comply with the. 2001_ edition of the California Building Code. Ground subsidence from seismic events or hydro -consolidation is a potential hazard in the Coachella Valley area. Adherence to the grading and structural recommendations in this report • should reduce potential settlement .problems from seismic forces, heavy rainfall or irrigation, flooding, and the weight of the intended structures. > The soils are susceptible to wind and water erosion. Preventative measures to reduce seasonal flooding and erosion should be incorporated into site grading plans. Dust control should also be implemented during construction. Site grading should be in strict compliance with the requirements of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). Other geologic hazards; including fault rupture, liquefaction; seismically induced r flooding; and. landslides; are considered low or negligible on this site. i The soils within -the building and structural areas will require -moisture conditioning and some compactive effort to fighten up the near surface soils. Soils can -be readily cut by normal grading equipment. EAR'Ct4 SYSTEMS SCLTIWEST f April. 14, 2005 10 File No.: 09902-02 05-04-747 Section 5 RECOMMENDATIO`S SITE DEVELOPMENT AND GRADING 5.1 Site Development — Grading A representative of Earth Systems Southwest (ESSW) should observe site clearing; grading, and the bottoms of excavations before placing fill. Local variations in soil conditions may warrant increasing the depth of recompaction and over -excavation. Cleariniz and Grubbing: At the start of site grading; existing vegetation and abandoned irrigation pipes. should be removed from the proposed building, structural, and pavement areas. The surface should be stripped of organic growth and removed from the construction area. Areas disturbed during clearing should be properly backfilled and compacted as described below. Dust control should also be implemented during construction_ Site grading should be in strict compliance with the requirements of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). Building Pad. Preparation: We recommend that the pad be rolled with heavy equipment within the building area. The applied compactive effort should extend at least 5 feet outside the footprint of the proposed building and should include other portions of the site to be improved, such as driveways, sidewalks, patios; etc. The bottoms of the foundation excavations should be tested and probed to verify that the bearing soils have at least 90% relative compaction. It: soft- - - areas are encountered, it will be necessary to compact the bearing soils as specified above. If a pool is planned, then the bottom of the pool should be tested to verify that at least 2 feet meets at least 90% relative compaction. Auxiliary Structures Subgrade Preparation: Auxiliary structures such as garden or retaining walls should have the foundation subgrade prepared similar to the building pad recommendations given above: The lateral extent of the over -excavation needs to extend only. 2 feet beyond the face of the footing. Subgra.de Preparation: In areas to receive fill, pavements; or hardscape, the subgrade should be scarified, moisture conditioned, and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction (ASTM D 1557) for a depth of. 1 foot below finished subgrades. Compaction should be verified by testing. Engineered Fill Soils: The native soil is suitable for use as engineered fill and utility trench backfill, provided it is free of significant organic or deleterious matter. The native soil should be placed in .maximum 8 -inch lifts (loose) and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction (ASTM. D 1557) near its optimum :moisture content. Compaction should be verified by testing. Imported fill soils (if needed) should be non -expansive, granular soils meeting the USCS classifications of SM, SP -SM, or SW -SM with a maximum rock sire of 3 inches and 5 to 35% passing the No. 200 sieve. The geotechnical engineer should evaluate the import fill soils -before hauling to the site. .However, because of the potential variations within the borrow source, import soil will not be prequalified by ESSW. The imported fill should be placed in lifts - EARTH SYSTENTS SOUTHWEST 71r April 14, 2005 File leo.: 09902-02 05-04-747 no greater than 8 inches in loose thickness and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction (ASTIM D 1557) near optimum moisture content. Shrinkage: The shrinkage factor for earthwork is expected to be less than 10 percent for the upper excavated or scarified site soils. This estimate is based on compactive effort to achieve an average relative compaction of about 92% and may vary with contractor methods. Losses from site clearing and removal of existing site improvements may affect earthwork quantity calculations and should be considered. Site Drainage: Positive drainage should be maintained away from the structures (5% for 5 feet minimum) to prevent ponding and subsequent saturation of the foundation soils. Gutters and downspouts should be considered as a means to convey water away from foundations if adequate drainage is not provided. Drainage should be maintained for paved areas. Water should not pond on or near paved areas. 5.2 Excavations and Utilitv Trenches Excavations should be made in accordance with Ca.IOSHA requirements. Our site exploration and knowledge of the general area indicates there is .a potential .for -cavin, g of site excavations (utilities, footings, etc.). 'Excavations within sandy soil should be kept moist, but not saturated, to reduce the potential of caving or sloughing. Where excavations over 4 feet deep are planned, lateral bracing or appropriate cut slopes of 1.5:1 (horizontal:vertical) should be provided. No surcharge loads from stockpiled soils or construction materials should be allowed within a horizontal distance measured :from the top of the excavation slope and equal to the depth of the excavation. Utilitv Trenches: Backfill of utilities within roads or public right-of-ways should be placed in conformance with the requirements of the governing agency (water district, public works department, etc.). Utility trench backfill within private property should be placed in confon-nance with the provisions of this report. In general; service lines extending inside of property may be backfilled with native soils compacted to a minimum of -90% relative compaction. Back ll operations should be observed and tested to monitor compliance with these recommendations. 5.3 Slope Stability of Graded Slopes Unprotected, permanent graded slopes should not be steeper than 3:1 (horizontal:vertical) to reduce wind and rain erosion. Protected slopes with ground cover may be as steep as 2:1. However, maintenance with motorized equipment may not be possible at this inclination. Fill slopes should be overfilled and trimmed back to competent material. Slope stability calculations are not presented because of the expected minimal slope heights (less than 5 feet). STRUCTURES In our professional opinion, structure foundations can be supported on shallow foundations bearing on a zone of properly prepared and compacted soils placed as recommended in Section 5.1. The recommendations that follow are based on very low expansion category soils. EARTH SYS TI NNIS SOUTH WEST April 14, 2005 12 File No.: 09902-02 05-04-747 5.4 Foundations Footing design of widths, depths, and reinforcing are the responsibility of the Structural. Engineer, considering the structural loading and the geotechnical parameters given in this report. A minimum footing depth of 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade should be maintained. A . representative of ESSW should observe foundation excavations before placement of reinforcing steel or concrete. Loose soil or construction debris should be removed from footing excavations before placement of concrete. Conventional Spread Foundations: . Allowable soil bearing pressures are given below for Foundations bearing on .recompacted soils as described in Section 5.1. Allowable bearing pressures are net (weight of footing and soil surcharge may be neglected). ➢ Continuous wall foundations, 12 -inch minimum width and 12 inches below grade: 1500 psf for dead plus design live loads _a Allowable increases of 300 psf per each foot of additional footing width and 300 psf.for each additional0.5 foot of footing depth maybe used up to a maximum value of 3000 psf. > Isolated pad foundations. 2 x 2 foot minimum in Man and 18 inches below grade: 2000 ps;f for dead plus design live loads Allowable increases of 200 psf per each foot of additional footing width and 400 psf for each additional 0.5 foot of footing depth may be used up to a maximum value of 3000 psf. A one-third (Yx) increase in the bearing pressure may be used when calculating resistance to wind or seismic loads. The allowable bearing values indicated are based on the anticipated maximum loads stated in Section 1.1 of this report. If the anticipated loads exceed these values, the geotechnical engineer must reevaluate the allowable bearing values and the grading requirements. Minimum reinforcement for continuous wall footings (as specified in the California Building Code) should be two No 4 steelreinforcing bars one placed near the top and one placed near the bottom of the footing. This reinforcing is not intended to supersede any structural requirements provided by the structural engineer. Expected Settlement: Estimated total static settlement should be less than 1 inch, based on footings founded on firm soils as recommended. Differential settlement between exterior and interior bearing members should be less than Yz inch, expressed in a post -construction angular distortion ratio ol: 1:480 or less. Frictional and Lateral Coefficients: Lateral loads may be resisted by soil friction on the base of foundations and by passive resistance of the soils acting on foundation walls. An allowable coefficient of friction of 0.35 of dead load may be used. An allowable passive equivalent fluid pressure of 250 pcf may also be used. These values include a factor of safety o:,: 1.5. Passive resistance ani :frictional resistance may be used in combination if the friction coefficient is reduced by one-third. A one-third (1/3) increase in the passive pressure may be used when calculating resistance to wind or seismic loads. Lateral passive resistance is based on the assumption that backfill next to foundations is properly compacted. EARTFI SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 14, 2005 13 File No.: 09902-02 05-04-747 5.5 Slabs -on -Grade Subgrade: Concrete slabs -on -grade and flatwork should be supported by compacted soil placed in accordance with Section 5.1 of this report. Vapor Retarder: In areas of moisture sensitive floor coverings, an appropriate vapor retarder should be installed to reduce moisture transmission from the Subgrade soil to the slab. For these areas, an impermeable membrane (10 -mil thickness) should underlie the floor slabs. The membrane should be covered with 2 inches o san to help protect it during construction and to aid in concrete curing. The sand should be lightly moistened just prior to placing the concrete. Low -slump concrete should be used to help reduce the potential for concrete shrinkage. The effectiveness of the membrane is dependent upon its quality, the method of overlapping, its protection during construction, and the successful sealing of the membrane around utility lines. The following minimum slab recommendations are intended to address geotechnical concerns such as potential variations of the Subgrade and rare not to be construed as superseding any structural design. Slab Thickness and Reinforcement: Slab thickness and reinforcement of slabs -on -grade are contingent on the recommendations of the structural engineer or architect and the expansion index of the supporting soil. Based upon our findings, a modulus of sub.2rade reaction of approximately 200 pounds per cubic inch can be used in concrete slab design for the expected very low expansion Subgrade. Concrete slabs and flatwork should be a minimum of 4 inches thick (actual, not nominal). We suggest that the concrete slabs be reinforced to resist cracking. Concrete floor slabs may either be monolithically placed with the foundations or doweled after footing placement. The thickness and reinforcing given are not intended. to supersede any structural requirements provided by the structural engineer. The project architect or geotechnical engineer should continually observe all reinforcing steel. in slabs during placement of concrete to check for proper location within the slab. Control Joints: Control joints should be provided in all concrete slabs -on -grade at a maximum spacing of 36 times the slab thickness (12 feet maximum on -center; each way) as recommended by American Concrete Institute (ACI) guidelines. All joints should form approximately square patterns to reduce the potential for randomly oriented contraction cracks. Contraction joints in the slabs should be tooled at the time of the pour or saw cut ('h of slab depth) within 8 hours of concrete placement. Construction (cold) joints should consist of thickened butt joints with '/-2-inch dowels at 18 -inches on center or a thickened keyed -joint to resist vertical deflection at the joint. All construction joints in exterior flatwork should be scaled to reduce the potential of moisture or foreign material intrusion. These procedures will reduce the potential 'for randomly oriented cracks, but may not prevent them from occurring. Curing and Quality Control: The contractor should take precautions to reduce the potential of curling of slabs in this arid desert region using proper batching, placement, and curing, methods. Curing is highly affected by temperature, wind, and humidity. Quality control procedures may be used, including trial batch mix designs, batch plant inspection, and on-site special inspection and EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 14, 2005 14 File No,:. 0902-02 is s 05-04-747 testing., Typically, for this type of construction and using 2500 -psi concrete, many of these I quality control. procedures are not required. r. 1 5.6 - Mitigation of Soil Corrosivity on Concrete Selected chemical analyses for corrosivity were conducted on soil samples from.the project site as shown in. Appendix B.',. The native soils were found to have a low sulfate ion concentration l (145 'ppm) and a low chloride ion concentration (1.87 ppm). Sulfate ions can attack the cementitious material' in concrete, causing }weakening of the cement matrix and eventual '- �' r, deterioration by raveling. Chloride ions can cause corrosionof reinforcing steel. Th California l Building Code does not require any special provisions for concrete For these low concentrations astested.. Normalconcrete mixes may be used. A minimum concrete cover of,three (3).inches should be -provided around steel reinforcing or $ embedded components exposed to native soil or landscape water. .Additionally, the concrete should be thoroughly vibrated during placement. Electrical resistivity testing of the soil suggests that the site soils,Finaypresent a "very severe potential for metal loss from electrochemical corrosion.processes. Corrosion protection'of steel can be achieved by using epoxy corrosion inhibitors, asphalt coatings, cathodic protection; or encapsulating with densely consolidated concrete. t The information provided above should be considered preliminary. These values can potentially' a change based on several factors; such as importing, Soil from anotherjob. site and the- quality of construction. water used during grading and subsequent landscape irrigation. Earth Systems does not practise corrosion engineering. We recommend that a qualified corrosion engineer evaluate the corrosion potential on rneta.l construction materials and concrete at the site to provide mitigation of corrosive etffects, if further guidance is desired. - 5.7 Seismic Design Criteria. t This situ is subject to strong ground shaking due 'to potential fault movements along the San Andreas and San Jacinto faults. Engineered design.and earthquake -resistant construction increase safety and allow development of seismic areas. The minimian seismic design should comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code using the seismic coefficients u given .in the table below.. , i April 14; 2003 15 File No.: 09902-02 `. 03-04-747 i 2001 CBC Seismic Coefficients for Chapter 16 Seismic Provisions Reference Seismic Zone: 4 . Figure 16-2 Seismic Zone Factor, Z:, 0.4 Table 16-I. . i Soil Profile Type: So Table 16-J Seismic Source Type.: A Table] 6-U -' Closest Distance to Known Seismic Source: 11.6 km = 7.2 miles (San Andreas fault) Near Source Factor, Na: 1.00 Table 16-5 Near Source Factor, Nv: 1.13 Table 16-T Seismic Coefficient, Ca: 0.440.44Na Table 16-Q } Seismic Coefficient, Cv: 0.73 = 0.64Nv Table 16-R ,The CBC seismic coefficients are based on scientific knowledge, engineering judgment, and " compromise. If further information on seismic design is .needed, a site-specific probabilistic seismic analysis should be conducted. "Che intent of the CBC lateral force requirements is to provide a structural design that will -resist collapse to provide reasonable life. safety_ from. a :major earthquake, but may experience some structural and nonstructural damage. A fundamental tenet of seismic design is that inelastic yielding is allowed to'adapt to the seismic demand on the structure. 1n other words, damage is allowed. • The CBC .lateral force requirements should be considered a minimum design: .'The owner and the designer should evaluate the level of risk and performance that is acceptable. ; Performance based criteria could be set`in'the design. The design engineer should exercise special -care, so that all. components of the design are fully met with attention to providing a ' continuous load path. An adequate quality assurance and control program is urged during project In construction to verify that.the design plans and good construction, practices are followed. This is especially important for sites lying close to the major seismic sources. r EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST April 14, 2005 16 Section 6 LIMITATIONS AND ADDITIONAL SERVICES 6.1 Uniformity of Conditions and Limitations File No.: 09902-02 03-04-747 Our findings and recommendations in this report are based on selected points of field exploration, laboratory testing, and our understanding of the proposed project. Furthermore, our findings and recommendations are based on the assumption that soil conditions do not vary ,S significantly from those found at specific exploratory *locations. Var.iations in soil or t groundwater conditions could exist between and beyond the exploration points. The nature and extent of these variations may not -become evident until construction. Variations in. soil or groundwater may require additional studies, consultation, and possible revisions to our recommendations. Findings of this report are valid as of the issued date of the report. However, changes in conditions ofproperty can occur with passage of time, whether they are from natural processes or works of man, on this or. adjoining properties. In addition, changes in applicable standards occur; whether they result from legislation or broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, findings'of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore; this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of one year. In the event that any changes in the nature, design, or location of structures are planned; the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions of this report are modified or verified in- writing. This report is issued with the understanding that the owner or the ow'ner's representative has the responsibility, to bring the information and recommendations contained herein to the attention of the architect and engineers for the project so that they are incorporated into the plans 'and -` specifications for the project. The owner or the owner's representative also has the responsibility to -verify that the general contractor and all subcontractors follow such recommendations. It is further understood that the owner or the owner's representative is .responsible for submittal of this report to the appropriate. governing agencies. _ As the Geotechnical Engineer of Record for this project, Earth Systems Southwest (ESSW) has . striven to provide our services in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering E practices in this locality at this time. No warranty or guarantee is express or implied. This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the Client and the Client's authorized agents. ESSW should be provided the opportunity for a general review- of.final design and specifications in order that earthwork and foundation recommendations may be properly interpreted and E: i.mpleme.nted in the design and specifications. If ESSW is not accorded the privilege of making i yr this recommended review, we can assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of our F recommendations. s Although available through ESSW, the -current scope of our services does not include an `_. environmental assessment or an investigation for the presence or absence of wetlands, hazardous . FAR i H SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST F April 1.4, 2005 17 File No.: 09902-02 t 05-04-747 or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater, or air on, below, or adjacent to the IV lE subject property. y 1 ; : 6.2 Additional Services This report is based on the assumption that an adequate program of client consultation, " construction monitoring, and testing will be performed during the final design and construction phases to check compliance with these recommendations. Maintaining :ESS W as the geotechnical consultant from beginning to end of the project will provide continuity of services. The 'geotechnical engineering firm 'providing tests and observations shall assume the responsibilii)3 of Geotechnical Engineer of Record. Construction monitoring and testing would be additional services provided by our firm. "rhe 3 costs of these services are .not included in our present fee arrangements; but can be obtained from. - , our -office. The recommended review, tests. and observations include, but are not necessarily 'limited to, the following: t Consultation during the final desibgn stages of the roJ ect: A review of the building and grading plans to observe that recommendations of our report have been properly implemented into the design. • Observation and testing during site preparation, gradicig, and placement of engineered Li 11 . as required b , CBC Sections 1701 and 3317 or local grading ordinances. = • . Consultation as needed during construction. -000- Appendices as cited are attached and complete this report. T i EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST s - April 14, 2005 18 File No.': 09902-02 REFERENCES Abrahamson, N. and Shedlock, K., editors; 1997, Ground motion attenuation relationships: •° Seism ological.Research Letters, v. 68, no. 1, January 1997 special issue, 256 P. i American Concrete Institute (ACI), 1996, ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Parts I through 5. , American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2003, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures; ASCE 7-02 • California Geologic Survev (CGS), 1997, Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California, Special Publication 117. Cao, T. -Bryant, W.A., Rowhandel, B., Branum. D., and Wills, C.,'2003, 'nc Rcvised 2002 California 'Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps,, California Geologic Survey (CGS), June 2003: -Envicom Corporation and the County of .Riverside Planning Department, 1976, Seismic Safety r and Safety General Plan :Elements Technical. Report, County of Riverside.. Frankel, A.D., et al.; 2002, Documentation for the 2002 Update of the National Seismic Hazard Maps, U SGS Open -File .Report 02-420. .Hart, E.W., 1997, Fault -Rupture Hazard Zoncs in California:. California Division of.Mines and Geology Special Publication.42_= - x International Code -Council (ICC), 2002, California Building Code; 200.1 Edition. Jennings, C.W, 1994, Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas:. California Division of Mines and Geology, Geological Data Map No. 6, scale 1:750,000. Petersen, M.D., Bryant, W.A., Cramer, C.H., Cao, T., Reichle, M.S., Frankel, A.D., Lei.nkaemper, J.J., McCrory, P.A., and Schwarz, D.P., 1996, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the State of California: California Division of Mines and Geology Open -File Report 96-08. Riverside .County Planning Department, 2002, Geotechnical Element of.the. Riverside County General Plan — Hearing Draft. F . Rogers, T.H., 1966, Geologic Map of California - Santa Ana Sheet, California Division of Mines and. Geology Regional Map Series, scale 1:250,000. Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC), 1996, .Recommended Lateral, Force Requirements and Commentary. Tokimatsu, K, and Seed, H.B., 1987, Evaluation of Settlements in Sands Due To Earthquake Shaking, ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering; Vol. 113, No. 8, August 1987. f` EARTH SYS T EMS SOUTHWEST r i APPENDIX .A Figure 1 = Site Location Map Figure 2 — Boring Location Map a '.table I — Fault Parameters Terms and Symbols used on .Boring Logs t` � Soil. Classification Svstem Logs of Borings is +.u3;��-�i*•..•�!: _. •c��ix¢h�,�'.c+..ti. �. •�v.�i l�:. ?�.t6...�...ssd.:w'c.....:._ a.,a���'w'��..��..3,r; ��.. 4�.x, ..a€x.'1:rii � �.; -� �.4 1 ,. - EARTH SY-S•I-"EMS SOUTHWEST - _ A •; D i •'� y j t5� r � + } 1' J 17 ' �. 11 �• � , � yam) Wel!/ --- '3f ,,.AVENUE 52 till ifll ` C �Ire E i9. 73 Vol V �I'ICRI C AVENUE S yy l 11 � }jrQ 4 ! �a s z gp a rs t��- \tom `' ~�f \ i`,� • � ; j", ��1i�� 1 �`�.`�::...:: r. # r ' ......... ''''���'�'''''' �� 6 y i t• /,� U \ t f ...._ =r.. __ l AV£NVE- 5660; ./ r r kL RM ase I4ap: U.S. G.S, 7.5 Minute Quadrangle. la Quinta, Calif. (1959, photo -revised 1980) ••--•• Site Boundary Scale: 1" _ .2,000' 0 2,000' 4,000' i 1 i i Figure 1 Site Location 53-783 Via Palacio, Lot 226 at The Hideaway La Quinta, Riverside County, California Earth Systems Southwest 04/14705 File No.: 09902-02 t 0 0 0 v N t• M 0 0 0 c N h M O 0 04 N t� M c c r: e C', t• M 567900 !: 6`15'57" if 568000 568100 56800 567900 568000 568100 568200 116"15'571Y 0 50 100 200 300 400 500 Feet Figure 2 LEGEND Boring Location Map 53783 Via. Palacio 9 Boring Location Lot 226 at The HideaAay La Quinta, Riverside County: California Project area Earth Systems o� Southwest 04/14/05 File too..: 09902-02 53-783 Via Palacio 09902-02 Table 1 Fault Parameters oe tjete.rministic Gsumates of tvlean PeaK (ground Acceleration (11Gp Maximum Avg Avg Mean Fault Name or Distance Fault Mainitude Slip Return Fault Site Seismic Lone from Site Type Mmax Rate Period Length PGA (mi) (km) (Mw) (mmiyr) (yrs) (km) {g) Reference Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (2) (2) (2) (5) San Andreas - Southern 7.2 11.6 SS A 7.1 24 220 199 .. 0.39 San Andreas - Mission Crk. Branch 8.7 14.0 SS A 7.2 25 220 . 95 0.29 San Andreas - Banning Branch 8.7 14.0 SS A 7.2 10 220 98 0.29 San Jacinto (blot Spgs - Buck Ridge) 15.0 24.2 SS C 6.5 2 354 70 0.14 Blue Cut 17.2 27.7 SS C 6.8 1 760 30 0.14 San Jacinto-Artza 19.2 30.8 SS A 7.2 12 250 91 0.16 San Jacinto -Coyote Creek 20.1 32.3 SS B 6.8 4 175 41 0.12 Burnt Mtn. 20.7 33,3 SS B 6.5 0.6 5000 21 0.10 Eureka Peak 21.6 34,8 SS B 6.4 0.6 5000 19 0.09 Morongo 31.9 51.3 SS C 6.5 0.6 1170 23 0.07 San Jacinto - Borrego 32.0 51.5 SS B 6.6 4 175 29 0.07 Pinto Mountain 33.5 53.9 SS B 7.2 2,5 499 74 0.10 Emerson So. -Copper Mtn. 34.7 55.8 SS B 7.0 0.6 5000 54 0.08 Landers 35.8 57.6 SS B 7.3 0.6 5000 83 0.10 Pisgah -Bullion Mtn.-ivtesquite Lk' 36.2 58.3 SS B 7.3 0.6 5000 89 0.09 Earthquake Valley 37.7 60.7 SS B 6.5 2 351 20 0.06 San Jacinto -San Jacinto Valley 37.8 60.8 SS B . 6.9 12 - 83 43 0.07 Brawley Seismic Zone : .. . 38.8 62.4 SS-:- -B 6.4 25 24 42 0.05 North Frontal Fault lone (last) . "41.9 67.4 RV' B 6.7 0.5 172 i 27 0.07 Elsinore -Julian 42.1 67.8 SS . A 7.1 340 76 .0.07 Johnson Valley (Northern) 46.6 75.0 SS B 6.7 0.6 5000 35 0.05 Elmore Ranch 46.7 75,2 SS B 6.6 1 225 29 0.05 Elsinore -Temecula .. 47.2 76,0 SS B . 6.8 5 240 43 0.05 Calico - hidalgo 48.2 117.6 SS B 7.3 0.6 5000 95 0.07 Elsinore -Coyote Mountain 48.3 77.7 SS B 6.8 4 625 `. 39 0.05 Superstition Mtn. (San Jacinto) _. 1 50.1 80.7 SS B 6.6 5 500 24 0.05 Superstition Hills (San Jacinto) = 59:0. 82.1 . SS B 6.6 4 250 23 0.04 Lemvood-Lockhart-Old Woman Sprgs 52.4 84.3 SS B 7.5 0.6 5000 145 0.08 North Frontal Fault Zone (West) . '52.8 84.9 RV B 7.2 1 1314 50 . 0.08 .1•leicndele - S. Lockhardt • 60.0 96.6 SS B 7.3 0.6 5000 97 0.06 San Jacinto -San Bernardino 60.9 98.0 SS B 6.7 12 100 36 0.04 :'rotes: 1• Jennings (1994) and California Geologic Survey (CGS) (2003) 2. CGS (200.3), SS = Strike -Slip; RV =Reverse, DS = Dip Slip (normal), BT Blind Thrust 3. 1_001 CBC, where Type. A faults: IMmax >3 &. slip rate >5 mm%yr.& 'Pylae C faults: Mrnax <6.5 &. slip rate < 2 minlyr i. 4, CGS (2003) 5. The estimates of the. mean Site PGA are based on the following attenuation. relationships: Average oft (1) 1997 Soorc,.Joyner & Fumat; (2) 1997 Sadigh et al; (3) 1997 Campbell, (4) 1997 Abrahamson & Siiva i. ] (mean plus sigma values are about 1.5 to 1.6 times higher) Based on Site Coordinates: 33.660 N Latitude, 116.266 W Longtude and Site Soil •rypc D t ' EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 1 r. DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION Soil classification is based on ASTM Designations D 2487 and D 2488 (Unified Soil Classification System). Information on each boring log is a compilation of subsurface conditions obtained from the field as well as from laboratory testing of selected samples. The indicated boundaries between strata on the boring logs are approximate only and may be transitional. SOIL GRAIN SIZE U.S. STANDARD SIEVE 1%" 3" `21AA An •n .-_•, ••,.� 1a.1 "./V /-.VV V.If4 V.u($ SOIL GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 0.002 RELATIVE DENSITY OF GRANULAR SOILS (GRAVELS, SANDS, AND NON -PLASTIC SILTS) Very Loose `N=0-4 - wv Easily push a 1/2 -inch reinforcing rod by hand BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND . COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE N=11-30 RD=50-70 SILT CLAY Dense N=31-50 RD=70-90 Drive a 1/2 -inch reinforcing rod 1 foot with difficulty by a hammer .-_•, ••,.� 1a.1 "./V /-.VV V.If4 V.u($ SOIL GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 0.002 RELATIVE DENSITY OF GRANULAR SOILS (GRAVELS, SANDS, AND NON -PLASTIC SILTS) Very Loose `N=0-4 RD=0-30 Easily push a 1/2 -inch reinforcing rod by hand Loose - N=5-10 RD=30-50 Push a 1/2 -inch reinforcing rod by hand Medium Dense N=11-30 RD=50-70 Easily drive a 1/2 -inch reinforcing rod with hammer Dense N=31-50 RD=70-90 Drive a 1/2 -inch reinforcing rod 1 foot with difficulty by a hammer Very Dense N>50 RD=90-100 Drive a 1/2 -inch reinforcing rod a few inches with hammer 'N=Blows per foot in the Standard Penetration Test at 60% theoretical energy. For the 3 -inch diameter Modified California sampler, 140 -pound weight, multiply the blow count by 0.63 (about 2I3) to estimate N. If automatic hammer is used, multiply a factor of 1.3 to 1.5 to estimate N. RD=Relative Density (%). C=Undrained shear strength (cohesion). CONSISTENCY OF COHESIVE SOILS (CLAY OR CLAYEY SOILS) Very Soft *N=0-1 'C=0-250 psf Squeezes between fingers Soft N=24 C=250-500 psf Easily molded by finger pressure Medium Stiff N=5-8 C=500-1000 psf Molded by strong finger pressure Stiff N=9-15 C=1000-2000 psf Dented by strong finger pressure Very Stiff N=16-30 C=2000-4000 psf Dented slightly by finger pressure Hard N>30. C>4000 Dented slightly by a pencil point or ftiiimbnail - MOISTURE DENSITY Moisture Condition: An observational term; dry, damp, moist, wet, saturated. Moisture Content: The weight of water in a sample divided by the weight of dry soil in the soil sample expressed as a percentage. Dry Density: The pounds of dry soil in a cubic foot. ` MOISTURE CONDITION RELATIVE PROPORTIONS Dry .....................Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch Trace ....... .... ..minor- amount (<5%) Damp................Slight indication of moisture with/some......significant amount Moist.................Color change with short period of air exposure (granular soil) modifier/and... sufficient amount to Below optimum moisture content (cohesive soil) influence material behavior Wet .................. High degree of saturation by visual and touch (granular soil) (Typically >30%) High Above optimum moisture content (cohesive soil) Saturated ........ .,Free surface water . after reaching the plastic limit. LOG KEY SYMBOLS PLASTICITY DESCRIPTION FIELD TEST Bulk, Bag or Grab Sample Nonplastic A 1/8 in. (3 -mm) thread cannot be rolled Standard Penetration at any moisture content. Split Spoon Sampler Low The thread can barely be rolled. {2" outside diameter) Medium The thread is easy to roll and not much time is required to reach the plastic limit. Modified California Sampler High The thread can be rerolled several times (3" outside diameter) after reaching the plastic limit. GROUNDWATER LEVEL No Recovery Water Level (measured or after drilling) - Terms and Symbols used on Boring Logs Water Level (during drilling) Earth Systems "�- Southwest MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAPHIC LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS SYMBOL SYMBOL Well-graded gravels, gravel-sand GW mixtures, little or no fines CLEAN'•'•'•'•'•'•' GRAVELS�•' GRAVEL AND .•..•..• .•...•......,11P Poorly-graded gravels, gravel-sand GRAVELLY �:r f;r: J:r:�:r: mixtures. Little or no fines SOILS GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt COARSE More than 50% of GRAVELS mixtures GRAINED SOILS coarse fraction WITH FINES retained on No. 4 sieve GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures SW Well-graded sands, gravelly sands, SAND AND CLEAN SAND little or no fines SANDY SOILS (Little or no fines) SP Poorly-graded sands, gravelly More than 50% of sands, little or no fines material is larger than No. 200 sieve size SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures SAND WITH FINES More than 50% of (appreciable coarse fraction amount of fines) Passing No. 4 sieve SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures Inorganic silts and very fine sands, = = ML rock flour, silty low clayey fine sands or clayey silts with slight plasticity Inorganic clays of low to medium FINE-GRAINED LIQUID LIMIT SOILS LESS THAN 50 CL plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays OL Organic silts and organic silt clays of low plasticity SILTSAND Inorganic silty, micaceous, or CLAYS MH diatomaceous fine sand or • -silty soils More than 50% of material is smaller LIQUID LIMIT CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, than No. 200 GREATER fat clays sieve size THAN 50 Organic clays of medium to high ...... OH plasticity, organic silts ............. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS J'J'J•yJ'yyJ'yyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy PT Peat, humus, swam soils with p yyyyyyyyyyyy high organic contents yyy"yyyyyyy r r VARIOUS SOILS AND MAN MADE MATERIALS Fill Materials MAN MADE MATERIALS Asphalt and concrete Soil Classification System " 1 Earth Systems j` `� Southwest Earth Systems WE SouthwestPhone Country Club Drive, Indio, CA 92203 Phone (760) 345-1588, Fax (760) 345-7315 fi Boring NO: B-1 —Name:. Drilling Date: March 17, 2005 Project53-783 Via Palacio, Lot 226, La Quinta, CA Drilling Method: 8" Hollow Stem Auger File Number: 09902-02 Drill Type: CME 55 W/Auto Hammer Boring Location: See Figure 2 Logged By: Dirk Wiggins v Sample Type Penetration �' DCSCCIPt►On Of UI11ts Page 1 of 1 a _ Resistance _ E A 3 _ Note: The stratification lines shown represent the p OJ Y q a e approximate boundary between soil and/or rock types Graphic Trend q zi a 0 Erni (Blows/6") rn A j and the transition may be gradational. r Blow Count Dry Density SM SILTY SAND: moderate yellowish brown, medium dense, damp, fine to medium grained 8,13,17 107 19 5 5,13,17 98 15 10 5,11,13 102 7 .' SP -SM SAND WITH SILT: pale yellowish brown, medium dense, damp, fine to medium grained 15 dry to damp, trace of coarse grains 10,12,9 112 2 20 5,11,13 93 4 SM SILTY SAND: pale yellowish brown, medium dense, dryto damp, fine grained, lenses of sand with silt 25 3,5,9 ML 91 24 SILT: pale yellowish brown to moderate olive brown, medium dense, dry to damp, lenses of wet silty clay 30 5,10,13 94 1 , SP -SM SAND WITH SILT: pale yellowish brown, medium dense, dry, fine grained, reddish stains Total Depth 31.5 feet 35 nn No Groundwater Encountered 1 411 Earth Systems ^� Southwest 79-811B Country Club Drive, Indio, CA 92203 —20 - 25 — 30 - 35 L40 ' 5;10,12 9,1 1,19 4,7,10 T. SM 111 119 102 10 13 12 SILTY SAND: moderate brown, medium dense, damp, fine to medium grained dark yellowish brown, medium dense to dense, trace of very fine grains SP -SM ,. SAND WITH SILT: pale yellowish brown, medium dense, damp, fine to medium grained; reddish stains 3;5,8 91 5 418,12 93 5 Total Depth 21.5 feet No Groundwater Encountered L40 ' Earth Systems' Southwest 79-811 B Country Club Drive, Indio, CA 92203 Borin No: B-3 Drilling Date: March 17, 2005 Project Name: 53-783 Via Palacio, Lot 226, La Quinta, CA ;Drilling Method: 8" Hollow Stem Auger File Number: 09902-02 Drill Type: CME 55 W/Auto Hammer Boring Location: See Figure 2 Logged By: Dirk Wiggins Sample W. Type Penetration °? Description of Units Page 1 of 1 a w Resistance U .� q a .o Note: The stratification lines shown represent the A a o (Blows/6") q �v c approximate boundary between soil and/or rock types Graphic Trend N q U and the transition may be gradational. Blow Count Dry Density 2,5,10 Sm 99 7 SILTY SAND: moderate brown, medium dense, damp, fine to medium grained 6,10,17 log it 5 3,6,10 ML 117 28 A SILT: pale to moderate yellowish brown, medium dense, damp, very fine grained, lenses of silty sand 10. 4,5,6 SM 93 6 SILTY SAND: pale yellowish brown, medium . dense, dry to damp, fine grained, reddish stains 15, Total Depth 14.5 feet No Groundwater Encountered 20 25 30 r 35 Y_ — 40 a 1 t • a �J. ' APPENDIX B Laboratory Test Results 1 t r t ��"`c� .i � X'�� iy _ �F•�.F!S{.- • �f -tiy "S. � �..2 ��F 1 •i5'- Y I EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST File No.: 09902-02 April 14, 2005 UNIT DENSITIES AND MOISTURE CONTENT ASTM D2937 & D2216 Job Name: Lot 226,'Via Palacio, Hideaway, LQ, CA w USCS Unit Moisture Sample Depth Dry. Content Group r Location (feet) Density (pcf) (%) Symbol r B1 2.5 107 19 SM BI 5 98 15 SM BI 10 102 7 SP -SM BI 15 112 2 SP -SM' .> - BI 20 93 4 SM. BI 25 91 24 ML BI 30 .94 1 SP -SM • - B2 2.5 111 10 SM B2 5 119 13 SM. B2 10 102 12 SP -SM B2 15 91 5 SP -SM M�. . B2 20 93 5. SP -SM B3 0 99 . 7 SM B3 # 3 109 11 SM M J '1 ,.. B3 8 117 28 ML B3 13 93 6 SM EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST • File No.: 09902-02 April 14, 2005 .. . PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS ASTM D-422, Job Name: Lot 226, Via Palacio, Hideaway, LQ, CA Sample ID: B2 @ 1-4' Description: Silty Sand, F (SM) Sieve Percent Size Passing 1-1/2" 100 1" 100 1 3/411 100 1/2" 100 3/8" 100 #4 100 #8 100 #16 99 % Gravel: 0 #30 99 % Sand: 55 #50 97 % Silt: 34 #100 81 % Clay (3 micron): 11 #200, 45 (Clay content by short hydrometer method) 9 I� { 100 i • I � ' I i i I I I t }' 70 i ; i i 1 I j ' i I i 60 a50 {iL�If I III`' I — i l'i i I�'iI I IIIA, :. I I I L- ..� iii , i� i. I•.Li 1 30 . i I'I li I I f 'III I I I I i.l 1 I I 20 . j i I i 1 I I ' 10 :;Iii I i I I� 'II i , I I' I j � i• _ i� i i - - 0-'- 100 10' 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Size ( mm) EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST File No.: 09902-02 April 14, 2005 CONSOLIDATION TEST ASTM D 2435 & D 5333 Lot 226, Via Palacio, Hideaway, LQ, CA Initial Dry Density: 89.2 pcf B-3 @ 8 feet Initial Moisture, %: 27.7% Silt (ML) Specific Gravity (assumed): 2.67 Ring Sample Initial Void Ratio: 0.868 Hydrocollapse: 1.2% @ 2.0 ksf EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST File No.: 09902-02 April 14, 2005 MAXIMUM DENSITY UM MOISTURE ASTM D 1557-91 (Modified) Job Name: Lot 226, Via Palacio, Hideaway, LQ, CA Procedure Used: A Sample ID: 1 Preparation Method: Moist Location: B2 @ 1-4' Rammer Type:. Mechanical Description: Brown, Silty Sand, w/Silt Clumps, F Lab Number: 05-0182 (SM -ML) Sieve Size % Retained Maximum Density: 120 p'cf 3/411 0.0 Optimum Moisture: 12.5% 3/8" 0.0 #4 0.0 140 135 130 110 105 100 J . ............ < ----- Zero Air Voids Lines, sg =2.65, 2,70, 2,75 .. ........ .. .. . . ...... r .-A —7- ;-7 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Moisture Content, percent EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST General Guidelines for Soil Corrosivity Chemical Agent Amount in Soil Degree of Corr;sivity File No.: 09902-02 r April 14, 2005 Lab Number: 05-0182 Sulfates SOIL CHEMICAL ANALYSES Moderate . i • Job Name: Lot 226, Via Palacio, Hideaway, LQ, CA 2000 - 20,000 mg/Kg (ppm) [0.2-2.0%] Job No.: 09902-02 ' Sample ID: B2 Very Severe Sample Depth, feet: -14 DF RL l _ Sulfate, mg/Kg (ppm): " 145 1 0.5-0, Chloride, mg/Kg (ppm): 187 1 " 0.20 r pH, (pH Units): 7.80 1 0.41 Resistivity, (ohm -cm): 850 N/A N/A 10,000+ ohm -cm Low " Conductivity, (µmhos -cm): 1 2.00 Note: Tests performed by Subcontract Laboratory: Surabian-AG Laboratory DF: Dilution Factor 81-854 Sierra Avenue RL: Reporting Limit " • ' Indio, California 92201 Tel: (776) 775-9700 General Guidelines for Soil Corrosivity Chemical Agent Amount in Soil Degree of Corr;sivity Soluble - 0 -1000 mg/Kg (ppm) [ 0-A%] Low Sulfates 1000-2000 mg/Kg (ppm) [0.1-0.2%] Moderate 2000 - 20,000 mg/Kg (ppm) [0.2-2.0%] Severe . > 20,000 m m) >2.0% Very Severe Resistivity s 1-1000 ohm -cm 'Very Severe .1000-2000 ohm -cm Severe 2000-10,000 ohm -cm Moderate 10,000+ ohm -cm Low "