2020 03 03 CC MinutesCITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 9 MARCH 3, 2020 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 2020 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA City Manager McMillen requested to add a presentation by Senior Emergency Services Coordinator Johnston to provide an update on the City’s efforts related to the coronavirus. Councilmember Radi and Mayor Evans said they would like to comment on Consent Calendar Item No. 4. Council concurred. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION; SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) of GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OR POTENTIAL CASES: 1) 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION; SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) of GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OR POTENTIAL CASES: 1) COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:01 P.M. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 9 MARCH 3, 2020 MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:03 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported no actions were taken in Closed Session that require reporting pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1 (Brown Act). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Fitzpatrick led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Sarah Gilbert, La Quinta – spoke in opposition of the Cove restroom project; said it would have adverse effects on property values and increase crime; she was not properly informed of this project; and asked that relocating the restroom be considered. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Connie Marco, La Quinta – spoke in opposition of the Cove restroom project, and said the location is not appropriate, and the facility would adversely impact property values and increase crime in the surrounding area. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Coleen Nicole McGough, La Quinta – spoke in opposition of the Cove parking lot on the east side along Calle Tecate; and said since it was installed there has been an increase in crime, noise, loitering, partying, littering, and adversely affecting the safety of the community; and requested that the City close off the parking lot at night to mitigate these effects. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Leslie Young, La Quinta – requested that the City implement measures to mitigate the adverse effects the Cove restroom and parking lot projects have had on the surrounding community. Mayor Evans noted Staff is currently researching options and related costs to respond to the public’s request to close off the Cove parking lot at night and install appropriate landscape screening, and will bring the item for Council consideration at a future meeting. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Joshua Bonner, President for the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce – provided an update on past and upcoming chamber events, local partnerships, and efforts. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 9 MARCH 3, 2020 ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Presentation added during Confirmation of Agenda >>> CITY’S EFFORTS RELATED TO THE CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK BY EMERGENCY SERVICES ANALYST JOHNSTON Senior Emergency Services Coordinator Johnston said the City is actively monitoring updates on the coronavirus outbreak provided by Riverside County and California Departments of Public Health; explained the City’s ability and preparedness to disseminate information to the public if needed; listed best practices the population can implement to decrease spread and exposure; and availability of testing kits. 1. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (RCTC) – PRESENTATION BY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ANNE MAYER ON “YOUR VOICE. YOUR PLAN.” SURVEY REGARDING THE DRAFT TRAFFIC RELIEF PLAN FOR RIVERSIDE COUNTY RCTC Executive Director Mayer said RCTC is Riverside County’s (County) regional transportation planning agency which administers state and federal funding allocated for transportation projects in the County; it’s membership includes a local elected official from each city in the County, actively representing the local communities; noted the County is a “self-help” County because the voters have approved a sales tax measure so that decisions about transportation investments and priorities are made at the local level based on the communities’ needs; RCTC collaborates closely with the Coachella Valley Associations of Governments (CVAG); explained the Draft Traffic Relief Plan (Plan) aiming to connect communities, reduce traffic, improve safety, and focus on travel within the County; the regional and Coachella Valley focus of the Plan, funding needed, planned improvements, ensuring geographic equity, synchronization, providing access to transportation, and bridge improvements; and encouraged the public to review the Plan and provide valuable input via the survey by June 10, 2020; and gas tax funds are “fix it first” focused, and primarily invested into roadway rehabilitation and safety projects on the state highway system and local road maintenance. 2. CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION – GREATER COACHELLA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESIDENT JOSH BONNER NAMED “CHAMBER EXECUTIVE OF THE YEAR” FOR THE WESTERN UNITED STATES 2020 Mayor Evans and Councilmembers presented President Bonner with a Certificate of Recognition and congratulated him on being named “Chamber Executive of the Year” for the Western United States 2020 for his impactful accomplishments in supporting a diverse business community, as well as his keen expertise, advocacy and contributions to the chamber industry. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 9 MARCH 3, 2020 CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 4, 2020 2. APPROVE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 18, 2020 3. ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 583 ON SECOND READING TO AMEND SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 2.04 – COUNCIL AND CHAPTER 2.08 – CITY MANAGER OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO APPEALS 4. APPROVE AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT REGARDING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH SUNRISE LQ, LLC FOR TIME EXTENSION TO COMPLETE LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS ON AVENUE 60 FRONTING ANDALUSIA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (TRACT MAP NO. 31681) LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 60 AND MONROE STREET 5. EXCUSE ABSENCE FOR PLANNING COMMISSIONER PROCTOR FROM THE JANUARY 28, 2020 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 6. AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO UTILIZE DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUCTION FOR UP TO $150,000 OF WORK FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019/20, WHEN DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUCTION IS THE QUALIFIED AND/OR LOWEST BID 7. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR MAYOR PRO TEM PEÑA TO ATTEND THE POWER OF WASTE: RENEWABLE NATURAL GAS WORKSHOP 2020 IN DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA, MARCH 5, 2020 8. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED FEBRUARY 7 AND 14, 2020 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 4 PUBLIC SPEAKER: Dale Tyerman, La Quinta – said the developer should have completed the landscaping improvements along Avenue 60, between Madison and Monroe Streets, pursuant to the terms and date certain of the Memorandum of Understanding; he supports extending the MOU to a future date certain; requested that the City hold the developer accountable to a date certain in the immediate future to complete the sidewalk and landscape improvements along Madison Street which are currently a safety hazard; and CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 9 MARCH 3, 2020 suggested that going forward the City require developers to complete perimeter improvements prior to beginning work on the development. Councilmember Radi thanked Mr. Tyerman for his comments, said he supports the short MOU extension as it is acceptable for a project of this size, and commended Sunrise LQ, LLC for their collaboration and efforts. Mayor Evans said she supports the MOU extension, noted the developer was not contractually required to build the perimeter wall and install the landscape improvements, and commended Sunrise LQ, LLC for their collaboration and willingness to accommodate the community needs. Councilmember Fitzpatrick said she supports the MOU extension, and noted that the City’s leadership is listening to the community, and the Planning Commission has begun imposing requirements that developers complete the perimeter improvements on the front end when approving developments. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended, with Item No. 3 adopting Ordinance No. 583. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPROVE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FOR AVENUE 48 ARTS AND MUSIC LINE PROJECT DESIGN Public Works Director McKinney presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Tom Kirk, Executive Director with CVAG, Palm Desert – said installation of road improvements and sidewalks is very expensive, and ongoing maintenance costs are minimal; and the regional collaboration increases the project’s competitiveness to receive better grant funding. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Eric Cowle, Transportation Program Manager with CVAG – explained CVAG’s plan and timeline related to the submittal of the project’s grant application. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Sanchez to approve Reimbursement Agreement with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments Avenue 48 Arts and Music Line project design; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. Motion passed unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 9 MARCH 3, 2020 STUDY SESSION – None PUBLIC HEARINGS – After 5:00 P.M. 1. CONTINUED FROM FEBRUARY 4, 2020: REVIEW MODIFIED SITE PLAN FOR A PROPOSED APPROXIMATE 120,000 SQUARE-FOOT SHOPPING CENTER WITH FOUR DRIVE- THROUGHS AND A 63,000 SQUARE-FOOT SUPERMARKET WITH ASSOCIATED VEHICLE FUEL CENTER; PROJECTS: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2017-0006, SPECIFIC PLAN 2017-0002 AMENDMENT NO. 2, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 2017- 0003, AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0009 CEQA: THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS PREPARED A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT; LOCATION: NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 50 AND JEFFERSON STREET; PROJECT: PAVILION PALMS SHOPPING CENTER MAYOR EVANS SAID PUBLIC HEARING REMAINED OPEN FROM THE FEBRUARY 4, 2020 MEETING Planning Manager Flores presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. The following PUBLIC SPEAKERS spoke in support/opposition of the Pavilion Palms Shopping Center project:  Richard (Dick) Mills, La Quinta – in opposition of the project;  Yolanda Mills, La Quinta – in opposition of the project;  Joel Banner, La Quinta – in opposition of the project;  Tim Moore, La Quinta – in opposition of the project;  Leila Namvar, La Quinta – in opposition of the project;  Jerry Cantarini, La Quinta – in opposition of the project;  Jim O’Brien, La Quinta – in opposition of the project;  Ariel Ganezer, La Quinta – in support of the project. In summary, the comments in opposition of the project included concerns about the project having an adverse effect on property values and the quality of life to the residents in the surrounding communities; Jefferson Street and Avenue 50 intersection is the gateway to SilverRock Resort; a fueling station and drive-through restaurants are not appropriate at this location; the proposed location of the fuel station on the site plan is not appropriate; the need for fueling stations is declining and trends towards electric vehicles are increasing; the Pavilions grocery store would be economically unsustainable because the majority of its customers would be seasonal residents; Pavilions stores in general are not successful; clarification on additional findings CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 9 MARCH 3, 2020 requirements for the granting of a discretionary permit for a vehicle fuel station pursuant to the Riverside Municipal Code and the definition of the word “substantial;” increase in traffic; inconsistency with the General Plan; and general support to develop this location, but in harmony with the surrounding developments. In summary, the comments in support of the project included that a grocery store and a fueling station are much needed amenities in the proposed area; there is a need for commercial developments that are not along the Highway 111 commercial corridor; La Quinta is no longer primarily comprised of seasonal residents; and the center will improve the quality of life for the community. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Greg Bever, Applicant with Lundin Development Company – gave a detailed presentation of the modified proposed site plan for the Pavilion Palms shopping center project; and discussed left out at east driveway on Avenue 50. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Jeff Herbst, Project Director with MCG Architecture – said the modified proposed site plan for the project is conceptual and seeks recommendations from Council and the community on what is needed to make it acceptable for La Quinta; gave a detailed presentation on the proposed architecture, walkways, main plaza area at the iconic corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 50, gathering spaces, landscaping, relocation of the fuel station, traffic circulation and path of travel, screening, and requested reductions of landscaping setback varies throughout the center. Council discussed that provisions of the Riverside Municipal Code would not be applicable within the City of La Quinta; the City’s mechanism for making findings and imposing requirements for vehicle fuel stations would be achieved through a Conditional Use Permit application; factors that would be considered to make a value judgement of the totality of circumstances to determined “significant;” the project is in general conformance and compatible with the General Plan; zoning changes and specific plan amendments; the proposed main plaza is a move in the right direction, but it does not provide a street view visual; the modified location of the fueling station is not appropriate; the number of the 12 proposed fueling pumps remains unchanged; parking capacity; building space at Jefferson Street and Avenue 50 corner; and the number of drive-through buildings should be reduced. Council commended Staff for the proposed constructive recommendations included in the staff report to provide direction to the developer with the site plan modifications based on Council’s comments provided during the public hearing held on February 4, 2020. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 9 MARCH 3, 2020 Council recommended that the developer relocate the fueling station from the newly proposed location, reduce the number of drive-through buildings, provide street view renderings of the iconic corner, reduce the number of parking spaces, not reduce the landscaping setback at the corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 50, adequate corner landscaping should be included in the first phase of the development to identify it as an iconic corner, evaluate the left-hand turn onto Avenue 50, evaluate the design and purpose of buildings 8 and 9, engage buildings 6 and 7 into the design of the main plaza gathering area, not fast-food restaurants, and provide a plan that carries the La Quinta brand. Council discussed potential restrictions of the fueling station hours of operations should be evaluated; consider leaving the requirement of a Conditional Use Permit application for the fueling station; Council expressed general support for the development, but the site design must be modified and improved pursuant to the comments provided during the two public hearings before the project can move forward. Council discussed continuing the public hearing with 60 days to allow adequate opportunity for the applicant to revise the site plan before bringing it back for Council’s review and consideration. THE PUBLIC HEARING REMAINED OPEN MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Fitzpatrick to continue Public Hearing Item No. 2 until the May 5, 2020 regular Council meeting. Motion passed unanimously. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS All reports are on file in the City Clerk’s Office. MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS Council reported on their attendance at the ribbon cutting and Re-Grand Opening event of the Washington Street Apartments on February 27, 2020, and noted the importance of the project to the La Quinta community. Council reported on their attendance at the 15th anniversary celebration of Hadley Villas Apartments also held on February 27, 2020. Council reported on their attendance at the Palm Springs Air Museum Annual Gala fundraiser on February 21, 2020 in honor of the 75th anniversary of the ending of World War II Special Memorial and Tribute to Tuskegee Airman Lt. Col. Bob Friend. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9 of 9 MARCH 3, 2020 Mayor Evans reported on being a tour guide for the Greater Coachella Valley Tourism and Visitor’s Bureau’s Certified Tourism Ambassador tour of La Quinta on February 26, 2020. Council reported on their attendance at the special flag-raising ceremony honoring veterans at the Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival held on February 17, 2020. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta’s representative for 2020, Mayor Evans reported on her participation in the following organization’s meeting:  CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE La Quinta’s representative for 2020, Councilmember Fitzpatrick reported on her participation in the following organization’s meeting:  COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY La Quinta’s representative for 2020, Councilmember Peña reported on his participation in the following organizations’ meetings:  CVAG VALLEY-WIDE HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE  IID ENERGY CONSUMERS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE La Quinta’s representative for 2020, Councilmember Radi reported on his participation in the following organizations’ meeting:  CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE  SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to adjourn at 7:10 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California