TR 31681 Andalusia (55 Series; Plans 1-3) - Title 24REVISED Title Energy Conservation my Orfa4nv,ai Y� * BUILDING & SAFtt Y utM. APPROVE® FOR CONSTtiUCTlO''' Compliance Report ALUSIA AT CORAL MOUNTAIN 55 SERIES ■PLANS 1 - 2 - 3 LA QUINTA October 23, 2004 • Job Number: 24575B Prepared Eon - CORAL OPTION I, LLC. P.O. BOX 1716 LA QUINTA, CA 92253. (760) 777-7747 Madlin s enterpfises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst Post Office Box 1443 v 'Palm Springs, CA 92263 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) E-mail: CMadlin@aol.com Madlin s en to rises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst Y 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ......► . Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards Compliance Report This proposed project has been reviewed for compliance with the 2001 State of California Energy Conservation Standards, Title 24, by Madlin's Enterprises. The building design described in this compliance portfolio is in conformance with the standards as outlined in the attached compliance forms and documentation. Date: August 26, 2004 Job Number: 24575B Owner's Name: Coral Option I, LLC. Project Designer: Pekarek-Crandell, Inc. Project Name: Andalusia at Coral Mountain - 55 SERIES Project Location: La Quinta Method of Compliance: Micropas V6.1, Certified Computer Program Certified Energy Analyst. Y Catherine M. Madlin NR 98-90-544 r r. R 98-90-144 r r CA®E'C California Association of Building Energy Consultants Post Office Box 1443 Y Palm Springs, Ca 92263 Y r Madlin s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004.1323-3644 (fax) ....... . ;:.SRXPTTON CSF B%1ILDNG: CCJMPOVENT M1 Cfl1VL.ANCE Job Name Andalusia at Coral Mountain - 55 SERIES Job No. / File No. 24520B Method of Compliance Micropas V6.1 Computer Simulation Insulation: Roof / Ceiling R-38 Batts Roof Radiant Barrier Required Insulation: Walls R-19 Batts + 1" EPS R-3.9 or Better R-19 Batts - Firewall House to Garage or Utility R-13 Batts - 2x4 Walls - Firewall Insulation: Floor - Slab on Grade Not Required Insulation: H.V.A.C. Ducts/Location/Testing R-4.2 / Attic / No Duct Testing Glazing U Value / Type: Fixed, Operable, DH, Case. Glazing Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0.38, Dual Pane, Low E2, Any Frame Type 0.35 SHGC (NFRC Tested Values) Glazing U -Value / Type: French Drs or Std Patio Drs Glazing Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0.38, Dual Pane, Low E2, Any Frame Type 0.35 SHGC (NERC Tested Values) Glazing U -Value / Type: Large Patio Door Glazing Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0.40, Dual Pane, Low E2, Any Frame Type 0.40 SHGC (NERC Tested Values) Glazing U -Value / Type: Entry Doors Glazing Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0. 50, Dual Pane, Low E2, Any Frame Type, 0.50 SHGC (NERC Tested Values) Glazing U -Value / Type: Skylights or Solar Tubes 1.72 Single Domed, Clear (CEC Default Value) Glazing Exterior Shading Overhangs as Shown on Plans Thermal Mass Square Footage & % Not Required H.V.A.C. System Type Gas Heating / Electric Cooling Units HVAC System Efficiencies (heating/cooling) 78% AFUE / 12.0 SEER with TX Valve Domestic Hot Water Heater (1) 75 Gallon Gas - All Models + (1) 30 Gallon Gas In Designated Guest Suites Energy Factor / Eff. / Standby Loss 0.78 RE or Better - 75 Gallon Units 0.58 EF or Better - 30 Gallon Units R12 Blanket on Tank Required: 75 Gal WH Plan 3 View Lots Only Recirculating Pump for DHW Yes - 75 Gallon Systems Other Requirements Applicable Mandatory Measures T Post Office Box 1443 v Palm Springs, Ca 92263 v adlin s enteipfises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 760-322-5004 / 323-364.4 (fax) ....... Title 24 Compliance Forms MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL (Page I of 2) MF -1R Note: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (•) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or enter N/A if not applicable. DESCRIPTION DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Building Envelope Measures: §150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. 1� §I50(b): loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value. § 150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U -Factor in metal frame walls does not apply to exterior mass walls). ` §150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors. § 150(1) : Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 pernrYinch. § 118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation quality standards. Indicate type and form. ✓ §I 16-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors, and Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. 2. Fenestration products (except field -fabricated) have label with certified U -Factor, certified Solar Heat / Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. § 150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. § 150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with § 151 meets Commission quality standards. § 150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: r a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilot lights allowed. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: §110-§113: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. §150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. ✓ §150(i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. §1506): Pipe and tank insulation 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systems, insulated (R-4 or greater) ✓ 3. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 combined internal/external insulation. 4. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating sections of hot water systems. 5. Cooling system piping below 55° F insulated. 6. Piping insulated between heating source and indirect hot water tank. January 4, 2001 R MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL (Page 2 of 2) W -IR Note: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliancd approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or enter N/A if not applicable. DESCRIPTION DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: (continued) * §150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirement of the 1998 CMC Sections 601, 603, 604, and Standard 6-3; ducts insulated to a minimum installed level of RA.2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape, aerosol sealant, or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181A, or UL 181B. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. Building cavities shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. 2. Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. 3. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned. space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. § 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. System is certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light is installed ✓ 2. System with: a At least 36" of pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. § 115: Gas fired central furnaces, pool beaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no , continuously burning pilot light (Exception: Nori-electrical cooking appliances with pilot < 150 Btu/hr) t� Lighting Measures: § 150(k)l.: Luminaires for general lighting in kitchens shall have lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens. This general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily accessible li&hting control panel at an entrance to the kitchen. §150(k)2.: Rooms with a shower or bathtub must have either at least one luminaire with lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or greater switched at the entrance to the room or one of the alternatives to this requirement allowed in § 150 2.; and recessed ceiling fixtures are IC insulation cover approved. January 4, 2001. Madlin 's enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) S .. v v . v Andalusia at Coral Mountain Series 55 - Plan 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.1 Date..10/21/04 12:47:29 Project Address........ PLAN 1 ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24520B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -----_- ----------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- j Conditioned Floor Area..... 2895 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Stories... ...... 1 Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Glazing Percentage......... 20.5 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.38 Average Ceiling Height..... 10.7 ft BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Frame Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly Type ------ Type ------- R -value -------- R -value R -value U -factor Location/Comments Wall Wood R-17.8 ---------------------- R-3.9 R-21.7 0.051 ------------------------ Wall Wood R-17.8 R-0 R-17.8 0.064 Wall Wood R-13 R-0 R-13 0.088 2x4 Studs Door None R-0 R-0 R-0 0.330 RoofRadiant Wood R-11 R-27 R-38 0.025 SlabEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.760 SlabEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.510 FENESTRATION ------------ Orientation ------- Area (sf) ----- ------ U- Factor Interior SHGC Shading Exterior Shading Over- hang/ Fins Door Window Back (S) Left (E) 144.0 10.5 0.400 0.380 --------------------- 0.400 Standard 0.350 -------------- Standard ----- Yes Window Left (E) 17.5 0.380 Standard 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Yes Yes Door Window Back (S) Right (W) 96.0 10.5 0.400 0.380 0.400 Standard 0.350 Standard Yes Window Right (W) 17.5 0.380 Standard 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None None Window Window Back (S) Right (W) 17.7 10.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 Standard 0.350 Standard None Window Right (W) 6.0 0.380 Standard 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None None Window Right (W) • 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Door Window Front (N) Left 48.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window (E) Front (N) 12.5 5.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 Standard 0.350 Standard Standard None Standard None CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF-1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.1 Date..10/21/04 12:47:29 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24520B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R User#-MP0207 ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC FENESTRATION ------------ Over- Orientation ---------- Area (sf) U- Factor SHGC Interior Shading Exterior Shading hang/ Fins Window Right (W) ----- 1.4 ------ ------ 0.380 0.350 --------------- Standard -------------- Standard ----- None Window Right (W) 1.4 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 1.4 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None ? Window. Right (W) 8.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window ` Window Left Left (E) (E) 23.4 6.0 0.380 0.350 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None None Window Window Left Left (E) (E) 23.4 4.0 0.380 0.350 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None None i Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None ` Door Window Front Right (N) (W) 48.0 4.0 0.500 0.500 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None None Window Window Left Left (E) (E) 12.5 7.0 0.380 0.350 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None Window Right (,W) 7.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None None Skylight Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 None None None SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type (sf) Standard Slab 2895 HVAC SYSTEMS Equipment Minimum ------------ Refrigerant Charge and Duct Duct Tested ACCA Duct Manual Thermostat Type Efficiency Airflow Location R -value ---------- ------- ----------- Leakage D Type Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic ------- R-4.2 ------- No No Setback ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No Setback WATER HEATING --------------------- SYSTEMS Number Tank External Tank Type in Heater Type Distribution Type System ---------- --------------P---- Energy Size Factor (gal) Insulation R -value Large Gas Recirc/TimeTem -------------- 1 n/a 75 R-0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -1R Project -Title .......... -ANDALUSIA_PLAN_1----------------Date._10/21/04-12_47_29 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24520B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R --------User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ---------------------------------------------------- ------ WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot System------ Efficiency Input Fraction R -value Light --------------------------------------- --------------- Large 0.78 n/a 0.03 R-n/a 0 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ---------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to the glazing areas and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install 4 better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included'in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 4 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.1 Date..10/21/04 12.47.29 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24520B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- ----------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is required to be installed -with the HVAC system. The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing 6 the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. 1 , i - e 1 , r 1` CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 5 CF -1R -------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.1 Date..10/21/04 12.47.29 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24520B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- --------------------------------------------------=------------ COMPLIANCE STATEMENT -------------------- j This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features Modeling Assumptions section. DESIGNER or OWNER DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... Name.... CATHERINE M. MADLIN Company. CORAL OPTION 1, LLC Company. Madlin's Enterprises Address. P.O. BOX 1716 Address. P.O. Box 1443 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Palm Springs, CA 92262 Phone... 760-777-7 47 Phone... 760-322-5004 License. Signed..4(tqe) Signed.. 1 ( ate) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name.... Certified. Energy Analyst Title... Catherine M. Madlin Agency.. NR 98-90-644 r r R Phone... r 98-90-144 Signed.. C A D E C ( date ) Californio Association of 1;t 1g COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.1 Date..10/21/04 12.47.29 Project Address........ PLAN 1 ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 1 1 1 --------------------- I Compliance -Method ...... -MICROPAS6-v6_01- for -2001- Standards by-Enercomp,-Inc_ - --- - ------MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24520B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----------------------------------------------------------------- = MICROPAS6 --------------------------- ENERGY USE SUMMARY = ---------------------- = Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance _ _ (kBtu/sf-yr) ------------------------ Design ---------- Design Margin = = Space Heating.......... ------=--- 4.63 4.12 ---------- _ 0.51 = = Space Cooling.......... 41.05 36.56 4.49 = = Water Heating.......... 9.84 10.88 -1.04 = North Total -------- -------- 55.52 51.56 -------- 3.96 _ Space Heating.......... 4.63 4.26 0.37 = = Space Cooling.......... 41.05 37.35 3.70 = = Water Heating.......... 9.84 10.88 -1.04 _ = East Total --------------- 55.52 52.49 -------- _ 3.03 = = Space Heating.......... 4.63 4.44 0.19 = = Space Cooling.......... 41.05 37.35 3.70 = = Water Heating.......... 9.84 10.88 -1.04 = _ South Total ---------------- 55.52 52.67 -------- _ 2.85 = Space Heating.......... 4.63 4.19 0.44 = _ Space Cooling.......... 41.05 37.53 3.52 = = Water Heating.......... 9.84 10.88 -1.04 = = West Total --------------- 55.52 52.60 -------- " _ 2.92 _ *** Building complies ----------------- with Computer Performance GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... 2895 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type........... FullYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number of Building Zones... 1 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.1----------Date..10/21/04 12:47:29 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24520B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------- ------------------------------------------------------ Conditioned Volume......... 31062 cf Slab -On -Grade Area......... 2895 sf Glazing Percentage......... 20.5 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.38 Average Ceiling Height..... 10.7 ft Zone Type -------------- 1.ZONE Residence BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION ------------------------- Floor # of Vent Vent Air Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Area Leakage (sf) (cf) Units itioned Type (ft) (sf) Credit -- ----------------------- ----- -------- --------- 2895 31062 1.00 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No PERIMETER LOSSES Length F2 Insul Solar Surface (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments --- --------------------- ----- ---------------------- 1.ZONE 11 S1abEdge 312 0.760 R-0 No 12 S1abEdge 30 0.510 R-0 No FENESTRATION SURFACES Orientation ---------------------- Area (sf) ----- OPAQUE SURFACES Tilt Surface Area (sf) U- factorR-val --------------- Insul Act Azm Tilt Solar Gains Form 3 Location/ Reference --- ------- -------------- -- 1 2 Door Window Back Left (S) (E) Comments 1.ZONE 0.400 0.350 180 ----- --- ---- ----- ------------ ---------------- 1 Wall 261 0.051 21.7 0 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 2 Wall 961 0.051 21.7 90 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 3 Wall 523 0.051 21.7 180 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 4 Wall 941 0.051 21.7 270 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 5 Wall 250 0.064 17.8 0 90 No W.19.2X6FIRE 6 7 Wall Wall 120 0.088 13 0 90 No W.13.2X4.16 2x4 Studs 8 332 0.051 21.7 315 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 Door 24 0.330 0 0 90 No None 9 Door 24 0.330 0 0 90 No None 10 Roof Radiant 2894 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 PERIMETER LOSSES Length F2 Insul Solar Surface (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments --- --------------------- ----- ---------------------- 1.ZONE 11 S1abEdge 312 0.760 R-0 No 12 S1abEdge 30 0.510 R-0 No FENESTRATION SURFACES Orientation ---------------------- Area (sf) ----- U- factor SHGC ----- Act Azm Tilt Exterior Shade Type/SHGC Interior Shade T .ZONE ----- --- ---- -------------- ---SHGC --------------- 1 2 Door Window Back Left (S) (E) 144.0 10.5 0.400 0.380 0.400 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 3 Window Left (E) 17.5 0.380 0.350 90 90 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 4 5 Door Window Back Right (S) (W) 96.0 10.5 0.400 0.380 0.400 0.350 180 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 6 Window Right (W) 17.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 7 8 Window Window Back Right (S) (W) 17.7 10.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title ANDALUSIA.PLAN.1 Date..10/21/04 12.47.29 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24520B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- FENESTRATION SURFACES Orientation -------------- Area -(sf) -- U- factor SHGC ----- Act Azm Tilt Exterior Shade Type/SHGC Interior Shade Type/SHGC 9 10 Window Window Right Right (W) (W) 6.0 12.5 0.380 0.380 ----- 0.350 0.350 -- 270 270 ---- 90 ------------- Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 11 Door Front (N) 48.0 0.380 0.350 0 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 12 13 Window Window Left (E) 12.5 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 14 Window Front Right (N) (W) 5.0 1.4 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 0 270 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 15 16 Window Window Right Right (W) (W) 1.4 1.4 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 17 Window Right (W) 12.5 0.380 0.350 270 270 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 18 19 Window Window Right Left (W) (E) 8.0 6.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 20 Window Left (E) 23.4 0.380 0.350 90 90 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 21 22 Window Window Left Left (E) (E) 6.0 6.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 90 90 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 23 Window Left (E) 23.4 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 24 25 Window Window Left Left (E) (E) 4.0 4.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 90 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 26 Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 27 28 Door Window Front Right (N) (W) 48.0 4.0 0.500 0.380 0.500 0.350 0 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 29 Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 30 31 Window Window Left Left (E) (E) 12.5 7.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 32 Window Right (W) 7.0 0.380 0.350 90 270 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 33 Skylight Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 0 0 None/1 None/1 OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS - ---Window-- ----------------------- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin-- Left Rght Surface---- -Area (sf) Wdth ----- Hgth ----- Dpth ---- Hght Ext --- Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght 1.ZONE - ---- ---- -------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 Door 144.0 12 12 14 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2 Window 10.5 3.5 3 17 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 Window 17.5 3.5 5 17 11 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4 Door 96.0 8 12 8 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type ---------------- (sf) 1.ZONE ------ Standard Slab 2895 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C -2R ---------------------------- __________________________________ Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.1 Date..10/21/04 12.47.29 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24520B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ----------------------------------------------------------- System Type --------- ' 1.ZONE Furnace ACSplitTXV Tank Type ------------ 1 Large System ------------ 1 Large HVAC SYSTEMS Refrigerant g Tested ACCA Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Duct Efficiency Airflow Location R -value Leakage D Eff 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number in Energy Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor ------------------- -------------- Gas . Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a No 0.743 No 0.637 Tank External Size Insulation (gal) R -value 75 R-0 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ---------------------------- Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot Efficiency Input Fraction R_value Lightht ----------------------- ---------- --------------- ------- 0.78 n/a 0.03 R-n/a 0 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate.'*** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 5 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.1 Date..10/21/04 12.47.29 - -------------- r I----- - MICROPAS6v6.01-- File -24520B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ---------------------------------------------------- HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION -------------------------- system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to the glazing areas and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are j the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. 1 The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. j, The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. Madlin -s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Enemy Analyst . 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) . ®V .. V . Andalusia at Coral Mountain Series 55 - Plan l with Optional Guest Suite CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.I.WGUEST Date..10/23/04 07:47:02 Project Address........ PLAN 1 w/GUEST SUITE ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance -Method ...... -MICROPAS6-v6_01-for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24521B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Conditioned Floor Area..... 3172 sf Building Type .............. Construction Type ......... Building Front Orientation. Number of Dwelling Units... Number of Stories.......... Floor Construction Type.... Glazing Percentage......... Average Glazing U -factor... Average.Glazing SHGC....... Average Ceiling Height..... Component Frame Type Type ------------ ------- Wall Wood Wall Wood Wall Wood Door None RoofRadiant Wood i SlabEdge None SlabEdge F None Single Family Detached New Cardinal - N,E,S,W 1 1 Slab On Grade 20 % of floor area 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F 0.38 10.7 ft BUILDING SHELL INSULATION ------------------------- Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly R -value R -value R -value U -factor Location/Comments -------- R-17.8 -------- R-3.9 ------- R-21.7 ------- 0.051 R-17.8 R-0 R-17.8 0.064 R-13' R-0 R-13 0.088 R-0 R-0 R-0 0.330 R-11 R-27 R-38 0.025 R-0 R-0 (E) F2=0.760 R-0 R-0 Standard F2=0.510 Left FENESTRATION ------------ 17.5 0.380 2x4 Studs Over - Exterior Area U- Fins Interior Orientation ---------------- Standard (sf) ----- Factor ------ SHGC Shading Door Back (S) 144.0 0.400 ------ 0.400 --------------- Standard Window Left (E) 10.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Left (E) 17.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Door Back (S) 96.0 0.400 0.400 Standard Window Right (W) 10.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Right (W) 17.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Back (S) 17.7 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Right (W) 10.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Right (W) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Right (W) 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Door Front (N) 48.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Left, (E) 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Front (N) 5.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Over - Exterior hang/ Shading Fins -------------- Standard ----- Yes Standard Yes Standard Yes Standard Yes Standard None Standard None Standard None Standard None Standard None Standard None Standard None Standard None Standard None CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -1R ------------------------ ---------------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.I.WGUEST Date..10/23/04 07:47:02 MICROPAS6v6-- 01File-24521B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin s Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- - FENESTRATION {. Orientation -------------------- Area (sf) ----- U- Factor ------ SHGC Interior Shading Exterior Shading Over - hang/ Fins F Window Window Right Right (W) (W) 1.4 1.4 0.380 0.380 ------ 0.350 0.350 --------------- Standard -------------- Standard ----- None Window Right (W) 1.4 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None None Window Window Right Right (W) (W) 12.5 8.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None None Window i Window Left Left (E) (E) 23.4 6.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None None Window Window Left Left (E) (E) 23.4 4.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None None Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Door Window Front Right (N) (W) 48.0 4.0 0.500 0.380 0.500 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None Window '. Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None None Window Window Left Right (E) (W) 12.5 7.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None Window Front (N) 7.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None None Skylight Window Horz Right (W) 1.0 10.0 1.720 0.380 0.830 0.350 None Standard None Standard None Window Window Front Back (N) 10.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None None (S) 23.4 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type (sf) i Standard Slab 3172 + HVAC SYSTEMS Equipment Minimum ------------ Refrigerant Charge and Duct Duct Tested ACCA Duct Manual Thermostat ---Type----- Efficiency ----------- Airflow ------------------ Location R -value Leakage D Type Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic ------- R-4.2 ------- No No Setback ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No Setback WATER HEATING --------------------- SYSTEMS Number Tank External Tank Type Heater ---------- in Type Distribution Type System ------------------- Energy Size Factor (gal) Insulation R -value Large Gas Recirc/TimeTemp -------------- 1 n/a 75 R-0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -1R ----------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.I.WGUEST Date..10/23/04 07.47:02 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24521B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ------------------------------------------------ WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot System----- -Efficiency Input Fraction R -value Light ------------------ ------- --------------------- ------- Large 0.78 0.03 R-n/a 0 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. E This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic,Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing area and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. .The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 4 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.I.WGUEST Date..10/23/04 07.47.02 ----------------------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24521B1 Wth-CTZ1,5S92 Program -FORM CF-1R -User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ------------------------------------- ----------------------- REMARKS this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. a A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. { The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. - r CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL �~ Pa e 5 CF -1R g Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.I.WGUEST Date..10/23/04 07:47:02 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24521B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- -------------------------------------------------------- COMPLIANCE STATEMENT -------------------- This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features Modeling Assumptions section. DESIGNER or OWNER DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR I Name.... Name.... CATHERINE M. MADLIN } Company. CORAL OPTION 1, LLC Company. Madlin's Enterprises } Address. P.O.-BOX 1716 Address. P.O. Box 1443 t LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Palm. Springs, CA 92262 Phone... 760- 7-77 7 Phone... 760-322-5004 License. r a Signed.. (� Signed.. ( te) (ate ) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY lQ Zj•pl/ iName.... Title... Agency.. Phone... I Signed.. (date) Certified Energy Analyst. Catherine M. Madlin NR 98-90-544 r r R 98-90-144 no CADEC California Association of Building Energy Consulrants COMPUTER METHOD ---------------------------------------=----------------- SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 C -2R Project Title.......... Project ANDALUSIA.PLAN.I.WGUEST Date..10/23/04 07:47:02 Address........ PLAN 1 w/GUEST SUITE ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 Climate Zone.. ' 760-322-5004 . ..... 15 Field Check/ Date Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 --------------------- Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24521B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises -------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC --- = --------------------------------- MICROPAS6 ENERGY USE SUMMARY = -------------------------P-- = Energy Use Standard Proposed _ (kBtu/sf-yr), Compliance Design ------------------------ Design Margin = = Space ------ Heating.......... 4.80 4.21 - ----0.59 = = Space Cooling.......... 41.24 36.45 4.79 = = Water Heating.......... 8.98 9.93 -0.95 - i = North Total 55.02 50.59 4.43 ' = Space Heating.......... 4.80 4.40 0.40 = = Space Cooling.......... 41.24 37.41 3.83 = Water Heating......... 8.98 9.93 -0.95 = = ---------------- East Total 55.02 51.74 -------- - 3.28 = = Space Heating.......... 4.80 4.49 0.31 = _ .Space Cooling.......... 41.24 37.20 4.04 - = Water Heating........ 8.98 9.93 -0.95 = -------- -------- South Total 55.02 51.62 -------- 3.40 = Space Heating............ 4.80 4.24 0.56r = = Space Cooling.......... 41.24 37.75 3.49 = = Water Heating.......... 8.98 9.93 -0.95 = _ ---------------- West Total 55.02 51.92 -------- _ 3.10 _ *** Building complies with Computer Performance GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... 3172 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type.......... FullYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number of Building Zones... 1 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.1.WGUEST Date..10/23/04 07:47:02 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24521B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R -User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Conditioned Volume......... 33832 cf Slab -On -Grade Area......... 3172 sf Glazing Percentage......... 20 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.38 Average Ceiling Height..... 10.7 ft BUILDING ZONE -INFORMATION ------------------------- Floor # of Vent Vent Air Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Area Leakage Zone Type (sf) (cf) Units itioned Type (ft) (sf) Credit •-------------- ------------ ----------------------- --------------- j 1.ZONE Residence 3172 33832 1.00 Yes Setback 2.O Standard No + OPAQUE SURFACES Area U- Insul Act Solar Form 3 Location/ t Surface (sf) factor R-val Azm Tilt Gains Reference Comments 1.ZONE7 ------- I 1 Wall 451 0.051 21.7 0 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 2 Wall 1098 0.051 21.7 90 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 3 Wall 593 0.051 21.7 180 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 4 Wall 1068 0.051 21.7 270 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 t` 5 Wall 154 0.064 17.8 0 90 No W.19.2X6FIRE 6 Wall 120 0.088 13 0 90 No W.13.2X4.16 2x4 Studs 7 Wall 332 0.051 21.7 315 90 Yes W.17.8.P02X6 8 Door 24 0.330 0 0 90 No None 9 RoofRadiant 3171 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 PERIMETER LOSSES ---------------- Length F2 Insul Solar Surface (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments --- --------------------- ----- ------------- --------- 1.ZONE 10 SlabEdge 370 0.760 R-0 No 11 SlabEdge 18 0.510 R-0 No { FENESTRATION SURFACES Orientation-_--------- Area (sf) ----- U- factor SHGC ----- Act Azm Tilt Exterior Shade Type/SHGC Interior Shade Type/SHGC 1.ZONE ----- --- ---- -------------- -------------- 1 2 Door Window Back Left (S) (E) 144.0 10.5 0.400 0.380 0.400 0.350 180 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68, 3 Window Left (E) 17.5 0.380 0.350 90 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 4 5 Door Window Back Right (S) 96.0 10.5 0.400 0.400 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 6 Window Right (W) (W) 17.5 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 270 270 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 7 '8 -Window Window Back Right (S) (W) 17.7 10.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 180 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 9 Window Right (W) 6.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.I.WGUEST Date..10/23/04 07.47.02 -----MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24521B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin s Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----------------------------------------------------------------- FENESTRATION SURFACES Orientation ------------- Area (sf) ----- U- factor SHGC ----- Act Azm Tilt Exterior Shade Type/SHGC Interior Shade Type/SHGC 10 11 Window Right (W) 12.5 0.380 ----- 0.350 --- 270 ---- 90 -------------- Standard/0.76 -------------- Standard/0.68 12 Door Window Front Left (N) 48.0 0.380 0.350 0 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 13 Window Front (E) (N) 12.5 5.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 90 0 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 14 15 Window Window Right Right (W) (W) 1.4 1.4 0.380 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 16 Window Right (W) 1.4 0.380 0.350 0.350 270 270 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 17 18 Window Window Right Right (W) (W) 12.5 8.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 19 Window Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 0.350 270 90 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 20 21 Window Window Left Left (E) (E) 23.4 6.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 22 Window Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 0.350 90 90 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 23 24 Window Window Left Left (E) (E) 23.4 4.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 25 Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 0.350 90 90 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 26 27 Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 28 Door Window Front Right (N) (W) 48.0 4.0 0.500 0.380 0.500 0.350 0 270 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 29 30 Window Window Right Left (W) (E) 4.0 12.5 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 270 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 31 Window Right (W) 7.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 32 33 Window Skylight Front Horz (N) 7.0 1.0 0.380 0.350 0 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 34 Window Right (W) 10.0 1.720 0.380 0.830 0.350 0 270 0 90 None/1 Standard/0.76 None/1 Standard/0.68 35 36 Window Window Front Back (N) (S) 10.0 23.4 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 0 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS ---Window-- ----------------------- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin-- Area Left Rght Surface ---- (sf) ----- Wdth ----- Hgth ----- Dpth Hght Ext ---- Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght 1.ZONE ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 Door 144.0 12 12 14 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2 Window 10.5 3.5 3 17 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 Window 17.5 3.5 5 17 11 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4 Door 96.0 8 12 8 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type ---------------- (sf) 1.ZONE ------ Standard Slab 3172 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.I.WGUEST Date..10/23/04 07:47:02 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24521B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R -User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ------------------------------------------------------------- System Type ------------- 1.ZONE Furnace ACSplitTXV Tank Type ------------ 1 Large System ------------ 1 Large HVAC SYSTEMS ----------- Refrigerant Tested ACCA Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Duct Efficiency Airflow Location R -value Leakage D Eff ------------------------------------------------------- ---- 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank in Energy Size Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) ----------- ------------------- -------------- ------ Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a 75 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ---------------------------- Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Efficiency Input Fraction R -value ----------- ------------ ---------- -------------- 0.78 n/a 0.03 R-n/a No 0.743 No 0.637 External Insulation R -value R-0 Pilot Light 0 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ------------------=---------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 5 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.I.WGUEST Date..10/23/04 07.47.02 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24521B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------=-- HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION -------------------------- system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing area and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations.. E The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. t The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. Madlin-'s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) . v v ®®. v Andalusia at Coral Mountain Series 55 - flan IM CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF-1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.IM Date..10/23/04 07:56:05 Project Address........ PLAN 1M ******* _____________________ R -value R -value ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Wood Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Wall Madlin's Enterprises R-17.8 R-0 R-17.8 0.064 P.O. Box 1443 Plan C ec Date R-0 Palm Springs, CA 92262 Door None Climate Zone........... 760-322-5004 15 Field Check Date Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24522B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R R-0 _--_--_-User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises ------------------------------------------------=------ Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC None GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Conditioned Floor Area..... .2757 sf Building Type .............. Construction Type ......... Building Front Orientation. Number of Dwelling Units... Number of Stories... ...... Floor Construction Type.... Glazing Percentage......... Average Glazing U -factor... Average Glazing SHGC....... Average Ceiling Height..... Single Family Detached New Cardinal - N,E,S,W 1 1 Slab On Grade 20.2 % of floor area 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F 0.39 10.8 ft Orientation BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component -Frame ------------------------- Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly Type ------------ Type ------- R -value R -value R -value U -factor Wall Wood -------- R-17.8 -------- R-3.9 ------- ------- R-21.7 0.051 Wall Wood R-17.8 R-0 R-17.8 0.064 Wall Wood R-13 R-0 R-13 0.088 Door None R-0 R-0 R-0 0.330 RoofRadiant - Wood R-11 R-27 R-38 0.025 S1abEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.760 SlabEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.510 Orientation -------------------- Door Back (S) Window Left (E) Window Left (E) Door Back (S) Window Right (W) Window Right (W) Window Back (S) Window Right (W) Window Right (W) Window Right (W) Door Front '(N) Window Left (E) Window Front (N) Location/Comments ------------------------ 2x4 Studs FENESTRATION Over - Area U- Interior Exterior hang/ (sf) Factor --- SHGC ------ Shading Shading Fins 144.0 0.400 0.400 --------------- Standard -------------- Standard ----- Yes 10.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Yes 17:5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Yes 96.0 0.400 0.400 Standard Standard Yes 10.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 17.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 17.7 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 10.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 48.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 5.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF-1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.IM Date..10/23/04 07:56:05 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24522B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R -User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- Orientation -------------------- Window Right (W) Window Right (W) Window Right (W) ' Window Right (W) Window Right (W) Window Left (E) Window Left (E) Window Left (E) Window Left (E) Window Left (E) Window Left (E) Window Left (E) Window Left (E) Door Front (N) i Skylight Horz Equipment Type ------------ Furnace ACSplitTXV Tank Type ------------ Large System ------------ Large Minimum Efficiency 0.780 AFUE 12.00 SEER HVAC SYSTEMS ------------ Refrigerant Tested Charge and Duct Duct Duct Airflow Location R -value Leakage --------------- ---------- n/a Attic R-4.2 No Yes Attic R-4.2 No WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number in Heater Type Distribution Type System ----------- ------------------- ------ Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 Energy Factor n/a ACCA Manual Thermostat D Type No Setback No Setback Tank FENESTRATION ------------ Size Insulation (gal) R -value 75 ----- R -O Over- Area U- Interior Exterior hang/ (sf) ----- Factor ------ SHGC ------ Shading Shading Fins 1.4 0.380 0.350 --------------- Standard -------------- Standard ----- None 1.4 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 1.4 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 8.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 23.4 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 23.4 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 48.0 0.500 0.500 Standard Standard None 1.0 1.720 0.830 None None None SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type (sf) Standard Slab 2757 Minimum Efficiency 0.780 AFUE 12.00 SEER HVAC SYSTEMS ------------ Refrigerant Tested Charge and Duct Duct Duct Airflow Location R -value Leakage --------------- ---------- n/a Attic R-4.2 No Yes Attic R-4.2 No WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number in Heater Type Distribution Type System ----------- ------------------- ------ Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 Energy Factor n/a ACCA Manual Thermostat D Type No Setback No Setback Tank External Size Insulation (gal) R -value 75 ----- R -O WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ---------------------------- Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Efficiency- Input Fraction R -value ------------ ------------ ---------- --------------- 0.78 n/a 10.03 R-n/a Pilot Light 0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.IM Date..10/23/04 07:56:05 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24522B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin s Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** i This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System I HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION -------------------------- t *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing areas and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 4 F:; CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.IM Date..10/23/04 07:56:05 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24522B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS A night setback thermostat is required -to -be installed with the HVAC system. The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the l California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with s overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features Modeling Assumptions section. DESIGNER or OWNER Name.... Company. CORAL OPTION 1, LLC Address. P.O. BOX 1716 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Phone... 760-777-7747 License. Signed.. ( atey ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name.... r Title... Agency.. Phone... Signed.. (date) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... CATHERINE M. MADLIN Company. Madlin's Enterprises Address. P.O. Box 1443 Palm Springs, CA 92262 Phone... 760-322-5004 Signed.. �(ate ) Certified Energy Analyst Catherine M. Madlin NR 98-90-544 nrrrr R 98-90-144 CAD -EC I California Association of Dulldhtg &Wgy Consultants COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.IM Date..10/23/04 07:56:05 Project Address........ PLAN 1M ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. --------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24522B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R ---_--User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------ = MICROPAS6 ------------------------------- ENERGY USE SUMMARY = -------------------------P-- = Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance = _ (kBtu/sf-yr) ---------------------- Design ---------- Design Margin = = Space Heating.......... 4.22 ---------- 3.65 ---------- _ 0.57 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.77 34.92 4.85 = = Water Heating.......... 10.34 11.42 -1.08 = North Total -------- 54.33 -------- 49.99 -------- 4.34 = Space Heating.......... 4.22 3.81 0.41 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.77 36.13 3.64 = = Water Heating.......... 10.34 11.42 -1.08 = = East Total -------- 54.33 -------- 51.36 ------- _ 2.97 = = Space Heating.......... 4.22 3.93 0.29 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.77 35.85 3.92 = = Water Heating.......... 10.34 11.42 -1.08 = = South Total -------- 54.33 -------- 51.20 -------- - 3.13 = Space Heating.......... 4.22 3.71 0.51 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.77 36.38 3.39 = = Water Heating.......... 10.34 11.42 -1.08 = West Total -------- 54.33 -------- 51.51 -------- 2.82 _ *** Building complies with Computer Performance GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... 2757 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type.......... FullYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number of Building Zones... 1 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C -2R -------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.IM--------Date..10/23/04 07:56:05 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24522B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R --------User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC --------------------------------------- ------------------ Conditioned Volume......... 29682 cf Slab -On -Grade Area......... 2757 sf Glazing Percentage......... 20.2 % of floor area 4 Average Glazing U -factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.39 Average Ceiling Height..... 10.8 ft BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION ------------------------- Floor # of Vent Vent Air Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Area Leakage j Zone Type (sf) (cf) Units itioned Type (ft) (sf) Credit -------------- ------------ ----- ------------------ ---------------------- 1.ZONE ' Residence 2757 29682 1.00 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No I OPAQUE SURFACES --------------- Area U- Insul Act Solar Form 3 Location/ Surface (sf,) factor R-val Azm Tilt Gains Reference Comments ------ ------ ----- ----- --- ---- --------------------------------- 1.ZONE 1 Wall 261 0.051 21.7 0 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 2 Wall 860 0.051 21.7 90 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 3 Wall 402 0.051 21.7 180 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 4 Wall 850 0.051 21.7 270 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 5 Wall 154 0.064 17.8 0 90 No W.19.2X6FIRE 6 Wall 120 0.088 13 0 90 No W.13.2X4.16 2x4 Studs 7 Wall 332 0.051 21.7 315 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 8 Door 24 0.330 0 0 90 No None 9 RoofRadiant 2756 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 PERIMETER LOSSES ---------------- Length F2 Insul Solar Surface (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments ---- --------------------- ----- ---------------------- 1.ZONE 10 S1abEdge 276 0.760 R-0 No 11 SlabEdge 18 0.510 R-0 No FENESTRATION SURFACES Orientation ---------------------- Area (sf) ----- U- factor SHGC ----- Act Azm Tilt Exterior Shade T Interior Shade Type .ZONE ----- --- ---- ------------ --- ----- 1 2 Door Window Back Left (S) (E) 144.0 10.5 0.400 0.380 0.400 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 3 Window Left (E) 17.5 0.380 0.350 90 90 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 4 5 Door Window Back Right (S) (W) 96.0 10.5 0.400 0.380 0.400 0.350 180 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 6 Window Right (W) 17.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 7 8 Window Window Back Right (S) (W) 17.7 10.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 9 Window Right (W) 6.0 0.380 0.350 270 270 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.IM Date..10/23/04 07.56.05 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24522B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- FENESTRATION SURFACES Orientation --------------- Area (sf) ----- U- Act factor SHGC Azm ----- Tilt Exterior Shade Type/SHGC Interior Shade Type/SHGC 10 Window Right (W) 12.5 0.380 ----- --- 0.350 270 --- 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 11 12 Door Window Front (N) 48.0 0.380 0.350 0 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 ' 13 Window Left Front (E) (N) 12.5 5.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 90 0.350 0 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 14 Window Right (W) 1.4 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 15 16 Window Window Right Right (W) (W) 1.4 1.4 0.380 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 17 Window Right (W) 12.5 0.380 0.350 270 0.350 270 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 18 19 Window Window Right Left (W) (E) 8.0 6.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 20 Window Left (E) 23.4 0.380 0.350 90 0.350 90 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 21 22 Window Window Left Left (E) (E) 6.0 6.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 23 Window Left (E) 23.4 0.380 0.350 90 0.350 90 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 i 24 25 Window Window Left Left (E) (E) 4.0 4.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 26 Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 90 0.350 90 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 27 28 Door Skylight Front Horz (N) 48.0 1.0 0.500 0.500 0 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 1.720 0.830 0 0 None/1 None/l OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS ----------------------- ---Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin-- Area Left Rght Surface ---- (sf) ----- Wdth ----- Hgth ----- Dpth ---- Hght Ext Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght 1.ZONE ---- ---- ---- -------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 Door 144.0 12 12 14 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2 Window 10.5 3.5 3 17 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 Window 17.5 3.5 5 17 11 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4 Door 96.0 8 12 8 2 n/a n/a ,n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type ---------------- (sf) 1.ZONE ------ Standard Slab 2757 HVAC SYSTEMS Refrigerant ------------ Tested ACCA System Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Duct ---Type------ Efficiency ----------- Airflow ------- Location R -value Leakage D Eff 1.ZONE ------------- ------- --------- -------- ---- Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No 0.743 ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No 0.637 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C -2R .Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.IM Date..10/23/04 07.56.05 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24522B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R -----User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -- --------------------------------------------------------------- Tank Type ------------ 1 Large S t i System ------------ 1 Large WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number in Heater Type Distribution Type System ------------------ ------ Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1, Recovery Efficiency 0.78 WATERHEATING - Rated Input n/a------- Tank Energy Size Factor (gal) ---- ---- n/a 75 SYSTEMSDETAIL - Standby Internal Tank Loss Insulation Fraction R -value ------ ---------- 0.03 R-n/a External Insulation R -value R-0 Pilot Light 0 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS --------------------------------------- [ *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing areas and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 5 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.IM Date..10/23/04 07:56:05 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24522B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. i" The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor 1 is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers'. ' A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the -HVAC system. t The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. Madlin's enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) .. ®®®. Andalusia at Coral Mountain Series 55 - Plan 2 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2 Date..10/21/04 15.02.51 Project Address........ PLAN 2 ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. ________________________ --------- ____________________________ MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24525B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R --------User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------- ------ GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Conditioned Floor Area..... 3058 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Stories.. ........ 1 Floor Construction Type Slab On Grade Glazing Percentage......... 19.4 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.38 Average Ceiling Height..... 11 ft Component Type ------------ Wall Wall Door RoofRadiant S1abEdge S1abEdge Frame Type Wood Wood None Wood None None BUILDING SHELL INSULATION ------------------------- Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly R -value R -value R -value U -factor Location/Comments ------- R-17.8 -------- R-3.9 -------------- - R-21.7 0.051 R-17.8 R-0 R-17.8 0.064 R-0 R-0 R-0 0.330 R-11 R-27 R-38 0.025 R-0 R-0 F2=0.760 R-0 R-0 F2=0.510 Over - Exterior hang/ FENESTRATION ------------ Fins -------------- Standard ----- Yes Area U- Standard Interior Orientation -------------------- Yes (sf) ----- Factor ------ SHGC Shading Door Back (S) 24.0 0.380 ------ 0.350 --------------- Standard Window Back (S) 25.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Back (S) 10.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Door Back (S) 24.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Left (E) 9.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Back (S) 12.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Back (S) 20.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Back (S) 8.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Back (SW) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Back (SW) 10.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Back (SW) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Door Back (S) 144.0 0.400 0.400 Standard .Window Right (W) 3.8 0.380 0.350 Standard Window Right (W) 25.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Over - Exterior hang/ Shading Fins -------------- Standard ----- Yes Standard Yes Standard Yes Standard Yes Standard Yes Standard Yes Standard Yes Standard Yes Standard Yes Standard Yes Standard Yes Standard Yes Standard None Standard None CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2 Date..10/21/04 15:02:51 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24525B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R --------User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC FENESTRATION WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External. in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value ----------- ------------------- -------- ------ ---- Large Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a 75 R-0 Over - Area U- Interior Exterior hang/ Orientation --------- (sf) Factor SHGC Shading Shading Fins Window Right (W) ----- 3.8 ------ 0.380 ------ 0.350 --------------- Standard -------------- Standard ----- None Window Right (W) 3.8 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 25.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 3.8 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Front (N) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Door Front (N) 48.0 0.500 0.500 Standard Standard Yes Window Right (W) 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Front (N) 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None -Window Right (W) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Back (S) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Door Right (W) 40.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Front (N) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None f Window Front (N) 2.3 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 2.3 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None j Window Left (E) 23.4 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 14.0 0.380 0.350 Standard 'Standard None Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window ' Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Skylight Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 None None, None SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area' Slab Type (sf) Standard Slab 3058 HVAC SYSTEMS ------------ Refrigerant Tested ACCA Equipment Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Thermostat ---Type----- Efficiency ----------- Airflow ------- ----------- Location R -value Leakage , D Type. Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic ------- R-4.2 ------- ------ No No ---------- Setback ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic' R-4.2 No No Setback WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External. in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value ----------- ------------------- -------- ------ ---- Large Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a 75 R-0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2 Date..10/21/04 15.02.51 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24525B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R I -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ---------------------------- Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot System Efficiency Input FractionR_value Lightht ------------ ------------------------------- --------------- ------ - Large 0.78 n/a 0.03 R-n/a 0 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ---------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing areas and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 4 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2 Date..10/21/04 15.02.51 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24525B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- --------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. -The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. i' The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. K: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 5 :=.:.s CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2 Date..10/21/04 15.02.51 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24525B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---- COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features Modeling Assumptions section. DESIGNER or OWNER Name.... Company. CORAL OPTION 1, LLC Address. P.O. BOX 1716 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Phone... 760-777-7 47 License. Signed.. L'— V I l rlqTp CW —(FdWfe) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name.... Title... Agency.. Phone... Signed.. (date) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... CATHERINE M. MADLIN Company. Madlin's Enterprises Address. P.O. Box 1443 , Palm Springs, CA 92262 Phone... 760-322-5004 Signed.. yate) e>3_oY Cerf6fied. Energy Analyst Catherine M. Madlin NR 98-90-544 r r R 98-90-144 r CA[3EC Califomia Association of Building Energy Comsulranis COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2 Date..10/21/04 15:02:51 Project Address........ PLAN 2 *******_____________________ ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24525B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R _User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC _-----_ = _ MICROPAS6 ---------------------------- ----------------------------------- ENERGY USE SUMMARY = = Energy Use Standard Proposed _ Compliance - (kBtu/sf-yr) ------------------------ Design ---------- Design Margin = = Space Heating.......... ----- 3.79 3.33 - 0.46 = Space Cooling.......... 37.47 31.89 5.58 = = Water Heating....... .. 9.32 10.30 -0.98 = = North Total ---------------- 50.58 45.52 -------- _ 5.06 = Space Heating.......... 3.79 3.85 -0.06 = = Space Cooling.......... 37.47 31.74 5.73 = = Water I= Heating.......... 9.32 10.30 -0.98 = = East Total ---------------- 50.58 45.89 -------- _ 4.69 = = Space Heating.......... 3.79 3.57 0.22 = = Space Cooling.......... 37.47 32.38 5.09 = = Water Heating.......... 9.32 10.30 -0.98 = j = South Total -------- -------- 50.58 46.25 -------- 4.33 = Space Heating.......... 3.79 2.88 0.91 = = Space Cooling.......... 37.47 33.23 4.24 = = Water Heating.......... 9.32 10.30 -0.98 - = West Total ---------------- 50.58 46.41 -------- 4.17 ------*** Building complies with Computer Performance *** GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... Building Type .............. Construction Type ......... Building Front Orientation. Number of Dwelling Units... Number of Building Stories. Weather Data Type.......... 3058 sf Single Family Detached New Cardinal - N,E,S,W 1 1 FullYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number of Building Zones... 1 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2 Date..10/21/04 15.02.51 Window Back (S) 3 Window MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24525B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R 4 User#-MP0207 ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC (S) Conditioned Volume......... 33583 cf Left Slab -On -Grade Area......... 3058 sf Window Glazing Percentage......... 19.4 % of floor area Window Average Glazing U -factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F Window Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.38 Window Average Ceiling Height..... 11 ft BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Floor ------------------------- # of Vent Vent Air Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Area Leakage Zone Type -------------- (sf) ----- (cf) Units itioned Type (ft) (sf) Credit ------- 1.ZONE ------------ ----------- ---------------------- Residence I• 3058 33583 1.00 Yes Setback 2.O.Standard No OPAQUE SURFACES Area --------------- U- Insul Act Solar Form 3 Location/ Surface -------------- (sf) ------ factor R-val Azm Tilt Gains Reference Comments 1.ZONE ----- ----- --- ---- ----------------- ---------------- 1 Wall 252 0.051 21.7 0 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 2 Wall 734 0.051 21.7 90 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 3 Wall 308 0.051 21.7 180 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 4 Wall 928 0.051 21.7 270 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 5 Wall 339 0.064 17.8 0 90 No W.19.2X6FIRE 6 Wall 29 0.051 21.7 225 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 7 Wall 208 0.051 21.7 315 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 8 Door 24 0.330 0 0 90 No None 9 Roof Radiant 3057 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 Surface ------------ 1.ZONE 10 S1abEdge 11 SlabEdge Orientation 1.ZONE PERIMETER LOSSES ---------------- Length F2 Insul Solar (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments --------------------- ----- ---------------------- 250 0.760 R-0 No 36 0.510 R-0 No 1 Door Back (S) 2 Window Back (S) 3 Window Back (S) 4 Door Back (S) 5 Window Left (E) 6 Window Back (S) 7 Window Back (S) 8 Window Back (S) 9 Window Back (SW) FENESTRATION SURFACES --------------------- Area U- Act Exterior Shade Interior Shade (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type/SHGC I Type/SHGC ----- ----- ----- --- ---- -------------- -------------- 24.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 25.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 10.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 24.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 9.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 12.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 20.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 8.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 6.0 0.380 0.350 225 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2 Date..10/21/04 15.02.51 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24525B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----------------------------------------------------------------- Orientation ---------------------- 10 Window Back (SW) 11 Window Back (SW) 12 Door Back (S) 13 Window Right (W) 14 Window Right (W) 15 Window Right (W) 16 Window Right (W) 17 Window Right (W) 18 Window Right (W) 19 Window Right (W) 20 Window Front (N) 21 Door Front (N) 22 Window Right (W) 23 Window Front (N) 24 Window Right (W) 25 Window Right (W) 26 Window Back (S) 27 Door Right (W) 28 Window Front (N) 29 Window Right (W) 30 Window Front (N) 31 Window Left (E) 32 Window Left (E) 33 Window Left (E) 34 Window Left (E) 35 Window Left (E) 36 Skylight Horz Surface 1. ZONE 1 Door 2 Window 3 Window 4 Door 5 Window 6 Window 7 Window 8 Window 9 Window 10 Window 11 Window 12 Door 21 Door Area (sf) 10.0 4.0 144.0 3.8 25.0 3.8 3.8 25.0 3.8 15.0 6.0 48.0 12.5 12.5 6.0 6.0 15.0 40.0 15.0 6.0 2.3 2.3 23.4 14.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 FENESTRATION SURFACES --------------------- U- Act Exterior Shade factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type/SHGC ---- ----- --- ---- 0.380 0.350 225 90 0.380 0.350 225 90 0.400 0.400 180 90 0.380 0.350 270 90 0.380 0.350 270 90 0.380 0.350 270 90 0.380 0.350 270 90 0.380 0.350 270 90 0.380 0.350 270 90 0.380 0.350 270 90 0.380 0.350 0 90 0.500 0.500 0 90 0.380 0.350 270 90 0.380 0.350 0 90 0.380 0.350 270 90 0.380 0.350 270 90 0.380 0.350 180 90 0.380 0.350 270 90 0.380 0.350 0 90 0.380 0.350 270 90 0.380 0.350 0 90 0.380 0.350 90 90 0.380 0.350 90 90 0.380 0.350 90 90 0.380 0.350 90 90 0.380 0.350 90 90 1.720 0.830 0 0 ------------- Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 None/1 OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS ----------------------- Interior Shade Type/SHGC -------------- Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 None/1 ---Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin -- Area Left Rght (sf) Wdth Hgth Dpth Hght Ext Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 24.0 3 8 6 2 n/a n/a 25.0 5 5 6 2 n/a n/a 10.0 5 2 6 7 n/a n/a 24.0 3 8 6 2 n/a n/a 9.0 2 4.5 16 4 n/a n/a 12.0 4 3 14 3 n/a n/a 20.0 4 5 14 7 n/a n/a 8.0 4 2 14 12 n/a n/a 6.0 2 3 20 3 n/a n/a 10.0 2 5 20 7 n/a n/a 4.0 2 2 20 12 n/a n/a 144.0 12 12 16 2 n/a n/a 48.0 6 8 3 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2 Date..10/21/04 15:02:51 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24525B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. I This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow„(RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System 0 SLAB SURFACES ------------- ' Area s Slab Type (sf). ------ ------ 1.ZONE j Standard Slab 3058 HVAC SYSTEMS i------------ Refrigerant Tested ACCA System Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Duct ---Type------ Efficiency Airflow Location R -value Leakage ----------- Eff 1.ZONE ------------------------------------ =-D ---- ---- Furnace .0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No 0.743 ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No 0.637 t. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank External Tank Type ------------ in Energy Size Heater Type- Distribution Type System Factor (gal) ----------- Insulation R -value 1 Large --------------P---- -------------- ------ Gas Recirc/TimeTem 1 n/a 75 ---------- R-0 ' WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ---------------------------- ' Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot System t------------ Efficiency Input Fraction R -value ------------------------ Light 1 Large ------------------------ 0.78 n/a 0.03 R-n/a ------- 0 ` SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS, ---------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** ' *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. I This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow„(RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System 0 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 5 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2 Date..10/21/04 15.02.51 ------------ ------MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24525B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ---------------------------- --------------------------------- HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA). or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing areas and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor' is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. Madlin -s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) v v ®v v .. Andalusia At Coral Mountain Series 55 - Plan 2M CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2M Date..10/21/04 15:32:10 Project Address........ PLAN 2M ******* --------------------- f ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan C ec Date ' Palm Springs, CA 92262 { 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date ` Climate Zone. 15 Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. ----------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24526B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R r User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... 3023 sf f! Building Type ... •••:•:...:: Single Family DetachedConstruction Type • New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal- N,E,S,W L Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of 4 Stories..1 ` Floor Construction Type Slab On Grade Glazing Percentage......... 18.9 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.38 Average Ceiling Height..... 11 ft BUILDING SHELL INSULATION ------------------------- ` Component Frame Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly --Type- Type R -value R -value R -value U -factor Location/Comments ----- Wall ------- Wood -------- R-17.8 ------- R-3.9 R-21.7 0.051 t Wall Wood R-17.8 R-0 R-17.8 0.064 Wall Door Wood R-13 R-0 R-13 0.088 2x4 Studs None R-0 R-0 R-0 0.330 RoofRadiant Wood R-11 R-27 R-38 0.025 SlabEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.760 SlabEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.510 FENESTRATION t------------ Orientation -------------------- Area (sf) U- Factor Interior SHGC Shading Exterior Shading Over-. hang/ Fins ----- ------ ------ --------------- Door Window Back Back (S) (S) 24.0 25.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 Standard 0.350 ------------- Standard Yes Window Back (S) 10.0 0.380 Standard" 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Yes Yes Door Window Back Left (S) (E) 24.0 9.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 Standard 0.350 Standard Yes Window Back (S) 12.0 0.380 Standard 0.350 Standard StandardYes Standard , Yes Window Window Back Back (S) (S) 20.0 8.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Yes _ 4 Window Back (SW) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Yes Yes Window Window Back Back (SW) (SW) 10.0 4.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard , Yes Door Back (S) 144.0 0.400 0.350 Standard 0.400 Standard Standard Standard Yes Yes Window Right (W) 3.8 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF-1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2M Date..10/21/04 15:32:10 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24526B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R --------User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----------------------------------------------------------------- HVAC SYSTEMS Equipment Minimum Refrigerant Charge and Duct Duct FENESTRATION ACCA Manual Thermostat ---Type----- -Efficiency ---------- Airflow Location ------------------ R -value Leakage D Type Furnace Over - Orientation ' -------------------- ------- R-4.2 Area (sf) ----- U- Factor SHGC Interior Shading Exterior Shading hang/ Fins window Right (W) 25.0 ------ 0.380 ------ 0.350 --------------- Standard -------------- Standard ----- None Window Right (W) 3.8 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 3.8 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 25.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None j Window Right (W) 3.8 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None i Window Front (N) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Door Front (N) 48.0 0.500 0.500 Standard Standard Yes Window Right (W) 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Front (N) 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Window Right Right (W) (W) 6.0 6.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None Window Back (S) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None None Door Right (W) 40.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Skylight Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 None None None Window Right (W) 0.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Window Front (N) 0.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left Left (E) (E) 2.3 23.4 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None None Window Window Left Left (E) (E) 14.0 4.0` 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None None Skylight Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 None None None SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type (sf) Standard Slab 3023 HVAC SYSTEMS Equipment Minimum Refrigerant Charge and Duct Duct Tested Duct ACCA Manual Thermostat ---Type----- -Efficiency ---------- Airflow Location ------------------ R -value Leakage D Type Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic ------- R-4.2 ------- No ------ No --------- Setback ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No Setback WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank External Tank Type ------------ Heater Type -------- Distribution Type ------------------- in System Energy Factor Size (gal) Insulation R -value Large Gas Recirc/TimeTemp -------------- 1 n/a ------ 75 ---- R-0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF-1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2M Date..10/21/04 15:32:10 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24526B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------ WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot System Efficiency Input Fraction R -value Light -------------------------------------------------------------------- Large 0.78 n/a 0.03 R-n/a 0 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing areas and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 4 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2M Date..10/21/04 15:32:10 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24526B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------- ----------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 5' CF-1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2M Date..10/21/04 15:32:10 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-24526B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program-FORM CF-1R -User#-MP0207 User-Madli.n's Enterprises Run-REVISED PERMIT CALL ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPLIANCE STATEMENT -------------------- This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features Modeling Assumptions section. i DESIGNER or OWNER DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... Name.... CATHERINE M. MADLIN Company. CORAL OPTION 1, LLC Company. Madlin's Enterprises Address. P.O. BOX 1716 Address. P.O. Box 1443 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Palm Springs, CA. 92262 Phone... 760-777-7747 Phone... 760-322-5004 License. Signed..Idle Signed.. (•ate) (date) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name.... Title... Certified Energy Analyst Agency.. Catherine M. Madlin Phone... r r NR 98-90-544 Signed.. r r R 98-90-144 (date) C A DE C Colifornlo Associa"on of DuddlN Energy Comltonrs • } i i COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2M Date..10/21/04 15:32:10 Project Address........ PLAN 2M ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Climate Zone.......... 15 Field Check/ Date --------------------- Compliance Method.: _.... -MICROPAS6-v6_01-for -2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc.. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24526B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises -------------------------------------------------------------- Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC --------------------------------- = MICROPAS6 ENERGY USE SUMMARY - -------------------------P-- = Energy Use Standard Proposed = Compliance _ (kBtu/sf-yr) Design --------------------------------- Design Margin ---------- = Space Heating.......... 3.79 3.39 ---------- _ 0.40 = = Space Cooling.......... 37.52 31.86 5.66 = = Water Heating.......... 9.43 10.42 -0.99 = ---------------- = North Total 50.74 45.67 -------- _ 5.07 = = Space Heating.......... 3.79 3.96 -0.17 = = Space Cooling.......... 37.52 31.54 5.98 = = Water Heating.......... 9.43 10.42 -0.99 = -------- -------- East Total 50.74 45.92 -------- 4.82 = Space Heating.......... 3.79 3.80 -0.01 = = Space Cooling.......... 37.52 32.12 5.40 _ = Water Heating.......... 9.43 10.42 -0.99 _ ---------------- = South Total 50.74 46.34 -------- _ 4.40 = Space Heating.......... 3.79 3.02 0.77 = = Space Cooling.......... 37.52 32.92 4.60 = = Water Heating.......... 9.43 10.42 -0.99 = -------- -------- West Total 50.74 46.36 -------- 4.38 _ *** Building complies with Computer Performance *** GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Conditioned Floor Area..... 3023 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type.......... FullYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number of Building Zones... 1 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C -2R ----------------------------- ____ _______________________ ------------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2M Date..10/21/04 15:32:10 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24526B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------- --------------------------------------------- ----------- Conditioned Volume......... 33233 cf Slab -On -Grade Area......... 3023 sf Glazing Percentage......... 18.9 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC........ 0.38 ' Average Ceiling Height..... 11 ft BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION ------------------------- Floor # of Vent Vent Air Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Area Leakage Zone Type (sf) (cf) Units itioned Type (ft) (sf) Credit ----- ------------ ------------ ----------- ---------------------- 1.ZONE ' Residence 3023 33233 1.00 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No r OPAQUE SURFACES --------------- Area U- Insul Act Solar Form 3 Location/ Surface (sf) factor R-val Azm Tilt Gains Reference Comments -------------- ------ 1.ZONE 1 Wall 140 0.051 21.7 0 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 2 Wall 734 0.051 21.7 90 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 3 Wall 308 0.051 21.7 180 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 4 Wall 824 0.051 21.7 270 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 5 Wall 339 0.064 17.8 0 90 No W.19.2X6FIRE 6 Wall 210 0:088 13 0 90 No W.13.2X4.16 2x4 Studs 7 Wall 29 0.051 21.7 225 90 Yes W.17%8.PW2X6 8 Wall 208 0.051 21.7 315 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 9 Door 24 0.330 0 0 90 No None 10 RoofRadiant 3021 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 PERIMETER LOSSES ---------------- Length F2 Insul Solar Surface (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments ------ --------------------- ----- ---------------------- 1.ZONE 11 S1abEdge 247 0.760 R-0 No 12 S1abEdge 36 0.510 R-0 No i FENESTRATION SURFACES --------------------- Area U- Act Exterior Shade Interior Shade Orientation (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type/SHGC Type/SHGC ------------- ----- ----- ----- --- -------------------------------- 1.ZONE 1 Door Back (S) 24.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 2 Window Back (S). 25.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 3 Window Back (S) 10.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 .Standard/0.68 4 Door Back (S) 24.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 5.Window Left (E) 9.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 6 Window Back (S) 12.0 0.380 0.3.50 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 7 Window Back (S) 20.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 8 Window Back (S) 8.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2M Date..10/21/04 15.32.10 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24526B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------- Orientation FENESTRATION SURFACES --------------------- Area U- Act (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt ---------------------- 9 Window Back (SW) ----- 6.0 ----- 0.380 ----- 0.350 --- 225 10 Window Back (SW) 10.0 0.380 0.350 225 11 Window Back (SW) 4.0 0.380 0.350 225 12 Door Back (S) 144.0 0.400 0.400 180 13 Window Right (W) 3.8 0.380 0.350 270 14 Window Right (W) 25.0 0.380 0.350 270 15 Window Right (W) 3.8 0.380 0.350 270 16 Window Right (W) 3.8 0.380 0.350 270 17 Window Right (W) 25.0 0.380 0.350 270 18 Window Right (W) 3.8 0.380 0.350 270 19 Window Right (W) 15.0 0.380 0.350 270 20 Window Front (N) 6.0 0.380 0.350 0 21 Door Front (N) 48.0 0.500 0.500 0 22 Window Right (W) 12.5 0.380 0.350 270 23 Window Front (N) 12.5 0.380 0.350 0 24 Window Right (W) 6.0 0.380 0.350 270 25 Window Right (W) 6.0 0.380 0.350 270 26 Window Back (S) 15.0 0.380 0.350 180 27 Door Right (W) 40.0 0.380 0.350 270 28 Skylight Horz n/a 1.0 1.720 0.830 0 29 Window Right (W) 0.0 0.380 0.350 270 30 Window Front (N) 0.0 0.380 0.350 0 31 Window Left (E) 2.3 0.380 0.350 90 32 Window Left (E) 23.4 0.380 0.350 90 33 Window Left (E) 14.0 0.380 0.350 90 34 Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 90 35 Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 90 36 Skylight Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 0 Surface ---- 1.ZONE 1 Door 2 Window 3 Window 4 Door 5 Window 6 Window 7 Window 8 Window 9 Window 10 Window -11 Window 12 Door 21 Door 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 0 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 0 Exterior Shade Type/SHGC -------------- Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 None/1 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 None/1 Interior Shade Type/SHGC -------------- Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 None/1 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 None/1 OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS ----------------------- ---Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin -- Area Left Rght (sf) Wdth Hgth -- Dpth ---- Hght ---- Ext ---- Ext ---- Ext ---- Dpth ---- Hght ---- Ext ---- Dpth ---- Hght ---- 24.0 3 8 6 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 25.0 5 5 6 2 n/a n/a n/a' n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 10.0 5 2 6 7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 24.0 3 8 6 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9.0 2 4.5 16 4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 12.0 4 3 14 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 20.0 4 5 14 7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8.0 4 2 14 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.0 2 3 20 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 10.0 2 5 20 7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4.0 2 2 20 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 144.0 12 12 16 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 48.0 6 8 3 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2M Date..10/21/04 15:32:10 ' I MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24526B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R -User#_MP0207 User-Madlin s Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ----------------------------------------------------------- SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type (sf) --------- ------ 1-ZONE ..Standard Slab 3023 HVAC SYSTEMS System ------------ Refrigerant Tested Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct ACCA Manual Duct ---Type------ Efficiency Airflow Location R -value Leakage ------------------ D Eff 1, 1.ZONE - ---------------------------- Furnace ACSplitTXV 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No 12.00.SEER Yes, Attic No 0.743 R-4.2 No No 0.637 f` WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank External j Tank Type ------------ in Energy Size Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) ----------- ---------- Insulation R -value 1 Large Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a 75 R-0 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL Madlin -s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) V .. ®®v Andalusia At Coral Mountain Series 55 - Plan 3 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF-1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09:21:41 Project Address........ PLAN 3 ******* ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan C ec Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field C ec Date Climate Zone.. . . 15 ' Compliance Method....... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ___-____ ----------------------------------------------------- r GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor ------------ ----------- Area ....... - --- - 3546 sf i Building Type........... Single Family Detached ► Construction Type .. New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Stories.. ...... 1 Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade ` Glazing Percentage......... 19.3 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.38 Average Ceiling Height..... 11.1 ft k BUILDING ` SHELL INSULATION t Component Frame ------------------------- Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly Type ------ -Type- R -value R -value R -value U -factor Location/Comments Wall - Wood -------- R-17.8 --------------- ------- ------------------------ R-3.9 R-21.7 0.051 Wall Wood R-17.8 R-0 R-17.8 0.064 Wall Door Wood None R-13 R-0 R-0 R-13 0.088 2X4 Studs, 2x4 Studs RoofRadiant Wood R-11 R-0 R-27 R-0 0.330 R-38 0.025 SlabEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.760 SlabEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.510 t FENESTRATION ------------ x { Orientation Area (sf) U- Factor Interior SHGC Shading Exterior Shading Over - hang/ ------- ----- ------ Fins r Door Window Left (SE) Back (S) 24.0 30.0 0.380 0.380 ------ 0.350 Standard 0.350 Standard Yes Window Back (S) 12.0 0.380 Standard 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Yes Yes Door Door Back (SW) Back (S) 24.0 240.0 0.380 0.400 0.350 Standard 0.400 Standard Yes Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 Standard 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Yes None Window Window Right (W) Right (W) 15.0 4.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 Standard 0.350 Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 Standard 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None None Window- Window Right (W) Right (W) 13.5 15.0. 0.380 0.380 0.350 Standard 0.350 Standard None Window Right (W) 15.0 0.380 Standard 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None None Door Front' (N) 40.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09:21:41 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R I -User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ----------------------------------------------------------- I------------ FENESTRATION Orientation Area (sf) U- Factor SHGC Interior Exterior Over- hang/ -------------------- ---- Shading Shading Fins Window Window Right Right (W) 8 .0 8.0 ------ 0.380 ------ 0.350 ------- ------- Standard ---------- Standard ---- ----- None Window Right (W) (W) 8.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None None Window Window Left Left (E) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) (E) 9.0 6.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None Window Window Left (E) 14.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None None Window Left Left (E) (E) 6.0 4.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None Window Window Left Right (E) (W) 4.0 4.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard None None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None None I Window ! Window Right Right (W) (W) 8.0 4.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None None Window Window Front (N) 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Front (N) 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Door Window Left Left (E) (E) 24.0 10.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None Window Front (N) 8.8 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None None Door Window Front Left (N) 48.0 0.500 0.500 Standard Standard None Skylight Horz (E) 6.0 1.0 0.380 1.720 0.350 0.830 Standard None Standard None None None SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type ---------------- (sf) Standard Slab ------ 3014 Standard Slab 532 HVAC SYSTEMS Equipment Minimum ------------ Refrigerant Charge and Duct Duct Tested ACOA Duct Manual Thermostat ---Type----- Efficiency ------------ Airflow ------------------ Location R -value Leakage D Type Furnace ACSplitTXV 0.780 12.00 AFUE SEER n/a Attic Yes Attic ------- R-4.2 ------- ------ No No ---------- Setback Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 R-4.2 No No No No Setback Setback ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No Setback CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF-1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09:21:41 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------ WATER HEATING SYSTEMS SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. -The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION -------------------------- ' *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reportedon the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s).•If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. Number Tank External - Tank Type ------------ Heater Type ----------- Distribution ------------------- in Type System Energy Factor Size (gal) Insulation R -value DHW 1 ------ -------- ------ ---------- ' Large Gas. Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a 75 R-0 DHW 2 Storage Gas Standard 1 0.58 30 R- n/a WATER HEATING ---------------------------- SYSTEMS DETAIL I Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot System------ Efficiency ------------ Input ------------ Fraction R -value Light DHW 1 ------------------------- ------- Large 0.78 n/a 0.03 R-n/a 0 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. -The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION -------------------------- ' *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reportedon the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s).•If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 4 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09.21.41 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R --------User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing areas and type The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 5 "CF -1R --" Project Title........... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09:21:41. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin s Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALL ------- , ---------------------------------------------------=------ COMPLIANCE STATEMENT -------------------- This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features Modeling. Assumptions section. DESIGNER or OWNER DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... Name.... CATHERINE M. MADLIN Company. CORAL OPTION 1, LLC Company. Madlin's Enterprises Address. P.O. BOX 1716 Address. P.O. Box 1443 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Palm Springs, CA 92262 Phone... 760-777-7Y 60-777-7 47 Phone... 760-322-5004 License. Signed.. �� P> Signed.. ( ate ) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name.... Title... Agency.. Phone... Signed.. (date) 0 Certified Energy Analyst Catherine M. Madlin NR 98-90-544 r r r R 98-90-144 ry CADEC California Association of Budding Energy Cobuitnnn COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date...10/21/04 09:21:41 Project Address........ PLAN 3 ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- = MICROPAS6 ------------------------------ ENERGY USE SUMMARY - ------------------------- = Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance = _ (kBtu/sf-yr) ------------------------ Design Design Margin = ---------- = Space Heating.......... ---------- 4.56 ---------- 4.15. _ 0.41 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.91 34.70 5.21 = = Water Heating...... .. 8.04 10.80 -2.76 = i = North Total ---------------- 52.51 -------- 49.65 2.86 - = Space Heating.......... 4.56 4.31 _ 0.25 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.91 35.39 4.52 = = Water Heating.......... 8.04 10.80 -2.76 = East Total 52.51 50.50 2.01 = _ Space Heating.......... 4.56 4.35 0.21 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.91 35.71 4.20 = = Water Heating.......... 8.04 10.80 -2.76 = South Total -------- -------- 52.51 -------- 50.86 1.65 = Space Heating.......... 4.56 4.03 0.53 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.91 35.77 4.14 = = Water Heating.......... s 8.04 10.80 - -2.76 - = West Total ---------------- 52.51 -------- 50.60 1.91 _ *** Building complies ---------------------------------- with Computer Performance GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Conditioned Floor Area..... 3546 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type.......... FullYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number of Building Zones... 2 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09:21:41 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Conditioned Volume......... 39260 cf Slab -On -Grade Area......... 3546 sf Glazing Percentage......... 19.3 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.38 Average Ceiling Height..... 11.1 ft BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION ------------------------- Floor # of Vent Vent Air i Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Area Leakage Zone Type (sf) (cf) Units itioned Type (ft) (sf) Credit --- ------------ ----------------------- ---------------------- 1.ZONE Residence 3014 33940 0.85 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No 2.ZONE Residence 532 5320 0.15 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No OPAQUE SURFACES --------------- Area U- Insul Act Solar Form 3 Location/ Surface (sf) factor R-val Azm Tilt Gains Reference Comments ----------------- ------ ----- ----- --- ---- ----------------- ---------------- 1.ZONE 1 Wall 196 0.051 21.7 0 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 f 3 Wall 705 0.051 21.7 90 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 5 Wall 217 0.051 21.7 180 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 7 Wall 960 0.051 21.7 270 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 9 Wall 190 0.064 17.8 0 90 No W.19.2X6FIRE 11 Wall 131 0.088 13 0 90 No W.13.2X4.16 2x4 Studs 12 Wall 14 0.051 21.7 135 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 14 Wall 14 0.051 21.7 225 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 15 Wall 423 0.051 21.7 315 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 17 Door 24 0.330 0 0 90 No None 18 RoofRadiant 3013 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 2.ZONE ! 2 Wall 120 0.051 21.7 0 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 4 Wall 344 0.051 21.7 90 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 6 Wall 98 0.051 21.7 180 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 8 Wall 383 0.051 21.7 270 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 10 Wall 145 0.088 13 0 90 No W.13.2X4.16 2X4 Studs 13 Wall 46 0.051 21.7 135 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 16 Door 24 0.330 0 135 90 Yes None 19 RoofRadiant 532 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 PERIMETER LOSSES ---------------- Length F2 Insul Solar Surface (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments ------ --------------------- ----- ---------------------- 1.ZONE 20 S1abEdge 245 0.760 R-0 No 22 S1abEdge 35 0.510 R-0 No 2.ZONE 21 S1abEdge 107 0.760 R-0 No 23 S1abEdge 15 0.510 R-0 No COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R ------------------------------ ______________________________________ Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09:21:41 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC I ------------------------------------------------------------- FENESTRATION SURFACES --------------------- Area U- Act Orientation (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt -------------------- ----- ----- ----- --- ---- 1 ZONE 1 Door 2 Window 3 Window 4 Door 5 Door 6 Window 7 Window 8 Window 9 Window 10 Window 11 Window 12 Window 13 Door 14 Window 15 Window 16 Window 17 Window 18 Window 19 Window 20 Window 21 Window 22 Window 23 Window 24 Window 34 Window 35 Door 36 Window 37 Skylight 2.ZONE 25 Window 26 Window 27 Window 28 Window 29 Window 30 Window 31 Window 32 Door 33 Window Surface ---- 1.ZONE 1 Door 2 Window 3 Window 4 Door Left (SE) 24.0 0.380 0.350 135 90 Back (S) 30.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Back (S) 12.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Back (SW) 24.0 0.380 0.350 225 90 Back (S) 240.0 0.400 0.400 180 90 Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 15.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 13.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 15.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 15.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Front (N) 40.0 0.380 0.350 0 90 Right (W) 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Left (E) 15.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 15.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 9.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 14.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Front (N) 8.8 0.380 0.350 0 90 Front (N) 48.0 0.500 0.500 0 90 Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 0 0 Exterior Shade Interior Shade Type/SHGC Type/SHGC ---------------------------- Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 None/1 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 None/1 Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Right (W) 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Front (N) 12.5 0.380 0.350 0 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Front (N) 12.5 0.380 0.350 0 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Left (E) 24.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Left (E) 10.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS ----------------------- ---Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin -- Area Left Rght (sf) Wdth Hgth Dpth Hght Ext Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 24.0 3 8 6 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 30.0 6 5 7 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ri/a n/a n/a 12.0 6 2 7 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 24.0 3 8 15 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3Date..10/21/04 09:21:41 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R --User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC --------------.--------------------------------------- OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS ----------------------- --- Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin-- Left Rght Surface---- -Area (sf) Wdth Hgth Dpth Hght Ext Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght ----- ----- ---- ---- 5 Door ---- ---- 240.0 20 10 16 .5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type (sf) ; -------- i 1.ZONE ------ .. Standard Slab 3014 2 -ZONE Standard Slab 532 �. HVAC SYSTEMS ' System ------------ Refrigerant Tested ACCA Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Duct Type ------------ Efficiency Airflow Location R -value Leakage D Eff ------------------ ---------------------------------=--- ---- Furnace r. ACSplitTXV 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No 0.7.43 12.00 SEER Yes Attic 2.ZONE R-4.2 No No 0.637 Furnace ACSplitTXV 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No 0.743 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No 0.637 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number "Tank External Tank Type in Energy Size Insulation Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value i------------ ----------- ------------------- . DHW 1 1 Large Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a 75 R-0 DHW 2 2 Storage Gas Standard 1 0.58 30 R- n/a WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ----------------------------- Standby Internal Tank System------ --- Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot Efficiency Input Fraction R -value Light -------- DHW 1 �_ 1 Large 0.78 n/a 0.03 R-n/a 0 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 5 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09.21.41 --MICROPAS6v601--File-24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC --- - ------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION -------------------------- *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** j *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling,system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing areas and type. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 6 C -2R -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09:21:41 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R I User#_MP0207 User-Madlin s Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------ ---------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. i e f i . Madlin-'s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) .. v . v v Andalusia At Coral Mountain Series 55 -Plan 3 with Optional Office CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF-1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08:53:38 Project Address........ PLAN 3 W/OFF OPTION ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 __________________ Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc.___ ------------------- MICROPAS6v601-- -- File-24571B1Wth-File --Program-FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin s Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------ - GENERAL INFORMATION i Conditioned Floor Area..... 3712 sf Building Type.............. Single Family Detached I Construction Type ......... New i Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Stories.. ... 1 j Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Glazing Percentage......... 19.1 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.38 Average Ceiling Height..... 10.6 ft BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Frame ------------------------- Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly Type Type --------- R -value -------- R -value R -value U -factor Location/Comments Wall Wood R-17.8 ------------------------------------------- R-3.9 R-21.7 0.051 Wall Wood R-13 R-0 R-13 0.088 2X4 Studs, 2x4 Studs Door ' None R-0 R-0 R-0 0.330 RoofRadiant Wood R-11 R-27 R-38 0.025 " SlabEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.760 SlabEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.510. i------------ FENESTRATION - Orientation--------- Area (sf) ----- ------ U- Factor Interior SHGC Shading Exterior Shading Over- hang/ Fins Door Left (SE) 24.0 ------ 0.380 --------------- 0.350 Standard -------------- Standard ----- Yes Window Back (S) 30.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Yes Window Back (S) 12.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (SW) 24.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Yes Door Back '(S) 240.0 0.400 0.400 Standard Standard Yes Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Window Right (W) Right 13.5 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window (W). Right (W) 15.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 Standard 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None None Door Window Front (N) Right 40.0 8.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None (W) 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -1R ! Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08.53.38 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------I FENESTRATION ------------ Orientation--------- Area (sf) U- Factor.SHGC Interior Exterior Over- hang/ - ----- Shading Shading Fins Window Window Right Right (W) 8.0 8.0 ------ 0.380 ------ 0.350 --------------- Standard -------------- Standard None Window Left (W) (E) 15.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None None Window Window Left (E) 9.0' 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left Left (E) (E) 6.0 14.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None None ' Window Window Left Left (E) (E) 4.0 4.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None None Window Window Right Right (W) (W) 4.0 8.0 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None None ! Window Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Front Front (N) (N) 12.5 12.5 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None ' - Door Window Left (E) 24.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None None j Window Left Front (E) (N) 10.0 8.8 0.380 0.380 0.350 0.350 Standard Standard Standard Standard None { Door Window Front Left (N) (E) 48.0 6.0 0.500 0.380 0.500 0.350 Standard Standard None None Skylight Horz 1.0 1.320 0.830 Standard None Standard None None None Window Left (E) 23.4 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type (sf) ---------------- Standard Slab ------ 3180 Standard Slab 532 HVAC SYSTEMS Equipment Minimum ------------ Refrigerant Charge and Duct Duct Tested ACCA Duct Manual Thermostat ---Type----- Efficiency ------------ Airflow ------------------ Location R -value Leakage D Type Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic ------- R-4.2 ------- No No Setback ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No Setback Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No Setback ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No Setback CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF=1R ------------ Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08:53:38 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER HEATING SYSTEMS :t Number Tank External Tank Type ------------ in Heater Type Distribution Type System ----------- Energy Factor Size (gal) Insulation R -value DHW 1 ------------------- ------ -------- ------ ---------- Large Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a 75 R-0 DHW 2 Storage Gas Standard 1 0.58 30 R- n/a WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ---------------------------- Standby ----- --------------------Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot System Efficiency Input Fraction R -value Light P ------------------------------------------------=---- DHW 1 0 Large 0.78 n/a .03 R-n/a .0 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans' *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). ti This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION i------------------- *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 4 CF-1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08:53:38 _______________________________________________________________________________ MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R ------User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------ REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing areas and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to.show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor t is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and I equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R } with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. { A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the { HVAC system. i The installed.plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing i fixtures. . - .. !-J r 7 ✓✓✓444 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL -Page 5�_', CF-1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.0FF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08:53:38 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program-FORM CF=1R�_ User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run-REVISED PERMIT CALC -------------------------------------------------------------------------� -;= KIKY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT -------------------- - w44 This certificate of compliance lists the building features and', specifications needed to comply with Title-24, Parts 1 and performance6ofthe�� California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features Modeling Assumptions section. DESIGNER or OWNER DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... Name.... CATHERINE M. MADLIN Company. CORAL OPTION 1, LLC Company. Madlin's Enterprises Address. P.O. BOX 1716 Address. P.O. Box 1443 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Palm Springs, CA 92262 Phone... 760-777- 747 Phone... 760-322-5004 License. Signed.. V Signed.. � �:( a't ) ( ate ) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name .... Certified Ener Title... 9 Y Analyst Agency.. Catherine M. Madtin Phone... r r NR 98-90-544 r r R 98-90-144 Signed.. C ADEC (date) �omlo Auo*mm of bW ft bmW Cha 'r COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY _ Page 1 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Project Address........ Date..10/23/04 08:53:38 PLAN -3 W/OFF OPTION ******* -__-_-____-_ ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Palm Springs, CA 92262 Plan Check Date 760-322-5004 Climate Zone.. ..... 15 Field Check/ Date Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. I MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------ ----------------------------------------------- �• = MICROPAS6 ENERGY USE SUMMARY = ---------------------------- -, = Energy Use Standard Proposed _ (kBtu/sf-yr) - Compliance - Design ----4.39-- Design Margin = ----3.94-- = Space Heating.. ....... • ---- -- 0.45 _ = Space Cooling.......... 39.08 34.45 4.63 = + = Water Heating.......... 7.68 10.32 -2.64 = ---------------- North Total 51.15 ---------- 48.71 2.44 = Space Heating.......... 4.39 4.00 0.39 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.08 35.21 3.87 = - - Water Heating.......... 7.68 10.32 -2.64 = i=---------------- f _ East Total 51.15 49.53 -------- _ 1.62 = = Space Heating.......... 4.39 4.14 0.25 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.08 35.41 3.67 = = Water Heating.......... 7.68 10.32 -2.64 = -------- -------- South Total 51.15 49.87 -------- 1.28 = Space Heating.......... 4.39 3.92 0.47 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.08 35.17 3.91 = ' = Water Heating.. ....... 7.68 _ -------- 10.32 -2.91 = 64 -------- = West Total 51.15 49.41 -------- _ 1.74 = _ *** Building complies with Computer Performance GENERAL,INFORMATION ------------------- Conditioned Floor Area..... 3712 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units:.. 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type.......... FullYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number of Building Zones... 2 ` COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C -2R ---------------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08.53.38 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------------------------------------------- ----------- Conditioned Volume......... 39260 cf Slab -On -Grade Area......... 3712 sf Glazing Percentage......... 19.1 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.38 Average Ceiling Height..... 10.6 ft BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Floor # of Vent Vent Air Zone Type Area (sf) Volume (cf) Dwell Units Cond- itioned Thermostat Height Area Leakage ------ ----- ------- Type (ft) (sf) Credit 1.ZONE ----- ------- ----------- ----- ----------------- Residence 2.ZONE 3180 33940 0.86 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No Residence 532 5320 0.14 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No OPAQUE SURFACES Surface -------------- Area (sf) ------ U- factor ----- --------------- Insul R-val Act Azm Tilt Solar Gains Form 3 Reference Location/ Comments 1.ZONE ----- 1 Wall 196 0.051 21.7 0 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 3 Wall 836 0.051 21.7 90 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 5 Wall 217 0.051 21.7 180 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 7 Wall 960 0.051 21.7 270 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 10 Wall 169 0.088 13 0 90 No W.13.2X4.16 2x4 Studs 11 Wall 14 0.051 21.7 135 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 13 Wall 14 0.051 21.7 225 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 14 Wall 423 0.051 21.7 315 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 16 Door 21 0.330 0 0 90 No None 17 RoofRadiant 3179 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 2.ZONE 2 Wall 120 0.051 21.7 0 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 4 Wall 344 0.051 21.7 90 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 6 Wall 98 0.051 21.7 180 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 8 Wall 383 0.051 21.7 270 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 9 12 Wall Wall 145 0.088 13 0 90 No W.13.2X4.16 2X4 Studs 46 0.051 21.7 135 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 15 Door 24 0.330 0 135 90 Yes None 18 RoofRadiant 532 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 PERIMETER LOSSES Length ---------------- F2 Insul Solar Surface ---- (ft) ------ Factor -------- R-val Gains Location/Comments 1.ZONE ------- ----- ------------- 19 SlabEdge 260 0.760 R-0 No 21 SlabEdge 19 0.510 R-0 No 2.ZONE 20 SlabEdge 107 0.760 R-0 No 22 SlabEdge 15 0.510 R-0 No COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08:53:38 I MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R -User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ------------------------------------------------------ Orientation ---------------------- 1.ZONE 1 Door Left (SE) 2 Window Back (S) 3 Window Back (S) 4 Door Back (SW) 5 Door Back (S) 6 Window Right (W) 7 Window Right (W) 8 Window Right (W) 9 Window Right (W) 10 Window Right (W) 11 Window Right (W) 12 Window Right (W) 13 Door Front (N) 14 Window Right (W) 15 Window Right (W) 16 Window Right (W) 17 Window Left (E) 18 Window Left (E) 19 Window Left (E) 20 Window Left (E) 21 Window Left (E) 22 Window Left (E) 23 Window Left (E) 24 Window Left (E) 34 Window Front (N) 35 Door Front (N) 36 Window Left (E) 37 Skylight Horz 38 Window Left (E) 2.ZONE 25 Window Right (W) 26 Window Right (W) 27 Window Right (W) 28 Window Right (W) 29 Window Right (W) 30 Window Front (N) 31 Window Front (N) 32 Door Left (E) 33 Window Left (E) FENESTRATION SURFACES --------------------- Area U- Act Exterior Shade Interior Shade (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type/SHGC Type/SHGC -- ----- ----- --- ---- -------------- -------------- 24.0 0.380 0.350 135 90 30.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 12.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 24.0 0.380 0.350 225 90 240.0 0.400 0.400 180 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 15.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 13.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 15.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 15.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 40.0 0.380 0.350 0 90 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 15.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 15.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 9.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 6.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 14.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 6.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 8.8 0.380 0.350 0 90 48.0 0.500 0.500 0 90 6.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 1.0 1.720 0.830 0 0 23.4 0.380 0.350 90 38 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 12.5 0.380 0.350 0 90 12.5 0.380 0.350 0 90 24.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 10.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 None/1 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 None/1 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 ---Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin-- Area Left Rght Surface --- (sf) ----- Wdth ----- Hgth ----- Dpth ---- Hght ---- Ext Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght 1.ZONE ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 Door 2 Window 24.0 30.0 3 6 8 5 6 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 Window 12.0 6 2 7 7 6 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C -2R ---------SSSS-- g Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08.53.38 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin s Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -SSSS-- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---- OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS F ----------------------- -------------------- --- Window ---Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin-- Area Left Rght Surface Surf------- (sf) Wdth Hgth Dpth Hght Ext Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- 4 Door 5 __ 24.0 3 8 15 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ---- n/a Door 240.0 20 10 16 5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ! SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area I Slab Typesf) ---------------- i---- 1.ZONE Standard Slab 3180 2.ZONE Standard Slab 532 HVAC SYSTEMS System ------------ Refrigerant Tested Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct ACCA Manual Duct ---Type ------ Efficiency Airflow Location R -value Leakage ------------------ D Eff 1.ZONE ------------- ------- ---SSSS-- --SSSS-- ---- Furnace ACSplitTXV 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No 12.00 SEER Yes Attic No 0.743 2.ZONE R-4.2 No No 0.637 Furnace ACSplitTXV 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No 12.00 SEER Yes Attic No 0.743 R-4.2 No No 0.637 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank External Tank Type in Energy Size Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) ----------- ------------------- Insulation R -value DHW 1 ------ --SSSS-- SSSS-- ----SSSS-- 1 Large Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a 75 R-0 DHW 2 2 Storage Gas Standard 1 0.58 30 R- n/a WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ---------------------------- Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot System -Efficiency ---InputSSSS Fraction R -value ------ Light . DHW 1 ------------------------- -SSSS-- 1 Large 0.78 n/a 0.03 R-n/a 0 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 5 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08:53:38 MICROPAS6v601 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- - ---------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. { This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System 'HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This'building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing areas and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 6 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08.53.38 -MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- ---------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. Madlin's enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) v v v v v v v 0 Andalusia At Coral Mountain Series 55 - Plan 3 - View Lots CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09.20:53 Project Address........ PLAN 3 W/VIEW ******* --------------------- Door None ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* S1abEdge None Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit (W) Madlin's Enterprises Right (W) Window Right P.O. Box 1443 Window Plan Check Date Window Palm Springs, CA 92262 (W) Window Right (W) 760-322-5004 Front Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 __________________________ Program -FORM CF -1R (sf) ----- User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC Shading Fins GENERAL INFORMATION 0.380 ------ 0.350 Conditioned Floor Area..... 3546 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Stories.......... 1 Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Glazing Percentage......... 22.4 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.39 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.37 Average Ceiling Height..... 11.1 ft Component Frame Type Type Wall Wood Wall Wood Wall Wood Door None RoofRadiant Wood S1abEdge None S1abEdge None Orientation Door Left (SE) Window Back (S) Window Back (S) Door Back (SW) Door Back (S) Window Right (W) Window Right (W) Window Right (W) Window Right (W) Window Right (W) Window Right (W) Window Right (W) Door Front (N) BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly R -value R -value R -value U -factor Location/Comments R-17.8 R-3.9 R-21.7 0.051 R-17.8 R-0 R-17.8 0.064 R-13 R-0 R-13 0.088 2X4 Studs, 2x4 Studs R-0 R-0 R-0 0.330 R-11 R-27 R-38 0.025 R-0 R-0 F2=0.760 R-0 R-0 F2=0.510 FENESTRATION ------------ Over- Area U- Interior Exterior hang/ (sf) ----- Factor ------ SHGC Shading Shading Fins 24.0 0.380 ------ 0.350 --------------- Standard -------------- Standard ----- Yes 30.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Yes 12.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Yes 24.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Yes 240.0 0.400 0.400 Standard Standard Yes 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 35.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 13.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None 40.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF-1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:20:53 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R -User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- FENESTRATION Over - Area U- Interior Exterior hang/ 1 Orientation -------------------- (sf) Factor SHGC Shading Shading Fins Window Right (W) ----- 8.0 ------ 0.380 ------ 0.350 --------------- Standard -------------- Standard ----- None Window Right (W) 8.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 8.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None i Window Left (E) 15.0 0:380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 9.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None } Window Left (E) 14.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None ' Window Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 8.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Front (N) 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Front (N) 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Door Left (E) 24.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 10.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Front (N) 8.8 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Door Right (W) 48.0 0.500 0.500 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Skylight Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 None None None ! Window Right (W) 35.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 30.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window i Right (W) 25.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type (sf) Standard Slab 3014 Standard Slab 532 HVAC SYSTEMS ------------ Refrigerant Tested ACCA Equipment Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Thermostat ---Type----- Efficiency ------------ Airflow ------------------ Location R -value Leakage D Type Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic ------- R-4.2 ------- ------ No No ---------- Setback ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No Setback Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No Setback ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER- Yes Attic R-4.2 No No Setback CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09.20.53 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ---------------------------- Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation System Efficiency Input Fraction R-value ------------------------------------------------------------ DHW 1 Large 0.78 n/a 0.03 R-n/a External Insulation R_value - R-6 R- n/a Pilot Light 0 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank Tank TypeHeater ------------ in Type Distribution Type System ----------- Energy Factor Size (gal) DHW 1 ------------------- ------ -------- ----- ' Large Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a 75 DHW 2 ' Storage j Gas Standard 1 0.58 30 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ---------------------------- Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation System Efficiency Input Fraction R-value ------------------------------------------------------------ DHW 1 Large 0.78 n/a 0.03 R-n/a External Insulation R_value - R-6 R- n/a Pilot Light 0 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. ° CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 4 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09.20.53 MICROPAS6v601--File-24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92' Program -FORM CF-lR 'User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- - ------------------------------------------------------- ° REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing areas and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy j Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load -calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor ° is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and -certified plumbing fixtures. ° �T CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 5`;: CF -1R ------------------- -------------------------------------- Project Title........... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09.20.53 -----MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT r. -------------- This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the r' California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for -a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features Modeling Assumptions section. DESIGNER or OWNER DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... Name.... CATHERINE M. MADLIN Company. CORAL OPTION 1, LLC Company. Madlin's Enterprises Address. P.O. BOX 1716 Address. P.O. Box 1443 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Palm Springs, CA 92262' Phone... 760-777-7747 Phone... 760-322-5004 License. Signed.. �, Signed.. te) (date) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY GName.... Title... ! Agency.. Phone... Signed.. (date) Certified Energy Aneay'st Catherine M. Madlin NR 98-90-544 r r R 98-90-144 rl'r r CADEC Col'rfomia Associarlon of Building Energy Consulrants COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:20:53 Project Address........ PLAN 3 W/VIEW ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 _____________________ Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ = MICROPAS6 ENERGY USE SUMMARY = _ ---------------------------- = Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance = j = (kBtu/sf-yr) ----------- Design ---------- Design Margin = = Space Heating.......... ---------- 4.55 --------- 4.09 0.46 = Space Cooling.......... 39.85 37.93 1.92 = = Water Heating.......... 8.04 8.42 -0.38 =. North Total 52.44 50.44 2.00 = = Space Heating.......... 4.55 4.74 -0.19 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.85 35.67 4.18 = = Water Heating.......... 8.04 8.42 -0.38 = - t _ East Total ---------------- 52.44 -------- 48.83 _ 3.61 = = Space Heating.......... 4.55 4.52 0.03 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.85 38.47 1.38 = = Water Heating...... .. 8.04 8.42 -0.38 = South Total -------- -------- 52.44 -------- 51.41 1.03 = Space Heating.......... 4.55 3.50 1.05 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.85 37.99 1.86 = _ -Water Heating.......... 8.04 8.42 -0.38 = = West Total ---------------- 52.44 -------- 49.91 2.53 _ _ *** Building complies with Computer Performance *** GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Conditioned Floor Area:.... 3546 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type.......... FullYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number of Building Zones... 2 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:20:53 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------� Conditioned Volume......... 39260 cf Slab -On -Grade Area......... 3546 sf Glazing Percentage......... 22.4 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.39 Btu/hr-sf-F ` Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.37 � Average Ceiling Height..... 11.1 ft f • ,. BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Surface 1. ZONE 1 Wall 3 Wall 5 Wall 7 Wall 9 Wall 11 Wall 12 Wall 14 Wall 15 Wall 17 Door 18 RoofRadiant 2.ZONE 2 Wall 4 Wall 6 Wall 8 Wall 10 Wall 13 Wall 16 Door 19 RoofRadiant Floor OPAQUE # of 20 S1abEdge 245 Vent Vent Air Act Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Area Leakage Zone Type (sf) - ----- (cf) ------- Units itioned . Type (ft) (sf) Credit 1.ZONE W.17.8.PW2X6 ----- ------- ----------- ----- -------- --------- Residence 3014 33940 0.85 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No 2.ZONE 820 0.051 21.7 270 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 Residence 532 .5320 0.15 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No Surface 1. ZONE 1 Wall 3 Wall 5 Wall 7 Wall 9 Wall 11 Wall 12 Wall 14 Wall 15 Wall 17 Door 18 RoofRadiant 2.ZONE 2 Wall 4 Wall 6 Wall 8 Wall 10 Wall 13 Wall 16 Door 19 RoofRadiant PERIMETER LOSSES ---------------- Length F2 Insul Solar Surface (ft) Factor_ R-val Gains Location/Comments --------------- ----- ---------------------- 1. ZONE OPAQUE SURFACES 20 S1abEdge 245 Area U- --------------- Insul Act 0.510 Solar Form 3 Location/ (sf) factor R -vat Azm Tilt Gains Reference Comments 196 0.051 21.7 0 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 705 0.051 21.7 90 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 217. 0.051 21.7 180 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 820 0.051 21.7 270 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 190 0.064 17.8 0 90 No W.19.2X6FIRE 131 0.088 13 0 90 No W.13.2X4.16 2x4 Studs 14 0.051 21.7 135 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 14 0.051 21.7 225 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 423 0.051 21.7 315 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 24 0.330 0 0 90 No None 3013. 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 120 0.051 21.7 0 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 ' .344 0.051 21.7 90 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 98 0.051 21.7 180 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 383- 0.051 21.7 270 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 145 0.088 13 0 90 No W.13.2X4.16 2X4 Studs 46 0..051 21.7 135 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 24 0.330 0 135 90 Yes None 532 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 PERIMETER LOSSES ---------------- Length F2 Insul Solar Surface (ft) Factor_ R-val Gains Location/Comments --------------- ----- ---------------------- 1. ZONE 20 S1abEdge 245 0.760 R-0 22 S1abEdge 35 0.510 R-0 2.ZONE 21 S1abEdge 107 0.760 R-0 23 S1abEdge 15 0.510 R-0 No No No No COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09.20.53 ----- -MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------- Orientation ---------------------- 1.ZONE 1 Door Left (SE) 2 Window Back (S) 3 Window Back (S) 4 Door Back (SW) f 5 Door Back (S) 6 Window Right (W) 7 Window Right (W) i 8 Window Right (W) 9 Window Right (W) 10 Window Right (W) 11 Window Right (W) 12 Window Right (W) 13 Door Front (N) 14 Window Right (W) 15 Window Right (W) 16 Window Right (W) 17 Window Left (E) 18 Window Left (E) 19 Window Left (E) 20 Window Left (E) 21 Window Left (E) 22 Window Left (E) 23 Window Left (E) 24 Window Left (E) 34 Window Front (N) 35 Door Right (W) 36 Window Right (W) 37 Skylight Horz 38 Window Right (W) 2.ZONE 25 Window Right (W) 26 Window Right (W) 27 Window Right (W) 28 Window Right (W) 29 Window Right (W) 30 Window Front (N) 31 Window Front (N) 32 Door Left (E) 33 Window Left (E) 39 Window Right (W) 40 Window Right (W) FENESTRATION SURFACES --------------------- Area U- Act Exterior Shade Interior Shade (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type/SHGC Type/SHGC ----- ----- ----- --- ---- -------------- -------------- 24.0 0.380 0.350 135 90 30.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 12.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 24.0 0.380 0.350 225 90 240.0 0.400 0.400 180 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 35.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 13.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 15.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 15.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 40.0 0.380 0.350 0 90 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 15.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 15.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 9.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 6.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 14.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 6.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 8.8 0.380 0.350 0 90 48.0 0.500 0.500 270 90 6.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 1.0 1.720 0.830 0 0 35.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 12.5 0.380 0.350 0 90 12.5 0.380 0.350 0 90 24.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 10.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 30.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 25.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 None/1 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 None/1 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C -2R ----------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:20:53 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT P CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS HVAC SYSTEMS Number Refrigerant ---Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin -- System Minimum Area Duct Duct Manual Left Rght Efficiency ----------- Airflow Location R -value Leakage D Eff Surface---- (sf.) ----- Wdth ----- Hgth Dpth Hght Ext Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght 1.ZONE ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - 1 Door 24.0 3 8 6 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2 Window 30.0 6 5 7 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 Window 12.0 6 2 7 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4 Door 24.0 3 8 15 6, n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 5 Door 240.0 20 10 16 5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type ------ (sf) 1.ZONE ------ Standard Slab 3014 2.ZONE Standard Slab 532 HVAC SYSTEMS WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Refrigerant Tank Tested ACCA in Heater Type Distribution Type System ----------- ------------------- System Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Duct ---Type------ Efficiency ----------- Airflow Location R -value Leakage D Eff 1.ZONE -------------------- ------- --------- -------- ---- Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No 0.743 ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No 0.637 2.ZONE Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No 0.743 ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No 0.637 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External Tank Type in Heater Type Distribution Type System ----------- ------------------- Energy Factor Size (gal) Insulation R -value DHW 1 ------ -------- ------ ---------- 1 Large Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a 75 R-6 DHW 2 2 Storage Gas Standard 1 0.58 30 R- n/a COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 5 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:20:53 I MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R I --------User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------- WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL 1 ---------------------------- Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot System------ Efficiency Input Fraction R -value Light ---------------------------------------- ' DHW 1 t 1 Large 0.78 n/a _ 0.03R-n/a 0 f SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ---------------------------------- *** Items in -this -section -should -be -documented -on -the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. �This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing areas and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without -additional compliance calculations. The•HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 6 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:20:53 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. R HVAC SIZING Page 7 HVAC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:20:53 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program-HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area .............. 3546 sf Volume ........ ............* 39260 cf Front Orientation.. Front Facing 270 deg (W) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude ................ 33.7 degrees 1 Winter Outside Design...... 29 F l Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range ............... Interior Shading 30 F Used.. No Exterior Shading Used...... No _ Overhang Shading Used...... No 1 Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING -------------- LOAD SUMMARY - ~Heating Cooling 1 1 Description - (Btuh) (Btuh) _ Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 24753 -- -- 8994 Glazing Conduction ............... 12862 10666 1 J Glazing Solar.. n/a 17854 Infiltration ..................... Internal Gain 23150 13719 1 Ducts. .................... 0n/a77 6077 53005 424 5424 Sensible Load.. 66842 59663 Latent Load ...................... n/a 11933 Jl Minimum Total Load - 66842 71596 - Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection J of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all Jfactors when selecting the HVAC equipment. I j �l l HVAC SIZING Page 8 HVAC ------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:20:53 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-24572B1- Wth-CTZ15S92 Program-HVAC SIZING - User# -- -----MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC HEATING -AND -COOLING -LOAD -SUMMARY -BY`ZONE ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 3014 sf Volume ........................... 33940 cf Heating Cooling Description -------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 17662 ------------ 6480 Glazing Conduction .............. 10712 8883 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 15824 ..................... Internal Gain 20013 11860 1 .................... Ducts. n/a 2848 • 4839 4590 Sensible Load .................... 53226 50485 Latent Load ...................... n/a 10097 Minimum Zone Load -Y 53226 60582 u IZONE 12.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 532 sf Volume.. 5320 cf Heating Cooling * Description----`----------------- JI Opaque Conduction and Solar...... --(B----tuh) - 7090 -(Btu-)---^ 2514 Glazing Conduction............... 2150 1783 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration. n/a 2030 -� Internal Gain.. 3137 1859 ............. Ducts n/a 158 ............................ 1238 834 JSensible Load .................... 13615 9178 Latent Load ...................... n/a 1836 JMinimum Zone Load -f13615�- 11013 I Madlin-'s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst . 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) v .. v . v Andalusia At Coral Mountain Series SS - Plan 3 on View Lot with Optional Office CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF-1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:13:27 Project Address........ PLAN 3 W/OFF W/VIEW ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building -Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan C ec Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. ________________________ MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Conditioned Floor Area..... 3712 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Type ---------- Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Wood Number of Stories.......... 1 --------------------=--- Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Glazing Percentage......... 21.9 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.39 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.37 R-0 Average Ceiling Height..... 10.6 ft BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Frame Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly Type Type ---------- R -value -------- R -value R -value U -factor Location/Comments Wall Wood R-17.8 ---------------------- R-3.9 R-21.7 0.051 --------------------=--- Wall Wood R-13 R-0 R-13 0.088 2X4 Studs, 2x4 Studs Door None R-0 R-0 R-0 0.330 RoofRadiant Wood R-11 R-27 R-38 0.025 S1abEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.760 S1abEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.510 FENESTRATION ------------ Over- Orientation ----- Area (sf)- U- SHGC Interior Shading Exterior Shading hang/ Fins Door Left (SE) 24.0 -Factor ---- 0.380 ------ 0.350 --------------- Standard -------------- Standard ----- Yes Window Back (S) 30.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Yes Window Back (S) 12.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (SW) 24.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (S) 240.0 0.400 0.400 Standard Standard Yes Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 35.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0' 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Door Window Front (N) Right (W) 4 0 A 8.0 0.380 0.380 0.350, 0.350 Standard Standard Standard None Standard None CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -1R ------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:13:27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FENESTRATION Over - Area U- Interior Exterior hang/ Orientation -------------------- (sf) Factor SHGC Shading Shading Fins Window Right (W) ----- 8.0 ------ 0.380 ------ 0.350 --------------- Standard -------------- Standard ----- None Window Right (W) 8.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 15.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 9.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 14.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 8.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Front (N) 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Front (N) 12.5 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Door Left (E) 24.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 10.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Front (N) 8.8 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Door Front (N) 48.0 0.500 0.500 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Skylight Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 None None None Window Right (W) 30.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 30.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Right (W) 25.0 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 23.4 0.380 0.350 Standard Standard None SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type ---------------- (sf) Standard Slab ------ 3180 Standard Slab 532 HVAC SYSTEMS ------------ Refrigerant Tested ACCA Equipment Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Thermostat Type ------------ Efficiency ------------ Airflow ------------------ Location R -value Leakage D Type Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic ------- R-4.2 ------- ------ No No ---------- Setback ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No -No Setback Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No Setback ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No Setback CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09.13.27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R -User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tank Type DHW 1 Large DHW 2 Storage System ------------ DHW 1 Large WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number in Heater Type Distribution Type System ----------- ------------------- ------ Energy Factor Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a Tank External Size Insulation (gal) R -value 75' R-6.0 Gas Standard 1 0.58 30 R- n/a WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ---------------------------- Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot Efficiency Input Fraction R -value Light ----------- ------------ ---------- --------------- ------- 0.78 n/a 0.03 R-n/a 0 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. L - L CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 4 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23./04 09.13.27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------=------- REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing areas and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. '. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor' is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted -for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R t with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified -plumbing fixtures. H a • yr •2� CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 5 CF -1R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09.13.27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPLIANCE STATEMENT -------------------- This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with i overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features Modeling Assumptions section. Name.... Company. Address. j Phone... License. Signed.. Name.... Title... Agency.. Phone... DESIGNER or OWNER Name.... CORAL OPTION 1, LLC Company. P.O. BOX 1716 Address. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 760-7 7-7 47 Phone... Signed.. at ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Signed.. (date) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR CATHERINE M. MADLIN Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 (date) /01.3 _ape Certified Energy Anstyst Catherine M. Madlin NR 98-90.544 r r r R 98-90-144 'C:ADEC CoNaffft AM140don C*b1&6MLVrd4C COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:13:27 Project Address......... PLAN 3 W/OFF W/VIEW ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan C ec Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone......... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. ________________________ MICROPAS6v601--File-24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- - ----------------------------------------------- = - MICROPAS6 ------------------------------- ENERGY USE SUMMARY = ---------------------------- = Energy Use Standard Proposed - Compliance _ _ (kBtu/sf-yr) ------------------------ Design ---------- Design Margin = = Space Heating.......... 4.42 ---------- 4.03 ---------- _ 0.39 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.30 36.63 2.67 = = Water Heating.......... 7.68 8.05 -0.37 = North Total -------- 51.40 -------- 48.71 -------- 2.69 = Space Heating.......... 4.42 4.28 0.14 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.30 35.99 3.31 = = Water Heating.......... 7.68 8.05 -0.37 = East Total -------- 51.40 -------- 48.32 -------- 3.08 = Space Heating.......... 4.42 4.17 0.25 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.30 37.67 1.63 = = Water Heating.......... 7.68 8.05 -0.37 = South Total -------- 51.40 -------- 49.89 -------- 1.51 = Space Heating.......... 4.42 3.68 0.74 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.30 37.16 2.14 _ = Water Heating.......... 7.68 8.05 -0.37 = West Total -------- 51.40 -------- 48.89 -------- 2.51 _ *** Building complies --------------- with Computer Performance GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... 3712 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type.......... FullYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number of Building Zones... 2 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:13:27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R i Surface -1 -.--ZONE---------- -User#_MP0207 ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC Conditioned Volume......... 39260 cf Reference Comments Slab -On -Grade Area......... 3712 sf Glazing Percentage......... 21.9 % of floor area ----- Average Glazing U -factor... 0.39 Btu/hr-sf-F 196 Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.37 90 Average Ceiling Height..... 10.6 ft Wall 836 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION 90 Floor ------------------------- # of Vent Vent Air Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Area Leakage i Zone Type (sf) (�-------------- ----- (cf) Units ------- ----- itioned Type (ft) (sf) Credit 1.ZONE Wall ------------------ ------------- --------- Residence 3180 33940 0.86 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No 2.ZONE 10 Wall 169 ;. Residence 532 5320 0.14 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No OPAQUE SURFACES Area U- Insul Act Solar Form 3 Location/ i Surface -1 -.--ZONE---------- (sf) ------ factor ----- R-val Azm Tilt Gains Reference Comments ----- --- ---- ----- ------------ ---------------- 1 Wall 196 0.051 21.7 0 90 Yes 'W.17.8.PW2X6 i 3 Wall 836 0.051 21.7 90 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 5 Wall 217 0.051 21.7 180 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 7 Wall 960 0.051 21.7 270 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 10 Wall 169 0.088 13 0 90 No W.13.2X4.16 2x4 Studs 11 Wall 14 0.051 21.7 135 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 13 Wall 14 0.051 21.7 225 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 14 Wall 423 0.051 21.7 315 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 16 Door 21 0.330 0 0 90 No None 17 Roof Radiant 3179 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 2.ZONE 2 Wall 120 0.051 21.7' 0 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 4 Wall 344 0.051 21.7 90 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 } 6 Wall 98 0.051 21.7 180 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 8 Wall 383 0.051 21.7 270 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 9 Wall 145 0.088 13 0 90 No W.13.2X4.16 2X4 Studs 12 Wall 46 0.051 21.7 135 90 Yes W.17.8.PW2X6 15 Door 24 0.330 0 135 90 Yes None 18 RoofRadiant 532 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 t PERIMETER LOSSES Length ---------------- F2 Insul Solar Surface (ft) Factor ------------ ------ R-val Gains Location/Comments 1.ZONE -------- ------- ----- ---------------------- 19 S1abEdge 260 0.760 R-0 No 21 S1abEdge 19 0.510 R-0 No 2.ZONE 20 S1abEdge 107 0.760 R-0 No 22 SlabEdge 15 0.510 R-0 No COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:13:27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Orientation ---------------------- 1. ZONE 1 Door 2 Window 3 Window 4 Door 5 Door 6 Window 7 Window 8 Window 9 Window 10 Window 11 Window 12 Window 13 Door 14 Window 15 Window 16 Window 17 Window 18 Window 19 Window 20 Window 21 Window 22 Window 23 Window 24 Window 34 Window 35 Door 36 Window 37 Skylight 38 Window 41 Window 2.ZONE 25 Window 26 Window 27 Window 28 Window 29 Window 30 Window 31 Window 32 Door 33 Window 39 Window 40 Window FENESTRATION SURFACES --------------------- Area U- Act Exterior Shade Interior Shade (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type/SHGC Type/SHGC ----- ----- --- ---- -------------- -------------- Left (SE) 24.0 0.380 0.350 135 90 Back (S) 30.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Back (S) 12.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Back (SW) 24.0 0.380 0.350 225 90 Back (S) 240.0 0.400 0.400 180 90 Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 35.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 15.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 15.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 15.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Front (N) 40.0 0.380 0.350 0 90 Right (W) 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Left (E) 15.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 15.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 9.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 14.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 4.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Front (N) 8.8 0.380 0.350 0 90 Front (N) 48.0 0.500 0.500 0 90 Left (E) 6.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 0 0 Right (W) 30.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Left (E) 23.4 0.380 0.350 90 90 Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 8.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Front (N) 12.5 0.380 0.350 0 90 Front (N) 12.5 0.380 0.350 0 90 Left (E) 24.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Left (E) 10.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Right (W) 30.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Right (W) 25.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 None/1 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 None/1 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C-2R „Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:13:27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R I-------User#_MP0207 E User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------------- -------------------------------------------------- OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS ----------------------- ---Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin -- Area Left Rght Surface (sf) Wdth Hgth Dpth Hght Ext Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght 1.ZONE ----- ----- --------- ---- ---- ---- �. 1 Door 24.0 3 8 6 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2 Window 30.0 6 5 7 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 Window 12.0 6 2 7 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4 Door 24.0 3 8 15 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 5 Door 240.0 20, 10 16 5 n/a n/a n/a. n/a n/a, n/a n/a n/a SLAB SURFACES - Area Slab Type (sf) ---------------- ------ 1.ZONE Standard Slab 3180 2.ZONE i Standard Slab 532 HVAC SYSTEMS i Refrigerant Tested ACCA System Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Duct Type ------------- Efficiency Airflow Location R -value Leakage D ---------=-------- Eff 1.ZONE ------------------------------------- ---- Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No 0.743 ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No 0.637. 2.ZONE Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No 0.743 ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 No No 0.637 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value --------- DHW 1 ------------------- -------------- ---------------- 1 Large Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a' 7.5 R-6.0 DHW 2 2 Storage Gas Standard 1 0.58 30 R- n/a COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 5 C-2R Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:13:27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R -User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ------------------------------------------------------------- System DHW 1 1 Large WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ---------------------------- Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot Efficiency Input Fraction R -value Light -------- ------------ ---------- --------------- ------- 0.78 n/a 0.03 R-n/a 0 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS This revised calculation reflects updates/changes to glazing areas and types. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in I COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 6 C -2R _________________________________ Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:13:27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C-2R -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS accordance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature loads, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures.* 1 Madlin , S enterprises Catherine M. Mad lin, Certified Energy Analyst • 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) v v v v v S v C H. V.A. C. Load Calculation Madlin 's enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) . v ... vv Andalusia at Coral Mountain Series 55 - Plan I HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC -------------------------------- __________________________________ Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.1 Date..10/21/04 12:47:29 Project Address........ PLAN 1 ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Fie C ec Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24520B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING --------User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC --------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION } ------- ---------- Floor Area... *****'* ... " 2895 sf -Volume. ..... ........... Front Orientation.......... 31062 cf Front Facing 0 deg (N) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude.......... Winter Outside Design...... 33.7 degrees 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F ' Summer Outside Design...... 112 F f Summer Inside Design....... 78 F + Summer Range. .. .. ..... {, Interior Shading Used...... 30 F No t Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 9 HEATING AND COOLING -------------------------------- LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling Description ----------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ---------------------- 21270 7704 Glazing Conduction ............... 9719 8060 Glazing Solar.... Infiltration......18316 n/a 11905 Internal Gain 10855 .................... ....... .. Ducts n/a 3350 t. ............................ Sensible Load 4931 4187 .................... Latent Load 54236 46061 ...................... n/a 9212 Minimum Total Load 54236 55273 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 2 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.1 Date..10/21/04 12:47:29 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24520B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 2895 sf Volume. ........... 31062 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 90 deg (E) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude... .... ..... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range...... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING -------------------------------- LOAD SUMMARY ' Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 21270 ----------- 7704 i Glazing Conduction ............... 9719 8060 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 15178 ..................... Internal Gain 18316 10855 .................... Ducts.... n/a 3350 ................... Sensible Load..... 4931 4515 ............. Latent Load 54236 49662 ...................... n/a 9932 Minimum Total Load ----------- 54236 ----------- 59594 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 3 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.1 Date..10/21/04 12.47.29 MICROPAS6v6.01 File -24520B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin s Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 2895 sf Volume.. .... ............ 31062 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 180 deg (S) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude.... ........... Winter Outside Design...... 33.7 degrees 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ..... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING -------------------------------- LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling Description ------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ---------------------- 21270 7704 Glazing�Conduction ............... 9719 8060 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 10696 ..................... Internal Gain .................... 18316 10855 Ducts. n/a 3350 .................... Sensible Load 4931 4066 .................... Latent Load 54236 44731 ...................... n/a 8946 Minimum Total Load ----------- ----------- 54236 53677 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 4 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.1 Date..10/21/04 12:47:29 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24520B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area ................. 2895 sf Volume.. .... ........... 31062 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 270 deg (W) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude............ 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range. ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 21270 ----------- 7704 Glazing Conduction ............... 9719 8060 Glazing Solar.................... Infiltration n/a 14890 ..................... Internal Gain 18316 10855 .................... Ducts......... n/a 3350 ................. Sensible Load 4931 4486 .................... Latent Load 54236 49345 ...................... n/a 9869 ----------- Minimum Total Load 54236 - ----------- 59214 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Madlin -s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst . 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) .... v vv Andalusia at Coral Mountain Series 55 - Plan 1 with optional Guest Suite HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.I.WGUEST Date..10/23/04 07:47:02 Project Address........ PLAN 1 w/GUEST SUITE ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- ' .Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. ___________ ' I-----MICROPAS6v601 File-24521B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program-HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run-REVISED PERMIT CALC f------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- - f GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area.. 3172 sf Volume.. 33832 cf l' Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 0 deg (N) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude............ 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F fi Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range...... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No it Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY ------=------------------------- Heating Cooling Description (Btuh) (Btuh) - ------------------------------------ ----- Opaque Conduction-and-Solar ...... --- 23617 -----8395--- Glazing Conduction............. 10394 8620 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 12414 ' Infiltration ..................... 19949 11823 Internal Gain.................... n/a 3350 Ducts. .................... 5396 4460 Sensible Load......... 59357 49062 Latent Load...................... n/a 9812 ---------------------- Minimum Total Load 59357 58874 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 2 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.I.WGUEST Date..10/23/04 07.47.02 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24521B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- ---------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 3172 Volume.. .... 33832 Front Orientation.......... Front Sizing Location............ INDIO i Latitude... ........ 33.7 Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range. ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 sf cf Facing 90 deg (E) degrees HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY -------------------------------- Heating Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 23617 Glazing Conduction .............. 10394 Glazing Solar. ................... n/a Infiltration .................. Internal Gain 19949 .................... Ducts. n/a ................... Sensible �Load 5396 ...... .......... Latent Load....... 59357 ............... n/a Cooling (Btuh) 8395 8620 16377 11823 3350 4856 53420 10684 ---------------------- Minimum Total Load 59357 64104 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 3 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.I.WGUEST Date..10/23/04 07.47.02 -----MICROPAS6v6-01File-24521B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC - ------;-------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 3172 sf Volume.. .. .. 33832 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude........... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY 180 deg (S) Cooling (Btuh) 8395 8620 11160 11823 3350 4335 47682 9536 57219 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Heating Description --------------------------- (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 23617 Glazing Conduction .............. 10394 Glazing Solar .................... n/a Infiltration ................... Internal Gain 19949 .................... Ducts. n/a .................... Sensible Load 5396 .................... Latent Load 59357 ...................... n/a ----------- Minimum Total Load 59357 180 deg (S) Cooling (Btuh) 8395 8620 11160 11823 3350 4335 47682 9536 57219 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 4 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.I.WGUEST Date..10/23/04 07:47:02 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24521B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC k - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area .......... ...... 3172 sf Volume.. .... ........... 33832 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 270 deg (W) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude. ........... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range........ ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY -------------------------------- a Heating Description Cooling (Btuh) .(Btuh) --------------------------------- Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 23617 8395 Glazing Conduction ............... 10394 Glazing Solar 8620 .................... n/a Infiltration 16209 .................... 19949 Internal Gain .................... 11823 n/a Ducts. 3350 - ................... 5396 Sensible Load...... 4840 ............ 59357 Latent Load.. .. 53236 n/a 10647 ----------- ------------. Minimum Total Load 59357 63883 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting of HVAC the selection equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, availability of equipment, coil sizing, oversizing safety margin, etc., > considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility must also be to factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. consider all s Madlin-'s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) v v . v .. Andalusia at Coral Mountain Series 55 - Plan 1M HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC ---------------------------------------------- Project ---------- Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.IM Date..10/23/04 07:56.05 Project Address........ PLAN 1M ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262- 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. ------------------ MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24522B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING ----_--_User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ........... 2757 sf Volume. .. ...... 29682 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 0 deg (N) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude.......... ...... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range. ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND -COOLING -------------------------------- LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling } Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 18533 ----------- 6770 Glazing Conduction ............... Glazing Solar 9181 7614 .................... Infiltration n/a 10854 ..................... Internal Gain... 17502 10372 Ducts. n/a 3350 ................... Sensible Load 4522 3896 .................... Latent Load 49739 42856 ...................... n/a 8571 Minimum Total Load ----------- 49739 ----------- 51427 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor. design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 2 HVAC Project -Title .......... ANDALUSIA_PLAN_1M Date..10/23/04 07.56.05 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24522B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin s Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ---------------------------------1-------------------------------------------I GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area .. . ........ ... 2757 Volume.. ..:. ....... 29682 Front Orientation.......... Front Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude... .. ....... 33.7 Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 sf cf Facing 90 deg (E) degrees HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Heating Cooling Description ------------------------ (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 18533 ----------- 6770 Glazing Conduction ............... Glazing Solar 9181 7614 .................... Infiltration n/a 14824 ..................... Internal Gain... 17502 10372 ............... Ducts. n/a 3350 .................... Sensible Load 4522 4293 .................... Latent Load ...................... 49739 47223 n/a 9445 ----------- Minimum Total Load 49739 ----------- 56668 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 3 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.IM Date..10/23/04 07:56:05 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24522B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program-HVAC.SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area..... .......... 2757 sf �. Volume.. .... ........... 29682 cf �.. Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 180 deg (S) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude ................... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F 1 Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range. ..... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No ' Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING -------------------------------- LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling Description (Btuh) (Btuh) --------------------------------- �. - - --------- -- -------Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 18533 6770 Glazing Conduction...............9181 7614 Glazing Solar .................... . n/a 9644 Infiltration ..................... 17502 10372 Internal Gain ...:................ n/a 3350 Ducts.... ................... Sensible Load. ................ .. 4522 49739 3775 41526 Latent Load ...................... n/a 8305 Minimum Total Load ---------- ----------- 49739. 49831 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider' all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. 4 E HVAC SIZING Page 4 HVAC ---------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.IM Date..10/23/04 07.56.05 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24522B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area.. 2757 sf Volume ..................... 29682 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing Sizing Location............ INDIO s Latitude ................... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range. ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used.. No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No ' Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY -------------------------------- Heatin Description �---------------------------------- (Btuh)g Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 18533 Glazing Conduction. 9181 Glazing Solar.................��� n/a Infiltration ..................��� Internal Gain 17502 .................... Ducts.................... n/a Sensible Load.. 4522 ........ Latent Load 49739 ...................... n/a Minimum Total Load 49739 270 deg (W) Cooling (Btuh) 6770 7614 14568 10372 3350 4267 46941 9388 56330 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. 4 Madlin-'s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) v v v ®. v Andalusia at Coral Mountain Series 55 - Plan 2 HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2 Date..10/21/04 15:02:51 Project Address........ PLAN 2 ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- compliance Method...... MICROPAS6'v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24525B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area .......... 3058 sf Volume.. .. ....... 33583 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 0 deg (N) Sizing Location........... INDIO , Latitude ............ . ... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ...... 30 F Interior Shading Used No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING -------------------------------- LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) a Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 17943 ----------- 6571 6571 Glazing Conduction ............... 9661 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 11673 ..................... Internal Gain .................... 19803 11736 Ducts. n/a 3350 Sensible Load 4741 4134 .................... Latent Load 52148 45476 ...................... n/a 9095 Minimum Total Load ----------- 52148 ----------- 54571 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 2 HVAC -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2----Date__10/21/04 15:02:51 MICROPAS6v6.01-- File -24525B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- - ----------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area.....:...... ... 3058 sf Volume .. ..... ............ Front Orientation.......... 33583 cf Front Facing 90 deg (E) Sizing Location............ INDIO ' Latitude.. Winter Outside Design...... 33.7 degrees 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F f Summer Inside Design....... 78 F i Summer Range.. ... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING -------------------------------- LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling Description t--------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) i, Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ---------------------- 17943 6571 Glazing Conduction ............... Glazing Solar 9661 8012 .................... Infiltration.. n/a 14647 ' Internal Gain 19803 11736 .................... Ducts.. n/a 3350 . k Sensible Load 4741 4432 .................... Latent Load 52148 48747 ...................... n/a 9749 Minimum Total Load ----------- ----------- 52148 58497 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 3 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLA9.2---------Date..10/21/04 15.02.51 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24525B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING -User#_MP0207 User-Madlin s Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 3058 sf Volume.. 33583 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude... .... ....... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 Description HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY ---------------- Heating (Btuh) --------------------------------- ----------- Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 17943 Glazing Conduction ............... 9661 Glazing Solar .................... n/a Infiltration ..................... 19803, Internal Gain .................... n/a Ducts ............................ 4741 Sensible Load .................... 52148 Latent Load ...................... n/a 180 deg (S) Cooling (Btuh) 6571 8012 10149 11736 3350 3982 43800 8760 ---------------------- Minimum Total Load 52148 52560 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 4 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2 Date..10/21/04 15.02.51 -----MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24525B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area........ ....... 3058 sf Volume.. .... ........... 33583 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 270 deg (W) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude.., 33.7 degrees. Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING -------------------------------- LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling, Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- -- 17943 ------ 6571 Glazing Conduction ............... 9661 8012 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 15430 ..................... Internal Gain 19803 11736 .................... Ducts n/a 3350 ............................ Sensible Load .................... 4741 . 52148 4510 49609 Latent Load ...................... n/a 9922 Minimum Total Load -------- ------ 52148 ----- 59531--- Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Madlin -s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) . v ... vv Andalusia At Coral Mountain Series 55 -Plan 2M HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC ------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2M Date..10/21/04 15.32.10 Project Address........ PLAN 2M *******_____________________ ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field__C-ec_--Date Climate Zone.......... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method.:.*- v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24526B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 3023 sf Volume.. 33233 cf ! Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 0 deg (N) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude... .... ....... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ...... 30 F Interior Shading Used No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 18127 ----------- 6640 Glazing Conduction ............... 9370 7770 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 11532 Infiltration ..................... 19596 11613 Internal Gain .................... n/a 3350 Ducts. ..... ................... Sensible Load .................... 4709 51802 4091 44996 Latent Load ...................... n/a 8999 ----------- Minimum Total Load 51802 ----------- 53995 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 2 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2M Date..10/21/04 15:32:10 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24526B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area.......... ..... 3023 sf Volume.. .... 33233 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 90 deg (E) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude ............... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) ----------- Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 18127 --------- 6640 Glazing Conduction ............... 9370 7770 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 14234 ? Infiltration ..................... 19596 11613 InternalGain .................... n/a 3350 y Ducts.. . Sensible Load .................... 4709 51802 4361 47968 Latent Load ...................... n/a 9594 -----------2 Minimum Total Load. 5180 ----------- 57562 + Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 3 HVAC ------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2M Date..10/21/04 15:32:10 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24526B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING -User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area................. 3023 sf Volume.. .... ........... 33233 cf Front Orientation........... Front Facing 180 deg (S) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude ................... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range..... .. 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Description Opaque Conduc Glazing Condu Glazing Solar Infiltration. Internal Gain Ducts. Sensible�..Load Heating (Btuh) ----------- ------- tion and Solar...... 18127 9370 ction............... .................... n/a .................... 19596 .................... n/a ................... 4709 51802 .................... Latent Load.. Cooling (Btuh) 6640 7770 9886 11613 3350 3926 43186 8637 51823 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. .................... n/a Minimum Total Load 51802 Infiltration. Internal Gain Ducts. Sensible�..Load Heating (Btuh) ----------- ------- tion and Solar...... 18127 9370 ction............... .................... n/a .................... 19596 .................... n/a ................... 4709 51802 .................... Latent Load.. Cooling (Btuh) 6640 7770 9886 11613 3350 3926 43186 8637 51823 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 4 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.2M Date..10/21/04'15:32:10 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24526B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#_MP0207, User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 3023 sf Volume.. ... 33233 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 270 deg (W) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude .............. 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F 1 Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Heating Cooling Description ----------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 18127 ----------- 6640 Glazing Conduction ............... 9370 7770 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 14975 ..................... Internal Gain 19596 11613 .................... Ducts. n/a 3350 .............. .... SensibleLoad 4709 4435 .................... Latent Load... 51802 48783 ................. n/a 9757 ----------- Minimum Total Load 51802 ----------- 58540. Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Madlin -s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst . 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) V . ®®V V Andalusia At Coral Mountain Series SS - Plan 3 0 HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09:21:41 Project Address........ PLAN 3 ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Flan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. -----MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------- ------- ------------ GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area...* 3546 sf Volume.. .. 39260 cf .. .... Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 0 deg (N) Sizing Location............ INDIO- Latitude................. 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range. .... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It. is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 25043 ----------- 9225 Glazing Conduction............... 11149 9245 Glazing Solar. ................... Infiltration.. n/a 13562 .................... Internal Gain..... 23150 13719 ............... Ducts. n/a 3005 .................... Sensible Load .................... 5934 65276 4876 53632 Latent Load ...................... n/a 10726 ----------- Minimum Total Load 65276 ----------- 64358 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It. is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 2 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09'21.41 -----MICROPAS6v601--File-24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC - -------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ---------------------------------------- ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 3014 sf Volume ........................... 33940 cf ZONE '2.ZONE' FloorArea ....................... 532 sf Volume ........................... 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 17952 ----------- 6711 Glazing Conduction...............9855 1293 8173 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 11638 ..................... 20013 11860 Internal Gain .................... n/a 2848 Ducts ............................ 4782 4123 Sensible Load .................... 52603 45352 Latent Load ...................... n/a 9070 ------------------ ----------- - --- Minimum Zone Load 52603 54423 ZONE '2.ZONE' FloorArea ....................... 532 sf Volume ........................... 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 7090 ----------- 2514 Glazing Conduction ............... 1293 1072 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 1924 ..................... InternalGain 3137 1859 .................... Ducts n/a 158 ............................ 1152 753 Sensible Load... ................. 12673 8279 Latent Load ...................... n/a 1656 ----------- Minimum Zone Load 12673. ----------- 9935 HVAC SIZING Page 3 HVAC ---------------------- _________________ Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09:21:41 -----MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 3546 sf Volume.. .... ........... 39260 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 90 deg (E) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude ...................33.7 degrees t -Winter Outside Design 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F j• Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design........ 78 F Summer Range.. ..... ..... 30 F - Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No 4` Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY -------------------------------- Heating Cooling Description (Btuh) --------------------------------- (Btuh) ---------------------- Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 25043 9225 Glazing Conduction ............... 11149 9245 Glazing Solar .................... n/a Infiltration.. 17477 ............... 23150 Internal Gain .................... n/a 13719 3005 Ducts . .......................... 5934 5267 t Sensible Load.. ... . 65276 57938 ' Latent Load ..................... n/a 11588 --- --- --- ---------- Minimum Total Load 65276 69526--- Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection." of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 4 HVAC -------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09:21:41 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ HEATING AND COOLING LOAD ---------------------------------------- SUMMARY BY ZONE ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area....................... Volume 3014 sf ........................... 33940 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 17952 ----------- 6711 Glazing Conduction ............... Glazing Solar.. . 9855 8173 Infiltration n/a 16111 ..................... Internal Gain 20013 11860 .................... Ducts n/a 2848 ............................ 4782 4570 Sensible Load .................... 52603 50272 Latent Load ...................... n/a 10054 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 52603 ----------- 60327 ZONE 12.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 532 sf Volume....... .................. 5320 cf ' Heating Cooling Description --------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 7090 ----------- 2514 Glazing Conduction.. ............. 1293 1072 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 1366 ..................... Internal Gain 3137 1859 .................... Ducts n/a 158 ............................ 1152 697 Sensible Load .................... 12673 7666 Latent Load ... .................. n/a 1533 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 12673 ----------- 9199 HVAC SIZING Page 5 HVAC -------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09:21:41 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING --------User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area......:.......... 3546 sf Volume.. .... .......... Front Orientation.......... 39260 cf Front Facing 180 deg (S) Sizing Location............ INDIO ! Latitude........... Winter Outside Design...... 33.7 degrees 29 F t y Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F \ 11 Summer Inside Design....... 78 F i Summer Range.. ..... ..... Interior Shading Used...... 30 F No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... t, 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING -------------------------------- LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling Description 4. t, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Btuh) (Btuh) - - - - - - - Opaque Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ---- ----------- ----------- 25043 9225 Glazing Conduction ............... Glazing Solar 11149 9245 ............... .. Infiltration—, n/a 12047 ................. Internal Gain........ 23150 13719 .......... Ducts. n/a 3005 i Sensible Load 5934 4724 .................... Latent Load 65276 51965 ..:................... n/a 10393 ' Minimum Total Load ---------------------- 65276 62358 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, ,,availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. 6 HVAC SIZING Page 6 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09.21.41 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin s Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ---------------------------------------- ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 3014 sf Volume... ........................ 33940 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 17952 ----------- 6711 Glazing Conduction ............... 9855 8173 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 9946 .................... Internal Gain 20013 11860 ................ ... .. Ducts n/a 2848 ....................... 4782 3954 Sensible Load.... .............. 52603 43491 Latent Load ........................ n/a 8698 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 52603 ----------- 52189 ZONE 12.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... Volume........ 532 sf ................. 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 7090 ----------- 2514 Glazing Conduction.. ... 1293 1072 Glazing Solar.. ................... n/a 2101 Infiltration ..................... 3137 1859 InternalGain .................... n/a 158 Ducts ............................ 1152 770 Sensible Load.................... 12673 8475 Latent Load ...................... n/a 1695 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 12673 ----------- 10169 HVAC SIZING Page 7 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09.21.41 MICROPAS6v601 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- - GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 3546 sf Volume.. ........... 39260 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude... ....... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 Description Opaque Conduc Glazing Condu Glazing Solar Infiltration. Internal Gain Ducts........ Sensible Load Latent Load.. HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY 270 deg (W) Cooling (Btuh) 9225 9245 17516 13719 3005 5271 57981 11596 69578 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider, all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Heating -------------------- (Btuh) tion and Solar...... ----------- 25043 ction............... 11149 .................... n/a .................... 23150 .................... n/a ................... 5934 .................... 65276 .................... n/a Minimum Total Load 65276 270 deg (W) Cooling (Btuh) 9225 9245 17516 13719 3005 5271 57981 11596 69578 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider, all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 8 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN.3 Date..10/21/04 09.21.41 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24570B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ----------------------------------=----- ZONE '1.ZONE' 5320 cf Floor Area ...................... 3014 sf Cooling Volume ........................... 33940 cf (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... Heating Cooling Description i --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 17952 ----------- 6711 Glazing Conduction ............... 9855 8173 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 16221 Infiltration ..................... 20013 11860 Internal Gain .................... n/a 2848 Ducts ............................ 4782 4581 Sensible Load .................... 52603 50393 Latent Load ...................... n/a 10079 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 52603 ----------- 60472 ZONE 12.ZONE' Floor Area....................... 532 sf Volume ........................... 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description ---------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ;----------- 7090 ----------- 2514 Glazing Conduction ............... 1293 1072 Glazing Solar....... ............. Infiltration......... n/a 1295 Internal Gain .................... 3137 n/a 1859 158 Ducts.. ....... ............... 1152 690 Sensible Load .................... 12673 7588 LatentLoad....................... n/a 1518 f, Minimum Zone Load ----------- 12673 ----------- 9106 Madlin 's enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) v v ®®. vv Andalusia At Coral Mountain Series 55 -Plan 3 with Optional Office HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC ----------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08:53:38 Project Address........ PLAN 3 W/OFF OPTION ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING --------User#_MP0207• User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----------------------------------------------------------------- j GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ...............:. 3712 sf Volume.. ......... Front Orientation.......... 39260 cf Front Facing 0 deg (N) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude .................. 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING -------------------------------- LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling Description -------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ---------------------- 25216 9305 Glazing Conduction.. ............. 11512 9547 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 14273 Infiltration ..................... 23150 13719 Internal Gain .................... n/a 3028 Ducts ........................... Sensible Load 5988 4987 .................... 65866 54860 Latent Load ...................... n/a 10972 Minimum Total Load ----------- ----------- 65866 65832 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 2 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08:53:38 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING -------User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -----------7-------------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ---------------------------------------- ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area....................... 3180 sf Volume........................... 33940 cf ZONE '2.ZONE' Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 18125 ----------- 6791 Glazing Conduction ............... 10219 8474 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 12349 ..................... Internal Gain 20013 11860 .................... Ducts. n/a 2881 ....................... 4836 4236 Sensible Load .................... 53193 46592 Latent Load ...................... n/a 9318 ----------- Minimum Zone Load 53193 ----------- 55910 ZONE '2.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 532 sf Volume..... .................... 5320 cf Heating Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... --------- 7090 Glazing Conduction ............... 1293 Glazing Solar .................... n/a Infiltration ..................... 3137 InternalGain .................... Ducts............................ n/a 1152 Sensible Load .................... 12673 Cooling (Btuh) 2514 1072 1924 1859 147 752 8268 Latent Load ...................... n/a 1654 ----------- ----------- Minimum Zone Load 12673' 9921 HVAC SIZING Page 3 HVAC ------- --------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08.53.38 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area......... ...... 3712 sf Volume.. .... ........... 39260 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 90 deg (E) Sizing Location.... ....... INDIO Latitude ................... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range........ 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING -------------------------------- LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 25216 ----------- 9305 Glazing Conduction............... 11512 9547 Glazing Solar..... ............. n/a 17789 Infiltration ..................... 23150 13719 Internal Gain .................... n/a 3028 Ducts. ................... Sensible Load 5988 5339 .................... Latent Load...... 65866 58727 .............. n/a 11745 Minimum Total Load ----------- 65866 ----------- 70472 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 4 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08:53:38 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ---------------------------------------- ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 3180 sf Volume... 33940 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 18125 ----------- 6791 Glazing Conduction ............... 10219 8474 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 16423 ..................... Internal Gain 20013 11860 .................... Ducts... n/a 2881 ....................... 4836 4643 Sensible Load..... ............... 53193 51072 Latent Load ...................... n/a 10215 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 53193 ----------- 61287 ZONE 12.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... Volume 532 sf ........................... 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 7090 ----------- 2514 Glazing Conduction ............... 1293 1072 Glazing Solar..... ............... Infiltration n/a 1366 ..................... Internal Gain.. 3137 .1859 ................ Ducts n/a 147 ............................ 1152 696 Sensible Load.................... 12673 7654 Latent Load ...................... n/a 1531 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 12673 ----------- 9185 HVAC SIZING Page 5 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08.53.38 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 3712 sf Volume.. ..... 39260 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 180 deg (S) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude ................... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY -------------------------------- Heating Cooling Description (Btuh) (Btuh) ------------------------------------------------------- Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 25216 9305 fy Glazing Conduction ............... 11512 9547 ' Glazing Solar .................... n/a 12758 Infiltration.. . . 23150 13719 Internal Gain...................n/a 3028 t Ducts.. .................... 5988 4836 Sensible Load .................... 65866 53193 Latent Load ....................... n/a 10639 ----------- ----------- Minimum Total Load 65866 63832 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection' of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow t requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. a HVAC SIZING Page 6 HVAC --------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08:53:38 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD ---------------------------------------- SUMMARY BY ZONE ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area .................... .. 3180 sf Volume ............. ... ....... 33940 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 18125 ----------- 6791 Glazing Conduction.. 10219 8474 I Glazing Solar .................... n/a 10657 Infiltration ..................... 20013 11860 Internal Gain .................... n/a 2881 Ducts ............................ 4836 4066 s Sensible Load .................... . 53193 44730 Latent Load ...................... n/a 8946 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 53193 ----------- 53677 ZONE 12.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... Volume 532 sf ........................... 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 7090 ----------- 2514 Glazing Conduction ............... 1293 1072 Glazing Solar .................... . n/a 2101 Infiltration ..................... 3137 1859 Internal Gain.. ................ n/a 147 Ducts ............................ 1152 769 Sensible Load .................... 12673 8463 Latent Load ...................... n/a 1693 Minimum Zone Load --------- 12673 ----------- 10156 HVAC SIZING Page 7 HVAC, Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08.53.38 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING --------User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ---------------------------------------------------=---------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- �, Floor Area .................. 3712 sf r Volume.. .. ............ 39260 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 270 deg (W) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude.., 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design..... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. .. .. ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY t -------------------------------- Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) + Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 25216 ----------- 9305 Glazing Conduction ............... 11512 9547 Glazing Solar.. ..........:....... Infiltration n/a 17662 ..................... Internal Gain 23150 13719 .................... Ducts. n/a 3028 .................... :+ Sensible Load 5988 5326 .................... Latent Load 65866 58588 ...................... n/a 11718 ----------- Minimum Total Load 65866 ----------- 70305 I A Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 8 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL3.OFF.OPT Date..10/23/04 08:53:38 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24571B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING --------User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ---------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ---------------------------------------- ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area....... 3180 sf Volume....... 33940 cf Sensible Load... 12673 7576 Latent Load..... n/a 1515 ----------- ----------- Minimum Zone Load 12673 9092 Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 18125 ----------- 6791 Glazing Conduction ............... Glazing Solar 10219 8474 .................... Infiltration n/a 16367 ..................... Internal Gain 20013 11860 .................... Ducts n/a 2881 ............................ 4836 4637 Sensible Load.. 53193 51011 Latent Load ...................... n/a 10202 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 53193 ----------- 61213 ZONE 12.ZONE' Floor Area.... .................. 532 sf Volume ........................... 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description ------------------------ (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 7090 ----------- 2514 Glazing Conduction ............... Glazing Solar 1293 1072 .................. Infiltration............ n/a 1295 .. .... Internal Gain 3137 1859 .................... Ducts....... n/a 147 ................... 1152 689 Sensible Load... 12673 7576 Latent Load..... n/a 1515 ----------- ----------- Minimum Zone Load 12673 9092 Madlin-'s enteypnses Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst . 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ®v . ®®. Andalusia At Coral Mountain Series SS - Plan 3 - View Lots F HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:20.53 Project Address........ PLAN 3 W/VIEW ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 I 760-322-5004 Climate Zone........... 15 Field Check/ Date Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------- I MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING . User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------=--- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area.. 3546 sf . Volume.. Front Orientation.......... 39260 cf Front Facing 0 deg (N) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude... .... ....... Winter Outside Design...... 33.7 degrees 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F , �. Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range ..... .......... 30 F Interior Shading Used No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY -------------------------------- t Heating Cooling Description -------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ` ---------------------- 24753 8994 Glazing Conduction ............... ` 12862 10666 Glazing Solar .................... k Infiltration n/a 18573 ..................... Internal Gain .................... 23150 n/a 13719 3005 Ducts ............................ 6077 5496 r; Sensible -Load... ............... 66842 60454 Latent Load ......:............... n/a 12091 Minimum Minimum Total Load ----------- ------------ 66842 72545 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing,, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 2 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:20:53 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING -------User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC --------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD - ---------------------------------------- SUMMARY BY ZONE ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area........ ............... Volume 3014 sf ........................... 33940 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) j Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 17662 ----------- 6480 Glazing Conduction ............... 10712 8883 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration....... n/a 14974 ............ Internal Gain .................... 20013 n/a 11860 2848 Ducts ............................ 4839 4505 Sensible Load .................... 53226 49550 Latent Load...... ................ n/a 9910 ? Minimum Zone Load ----------- 53226 ----------- 59459 ZONE 12.ZONE' FloorArea ....................... 532 sf Volume........... .............. 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 7090 ----------- 2514 Glazing Conduction ............... 2150 1783 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 3600 ................. .. Internal Gain 3137 1859 .................... Ducts n/a 158 .......................... 1238 991 Sensible Load..... ................ 13615 10904 Latent Load ...................... n/a 2181 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 13615 ----------- 13085 HVAC SIZING Page 3 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:20:53 -----MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 3546 sf Volume.. ... ........... 39260 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 90 deg (E) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude.......33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Heating Cooling Description --------=------------------------ (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 24753 ----------- 8994 Glazing Conduction ............... 12862 10666 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 16463 ..................... Internal Gain.... 23150 13719 .............. Ducts. n/a 3005 .................... Sensible Load 6077 5285 .................... Latent Load 66842 58133 ...................... n/a 11627 Minimum Total Load ----------- 66842 ----------- 69759 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 4 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:20:53 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING -User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD ---------------------------------------- SUMMARY BY ZONE ZONE '1.ZONE' FloorArea ....................... Volume.... 3014 sf ..................... 33940 cf Heating Cooling Description ------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 17662 ----------- 6480 j Glazing Conduction ............... 10712 8883 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 14753 .................... Internal Gain 20013 11860 .................... Ducts. n/a 2848 ... ...................... 4839 4482 Sensible Load .................... 53226 49306 Latent Load.... n/a 9861 i Minimum Zone Load ----------- 53226 ----------- 59167 ZONE 12.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... Volume........................... 532 sf 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description ------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 7090 ----------- 2514 Glazing Conduction............... 2150 1783 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 1710 ..................... Internal Gain 3137 1859 .................... Ducts............ n/a 158 ...... ...... 1238 802 Sensible Load .................... 13615 8826 Latent Load ...................... n/a 1765 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 13615 ----------- 10592 HVAC SIZING Page 5 HVAC ------------------------------------- __________________________ ProjectTitleANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:20:53 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC F--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 3546 sf Volume............., 39260 cf Front Orientation ..••••••• . Front Facing 180 deg (S) Sizing Location... ....... INDIO iLatitude............ 33.7 degrees i. Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 f HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY f Description Heating Cooling p (Btuh) (Btuh) ' r----------------------------------------- �. Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 24753 8994 Glazing Conduction ............... 12862 10666 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 16572 �. Infiltration ..................... 23150 13719 Internal Gain. n/a 3005 F Ducts. 6077 5296 Sensible Load .................... 66842 58252 Latent Load ...................... n/a 11650 r. Minimum Total Load 66842 69903 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection ! of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment., oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. r HVAC SIZING Page 6 HVAC ------------------------------=----------= ---------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09.20.53 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING I -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ---------------------------------------i ZONE '1.ZONE' _Floor Area ....................... 3014 sf Volume ........................... 33940 cf Latent Load ...................... Minimum Zone Load n/a 2220 ----------- 13615 13319 Heating' Cooling Description ---------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 17662 ---- ----- 6480 Glazing Conduction ............... Glazing Solar 10712 8883 .................... Infiltration n/a 12795 ..................... Internal Gain 20013 11860 .................... Ducts n/a' 2848 ............................ 4839 4287 Sensible Load .................... 53226 47153 Latent Load.... ................ n/a 9431 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 53226 ----------- 56583 ZONE 12.ZONE' Floor Area ................... Volume....... 532 sf ... ............ 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 7090 ----------- 2514 Glazing Conduction................ Glazing Solar 2150 1783 .................... Infiltration n/a 3777 ..................... Internal Gain 3137 .1859 .................... Ducts n/a 158 ............................ 1238 1009 Sensible Load .................... 13615 11100 Latent Load ...................... Minimum Zone Load n/a 2220 ----------- 13615 13319 HVAC SIZING Page 7 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09.20.53 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING -User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area ................. 3546 sf Volume. .... ........... 39260 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude ............... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY 270 deg (W) Cooling (Btuh) 8994 10666 17854 13719 3005 5424 59663 11933 71596 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Heating Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 24753 Glazing Conduction ............... 12862 Glazing Solar .................... n/a Infiltration............ 23150 ....... InternalGain .................... Ducts n/a ............................ Sensible Load 6077 .................... LatentLoad ...................... 66842 n/a ----------- Minimum Total Load 66842 270 deg (W) Cooling (Btuh) 8994 10666 17854 13719 3005 5424 59663 11933 71596 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 8 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3 VIEW Date..10/23/04 09.20.53 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24572B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC t------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD ------------------------------- SUMMARY BY ZONE i ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... Volume 3014 sf ........................... 33940 cf Heating Cooling Description I--------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and_Solar...... ----------- 17662 ----------- 6480 Glazing Conduction... ............. 10712 8883 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 15824 ..................... ' Internal Gain 20013 11860 .................... Ducts n/a 2848 ............................ 4839 4590 Sensible Load ....:............... 53226 50485 Latent Load ...................... n/a 10097 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 53226 ----------- 60582 ZONE.'2.ZONE' i Floor Area.. . Volume 532 sf ........................... 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) ' Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 7090 2514 Glazing Conduction ............... 2150 1783 Glazing Solar .................. Infiltration n/a 2030` ..................... Internal Gain 3137 1859 .................... Ducts n/a 158 ............................ 1238 834 i Sensible Load............ ...... 13615 9178 Latent Load.. .................. n/a 1836 ( Minimum Zone Load ----------- 13615 ----------- 11013 n a Madlin-'s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ..... ® . Andalusia At Coral Mountain Series SS - Plan 3 on View Lot with Optional Office HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:13:27 Project Address........ PLAN 3 W/OFF W/VIEW ******* --------------------- ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method. ..... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. _________________________ MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING --------User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------------------------------------------------------------- { GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area. ................ 3712 sf Volume.. .. ........... 39260 cf i Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 0 deg (N) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude .............. 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F ' Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ...... 30 F Interior Shading Used No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY ----------- Minimum Total Load 67691 Cooling (Btuh) 9305 10923 17518 13719 3028 5449 59943 11989 71931 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow F requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Heating Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 25216 Glazing Conduction ............... 13172 Glazing Solar .................... n/a Infiltration.. .................... ' Internal Gain.. 23150 ' Ducts n/a ................... Sensible �Load 6154 ........ .......... Latent Load ...................... 67691 n/a ----------- Minimum Total Load 67691 Cooling (Btuh) 9305 10923 17518 13719 3028 5449 59943 11989 71931 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow F requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 2 HVAC --------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04.09:13:27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD ---------------------------------------- SUMMARY BY ZONE ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 3180 sf Volume ........................... 33940 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 18125 ----------- 6791 Glazing Conduction ............... .11022 9140 j Glazing Solar .................... n/a 13919 Infiltration ..................... 20013 11860 Internal Gain .................... n/a 2881 Ducts ............................ 4916 4459 Sensible Load .................... 54076 49050 Latent Load ...................... n/a 9810 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 54076 ----------- 58860 ZONE 12.ZONE' Floor Area.... ................... 532 sf Volume ........................... 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 7090 ----------- 2514 Glazing Conduction ............... 2150 1783 t Glazing Solar .................... n/a 3600 f Infiltration ...................... 3137 1859 Internal Gain .................... n/a 147 Ducts.. ........................ 1238 990 Sensible Load .................... 13615 10893 Latent Load ...................... n/a 2179 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 13615 ----------- 13071 HVAC SIZING Page 3 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:13:27 ----------------- CROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING I User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 3712 sf Volume.. .... ............ Front Orientation.......... 39260 cf Front Facing 90 deg (E) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude....... ..... Winter Outside Design 33.7 degrees 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range. ... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ---------------------- 25216 9305 Glazing Conduction ............... 13172 10923 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 18456 ..................... Internal Gain 23150 13719 .................... Ducts n/a 3028 ............................ Sensible Load 6154 5543 .................... Latent Load 67691 60974 ...................... n/a 12195 Minimum Total Load ----------- ----------- 67691 73169 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. i HVAC SIZING Page 4 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:13:27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING --------User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD ----------------------------------- SUMMARY BY ZONE --- ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... Volume 3180 sf ........................... 33940 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 18125 ----------- 6791 Glazing Conduction ............... 11022 9140 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration......... n/a 16745 .......... Internal Gain 20013 11860 .................... Ducts n/a 2881 ............................ 4916 4742 Sensible Load .................... 54076 52159 Latent Load ...................... n/a 10432 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 54076 ----------- 62591 ZONE 12.ZONE' r Floor Area ............. ...... Volume 532 sf ........................... 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 7090 ----------- 2514 Glazing Conduction ............... 2150 1783 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration... n/a 1710 .......... .... Internal Gain 3137 1859 .................... Ducts n/a 147 ............................ 1238 801 Sensible Load .................... 13615 8815 Latent Load ...................... n/a 1763 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 13615 ----------- 10578 1 HVAC SIZING Page 5 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09.13.27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 3712 sf Volume.. .... ........... 39260 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 180 deg (S) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude... .... ........ Winter Outside Design...... 33.7 degrees 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ..... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING -------------------------------- LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ---------------------- 25216 9305 Glazing Conduction ............... 13172 10923 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 16003 .....................23150 Internal Gain .................... n/a 13719 3028 Ducts. ................... 6154 5298 Sensible Load .................... 67691 58276 Latent Load......... ........... n/a 11655 Minimum Total Load ----------- ----------- 67691 69932 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 6 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:13:27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ---------------------------------------- ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... Volume 3180 sf ........................... 33940 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 18125 ----------- 6791 Glazing Conduction ............... 11022 9140 1 Glazing Solar .............. .... ' Infiltration n/a 12226 ..................... Internal Gain 20013 11860 .................... Ducts n/a 2881 ............................ 4916 4290 Sensible Load .................... 54076 47188 Latent Load........ .............. n/a 9438 - Minimum Zone Load ----------- 54076 ----------- 56626 ZONE 12.ZONE' FloorArea ....................... 532 sf Volume ........................... 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 7090 ----------- 2514 Glazing Conduction ................ 2150 1783 Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration n/a 3777 ..................... Internal Gain 3137 1859 .................... Ducts n/a 147 ............................ 1238 1008 Sensible Load .................... 13615 11088 Latent Load.. .................... n/a 2218 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 13615 ----------- 13306 HVAC SIZING Page 7 HVAC Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:13:27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING -User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------- ------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area................. 3712 sf Volume.. ..... ........... 39260 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing Sizing Location............. INDIO Latitude ................... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range...... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY 270 deg (W) Cooling (Btuh) 9305 10923 19085 13719 3028 5606 61666 12333 73999 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Heating Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 25216 Glazing Conduction ............... 13172 Glazing Solar .................... n/a C Infiltration.. ................. 23150 Internal Gain.. .......... n/a Ducts. .......... •••••..... Sensible Load..... 6154 ............. Latent Load........... ......... 67691 n/a Minimum Total Load 67691 270 deg (W) Cooling (Btuh) 9305 10923 19085 13719 3028 5606 61666 12333 73999 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 8 HVAC --------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PL.3.OPT.VIEW Date..10/23/04 09:13:27 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24573B1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -REVISED PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ---------------------------------------- ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 3180 sf Volume ........................... 33940 cf Heating Cooling Description ------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 18125 ----------- 6791 Glazing Conduction ............... 11022 9140 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 17055 Infiltration ..................... 20013 11860 Internal Gain .................... n/a 2881 Ducts ............................ 4916 4773 Sensible Load.. 54076 52500 Latent Load ...................... n/a 10500 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 54076 ----------- 63000 ZONE 12.ZONE' FloorArea ....................... 532 sf Volume.. 5320 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 7090 ----------- 2514 Glazing Conduction ............... 2150 1783 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 2030 Infiltration ..................... 3137 1859 Internal Gain .................... n/a 147 Ducts............................ 1238 833 Sensible Load .................... 13615 9166 Latent Load ...................... n/a 1833 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 13615 ----------- 10999 l Madlin-'s enteipfises Catherine M. Madlin., Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) .. ... o Addendums and Notes Madlin-'s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ....... Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt RADIANT BARRIERS Introduction A radiant barn heat. Aluminu Installation of although they V the emjssiion of radiant ales of 1 u1�a material. ng the cooling season, The Commission has approved an energy credit for radiant barriers meeting specific eligibility and installation criteria. The radiant barrier energy credit is an adjustment to the ceiling U -value when the ceiling is adjacent to an attic with a radiant barrier. The credit is automatically applied by modeling a radiant barrier in an approved computer program with this optional capability. Construction Below are the parameters for receiving credit for a radiant barrier, including criteria for the installation, ventilation and material, all of which contribute to the performance of the radiant barrier. Installation Installation must be in conformance with ASTM C-1158-97 (Standard Practice for Use and Installation of Radiant Barrier Systems (RBS) in Building Construction.), ASTM C -727- 90(1996)e1 (Standard Practice for Installation and Use of Reflective Insulation in Building ConstrluctioT.), ASTM C -C1.313-975 (Standard Specification for Sheet radiant Barriers for Building `Construction Appli c ations), and ASTM C-1224-99 (Standard Specification for Reflec i ve Insu i for B}�i ding A plications aradiant barrier must, be securely i stalled in a german n an er wlt th s ire ide a ing o t7aqcdtE aoo/rI1Radia t arrje �pu�t e i tall d�# e o f tr�ss/.raft rs cds n _th fol nmPthnric wifih fha ma`taria � I r� p --/ t g 1. Draped over the truss/rafter ( the top chord) before the upper roof deck is installed. 2. Spanning between the truss/rafters (top chords) and secured (stapled) to each side. 3. Secured (stapled) to the bottom surface of the truss/rafter (top chord). A minimum air space must be maintained between the top surface of the radiant barrier and roof decking of not less than 1.5 inches at the center of the truss/rafter span. • P.O..Box 1443 v Palm Springs, Ca 92263-1443 • E-mail: Cmadlin@aol.com. v Madlin's Enterprises — Addendums & Notes 4. Attached [laminated] directly to the underside of the roof decking. The radiant barrier must be laminated and perforated by the manufacturer to allow moisture/vapor transfer through the roof deck. The radiant barrier must be installed to cover all gable end walls and other vertical surfaces in the attic. Ventilation The attic mus 1. Conform 2. Provide a each 150 1. t be ntila ed to: to a utfatt rer s-i�rtstruct'orss. . � / 1� X1.1 � �� - i �mn freg entilatio area o n t les a� pne square foot f ent area for spare eet�.of att�odrre E� L1 C% 3. Provide no less than 30 percent upper vents. (Ridge vents or gable end vents are recommended to achieve the best performance. The material should be cut to allow for full ,air flow to the venting.) The radiant barrier (except for radiant barriers laminated directly to the roof. deck) must be installed to: 1. Have a minimum gap of 3.5 inches between the bottom of the radiant barrier and the top of the ceiling insulation to allow ventilation air to flow between the roof decking and the top surface of the radiant barrier. 2. Have a minimum of six (6) inches (measured horizontally) left at the roof peak to allow hot air to escape from the air space between the roof decking and the top surface of the radiant barrier. When installed in enclosed rafter spaces where ceilings are applied directly to the underside of roof ra-fterrs a minimum ai space of 1 inch must be provided between the radiant barrier and the toR cf the ceiling insul tion, and ventilation must be providedTor each rafter space. Vents must�e!p, roved a# b h the u - to 11 e�r�en soli a enclosed aft r - ac Emissivi Q) • The emissivity of the radiant barrier must bp less than or equal to 0.05as tested in accordance with ASTM C-1371-98 or AST 1E408 -7(1996)e1. • The product must meet all requirements for California certified insulation material [radiant barriers] of the Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation: Madlin's Enterprises — Addendums & Notes Note: Aluminum will deteriorate or corrode in the presence of alkaline materials. Unless the aluminum foil is protected by waterproofed paper or plastic coating, keep it from coming into direct contact with anything alkaline, such as masonry surfaces. Inspection If a radiant barrier was used for compliance credit, check the installation guidelines provided above for the builder. Especially critical are the ventilation and air space requirements that enable the radiant barrier to perform as expected. IV o CEC Title 24 evidential esig I_ anual '001 -Cod Figure 3-2: M�th ds ' r �stallat'o for Ra is It I arr�er U �U U U _ fU Roof Decking Roof Decking Air Space a Air Space Rafter Rafter a Radiant Radiant s ° Barrier Barrier Insulation Insulation Joist Joist .''€L,�. err �s s �t Method 1: Radiant Barrier Draped Method 2: Radiant Barrier Attached Over Top of Truss/Rafter Between Truss/Rafters Roof Decking Roof Decking Air Space Rafter Y Rafter Radiant Radiant Barrier Vis. Barrier As Insulation #+ _ s Insulation JoistJoist iR Method 3: Radiant Barrier Attached to Method 4: Radiant Barrier Attached to Bottom of Truss/Rafter Underside of Roof Deck Madlin -s en terprzses Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ....... Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVES Thermostatic expansion valves (TXVs) or an equivalent alternative approved by the Commission are required for split system central air conditioners in some compliance methods and calculations. V,tX)%s,are required for cdmpliance field verification ,(v sual confirmation)- by a certified HERS rater i§;required.�'� HERS Raters Approved HERS raters conduct the-fieldwerifieatior diaghomic test4ng and inspections, and provide Certificate of Field Verification and Diagnostic Testing (CF -4R) forms or notification that corrective actions are needed. HERS raters must be independent of both the builder and sub- contractor who installed the duct systems being field verified, and can have no financial interest in making corrections to the systems. As special inspectors HERS raters can not be employed by subcontractors or parties, other than the builder, whose work they are evaluating. Building Departments Building departments consider approved HERS raters to be special inspectors. HERS raters must demonstrate competence, to the satisfaction of the building official, for the visual inspections and diagnostic testing. The building department, at its discretion, may require field verification testing and inspection to be conducted in conjunction with the building department's required inspections, and/or observe installer diagnostic testing and HERS rater verification in conjunction with the building department's required inspections to corroborate the results documented in installer certifications, and in the Certificate of Field Verification and Diagnostic Testing (CF -4R). • P.O. Box 1443, • Palm Springs, Ca 92263-1443 • E-mail: Cmadlin@aol.com • Madlin's en teipfises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ..... T . 0 Manufacturer's Specifications 4 I Resistance Factor (R) of Common Building Miate€"ials, Vizir Spaces and Films &tiidimg G yard R -value InsWatimn Nflateriats F2-va3ese Gypsum Board 1/2" 0.45 Insulation Board - 5/8" 0.56 FALCON FOAM- @ Type 1/75-F3.90 Plywood 1/4" 0.31 FALCON FOAM' @Type V111/7574. 0 3/8" 0.47 FALCON FOAM' @ Type I1/75 -F 4.40 .. 1/2" 0.62 FALCON FOAM' @ Type IX/757 4.40 3/4' 0.94 Extruded Polystyrene @ 757 5.00 Hardboard, Underlayment 1/4" 0.31 Polyurethane/Polyisocyanurate 1" 1.24 Aged @ 75•F 5.60 Insulation batts:blankets Building Raper Mineral Wool PerInch/75•F 3.66 Permeable Felt, 151b. 0.06 Insulation Loose Fill Plastic Film Neg FALCON FOAM' 3.40 Cellulosic/Inch 3.1-3.7 P&aS0;nF-y Rate. iais Perlite. Expanded/Inch 2.2-2.9 Concrete blocks, three oval cores Vermiculite, exfoliated/inch 2.1-2.3 Cinder aggregate 4" thick 1.11 12" thick 1.89 Air Spaces (214'j 8" thick 1.72 Heat Flow Up Sand and Gravel Aggregate 8" thick 1.11 Non -reflective 0.75 (Summer) Lightweight Aggregate 8" tNck 2.00 0.87 (Winter) 4' thick 1.50 Reflective, one surface 2.22 (Summer) Gypsum Mortar or Plaster 1/4" 0.05 2.21 (Winter) 1/2" 0.10 Heat Flow Doom 1" 0.20 Non -reflective 0.85 (Summer) Gypsum Plaster (Perlite) 1" 0.64 1.02 (Winter) Gypsum Plaster (Vermiculite) 1" 0.59 Reflective, one surface 3.29 (Summer) Brick, per inch 0.20 3.59 (Winter) Fake brick, per inch 0.11 Heat Flow Horizontal Stucco, per inch 0.20 Non -reflective 0.84 (Summer) 1.01 (Winter) Roofing iVaterials Reflective, one surface 3.24 (Summer) Asbestos Cement Shingles 0.21 3.46 (Winter) Asphalt Roll Roofing 0.15 Asphalt Shingles 0.44 Surface Air Films, Inside (Still A i.rj Built Up Roofing 3/8" 0.33 Heat Flow Up Wood Shingles 0.94 (through a horizontal surface) Non -reflective 0.61 Siding °Materials Reflective 1.32 Asbestos Cement, 1/4" thick lapped 0.21 Heat Flow Down Asphalt 0.15 (through a horizontal surface) Wood Shingle, 16"x7.5' Exposure 0.87 Non -reflective 0.92 Double with 12" Exposure 1.19 Reflective 4.55 Wood Drop Siding, 1'x8' 0.77 Heat Flow Horizontal Wood Bevel Siding, .5"x8" (lapped) 0.81 (through a vertical surface) Wood Bevel Siding, .3/4"x10' (lapped) 1.05 Non -reflective 0.68 Wood Plywood, .3/8' (lapped) 0.59 Structural Glass 0.10 fJlaving Air Surfaces. Any Position or Direction 15 MPH Wind (Winter) 0.17 7.5 MPH Wind (Summer) 0.25 I I Andersen® Center of Glass Performance Data Dual -Pane Glass l (Air filled) Casement/Awning, Tilt -Wash, Woo_dwright," Narroline° Transom Fixed (Picture Windows) Circle Top' _ - - Perma Shield° Narroline_° Gliding Patio Door Flexiframe° Arch Top,_Sptjgoine" SC' SHGC' RHG` 83% 0.92 0.79 82% 0.90 0.77 83% j 0.92 0.79 82% I 0.87 I 0.75 80°6 0.82- 0.71 ._ 'High -Performance' (HP Low -E) and Inside •High -Performance Sun' (HP Sun) are Surface Andersen trademarks for "Low -E" glass. FadingI I %HR ! Glass Tuv' Tdw° U-Factor'!@centerf i Tema' Based on NFRC testing/simulation conditions 191 62% 64% i 0.50 i 41% j 45°F 187 ! 57% __ 60% ! 10.4_9 41% ; 46°F _ 191 1 62% ! --- ! 65% 0.49 41% j 45°F 4 181 - 54% 58% _ j 0.49 ! 42% I i 46°F 172 47% 53% - 0.48 42% -46°F High -Performance Sun'" Water Tightness to forced I entry +T Water High -Performance" Low -E Glass (Dual -pane, Low -E, argon blend filled) Casement, Awning, Tilt -Wash, Visible Light SC' SHGC 3 RHG° Fading Tuv Tdw° I IU-Factor'j@center' %HR Inside Surface I Glass Temp9 0.28 60% 55°F - - I 60% � 56'F 60% 56°F 60% 56°F _ r__._ 6_0_% I 56°F 60% I 56 FF ` % 61%F_-590 _ 60% _ 60% Woodwright', Transom Casement Picture, Awning Double -Hung Picture Gliding Windows (400 Series) 73% _0.50 0.43 104 - 0.49 0.43 102 0.50 0.43 104 0.50 0.43 �___ 104 I- _0.49 0.42 _ 101 I 0.49 0.42 101 - -- _._. 0.47 0.41 98 I __7 __ 0.49 0.43 102 _ 0.49 410. 101 I 17% 34% 16% 33% � �17°� 34% - - 17% I 34% -- ° 15% I 32% _ 15°h 32% ° I - - 14k _ 31% 16% _ % I L 2% 25% 73°h I 0.28 73°� bele Top, L31 ical To _ _-_ _p, Circle, Oval Parma -Shield° Patio Door, Narroline° Gliding Patio Door Frenchwood° Hinged, Outswi% Gliding 73% I -1---0.50 7296 72% I 1 0.28 0.28 �. 0.27 1 0.28 0.27 i 0.28 FleldhamemArch Wind Windows, Sprirtgline'" Roof Windows/Skylights (tempered) 71% 73% j Laminated (all products) _ 711 0.28 High -Performance Sun'" Water Tightness to forced Windload entry ir Water Resistance I Inside Low -E Glass Visible and blow-out Pass i _ B-7 B-7 B 4C-2-3 B-3. C-4 C-4 _ 3 Surface (Dual -pane, tinted low -E, argon blend filled) Light' SC' SHGC' RHG` TWFadin Tdwe ass �U-Factor'@ eater' Temps Casement, Awning, TiR-Wash, B-3 C-3 I B-3 C-3 -3 Woodwright;" Transom - Picture Units: CA, NL, DHP 40% i 40°� 0.36 I 0.31 0.35 0.30 76 74 16% I 24% 0.31 )� 58% 1 54°F Gliding Windows - -------'-------- 40% _ 0.36 0.31 75 j 15% i 23% 0_30 j - 57% 54°F -_ - Circle Top, pliptical Top, Circle Oval `- o ---- Penna -Shield Patio Door 40% _0.36 39% 1_ - - 0.31 _. 75 16% � _ 16% 24% 24% I 0.30 j 0 j E 57% 57_% � 54°F L 54°F _- Frenchwood° 0_34 0.30 73_ 14% 22% 0 58% 54°F Hinged, Gliding _ Fleldfiame°Arch Windows, Springline" 39% 38% 0.35 0.30 0.33 0.29 73 71 1 i3% j 22%1- 0,30 5go6 54°F Roof Windows/Skylights- 39% 0.30 `------ I 21% - i 0.30 -- 58% - % - ' 55°F - - Laminated (all products) 39% j 0.35 0.30 73 73 1 14% 22% 0.30 58°� 54°F 246 16°� 0.30 ; 58% I 55°F This data is accurate as of August 12, 2003. Due to ongoing product changes, updated test results, or new industry standards, this data may change over time. Canadian Product Performance Ratings Tested to: CAN/CSA A440 -M90 The mullion was tested and the deflection was within the maximum allowable of L/175 at Dositive and naoativ° ln°ri° of ')ann Do Units Tested CW16 P6050 AP421V A3535 TW3862 NL3862 DHP5662 G65 C!VOA 304_ ET8 238 _ Water Tightness to forced Windload entry ir Water Resistance I Not Applicable tness Tightness and blow-out Pass 3 fiFixed _ B-7 B-7 B 4C-2-3 B-3. C-4 C-4 _ 3 FW06080AP _ C-3 ! Pass A-2 B-3- .. C-2 -- A-3 B-3 C-3 Fixed B-3 C-3 -3 B-3 C 3 8 d tE!Fm�e - B-7 C-5 d j _ - B-7 C-5 Resistance Water Tightness to forced Units entry Tested Pad 15-12050 Not Applicable AF -608 Pass SP -802 Pass FWH6080AP _ Pass 9080SASR Pass FW06080AP Not Applicable 3180 Pass FWG8080 Not Applicable 160611 Not Applicable PSG8080 using Windows 4.1 and NFRC validated spectral data. 0°F outside temperature, 70-F inside temper- ature and a 15 mph wind. 1 Visible Transmittance (VT) measures how much light comes through the glass.The higher the value, from 0 to 1, the more daylight the glass lets in. Visible Transmittance is measured over the 380 to 760 nanometer portion of the solar spectrum. 2 Shading Coefficient defines the amount of heat gain through the glass compared to a single lite of clear 1/8' (3 MM) glass. 3 Solar Heal Gain Coefficient (SHGC) defines the fraction of solar radiation admitted through the glass both directly transmitted and absorbed and subsequently released Inward. The lower the value, the less heat Is transmitted through the glass. 4 Relative Heat Gain Is calculated under a different set of assumptions than thermal Performance. 5 Transmission Ultra -Violet Energy (TUV).The transmission of short wave energy in the 300. 380 nanometer portion of the solar spectrum. The energy can cause fabric fading. 6 Transmission Damage Function (TDW). The transmission of short wave energy in the 300- 600 nanometer portion of the solar spectrum. The value Includes both the UV and visible light energy that can cause fabric fading. This rating has also been referred to as the Krochmann Damage Function. This rating better predicts fading potential than UV transmission alone. The lower the Damage Function rating, the less transmission of short wave energy through the glass that can potentially cause fabric fading. Fabric type is also a key component of fading potential. 7 U -Factor is a measure of the heat loss through the total unit in BTU/hr deg.F sq. ft. 8 Percent relative humidity before condensation occurs at the center of glass, taken using center of glass temperature. 9 Inside glass surface temperatures are taken at the center of glass. Air Tightness Water Tightness Windload I Resistance and blow-out Resistance to forced I entry _ Fixed __ Fixed 11 _ F ixed - ..- A-3 B-7 I B-7 - I B-7 B-2 B-2 B-4 B-4 B-3 B-2 L C-5 -5 C-5='- �- C-5 C-3 C-3 C-3 1 NotApplicable . NotA�plicable - Not Applicable Pass Pass - Not Applicable Not Applicable Pass Pass- -Pass - - - - A-3 -- A-3 - A-3 - A-3 A-3 C-3 C 1 C 1 - A3.-2 - C-1 Performance Data Andersen"' NFRC Certified Total Unit Performance Andersen windows and patio doors meet or exceed the following standards: WDMA,-I.S: 2, W.D.M.A -I.S. 4 (WDMA license No. 129), Hallmark certified. Independent testing laboratories have performed all required tests on selected sizes. Compliance with these standards is confirmed by ongoing testing in Andersen Laboratories. These products are covered by one or more of the following patents: 4,999,950; 5,595,409; 5,775,749; 6,055,786; 5,544,450; 5,566,507; 5,582,445; 5,097,629; 5,740,632; 5,199,234; D312,565; D397,604; and D417,831. Other patents pending. Without Grilles y 400 Series Doors HP HP Sun HP ; HP Sun Andersen' Product Type Low -E t Low -E Low -E ; Low -E Frenchwood° U -Factor' Without Grilles EMMMM 0.35 1 400 Series Windows Andersen° Product Type HP I HP Sun Low -E 1 Low -E HP j HP Sun Low -E I Low -E Casement 24" x 48" size U -Factor' SHGC' 0.33 1 0.33 1 0.35 0.24 0.34 ! 0.30 0.36 0.2_2 0.44 VP 0.53 ! 0.29 0.48 0.26 Awning U -Factor' 0.33 0.35 - -- 0.34 1 0.36 48" x 24" size SHGC" 0.32 1 0.24 0.30 0.22 0.41 I VP 0.52 0.28 0.47 1 0.26 Casement/Awning U -Factor' 0.30 0.32_ 0.32 1 0.34 Picture Window SHGC" 0.36 1 0.26 0.33 1 0.24 48" x 48" size VP 0 59 0.32 0.53 0.29 Woodwrighr U -Factor' 0.33 I 0.35 0.34 ! 0.36 Double -Hung SHGC" 0.32 0.24 _ 0.29 j 0.22 36" x 60" size VP 0.51 ; 0.28 0.46 ! 0.25 Woodwright'" U -Factor' 0.30 0.32 0.32 0.34 Picture Window SHGC" 0.33 1 0.24 0.31_ 1 0.22 48" x 48" size VP 0.54 ! 0.29 0.48 ! 0.26 Woodwright" LI -Factor" 0.30 0.32 0.32 j 0.34 Transom SHGC" 0.35 0.2_5 0.32 ! 0.23 48" x 48" size VP 0.57 _� 0.31 0.51 I 0.28 Tilt -Wash U -Factor' 0.34 i 0.36 0.35 1 0.35 0.29 1 _0.22 Double -Hung SHGC" 0.32 0.24 0.45 1 0.25 36" x 60" size VP 0.51 i 0.28 Tilt -Wash U -Factor' 0.33 i 0.35 0.35_ 1 0.37 Double -Hung Picture SHGC' 0.35 j 0.25 0.32 0.24 48" x 48" size VP 0.56 0.30 0.50 0.27 Tilt -Wash U -Factor' 0.33 0.35 0.34 1 0.36 0.32 ; 0.23 Double -Hung Transom SHGC" 0.35 j 0.25 48" x 48" size VP 0.56 j 0.31 0.50 i 0.27 Gliding Window U -Factor" 0.36 0.38 0.38 ' _ 0.39_ 60" x 36" size SHGC" 0.30 ! 0.23 0.28 1 0.21 0:56 10,50 VP 0.46 1 0.25 0.41 1 0.22 Elliptical Window U -Factor' 0.30 ; _0.32 0.32 I_ 0.34 0.33 i 0.24 48" x 48" size SHGC' 0.36 I 0.26 VP 0.59 0.32 0.53 ! 0.29 Circle Top'" U -Factor' 0.30 ( 0.32 0.32 0.34 0.33 1 _0.24 Casement SHGC' 0.36 ! 0.26 _ 0.53 i 0.29 48" x 48" size VP 0.59 0.32 Circle/Oval U -Factor'_ 0.30 ; 0.32 0.32 0.34_ 48" x 48" size SHGC' 0.36 0.26 0.33 0.24 VP 0.59 0.32 0.53 I 0.29 Arch Windows U -Factor" _0.31 ! 0.33 0.32 I 0.34 48" x 48" size SHGC' 0.36 0.26 0.33 1 _0.24 VP 0.59 0.32 0.53 ! 0.29 Flexiframe° U -factor' 0.30 0.32 0.32 0.34 48" x 48" size SHGC" 0.36 0.26 0.33 1 0.24 VP 0.59 0.32 0.53 1 0.29 _ Springline"Window U -Factor" _0.34 ! 0.36 _ 0.36 _0.38 48" x 48" size SHGC' 0.35 0.26 0.32 0.24 VP 0.55 0.30 0.50 0.2.7 Tempered Skylight U -Factor' 0.44 0.46- 0.44 48" x 48" size SHGC' 0.42 ! 0.31 0.42 0.31 VP 0.67 0.37 0.65 0.36 Venting �� U -Factor" 0.42 0.44 _0.42 0.44 Roof Window SHGC' 0.40 0.29 0.39 0.29 48" x 48" size__T ` - VP 0.62 0.34 0.60 0.33 TU -Factor' 0.42 0.44 0.44 Stationary- Window ndow I SHGC' 0.40 0.30 _0.42 0.39 j 0.29 48" x 48" size L_ - VP 0.64 0.35 0.60 -. 0.33 Without Grilles y 400 Series Doors HP HP Sun HP ; HP Sun Andersen' Product Type Low -E t Low -E Low -E ; Low -E Frenchwood° U -Factor' 0.33-j 0.35 0.35 1 0.36 Gliding Patio Door SHGC" 0.29 0.21 0.26 0.20 72" x 82" size VP 0.44 0.24 0.39 0.21 Frenchwoo& U -Factor' 0.33 1 0.340.34 ;_0.36 - Hinged Patio Door SHGC" 0.27 0.20 0.25 1__0.19 - 38" x 82" size VP 0.41 I 0.22 0.36 1 0.20 Frenchwootr U -Factor' 0.34 I 0.36_ 0.36 0.37 Outswing Patio Door SHGC" 0.27 j 0.20 0.25 0.19 38" x 82" size VP 0.41 j 0.22 0.36 0.20 Frenchwoocr U -Factor' 0.35 0.36 _0.35 1 0.36 Patio Door Sidelight SHGC" 0.20 j 0.15 0.19 0.15 16" x 82' size VP 0.27 0.15 0.26 j 0.14 Frenchwoo& U -Factor' 0.34 i 0.35 0.34 I 0.35 Patio Door Transom SHGC" 0.1 6 0.13 0.15 0.12 38" x 14" size VP 0.20 t 0.11 0-19 0.10 Without Grilles j 200 Series Windows & Doors Clear ! Clear Andersen' Product Type Dual -Pane' Low -E Dual -Pane Low -E Casement U -Factor' 0.48 'i - 0.49 24" x 48" size SHGC' 0.57 ( _ 0.52 - VP 0.59 1 - 0.54 j - Awning 1.1 -Factor' 0.48 __ 0.49 I Y 48" x 24" size SHGC' 0.56 - 0.52 1 _ VP 0.58 - 0.53 1 - Tilt -Wash U -Factor' 0.49 ' 0.34 0.50 j 0.35 Double -Hung SHGC' 0.56 I 0.33_ 0.51 I 36" x 60" size VP 0.58 ! _ 0.51 - 0.52 t 0.46 Narroline° U -Factor' 0.50 j 0.35 0.50 ! 0.36 Double -Hung SHGC' 0.58 i 0.33 6.52-7 0.31 36" x 60" size VP 0.60 1 0.53 0.53 1 0.47 Narroline° Transom U -Factor' 0.47 I 0.31 0.48 1 0.33 48" x 48" size SHGC' 0.59 j 0.34 0.54 ( 0.31 VP 0.62 I 0.55 0.56 i 0.49 Gliding Window U -Factor' 0.50 ' 0.35_ 0.50 0.35 60" x 36" size SHGC' 0.57 j 0.33 0.51...E 0.30 VP 0.58 1 0.52 0.52 1 0.46 Fixed, Transom, U -Factor' 0.47 0.31 0.48 0.33_ Circle Top' SHGC' 0.60 j 0.34 0.54 j 0.32_ 48" x 48" size VP 0.62 0.55 0.56 0.49 Narroline° U -Factor' 0.49 j 0.32 0.50 ' : 0.35 Gliding Patio Door SHGC' 0.60 _,0-35' _ 10.54`-I 0.32 72" x 82" size VP 0.62 0.55 0:56: c 0.49 Penna-Shield°U Factor' 0.47 0.31 0'48,'N 0.33 Gliding Patio Door SHGC' 0.60 0.34 0.54 0.32 72" x 82" size VP 0.62 0.56 0:56 10,50 Grilles-Fmelight or Full Divided light. 'High -Performance" (HP Low -E) and "High -Performance Sun' (HP Sun) are Andersen trademarks for 'Low -E' glass. 1 U -Factor defines the amount of heat loss through the total unit in BTU/hr sq. h,."F. The lower the value, the less heat Is lost through the entire product. 2 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) defines the fraction of solar radiation admitted through the glass both directly transmitted and absorbed and subsequently released inward. The lower the value, the less heat is transmitted through the product 3 Visible Transmittance (V1) measures how much light comes through a product (glass and frame). The higher the value, from 0 to 1, the more daylight the product lets in mer the product's total unit area. Visible Transmittance is measured over the 380 to 760 nanometer portion of the solar spectrum. This data Is accurate as of August 12, 2003. Due to ongoing product changes, updated test results, or new industry standards, this data may change over time. . 239 Andersen® 400 Series Air Infiltration, Testing and Light Transmittance Sound i AAMA/WDMA Certified I Tens. I Performance 101/ 1.5.2/NAFS•02 Air Infiltration Class Andersen' Product Rating Standard chn/M (myhr/m°) I (STC)^ I 0ITC- 400 Seness Casement Wmdowt DP 40 C -C 40 36 x 72 1 0.03 (.54) ' 25 22 400 Senes Awning Windowt _+ DP 35 AP -C 35 65 x 28 0.04 (.73) 26 i 22 400 Senes Casement. Iaod'8%!T ig Picture Wiridowst , DP 60 _F -C 60 72 x 60 <.01 (.18) . 30 i 25 400 Seneg Woodwngfit° I Double#lurig DP 30 H -LC 30 46 x 77 l 0.14 (2.52) 27 23 `400 Senes,Woodwnght?� ; ;� Double HungPlctu�re Window DP 65 F -C 65 67 x 77 i <.Ol (.18) 28 I 23 _ `e 40618enes Woodwri&t7 t -,'-OU. un, nsoin "j DP 65 TR -LC 65 75 x 27 <.01 (.18) j 28.1 22 400 Sli e6 Wash Double-Hungt j (wrthndedsalstop) .� DP 30 H -R 30 46 x 72 0.10 (1.80) I 27 23 t•r-,--n-.��-.. -.-. 40© Ttt S`enesWasfi Double Hungt l 52(1321mriri),Hel0ta6diU0der �r DP 50 H -R 50 38 x 65 0.24 (4.39) 27 I 23 400 Senes`Tlt Wash Double -Hung° i Picture Wmd'owt- ? DP 50 F -R 50 67 x 77 i <.01 (18) I 26 i - 400 Senesiilt Wash DSuble-Hungj Transom Wlhdowt T j DP 30 ( ** i 0.05 (.91) 27 23 400 Senes GlidmgWrfdow ' DP 30 HS -C 30 72 x 60 0.02 (36) 25 21 -000 ezlRoofWindow(Stationaly) P.9 ** 0.01 (.18) 30 24 40,OSeries RooiWI-0 (Venting)' , DP 25 ** 0.01 (.18) 34 28 400 Sen - S l p DP 65 SKIS 65 56 x 56 0.02 (.36) 30 I 24 .. I . 400"SenPs f eT p taFl "' S EIGppIhWinf ow DP 65 *" <.01 (.18) I 32 40© SenesCl Afta OvallNmdov✓t, DP 65 *" <.01 (.18) i 25 I - `"""`- -60 ay..e, wal , 40SenesAmh Nlinaewt _ DP 65 *" <.OS (18) - I - 400 5enesRexlframe 1Nmdowt - DP 65 ** (( <.01 - I (.18) 30 400 Senes $pnnglme ndowt. , - , DP 65 F -HC 65 96 x 72 1 <.01 (.18)77 I - - 400 Senes Frenchw_ood' Ghding-Patio Doorst t 16080 DP 35 SGD-LC 35 189 x 96 0.05 (.91) I 31 26 160611 SRD DP 25 SGD-LC 25 189 x 82 0.05 (.91) 31 26 REINFORCED DP 40 SGD-LC 40 189 x 82 0.05 (.91) 31 26 16068 - DP 30 SGD-LC.30 189 x 80 0.06 (1.10) 31 26 8080, 6080 DP 50 SGD-LC 50 96 x 96 0.03 (.54) 31 26 60611, 8068, 80611, 6080 DP 60 SGD-LC 60 96 x 82 ( 0.08 (1.46) 31 I 26 400 Senes Ffenchwood' Nmgetl `Patio Doorst= 6080 AP/PA DP 40 HGD-R 40 71 x 96 0.02 (.36) 32 I 26 9080 SASR DP 40 HGD-R 40 107 x 96 0.01 (.18) 32 26 6080 SA DP 40 HGD-R 40 71 x 96 0.01 (.18) L32 I 26 3180S _ _ _ DP 60 HGD-R 60 36 x 96 0.02 (.36) 1_ 32 I 26 90611 SASR DP 50 HGD-R 50 107 x 82 0.01 (.18) 32_ 26 6_0611 AP/PA DP 40 HGD-R 40 71 x 82 0.02 (.36) _ 32 26 60611 SA DP 50 HGD-R 50 71 x 82 0.01 (.18) 32 26 31611 A DP 60 HGD-R 60 36 x 82 0.01 (.18) 32 26 "'400 5enes frenchwood' OutswGig-atio,Door`s i _ 3180 DP 50 HGD-R 50 36 x 95 0.02 (.18) 31 I 26 6080 AP/PA DP 40 HGD-R 40 71 x 95 0.02 (.18) 31 I 26 4Q0 Senes Frenchwood' Sldehghts ,) DP 77 SL -LC 77 19x 96 <.01 (.18) - 400 Senes Fienchwood'•Transoms; : DP 77 TR -LC 77 96 x 82 <.01 (18)*.E- 236 t Available with Stonnwatch' Protection - Including design pressure upgrades. For a copy of the Andersen Coastal Product Guide, contact your Andersen supplier. • Applicable only when DP upgrade kit is installed with factory prefinished white interior units (with prefinished interior trim stop option). • • Did not meet minimum size requirements for NAFS-02 testing. ^ STC and OITC ratings given are for individual units based an independent tests and represent the entire unit. Higher STC and OM values may be available with other glazings. Contact Andersen for more Information. This data is accurate as of August 12, 2003. Due to ongoing product changes, updated test results, or new Industry standards, this data may change over time. Call your Andersen representative for current performance Information or upgrade options.