2020 Washington-III, Ltd (Jack Tarr) - Washington Park Path of TravelCITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 8 FEBRUARY 18, 2020 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2020 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA City Clerk Radeva requested to add “Introduction of New City Staff” under the Announcements, Presentations, and Written Communications section of the Agenda. Council concurred. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION; SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) of GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OR POTENTIAL CASES: 1) 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (d) of GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: WASHINGTON-111, LTD., CLAIMANT, V. CITY OF LA QUINTA, RESPONDENT, JUDICATE WEST ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION CASE NO. A257070 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9. NAME OF CASE: CITY OF LA QUINTA V. CHIN FAMILY PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ET AL., RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. PSC1803284 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 8 FEBRUARY 18, 2020 COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:02 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:00 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported the following pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1 (Brown Act): 1. Closed Session No. 1 – no actions taken; 2. Closed Session No. 2 – pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.1, subdivision (a)(3), the City Council received and reviewed a copy of a settlement agreement signed by Claimant Washington 111, LTD, the substance of which involves the implementation of path of travel improvements at the Washington Park Shopping Center. The City Council unanimously approved the settlement agreement subject to and contingent on confirmation by counsel for Washington 111, LTD of (1) the ownership of a parcel in the vicinity of the Washington Park Shopping Center, and (2) the addresses and suite numbers relative to the implementation of the improvements at the shopping center. Assuming counsel for Washington 111, LTD confirms the requested information, then as soon as the settlement agreement is completely signed and final, upon inquiry of any person, the terms and conditions of the settlement agreement would be available for inspection as a public record. 3. Closed Session No. 3 – no actions taken. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Fitzpatrick led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Stella Church, La Quinta – stated she has been a La Quinta resident for three years; said the adjacent property owner is considering planting Ficus trees along her property wall that would become invasive to the wall and swimming pool within three years, and if left overgrown would also block her view of the mountains; and requested the City take action on enforcing a height limit on Ficus trees. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Susie Del Toro, La Quinta – thanked all veterans for their services; and asked Council to support a project entitled “Freedom Flags for Families” offering military veterans banners that can be displayed in the city, and explained how the program works; said she spearheads other projects