002466 (SFD) Geotechnical Report11110 Ennineers,lnc. ® SEP 1� __... _ ._.-.._ QUItni NT DEPt TESTING INSPECTION COMMUNITY DEVELOPME 1731-A- WALTER STREET • VENTURA, CALIFORNIA 93003 PHONE (805) 642.6727 ....September 8, 1986 _ Rick Johnson Construction P. 0. Box 2288. Indio, CA 92202 Project:. 48-721 San Pedro La Qui nta, CA _ Subject: Report of Field. Densities .House Pad 8-16370-P5 W-9-96 :... On July 24, 1986, a representative of our firm performed density tests on the fill placed in the building area on the above referenced project. T ests were performed at random locations in accordance with ASTM D 2922-81 and ASTM D 3017-78 Nuclear Density Test Procedure. Tests were pert ormed as per authorl zati on of Bri an wi th R1 ck Johnson Constructi on. The estimated locations of the tests are presented .on the attached plan with their results being summarized on the attached test report sheet. A total 'of two (2) density tests were performed. Tests results indicate that a minimum of ninety percent (90%) relative compaction has been obtained within the areas tested. The maximum density -optimum moisture were determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM D 1557-78, Method A or C. Test results are as follows: Soil Description 'USCS Maximum Density -Optimum Moisture Brown sli htly -silty: Ye -_ - - - fine to coarse sand with gravel SM 132.6 pcf 6.8� VENTURA (805) 642.6727 BAKERSFIELD SANTA BARBARA (805) 327-5150 (805) 966-9912 LANCASTER (805) 948.7538 PALM SPRINGS SAN LUIS OBISPO (619) 328-9131 (805) 544-6187 I September 8, 1986 - 2 - 8-16370-P5 86-9-96.. 1. The project is located at 48-721 San Pedro in 'the City of La Quints, CA. 2. Prior to our arrival at the site, the grading of the pad had been completed. .3. The purpose of testing was to. observe compliance with the. minimum requirements of the City of Ls Quinta, CA. The test results summarized in this report present the moisture and density only at the locations and depths tested on the specified date.. The summarized field and laboratory, ftests were performed in accordance with engineering principles generally accepted at this time and location. No opinion is expressed as to the uniformity of the material, compaction, nor adequacy of the material to perform its intended function. No guarantee or warranty of the.contractor's work is made or implied. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully submitted, BUENA EN6INEERS, INC. Reviewed and Approved Ed Lewis Craig S. Hill Soil Engi neer- - -- -- - EL/CSHJsg Copies: 2 -Rick Johnson Construction 2 - City of La Quints 2 - PS file, 1 - VTA file - BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. 7116a Engineers,Inc: REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS Job No. B -16370-P5 CONTRACTOR: _ _ _. DATE_ September S, 1986. Report No. 86-9-96 ADDRESS: JOB & LOCATION: La QUlnta. CA TEST NO. DATE '" DESCRIPTION % MOISTURE DRY DENSITY RELATIVE MAXIMUM TESTED IN PLACE IN PLACE COMPACTION DENSITY _ 48-721 San Pedro 1 7-24-86 Per Pian 0.5 BFG 8.6 125.8 95 132.6 2 7-24-86 Per Plan FG 12.8 121.2 91 1.32.6 - BFG = Below Fi ni sh Grade FG = Finish Grade - -WE CERTIFY THAT THESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH COPIES: BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. . � � � � i � � ' i i